Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

“2001 Space Odyssey”, that is: the fantateologia some journalists



[…] some, perhaps with titles, are forced to make trades lower for the fact of not finding work, and these are excusable, if not from pitying. But it happens that do their duty well, also because who knows how to make the most, knows how to make even the least. A medical graduate can do the mailman. But a postman can not cure pneumonia or liver cirrhosis. Those that are reprehensible and they do greater damage, are ambitious and presumptuous, which give to intend to know how to do or think beyond those who are their real abilities, often very limited.

Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP

alberto policeman deaf

the late Alberto Sordi in the role of policeman

In life it is important to take the right career, conform to its capacity, based on sound criteria of discernment, without ambition and without hesitation. It happens that there are those who instead, for different reasons, embarks on a road that is not his, confusing her with another authentic, that is what we chose, but that he had better not choose, because so, although it may have some success, actually does damage to himself and to others. Of course, some — maybe with titles — are forced to make trades less for not finding work, and these are excusable, if not from pitying. But it happens that do their duty well, also because who knows how to make the most, knows how to make even the least. A medical graduate can do the mailman. But a postman can not cure pneumonia or liver cirrhosis. Those that are reprehensible and they do greater damage, are ambitious and presumptuous, which give to intend to know how to do or think beyond those who are their real abilities, often very limited. But unfortunately it happens that those who aspire to be judges or other guides, use, as a criterion to evaluate themselves and others, not wisdom, but envy and presumption.

Eugenio Scalfari

an excellent example: Eugenio Scalfari, freely and legitimately atheist, with glorious career of militant anti-clerical and founder of a newspaper that often attacked so also very hard the papal magisterium of the last four decades, now become so expert in his ecclesiologist

The examples that could be done are many and touch every kind of choice, of vocation, by profession, by trade, career. I want to stop here on a widespread phenomenon today, which have spoken on this our online magazine also my friends and fellow priests Ariel S. Levi Gualdo and Antonio Livi: the claim of some journalists to discuss or sentencing categorically, without appeal and without the proper preparation and expertise, and therefore without due criterion of judgment, of theology, of matters of faith, ministries and ecclesial tasks - for example that of the Pope - or affairs of the Church. Certainly not bad that mainstream media do so much attention to the Pope, to the Church, to issues of doctrine and morals, the question of the progressives and conservatives, names of famous theologians or Cardinals, the fate of Christianity in relation to other religions, the ratio of the Second Vatican Council with the Magisterium previous. But the question is how preparation, objectivity and competence and with what accuracy of information taken from sources which they form their judgments, give their views, they know, refer and interpret facts. How Much, for instance, especially those who say they are or are considered Catholics, know the true nature of the Church as well as the Catholic Church understands it? How can distinguish, in business or in the thought of the Pope Master of faith from the pastoral guidance of the Church from the private doctor, according to those principles and criteria that recently three of us have exposed several times on this site through our writings? How can distinguish the doctrine of the faith by the various and contradictory opinions of theologians? How can distinguish what is authentically Catholic by what it is not? Know how to distinguish what is theology in the scientific sense of what is only a religious discourse more or less literary or mythological?

Melloni at the Grand Orient

The Catholic historian of the School of Bologna, Alberto Melloni, at a conference at the very least inappropriate Masonic lodge of the Grand Orient of Italy [see WHO]

Broad example is the talk of the events, initiatives, of works or undertakings of the Church believing to have the last word by considering the Church from a purely sociological terrain or just, and ignoring its essence and its aims supernatural, how can one speak of a multinational company, or as if it had to do with a simple philanthropic society or humanitarian, type Amnesty International O Green Peacee, or a political party immersed in the affairs of this world.

Catholic journalistsIt is urgent to clarify once and for all what should be the relationship of the Catholic journalist theologian in dealing with the affairs of the faith and the Church in a convenient way in order to communicate with the largest possible number of people. First of all it is necessary that the journalist himself is theologian, given the material that has to deal, albeit not in scientific terms, but understood by the general public. The first thing that the Catholic journalist has to do then is to figure out exactly what it is, draw with care to safe and reliable, operate a discernment in the light of the Magisterium of the Church, give this light and in this guide an objective evaluation, intelligent, dispassionate and impartial events, explain in simple terms and popular doctrines, the news, threads, lines of conduct, pastoral activities, and the problems attached to them, without excluding constructive criticism and prudent, distinguishing the questionable by some, in order to carry out a work information and training at a time, an educational and cultural stimulus, that can help readers live better their faith and their membership in the Church, constructively, a spirit of cooperation, healthy optimism, well defended dall'insidia error, in the exercise of civic virtues and Christian, desirous of evangelical perfection.


press review

If there are journalists who improvising theologians are beyond their competence and invade sometimes arrogant and vain complacency field theologian, This can also happen because unfortunately there are theologians who do not have sufficient estimate of loftiness of their discipline, but reduce or solve the level of simple pastoral, moreover with colorings sociopolitical, sometimes extremely partial and subjective, to deprive the theological discourse of its independence, freedom and universality and to transform, humiliate and snap it like a Procrustean bed, almost to the extent of a thesis or party program. Not that a theology can not be born a political party. Just look at the work of some great men like Ozanam, Acquaderni, Don Sturzo, Mounier, De Gasperi and Aldo Moro. However, they first, in the nobility of their ideas, refused to reduce the theological principle transcendent and immutable to the contingency of a simple political opinion, as founded upon it. Not that it is an unlawful and of course also normal for the theologian to express opinions, preferences or personal assumptions or choose a current or trend or theological school rather than another or a master rather than another. And on the other hand it is clear that the moral theology, for effectiveness, must be reflected in pastoral theology and dogmatic theology itself or speculative can be effectively taught only if the teacher takes into account the pastoral teaching of that discipline. Only speculative theology is an end in itself and must be sought for itself as a high enjoyment of the spirit. Moral theology and the pastoral are ordered to speculative theology. Good practical to do is ordained to the Good God to love and contemplate. Who has not speculative interests can make the bully possessing power and wealth, enjoying prestige and establishing itself on others; but it really is an unfortunate. It can also gain the world, Christ would say, but loses his soul made to God and not to assert itself.


monument to the Ego

The happiness of man is not in the search for a God who saves the human ego in the manner of Luther, a God functional and subordinate to man. In this Luther was unwitting victim of that’ anthropocentrism egocentric Renaissance, he also refused to consciousness, but rather in seeking God for God, as said St. Catherine of Siena. The folding Lutheran man on itself under the pretext of the need for salvation and humility in letting God work, is a self-centeredness more subtle but no less real than the one rejected by Luther which is to boast of their works before God. However it is wrong, as does Rahner, pretext that theological research and the teaching of theology require practice, reduce all theology to pastoral theology, suppressing the characteristic, transcendence and autonomy of speculative theology, that distinguish it from pastoral theology. Such a view underlies the conception of knowledge Rahner, which is at once practice, second module idealist Fichte, di origine Cartesian, for which the spirit produces or puts (“sets“) the very being who knows, identifying the being with the idea immanent to thought and produced by thought. In reality, if moral theology must have an outlet in practice, as it is logical that you must put into practice the good foreknew from theory, one must also remember the primacy of theorising on practice, or speculation on action in relation to the ultimate end of man, which is the contemplation of the supreme Truth. Whereby, if it is true that we know what should be done to put it into practice and you have to, as they say, “move from words to deeds”, it is equally true that human action is aimed ultimately, to divine contemplation. In this sense, speculative theology is irreducible to the pastoral. A human life busybody oriented only to do, missing his yearning fundamental and supreme, that is the interest for the ultimate goal and the conquest of the highest Good, which is precisely the vision of God.

From a politicized theology and secular as it is modernist or liberationist no wonder ifDagospia takes out a journalism that is theology like a gossip corridor or a maneuver of the party or a plot reactionary or revolutionary movement or a coalition of careerists or expression of power or a fashion show or the outburst of a grudge or a publicity shot of crazy round: seems, in these cases unfortunate, that the important thing is not, as it must be, enlighten, raise awareness, ask questions and research ideas, inform about new achievements, ribadir traditional values, help understand the Magisterium, deepen, provoke debate, encourage, consular, comfort, educate the critical sense, open the heart to hope, to love the Church and the truth of faith, Food charity and virtue, promote dialogue and harmony, resolve conflicts.

hatUndoubtedly, someone will tell me: but this is the task of the bishop! We're not expecting too much from a poor journalist? Of course; but I'm not saying that everything should be his bag of flour or spring from his mind like Minerva from the head of Jupiter. It would be enough that the journalist is held systematically in contact with good environments hierarchy, theologians or of the Holy See, without collecting gossip, low insinuations, revelation of secrets, unverified allegations, small talk, malignancy, murmurings, which unfortunately can also come from prelates and Cardinals. Should have the prudence and flair to draw on water sources healthy, welling up to eternal life, leaving aside the marshes, marshes, quicksand, the mud, sources poisoned, even if it means giving up possibly to some good consideration or some favor.

A serious defect frequently in journalism, effect and at the same time stimulating a widespread distrust in the truth, is the factRight left to bring matters of doctrine and morals not to categories of true and false, in which you do not believe and are relativized, why do not you try to clarify where the truth and where the error, the light of reason or science or history or the Holy Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church. Everything seems rather run to two categories drawn from politics: “Progressives” e “Conservatives”, where “progress” is approved, delighted, glorified, exalted and magnified with praise and esteem, proposed as a model to be imitated; while the “to preserve” Apparently object of contempt, revulsion, sentencing, disapproving, derision and rejection. It is evident that these appellations shall replace the notions of true and false, of good and evil. But this means constantly navigate the uncertain, in doubt, equivocation, in ambiguity, in the fog, nell'opinabile, in the subjective, in appearances, In the “if he says”, in the relative, in questionable, in the arbitrary, in troubled waters, in precarious, the ephemeral, in the changing, without ever coming up with nothing. There is no doubt that the questionable, the seeming, the it seems, the appearance, the phenomenon, the relative, the changeable have a dignity. There has already taught Plato. But the same great sage also taught us the supreme dignity of the true, of the eternal and of the immutable, values ​​that have been fully assumed by the Christian concept of knowledge, as the evidence appears for example in the realism of St. Thomas Aquinas.

evolutionism creationismThe relentlessly modernist and evolutionist against the store is a great folly. Probably it is those same modernists who carefully preserve their capital in the bank, rich mobile home or pictures of noble ancestors. So what? Why should not be laudable and necessary to preserve the deposit of credit? How foolish is accused Cardinal Raymond Burke to be Leonard “Tory” for the simple fact that she wishes to retain the truths of faith? This is one of many examples of a certain theology journalistic hacks. The names of “progressive” e “Tory” is itself totally innocent and normal, since in the Church anyone, within the limits of orthodoxy and ecclesiastical discipline, is free to prefer a conservative tendency or a progressive. But disloyalty, not to mention the perfidy of the modernists is to give “Tory” a negative sense, while reserving to themselves the honorary title of overblown “progressive”.

It is therefore necessary that journalists theologians give a regulated, precisely in order to better carry out their invaluableLatin Mass profession, which is a real mission. It would be good, therefore, that the journalist who comes to theology in the Catholic press and Catholic, of affairs of the Church, doctrines of faith and morals, the ministry of the Pope, the Holy See and the bishops, the works of theologians and ecclesiastical writers, the relations of the Church with politics and with other religions, synods and councils, of sacraments or liturgy, hagiography and history of the Church and Canon Law, they possess some degree in theology, maybe diocesan, and therefore subject to the authorization and control of ecclesiastical authority. Thus journalists theologians, no more batsmen free, which for now can invent something new every day, but deeply conscious of their grave responsibility, truly free under the impulse of the Holy Spirit, can better perform their useful service for the people of God and to all people of good will, as true members of the Church, in collaboration with the hierarchy and the Holy Father, with good theologians and all the faithful committed to the new evangelization called by the Supreme Pontiff. In this battle for the Kingdom must stop with the armed Brancaleone and finally decided to be united and agreed under the guidance of the Vicar of Christ for the expansion of the Kingdom of God and the triumph of Christ over the powers of evil.

Fontanellato, 2 January 2015

In memory of Vincenzo Maria Calvo


« … once fathers accompanied their children to take the train to go for military service, Today I go with the son of my old age to take the path of the priesthood ».



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




divo barsotti - old age

Father Divo Barsotti, in an image of old age

One day I visited Father Divo Barsotti at the House of the Children of God in Settignano Florence, eager to explore themes of ecclesiology and church history that were tied to my publication date then published years later. We were at the beginning of the year Two Thousand, I had 38 year old. Father Divo I listened carefully and showed me various texts; then looked into my eyes in a way that seemed the soul through me telling me in an unexpected way: "You become a priest '. Before that venerable priest avoided to replicate with a joke, and seriously answered: "Dad, or she confuses me with another person, or maybe it is clear that the subject is me ». Smiled, and said almost mockingly retorted: "You can still escape, but not for long, because if the Lord decided to take, you take '.

divo barsotti - vechiaia 2

Father Divo Barsotti

For a matter of discretion I had left my girlfriend - But if I am honest I should say "my partner" of the moment - out of that religious house, thereby avoiding potential embarrassment related to questions quite legitimate, like for example if we were married, view our age: I am on the way to the forty years she beautiful girl of twenty. Came out of that house my - let's say - girlfriend, I wondered what impression I had made this man: answered that it was a person on top of all the rows, definitely a mystic, but perhaps a true visionary …

This hint is enough to explain that making a chronicle of my vocational journey would be long and complex thing, because we're not talking about a subject in a child entered the minor seminary and consecrated a priest at twenty-four, but a subject that - as my mother would say - "... has combined more than Carlo in France» (1).

Suddenly burst into my life the grace of God, before then atterrandomi risollevandomi; and lift me changed my mind and my thoughts, so my existence. Vocations of adults in particular and those of all in general, are recognized regardless of the age of various elements, the main one for me is the transformation: Only the grace of God, freely accepted and allowed to operate, can indeed change our character structure to prepare us to receive an indelible character and eternal: the priesthood.


memories …

Born in Tuscany and then lived in pleasure-seeking Emilia Romagna, a few weeks after that my encounter with the Father Divo Barsotti decided to move for an indefinite period in Syracuse, where from time to time I went in the summer and not only. Having the time and economic means revenue that could allow me a certain standard of living I bought a house in the heart of the Greek city, a few steps from the ancient Temple of Apollo, dedicating myself to publishing activities, journalism specialist and some consultancy work on which I do not enter as part of a life now dead and buried. I do not deny that I continued my life too young to be carefree, until the day in which, running with my bike on the stretch Catania-Siracusa, something that happened in the space of a few seconds completely subverted in my being and existence, but especially, from there a short, become my future. However, this is not the place to enter certain details, maybe I'll write in several years, when I am an old priest, analyzing myself as an external spectator, certainly not to talk to me, but the mystery of grace, the mystery of the vocation to the priesthood and the miracle of increasingly difficult: the miracle of faith and conversion, because to be able to realize God needs to meet the full freedom of man.

Mons. Vincenzo Calvo

Vincenzo Maria Calvo

Thus enters into my life the particular figure of Vincenzo Maria Calvo, presbyter Syracuse, man of great human experience, also adult vocation to the priesthood. Many would anecdotes to tell about this man with great wisdom and profound humor, I limit myself to what to tell the episode related to his appointment as rector of the Archdiocesan Seminary. The then Archbishop, after it is accepted as a candidate for the priesthood, sent him to study in Rome, not being able to enter the seminary an adult who was turning thirty years. He did enroll at the Gregorian University, then still Catholic, causing it to stay at a house priestly. Obviously we're talking about almost half a century ago, because today no one would call "adult vocation" one that begins the training for the priesthood in 29 years old. After consecrated priest three and half years after, the threshold of 34 years the archbishop made this proposal: "I have to appoint the vice rector of the seminary, you feel up to accept? In conclusion, you've never done a day's seminar, could be an interesting experience ". The young man replied Father Vincenzo: "Excellence, I not promised, a few days ago, obedience to her and to all his successors?». That proposal was in fact a nomination as rector of the seminary, because the rector of the time was already ahead with age, so that within a short time the Father Vincenzo replaced him. Never having attended the seminar “cost” so twenty long and happy years of seminary, because for two decades was rector of that house training, who left 24 Years ago, after being hit by a stroke, becoming penitentiary of the Shrine of Our Lady of Tears.


Vincenzo Maria Calvo in the garden of the Marian shrine of Syracuse

After several years of path undertaken with the Father Vincenzo I was accepted as a candidate for holy orders by the then Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro. So I left Syracuse, beloved adopted city in which I had received the gift of a vocation to the priesthood, to go to Rome, where for some years he would turn my training. Before leaving I made a solemn promise to the Father Vincenzo: "If God gives me the grace to become a priest, will celebrate his first Mass at the altar of Saint Lucia, virgin and martyr of Syracuse ». While we were traveling to the airport of Catania phoned to Bishop, to which Father Vincenzo said: « … we travel. Once fathers accompanied their children to take the train to go for military service, Today I go with the son of my old age to take the path of the priesthood ". In Rome, the bishop sent me at a pontifical university where I was admitted to specialized courses in dogmatic theology; and not being able to put a forty in a seminar, entrusted me to a priestly house. And so, the story of the father, was repeated again through his son …

Mons. Calvo and Ariel

Memories …

The universal Church celebrates the martyr of Syracuse 13 December, day of his martyrdom, the particular Church of the Syracuse also celebrates the first Sunday in May, also known as Saint Lucia quail (2). I received my ordination in Rome for the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, May 1. The same evening I flew together with my mother to go to Syracuse to fulfill my vow happy, because that year the feast of Saint Lucia quail fell the day 2. The morning to 11 concelebrai Mass with the Archbishop of Syracuse Salvatore Pappalardo, with Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Costanzo and the Bishop of Caltagirone Calogero Peri who had received episcopal consecration one month before, and the priests in the church cathedral. The will alle ore 19 I celebrated my first Mass in the Church of Saint Lucia to the Abbey, presented by Father Vincenzo audience that filled the church.


memories …

During this Octave of Christmas Father Vincent asked me to administer the confession and a few days later, before Epiphany, I asked if I could administer the anointing of the sick; not because he was ill, but because ... "a touch of holy oil" - said in jest - "at my age never hurts anyone '.

The memories of our outputs accompany me in life, including our discussions. The one with the other we could tell delicacies colorful that it is not necessary to repeat, both characterized by a quality: the total absence of that spirit clerical there has never touched and for which we have always tried both Christian holy contempt.


memories …

At the age of 78 year old, the night of the day before and the day of Epiphany, Vincenzo Maria Calvo has passed from sleep to death. He found it in the morning, the rector of the Sanctuary, not seeing him arrive for the celebration of Mass 8.30 went to look for him in his room, where he found his lifeless body. What the Father Vincenzo and I have said a couple of days before remains sealed in my heart. He's gone so serene as aware that the situation in the Church today is in fact imbued with dramatic implications. Just Saturday night, going to dinner at the dear friends who have a farm in the nature reserve of the necropolis of Pantalica, I told him: "You've already 78 year old, I Have just turned 51. Considering the time I sometimes wonder: if I arrive at your age, I'll have to see what?». He replied to me: «We hope to make the big bang as soon as possible, so that we can start as soon as possible to build from scratch over the rubble ». On one thing, however, we have always agreed at the end of our squabbles: on hope. When in fact long ago he read an article about my own theology of hope [see who], mi said: "Just so I'm happy to have you driven to the priesthood".

speakers romanaThis evening I went to the prayer vigil, ed although the air was cool I have not worn the dress talale winter but that by midseason; cassock he gave me before my ordination to the diaconate, inside which is a small embroidered written inside flap of the pocket: "Gift of Father Vincenzo». Today at the Shrine of Our Lady of Tears in Syracuse will celebrate his funeral obsequies. With me there will be my dear pupil, one of which today I am a father, while the Father Vincenzo, who was the father of the father, was his grandfather; because history repeats itself for the mystery of grace, through us priests that we send each other the divine gift of fatherhood pastoral, on the way to His Kingdom which has no end.




(1) The expression "make the most of Charles in France", It means combinarne of all colors and stems from the life of Charlemagne who had among other least 6 could email 20 children.
(2) The feast of Saint Lucia quail is held annually, the first Sunday in May. The event commemorates a miracle that took place during the terrible famine that struck in Syracuse 1646. The people, exhausted from lack of food, gathered in prayer around his Patron Saint. Following the prayers came shortly after a fleet of ships loaded with grain, which was announced by the flight of a flock of quails.


Vincenzo Calvo 1






Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Father Tomas Tyn, a traditionalist post-conciliar and one current model now more than ever



Father Tomas corrects the tormented and presumptuous Lutheran relationship with God by showing how in the process of justification harmonize the work of grace and faith with that of reason, works and free will, and as the concern must moderate confidence, considering sin and divine justice, while the confidence must moderate fear considering the divine mercy. Fear without trust leads to despair. Trust without fear leads to pride.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


Tomas Tyn 3

An image of the Servant of God Tomas Tyn

The 1 January we remembered the anniversary of the 25th anniversary of the pious death of the Servant of God Father Tomas Tyn, Dominican theologian of Czech origin who was born in Brno in 1950 and buried in Neckargemünd in Germany at the home of his parents, where the mother, Dr. Ludmila, is still alive. Father Tomas is being promoted by the Cause of Beatification Dominican Province Bohemian and open in Bologna in 2006 by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of the City [see who e who]. Indeed, Father Tomas lived from 1972 al 1989 in the Dominican convent of Bologna, teaching moral theology and the history of philosophy in local Theological Study, today Faculty of Theology of Emilia-Romagna.

AITT_logoThe pages of this our online magazine have already had to deal with this Servant of God, especially by Gianni T. Baptists, attorney Rieti, founder and president of the International Tomas Tyn (AITT see who), that collects devotees, admirers and scholars from various parts of Italy and the world. In these twenty-five years the reputation of sanctity of the Servant of God has spread in his homeland, the Czech Republic, in Italy and in the world thanks to the work of his devotees and to the work of the Cause of Beatification, who collected numerous testimonies and documents. In particular theology of Father Tyn has aroused the interest of scholars, which have treated some aspects of his thought, among others in an international congress, which was held over him in Bologna in 2011.

g. 8

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of Bologna, at the patriarchal convent of San Domenico during the opening of the process of beatification of Father Tomas Tyn

Father Tomas was a great time and great theologian, philosopher, as stated in the letter of Cardinal Caffara opening of the Cause [see who, who]. Though both died at a young age, his scientific, considering the many pastoral duties from which it was taken, is surprisingly abundant and high-level. It expresses not only the author's personal thoughts, but also a large quantity of doctrines from other sources and other Authors, starting from teaching Biblical, to switch to the Magisterium of the Church, to St. Thomas and many other theologians and not only theologians, Ancient and modern, Catholics and non-Catholics, often known in the original texts, Whereas Father Tyn had eight languages.

Its primary mission that Divine Wisdom entrusted to Father Tomas was to recall and explain the truth of the traditional Catholic doctrine, which, nell'agitato of the immediate post-conciliar period, in danger of being forgotten because of a misunderstanding of the new modernistic doctrines of the Council. The Servant of God, that, thanks to his keen discernment, was able to recognize the value of those doctrines in their continuity with tradition, did not allow himself to be duped by these frauds and those theologians who conceived the theological progress on the model of the French Revolution, but expressed, a good Catholic, its full adherence to the teachings of the Council and smug.

tight tomas 4

image of the Father Tomas Tyn

Just twenty years, young monk already has exceptional human maturity, cultural and theological, while still a student at the Theological Studio Dominican Walberberg in Germany, with great perspicacity he realized the danger of Karl Rahner in an environment influenced by its charming impostures. And then he composed in Latin, In the 1970, thesis as annual, an acute critical 104 pages of the conception of morality Rahner, by title “Rahnerianae presupposing philosophical doctrine of ethical existential. Some information relating to the article Charles Rahneris SJ. which intitulatur “The ethical problems of existential formal“, demonstrating the setting existentialist-situationist already in his time condemned by Pope Pius XII, and everything, note well, in an environment infected by modernism and Lutheranism.

The clarity and fairness of such intellectual and moral behavior Of course procured to Tomas, from the environment, envy and hostility, which soon advised him to leave that environment, albeit with pain and not without gratitude for what he had received, to land to the community and at the Theological Bolognese. Who Fra Tomas, for his intelligence, for the goodness and kindness of his character, for his humility and for all its virtues, it immediately attracted the esteem and affection of the confreres and many other people, to whom he offered his ministry of duct, pious and zealous priest and guide souls to the perfection of the Gospel.

Otto Herman Pesch

l'ex Domenicano Otto Hermann Pesch

Ancora Germany Between Tomas energetically refused even the thesis exposed by his teacher who then went by the Order, Eight father Pesch, who, in climate irenic and falsely Ecumenical Vatican II, had published a really big and erudite book in which he claimed that Thomas Luther and they agreed in the doctrine of justification, just that instead about what actually is the greatest opposition to the Catholic doctrine of Luther.
However, in the Lutheran view of justification not everything is wrong. In Luther remains the biblical teaching for which the grace begins the work of justification making right the works of man. The Dominicans have always recognized this truth so much that at the end of the sixteenth century, in fiery controversy with the Jesuits in the famous dispute Aids, the Jesuits accused the Dominicans wire Lutheranism for their doctrine of physical premozione supported by Domingo Báñez.

on justificationThis point is reiterated in the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Lutheran World Federation of 1999 [see who]. This is not a document of the Magisterium, because it bears the signature of the Pope, ma, as the word, than a simple “Advice”, though undoubtedly the Holy See, but that does not have the authority to similar statements at a higher level, such as that of the Second Vatican Council on ecumenism Reintegratio [see who]. Here is the infallibility of the Magisterium, which it is not present in the previous document. The remaining E, in the Council document there is no mention of the issue of justification.

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Martin Luther, vintage portrait

Father Tomas has no difficulty in recognizing that point of contact of the Church with the Lutherans. But he has at heart to remember the fallacy of Lutheran doctrine of justification. That is why, arrived in Bologna, made his licentiate thesis at the Theological College in Dominican 1976 under the direction of Father Alberto Galli with the title Of divine grace and justification. The opposition between the theology of Luther and St Thomas'. Indeed, what is lacking in the Lutheran view of justification is the doctrine of the merit of good works in grace, in order to reward of eternal life. And this absence is also mentioned in the joint document. For this Father Tyn are grown with special care in this thesis and the doctoral Angelicum in Rome 1978, entitled Divine action and human freedom in the process of justification according to the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, to illustrate the essence, the causes and functions of about supernatural, gift of God, with which, uniting ourselves to the infinite merits of Christ, we operate our salvation.

Luther confuses human nature as such with the fallen nature because of sin and tending to sin. Identifies sin with the tendency to sin. So then to Luther there is no sound reason, a metaphysics, a natural theology, a good will, a natural law, a merit, an ultimate natural man. For him everything is paganism, pelagianesimo, incredulity, hypocrisy and pride. Because of this, grace in Luther does not erase the sin, but coexists with it. God's forgiveness is the eye with which God looks at Christ's righteousness to the sinner and imputes from outside. The grace is not a quality inherent in the soul of the just created, but it is the righteousness of Christ outside of the right but referred to the justified. God justifies, because it does not look to the sinner, but look to Christ right, that looks to the sinner, that is not right in himself, but in relation to Christ. The right therefore is at once a sinner, not simply prone to sin, but perpetually in a state of sin. Why not give meritorious works of salvation, if not faith to be saved despite it remains sinners.

Luther doctrineIn his relationship with God Luther was never able to achieve the balance characteristic of Catholicism. Party as a young man from a feeling of terror and despair to God, which he became unbearable and he believed mistakenly be the Catholic view, with the famous episode of the Tower, thought to find the solution in a presumptuous certainty of salvation without works and without merit. He never understood what is the fear of God and has always confused with an irrational fear and exaggerated scruple. Because of this, never managed to harmonize the fear with confidence, whereby, eliminating the fear, fell into presumption and complacency, without ever being able, as witnessed many episodes of his life, to eliminate all the despair and guilt. Hence his dialectic paradoxical coexistence of sin and grace, of innocence and guilt, peace and torment, that seems somehow herald the dark mystic Jakob Böhme and the Hegelian dialectic.

Moreover the excessive, well known, Luther's concern for one's self, which led him toLuther doctrine 2 summarize the whole of Christianity in the question of justification and salvation of his own, when in fact the ultimate aim of Christianity is the contemplation and vision of God. Christianity does not lead to self-absorption, as if we were the center of reality, but opening humble and generous to God and neighbor. In order to correct these errors of Luther, Father Tyn has thoroughly investigated the nature, the action, the principles, the purpose and species of divine grace and nature, the principles, operation and the purpose of free will. This led him also to illustrate the nature, the principles and purposes Gown, the law and the moral, as professor of moral theology, as well as the natural and supernatural virtues, on the spiritual life and bliss. Deepening the speech, Father Tyn arrived at metaphysical roots of morality with interesting studies on intellect, knowledge with acute refutations of idealism and the will, demonstrating the rational foundations of freedom.


The monumental work of the Servant of God Tomas Tyn on the metaphysics of substance

Hence the survey about human nature and about the person the step was short, and here is his masterful treatise about 1000 pages Metaphysics of substance. Participation and analogy of being, grandiose and thorough investigation leading theologian to deepen the relationship between being for participation and be essentially, as well as the degree of analog metaphysical person. With that we have a look very wide and articulate the relationship between man and God. Father Tomas so opposed to the Lutheran vision of God's relationship with man the right Catholic concept founded on the notion of an analogue of efficient causality, for which the cause before God, in this case the grace, causes the free act of man as the cause of his acts - physical premotion - and therefore as a meritorious cause not of dignity (condigno), as divine causality of Christ, but fairness (de reasonable), so that the grace as a gift created not mean the tendency to sin, but removes the mortal sin, incompatible with the grace, while it can coexist with venial sin.

Luther 95 thesis

Martin Luther affixes his theses on the portal of the cathedral, image taken from the film [see who ]

Father Tomas corrects the tormented and presumptuous Lutheran relationship with God showing how in the process of justification harmonize the work of grace and faith with that of reason, works and free will, and as the concern must moderate confidence, considering sin and divine justice, while the confidence must moderate fear considering the divine mercy. Fear without trust leads to despair. Trust without fear leads to pride. (C)ol his respect for both the Scripture for Tradition, both to Christ and the Church, Father Tomas shows how Christianity Luther's Sola Scriptura and a Christ without the Church is a Christian and therefore false dimidiato, Today dangerously represented by modernism existentialist and idealistic, interpreter of the false doctrines of the Council. So the Dominican theologian shows us also the true path of ecumenism with Protestants: recognition of common truths, but also great boldness in calling the brothers separated from the street of the error into the way of truth.

Father Tomas Tyn makes us understand that it is false the idea that widespread today be Protestants is simply a different way of being Christian, and not rather a way defective and incomplete. It is contrary to ecumenism taught to us by the Council, which in its document on ecumenism expresses the duty of non-Catholics to seek full communion with the Church.

tomb tyn

Tomb of Father Tomas Tyn in the German city of Neckargemünd

In concluding this brief portrait, we can say that the bright and holy figure of Father Tomas, rich gifts of the Holy Spirit, imposes itself in a situation of internal church conflicts like the present, for fairness and balance the top of his Catholic vision, summarizing the instance of tradition with that of progress, respect for immutable values ​​with sincere adherence to the evangelising message of Vatican II, loyalty to St. Thomas Aquinas Doctor of the church with wide critical knowledge of modern thought, a love for the truth adamant with the practice of most generous charity, which led to the exercise of those heroic virtues, witnessed by all those who knew him and have benefited his wise and learned ministry as a priest of Jesus Christ.

Fontanellato, 22 December 2014


Introibo altar Gods


Book of tyn Cavalcoli



1. ARCHIVE Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo – Articoli and intervened Rodrigo Craveiro del Correio Braziliense fatte



Interviews and articles by the Brazilian journalist Rodrigo Craveiro the national newspaper Braziliense Mail, who made use of Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo as theologian and columnist between February 2013 and October 2013.

Notable curiosity: before the conclave, Father Ariel anticipates the reporter, on 1 March 2013, the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio.


















The Antichrist and the prophecy of Vladimir Soloviev



"But if you really want a rule, here's what I can tell: Be strong in faith, not for fear of sins, but because it is very nice for an intelligent man to live with God " [Vladimir Sergeevich Solov'ev, The three dialogues and the story of the Antichrist]




Author Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



a beautiful photographic image of St. John Paul II

In his second visit to Germany, Saint John Paul II said back in 1984: "... Today the world is experiencing the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation of the Apostle John». Statement that should lead us to a specific question: if the Holy Pontiff expressed thirty years ago in this way, today, which would be expressed in terms?


But as the facts show, it appears that from a bit’ of time in this part of the Augusti Pontiffs is easier to proclaim saints and blessed rather than listen to them and follow them, worshiping in them and in their supreme magisterium of the mystery and the dogma of the faith of the mandate given by the Word of God to Peter [cf. Mt 16, 14-18]. It is well known and common knowledge that make a nice canonization basically costs nothing. As it costs to set up foundations dedicated to St. John XXIII, San Giovanni Paolo II, to Blessed Paul VI. Some banks with a board of directors composed of Masons always happy to foraging barrel of money the irrepressible arrogance of some bishop and cardinal, in order to hit and destroy as much as possible from within the Church, around Italy is always, what seem rather scarce are bishops and cardinals that taking charge of all the dangerous risks involved agree to be lynched by the square no longer willing to listen and incorporate certain gospel messages. Or worse: to be torn apart within the same ecclesial world to have invited the army increasingly busy modernists and apostates to put into practice what certain saints and blessed pontiffs urge to practice through the acts of their teaching, written for the glory of God and for the salvation of man, not for the glory of man, that from century to century is able to use God as an excuse, his Church and all his saints to the glory of egocentrism.


Benedict XVI waiver

Click on the image to listen to the waiver of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI with the translation of the Latin text

Today we have the media capable of transmitting images in real time, the memory of the ceremony of beatification, below that of John Paul II's canonization, should lead us to reflect, because they had never seen before until all the principal sources of degradation condition in which today the Church of Christ immortalized on television as stars to what they themselves called "big event", steeped in worldly clericalese and now devoid of adequate ecclesial languages. To celebrate the new Blessed and holy pontiff have so marched, in red and purple, on the catwalks of honor, even those on which rests the responsibility of having thrown the Bride of Christ on the sidewalk like a prostitute. The same because of which the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI will make withdrawal from the Petrine ministry a few years later, declaring no longer able, by age and lack of physical forces, to hold certain situations, which in other words is to say: the inability to source certain people, place that “situations” - if anything escapes someone - it means “people”, ie those who have generated such situations and which still hold the feet using the worst of the worst authoritarianism and harassment against those who dare to denounce evil just because they want to revive his beloved wife from the sidewalk where the scoundrels have thrown, certainly not for the useless pleasure to denounce evil end in itself.


Stoning of Saint Stephen, pictorial work of the sixteenth century.

At the ceremony of beatification of John Paul II, for real paradox linked as such to that mystery of evil that deceives us since the dawn of time, in practice hath witnessed this: … as if those who had assassinated the deacon Stephen throwing stones [CF. At 6, 8-12; 7, 54-60], a few years after they had declared protomartire, participating in first ahead of everyone to his beatification ceremony and extolling to newspapers, televisions and a swarm of Vaticanists without historical memory, the heroic virtues. And to think that many romantics believe that prostitutes are exercising their ancient craft only inside the brothel and not in the ecclesiastical buildings …


Vladimir Soloviev

portrait of Vladimir Solovyov [Moscow, 16 January 1853 - Uzkoe, 31 July 1900]

Soloviev disappears in the early twentieth century, century in which he was leaning after living the nineteenth travails and prophesied a future of many Browse: philosophy, liberalism, modernism, communisms, psychoanalysis, sociologisms, theologians. Ethen the ranks of the world Belle Epoque, in years when the man was certainly the rise of a happy world, inspired by the new major thrusts of technological progress that sometimes comes to real forms of idolatry of technology; a technology in whose name often, modern thought, tried to evict the very idea of ​​God from society. All atll'ombra oriented and inspired by the new religion of progress, the evangelical principle of charity patronage became emptied of feelings and supports metaphysical, in a safe world to march towards an era illuminated by the freedom of a new social security.


titanic 1

A copy of the old New York Times announcing the Titanic disaster

In the first decade of the twentieth century, the world was touched by an incident that shook public opinion: the sinking of the Titanic at inabissatosi 2.20 on the night of 14 and the 15 April of 1912 in temperate waters around zero degrees. Of 2.223 passenger 1.523 died dying for frostbite. All were equipped with life jacket and could have been saved thanks to the rescue, that when they arrived they could only collect hundreds of bodies floating in the icy waters. This disaster, considered the largest in the history of navigation, produced a copious literature, which hath then joined the cinematography.


titanic 2

click on the image to see the footage of the wreck

The Titanic was the expression of a man certain to dominate on the laws of nature, invincible and sure to give life to things indestructible, unassailable. Then there is a strong symbolic element, to quote a famous teacher and student who later became famous with his opponents: Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung: ice. This titan unsinkable and invincible created by a man self-proclaimed as invincible, It is not affected by the hot passion of the sun, but the ice, frost which had begun to create the modern man who can do without God. I nentre the masters of modern thought pushing locomotives to ice barriers, Soloviev do not let yourself be enchanted and announces in a lucid and prophetic evils that would be born by the metastases that man was putting into circulation; evils that then, the concrete evidence of the facts, one by one came true.


lenin e stalin

Lenin and Stalin, Soviet painting of the Fifties

Discoursing in 1880 According to the above speech Dostoevsky, it almost seems like that Soloviev intuit the brutality of Communism after the October Revolution of 1917 principieranno to affect humanity, giving the world a completely different attitude after the end of World War I. The man is depersonalized in social and political project of Real Socialism, becoming leading biblical humanity created in the image and likeness of God, anonymous cog victim of an ideology created in the image and likeness of a man socially and humanly corrupted, through which we come to known processes of dehumanization carried out by Lenin and especially Stalin.


San Michele Vatican gardens

Statue in San Michele Arcangelo elected patron of the Vatican City, desired by Pope Benedict XVI and then placed near the Palace of the Governorate, with the inscription below to Lucifer pierced by the lance: “And the gates of hell would not prevail“…

In his last publication, The three dialogues and the story of the Antichrist, finished work on Easter Sunday of 1900, it is striking to note the clarity with which Soloviev It provides that the twentieth century will be the era of the last great wars, of strife and revolutions [CF. Ed. Marietti support. 184]. After that says that everything will be ready to lose meaning because the old structure into separate nations and disappear almost everywhere the last remnants of monarchical institutions [pag. 188]. We will then arrive to the Union of the United States of Europe [pag. 195]. It is indeed amazing perspicacity with which Soloviev It describes the great crisis that hit Christianity in the last decades of the twentieth century, depicted through’Antichrist who manage to influence and condition a bit 'all. In him, as is presented here, it is not difficult to see the emblem of the confused and ambiguous religiosity of these years our: he - followed narrate Soloviev - Will be a convinced spiritualist, an admirable philanthropist, a committed pacifist and diligent, a vegetarian looking, an animal determined and active. It Will Be, against the other, also an expert exegete: its culture will create a framework the biblical even a degree Honorary faculty of Tübingen. Above all, will prove an excellent ecumenist, able to communicate with words full of sweetness, wisdom and eloquence [pag. 211]. Against Christ will not in principle hostile [pag. 190]; indeed, I appreciate the high teaching. But it can bear - and therefore the censor - its absolute uniqueness [pag. 190]; and therefore does not resign to admit and to proclaim that he is risen and alive today.


Marietti Soloviev

The Three Dialogues and the Antichrist Stories published by Editrice Marietti

In these lines takes shape criticism Christianity of “values”, of the “openings” he was born in “dialogue”, where apparently remains little room for mystery of the person of the Word of God made Man, crucified and risen for us. Everything seems absorbed in molasses sentimental tenderness of vaporous. Of course, we have something to think, if we think of the militancy of faith reduced to a humanitarian socio-cultural; the Gospel message identified in comparison with irenic all philosophies and all religions; the Church of God mistaken for an organization of social promotion in which they multiply “events” built on strategies marketing. We are sure that Soloviev has not really expected what actually happened and that it is precisely the trap today's most threatening “holy nation” redeemed by the blood of Christ? It is a very disturbing question that for this should not be circumvented; and instead for this is rejected, sometimes violently, within the Church and outside the Church.


martyrs of 2014

crimson one gets the impression that the world is on the brink of madness is too busy defending the “rights” the worst perversions proprinate by the culture of gender, to turn our gaze to a massacre of Christians in recent years has exceeded that of the early centuries of Christianity

Soloviev He has fully understood the twentieth century, perhaps we are that we did not understand him, or we do not want to understand for a reactive-defensive closure, so much so that he had not ever listened. This is demonstrated by many attitudes of many Christians today who consider themselves educated and engaged on the side of the Church, or who consider themselves “Christian adults”. Let's just think about the forms increasingly exasperated and exasperating of selfish individualism determinants our customs and our laws by which it is gradually subverted the natural order. You just need to analyze the “culture” the gender which is increasingly taking on the characteristics of a devastating dictatorship, with a lot of complaints in accordance with law and sentencing courts against persons recognized guilty of having expressed through freedom of thought and speech a peaceful dissent, considered but no more right to freedom of thought and speech but crime, if somehow touches the powerful mafia and social policy of the Sodomites, that already in most states have imposed protocols through which you teach “values” of the worst sexual perversions right from elementary schools, disguised under the false label of luciferin “right to diversity“. In some countries of decadent Europe - which now sick with hatred towards itself and from its Christian roots is gradually handing Islam -, Some say that the dished by certain powerful mafias of pederasts and lesbians with hate is a poisonous culture of death that will lead to the collapse, as has happened throughout history in many ancient civilizations sunk from glory to decline and therefore swept away, now likely to end up convicted of homophobia. To follow with pacifism often turned into violent pacifundism and the non-mutated violence often ideological aggression imbued with contempt for others.


The ideals of peace and fraternity I am no longer read in an evangelical key but Enlightenment and as such structured on Jacobin fury, ie in ideological anti-Christian, with the consequent result that the face of the aggression and to the worst bullying, many of our pastors end up giving weakly and running now to deal with masters of this world, or, like Esau, undersell the legitimate birthright for a plate of lentils [CF. Gen 25, 29-34], leaving without any defense the weak and the oppressed, in a particular way if they are Catholics and Christians persecuted for their faith, in the House of God and out of the House of God, because today, the worst persecution, are not those of the persecuted for the Church, but those who are persecuted inside the church at the hands of churchmen.


In all this lie some powerful strands of modern theology that, after having confused the absolute metaphysical concept understood as absolute faith, with the concept entirely different socio-political absolutism, have made a real de-construction and destruction of the dogma, after having undermined the concept of the absoluteness of faith by which Christ is for us the Word of God incarnate, dead has risen, and as such is the center of our present, our being and becoming future, then the ultimate goal of our entire eschatological humanism.


day of the Mason

Of the series ” e you’ that m'envento pe’ rise ” – Father Geraldo Magela de Silva, priest of the Diocese of Pesqueira in Brazil, celebrates a Mass for the Masons who parade in the Parish of Our Lady of Conception, receiving the Eucharist and climb onto the presbytery with squares and compasses.

What to say about the theological virtue of Charity, the most important, as defined by St. Paul [CF. The Cor 13, 13], which gradually has replaced one of the most cherished concepts culture Masonic: solidarity? I will not repeat, and I will only refer to my article on Newspeak I speak the words emptied of their meaning and filled the other [see who], all in the wake of a tragedy today that sometimes seems irreversible: we have lost our language, which is the metaphysical, to meet not to “new words”, but meaningless concepts that undermine the foundations of our faith, who needs to express clear and precise words, a common vocabulary that allows us to seek perfection in unity [CF. GV 17, 20-21.23].


But what is the reality that many of our ecclesial bishops e cardinaloni pretend not to see, to avoid having to run for cover as soon as possible? Narrated by people like me who lives far from inside the Church's life as a member of the College of Priests, the bleak reality is this: if we put together three or four priests discover that each of them has a “his” language, a “its” ecclesiology, a “its” pastoral … and all this often ends result in a “its” doctrine. In one thing these priests will be united in a nefarious common element: in the spirit clerical, in malice clerks, minutehé when it undermines and destroys the spirit of the Church stands in its place the worst of the spirit clerical. If we take as a paradigm of the Diocese diocyes, that of Rome, Episcopal seat of the Chair of Peter, and we go around the parishes during the celebration of the Masses, choosing for example ten to the event spaRSE through L'Urbe, discover in them ten priests who celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice in dIECI different ways, Some also moved by the evident spirit of …”e mo’ that m'envento pe’ rise “? We fly over the whole of certain groups Neocatechumenal and charismatic that now have de facto “rites” own, including rites, animists and finished in syncretistic Catholic ritual; but we overlook the same way about certain so-called traditionalists, under which the number of those who “they adore” accidents outside of the sacred liturgy rather than substances immutable and eternal Memorial Vivo and Santo, is unfortunately very high. In short: sometimes seems to be in an open field without any possibility of shelter with grenades raining down from all sides.


Dolce and Gabbana

If they were not clear results “mythical” and the sexual revolution “liberation” woman, here is an advertising company of designers Dolce&Gabbana in which simulates the rape of a woman authentic object of the XXI century, daughter of the woman finally “released” four decades before the wrath of feminist movements

After a sexual revolution who experienced a riot of selfishness that has not liberated women at all, but he really made “object” more than it has ever been historically and socially, and that has split the human sexuality from love, Novecento is finally reached such levels of institutionalized perversion that it is difficult to find equal historical adequate, even going to borrow the images of Sodom and Gomorrah, But that does not make the idea, especially not make “justice” the reality of our present.


The twentieth century was the century of oppressive history, no respect for human life and without mercy; and certain instincts now circulating for a century in the blood of the new generations not resolve cinetelevisivi invitations to tender, because the work that is required is much more complex, but especially more drastic, because it is based on a risk that you can not avoid running: not the pleasure to the masses and elites Power. Not to mention the true mercy, that correctly understood, implemented and practiced according to the Mystery of Revelation, exposed and summarized in numerous passages of the Gospels, Let us take only one among several:


"If your right eye to sin and cast it from you: fact you should lose one of your members, rather than your whole body be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, tagliala and gettala way of you: fact you should lose one of your members, rather than your whole body go into hell " [Mt 5, 29-30]


diabetic foot 2

which wise doctor, will be so criminally “merciful”, to let the gangrene assail the whole body, instead of saving through amputation infected?

If within the Church Contemporary someone is convinced, however, that before a body beset by a devastating degenerative diabetes that caused gangrene in the foot, is instead very merciful not amputate, because it is not good to deprive a human being of a limb, in such a case is obvious: We prepare the inevitable consequence of gangrene that from there soon assail all the other limbs of the body.


The twentieth century was the century that witnessed the extermination of the Jews, that was not the only, although few remember the Armenian genocide at the turn of the First World War. No one commemorates the tens and tens of millions killed under the Soviet regime and few venture out to count the victims sacrificed in the various parts of the world communist utopia. In the course of this century has imposed on entire populations atheism State, while in Western secularized has spread atheism hedonistic and libertarian, until you get the idea of ​​the grotesque “death of God”.


Soloviev foto

Vladimir Sergeevich Solov'ev

Soloviev he was a prophet and outdated teacher and unheeded, Long relegated to the visionary literature. It was actually in appassionato defender bashful man to every philanthropy. He was a tireless apostle of peace and opponent of pacifism. Advocated unity among Christians and was harshly critical of each irenicism. He was in love with nature but totally detached from today's ecological infatuations, or to put it briefly: friend was in love with the revealed Truth of the Word of God and hostile enemy of every ideology and every socio-religious theology pseudo. These are the guides of which today we desperately need, together with the true mercy. We do not need, never a body infected with gangrenous limbs will be saved with the distilled water of the vaporous tenderness, nor with the mutated mercy mercy, because it is only with the great mercy of the scalpel, that a body suffering from gangrene can be saved …




Jesus child Pinturicchio

Octave of Christmas 2014: Silent Night! By Andrea Bocelli


Author DRAFTING of the Island of Patmos

of the island of Patmos



Dear Readers









Antonio Love ( 1938-2020 )
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Antonio

Study of the doctrine? No, is treason



The anti-dogmatism is not, at source, only an irrational attitude, superficial and inconsistent: is much worse, is something extremely pernicious for the life of faith of the Christian community, because it is a project that aims theoretically well structured decisively to implement the reforms in the Church for years Hans Küng and his disciples, eg Enzo Bianchi, theorized as necessary to "walk" in the history of the Church and have prophesied as imminent realization […]

Author Antonio Livi

Antonio Love

The term that is heard repeating these days, even after the interview of Pope Francesco in The Nation, is the necessity of an adequate “deepening” of the doctrine [see who]. It is the thesis of Gianni Gennari [on Corriere della Sera] the way of the desired "reverse" the Magisterium on natural methods: great changes, but that would be only "depth" of the doctrine of 'Human life. By analogy this interpretive scheme is applied to the question "synodal", that of communion for divorcees who were married civilly. However, this argument is also married to Andrea Tornielli (The Print), that already long ago spoke of "insights" in reference to the new doctrine of the Council on Religious Freedom.


… we live in the world of “labels”

((c)) Bodleian Libraries; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

portrait of Pope Pius XI

Seeing the use of this label that the media are applying the reform projects of the doctrine on the sacraments (Marriage, Penance and the Eucharist) I realized yetin time than would be desirable that journalists were limited to inform on current events ecclesial without continuing to confuse Catholics with their interpretations sociopolitical [see my previous article who].

Any label affixed to the facts of the Church, although it appears journalistically effective, does not help to understand what it is. The label is a claim interpretation quick and easy, “ready-to-wear”, but the effect on public opinion is negative, not only for the inevitable shallowness of this kind of interpretation, but also and especially for the message that indirectly conveys. L '' deepening ', label from which party, is no exception to the rule: with it the message that is conveyed is that the Catholic Church, under the pontificate of Pope Francis, proceeds quickly to a substantial change of its moral doctrine, and consequently proceeds ineluctably toward a radical change of its pastoral practice, with the approval of all, believers and non-believers.

Those that are labeled as "insights" are therefore, in the intention of the sponsors, of substantial change in the doctrine hitherto taught by the Magisterium, and should therefore be labeled rather as a "break" with Tradition. In fact, these are "small steps" in the direction of legislation that would revolutionize the very structure of ecclesiastical discipline, to the point that - if indeed they were adopted by ecclesiastical authority - would entail a radical reform of the doctrine: but not in the direction indicated by Benedict XVI ("Reform in the continuity of the same subject the Church") but in the sense that Pope Ratzinger considered unacceptable, that is of aa real "rupture" with the Tradition, ie with the doctrine of the Magisterium, by the Council of Trent to Vatican II, from the encyclical Chaste marriage of Pius XI to the apostolic exhortation Familiaris company of John Paul II.

family association

apostolic exhortation of St. John Paul II

Of course, we heard during the first phase of the Synod of Bishops about the family, many theologians and prelates auspice to overcome (ie the abolition) the teachings of Paul VI (Human life) and John Paul II (Familar company), and then we heard, on the same occasion, other theologians and other prelates who have pointed out that these changes are in contradiction, not with unimportant details, but with the essential meaning, deep, the message transmitted by the Church in those documents.

Who digs deep, with the theological reason, to find that message in its essence of revealed truth, realizes that a proposal that is in direct contradiction with it is not that his denial. In short, a revolution, a break, certainly not one of the many ways that can be done and is done by the fact that the Church to progress in the understanding of revealed truth, according to the formula, theologically perfect, a "homogeneous evolution of dogma". "Homogeneous" is evolution that leads to a doctrine that is part of the same "kind", ie does not propose a doctrine of another kind, but the same doctrine enriched accidental changes, with pastoral applications. In short, a break can not be called 'deepening'.


The term "investigation" is used by "Vaticanists", in their proverbial psychological subjection to the language from time to time prevailing in mass culture, because it is the term used for the speech and debates on the edge of a news. If the facts are separated from opinion, the views are the '' deepening '. That so called because it promises to deepen the meaning of a situation topical or a news item, without the intention to cancel. No deepening riguardor the "capital mafia" ends up denying that there has been an investigation by the judiciary and consequently a scandal and serious political repercussions. Deepening means going deep, and by going in depth one finds the "aletic core" of an event or a theory, which is what in the course of the analysis remains the same.

If it changes instead, we can no longer speak of "deepening": we must speak of "scientific revolution" (Thomas Kuhn). Applying this criterion to the epistemic ongoing discussions within the Church, you can not label it as "depth" to the proposal for a substantial reform, chand like those who patronizes the advent of the new "universal church" mold "ecumenical" and "humanistic" where are transposed instances of the schism of East andriLutheran form.

These distinctions may seem my quibbles or Byzantinisms abstract facing issues so vital and engaging as the access of divorced Catholics to Communion or the use of contraceptives in marriage between believers. But - I say - if a journalist or a newspaper reader does not like to go into this theological problematic, to take care of another: no one asks him to have a personal opinion on the school controversies between theologians or on the appointments and dismissals of high ecclesiastics. If it is a non-believer, you disinterest of these internal problems of the Church. If a believer, is interested only in what the Church teaches on these and other matters, without bothering to interpret the secret intentions of the Pope or to judge whether the Synod of Bishops are right conservatives or progressives.


the “political incorrectness” the Dominican theologian Yves Congar

No one will take my advice; but then, if one intends to enter into the merits of these issues, the only criterion of assessment is that serious theological, certainly not the socio-political, which is fine just for the record of another kind: financial, parliamentary, Judicial. And the evaluation criteria must be provided by competent persons, the considerations which must be analyzed with patience and with the intention to understand complex concepts, related to theoretical premises not immediately deducible and a huge mass of historical data. If you make this effort, the first thing that you will understand is that every true depth of revealed doctrine is a better com- understanding of his transcendence than the vicissitudes historical and cultural.

Said this, add: the implied intention of those who speak of "insights" is to convey to the public the message of a new Catholic pastoral should regardless of dogma: ignoring not only the facts but also indirectly proclaiming the futility or even worse the negative function, of "brake" to the news that would be suggested by the Holy Spirit.

And here I take this opportunity to repeat once again that this anti-dogmatism it is not, at source, only an irrational attitude, superficial and inconsistent: is much worse, is something extremely pernicious for the life of faith of the Christian community, because it is a project that aims theoretically well structured decisively to implement the reforms in the Church for years Hans Küng and his disciples (Enzo Bianchi) theorized as necessary to "walk" in the history of the Church and have prophesied as imminent realization.

These reforms, which are much more than a mere "deepening", distort the Church of Christ, making them deny that consciousness of himself as a "universal sacrament of salvation", not so much for the adaptations of his pastoral to the prevailing (adaptations that are needed, however,, so much so that there have always been) As for the charism of infallibility (which allows it to preserve and interpret according to the "mind of Christ" revealed truth) and for the promise of indefectibility (thanks to which it has always been and will always be holy, catholic and apostolic, able to administer the sacraments of grace).

modernism 2

… a Pope who had understood everything

I find it rather hypocritical use of the label 'study to propagate a reform of the Church runs to abolish the dogmatic foundations of his faith and his discipline. Because - as I have explained several times - there is a practice that does not call you back, at least implicitly, to a theory, ie in the regulative principles of the action, to the goals to be achieved as considered in itself positive, bearers of progress and happiness.

The anti-dogmatism is nothing but the hypocritical rhetoric whose, while denying the dogma of its function of orientation of the religious consciousness, work in view of certain changes in the Church that it considers necessary for the realization of its political and religious utopia. Catholic dogma, that is the truth revealed by God in Christ, is put aside, not because it is considered an abstract theory from which it can derive a practice "updated" but because we have chosen a different theory, rather the opposite, under which you want to promote a reformist or revolutionary practice. In short, There is declared enemies of dogma as such, but in reality you are fanatical supporters of a different dogma.


… a writer who had understood everything

If one listens to many voices sign of progressive reformer, notice that some, theologians most listened, have the courage to speak clearly of these dogmatic principles, attributable to historicism, declined in a Hegelian dialectic according to the scheme of "passing through the negation" (Repeal) of which I have already spoken on several occasion (see what I wrote about Hans Kung and his ecclesiology, who). But many poor and timid disciples acolytes of these opinion makers Church does not have the courage and the intellectual capacity of the state to which system ideological and dogmatic principles which are inspired in proposing certain mutations of pastoral practice as necessary to the progress of the Church in the time that sitiamo living. So then comes out the vapid speech of pastoral, while respecting the doctrine in words, contradicts the facts. And this contradiction presents hypocritically as 'deepening'.


Octave of Christmas

Jesus child Pinturicchio

In placid night


The article reproduced here was posted on 21 December 2014 in the online magazine

The New Compass Daily

“Baby Born in Bethlehem. Alleluia!” – Happy Christmas [version available in Spanish]


prologue in greek


in the beginning 2

Prologue of the Gospel of St. John the Apostle

With great joy turn to all our readers and to all our readers uNo happy wishes for a Merry Christmas in the joy of the ineffable mystery of the Word of God made Man.

For us priests, These are days of special pastoral work, reason why we will return to you with our items only towards the end of this month.

We take this opportunity to inform you that the gates of this Christmas The Island of Patmos celebrated its first two months of life, during which the site of our online magazine reached an average of about 1.000 visits per day for a total of about 50.000 total visits.

Once again we invite you to support us, because in order to meet the costs of the management of’Patmos Island we can rely only on your generosity [see WHO]

To all of you I extend our most sincere wishes for peace, grace and blessings from God.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Antonio Love

John Cavalcoli OP


Baby Born in Bethlehem, Alleluia!

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The success of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini [version available in Spanish]



The Martinism is even more insidiously dangerous rahnerismo, who is the theological foundation. Indeed, Rahner principles of epistemological, logical and metaphysical contrary to Catholic dogma, Martini, much less equipped in terms of speculative, did not explicitly taken […]


John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



An urgent need of the Church today, fifty years after the Second Vatican Council, is still that of a straight line and its fullcouncil stamp application, which does not exclude the need or opportunity to some changes or corrections of some pastoral directives, that above all the proof of facts, were less cautious or even counterproductive.

As instead regards the doctrinal or dogmatic of the Council, the problem, even after a long time, remains the correct interpretation, due to a not always clear, some of its doctrines, especially the new ones, which explain and develop the data of traditional faith.

The Magisterium of the Church, in the past fifty years, you are very used to explain the true meaning of the doctrines conciliar - Just think of the encyclicals of Blessed Paul VI or St. John Paul II or Catechism of the Church Cattolicthe -; but at the same time not worked enough to correct misinterpretations, especially brand modernist, that over time have become increasingly marked by obtaining the license interpretation best, more modern and advanced than that proposed by the Popes, it has managed to make it appear to many as outdated and linked to the theology of the pre-council.

maradiaga col sax

“Pop&Rock”. Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga and the new pastoral sassofonica. Nothing to say: times change and that change is good. Without going to “suspicious times” the pre Vatican II and remaining instead under the pontificates of Popes of the post council, a question arises: how they would react St. John XXIII and Paul VI Beato, but perhaps also the Saint John Paul II of the Eighties, before an image of the genre? They would have appointed a member of a grand council of wise cardinal? Meditate people, meditate …

Unfortunately the Popes in an attempt to preserve generous dialogue with the modernists, were not sufficiently defended by these accusations, because it is a success that they themselves have somehow allowed, maybe not to cause greater evils, that in the Catholic world would spread and affirm a double vision of the Church and Catholicism, almost two currents equal legitimacy and coexisting despite the contrasts between them: a current of majority, or at least a very powerful and influential at all levels of the Church, pastors and faithful, with members in the same hierarchy and the College of Cardinals, and especially in theological circles and academics, strong powerful advertising media, expression modernistic interpretation of the Second, and a current of minority, faithful to the interpretation of the Popes.

This current modernist knows well hide its roots disruptive and demolition and his duplicity under the appearances of a modern Catholicism, cultured, pleasant, moderate, accommodating, mitigated, tolerant, understanding, open, ecumenical, quiet and industrious, enemy of exaggerations and fanaticism.

Catholicism a genteel and polite, barcamenante and opportunistic, smart and manipulator, that calms the ire, attenuates contrasts, lover of pluralism and diversity, softens positions, avoids controversy, the stiffness and the meticulousness doctrinal, knows the good education, average between opposites, that all respects, everyone agrees, includes all, all excuse, has compassion for all, is open to all, all save, no one is enemy, of all is a friend, at least in words.

whited sepulchres

pictorial representation of whitewashed tombs

This is a beautiful facade, seductive and grandiose, but already with a careful look shows cracks and patches, behind which it is impossible to see the emptiness, nihilism and squalor. A giant with feet of clay. And this because it lacks a sincere love for the truth and for the absolute values, lacking intellectual honesty and clarity, no basis and metaphysical certainties, replaced by doubt, by gimmicks, by conveniences subjective, by relativism and moral laxity, from skepticism, by the accommodation diplomat, erudition sparkling, from trivial bonhomie, the fake piety.

QUANdo I worked in the Secretariat of State in the eighties I spoke of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini as a character who claimed to become an alternative to the Pope, and he has never denied: until a few months before his death, Corriere della Sera, dared to say that the Church of Ratzinger remained back two centuries [see who]. Still the same newspaper of Freemasonry, in that same period, he said, with apparent contradiction, than ever the Church has gone well in our times and cited as an example of Karl Rahner great teacher.

1985 Loreto. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini

Image of 1985. Carlo Maria Martini, 57 year old, for five years metropolitan archbishop of Milan and two years Cardinal. In appearance and manner of porgersi the cardinal has undoubtedly been one of the most beautiful figures of the college cardinazio the last fifty years.

As we know, the death of the last Popes, emissaries of the great powers modernists were regularly called Martini, but the Holy Spirit, as was to be hoped and expected by the good, was of a different opinion. On another occasion, Martini said that there is no need to save the Church, but just the Holy Spirit, contradicting what the Council of Florence 1439-1442, which instead has the famous ruling Outside the Church, No safety, which, naturally, does not mean that God can not save by means known only to him, says the Vatican, those who are not his fault he did not hear the preaching of the Gospel [I refer to our article, who]. But that does not mean that does not belong to the Church. Belongs unknowingly.

Famous then is the thesis of Cardinal Martini, according to which "there is in us a potential atheist who cries and whispers every day its hard to believe ' [see who], so that faith is not absolutely certain and indisputable, but continuing debate and uncertainty never resolved between yes and no. It is not hard to imagine what moral conduct may result from such ideas. And in fact known its positions lax sexual ethics and the favor that he accords to the priesthood of the woman, the false prophecy of Enzo Bianchi, in addition to its relativist ecumenism and feel-good, on the line of one of Cardinal Walter Kasper. Moreover, on many occasions, I was able to receive and hear complaints from priests and seminarians are trained at Milan.

carlo maria martini 2

Image of 2002. Carlo Maria Martini, was truly a man who could see far?

We do not question the great biblical preparation of Martini; but we wonder what's so much doctrine, if he lacks fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church, that should be exemplary in a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, without this serious mistake Martini closer to Lutheranism? Remarkable was the presentation of the book by Vito Mancuso on the soul [see who], where Cardinal steering a middle course between the yes and the no avoiding to condemn as it should with clarity and outrage, - But at this point he could not do the presentation -, the horrible errors of false theologian, which certainly has satisfied hundreds of thousands of admirers of both, but do not know how satisfied a clear conscience as a Catholic and reasonable man. I'll stop here and do not go beyond. Already this essay is significant.

The Martinism in my opinion is even more insidiously dangerous rahnerismo, who is the theological foundation. Indeed, Rahner principles of epistemological, logical and metaphysical contrary to Catholic dogma, Martini, much less equipped in terms of speculative, did not explicitly taken. However Rahner also has the ability to translate in accessible terms and concepts simplified and even popular, very seductive, its abstruse, complicated and convoluted pseudo transcendental musings. He is very skilled in relativize the conceptuality of dogma with his “pre-conceptual experience Mathematical Analysis” (Anticipation) and it evoluzionista and its modernist gnoseology, but then he can use with great skill the more articulated and studied conceptuality to instill in the minds of unwary his mistakes. Utilizes the concept to destroy the value of the concept and to replace the false concept to the real thing.

carlo maria martini 3

Carlo Maria Martini during a solemn pontifical ambrosiano. When he sat on the Chair of St. Ambrose, his figure instilled a kind of sacred veneration

Outhner, Certain, not an exegete but a theologian or aspires to be a theologian or is regarded as such by those who do not know what is theology; and in this regard we ask Antonio Livi what you think. Now it is true that the theologian does not take into account the individual biblical themes for commenting. To him it is necessary and sufficient to cite the biblical passages on which to base his theological theses. But these quotes do not need to be frequent and systematic, as happens nell'esegeta or biblical scholar or even in biblical theologian. The theologian in the true sense and narrow, especially the systematic or speculative, ie the true theologian who does not express simply think vaguely religious or Christian, builds his knowledge through rigorous arguments and firm principles philosophical and metaphysical, always subject to the doctrine of the Church.

Now, Rahner, though explicitly advocate the principle Sola Scriptura, like Luther, neglect and Tradition, rarely cites passages of Scripture, because it knows that almost always would be contrary; think for example to the passages of Scripture that address the importance of the concepts dogmatic, of the Magisterium of the Church, of Tradition, absoluteness of the content of the moral law, of free will, composition of the human body and soul, of merit, of sin and grace, of paradise, purgatory and hell, the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the world, the value of the priesthood and sacrifice of the Mass, etc..

carlo maria senior martini

Carlo Maria Martini elderly and sick, shortly before his disappearance, always retained the manly beauty of her figure and her looks solemn.

Martini, starting from Rahner, still retained a certain modesty or perhaps prudence, prepare a Catholicism that, if non assume il Pantheism rahneriano, However collects its anthropocentrism buonistico pro-Lutheran, e, note well, a Lutheranism farther away from Catholicism than was the same Luther, Since the biblicism Martinian is what Rahner explicitly inferred from Bultmann, known liberal Protestant of the last century, follower of Heidegger as it was the same Rahner.

Martini therefore attenuates Hegelianism rahneriano and processes a Catholicism near Luther, without fully separate from heresies of Luther, nor those of Rahner. Catholicism Compromise wants to be Catholicism, but without detaching completely, to a misunderstanding, opportunistico and confusionistico ecumenism, eh da Rahner, nè of Luther. It is a false interpretation of ecumenism wanted by the Second; but what are the reasons for the success of biblicism Martinian.

The problem posed by Martinism is that it, for its respectability, its prestige, his apparent moderation and his international success, always in apparent harmony with the Holy See, it was stated in the College of Cardinals by the establishment of a powerful current, is very likely that supports kasperiana and other cardinals filorahneriani or filomodernisti. However, it is easy to imagine that within the sacred college currently exists a situation of great distress, given by the fact that even the Martinism, as both a rahnerismo mitigated and softened, is not entirely free from the principles of the corrupters and solvents rahnerismo, closely linked with the Lutheran heresy in its further development Hegelian and Heideggerian.


carlo maria martini coffin

Carlo Maria Martini was a man by the melancholy look, even when he smiled. Elegant and hieratic, of living and the dead. In their sober but solemn her figure has always personified a model of Prince of the Church. Through the intercession of St. Ambrose Bishop and Doctor of the Church, of which he was for over two decades successor, may he rest in peace in God's grace.

So what we "boys" of the Island of Patmos we hope and we pray is that the current best of the College of Cardinals, that was expressed in the recent synod against the separatist tendency, free from temptations modernist or conservative, wants to be close to the Holy Father in the task with increasing urgency is imposed, thanks to the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church and Queen of Apostles, performing with clarity, decision, wisdom and energy to its irreplaceable function principle and guarantor of the unity of the Church, inducing sinners to repentance, lowering the proud, comforting the weak, reconciling with each other factions adverse, nell’ harmony between the different currents in the reciprocity of gifts received, in the victory over the satanic forces, for the edification of the kingdom of God and the irradiation of the Gospel to the whole world.

Fontanellato, 12 December 2014


Canto Advent Rite Ambrosiano: For you light

The authors of the Island of Patmos promote the protection of the heritage of good singing and Latin liturgical

Babel and the Newspeak: Church without a vocabulary for half a century [version available in Spanish]



When the Church waiver of a common language, Universal and precise, this is the language dogmatic, fixed and timeless, since his task is to take the time, then comes the lack of communication and renewed the drama of the pride of Babel. In short, urge to run for cover and take note of the dramatic figure: we have lost the language to communicate the mysteries of faith, that require a lexicon precisely and accurately, which is independent of the company and the time; and this language is the language of metaphysical […]



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Years ago I spent a lot of time for reflection and study of some particular socio-ecclesial,false prophets wolves then securing in some of my books - in particular in the work And Satan came Trino - A concept on which followed always argue: the principle of reversal of good and evil that turns evil into good and good into evil, until the "natural" destruction of the concept of good and evil, in a world where the secular and ecclesial subjective consciousness is canceled and the objective consciousness - what Carl Jung would call in his own way "collective unconscious" or "collective consciousness" - is often totally annihilated. This process, which is the supreme creator the Devil, inevitably passes through the "emptying" of the words, first private content then filled the other, eg charity without truth, mercy without justice ...


Justice of God

mercy and judgment of God

When the beginning of the year 2000 I began to perceive certain forms of philanthropic gooders at the time in development and now reached the peak of real perversion, in the opening of my book published then in 2007 I wrote: "Charity without truth is lame, Truth without charity is blind. Charity welcomes the Truth to the extent that the Truth welcomes the Charity " (1). And it is the love that brings me to define our Creator God as a virile as the originating source of the concept of the manhood that takes fitness visible and tangible in the Incarnate Word, Christ the Lord, true God and true Man. All this to say that charity - at least that Christian - has nothing to do with some molasses. Love-love is a true "attribute" of God and as such is not even conceivable without the truth; in the same way in which mercy is unthinkable - at least in a Christian - without truth and justice. If, therefore, we want to reduce man to the true impotence of not be to condemn the not become, first you must empty words, alterarle and falsificarle, then deprive him of a vocabulary, then a language.


In running the last half century has been renovated within the ecclesial society what God's children have already experienced in the past, all through the same procedures and with the same consequences as the bottom end. Our modernity is in fact contained in the Old Testament story which tells of the construction of the Tower of Babel, Hebrew מגדל בבל - Migdol bavel :


Babel tower 2

Tower of Babel

The whole earth had one language and the same words. Migrated from men chanced upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said to one another: "Come on, let us make bricks and cociamoli fire ». They had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said: "come, build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make a name, lest we be scattered over all the earth ". But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said,: "There, they are one people, and they have all one language; This is the beginning of their work and now they plan to do will be impossible for them. Let us go down and confuse their language, they may not understand one another's speech ". The Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. This is why it was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth, and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon all the earth (2).


Adam and Eve


Among the many interpretations of this allegorical tale that besides the allegory contains the root of divine truth, love always prefer the image of punishment for an act of human arrogance of the man who not only tries to challenge God, but to replace God. However, the heart of the great temptation to which Adam and Eve yielded was the deception of the devil enclosed in an expression that runs through the dawn of time the history of humanity: … if you eat of this fruit of which there have been forbidden to feed yourselves, you will be like God. In this way the Tempter alters and doubts the word of God, just emptying it and turning it into another, insinuating the malevolent doubt that that prohibition is born only by jealousy of God, desirous that Adam and Eve were not like him.


In the ancient exegesis made when he still possessed and stored it carefully a vocabulary that contained within itself the real meanings of words and a common universal language, is used to make a connection between the episode of the Tower of Babel and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles at Pentecost Cenacle. Through the action of grace of the Holy Spirit to take the Apostles speak different languages ​​thus becoming understandable to people of all nations, healing the fracture originated in this way in the past in Babel.


theological disputes

theological disputes

They are the first to criticize the limits of the decadent neo-scholastic, that the authentic school is just a parody. If desired we can also to criticize scientific and relevant to certain parts of the work or to some of the same thoughts Angelic Doctor, that is dogmatic truths - in a wonderful way and so far unsurpassed - but whose thought, also not free from some human errors, is not a dogma of faith. St. Thomas Aquinas speaks of dogmas, and effectively transmits them through the meter of the best metaphysical, but the Summa Theologica is not a dogma, know it and always say the first Thomists, some even so hilarious saying that "God is not one, Trine and … tom », Although speculation of Aquinas proven for centuries for its valuable effectiveness with which guides us to penetrate the arcane mysteries of the Triune God.


Walter Kasper and Karl Lehmann

The Cardinals Walter Kasper and Karl Lehmann, disciples of the German theologian Karl Rahner

The exponents of the various theological schools have affrontanti for centuries in deep and sometimes furious theological debates, all benefiting from the legitimate right of citizenship within the Church. This occurred at various times of the long space that was the Middle Ages, still defined by certain irreducible donkeys as "era of the dark ages", an expression also adopted by certain ecclesiastics and theologians, some of them in the chair in our pontifical universities. The truth, is that in the "terrible" season "dark ages", which marked instead of the extraordinary explosion of the human intellect through the sciences, the arti, philosophy and theology, not only the comparison was possible but sought, favored and advocated; contrary to today, where above the ashes of the metaphysical language now de-constructed originated a crisis of unprecedented dogma, until the collapse in the paradox is understood in the strictest etymological sense of the Greek root of παρά [versus] e glory [opinion]. The perverse paradox today is that you can put into question the Incarnation of the Word of God, you can read in a purely allegorical resurrection of Christ, you can reduce the Holy Eucharist to mere symbolism of a joyful feast, you can scempiare the sacred liturgy according to the arbitrary action of the bohemian Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez di, You can drag within the Church African animism and Pentecostalism in North America through the devastating work of certain charismatic possessed, you can pass off the ecclesiology more ambiguous newspeak ciellino seated carrieristico of practice on the bandwagon, but you can not put into question the pernicious theories of Karl Rahner and all stars from the New Theology; of all the stars born from post erettosi council as a genuine Babel above the doctrines of Vatican II, on which we celebrated the great betrayal in a climate of brutal dictatorship that does not admit any healthy discussion. Or as said in a theological study of Southern a teacher to a seminarian: "What you think I do not care. What I want is for you to take me word for word examination Christology Walter Kasper and Karl Lehmann, if you want to pass my exam, otherwise …». And these modern “theology” Today in the chair, who have studied the patristic not on Greek texts but on summaries of handouts translated, which replaced the dogmatic talk by talking sociological; these destroyers of metaphysics and all common sense, often it is those who ironic style from the Enlightenment volteriani in the odor of Freemasonry Settecentesca on so-called "dark ages"; them who took the lamp over the table and have hidden under the bushel (3) finally delivering the Bride of Christ to a long night of darkness.


Cardinal martini

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini during a keynote

One time, one of several priests pulled up in our pretify - Those factories today deformation which are now reduced certain seminars - and bred through the best of the worst of the Protestant exegesis, baccalaureate, specialized and finally doctorate from the “rabbinical school” the Pontifical Biblical Institute without ever having touched what in philosophy and theology is truly Catholic thought, raised complaints about me, according to him guilty of criticizing the thought of “Most Holy Father of the Church” Carlo Maria Martini. The bishop of this priest kindly exhorted me to be less impetuous. I said to the bishop: "That his priest, not only flirts with anything that is not Catholic, but squints euthanasia, says so sibilino that the speech on abortion should be assessed “case by case”, that one day the Church does not consider whether women priests at least the diaconate to women, that the speech of divorced Catholics will go evaluated quickly and well. Responsible to cure a center of theological education, called to lecture leftists and ideological supporters of the culture of gender … yet has even impudennightly conversations in Jerusalemza to complain that I would have uttered a sacrilegious “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit”, ie have dared to criticize the thought of a thinker that I fear has made his soul to God in a crisis of faith. And mind you, Venerable Bishop, not fetchmo this because I dare to judge the intimate consciousness of Cardinal Martini, that only God can scrutinize and judgeKing, but because I analyzed some of his texts; and even if you want to read Nighttime conversations in Jerusalem, understand the inner drama of this man whom around theological studies Italians are dedicated lectures entitled celebrative “The word of Cardinal Martini”, all while day after day you forget more and more the Word of God, replaced with the verb of modern idols, including among them also Cardinal Martini. But this is not the problem but other: she knows that his priest critical subliminally the magistero of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, launching on both the Martinian “anathema” that the Church would be back at least 200 year old? Well mi tip: you may perhaps question the tenets of Catholic morality, criticize the teaching of the Church and of the last two Popes with modernistic haughtiness by biblical scholars pro-Protestant, and at the same time, however, be prevented from questioning, on a strictly scientific, theological and pastoral, certain statements unhappy and blatantly incorrect pronounced by Cardinal Martini?». Replied the Bishop: «Dear son, What can I do?». I replied: «Thethe place her know what to do, but the bishop is she, not me. Anyhow: the first step to solve the serious problems, is to first admit their existence, certainly not deny it ". Phi, in a very delicate, I reminded the bishop what constitutes serious and devastating lack for priests who exercise the priesthood in communion with the fullness of his priesthood and for the People of God entrusted to him, Il grave sin di dismissedone, He impotentza arising from non-action, sport now widely practiced in our increasingly episcopate reduced to a team of officials in the career that they do not want trouble, who do not like to discuss let alone are willing to call the rebellious children, However, despite being able to draw those who say the obvious: "WhatI do not pastoral "and often is not even Catholic. All with good peace of the defuntWhite-Martinior Cardinal Martini, that under the test of facts that cannot be easily denied, he spent his life to please and to be celebrated in glory by all the intellectual circles of the left, praised by strampa anti-Catholic and Masonic; all while John Paul II before, Benedict XVI after, by the same intellectual circles and by the newspapers were made literally in pieces methodically and often fierce. I repeat, these are the facts, with all due respect martinitt formed on the best of the worst of exegesis and Protestant heresies modernist now in power; and around his theological studies Italian organize seminars on “The word of Cardinal Martini”, calling often to pontificate other immacabile false prophet and bad teacher: Enzo Bianchi.


After the de-construction of the dogma erected on the detection and on the deposit of faith established by the great dogmatic councils of the Church, in its place have replaced the dogmatizations human thoughts of different Rahner, they created their first new vocabulary. Indeed, so that the coup could be really devastating, it was necessary to first establish two “myths” intangibles that could serve as neo-dogma: first of all, a new era with all the implications of the messianic event, it reads "hermeneutic of rupture and discontinuity”, namely the Church understood as an entity created by the post-Vatican II; then a new lexicon, ie all the ambiguous terminology of the new theological vocabulary rahneriano.


true and false theology

the work of Antonio Livi, True and false theology

In the work True and false theology my elder brother Antonio Livi is the phenomenon of de-dogmatization explaining with scientific rigor how metaphysics is essential for the interpretation of the dogma, as expressed in a scientific certainties of common sense. Data published at the height of his maturity philosophical and theological, this refers to the production of the French Dominican Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, in particular to his studies on common sense and to philosophy of being and dogmatic formulas, to follow the encyclical Faith and Reason of St. John Paul II, the drafting of which is not missed the contribution of Antonio Livi.


1984 George Orwell

the work of George Orwell, 1984

To poison the truth it is first necessary to poison the appropriate language to express it. So that, all these sowers of poisons and destruction that have poisoned the good theology and de-structured or destroyed the dogma, they ended up creating a language peppered their typical and specific neologisms, or how would George Orwell in his prophetic novel "1984": one Newspeak. And who does not speak Newspeak ends up being declared taboo, to quote a neologism that Freud so dear to certain theologians and ecclesiologists modernists.


When the Church waiver of a common language, Universal and precise, this is the language dogmatic, fixed and timeless, since its purpose and mission is to travel time, then comes the lack of communication and renewed the drama of the pride of Babel. In short, urge to run for cover and take note of the dramatic figure: we have lost the language to communicate the mysteries of faith, that require a lexicon precisely and accurately, which is independent of the company and the time; and this language is the language of metaphysical.


In the Church change - and must change - the accidents of language, but not the substance of the language based on the eternal unchanging. Or to put it with a courtly illustrative example: “Afterwards, ere no one who was God favellasse “. Traducento from courtly language to the current substance has: before the man spoke God already had. L ' accident - Which is the language of expression - can instead change and, without changing the substance of a single iota, Today we can safely say the same thing as saying: “Before anyone spoke God already had”.



precious chalice

Dire: “This is my body or say “Here this is my body”, it's the same thing, with all due respect to certain Lefebvrians that “they adore” plus the external accident and changing the of the Latins rather than the substance of the Eucharist which is Christ the eternal and immutable, This living and true, regardless of the external accidents which are by their very nature changing. Say instead “there, this represents my body”, would hardly be a mutation of the accident formal language but a mutation of the most delicate ontological substance, precisely linked to the ontology of divine uncreated, immutable and eternal. Hence for example the discussion on “for many” that by means of the accident language is instead now “for everyone “, thing that could open deep theological debates, but have no reason to be because Benedict XVI ordered that the correction in “for many ” in missals translated into various languages, several of which are already corrected and printed. As for me I say always “for many ” since the first Mass celebrated; and that not for abuse but for arbitrary adherent fidelity to the original texts, starting of course from those of the Gospel.



Missal of St. Pius V

Let me be clear: the Sacrifice of Christ destroys sin for the man called in its own way to contribute to this destruction to rebuild the New Adam. The Apostle Paul states with theological coherence that Christ "died for all," and that his death has destroyed sin (4). In a different but similar context, the author of the Letter to the Hebrews does not refer to “everyone”, for all, in a for many, a “a lot of”: «[…] the sins of many " (5). Exactly what pro for you and for many, that resonates in the original Latin text of the oldest Eucharistic Prayer, then translated into most of the national languages ​​by the term “for everyone”. In the original greek is used oι πολλοι, which literally means “most” but it does not mean “everyone”, term used in the Gospel of St. Mark and St. Matthew and just in the narrative of the institution of the Eucharist, in which the Evangelists do not use πάντες ἄνθρωποι [for all men]. We are then faced with a blatant inconsistency? Why the use of the term “for everyone” e “for many” almost similar in other contexts? It is not a semantic fallacy if we compare in terms escalotologico and theological “for many” e “for everyone” the mystery of the royal priesthood of Christ, that is not born with the priestly character but that assumes; and since I hired him for himself but for us, the question sounds nothing short of legitimate: Christ becomes the High Priest “for many” O “for everyone”?


Benedict XVI in the chair

from theological professorship to the Chair of Peter

There is no contradiction between the different rows above-mentioned: Christ's death, although it is sufficient for all, and although it took place for all is not effective if not for those who need to be saved because they want to be saved; equally true of the Royal Priesthood of Christ that takes effect for many who want to participate to benefit. Not everyone submit to Him in faith and works through the plan of salvation that is offered in the love and grace of the divine power; offered to all but not imposed. So is the man of freedom and free will to make effective or completely ineffective the Royal Priesthood of Christ. Therefore, transcription of “for many” derived from the greek oι πολλοι labeled “for all ", it is not at all - as Benedict XVI explained in a letter of his 2012 the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference restless - a faithful translation "but rather an interpretation" that might sound, I might add I, also not bit’ arbitrary. Benedict XVI, in his capacity as refined theologian, teaches us all thatNo theology, paying close attention to the meaning of words and their appropriate use - especially in the delicate sphere of dogmatic theology or in the specific case of sacramental dogmatics - does not mean moving on the sophisms played on matters of goat wool, but protect the truth from the danger of error making first use of the correct word, which is the Word of God, and only God's Word.


Sorcerer's Apprentice

the Dominican theologian John Cavalcoli usually defined as Karl Rahner Great Sorcerer's Apprentice

The truth is announced through words, because the Word of God himself became living word; and divine truth, to be announced and transmitted, does not require simple words appropriate, but its specific words. Who took care to study well and to fund the first major dogmatic councils celebrated during the first eight centuries of the Church's life, knows that the first problem that poses to the Fathers was first to find words adequate to express the mystery, however, that not being present in the vocabulary, were modulated by the philosophical lexicon greek. Since the sixties of the twentieth century, this “apparatus” linguistic philosophy and theology born by councils, the literature of the Fathers and speculation of the greatest doctors of the Church, was suddenly dismantled to chase after "new words", the Newspeak of Great Sorcerer's Apprentice, as he likes to indicate Karl Rahner, the Dominican Giovanni Cavalcoli, also the author of a work that constitutes a milestone in the critical thinking rahneriano [see who], given to the press after three decades of research and collecting in it too many valuable critical insights of the Servant of God Tomas Tyn, already the author at the time of a study in which he refuted the ambiguities and errors inherent in the thought of this famous German theologian.


Then taken by the euphoria of the big "update" and a "new Pentecost" misunderstood, we have lost the word eternal and immutable God and the language is appropriate and accurate through which pass, and today we trudge trying to express ourselves with a newspeak peppered with decadent German Romanticism, purpose of which is only to falsify the truth, in bad or good faith, dispersed and sometimes crazy under the shadow of the Tower of Babel which resonate the empty or dangerous than a thousand words and filosofismi sociologisms pseudo theological.


The first of which externalization public-private in externalization public-private it seems that you are showing without this metaphysical language and that is based on immutable dogma, it would seem the reigning Pontiff, while around him a nugulo of courtiers surrounding increasingly masters' according to their own whims, refusing to listen to the truth to get lost behind fables " (6).


in the beginning

prologue to the Gospel of St. John the Apostle

The last Synod of Bishops, those were the Synod Fathers able to understand and listen, or just to read - I'm not even saying to translate, but only to read - a text in Latin? Is it possible that in Rome, when in many homes priestly happens that thirty priests who speak ten different languages ​​should concelebrate the Eucharist, use English as the language, instead of Latin? Many should ask questions, while Peter, for its part, should hurry to give answers and to take serious action, instead of playing to please the media playing himself with Newspeak [see who]. What is in fact, while the burning house falls apart, water the garden of daisies that not wither with the warmth generated by the fire, ie announce a reform of the Roman Curia increasingly unlikely? Perhaps in order to please those who do not want to eat always Reform, but only the great and irrepressible desire to destroy Rome headquarters perennial of the Chair of Peter?



Songs of Advent: Creator of the stars

The authors of the Island of Patmos promote the protection of the heritage of song and of the Latin liturgy








1. CF. Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo: Herbs Amare, the century of Zionism. Rome, 2007.

1. Gen 11, 1-9.

2. CF. II Cor: 5, 15.

3. CF. Mt 5, 15.

4. CF. RM 1, 6-7.

5. CF. Letter to the Hebrews: 9, 28.

6. CF. II Tm 4, 1-8.

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

At the root of the crisis: history of missed opportunities



Pope Benedict, the acute critic of Rahner, ascended to the papacy, where he would have all the expertise, intelligence, the authority and the power to act for the solution of the grave problem, he unfortunately did nothing and probably for those few allusive interventions that did, has brought upon the ire of rahneriani, that led him to abdicate and then to give up the Petrine ministry. The encyclical Light of Faith of Pope Francis, completion of that begun by Benedict, repeats cliches and completely ignores the issue. Today the problem is therefore still open.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



you are Peter

You are Petrus …

Catholic thought is in fact and in law by the conjunction of the Magisterium of the Church with that of theologians. The guide, the authentic interpretation and the guarantee of the truth of the doctrine of the faith is chaired by the Magisterium of the Pope. Task instead of theologians is to investigate the remaining issues advancing opinions or interpretative hypotheses or proposing new solutions, in order to promote the advancement of knowledge of the Word of God, submitting to the judgment of the Church of the discoveries and new theories.


Vintage print depicting the seated of Vatican I

Il Teaching, in guarding, propose and interpret the data revealed and approve or reject the new doctrines of theologians, no mistake, as it enjoys the assistance of the Spirit of Truth promised by Christ to him until the end of the world. Instead the doctrines of theologians, especially when they fail to measure up to the Magisterium or they misunderstand the teachings, may be incorrect. But also a certain theological doctrine (theologically certain), albeit strictly deduced from principles of faith, can never claim to be considered in the Church as a truth of faith, because it is always simple human doctrine, as founded on faith. Only the Magisterium in fact it, with unerring judgment and irreformable, this grave task of determining and defining the truths of faith for Christ's mandate. However, it may happen that a new theological doctrine of interpretation or explanation of what has been revealed to be having so much importance or validity in the eyes of the Magisterium, these elevates the dignity of the dogma of the faith.

Altogether historic fact of Catholic thought therefore necessary to distinguish carefully the doctrinal pronouncements of the Magisterium in matters of faith or dogma - Pope alone or with the Council - the doctrines or opinions current among theologians, doctrines that, given their debatable and uncertainty, may legitimately be conflicting with each other, without compromising any of them necessarily in the matter of faith or sound reason. Some theories may be more conservative or traditionalist, other more innovative or progressive: anything wrong, nothing dangerous, nothing to worry about, nothing scandalous, but rather normal phenomenon, physiological and profitable, legitimate expression of freedom of thought, which results between the different currents or schools mutual enrichment, provided it does not break the fundamental unity, convergence and agreement on the essential truths and that does not come out of the bounds of true faith.

Dante heretics

Farinata all'Alighieri illustrates the condition of heretics

The regime or normal operating level ecclesial and collective thinking Catholic entails of law and fact, in history, a general agreement in principle between the positions of the Magisterium and the theologians, unless extraordinary painful and inevitable deviations, that are found in theologians rebels, usually characterizing the phenomenon or schism or heresy. This phenomenon was severe, macroscopic, widespread and impressive to say the tragic with the birth of Lutheranism. But in the history of the Church's Magisterium has always, all in all, managed to adjust, control and dominate the climate or the general situation, so as to ensure the overall team theological and faithful a certain uniformity, consistency and obedience to the Magisterium, while theologians, for their part, are always, whole, felt willingly to say proudly representatives of the Magisterium, so that the faithful who wanted to know the way of the Gospel and the Church's doctrine could always turn to the theologian, any theologian, and received from him the authoritative answer, chiara, persuasive and safe; in short, he was the trusted and authoritative guide to walk in the truth of the Gospel and be in communion with the Church. Those who wanted to leave the Church would go openly, as indeed did the same Luther - going from Rome! —, and nothing remained treacherously and hypocritically pretending to destroy it from within to continue being Catholic and maybe boldly as a Catholic “advanced”. Thus the enemies of the Church, eventually discovered by good theologians or reported by the faithful, were promptly, without endless prevarications, declared as such by ecclesiastical, so were well known, and then the faithful were also less educated way to recognize them, to guard against and to stay away, as we distinguish the good from the poisonous mushrooms.

Pio X

the Holy Pontiff Pius X

The shepherds, with their doctrine, fidelity to the Pope, prudence and love for the flock, knew unmask these impostors, these antichrists, For false Christs and false prophets, these wolves in sheep and put them up against the wall. We recall in this regard the wonderful encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis of St. Pius X. Today heretics succeed done under the nose and no one notices, no one gives thought, no one intervenes, indeed receive praise and achieved success, teaching assignments and those who dare to point out that the emperor has no clothes, is at least teased say the least.

I theology, once, as priests and religious, by virtue of their mandate ecclesiastical, were humbly and diligently aware of their mission and therefore of their grave responsibility before God, to superiors, to the Church and to the souls of their delicate office of Doctors of the Catholic truth, nor passed to anyone for the head to create doctrines subjective and arbitrary, as does the good doctor, which feels representative of medical science, and you might look good from inventing personal practices without scientific basis. Instead, unfortunately, from the years of the immediate post council began a very serious phenomenon of cleavage between the Magisterium and theologians. Many bishops, naively and enthusiastically convinced of the advent of a “New Pentecost”, relaxed their vigilance replacing the bonhomie to perspicacity, respect for human zeal brave, their own interests to defend the flock against wolves, gooders to the goodness and mercy for exchanging weakness.

Vatican Council II

un'assemblea plenary dell'assisa Vatican 2

I theology, especially those who were experts of the Council (1), their part is mounted head and, there methods protesting, began to be believed, independently and against the Magisterium, as custodians of God's Word and unappealable infallible interpreters of Holy Scripture, as well as the documents of the Second, that conversely distorted in the modernist sense. At this point we have the roots of the crisis which we suffer today. These consist in this: the subversive and revolutionary movement of theologians, The result has passed into history as “Sixty-eight of the dispute”, was traded by many in the people of God and among themselves pastors and theologians as a doctrinal revolution brought about by the same Council, which would change the data of faith until then considered immutable, especially about the superiority of Christianity over other religions, on the concept of Revelation and of the Church and about the condemnation of the heresies of the past, condemnation that would barred.

colonnade of St. Peter

clouds on the Church

In Actually the new doctrines conciliar, correctly interpreted, beyond some expression not entirely clear, were not at all a break or denial of the dogmas traditional, but on the contrary their explanation and exposition in a modern language, suitable to be understood by the man of today, neither approach the council to modernity was to be understood in the manner modernistic as uncritical subjection to modern errors, but rather to the proposal of a healthy modernization or, as was said, “updating” the thought and life of Christians, that collectsgoes to theuce the immutable word of God can be as valuable in modernity.

Instead arose two tendencies ecclesial and doctrinal who saw in the doctrines of the Council a break or change compared to the traditional doctrine and convictions of the past, inspired by a total intake of modernity: one of Lefebvre, which, on the pretext that the council are not new solemn dogmatic definitions, denied the infallibility of doctrines council accused of being infected with liberalism, Enlightenment rationalist, Indifferentism, secularism, filoprotestantesimo and anthropocentrism, all errors that had already been condemned by the Church in the nineteenth century and in previous centuries, especially the First Vatican Council and that of Trento.

Rahner smokes

the German Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner

The other stream which appeared and still appears to many with the chrism of officialdom and interpreter of’ modernization reconcile, is one that has long been called or self-proclaimed “progressive”, title seen by many as highly positive and coveted, while this current calls with contempt “conservative”, “traditionalist” O “an integrist”, or more recently “fundamentalist” the current lefevriani, in which, however, includes indiscriminately all those who do not accept his modernism. For many years this current, very strong today in the Church, mainly due to the contribution of Rahner, thrived rubbing of Mr title of progressive, reference to the value of the undoubted progress, the new and modern, but in reality for its excesses increasingly discovered and impudent, typical of those who try the false security of being in command, has increasingly revealed as modernist, and then clear falsification of the true teachings of the Second, which they promote the modern, certainly not endorse modernism, heresy already condemned by St. Pius X.

Wanting to express ourselves in the language sports, we could say that the local ecclesiastical authority and also at the top was taken “counterattack”. After the climate of dialogue and peaceful confrontation intra and Extra ecclesial created by the extraordinary charisma of St. John XXIII, it was widely spread belief in the Episcopate and in many theological circles that now no longer existed or heresies, if there theologies which marked a departure from the official doctrine of the Magisterium, it was mostly questionable doctrines or expressions of theological pluralism or maybe some attempts’ bold innovation to watch with interest and benevolence. In fact things were not nearly so. Starting from the immediate post-modernist tendency council, taking advantage dell'immeritata confidence that he learned from a cunningly tear episcopate naively optimistic, began compact and bold to come to light, secure impunity and even with the halo of progressivism, almost to implement a plan international precedent, coming particularly from the Protestant tradition, secretly developed previously.

false prophets

"Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs from thistles?” [Mt 7, 15-20]

The few that signaled the impending danger, like Maritain, the von Hildebrand, the de Lubac and Danielou, certainly not suspected of conservatism or closed to new, characters were seen as troublemakers, birds of ill omen, nostalgic Inquisition, damper that, as they say, breaking eggs in the basket. Those “doomsayers”, catastrophic and discouraging, from which St. John XXIII had ordered to shop. Yet there he realized the imprudence which had fallen, lowering his guard, as if they were missing the consequences of original sin, and now the Church and theology had started a new era of all men of good will, all intimately solicited in the preconscious (Anticipation) experience divine athematic pre-conceptual, all cristianthe anonymous yearning for God, all object of divine mercy, according to the honeyed formulas rahneriane. Born that “gooders destructive” and that false mercy recently denounced by the Pope in his address to the synod of bishops.

The Council was undoubtedly a progressive approach, in the sense of wanting to bring to the Church a new push or a new impetus to the future, using the values ​​of the modern world: the Council, rather than on the need to preserve or recover or restore lost, pointed on the duty to go ahead, to renew and advance, changing what was no longer suitable or no longer needed to the new times or the new requirements, that it was intended to prepare and meet in an eschatological horizon. No wonder, therefore,, if the current very large Fathers and experts who appeared better interpreter of the Council was the one that was agreed to call “progressive”, while those that were resistant to the new or did not understand him or too insisted sull'immutabile and tradition, they began to call them with an accent of endurance and not of admiration, “Conservatives” O “traditionalists”.

Marcel Lefebvre

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Among the latter emerged, as you know, since the early years of the post council the famous figure of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, which soon began to attract a following, up to found the equally famous Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), still exists and thrives. Monsignor Lefebvre, supporter not entirely lit the sacred tradition, that he thought the council had betrayed, along with a few others, Instead of seeing the heresies denounced by the Holy Office in the theology of the modernists, instead had the great naivety to find them just the same council, who then accused of terrible mistakes already condemned by the Popes of the nineteenth century, as liberalism, rationalism and indifferentism.

More recently, in the eighties, Romano Amerio has joined the list of alleged errors of the Council “mutation of the concept of Church”. According to his disciple Enrico Maria Radaelli, the council would instead “overturned” the church. Paul Pasqualucci, for its part, note the presence of '”anthropocentrism”. Monsignor Brunero Gherardini instead sees a contradiction in the documents of the Second Vatican with. The historian Roberto De Mattei then deny the infallibility of the doctrines of the Council under pretext that in them there is no dogma defined according to the rules set out by the First Vatican Council. All of them confuse the doctrines of the Council with the modernism born after it. It is harmful confusion which, if one part involves a straight definition of modernism according to the criteria offered by St. Pius X, other charges of modernism just that Vatican II that, on closer, it is the wise antidote with his proposal of a healthy modernity in the light of the Gospel, the doctrine of the Church and of St. Thomas Aquinas, as did, for example, Jacques Maritain.

Edward Schillebeeckx

the Dutch Dominican theologian Edward Schillebeeckx

From the first rising of lefebvrismo Paul VI took him with an attitude very severe, while remained mild and indulgent towards rahnerismo. This behavior is not fair unfortunately remained in Pontiffs following up the current. Benedict XVI tried an approach to lift the excommunication Lefebvrians with their bishops and with the famous motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. In truth the rahnerismo was felt even in the liturgy with the phenomenon of the desecration of the sacred and secularization, consequence of the false concept rahneriano priesthood and the denial of the sacrificial character of the Mass. Vice versa, theologians who identified with the current general and equivocally that “progressive”, gathered around the journal Concilium, still exists. But when it became clear the misunderstanding and appeared that some “Progressives” in fact they were modernists, then there was the separation of one from another: one part, progressives really honest and faithful to the Council and to the Church, as Ratzinger, by Balthazar, Shortcut, de Lubac and Danielou, became aware of criptomodernisti, as Küng, Rahner, Schillebeeckx, Schoonenberg and other. So it was that the true progressives separated by seconds founding the magazine Communio. As for Ratzinger, realizing the modernist tendency of Rahner, abbandono e lo lo crítico severamente in Principles of Catholic Theology (2) the 1982, a year after he was appointed Prefect of the CDF from San Giovanni Paolo II.

Alfredo Ottaviani and Karol Woytila

Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani with Cardinal Karol Wojtyla

In 1966 Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, pro-prefect of the Holy Office, now become the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, along with the Secretary, the most learned christologist Pietro Parente, letter sent un'allarmata (3) the presidents of episcopal conferences denouncing in 10 points a number of serious errors that were snaking among theologians called “Progressives”. To many this serious complaint appeared to be exaggerated or a kind of cold shower; to others, already infected by modernism, must have caused irritation and appeared to be a brake or a reactionary unbearable condemnation of the new theology promoted by the Council.

The new Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), led by Cardinal Franjo Šeper, unspoken truth proof enough energy to cope with the serious problems reported by Cardinal Ottaviani and Monsignor Parente, did then Cardinal. These, with the insight and courage that had characterized previous years, wrote in 1983 a golden book (4), that could have been the text of the papal encyclical, indicating the heresies of many theologians, as Küng, Rahner, Schillebeeckx, 3,625 seater Tata Steel, Hulsbosch and other. Unfortunately only a small part and so too bland CDF censured these authors, which in the majority could proceed unhindered to spread their errors, protected by powerful forces filoprotestanti and philo, perhaps clandestinely They penetrate the Church itself.

Tomas Tyn 2

the young Dominican theologian Tomas Tyn

Since the early years of the post council there was a host of good theologians and prelates, which is premurarono to comment on the texts of the Council in the line of the Magisterium, showing their continuity with the previous Magisterium, defending them from the accusation of modernism, and removing them from the manipulation of the modernists. Among these there were theologians and prelates Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, Jacques Maritain, Yves-Marie-Joseph Congar, Henri de Lubac, Jean Daniélou, Father Raimondo Spiazzi, John Guitton, Jean Galot, the Dominican theologians of Rome, Florence and Bologna, and Alberoni College of Piacenza to the Servant of God Father Tomas Tyn in recent years. Unfortunately, their work in the decades meritevolissima, not entirely ignored by the Holy See, was almost overwhelmed by the two opposing parties of Lefebvre and the modernists, the first with a short-sighted and obstinate attachment traditionalism exceeded, seconds, strong of success, with a gradual climb to positions of power in the Church, beginning with the win in Sixty journalists, young people, i laici, the lower clergy and religious and gradually going up to the conquest of the upper levels of the episcopate and in more recent years by penetrating in the same college of cardinals.

The disturbing signs of what we have had recently at the Synod of Bishops, so that the best part of the College of Cardinals, headed by cardinals Gerhard Ludwig Müller and Leonard Raymond Burke, has felt the urgency to intervene in defense of the Magisterium of the Church and the Pope, but it does not seem to have shown towards them sufficient gratitude for the valuable work undertaken by them.

Paul VI 2

the Blessed Pontiff Paul VI

Paul VI, which went the very serious task of enforcing the decrees of the Council, soon found herself in front of a difficult situation, that he himself, as it had to confess a decade after the Second, not included (5). Modernists Dutch, with incredible timeliness, already published in 1966, developed under the influence of Schillebeeckx, with the permission of Cardinal Bernard Jan Alfrink, the famous “Dutch Catechism”, published in Italy in 1969, that was a huge success. The Catechism, certainly not deprived of quality, but it has remained to this day the manifesto of modernist Church, contained numerous heresies and serious doctrinal deficiencies, Paul VI was compelled to correct by a special commission of cardinals in 1968. Evidently this catechism was the implementation of a great secret plan already drawn up during the years of the Second, during which many experts guidance modernist cunningly concealed and unfairly their heresies under a correct external behavior, indeed sometimes giving a contribution doctrinal commendable during the work of the Council. Their disease in them remained in incubation and then came clearly to light only since the years of the immediate post council (6). Meanwhile he was gaining more and more support the thought of Karl Rahner, which had been one of the most influential experts of the Council, adviser to Cardinal Franz König. Rahner on the principle of identity of being with being thought, that confuses being as such with the divine being.


the ancient snare pantheist

This pantheistic view the human being is reduced to the divine; the divine (the “grazia”) enters into the definition of the human, but retaining a historical aspect (“man is transcendence and history”), relativized the concept of human nature, human knowledge and the natural law, the Hegelian model, while the divine being is essentially human. Christ then is the divine summit of man and God is necessarily Christ. Hence the pantheistic confusion of grace with God, understood as constitutive of man. Every man is essentially and necessarily in grace. It can neither be bought nor lost. Sin does not take away the grace but cancels itself, because it is inconsistent. Christ saves not as redeemer (mythical concept), but as a factor of the passage of man to God and God becoming man. Faith is not doctrine or conceptual knowledge, but encounter with God, self-awareness and experience of God pre-conceptual and athematic (Anticipation). It involves on the level of a fundamental option for God, act of supreme freedom, for which everyone is saved regardless of the acts categorical, Empirical and finished, own free will, cognitive and moral, good or bad, that arise in terms of changing history and its. Hence the relativity and mutability of the dogma, inevitably uncertain and fallible, unlike the experience of faith still saving, that experience is the becoming of God in history.

Dutch catechism

one of the first prints of the Dutch Catechism, immediately translated into several languages ​​and distributed worldwide

With the emergence of these ideas Rahner, line of this Catechism Dutch, even character-Enlightenment rationalist, assumed an accent clearly pantheistic Hegel-Heidegger in “Foundations of Faith” ie Rahner, published in Germany in 1976 and in Italy in 1977. This time no commission of cardinals had the courage and wisdom to condemn this pseudo-catechism (7), worse than the previous. The modernists, become increasingly powerful, began to silence the Holy See itself. In fact, Paul VI did not take any measure. There was no authoritative refutation by some members of the Holy See or theologian in sight. Even the CDF, led by Cardinal Seper, did nothing. Rahner was too afraid. To tell the truth, the serious mistake pastoral of the Holy See was in my opinion to let prevent the Dutch Catechism, forgetting the providential and timely care of the Church of the Reformation Tridentine, which, immediately after the Council of Trent and almost as his final document and summary, published the famous and useful Catechism of Trent, which basically is still valuable.

Paul VI, in the course of his pontificate, proposed us or by themselves or through the CDF considerable body of doctrine, that in addition to developing the doctrines of the Council, also refutes the false interpretations and sentencing errors arising, but has never been able to tackle head and explicitly the problem of rahnerismo. Indeed Rahner appointed member of the International Theological Commission, from which shortly after, disappointed because you could see rejected his ideas, he came up with annoyed tone and arrogant accusing her of conservatism. Paul VI with many essays and acute interventions against secularism, the spirit of dispute, the immanentismo, the antropocentrismo, false carismatismo, Liberalism, false news, dogmatic relativism and evolutionism, the desecration of the liturgy, laxity and moral subjectivism, he shot several times towards the target, but without center it never completely, so i rahneriani, with the audacity and hypocrisy that characterizes them, have always felt safe and allowed to continue in their ideas and in their costumes.

Paul VI 3

the Blessed Pontiff Paul VI

The 1974 could perhaps be an opportunity to solve the problem of rahnerismo with good condemnation of his mistakes and the indication of the true path of renewal and progress of theology. But unfortunately Paul VI also lost this opportunity, which was given by a major conference on St. Thomas Aquinas in the seventh centenary of the death, organized by the Dominicans, which had the support of well 1500 Scholars from around the world. For this occasion clearly emerged on the world scene International Theological the great figure of the most learned and wise Father Cornelio Fabro, who elaborated (8) the design of the beautiful letter “Light Church” Pope Father Vincent de Couesnongle, Master of the Order of Preachers, dedicated to recommend, with a wealth of suitable topics, the studio, the deepening and spreading of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, as well as its use for the comparison with modern culture, in accordance with the provisions of the Second (9).

Cornelius the carpenter

theologian Stigmatine Cornelio Fabro

In the same year 1974 Fabro published The anthropological turn of Karl Rahner (10), an investigation of the roots acute epistemological and metaphysical thought of Rahner, powerful one studio, in which the theologian Stigmatine demonstrated irrefutably, texts at hand, making use of his exceptional knowledge and of St. Thomas and of German, the abominable although fascinating imposture with which Rahner, falsifying the same texts Thomistic, claimed submit Aquinas, Doctor of the church, as conforming to Hegel, whose idealism has been repeatedly condemned by the Church. What clearer tacit message sent to Paul VI of the absolute necessity not to keep your feet on two brackets, but the fact that the statement of the truth can not fail to result in the condemnation of error and in this case the clear and unequivocal statement that the renewal and progress of theology ordered by the council did not have to move from Rahner but by St. Thomas? But nothing came from Paul VI. The opposition of good theologians not discouraged. Aware of their responsibility towards the souls and loyal to their duty of fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church, continued to report dangerous errors Rahner, albeit sadly, as was to be expected, the rahnerismo not backward, and indeed strengthened to date. The history of this terrible struggle within the Church I briefly told in my book on Rahner (11), that must be updated for example with the persecution made to the Franciscans of the Immaculate, in which it is not difficult to see the revenge of rahneriani for international theological Congress antirahneriano the Franciscan 2007 (12).

election of John Paul II

first blessing Urbi et Orbi of John Paul II

With the election of St. John Paul II had the impression that the papacy was able to take the situation in hand. The Pope in 1981 replaced as head of the CDF, Cardinal Seper with the great theologian Joseph Ratzinger, and an immediate result you began to notice a more decisive stance against errors Schillebeeckx and condemnation of the errors of liberation theology. Ratzinger was able to hit some followers of Rahner, but the same Rahner, who died in 1984, remained untouched. The rich teaching of John Paul II undoubtedly corrected many errors Rahner, but he did so only allusive and generic, merely expose sound doctrine, without going into the merits of the questions accurately, how does the good doctor who takes an accurate and precise disease, in order to affix the appropriate remedy.

Large enterprise of the Pope was the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in 1992. Although this undoubtedly was indirectly a robust antidote errors Rahner, though of course he could not be appointed. Interesting how then Pope Benedict XVI pointed to the Catechism as a criterion to discern the errors of theologians. The Pope would have had two great chances to tackle head, once and for all, the vexed question and gangrenous: le due Encicliche great Splendor del 1993 e Fides et Ratio del 1998. Only in the first there is a hint to the distinction Rahner, without that Rahner is appointed, between the “transcendental” and the “categorical”, which is expressed in moral in '”fundamental option” and in the “acts categorical”. Like this, still in the years 2004-2005, the year before the death of the Pope, the struggle between rahneriani and antirahnriani revived to great: with a congress of opponents in Germany 2004 (13), which followed, almost polemical response, a conference in his favor at the Lateran University, during which the only voice that was heard in strong opposition was Monsignor Antonio Livi.


Karl Rahner, provides

Undoubtedly there is to be horrified to see the success of Rahner, if he was celebrated in the most prestigious of Roman Pontifical Universities. It is the sign of a dramatic situation, that more and more urgently asking to be healed, especially considering the disastrous consequences of the ideas of Rahner in the field of morality and ecclesial life. In this climate of heated battle and I thank the Lord I'm amazed how with the permission of my superiors, which also are grateful, I could publish my book on Rahner, which has had some success, although I refer the deaf war that rahneriani make him and the contempt of which the cover. Yet I am always here, ready to correct any errors of interpretation and reasons and listen to his defense. But no one shows up.

first blessing Urbi et Orbi by Benedict XVI

Benedict XVI, the acute critic of Rahner, ascended to the papacy, where he would have all the expertise, intelligence, the authority and the power to act for the solution of the grave problem, he unfortunately did nothing and probably for those few suggestive interventions that did, has brought upon the ire of rahneriani, that led him to abdicate and then to give up the Petrine ministry. The encyclical Light of Faith of Pope Francis, completion of that begun by Benedict, repeats cliches and completely ignores the issue. Today the problem is therefore still open. Pope Francis never speaks of Rahner. But do not believe that is the best solution. Rahner is well-known and followed. His serious errors, who continue to give, have been demonstrated for fifty years from a huge array of scholars and the Magisterium of the Church in the past fifty years, in the condemnation of many mistakes, still glimpse the shadow left of rahnerismo, not absent, for example, in the current gooder emerged even at the last synod of bishops. It is not, therefore, come the time to “put on, as they say, the tables”? Why pretend to ignore what everyone knows? There are still some stragglers self-styled progressives who have not yet figured out where it comes from evil? If it is as clear as it is clear its origin and nature, moreover, given that there are remedies, why not acknowledge it frankly a good time and decided to treat him, having regard to its harmful consequences, after a diagnosis precise and detailed? Maybe that evil shall go alone?

Fontanellato, 21 November 2014

Entrance Sunday First Advent

The authors of the Island of Patmos promote the protection of the heritage of good singing and Latin liturgical

1. It is said that Don Giuseppe Dossetti claimed that “the council had made him”. Not to mention the fire that have become part of the mainstream press on the part played by secularist Rahner at the Council.
2. German edition Erick Wewel Verlag, Munich 1982, French edition Téqui, Paris 1985.
3. Letter to the venerable prelates Conferences, in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, The documents of the Second Vatican Council from the moment of the completion of the second (1966-1985), Vatican Publishing House 1985.
4. The crisis of truth and the Second Vatican Council, Po Institute of Graphic Arts, I rovigo 1983.
5. “We expected a new spring, and came a storm”.
6. Wrong, so, those historians, as De Mattei, who argue, on line Lefebvre, that these experts would give an address at the Council modernist. E’ possible, indeed it is likely that some modernist theses have emerged during the debates, which greatly worried Paul VI, but they then disappeared at the time of the final documents. So too is the wrong interpretation of the Council given by the School of Bologna, for which it should be, in official documents, track one “spirit” l’ “event” that goes beyond the letter retrivamente conservative , and that does not consist merely in his modernist ideas. It is also wrong to see the card.Kasper in the Council of “contradictions” “unresolved tensions” between elements fissisti and traditional exceeded and”new”, evolving, that is no more than that modernism, for which he sympathizes. The valuable contribution given by the Council in collaboration with Rahner Ratzinger is illustrated by Peter Paul Saldanha in his work as Revelation “self-communication of God”, The Urbaniana University Press, Rome 2005.
7. Rahner himself did not have the nerve to call him “catechism”, but in practice it is evident that it intends to propose an initiation into the faith nonetheless affected by Gnosticism Protestant and antithetical to the Catholic.
8. Me personally communicated in confidence.
9. Oct, 16 the most serious of education, 10.
10. Rusconi editions, Milan.
11. Karl Rahner. The Second betrayed, Editions Faith&Culture, Verona 2009, II and.
12. These have been published in Karl Rahner. A critical analysis, edited by Father Serafino Lanzetta, Published By Cantagalli, Siena, 2009.
13. These have been published in Karl Rahner. Critical approximations, edited by David Berger, Publisher Franz Schmitt, victory bug 2004