Delicate but masterful groomed by the Holy Father to the German Bishops' Conference
The Holy Father has some wonderful surprises, It would be enough to just listen or read what often says, in this climate often schizophrenic in which many journalists and blogger increasingly beyond the common sense Catholic, They have decided to focus as snipers on every sigh of the Successor of Peter. And this hurts primarily to them and to their souls, then the Church built by Christ on the rock of Peter.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and President of the German Bishops' Conference during the greeting addressed to the Holy Father during the visit at the threshold of the apostles [Photo, the Osservatore Romano]
The 28 October I wrote an article in which I commented on it standard new episcopal appointments, manifesting in it concern. More that the provocative title was dramatic: «Are buggerando the Holy Father: We protect Peter! The worst ocelots quick-change artists are coming in pauperistica glory to the episcopate» [see WHO]. Previously I had written another the 30 July entitled: «Bishops, fashions and advice for new careerists: be poor, sloppy and peripheral existential» [see WHO]. Even before the 18 May another titled: «Christ doesn't take ruffians and courtiers, in fact there calls “servos” ma “Amici“» [see WHO].
Lamenting that in Italy They were electing dioceses, so often uncritically through choices are not always happy, Bishops from “existential suburbs” true or presumed, At the end of the long article 28 October lifted a specific question:
[…] Is finally wonder If the Church's children are Italian, as such, children of a Lesser God. For example, compared to the Germans. Come May, in Germany, contrary to what is happening in Italy, It is not enforced and multiplied certain types corresponding to those bishops' pastoral criteria "amiably" imposed "by the Holy Father Francis? And if we talk of spirit or even more princely feudal spirit, despite all their romanofobo progressivism applicable, we all know what the Germans by far exceed in what Italians; not discussed even in the discourse of shameless wealth of the German Church, or tax revenue that benefits, by comparison with which the Eight Thousand Italian is little more than a mite.
Perhaps the Germans They are regarded by the psychology of man Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio of the children of a greater god, because no one is even crossed my mind to impose a diocese in Germany a pastor from the "suburbs existential" who has spent his ministry, for real or fake, to serve meals to immigrants, or to do pastoral work of evangelization among prostitutes in Hamburg. And indeed, German bishops still they continue to have business cards that open into four sections to contain within them all the academic specialist, doctorates, the long line of master postdoctoral, their scientific publications and so on […] [full article WHO]

members of the German Bishops' Conference with the Holy Father during the visit at the threshold of the apostles [Photo, The Osservatore Romano]
Precisely because of what I wrote in this article I must point out with great pleasure that the Holy Father Francis, with an iron fist covered with a velvet glove, today addressed decisively and with nothing to spare members of the German Bishops' Conference visit at the threshold of the apostles.
This is to reiterate that the Holy Father has some wonderful surprises, enough to hear or read what often says, in this climate often schizophrenic where many journalists and blogger increasingly beyond common sense of every Catholic, They have decided to focus as snipers on every sigh of the Successor of Peter. And this hurts primarily to them and to their souls, then the Church built by Christ on the rock of Peter [cf. Mt 16, 13-20].
Click below to open the text of the speech
Rev. Dad,
in the days of the Synod, while being held up as a “ferocious conservative conspirator”, before being replaced in the chair by a bishop “According to the new criteria” :
An exemplary shepherd, humble servant, an eloquent gesture much more than many words.
Except for the usual ones “snipers” that, making themselves strong with an authority that they do not have and with a doctrine that they do not possess, because otherwise they would not attack the Pope of the Catholic Church so lightly, one wonders if this same rampant pride will not pose problems even in the reception by the German Clergy of the Pope's clear message. I hope they don't want to continue as if nothing had happened, which could very well happen. For snipers from the “I know everything”, add, it would be nice if instead of criticizing everything and always keeping silent about things well said, like good devils, they made an act of humility giving space to the Pope's sound magisterium, perhaps even with applause, chiedo troppo?