Lectio on tradition at the Franciscans of the Immaculate ’ held by Ariel's. Levi di Gualdo



«The Tradition, between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith» was the ’ topic by his father Ariel during a Conference split into two lessons.


Author Drafting of the Island of Patmos

Dell’Patmos Island



Franciscans of the immaculate 1

Franciscan friars of the Immaculate ’ with the Holy Father Francis

The 2 May, Ariel S. Levi of Gualdo held in Rome a Lectio on tradition at the Franciscans of the Immaculate ’, published in its entirety on channel YouTube Dell’Patmos Island.

Renewing hopes d ’ all grace of the Lord into this young and precious religious family, the fathers of’Patmos Island Thank you Between Carlo for shooting video and Jorge, collaborator of Father Ariel, for mounting the movie.


Youtube channel of’Patmos Island


Ariel video 1 ok

Ariel video 2 ok

4 replies
  1. Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
    Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

    Actually, they wanted me at the last consistory, Cardinal, but unfortunately the Archbishop of Agrigento, Francesco Montenegro, and the Bishop of the island of Tonga, Soane Patita Paini Mafi, They stole my place, because they are much smarter than me.
    I'm not disappointed, Indeed I have taken sportingly and I thanked God from the bottom of my heart for keeping me out of the current College of Cardinals.

  2. Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
    Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

    Dear Brother,

    comments like this your, that for me I would never dare not to publish, would require first name and surname, What virile sign of taking responsibility for what you said, because in the absence of priests manhood, You can not talk nor humility nor of prudence, but stizzosi to launch specialized clerical il sasso in the dark and then withdraw your hand.

    I turned to a theological criticism venerable elder brother with all due respect and in the legitimate exercise of the freedom of God's children.

    Having said that I add, Indeed, I urge you to give in Mons. Brunero Gherardini this series of questions:

    1. When you came in last in a confessional?
    2. How much are people who follow through spiritual direction?
    3. When was the last time you took Communion at a sick?
    4. When was the last time you administered the sacrament of the anointing of the sick?
    5. How many fathers, fired and were in their 50s without job and serious difficulties in to face his wife and children, you've offered words of comfort?
    6. How did you convince a girl 22 year old, pregnant after a relationship with a casual friend to do not abort?
    7. How so, What arguments and after how long talks, you managed to convince a 30-year-old priest catapulted from dreamworld to reality seminar and ecclesiastical church is anything but happy, not to abandon the priesthood?

    I could follow along with many other questions, but here I stop, After having expressed, through them, the kind of Pastoral Ministry that I do daily, next to all and first of all, While amusing myself for theological issues approndire, Church history and dogmatic.

    Mons. Gherardini is the classic, PIO and lovable “academic trombone” that speaks of a pastoral care and pastoral that alas does not and has not ever exercised in practice, so that in fact does not know. E’ a sacred monster of Ecclesiology, but a one-armed Monster, as an academic clinical surgery who speaks and meticulously explains intervention technique, without ever being entered in an operating room, having grasped the scalpel, have dirtied his hands covered by mittens in blood of patients and so forth.

    Mons. Gherardini, man of extraordinary kindness and equally profound science, in his lectures he slides on huge banana peels non-concrete-pastoral knowledge, finishing in this regard to talk about a whole academic pastoral, intellectual and empirical analysis. From this comes his dramatic understanding of pain “tremebonda” pastorality of Vatican II, in which crashed and took the bait as a Pike in curve that great Father Serafino boy Lanzetta FI.

    You can not get lost in the clouds of the heavenly Jerusalem forgetting so dangerous the earthly Jerusalem.

    Mons. Gherardini has produced little damage not – see note Lanzetta and various other – because he misused his knowledge and intelligence, sowing doubts insani on pastoral care and pastoral dimension of Vatican II and thus creating dangerous ambiguities; This is what I think and this is what I believe in my right to express without injuring the person concerned degnissima, which goes for priests and age for Science my devotion.

    My two conferences are full of questions to which the exponents of this thought playing on questions of futile and questionando on “little word” they say wrong, they never gave up and they will not be answered, for instance:
    «If in the early sixties there was this great Council, What would be the State of the Church, If it, in full revolution of thought and social custom, It was projected in the early 1970s with a pastoral style of language that a completely transformed society was not longer able to transpose, In addition to understand?».

    As for my Bishop, I'm the first one to suggest to report to its attention myself its so little and humble priest so unwise. Because my Bishop, before becoming the, for forty years he was parish priest in contact daily with the pastoral reality; and at the moment is loved by his priests and his faithful. The same cannot be said of many of his confreres “professoroni” risen years ago to the degree of the episcopate without sacramental pastoral experience. How many bishops were in fact granted only as last “deserved” … “career shot”! Bishops who have sown real disasters in their dioceses, alienating the affection and esteem their priests. Because in my opinion, a Bishop for life made a Pontifical University Professor, limited for years to celebrate mass in a chapel of the sisters, in front of an old country priest who for fifty years parish priest did you should put on your knees and learn the ABCs of what ever learned.
    And as a priest and theologian, I tell you in good conscience that the Christian sentiment, the people of God, was not saved at all by “trombones” Theological Academy, but by an army of anonymous campaign treated, for generations and generations of priests of the countryside they knew more or less well Latin and that with four rudiments of the Catechism of the Catholic Church well learned in Seminary, they kept the faith alive in believers of Christ.

    I am a theologian because first and foremost and ahead of everything are a priest understands that, to make the theologians, you do not need to be priests and that, the priest, is first and foremost a priest, that is, a pastor with the care of souls. And having never had crickets for head, the priest I always have in the most humble and often most forgotten, I feel comfortable dressed in black and I never dreamed of garish reds.

    If you happen to pull Mons. Gherardini, be gentle, remind him to my name, What is a pastor, and as a result the concept of pastoral care.


  3. father ariel
    Don Luciano says:

    In the certainty that will not publish this comment, I wonder and I ask her, father ariel, how it could allow the second part of his talk of critical attack similar to a sacred monster of Ecclesiology as Brunero Gherardini? If I were her Bishop, perhaps, the order would recall, and maybe, I would force the us to meditate on humility, and forget about prudence, forget it …

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