The alloys are not Gay freedom and progress but emblem of a society old and decaying


[…] in Greek society not yet slipped into decadence which marked the end, homosexuality was a phase that marked a transition between the age of development, adolescence and youth, was not considered a permanent state; and in certain places and conditions stood in the training plans of the teacher-pupil relationship […] was practiced with discretion and not at all ostentatious with pride today narrated by Gay Alloys, that in addition to scientific textbooks seem to want to rewrite those of classical literature. The ostentation born in society Hellenic and Roman maximum peak of decadence, when in the normal social order are placed pedophilia, the Barley, propitiatory sex with animals, the virgin daughters started by his father and mothers who Pompeian svezzavano teenage children.

Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Many magazines on-line Catholics tend to treat the theme dell'omosessualismo and culture gender in purely political terms, throwing everything in politics, which sometimes are even some bishops. Here then is the doctrine and pastoral care is no longer the real object and the center of their speeches,Levi anything becomes a pretext to support political ideas more or less subjective. While some issues for us are not alarming stage for political clashes or pretexts for political or worse to sneak into the policy mix and handle in her cauldron. The land of the good fight, for us, should gamble everything on the metaphysical plane and on the ethics, morals and the protection of the Christian conscience objective, then the recognition of conscientious objection to certain laws in open contrast with what for us Catholics is intangible and unalterable divine right. This is the reason why I say that certain tragedies of contemporary society should not mutate certain Catholics, worse for certain bishops, a pretext for pure politics, in order not to fulfill their natural task: do pastoral and social doctrine of the Church, spend more time, as bishops, to train their clergy, to listen to the priests, to look after the portion of the People of God entrusted to them, instead of fiddling with politicians, politicians and journalists under the pretext of "good battles" that conceal often only forms of episcopal egocentricity.

Do not ever re-read my books published, joints practices to the press after years of reading and revisions. These days, however, have fallen back on some of my pages written between 2008 and the 2009, then published later in my book published in 2011: And Satan came Trino.

Let me suggest to readers an excerpt from my work in which I analyzed and talked, years before certain events and laws, the dangerous power of the lobby gay. Of the Lobbyes that today have found a natural “den of vipers” poisonous and aggressive in the Parliament in Strasbourg, and who are trying to establish a real dictatorship of gender shots of unfair laws and morally unacceptable in all respects human and Christian.

To read part comes from this work, click below


card. Ratzinger

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The precise boundaries of infallibility: the Supreme Pontiff as a private doctor








A delicate problem is given by the conditions for which the Pope can enter the industry without being infallible doctrinal. It is then the case in which he expresses himself as a private doctor or as simple theologian. Here he can not avail themselves of the charism of Peter, but what he says depends only on its human wisdom, although founded on faith. In this field he can formulate opinions or reach scientific certainty, but it can also err, is intende, theologically, but not in faith, because it is protected by the charisma of Peter.


Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP

statue of Peter

Archbasilica Papale di San Pietro: the statue dedicated to the Prince of the Apostles

On the importance and meaning to be given to interventions, to the teachings, the claims and statements of the Supreme Pontiff Francis, you give today considerable dissension in the Catholic or non-Catholics among themselves which, as is known, are frequent and very diverse in form and content, addressed to the public and individuals more different, Catholics and non-Catholics, making use of the media more diverse, fruits of modern technology, unusual compared to the uses of previous Popes.

Many enthusiasts of Pope Francis, take everything he says with fanaticism or pretend membership, without critical scrutiny, only to do as they like or exploiting what he says the use of dolphins, especially if it satisfies their cravings and their ambitions. Others, attached to the style of previous Popes, follow or, you could say, pedinano step behind him every day up with sharp-eyed gaze and gunpoint, suspected he was an invalid Pope, to catch him at his word before unusual, seeing in it dull dark plots Masonic conspiracy or secret heresies Lutheran, ideas still suffering from that Council criptoereticale this was to say to them that the Second Vatican Council. They ignore that, as I will mention later, the Pope does not teach the truth of faith, or, how do you say, it is not “infallible” or only when it proclaims solemnly defines or by itself or through a council a new dogma, ma, albeit at lower grades and less authoritative, whenever he instructs us as teacher of the faith.

The essential condition for the value of these lower levels is that the Pope teaches the Word of God, the doctrine and the mystery of Christ and the Church, the data revealed (Scripture and Tradition), the sacraments, Christian virtues, the way of the Gospel and salvation, truths or dogmas of faith, the articles of the Creed, you express how you want to express, does not care. It does not affect either the circumstances, the manner and the means of these communications, from the encyclical, the pastoral letter, al motu proprio, at the general audience, the homily of the Mass, to speech, the journalistic interview or phone call. The important thing is that it is these materials, directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly.

papa laughs

The Supreme Pontiff Francis, film footage

A sensitive issue, and is the subject of this article, is given by the conditions for which the Pope can enter the industry without being infallible doctrinal. It is then the case in which he expresses himself as a private doctor or as simple theologian. Here he can not avail themselves of the charism of Peter, but what he says depends only on its human wisdom, although founded on faith. In this field he can formulate opinions or reach scientific certainty, but it can also err, is intende, theologically, but not in faith, because it is protected by the charisma of Peter.
In the past, the Popes have left us documents that were not an expression of the charism of Peter. If before climbing became Pope Pius II, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, like other popes, had published their writings, once elected Popes their teaching was not usually that expression of their office to the Successors of Peter and teachers of the faith. They wanted to erase the human aspect of their thinking and not be anything but tramiti of Gospel.
This enclose all its activities of thought and teaching within the limits of officialdom was probably motivated by the fear of the past Popes in the manifestation of their personal ideas could be exchanged for papal teaching, thing to the truth may actually happen in believers not sufficiently prepared to distinguish theological thought and teaching of faith, ie the Pope Francis.


The Holy Father Francis in one of his spontaneous informal greetings

Otherwise instead, with the last century, namely with St. John Paul II, begins with the use of the Pope is not limited to his papal office, but also produces literary or theological in a purely human. From this point of view is remarkable is the Christological trilogy of Benedict XVI, about which he himself invited scholars to discuss with him. A clear sign that he did not intend to show up with these writings as universal doctor and infallible faith, but also simply and modestly, as theologian among theologians, although he is great theologian.
I believe that this change in the activity Intellectual Popes was motivated by the fact that today the Catholic cultural education is more capable of a time to clarify the common faithful the difference between the Pope as the Pope and the Pope as a private doctor, However, although the current Pope, with the variety and the unusual appearance of his numerous and frequent, seriously put to the test those who want to distinguish him Simone - namely Jorge Mario Bergoglio - manifesting their ideas sometimes questionable, by Peter infallible teacher of the faith.

Pope Francis arrived in Brazil

The Pope Francis during an informal interview with a Brazilian journalist

Today is more than ever urgent problem of how we can distinguish with certainty, adequate and clear teaching of a Pope as Pope from a speech or written theological or literary occasional, impromptu or extemporaneous. The distinction is very important, as it is clear that while the word of Peter is always true and binding, what he thinks or says Simone, ie man Bergoglio, although always worthy of respect, it is said that it is always indisputable, unique and necessary for salvation. To about, we can respond first that the Pope himself is careful Francesco usually let us understand manifesting his intentions and depending on the circumstances. Since its ordinary office is Petrine, ordinarily we have to think that what he expresses is manifestation of that office, especially when it comes to those matters of faith to which I alluded above. But the level of authority of his teaching we can deduce from its own content and the manner of expressing them. There are in fact known to theological doctrines and not magisterial, doctrines that, if we find on the mouth or in the writings of the Pope, it will be obvious that express his thought simply as a private doctor.

Pope phones

The Pope Francis at a time with informal youth

We for example that the Pope gave Mary the title of “Redemptrix” or that would support with St. Augustine that damned outnumbers the beati or the Shroud is truly the imprint of the body of Christ or the Virgin Mary appears really to Medjugorje or that Judas is in hell or the resurrection there will be animals or that the angels have been subjected by God at the beginning of the world to a loyalty test or the transfer of Jews from the Red Sea was simply a miraculous phenomenon favourable tide or that Adam and Eve expelled from paradise had a Simian appearance or even embryos are baptized to Christ or that there were things that Christ did not know or that the Antichrist is a single person or two “witnesses” Revelation speaks of them are the Saints Peter and Paul, and so on. All these assumptions are clearly compatible with the data of faith. It is certainly respectable doctrines and probable, but which do not correspond in themselves to real truth of faith, because you can not find them directly neither in Scripture nor in Tradition. The sources of Revelation could endorse but also not endorse. Currently it is not possible to know for sure and that is why the papal Magisterium as such is not pronounced.

Pope passport

In the month of February 2014 the Holy Father Francis wanted to formally renew the passport of the Republic of Argentina under the name of Jorge Mario Bergoglio

These doctrines, however, thanks to a further theological study, could buy a tomorrow such a degree of probability, certainty as to become. Because of this, it is entirely legitimate to support them with all due modesty, and it is equally legitimate to disagree with them with due prudence, waiting for a possible clarification. In this case, the debate and the confrontation between opposing opinions, conducted with mutual respect and with scientific methods, helps to discover the truth, But maybe that will never be discovered until the Parousia.
It can indeed happen that a theological thesis is well demonstrated so well accepted by the Church, enough to rise to the level of dogma of faith defined, as was the case for the thesis Thomistic soul only the form of the body in the Council of the Viennes 1312 or immortality of the soul in the Fifth Lateran Council of 1513.
Nothing and no one will restrict the Pope, as a private doctor, to fit into this research and participate in the discussion with other theologians on an equal footing and in his peril, advancing his own way of seeing things and letting contest if its arguments prove to be wrong or questionable.
It may also happen that his opinion becomes particularly authoritative and persuasive among theologians, but opinion remains; whereby, though expressed by Pope, absolutely can not rise to the level of official papal teaching and infallible, Whether dogma defined or undefined.

Pope clown nose

The Pope Francis at a time informal in Piazza San Pietro with a married couple

Note that throughout history the faithful have always gone subject to a double risk to the ideas expressed by the Pope. Or that of understating and diminish or restrict the authority, under various pretexts, or on the contrary the risk of that fanaticism and the subjection supine, indiscreet, dimly lit and also affected, that takes as indisputable also the positions of the Pope as a private doctor.
Among the first to recent times there are those that restrict the notes infallibility of papal teaching the very special and very rare conditions laid down by the First Vatican Council, waves feel authorized to deny the infallibility and then at least to suspect forgery or falsification of the doctrines of Vatican II, that would be only their second “pastoral”, as well as all the teachings and actions of the post-conciliar Popes at any level or in any form, not clearly marked by the characteristics.
They believe in the immutability of the dogma; but as the infallibility of the Pope and the Council, reject the aforementioned Instruction of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, addition to the Apostolic Letter To protect the faith of St. John Paul II of 1998, in which you teach, stating the doctrine of Vatican I, that the Magisterium of the Church (Pope or Council), below infallibility outstanding and solemnly defined, is expressed according to two other lower grades of authority, about which the Catholic Church says it is certain that the true authentically, definitely, irreformabilmente and immutably. Now, the level of authority of the conciliar doctrine and teaching of the Popes subsequent to the current, belongs to one of these two levels.

General audience in Saint Peter's Square

The Pope Francis during an informal moment in St. Peter's Square

Others, is a case of our time, infected gnoseologies relativist, soggettiviste the evoluzioniste, do not believe in the infallibility of the Pope, whereby, if they think that the Pope is in conflict or break with traditional doctrines previously defined or, and the new, as well as the means, to their liking, no qualms to enhance a Pope Francis, which eventually updated, a pope “revolutionary”, which eventually embraced “modernity”, a Pope who knows “converse” with all.
From these facts we understand how easy it is for the faithful and it is also possible for a theologian imprudent, this is a conservative or a liberal, Judging is not based on objective criteria, but with your taste, for you deny the infallibility or the truth to papal doctrines that do not like, although absolutely true; and conversely are considered indisputable or “Advanced” or even “Revolutionary” ideas of the Pope, fraintese e times digerite, that the Pope expressed maybe by the way and without the intention to teach the truths of faith or just to express an opinion or a personal impression.

These, the reader will have already realized that they are the modernists, in reality, soaked historicism, do not believe in the infallibility papal, because they do not believe the immutability of truth. But that does not stop them as they were to make an absolute dogma certain statements of Pope purely contingent and occasional, however, interpreted as if the Pope would give space to the modernist ideas.
In fact, the historicist, as for example the Hegelian, believes in his own way in the absolute, just that for him the absolute non transcends history in metaphysical un'immutabilità, but it is nothing but the absolutization of the historical event that interests him. So for example, for the School of Bologna, the doctrines of the Council do not refer to anything immutable and supra, but represent the epochal event, revolutionary, eschatological and prophetic of the present time. In this sense, for the historicist, the Absolute itself becomes with the historical development. Nothing remains, nothing remains, but everything evolves in history, as history and as Absolute in history. No story without Absolute, but also nothing Absolute no history.

Pope kisses the hand

The Pope Francis during a spontaneous gesture toward a group of elderly Jewish survivors from the death camps

Modernists have no respect for the Pope as teacher of the faith, that tend to solve all his teachings in simple theological opinions, they then allow time to accommodate, now to challenge, how they like it, as if they were those of any other theologian. And that is because, as already pointed out sharply in the St. Pius X Pascendi Dominici Gregis, they are gods “phenomenists”, which replace the appearance being, what seems to what is. For them no harm then certainties objective, universal and immutable, but everything is debatable, changeable dependent on time, from places and points of view.
Modernists pretend disciples and admirers of the Pope for some of his sentence or gesture that would seem to meet them. And unfortunately, the Pope does not currently seem to do much to dispel this interpretation and take the distances from these false friends. But the misunderstanding can not last forever. Soon the Pope, tired of their approaches increasingly prying, will speak in a voice frank and clear. There is a fear that at this point they pretended admiration will be turned into hatred. This about-face of the rest will be in line with their own moral principles chameleon. It is the idea that the Pope could run danger to his own life. Like this, apparently, succeeded in killing pain Pope John Paul I.
If it instead of other topics, practical or moral, starting with the most important acts of the papal government, liturgical directives, the provisions pastoral, legal, administrative or disciplinary, Here the Pope is fallible and may even fail to virtue, of courage, charity and prudence. But it is always a duty, if it is deemed useful or necessary, play a critical polite, modest and respectful, as children to a father.

Pope maradona

The Pope Francis during an informal greeting to golden boy Diego Armando Maradona

We observe at this point that, as it emerges from the ducts studies Antonio Livi to which reference, theology is a science, as such, accompanies opinion. Because of this, the Pope as a private doctor, can reach conclusions theological scientific, that is proven and demonstrated, as may be limited to the field dell'opinabile, the likely, of the hypothetical, of the uncertain.
Science gives us the evidence mediated, riconducile to the first principles of reason, common sense or faith; irrefutably shows us what is true. The opinion, instead, without being able to redo those principles, but based only on appearance (glory, Doxa), advancing arguments likely or, Phys, “dialectical”, namely that further research is necessary to check with. In fact, they have only the appearance of the true and therefore the opinion does not reach certain conclusions, but only probable.
Science is the appearance or manifestation (ϕαινόμενον fainòmenon) mediated the true. The opinion (glory) instead it gives what seems true (it seems). For further inquiry you can discover or that it is true or it is false. The opinion apparently stops. Only science makes us distinguish with certainty the true from the false.

dad orangeade

The Pope Francis greets the Queen Ranja of Jordan during an official meeting

Science is a, or because something is or is not; can not coexist two sciences opposed about the same thing. The views however are many and can legitimately coexist and oppose each other, because from opposition is supposed not to know what is the real one, but both have the appearance of truth.
By principles of faith is possible to obtain the opinion in theology or science: opinion, if the theologian can not make a rigorous deduction; the scientific conclusion, instead, if he can make that deduction. A theologian Pope can be in one as in the other direction. The infallibility of his charisma as a teacher of faith helps him for nothing in these investigations and in these conclusions, remittances that are totally contrary to his human wisdom, his scientific and logical rigor of his method.

Petrus grave in St Peter's in Rome

Archbasilica Papale di San Pietro: the Tomb of the Prince of the Apostles under the Altar of the Confession

Pope Francis is not an academic theologian, as it was Benedict XVI, he left us as a private theologian precious books of Christology, to which I have already mentioned. Pope Francis instead is a theologian kerygmatic, a tireless preacher of the God Incarnate, Jesus Christ and his Spirit, feeding his intellectual life, his heart, his passion of an apostle and pastor, prosthesis to salvation of all men. He reminds me of my Founder Order, St. Dominic of Guzman, of which it was said that “or talking to God or God”.
Also for Pope Francis, as for the previous Popes, must be able to discern the time of his personal approach to Christ, his theological sensitivity, his private devotion, his particular human point of view - which we may or may not accept, we will be able to discuss or deepen freely of our choice - from the teacher of the faith, by the pastor and doctor of the Church Universal, by the Vicar of Christ, Peter's Successor, Witness to the Word of God, of Scripture and Tradition, that infallibly assisted by the Holy Spirit, preaches officially and publicly for Christ's mandate calling all men to salvation.

Fontanellato, 23 November 2014








Cardinal georgeAfter a couple of days of publication of this article of Father John Cavalcoli, was published an interview with Cardinal Francis George, Metropolitan Archbishop of Chicago, recently stepped down as chair of the archdiocese for serious health reasons; the cardinal, ill with cancer, is in fact to live the culminating phase of his illness.

The full original article is available WHO

Below,, comes from the famous blog by Sandro Magister, the Italian translation of the interview of the Cardinal that we felt should be included in the appendix to this our article.

di Francis George, omi

I can understand the anxiety of some people. At first glance not close, you may seem that Francis questions the doctrinal statements. But if you look back, especially when you listen to his homilies, see that it is not so. Very often, when he says certain things, its intention is to enter the pastoral context of someone who is taken, as it were, in a trap. Perhaps this expresses his sympathy in a way that causes people to wonder if he still supports the doctrine. I have no reason to believe it does,. […]

This raises the question: Francis does not explain why these things himself? Why is it necessary that the apologists to bear the weight of having to do every time a good face? He realizes the consequences of some of his statements, or even of some of its actions? He realizes the repercussions? Maybe not. I do not know if he is aware of all the consequences of his words and gestures of those who raise such doubts in people's minds.

This is one of the things I'd like to have the opportunity to ask, if I happen to be there for him: “Do you realize what just happened with that phrase 'Who am I to judge?’, of how it was used and abused?”. It was really abused, because he was talking about the situation of someone who had already asked for mercy and received absolution, someone he knew well. It's a completely different thing from talking to someone who claims to be approved without asking forgiveness. You constantly abused, that sentence.

Raised expectations around him that he can not possibly meet. This is what worries me. At a certain point, those who have painted him as a pawn in their scenarios on the changes in the Church will find that he is not what we believe. That does not go in that direction. And then maybe you will become the target not only of a disappointment, but also an opposition that could be detrimental to the effectiveness of his teaching. […]

Personally, I find it interesting that this pope cites that novel: “Master of the World”. It's something that I would like to ask: “How do you put together what she does with what she says is the hermeneutic interpretation of his ministry, that is, this eschatological vision that the Antichrist is among us? Is that what you think?”. I'd like to ask this question to the Holy Father. In a sense, This could perhaps explain why he seems to have such a hurry. […] What do you think the Pope about the end of time? […]

I do not know him well before his election. I knew him through the Brazilian bishops, who knew him more, and to them I asked many questions. […] Have not visited him since he was elected. […] Pope Francis did not know enough. Certainly respect him as pope, but I still lack an understanding of what it intends to do.

translation by Sandro Magister [see who]

Fire brigade service. The Holy Father Francis and the new media fire: offerings to the priests



[…] to all the many priests with the function of pastors who live certain situations of economic hardship, I would like to launch both an idea and a summons: when you get an electric bill or gas that you can not pay, send it to House of Santa Marta, addressed directly to His Holiness Pope Francis, Vatican CITY, accompanied by this note: "We are the priests of the poor Church for the poor and do not have the money to pay the electricity bill and gas of the parish church, so forgive the payment directly to the Apostolic See ".


Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


firefighters Vatican logo

emblem of the Fire Department of the Vatican City

In his homily, the Holy Father said morning: "How many times we see that entering a church still today there is no price list: for baptism, the blessing, intentions for commissioning. And the people are shocked ».


Those who want to read the whole report can connect directly to the site of The Republic [see who] now become official organ of the Holy See, not least to get a taste of how certain things end up then reported in the mainstream press.


It seems that the Holy Father tent at a certain bias that causes him to see things from the right but not the left. Add to this than just the 'audience tends to decline, the Holy Father comes up with some catchy phrase that immediately around the world; and for days guaranteed the headlines, that his words expressed often with a lack of clarity come to practice what they want and with all the possible benefit of inventory, especially when the Pope says holy things and right, but however expressed in the wrong way, thus creating many problems of communication and reception of its own message, because the media end up making him say what he did not even have thought.


Vatican fire brigade 3

The Fire Department of the State of Vatican City are equipped with the chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel before the conclave of cardinals

Since this can not be accidental, one wonders: who is the director of certain advertising strategies, because of these it is?

And "fire" today that you "shoot" tomorrow, if you do not shoot the most Sorting effect in the media addicted to all the worst drugs, so as to require increasing doses of narcotics increasingly powerful, what we need to prepare?


The Holy Father said the right thing But given the wrong way, aiming once again look right without the slightest grasp all the implications that are left. Just like that famous "Who am I to judge?»Left trunk in half, through which we could see for the first time in history the exaltation of a pope on the covers of gay magazines around the world, while priests and theologians, soon forced to immerse themselves in the role of firefighters, explaining what is right, the Holy Father meant by that phrase; and explaining that not only the devout faithful, but above all an army of arrogant and aggressive impenitent sodomites are very proud to be such, that on that sentence badly understood there were lessons to make new ecclesiology and Catholic morality [just one example among many, who] And we explained, the whole, procacciandoci in response to the jeers of the secularists and verbal certain intransigent Catholics or assumed that instead accused us of "climb on the mirrors', "defending the indefensible" or play "sophistry".


firefighters Vatican 5

Firemen of the State of Vatican City

This new papal sports to take it regularly with the priests, long stride with the fact that then, at the same time, he starts without hesitation from Rome to go to Caserta to embrace heretics Pentecostal, however worthy the progressive emptying of the Catholic churches in the countries of Latin America, where in some regions, Argentina included, there were declines of believers that reach the percentage of 30% …
... I would want to say gravely that this almost cries vengeance to God, especially if we consider that the ferry boat of Peter the Roman Pontiff, the Bishop of Rome needs us bad priests, Dirty and Bad, not sure of the Pentecostal pastors to which the course is open embrace and smiling with the smile on his face, Taking apart among other things entirely on the fact that the members of this sect are extraordinary agent of money and gullible rich by plucking turkeys as Americans before the big Thanksgiving.


I do not know what kind of angelic faithful, the Holy Father has had to deal pastorally first as a priest and then as bishop; I assume that it had something to do with those of Terrestrial Jerusalem, but rather with those of the Heavenly Jerusalem, where there is no need for bread, because in it live only in the spirit of beatific contemplation of the eternal glory of God.


I instead I have always played the sacred ministry with men and women of Terrestrial Jerusalem, I found the face of such forms of ingratitude and insensitivity to the figure of the priest bless God for giving me this day filled with the necessary gifts of grace whereby, if I have to run, I do it mostly for the ungrateful prodigal, misers, selfish ... that after the priest squeezed like a lemon I throw away the peel, because as we learn from the Lord: «It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick; I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners " [MC 2, 17]. And for a pastor in the care of souls, groped to treat certain patients often leads to pain, bitterness and disappointments that leave marks on him like sometimes painful burn marks, because there are few patients who refuse medical care and any, or exploiting the doctor only when they need.


Vatican Fire Brigade 2

half of the Fire Department of the State of Vatican City

I spent hours listening to and pick up from the ground in pieces wives humiliated and abandoned husbands in the way of facts that sixty dime took off with the secretary of twenty-five; to collect the tears of parents with children unmanageable dedicated to the worst vices; to comfort families affected by the serious illness of a close relative, and to visit and comfort the sick in the hospital periodically. I made a few hundred kilometers to go and visit some lifer in a maximum security prison, after having spent time and energy to ask permission to visit the supervising judge, not being chaplain of the prison and not having so by law right of access. I spent days and days in the preparation of certain homilies and catechesis for the comfort and edification of God's people. I got out of bed at night to bring the sacraments to a dying, I drove fifty kilometers outward and fifty kilometers back to go to celebrate a Mass - without any good believer wondering if perhaps it was not appropriate to pay the priest's gasoline expenses - then spending most of the day administering confessions and finally, almost of practice, the way home I started to work until two in the morning, and then get up in the morning to 7 and certainly not at noon. I never said no to anyone that I've searched for her pressing question, and as far as I know there are few people who - thanks to God and their goodness - go around saying that I am a good priest claiming to do so to have him tested for their personal experience ...


... But there is a sad fact of life: when in need I'm there I, when I pay the bills for the cost of providing that I can not pay, when I have to provide for my needs decent and certainly not to my vices and luxuries, there are only two ports that I can go to cash in: that of my mother and my brother's. I wonder and I ask you: it is right that a mother 75 years who can see the priest son two or three times a year in passing, should round up all the months my income so allowing me to devote myself to pastoral people in the face of any human need and spiritual feel that for them is all that a law had, but to the so-called “priest-lemon” by pressing believe, however, did not have any kind of duty? I think the only reason my mother - hard woman and character not easy - you will gain paradise, as He has given everything and never ask me anything; but the other, those who claim the priest everything without giving anything in return, benefit from the same happy fate, in that their supreme selfishness that generates an incorrigible lack of generosity? Or to put it in other words: is right for me to assist real armies ungrateful ungrateful towards the priest, thanks to the money of honest work of my family that allow me? This is the reason why I would like so much to ask the Santa Marta preacher - provided he is not too busy talking to the atheist Eugenio Scalfari or the heretics of the Pentecostal sect - if by chance I became a priest to be a tax to life for my mother and my brother, rather than to serve with the necessary means the universal Church and the people whom God has entrusted; the people who always serve without saving myself, and everything until proven otherwise not easy. O, more simply, the Preacher of Santa Marta would ask: how can you live in 2014 with 800 € monthly salary received by the Ente Livelihood Clergy, with all living expenses to pay for their maintenance and the so-called faithful always helping hand for their human and spiritual needs, but have not the slightest goodness of remunarare the heavy pastoral ministry of the priest, always based on the principle that everything is due to them whereas the priest has not had anything? Because, in case it was not clear, the fact that I have never time to visit or to dedicate myself to a now elderly mother who also keeps me, despite having more time to devote to a rather dense army formed also and above all faithful devotees ungrateful, for me it was and is an objective problem that several times has changed to burdensome and painful question for my subjective consciousness, a consciousness that I have and that my life as a priest, I live on my skin and in my blood, and certainly not on popular phrases effect given by a Pope who has chosen to live in a hotel to be more in touch with reality, but that from his relationship with reality - according to some of his speeches faithfully - he seems to be more detached than his recent predecessors who lived in the traditional apartment reserved for them in the Apostolic Palace.



Firefighters work

And since even the army has always delicate ministry of confessor and spiritual director of many priests spread to Italy, I know very well I, inviolable secrecy and privacy of the inner hole of the outer hole, sometimes excruciating pain that many of my brethren who live today feel more and more beaten and neglected by those who should follow them and support them … I know, what I have said many of them, precisely what the Holy Father ran to embrace heretics Pentecostal, after repeatedly slapped his clergy and given to the priests of greasy. Real thing but as always true only partially, because now the bias seems to become a prerequisite for the pastoral care of this pontificate [see who]. Again a question to the Holy Father would be the penalty: the worst place I have always greasy to camp out inside the Roman Curia and up to the highest level in the Vicariate of Rome, in a year and a half, he who has power to bind and cliffs, than it has thrown out from his house, of greasy? Because before you tell the priests around the world that certain priests are greasy, good taste and balance pastoral would like them to be eliminated first of all the greasy luxury that he finds himself in his own house and which to date have not yet been touched. On the contrary, under his pontificate, not a few of the most unctuous absolutely have also amazing careers, others are facing him directly to the central loggia of St. Peter for becoming this real untouchable for a simple overlooking broadcast worldwide.


And do not touch the sore point of “poor” cari alla omiletica both the Holy Father, I am convinced that he totally ignores how often, at the end of the Holy Masses, On arrival, the vestry, We are assaulted and harassed with weeping by professional actors from “poor” who come to ask money in your pocket with cell phones that we have not, that their homes have mega LED screens that we have not, who smoke cigarettes brand which we do not smoke, we are asking to pay his electricity bill while in their homes triumph all the electronic tools of last generation that we do not own, or at least, both I and many of my brothers, we do not have, because we can not afford. And he wants to know, the Holy Father, this kind of arrogant beggars who claim the right to have all the superfluous, you buy the stimulant and then go to Caritas to require supplies of basic necessities, how we bacchettano when rightly say no? Slamming in your face … "Pope Francis is not a beast like you Priests, He loves the poor!». And from me, more than one, he was told: "Good, then go to the Vatican and the money to buy cigarettes and rifarti the office of your new phone by 500 Euro, chiedili the Holy Father, because I use a cell phone for two years, which at the time I bought it in a discount at the price of 48 Euro ».


Something else the real poor instead living with the discomfort their situation that we must be the ones to understand that they need, because they are not even able to call for help; and in front of those people, repeatedly, I am honored to be in the priestly conscience I left without the money to be able to provide for my need, the firm conviction of not having done anything heroic, but only did my duty as a priest.


firefighters Vatican 6

One half of the Fire Department of the State of Vatican City in St. Peter's Square

In faith and truth I can and must say that unfortunately, not only one of the many people who have helped over the years, you never care to ask if I needed anything.


The Holy Father, so touched by the feelings of a people about who should be first determined if he really is the People of God, or if it is simply people just, if not worse people Jacobin, is aware of how high the number of priests who have spent their lives in service to others, often depriving themselves of the need to also, but in old age found themselves sick, alone and completely abandoned? And what people have cried foul, before old priests died without even being to safeguard their human dignity?


Someone explained to the Holy Father why the Italian Episcopal Conference has allocated a portion of the substantial amount of the Eight Thousand for sensing by the state through tax revenues of taxpayers, to cover all the priests with a health insurance policy with the Catholic Insurance? The Bishops' Conference has done so for a very simple reason: because over time were not a few priests who have chosen economic situations far from prosperous, died before being able to have a specialist or before making clinical analyzes. And those who had no brothers or sisters with a good heart who assisted them, have gone through a nasty death forgotten in the lane of a geriatric army of people who all their lives they have seen as true fathers caring.


Firefighters vatican city 7

Fire Department of the State of Vatican City in the courtyard of San Damaso

But let's “tariff” for which has risen from Santa Marta solemn yet another cry of disappointment which has had the effect of passing the Holy Father for just punisher of the bad habits of the clergy, and its priests for the irredeemable filth. It's true: Many dioceses have not established the price lists, but minimum bids to be left to the parishes during certain celebrations, for example for weddings. And the word "marriage" Now we open the chapter sore ...


... The Holy Father knows what is, species from Rome down, a marriage? The Holy Father, so worried about an unspecified people who offend, It is informed that no one is scandalized instead brides before they spend no less than average 1.000 EUR only hairstyle hairdresser, the service of the photographer on the average costs of 1.500 Euro, printing photos and albums of marriage which excluded apart apart cost thousands and thousands of Euros; that the recovery of the wedding film is approximately 3.000 Euro? He is informed, the Holy Father, that some brides come to church with a dress that costs 10.000 Euros that will be worn only one time and then never again? It informed the Pope that some married couples spend between 5.000 ed i 10.000 € only for wedding favors to give to guests and friends who organize wedding receptions for an average of 150/250 invited to the cost of 80/100 euro to person, amounting to approximately 15.000/25.000 € only for the wedding dinner? It informed the Pope that some spouses spend 5.000 euro only for three minutes of fireworks?


Firefighters vatican city 8

One half of the Fire Department of the State of Vatican City in front of the Palace of the Governorate

The Holy Father, has never been informed by some members of this people scandalized by priests, that people who do these sprees, in which the churches were to attack cameramen headlights day sucking vortex current, poor pastor submitted, inter alia, expenditure and consumption, not even say "thank you!»? And knows, the Holy Father, because many of the leaders of this people scandalized by priests, that even for a wedding they spent the equivalent of the cost of buying an apartment, not even say "thank you!»? Simple reason: but why ... "the Church must!"And" priests do not have to ask for anything, ", indeed "should be poor".


That's why, rightly, many dioceses have established minimum shares bid to leave the parish on the occasion of the celebration of certain Sacraments, especially for baptisms and weddings. And they did not because the priests are Saving Silverman money but to prevent some pastors, in front of people for a wedding burned 100.000 expenses of EUR, They not recognize the priest nor the dignity recognized even at the last provincial hairdresser playing at the great stylist hairdresser, leaving the first a tip for the guy to shop, and second, that is ugly and dirty priest, poor and hungry for money, the electricity bill of the church to pay, and yet again: without even a "thank you", because "the Church must" and because "priests should be poor '.


Ask the Holy Father to many pastors, how many times it happened that the couple have given 1.000 Euros in compensation to organ, violinist and soprano, while the pastor or rector of the church who dared to tell him: "But a small donation towards the cost of maintenance of the church, want to leave the?», respondents going to say around half of the world that "the priest dared to ask even money". And here we close the discussion, without touching even the voice of the florists costs for the decoration of the church.


Firefighters vatican city 10

Pope Benedict receives free and wearing a helmet Firemen of the State of Vatican City

These are the people, this is the people who are scandalized and who once again found an authoritative voice of protest and condemnation of the priests by the Holy Father that seems really willing to please everyone, especially to non-Catholics, unless his devotees and faithful servants, which dispenses regular lashes who have neither the depth, nor love, or the thickness of a pastoral encyclical written in bold shades and hard, but truly and deeply loving, as the To the Catholic priesthood of Pope Pius XI [see who].


Certain pastoral of the Holy Father Francis seem more made to please all the diehard anti-clerical of this world, instead be valuable and effective for the correction of clergy, that especially these days it is not free from shortcomings, errors and vices of every evil kind, greed and attachment to money included.


Vatican post

Dear Pastors, sent electricity bills and gas of your churches to the Holy Father Francis, House of Santa Marta, Vatican CITY

At the end of last winter my brother, pastor of a church in northern Italy, where the winter weather is especially hard, he told me with great concern: "... In April I asked for a loan from the bank to pay for the gas heating». This holy man of God, with a temperature often below zero, in its canonical kept the heat off and had put a cot in the large kitchen where there was an old wood stove; and practically lived there in the winter, burning the wood he collected around with his hands. But he kept turned on the heater to heat the faithful of the church and that of the two church halls where they made the catechism children. Even the parents of those children who went to catechism were among the people shocked mentioned by the Holy Father in his homily effect; as well as their, to celebrate the First Communion of their children, spent and how much they wanted, but no one has yet asked whether or not the priest had the money to pay the gas bill, always on the basis of the usual principle: "The Church should not ask but just give" ... "the priests have to be poor" ... and then, is the same as the Holy Father led by a great longing immediately said: "Ah, I would like a poor Church for the poor " [see who] …


… and the Holy Father himself conceded shortly after “for rent” the Sistine Chapel in use at Porsche for a charity event for the poor [see who]. Even in this case is, however, a question: the pastors of poor parishes that do not have at their disposal a Sistine Chapel which will be rented to wealthy private individuals for charitable purposes in order to obtain money for the soup kitchens, could get something renting their churches, for example in …


At this my brother who asked for a loan to the bank to pay for gas used in winter to heat the faithful and their children and all the many priests who live certain situations of economic hardship, I would like to launch an idea is relevant is an appeal: when you get an electric bill or gas that you can not pay, send it to House of Santa Marta addressed to His Holiness Pope Francis accompanied by this ticket: "We are the priests of the poor Church for the poor and do not have the money to pay the electricity bill and gas of the church, so forgive the payment directly to the Apostolic See ".


Cover - Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo - priest unemployed

Unemployed priest, homilies on the Gospel [those who wish can also ask by writing to]

Those who read some of my writings and some of my books, I will set out and explained, and so even very severe, what is by nature a devastating priest attached to the money, a priest greedy and stingy, a priest generous, a priest born in a poor family entered the seminary with him and kept the pieces attached to the studies by the good heart of the diocese and benefactors, that his death leaves million dollar inheritance to the beloved grandchildren; and those who want to deepen this discussion can get my book "Priest unemployed, Homilies on the Gospel " [see who], and go read the homily in which I talk about the widow's mite and where my criticism of certain economic and financial malpractices of the clergy are precise and strict, but with a difference: are made with pastoral spirit and aim to induce some of my fellow reflection and the salvation of their souls, are not targeted to ensure that the anti-clerical Republic or that the masonic Print exalt certain shoot zero unfortunately for themselves.


Said this But I have to see, analyze and talk about all aspects of the situation, not gloss over the lack of generosity on the part of some faithful or assumed, which to organize the celebrations that follow the celebration of the Sacraments spend some really outrageous sums of money and at the same time, if they are not called or required to do so, do not leave even a penny to the parish church for the many expenses that it should support, rather, as I have already said: with rare arrogance you do not even say thank you ...
... Well I ask myself and, these faithful or pseudo, The Holy Father does not intend to pull their ears, busy trying to cut them instead direct his priests?


By exercising the freedom accorded to the children of God and given to the priests, in my article I raised all the concerns of the case on the Supreme Pontiff expressed for half-sentences for media effect or through expressions are not always happy pronounced as private doctor; and as such is questionable with all the deeper and more devoted than, never without his apostolic authority is put into question in any way, and especially when he speaks as the supreme guardian of the deposit of faith, which is of course quite different, than hectoring morning packaged to Domus Martae Sactae for the joy and the joy of printing secularist, anticlerical and Masonic, perhaps for the expected work and the devastating suggestion of some “strategist” Jesuit populist Recommend to say the least bad as expert image and of communication?




click below to listen to the choir You are Petrus – by Marco Frisina








Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The absolute truth. The Holy Father Francis and Eugenio Scalfari



Eugenio Scalfari


[…] Scalfari seems to ask the Pope if you can admit a certain relativism of truth. The Pope could argue with relativism, as did Pope Benedict, and instead recognizes that there is a God relate. Of course the Pope's words should not be considered in conflict with Pope Benedict and as an endorsement of relativism, which is a serious defect in the thinking and moral behavior, for which "relativized" not absolute in the sense that the legitimate Pope, but in the sense of making an idol of God in the service of their desires or otherwise relativizzarlo man, as if the man is above God […].


Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


mouth open

when it comes out of the mouths of everything and even more …

When the Pope speaks, should take the high tone, above the cawing of birds. Editrice Vaticana, as we know, published the contents of some talks by Pope Eugenio Scalfari. Some expressions of the Pope in this circumstance caused the time a part of the Catholic world concerns, apprehension and wonder, while the secular world gleefully took the opportunity to present an unfair Pontiff near its positions. I would like to limit myself only to express how, in my view, should be interpreted in fact some words of Pope, to judge of their continuity with the perennial teaching of sound reason, Church and faith.

It may surprise you, first of all, in the letter the Pope wrote to Scalfari, his statement: "I would not call, even for those who believe, of "absolute" truth ", when we know how this expression is traditional not only in philosophy but also in the language of the Magisterium, for God or the divine truth; but to understand what it means to say the Pope, we read the following words: no truth to the "absolute", "In the sense that all is what is untied, what is lacking in any report. Now, the truth, according to Christian faith, is the love of God for us in Jesus Christ. So, the truth is a relationship!”.
It should be noted here that the Pope is not speaking the truth in general or of truth as such, but of divine truth, which in God is the same love (1). So we have to dispel a suspicion of voluntarism that might emerge from a superficial reading of the words of the Pope.

General Audience of Pope Francis

The Holy Father in his general audience

What in this context is the heart of Pope Francis is reminding us that God is in relationship with the world, with the world that He created to love freely and this mainly through the mystery of the Incarnation. So also our relationships with Him, different in each of us, means that the same divine truth is relationships with us in different ways for each of us.
For this reason, and in this sense the truth of God is God's relationship with the world: God knows the world; the truth is intentional relation of a subject to an object: the conformity of intellect and thing, as St. Thomas says, although in the case of God is he who must adapt to things, but they are things that are appropriate to the designer and creator thought that God has for them.

But God's relationship with the world is love, for God loves the world and God in truth and love, as mentioned, are identified in the absolute simplicity of the divine essence. The Pope wishes to focus attention on this issue and in that sense here rejects the term "absolute truth".
We can not imagine fact that the Pope does not continue to treat with traditional language of God in himself as the Absolute and the Absolute Truth, because the term "absolute", joined by a few centuries in the language of philosophy and theology, may be synonymous with "divine", although it is true that not everything that is absolute is divine, because a finite being can be absolute to look for another and relative. But God is absolute in every point of view: is absolutely absolute (2).

It is reasonable and necessary to distinguish truth from about absolute truth and absolute truth. It would be wrong, as it seems to assume Eugenio Scalfari, that there are only relative truths. This is the error of relativism, seen for example in the philosophy of Auguste Comte (SEC. Nineteenth), that says: "Everything is relative, and this is the only absolute principle " (3). Truth or relative can be said in relation to the object or in relation to the subject. If I say "today is Wednesday" and it is actually Wednesday, This truth is relative to the current Wednesday, past which that statement, in relation to the object (what day is it?), ceases to exist. In fact, if I say "today is Wednesday", while it's Thursday, are false in. However, if you consider the person who makes the claim, this may or may appear to be true only in relation to the subject, but be false by an objective point of view, or because the subject is in good faith, wrong without knowing it (the so-called "subjective truth", "Invincible ignorance") or because it is in bad faith, that is opposed to the truth voluntarily ("Ignorance sliced ​​or guilty"). Note that, from the moral point of view, In the first case the person who sins is innocent before God, is guilty while in the second case.


“misses” in candy pink to gay pride … Sodom and Gomorrah had more good taste

Like this, for instance, it is not difficult to show that from the point of view of the moral law sodomy is sin objectively; however, given the current shameful campaign of exaltation of this sin, it is not easy to know whether that particular homosexual knows or does not know sin. In this sense, the Pope uttered that famous phrase: "Who am I to judge?». Since, however, the truth sets the object, we are all obliged to seek the objective truth, that is the real as it is in itself, but it may happen that what seems true is not, for which we are deceived or deceiving us. And what or why we err inadvertently or guilty because we close to the truth. In the first case we apologize, in the second we deserve to be reprimanded.

Here you have a lot of importance to the principle of consciousness. When the Pope says that even the atheist must follow their conscience, the Pope to approve this atheism (you imagine an atheist Pope?). Francis Pope does not teach that the individual consciousness or subjective is the absolute source of truth, but evidently refers to the principle of freedom of conscience (or religion) teaching of the Council, which reminds us that even those who err in good faith, However, you must follow their conscience and is innocent before God [See the previous article on this subject by Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, who].

For this reason, the State and the Church should allow the wanderer an area of ​​freedom, prejudice of course the basic needs of the common good. In fact there are core values ​​for human society, whose breach is inexcusable and, therefore, in any case must be prevented or repaired, is or is not in good faith or wandering the criminal. It is a principle taught by St. Thomas Aquinas, when he says that the erroneous conscience obliges (4), but at the same time it is clear that the good Aquinas admits to the absolute limits of tolerance.
The subjective consciousness of innocence or of its own right, even if objectively unfounded and unintentionally, is of great consolation and comfort, when one is isolated and misunderstood in a hostile environment, persecuted by unjust laws, betrayed by friends, oppressed by superiors, despised by his subjects, slandered by liars, defamed by malicious or ill-treated by bullies because of truth and justice.

Urn of Saint Lucia

urn containing the remains of Saint Lucia virgin and martyr of Syracuse

This awareness that such tests do without the consent and support of the human, is that which characterizes the strength and freedom of Heroes, saints and martyrs, both in the civil history of the Church in the. In this sense, Christ proclaims blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, and to his disciples: "You will be hated by all for my name's sake" [Mt 10.22]. Instead, who carefully avoids slyly or not to be hated by the world for the sake of the world, so as not to look bad in front of him or to have no trouble, has a guilty conscience and self-righteous, or at least he's a coward and not worthy disciple of Christ, as the divine Teacher says: "If anyone is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, will be ashamed of him the Son of Man, when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels " [MC 8,38].

It is useful in this question of objectivity (absoluteness) - Subjectivity (relativity) the truth should also mention the corresponding distinction between truth or epistemological relation to truth as an act of the intellect and truth ontology as the real thing object of knowledge. The relation of truth, which refers to the subject – the truth as a relationship, in the words of the Pope – itself is absolute and immutable, even if the object is mutable: it is true that today is Wednesday, and I say that today is Wednesday, this proposition, in relation to Wednesday which is passed, will remain true forever (true judgment), that is, in absolute, although on Wednesday (object of judgment) increased. Instead, if the object is mutable, the affirmation, just to be true, must change according to changing object, so in relation to the object and the truth is silent on the change of the object. If you arrive on Thursday and I still say that today is Wednesday, evidently false in.


the work of Gilbert Keith Chesterton devoted to Angelic Doctor

The truths are so changeable, instead the absolute truth – human or divine – is immutable, because by definition it is the truth which does not change neither the object, nor, consequently, subject or grade: are objective truths, Fundamental and Universal's own reason and faith. In this sense it is said that the truth is “just one”, otherwise the negation of the principle of non-contradiction.
Speaking of relative truth, The Pope, however, specify that it will not support any subjectivism. In fact, tell the truth "subjective" (as we have defined above) does not necessarily mean subjectivism. The fact is the alleged arbitrary subjectivism and individualism of the individual to be subject to the rule of truth, when instead, as I said, the rule of truth is the object (which can be something of one's self, this means nothing). In subjectivism, the truth is no longer a single, but each one builds its own “truth” as they wish and as it suits them. The truth may be much in the way of many things that are true, but not as said, from the point of view of the relationship of truth.
To understand this, we must remember the distinction I made above. Indeed, from the definition that I just gave, that subjectivity is given, when the subject individual claims to be the absolute rule of truth, What evidently alienissima the intentions and the words of the Pope. Subjectivism you, for instance, the idealistic ego solipsism absolute and all-encompassing, considered as the only source of absolute truth and any other truth (5).
It is true that the Bible does not speak of "absolute" as a divine attribute. There is not even the word (6). Even St. Thomas considers God as the Absolut, neither speaks veritas absoluta. In vain among the divine attributes listed in the Summa Theologica we would seek the attribute of the absoluteness. Among other things, the time of Thomas just gives the concrete "absolute", but not the abstract "absoluteness".

Conversely l 'Absolute for Aquinas is a normal attribute to the finite realities substantial, formal or material. For instance, in the field of logic, for him the abstract universal is a absolutum, as it is timeless, free and independent (by-soluble) individuals who are subject. To understand what it is the absolute, is useful to consider the etymology of the word, which Aquinas closely follows. Sol with that in the nineteenth century theology, especially in German Idealism, is the exploit of the "Absolute". To indicate God, we begin to talk of how '' Absolute '. The tendency of Hegel's monistic solve any real in the Absolute, for which there is only the Absolute, everything is Absolute, everything is in the Absolute, the Absolute is everything (immanentism), because all is One. It is precisely the Absolute One.

hegel 3For Hegel, the "other" from the Absolute, outside of himself, relativizzerebbe the Absolute, Why, to stand out from the Absolute, should have something that the Absolute has no. But that is not an Absolute Everything, is no longer absolute. Also break the unity of the One-All. For Hegel, however, that escapes instead ,this "other" from the Absolute, may well exist as a body relative to the Absolute ("Being for participation", as St. Thomas says), which is precisely the condition of creaturely, just as in the biblical doctrine of God the Creator of the world, necessarily external to God (Opus ad extra), For everything that's in God is God. Moreover, Hegel does not include the set up does not break the divine unity, because it's not on a par with God in competition with him, but infinitely below (divine transcendence), as picture, effect or sign of divinity.

For Hegel instead, nothing exists outside of the Absolute, and as though he does not give up even admit its, here is that for him, since the relative can not be out of the Absolute, the Absolute itself is conceived as including within itself its, ie the world. God becomes the world and the world becomes God. That is ultimately the Hegelian Absolute is not a true absolute, independent of its, but paradoxically, just to be absolutely, for God, home in his own divine essence the world, according to the famous assertion: "God is not God without the world".

hegel 2

Image of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel retouched by the boys in the mood for jokes. The term Swag, translated into Italian as "booty" or "swag", slang of young people is a worthy replacement for the word "cool" then identifying a person, a piece of clothing or, in general, an object that has style.

For Hegel, we can not give an absolute pure, an Absolute absolutely simple, but the Absolute itself is relative to the world, is "historicized", though then God is, from the point of view of Hegel, to be relevant only to Himself, because the world itself is God coincides with the divine essence. But this obviously removes the distinction between God and the world and you fall into pantheism.

We would of course out of the way if we interpreted in this sense the words of the Pope, who knows by faith and reason that God, in his infinite perfection, could exist even without the world, He being the Absolute, the Infinite, l'Eternal, the most perfect Being, and therefore completely self-sufficient. An "Absolute" itself on the world might not be a true Absolute, because report says dependence that with which it is in relation. The world depends on God, but God does not depend on the world. God's relationship to the world in the sense that it created, knows him and loves him, but not in the sense that it depends on the world. Now, as seen, independence is the character of the absoluteness. If in fact, with the creation and even more with the Incarnation, God has placed in relationship to the world, it is simply because he wanted to free love in the world, It follows necessarily either or "logically" from the divine essence, as Hegel believed.

The question of ' “Absolute ", Kant ignored dall'illuminista, comes to the fore in the romantic philosophy of Fichte, Schelling and Hegel. But for them the Absolute is not what he meant St. Thomas. For these, from-solutm it means rather loose, free, independent, self-sustaining, self-sufficient, who sits on their own, things that might be appropriate for God. But in fact, in Thomas, as I said, it is a divine attribute, logical and ontological category but a moral analogue. If we want, "Absolute" also means "loose", but not with the negative nuance that seems to possess in the words of Pope, because the 'Absolute may have ties made: the universal, as in itself independent from the individual, in fact this is in the individual (one in many). It gave, though independent of man, has wanted to bond with the man with a covenant of love.

We also think all ' “sacramental absolution ". "Acquitted" comes from Absolute, past participle of acquit, which means here dissolve ties that make a slave or prisoner, that is, the bonds of sin. Who is absolved from sins is free, intact and happy. Vice versa, as mentioned, is related that does not fit with the divine essence, because its employee and says God clearly does not depend on any. Only in the mystery of the Trinity are divine relations, the divine Persons, but fails to say dependence, but we speak of "relationship" only source in the equality of the one divine nature. The Son, for instance, originate with the Father, but it is not dependent on the Father as the bottom depends on the upper, or the effect of the cause, but only because it is generated by the Father, that is equal to the common divine nature.


… The Word became flesh

The relationship here is not an accident, but it is subsistent, because it is a divine Person, for which the person RELATED TO THE identical in nature with the divine Person relazionante. Therefore God is the Absolute: God and the Trinity are one absolute Being, God himself. What if in the Bible we find the attribute of the absoluteness, However, attributes are equivalent. The absoluteness in a sense summarizes them all: freedom, the independence, the goodness, eternity, the totality, infinity, the majesty, perfection, the immutabilità. The attribute of the absoluteness retains its value even if in fact God has created a world, became incarnate and therefore has a relationship of knowledge and love for him. God indeed, creating the world, does not change its nature, that is in itself the Absolute. But it is clear, as has been said - and this does the Pope knows this - that God created the world freely, utmost freedom, says the Vatican Council. He could, if he wanted to, Also do not create it. God did not need us, wanted for our sake in Christ begging for our love and ask for a glass of water to the Samaritan woman. "Dio, as St. Augustine says, who created you without you, does not save you without you ".

Hence the dignity, Certain, but also the contingency of the world and the existence of God is absolutely necessary. If there were no God, the world would not hesitate. While the world may not exist, God can not exist, because it is Being itself absolute, is what accounts for the existence of the world: is therefore absolutely Necessary. E-il must be, as he called the great metaphysical Muslim Avicenna, often mentioned by St. Thomas.
The world does not depend on God for logical deduction required, as the properties of the triangle depend from the essence of the triangle, as Spinoza thought. This implies the existence of love in God, a free love, generous, merciful, of free choice. The set does not derive from the divine essence, but is a result of divine will. We do not say that the properties of a triangle depend on the love triangle because, but simply a logical deduction from the essence of the triangle. This is not how the world comes from God, because it comes from the essence of nothing but, by virtue of his wisdom, his freedom, of his goodness and omnipotence.

BIENNIAL DEMOCRACY:Meeting with Eugenio Scalfari

Photo of Eugenio Scalfari with the funny writing by the Papaboys

Eugenio Scalfari seems to ask the Pope if you can admit a certain relativism of truth. The Pope could argue with relativism, as did Pope Benedict, and instead recognizes that there is a God relate. Of course the Pope's words should not be considered in conflict with Pope Benedict and as an endorsement of relativism, which is a serious defect in the thinking and moral behavior, for which "relativized" not absolute in the sense that the legitimate Pope, but in the sense of making an idol of God in the service of their desires or otherwise relativizzarlo man, as if the man is above God.

It is clear, as the Pope says, what a god, order to be in relationship with us and because we can position ourselves in relationship with Him, is presented to us from time to time in the manner suitable for each of us. But it is one thing to say that God stands in relation to each of us in ways related to each of us and it is one thing to deny God's absoluteness inherent in his divine essence, to make a product or a man or a contingent fact of history and culture. It 'clear that on this point the Pope Francis is in total agreement with Pope Benedict. And they will have no difficulty to subscribe to the words of Pope Francis Scalfari, understood as the Pope understands them and tried to explain.

There may in fact have a healthy relativism, when one recognizes as its what is actually required and it is not an absolute. But as yet there is relativism deleterious, so there is also an equally deleterious absolutism, that excludes the other, exacerbates conflicts, and creates unresolvable dualisms, opposing positions against the so absolute, that seems impossible any way for dialogue and reconciliation. E’ the tragedy of ideology. This is certainly what he means by concluding this part of his letter: "You have well understood the terms and, perhaps, to exit from the confines of an opposition… absolute, reset in depth the issue. I think this is now absolutely necessary to engage in the dialogue and constructive expressed the hope that the beginning of this I say ".

Interestingly, this statement turns up twice ' “absolute ", once as an adjective and another adverb. The concept of "absolute" it is in our own everyday language. Its application depends on the theological meaning of the term analog, which lends itself both to indicate the world, is to describe God. Therefore noOn it is doubtful that the Pope knows everything. But he believes in that Absolute, do not confuse the extreme and foolishly and gnostically, in a false "synthesis", positions in contrast (being with non-being, truth with falsehood, the good with the bad), such as the Hegelian dialectic or pantheism of Emanuele Severino, but in his infinite, beneficial and absolute power of peace and reconciliation unites souls in the absolute truth of eternal bliss.

Fontanellato, 8 November 2014


Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



talking in public with one of my teachers …


Dearest Father Giovanni,

Since the three of us "guys" from the island of Patmos are long in the crosshairs of certain "traditionalists" and “sedevacantists catatonic”, wishing I could anticiparti their lamentations on the site Lace&Lace, Straight&It's roteche, Latin did not know that I Love You … and so on. And also what if your article is built on the master “philosophy of the day” so dear to our brother Antonio Livi, then your deep sense of Church, pastoral, theological and metaphysical. Even despite, contact: repeat what I have said and written, That's why this time I would like to anticipate, so trite and repetitive are their arguments …
… me too, as you may remember, I was accused by them so heavy. When in fact the journals of gay organizations began to stand out the phrase "Who am I to judge?», while pederasts ideological sentenziavano: "The Pope has opened the world's gay", I replied with my article calling for the correct reception of the sentence of the Holy Father.

Of course, Perhaps the Holy Father expressed a concept devoid of depth explanations, as indeed we often do when we all take for granted certain obviousness, that in this world are not that obvious and least of all discounted. That's why I pointed out that my writing: «The Holy Father expressed a gospel truth: In fact, none of us can judge the most intimate and profound consciousness of man that God alone can read and judge accordingly». From this was born the obviousness of the expression of the Holy Father: "Who am I to judge?». Sentence but, by journalists, intellectuals and politicians on the payroll of the culture of gender, lack the rudiments of basic vocabulary and catechetical Christian, was changed to a completely different meaning expressive, Finally upside down in a completely anti-Christian.
At that time I was attacked by the usual suspects corifeo with amenities like: "Progressista ... vagum Modernist"…

… Now it's up to you again, so get ready to read: "The Father John Cavalcoli climbing on mirrors to understand and mitigate the word" heretical "in this “antiPope”». While the truth is that you recepisci and broadcast in consciousness, science and truth of the Holy Father's words to mean what they say and not for what they do not mean and do not intend to say. Of course, should always be avoided mangled sentences and phrases that might sound ambiguous to most ears willing to hear and incorporate a Christian language. It is in the latter case that we are called to carry out our pastoral ministry in pastoral care and theologians, which is certainly not that of "scrambling", but remember what they mean in our lexicon certain expressions. What we need to remember the ultra-secularists as to certain "traditionalists" who similar way have also lost the proper Christian vocabulary, enough to sit in judgment of conscience “Collective” the College of Bishops in communion with Peter, seizing alleged heresies, even in the most solemn acts of the supreme magisterium, for example, those of the Second Vatican Council, they shamefully defined “heretical” ed “apostate” in the name of an unspecified purity Catholic, behind which lurks in truth the fearsome queen of all the seven deadly sins, the holding as a solid column all the other six: the Superbia.
That's why I find this extremely precious your article and I feel it is our duty to return, occasionally, on certain details, as you taught me to do along with Antonio Livi. No coincidence that we have on purpose to make life on the Island of Patmos ecclesial and pastoral theology according to the doctrine and the perennial teaching of the Church, certainly not according to our subjective humoral. And may the grace of God, to which we wish to be always open — which passes not least through the Magisterium of the Church and the Apostolic authority to his obedience — save us from the formidable Queen: that pride which unfortunately is devastating circles increasingly closed and self-referential Lace&Lace, Straight&It's roteche, Latin did not know that I Love You … and in that way not only aberrant, but worse evil, present themselves as saviors of the Church fomenting daily contempt for the Holy Father, which is not perfect, You can like it or not — and it is quite legitimate that like it or not — but how many times we repeated and how we will never tire of repeating: He is Peter, whether you like it or not like it. And it is a truth of faith dogma that underlies the founding of the Church built on Peter the mandate given to him by Christ Himself. That's why in some cases the pleasure or the pleasure is not really relevant in the most exquisitely philosophical and theological term. Why is there, both in philosophy and in theology, a healthy Christian relativism.

A fraternal embrace and a priestly prayer to remember me to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Fontanellato.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



(1) It is known thesis of classical theology, for example in S.Tommaso, that knowledge is identical to loving God. Famous is the dogma of the Council of Florence 1442 for which the divine essence "all is one, unless it is on the opposition of the divine persons " (With God all things are one , ubi non overlooked relations oppositio, Denz. 1330).
(2) For example, the human person has an absolute value in the image of God, but has a relative value as finite creature, and above all, fragile and sinful.
(3) One has to wonder how it is possible, If everything is relative, there is then an absolute principle. This shows how even the most driven relativists can not do without some absolute, which then will not be the real one (It gave) but the absolutism of the value of.
(4) See Part, I-II, q. 19. a. 6
(5) Like for example in the philosophy of Fichte.
(6) But this means nothing: the word "person" does not exist, yet the mystery of the Trinity is one of the fundamental teachings of the Bible.

Antonio Love ( 1938-2020 )
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Antonio

Obedience to the Pope, only in relation to Christ



Author Antonio Livi

Antonio Love


[…] Pope relative interest, that is interested only in relation to Christ, from which it receives the authority to "feed his sheep" in its name; only in relation to Christ, whose Word he must guard, interpret and proclaim to the world, "Without add and subtract without»; only in relation to Christ, of which the first Pope, San Pietro, said that "there is no other name given under heaven by which we must be saved"; only in relation to Christ in the Jubilee year 2000 the church, con Papa Giovanni Paolo II, has again placed at the center of his life and mission as one who "yesterday, today and forever "is the only Saviour.

After a few months we suggest two articles that Antonio Livi and Ariel S. Levi Gualdo wrote long before the Synod of Bishops on the Family, might be interesting to read them again today …

Click below to open the article

Antonio Love – Obedience to the Pope only in relation to Christ

After the Synod, The Pope will return to wearing red shoes?

"Theology of Hope"




[…] The Holy Father Francis can then like it or not, thing entirely legitimate, but by divine will and divine institution remains the keybearer, object and subject as such to our faith and our hope: "Tu sei Pietro», then our authentic and unfailing devotion to the mystery that he embodies.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



To read this article published on 20.06.2014 click below

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo – After the Synod, the Pope will return to wearing red shoes









The darkness of the world and the “Morning Star”




[…] the Deposit of Faith has always been undermined by the devil, but it is also attacked by the pride of men. It seems incredible, in fact, see how much and what pride there is, eg, in many theories "theological" fashion which unfortunately often are successful in some "men of the Church".


Gianni Battisti 1


John T. Baptists

burning church

One of the many churches torched by Islamic fundamentalists

We live in difficult times, also in the ecclesial sphere. Many believers do not know more than the basics of their Catholic Faith, not be more passionate about the things of God. We practice, by many believers, a form of religious individualism - and that even educated people and prepared - which leads to neglect the fundamental spiritual works of mercy, works that have always been part of the DNA Christian and Catholic, works that contribute, as no, the moral rectitude, spiritual edification and salvation of souls.

Distracted by the siren worldly, flattered by the success and pleasures that the world has to offer, often men of our time choose a religion "do it yourself", easy, comfortable, who can go hand in hand with the demands of contemporary society materialistic and hedonistic and often, Unfortunately, become the prey of a biased form of sentimentality that runs from Revelation and therefore the true and living God.

via the councilDuring the course of the ancient councils we know that markets, struggled, Competence with and holy enthusiasm, about the nature of Christ, we reasoned that for altissimas causas and saw things under the form of eternity. Today, in the company's "well-being", in society "evolved", the Deposit of Credit guarded for centuries by the Church of God, A, Santa, Catholic and Apostolic Church is a well overlooked by most, well that would instead be preserved, to grow, by Comprender always better, to live. St. Paul the Apostle exhorted the disciple he consecrated bishop: O Timothy, guard the deposit " [1TM 6,20]. In fact, the Deposit of Faith, well really sublime, yes it is, of always, undermined by the devil, but it is also attacked by the pride of men. It seems incredible, in fact, see how much and what pride there is, eg, in many theories "theological" fashion which unfortunately often are successful in some "men of the Church".

atanasio crushes ary

Painting of the eighteenth century representing the Bishop Athanasius crushing the heretic Arius

It is amazing to note also that these "new theories" are actually, in most cases - as for years they point to the most careful theologians such as the Dominican John Cavalcoli - the revival, in contemporary salsa, heresies old as the hills, heresies condemned over and over again, moreover, by various councils, succedutosi by the Magisterium throughout the centuries. Apparently this unfortunate situation gives rise to an ecclesial malaise that winds and restless good - Cardinal Raymond Burke Leonard spoke in this regard of "seasickness" - because the evil inside knows to be more subtle and insidious attacks from outside, attacks that although there are a large amount, attacks while they are painful and help to make, in turn, suffering the Mystical Body of Christ and civil society. Many suffer in silent prayer. The confusion is great and sometimes seems to have the upper hand.

statue of St. Michael the Archangel

Before his abdication from the throne holy Pope Benedict XVI had placed a statue of the Archangel Michael slaying the devil, with the writing in evidence … not praevalebunt and the text below: “Protector of the Vatican City”. With that said, more or less all

The Lord, however,, through His infinite mercy, has always placed on the bumpy road of our life Baluardi, of Bright Stars, Brigade of the Sentinels , Champions of Faith operating, with their doctrine, with their works, by their example, with their wisdom, their inspiration, with their brilliant insight, with respect to the perennial Magisterium, with the sanctity of life, to the service of God and His Immaculate Bride, who work tirelessly on behalf of the true Faith, society and souls.
For this we are grateful to God who gives us, amid all the difficulties that we all face, Although trto the storms that often, as for the Holy Apostles, seem to overwhelm the Barque of Peter, true shepherds who know how to lead us to Christ who is the Truth, Christ Jesus calming the waves and supports His Church. And the Lord gives us as well, if we ask with trusting prayer, discernment that makes us distinguish good teachers and pastors toutentici by the many false prophets and bad teachers raging, Nowadays, May not eat forse.

The Lord preserves. The good Lord keeps His Church. We know that the Lord's promise is true. We are deeply aware that evil will never win, that Portae hell not praevalebunt. Heavenly Father never abandons us. Mary the Blessed Pope Paul VI, at the end of the Second Vatican Council, proclaimed "Mother of the Church", enlighten the darkness of our world as the "Morning Star". You and that '"our hope", gives us the confidence to repeat again: "Protect me O God, in thee I shelter " [Shall 16,1].


* This short: written, with a small addition, appeared already in Truth of the Faith, what to believe and who, by John T. Baptists editions of Leonardo da Vinci Rome 2014 [see who].

Click below to listen to a song popular traditional Marian

Outside the visible Church there is no salvation? Links to the ordinary and extraordinary means of salvation: God does not need our permission



Exbetween Ecclesiam nulla salus, O Salus extra ecclesiam non est, is a warning to us, an invitation to never leave the road, the truth and the life. A warning line, dogmatically and doctrinally linked to ordinary means of salvation. Unless, the height of folly pharisaical, someone does not want to deny to God the Father the legitimate use of extraordinary means of salvation, God the Son to have celebrated the Eucharist during the Last Supper without the missal of the "Mass of All Time», and finally, God the Holy Spirit, for not having followed for his actions in favor of some of the encyclical teaching, purely political, written a couple of centuries ago, because it was associated with a node, Far from being a dogma of faith, in the opinion of some would be bound for ever and ever the Earth and the Sky.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



PDF print format article



Together Article dedicated to Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON to clearly ereticati theories Raniero La Valle [cf. WHO], we represent this old article written in November 2014 and Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, in which the true meaning becomes clear to outside the Church there is no salvation.

The Editor of The Island of Patmos




“Snakes, brood of vipers, how you will escape the judgment of Gehenna? Therefore, there, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; of these, some of them ye shall kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from city to city, so that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel, to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar” [Mt 23 , 33-35]

Many so-called traditionalists who say they refer to Thomism and the most genuine school, indeed refer to four trite formulas of neo-scholastic decadent; that with respect to school, to Thomism and good science are metaphysical else. Formulas that work the same way in which the ancient Pharisees used the law formalism with its own sake, so as to procure the severe rebuke of the Word of God made man treating them several times to charge them harsh words to filter out the gnat and swallow the camel [CF. Mt 23, 24]. Forever, indeed, Atheism is the worst religious, carried out by the clerics of all time that, so hopefully unconscious, It is placed on top of the same mystery of God's grace. The Lord Jesus, that it was not politically correct, he used to call them: "You brood of vipers! [Mt 23, 33]». And here it would be interesting to introduce a complex discourse of anthropology and exegetical, only to explain what kind of terrible insult to constitute certain expressions of the society of Jesus in Aramaic and vocabulary.


St. Thomas Aquinas warned by certain pitfalls saying: "You do not have the truth, but the truth is that you have " [1]. This is because the truth requires our devoted service, not our possession, because Truth is God, that you adore, you do not have; Truth is God who uses, not God who uses.



… woe to you who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel [CF. Mt 23, 24].

In the world of what is loosely defined Tradition, where industry fans of Lefebvre with all their confusion as sometimes the inability to distinguish substances from accidents in the best metaphysical, It hovers also a lack theological perception linked to those who are ordinary means ed i extraordinary means the action of God's grace in relation to the mystery of salvation and redemption, not to mention the concept of visible Church and of invisible church. Again, the modernists on the one hand and the fans of Lefebvre for the other, proceed on two binary opposites, but parallel, and they both walk the same train with all its passengers oblivious to the crumbling bridge Cassandra Crossing, com'ebbi to write in my first article on the Island of Patmos [cf. who].


The modernists have developed in the Church various metastases which all contribute to the same cancer drama. Half a century ago, we started from the daring theory of Karl Rahner on "anonymous Christians"; I say bold because the expressive language of this German Jesuit theologian, for its structural system is vague and ambiguous, if caught and misinterpreted - as happens in practice - can lead to a frustration of the whole mystery of redemption. The dangerous theory of "anonymous Christians" ends up by becoming one of the basic cornerstones of theological relativism which leads to a natural consequence of the religious relativism: religione a vale the other, Christian or non-Christian who is. To say it in this way is wrong and dangerous, while it is correct in all respects of best practice to speak - as we will do later - the ordinary means and gods extraordinary means of salvation.



The upper district of France of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, Régis de padre Cacqueray, harshly attacking Pope Benedict XVI, had said in early April 2012 that "we need to be wary as the plague of the changes introduced by the Second Vatican Council and the popes who came after it" [who]

To these obvious heresies institutionalized who for decades have taught within the theological training centers for the massive work of modernists, fans of Lefevbrians react by saying "Outside the Church there is no salvation», abusing an expression of St. Cyprian of Carthage, to be precise, in his paper stated: «There is no salvation outside the church» [2]. Turning to the sites and blogs of so-called “Tradition”, one is forbidden to read the absurd exegesis of this sentence penned by people who by sports bar, where it is claimed the team's, passed in a spirit casual but very similar to discuss theology, or worse than metaphysical and dogmatic. In the past I have tried to clarify this expression somewhat tricky if caught and taken out of its ambit; because it is a phrase that emerges from a historical context related to heated doctrinal disputes that followed each other in the third century, in times before the Council of Nicaea which will define some of the basic tenets of the faith. Enough to remember in passing that Cyprian stated and argued in his detailed request sent with all the trappings of officialdom to the Bishop of Rome the need to re-administer the sacrament of baptism to repentant heretics out previously by the Church who asked to be permitted to re-. Today, a similar request of the Bishop of Carthage, holy martyr and father of the Church, would partially smile in part cringe seated all the Fathers gathered in the Council of Trent; and I quote about the Council of Trent, not the last council of the Church, in order not to give some people a pretext to close a priori reasons to this my speech, holding them to consider taboo, if not worse “heresy”, everything of a doctrinal and pastoral action followed the Second Vatican Council.


niceo Byzantine icon

Byzantine icon depicting the seated in the Council of Nicaea 325

Certain words and expressions Some of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church should always be taken with caution, especially those of many Fathers of the first centuries, when Christianity was still in its first phase of evolution and the dogmas that will take shape in the first eight centuries of the Church's life had not yet been sanctioned; because it took centuries, after the Incarnation, the life, the death and resurrection of Christ, to come to really perceive what had happened through the man Jesus, true God and true man, then define the mystery of the divine and human natures and catching the meaning of his mission and revelation. As many centuries it will take to get a profession of faith, drawn up at the Council of Nicaea (year 325) and then perfected in that of Constantinople (year 381). Wishing we could also provide a detailed list of all heresies in which different fathers, Today the saints and doctors of the Church, fell repeatedly during the heated doctrinal disputes that were at the time the agenda, when trying to penetrate a mystery for which there was not even words in the dictionary to be able to somehow define, enough to force the Fathers to borrow entries from greek vocabulary and adapt them to the truths of faith that gradually were beginning to penetrate. Above all, certain expressions of the Fathers, should always be read and rigor within specific historical contexts, social and ecclesial; except otherwise to risk attributing to them thoughts and affirmations that in truth have never crossed their apostolic and enlightened minds.


I avoid going into detail in the paradigmatic discourse of Limbo, that takes place mainlylimbo-title from a "misunderstanding" due to ill-understanding of some polemical exchanges between Augustine, Bishop of Hippo and the brilliant and sharp heretic Pelagius, and then developed further on in the Middle Ages, through the poetry of Dante.

The theological speculations on Limbo never entered into the dogmatic definitions of the Magisterium, despite what certain scribe "theologians" from sports bar. Although the Magisterium has made mention in their teaching until Vatican II, Limbo has always been put forward as a hypothesis, never as dogmatic truth of faith, as they they are the existence of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell.


limbo 2In the latest edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, published in 1992, Limbo is not in any way mentioned. The theological problem of Limbo flew over the Second Vatican Council, allowing it to express itself decades after the International Theological Commission [3], which for half a century now seems to have also specialized in drafting documents that leave all possible doors open, so as not to give the precise answers you claim to practice the doctrine and theology. Long and complex would then be the subject, but what has been mentioned is sufficient for groped to understand the theologians of the "sports bar" that dogmas can not be invented; while as regards the existing ones, it is better not to extrapolate, avoiding cut and paste and eliminating the need to say to the Magisterium what the Magisterium has never claimed and sanctioned, to say the least …


… In fact, to hear members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X wielding a saber as the Encyclical Wondering You of Pope Gregory XVI, more pathetic is that against all sound ecclesiology pastoral. That encyclical was written in 1832 for pastoral reasons dictated by specific social and political conditions, in a situation of European history in which the Church had to deal with all the aftermath of the French Revolution, with liberalism, Freemasonry Anti-Catholic, European thrones on which were seated at the St. Aloysius Gonzaga and between coups and international intrigue trembled more and more. That encyclical is a document of pure states conviction that no new doctrines, much less new dogmas of the faith, and that revolves contents related to social and political problems do not apply to contemporary society and the Church, unless you want to fall into the ideological aberration agreement in the strict sense according to the Latin root of aberration. All this comes of course from the dangerous rejection of theological and pastoral fact that the Church is a body changing (it reads: damn changing external), built on unchanging truths in time (it reads immutable substances), admitted that he really wants to do metaphysics, dogmatic theology and history of dogma in a serious and correct to the best edification of the people that God has entrusted to the pastoral care.



St. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Byzantine icon

It is therefore clear that much common ground as Cyprian, addressing the children of the Church, not to those who belong to other religions, admonishes Christians variously fallen into heresy or doctrinal errors saying - and saying to them - that there was no salvation outside the Church. Because as far as we know from historical sources and patrologiche in our possession, Bishop Cyprian not addressed at all this commandment to the Jews, or to members of the various pagan cults at the time still very present and strong, because it is a warning to all that he gave to Christians.


The council that between 1431 and the 1445 It was celebrated between Basel, Ferrara, Florence and Rome, states without penalty misunderstanding:


"As a good mother is always concerned about the health of children, and there can be no peace until, if there be any disagreement between them, discord is not dormant, and so much the Holy Mother Church, that generates children to eternal life, always used to use every effort so that all Christians, taken away all dissent, with fraternal charity preserve the unity of the same faith, without which there can be no salvation " [4].


Again, the Church Fathers gathered in council direct their warning to Christians, invite you to preserve the Catholic faith, without which there can be no salvation. Do not turn this warning to those who belong to other Christian and non-Christian.



… freed us from the bonds

Asked if out of the membership of the visible Church there may be salvation, our answer can only be yes. In this case, however, we must distinguish between what is visible membership, implicit and conscious to the Church, which is both visible, as earthly, is invisible, as heavenly; from what instead is invisible belonging implicit unconscious-type, for example, the natural respect of the fundamental laws of God, honor and put into practice without being minimally conscious — Invincible ignorance — to honor and to follow in this way the fundamental precepts of faith. This second kind of belonging to the Church invisible implicit-unconscious, should not be understood, however, in the sense of Rahner “transcendental experience Mathematical Analysis” which then takes life theory “anonymous Christians”.


Anyone, theologian or clergyman, Lefebvre, or so-called traditionalist who supports the opposite, if you do not fall into heresy that requires upstream always a strong intelligence, still likely to fall into a great contradiction in terms in the doctrine of redemption, because Christ, the Lamb of God without blemish, sacrificed himself for all. The problem is that not everyone accepts to be saved by the blood of the Word of God made man, same as the Gospels tell through a dramatic scene of the crucifixion, one in which the two thieves seats to his right and to his left appear before the living presence of Christ himself bleeding and how the mystery of salvation always closely connected to human freedom. One of the robbers, the insults and curses, while the other application to be received and saved. The other, the closed every action of grace, In response to receiving the silence of God, in which is included his divine respect for the freedom of the man who refuses [Cf Lc 23, 39-43]. Even in this case, But, even in the face of the silence no one is able to say whether the criminal indomitable ended eternally damned. Just as we can not know if Judas himself, the architect of the betrayal of Christ, ended eternally damned. And we can not know because none of us can read the heart of God. However, what we have to keep in mind are the causes of some of our effects, because it is the Lord Jesus himself who speaks to us of the fire of hell and the existence of eternal punishment where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In the mystery of revelation we are given a path to follow and a law to be respected, stubbornly denying that there may be a serious risk of crying forever; but none of us can know what sinners have been or will be abandoned in this eternal cry from God's respect for the free and conscious choice man.


The Church itself has returned to make his own this awareness with farsighted pastoral spirit. Try something thatsuicide today are no longer denied Christian burial and funeral obsequies of those who have died by suicide. Needless to say such horrible accusations of "heresy" and "apostasy from the faith" also stand in this case in some ambits of the so-called Tradition.
The Church can, indeed in some cases must deny the funeral obsequies before the cases of manifest sinners who have died to the last denying any sign, even slight, of repentance [CF. C.I.C. can. 1184,1]. However, what the Church can do is to give a soul to pay. The Church can and should be taught that putting in and persevering with deliberate stubbornness in certain behaviors could seriously compromise the eternal salvation of the soul; but the Church has no authority to say that the soul of the suicide or the hardened sinner is damned. First: because no one can determine whether the greasy made that gesture moved by profound contempt for human life and its Creator. None of us in fact, name Dio, can read the profound consciousness of man; and nobody, but God alone can read it, can therefore judge. Second: anyone not know what happened in those fractions of a second in which the person has passed from life to death, and how in that short space of time intervened and was eventually accepted fully the grace of God. Presume to be able to read and judge the inner consciousness of man, setting is saved or damned if, is a real blasphemy.


Blessed Pope Pius IX declared:


"To you it is well known that those who invincible ignorance do not know our religion, but they know the natural law and its precepts engraved by God in the hearts of all who are willing to obey God and lead an honest life, these with the help of light and divine grace may attain eternal life; because God, which sees, scrutinizes and knows the minds, tempers, thoughts, the provisions of all, by reason of his supreme goodness and clemency can not possibly allow it to be punished with eternal punishment anyone who is not guilty of a voluntary fault " [5].


That is the natural law that everyone can know through reason and who dwells in every human heart, regardless of the Act of Faith. This is the reason why the Catholic Church has always taught that those who are outside of it no fault of their own can not be condemned.


And the list of those for so-called learned ignorance [6] or for so-called invincible ignorance [7] are outside the Church, without them, however, is precluded from salvation, are always many. It warns that effect the same Lord Jesus, and in tones too strict: "The tax collectors and prostitutes will precede you into the kingdom of heaven" [CF. Mt 21, 28-32].



To read the text of the Declaration Lord Jesus click WHO

After clearing, with documents of the Magisterium strictly prior to the Second Vatican Council, the actual thinking of the Church and theology about the mystery of salvation, no way lead to the closure in advance those around the big far west the online network compete in hilarious comments on the sentence distorted and abused the Holy Bishop Cipriano, we turn now to a document of the Magisterium written four decades after the close of the Second Vatican Council. The document in question is the statement Lord Jesus, that if it were not tragic it would be comical, as I wrote with all the necessary explanations in other locations, well stating my reference to comicality that, if not properly explained, It might sound to say the least irreverent. Indeed, a similar document prepared and distributed to almost half a century after the celebration of an ecumenical council, reveals the dramatic attempt to run to close the stable door after the horse has now lost over half a century to the grasslands of the post council; in this lies the element … tragicomic of this document.


Regarding the theology of salvation Lord Jesus he claims:


«[…] the saving action of Jesus Christ, and with His Spirit, if estende, beyond the visible boundaries of the Church, to all mankind. Parlando of mistero pasquale, in which Christ even now associates himself living manner in the Spirit the believer and gives him the hope of the resurrection, the Council states: "This applies not only to Christians but also to all people of good will, in whose hearts grace is active invisibly. For since Christ died for all, and since the ultimate vocation of man is in fact one, the divine one, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of coming into contact, in the way that God knows, paschal mystery " [CF The joy and hope, n. 22.] [8]


tommaso 2

San Tommaso Aquino, fresco of the fifteenth century

By stating "You do not have the truth, but the truth is that you have ", between the top and bottom lines, Aquinas has said much deeper and complex than you might imagine, from the mystery of the Church, that salvation is a means and instrument, no mistress. We can, and indeed we have to say and teach that salvation dwells in the holy Church the bride of Christ and His Mystical Body, and not coincidentally referred to as the "sacrament of salvation" [9], but we can not say that salvation belongs to the Church and his men, from the Successor of Peter to the last of the priests. In this regard, should never be forgotten in some stringent characters with attached army “theology” who revel in the great far west the online network, the admonition of the Lord Jesus imprinted in the Gospel of St. Matthew, to read and grasp, beyond the times, for what it really contains:


"Thus have ye made the commandment of God by your tradition. Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying: "This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men '". [Mt 17, 7-9].


How many times a man, or so to say the blind and dumb clerical of all time, set aside the word of God in the name of the idolatrous worship of his personal and subjective tradition?


rahner 2

il teologo Gesuiti Karl Rahner

Karl Rahner It tends to conceive of the mystery of faith as an "original experience of God pre-conceptual ', given to all implicitly, hence the theory of so-called "anonymous Christians" which would be expressed in the Church in conceptual forms, namely writing, tradition and dogma, relatively associated with the different ways of interpreting the original supernatural experience according to the different cultures and historical climates, thereby giving rise to a real dogmatic relativism. Errors caused by these, mostly, to the fact that for Rahner the concept is not an external reality, because being influenced and peppered with romantic idealism of German origin, Being is for him the 'be thought, all according to the lines drawn by the thought of Heidegger about being the "pre-understanding", that it is of divine or of his being or of being in the world. For Rahner, the concept of knowledge is not sensitive on the experience of external things, along the lines of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, but by the Cartesian criterion from self which in its own way already outlined in an implicit and unconscious experience of the Absolute, all according to Hegel's thought, from which he draws liberally with results nothing short of disastrous, when then ends up applicarne thought to theological speculation. So, the mystery of faith, Rahner is not expressed at all in a set of precise and certain fixed notions in a certain and invariable according to criteria established by the Profession of Faith; according to him the faith come to realize so original and direct God without the mediation of the concept. This complex architecture, friable and especially dangerous, It is part of the so-called theory of "anonymous Christians", which is entirely different than the Catholic claim that now follows: … the redemption achieved through ordinary means ed i extraordinary means of salvation.


While we have the binary of that comfort that Karl Rahner is a final finished product and finished and through which we can come to relativize the mystery of redemption and salvation, and which it seems sewn on the admonition of the Apostle Paul Blessed … «The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, having itching ears they, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales " [CF. II Tm 4, 3-4]; on the other side, on the parallel track, instead we have the inaction of Lefebvre, which seems sewn on him the sentence of the Lord Jesus … "Thus have ye made the commandment of God by your tradition" [CF. Mt 17, 7].


bishop indigenous

The bishop of the Solomons Islands with indigenous youth. Itself needs, given the content of this passage Article, that young people portrayed in photos here are not cannibals but devout Roman Catholic Apostolic, as evidenced by the bishop alive and smiling in their midst.

In the succession of these speeches we brought various examples and used as a paradigm of the tragic image of the suicide, the image of Limbo ... many other examples, however, would be that we can add, from cannibal flying redeemed in heaven after having slaughtered and eaten a group of missionaries. And if the missionaries of which we have been eating were theologians or biblical scholars Jesuits, if so redeemed will be flown to Heaven and allowed directly into the White Rose of the Blessed. The problem is that the cannibals of the old Latin American Jesuits if they are not eaten all, so much so that, centuries later, they are returned to the attack by importing in those lands Liberation Theology, acting this time their cannibalistic doctrine and Catholic theology, animated to do so by learned ignorance and certainly not from unavoidable ignorance. If, however, the missionaries were Dominicans, in that case, as well as go to Heaven, the pious cannibal have gotten well out of food for the winter, because finding a Dominican skinny is not easy, most are all model tonnage St. Thomas Aquinas, nicknamed by fellow students, "the dumb ox", perhaps for his physical stature. St. Albert the Great, however, had reason, that Aquinas was a master, when he replied to these students ironic: "When this ox muggirà, his bellowing will be heard from one end of the earth ". It is unfortunately, today, the bellowing of the Aquino ox, They have replaced the braying of’donkey Rahner.



The ways of the Lord …

Referring to the inscrutable designs of God, the authors of the psalms sing and shout repeatedly, in the form of tender lament, that His ways are not our ways. While we can not know God's plans and actions which proceed almost always inscrutable ways, on the other there was, however, fully revealed in the flesh its way forward, which is the same Word of God made man who proclaims: «I am the way, the truth and the life " [GV 14, 6]. Giving us the way, the truth and the life, the father, through the Son, and both together through the work of the Holy Spirit, We have opened the doors to the redemption proceeds through the Church "sacrament of salvation"; through the sacraments of grace, donated and all instituted by the Lord Jesus, representing the ordinary means and instruments of salvation of Christ who is the way God, Truth and the Life. Christ God is not, however, bound and tied to the sacraments of grace, we need us, He is not sure; least of all is bound to the liturgical, or as a "Mass of All Time», high by some, to dogma above the mystery of the Holy Trinity, so are unable, certain modern Pharisees and dark, to distinguish the substances eternal and immutable by damn it they are - and that by their nature must be valuable - changing.


key to the kingdom

the real key to the Kingdom of Heaven …

In addition to the means ordinary of salvation offered for use to the Church to serve Christ and to fulfill his plans of salvation, there are always means overtime which they are by their very nature inscrutable, why dwell in God's heart and God shall; despite not having anything to do with the flights of fancy rahneriani on "anonymous Christianity". Therefore nothing to say, if the star Dante has placed Judas in hell through the images of his poetry; we can even assume that perhaps there are, but none of us is as safe to say that Judas Iscariot is damned to eternal punishment. On the other hand, always proceeding to examples, I remember the day when, discussing with the then promoter of the faith of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, that perhaps erring on the passion claimed that a certain candidate for canonization, from Paradise, There was definitely seeing everyone, I said in reply … "One thing is certain, and this is why sanctioned by a solemn act of the Church: It was beatified and soon to be canonized, without any possibility of contradiction or no discussion. But, with regard to the certainty of Paradise, we, we know if this saint is the time to enjoy the beatific vision of God, or to do some’ Of anteroom in Purgatory?». It took more than ever by passion, The theologian said to me, … "Do not you ever read where it is written that Jesus said to Peter,: "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and everything you melt on earth will be melted in heaven "?» [cf. Mt 16, 13-20]. I assumed the air of an airhead and I answered: "And, maybe somewhere I must have read it, I do not remember where, But I must have read it ". I added: «You know it, vero, that those who binds and melts, in heaven and on earth, is the will of Christ, God granted man who becomes his faithful instrument for the realization of his plans? To Pietro, the Sir, the keys of the Kingdom has given in comodato d'uso, not in possession. So, the protagonist, as well as the true master of the keys of the kingdom, Peter is not, It is the Risen for which Peter alloy melts according to His will through the work of the Holy Spirit ". And with that I specified at once that mine was a speculative provocation, for it is quite obvious that a saint enjoys the eternal bliss in Paradise. Before arriving at his canonization it has been done painstaking work, with theologians today as more and more profound today, prepared and reluctant to any superficiality. If the candidate for beatification was then a Roman Pontiff, his trial was opened cautiously thirty years after his death, and it lasted a long time, because they have been used for years and years only for the study of his acts of the Magisterium, of its public and private writings, of his homilies and his speeches, not to mention his acts of government, and especially if it was a long pontificate. Then there is the test of proven miracle, except that it did not attend the papal dispensation from Miracle, given that certain saints are so holy that the evidence of the miracle could be held entirely superfluous. And in the course of this long process that lasted several years, It was also streams of cash expenses, always proof of meticulous work that has been done and that in itself, unavoidably, it is very costly. However, what size the so-called head of the bull is the act of canonization, which in fact involves an act by which the Supreme Pontiff, with final judgment and final judgment, inscribes so solemn a Servant of God, previously beatified, of the Saints " [10]. This definition implies the infallibility according to the degrees established in To protect the faith of St. John Paul II [cf. Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON WHO, document text WHO], with all due respect to that delicious Sicilian and cutesy canonist who played to make the dogmatic theologian, adopting awkward legal schemes [cf. WHO]. The solemn act ends with the statement that the Supreme Pontiff intends to declare with it the presence of canonized in eternal glory, as well as its exemplary for the whole Church and the duty to honor him anywhere with the worship owed to Saints. And with that the conversation is closed, without any possibility of discussion, least of irony, mindful of the proverb wise: 'Jest with knaves, but leave the saints ".



the usual suspects, same script … when it changes the ridiculous faith in the certain knowledge to be serious.

Outside the Church there is no salvation, O Salus extra ecclesiam non est, is a warning to us, an invitation to never leave the road, the truth and the life. It is a warning line, dogmatically and doctrinally bound to the ordinary means of salvation. Unless, the height of folly pharisaical, someone does not want to deny to God the Father the legitimate use of extraordinary means of salvation, God the Son to have celebrated the Eucharist during the Last Supper without the missal of the "Mass of All Time», and finally, God the Holy Spirit, for not having followed for his actions in favor of some of the teachings of the encyclical purely political, and prepared for specific political and social problems a couple of centuries ago, because it was associated with a node, Far from being a dogma of faith, in the opinion of some would still be bound, for ever and ever the Earth and the Sky.


The joke of the Holy Father Francis about the fact that "God is not Catholic", was not a happy, as others have been not particularly clear, maybe sometimes not even necessary, But all made, always and rigor, as a private doctor, or as they say in another jargon: come private citizen. But when the Supreme Pontiff, in his capacity as Supreme Master, made the final keynote address at the Synod on the Family, Father Giovanni Cavalcoli and I have “danced” with joy for days, before the clarity of the words that came out of Peter [cf. who]. Of course, perhaps it would be better if the time, instead of saying that "God is not Catholic," he explained: "In our actions and our actions we are bound to the Magisterium of the Church and to Catholic doctrine in the manner and form in which the Church, which received its mandate from the Word of God in person by Peter, establish in the name of Christ the Lord for all believers of Christ, but God, that truth is a, eternal and unchanging, to the Magisterium of the Church and to Catholic doctrine is not in any way bound, regarding his actions of grace ".
But in these times of lean cows, or perhaps worse mad cows, you can not have certain all. Today we have little, or have the so-called "minimum wage", should make us dance and sing joyful: "Hosanna in the highest!», filled with faith, of hope and charity.





[1] Of the truth

[2] Letter 72 addressed to Pope Stephen I

[3] The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die Without Being Baptized [Readable text of the International Theological Commission who]

[4] Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence-Rome SESSION XIX 7 September 1434.

[5] Encyclical How much grief conficiamur, 10 August 1863.

[6] The expression On learned ignorance It goes back to St. Augustine Augustine, although made famous by the famous Nicholas of Cusa indicating the position of the human face of God: the human intellect, as finished, can not say anything about God, that is the absolute and the infinite, if not for the negative way, denying him any attribute that is recognized and to get close to the Absolute only knowing not to know. Ignorance, so, but learned it stands beyond and above all more complete human knowledge.

[7] "If ignorance is invincible, or erroneous judgment is without responsibility on the part of the moral subject, the evil committed by the person can not be imputed. It remains no less an evil, a privation, a mess. One must therefore work to correct the errors of moral conscience " [Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1793].

[8] Declaration Lord Jesus, (II), 12.

[9] Vatican Council II, Cost. dogm. The light, 1: AAS 57 (1965) 5.

[10] Daniel Ols, ON in theological foundations of the cult of the Saints, in AA. VV. Studium Congreg. Causes of Saints. , part theological, Rome 2002, p. 1-54.





Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Conservatism and Progressivism, two categories journalistic, not the Church's magisterium

Conservatism and progressivism:




The skipper of the boat is sleeping. No need to wake, not to feel criticized for having little faith. He knows when and how to intervene. It's up to him to wake up, if anything,. About noi, continuiamo the remare, as our action seems ineffective. If the boat really run the risk of sinking, He will think to calm the waters.


Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


progressive conservatives

Liberals and conservatives, two categories never endorsed by the ecclesiastical language

What the purpose of these two categories journalistic, that held the bank for fifty years in the big media, never appropriated the language of the Magisterium of the Church? They reflect a very rough surface and of the moral and doctrinal, confusing the debate and the problem with church disputes and conflicting opinions as ephemeral currents and the political. As I will demonstrate in this article, they are totally inadequate and misleading with respect to the issue of doctrine that the Church today has very serious. I'm kind of hypocritical smokescreen or, as they say, Of “bait and switch”, that for fifty years the modernists and the enemies of the Church, open or hidden, been able to impose the public with a powerful propaganda, conniving weakness or impudence of the ecclesiastical, to spread with impunity their mistakes and moral vices in the Church.

remove mask

it is time to remove the mask …

That's why it's time to say enough is enough and to unmask once and for all impostors recovering the wisdom, the Onesti, the seriousness, the accuracy and clarity of the language of the Church, certificate in the history of two thousand years of Christianity based on the same common sense, who feels the need to distinguish fundamental, the vital issues, not so much the preserve of the progress, Things certainly respectable but not decisive, but rather the true from the false, right from wrong, justice by sin. AND permissible in the language, when the subject or the opportunity it imposes, a certain style undetermined, diplomatic or gradient; you can not always do a hatchet, even at the risk of being offensive (1), this is true, but also the costume now widespread systematic ambiguity, disloyalty usual, to say and what not to say that ironically called the Void polically correct, What is repugnant and a source of infinite evils.

Cardinal martini

ll late Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, lent itself as a benchmark critical of Pope Benedict XVI and the leader of a progressive and liberal theology.

E’ true that these categories misleading, though in themselves not illegal, are favored by very powerful in the world today that wing and Catholic theology, strutting narcissistically title “progressive” marginalizing condescendingly, haughty condescension and barely concealed impatience with those in the Church who do not share his modernism, by Lefebvre and sedevacantists up to Catholics purest, upright and faithful, and even the progressives to Maritain or Congar. But this progressive for them is still not enough, since they are so far advanced towards the Church of the future, who consider the Second Vatican Council and the subsequent reign as passed and still tied to the remnants of the past. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, few months before his death, he stated on the BBC that the Church Ratzinger has been back two centuries [see who].


The Holy Father Francis

Francis Pope in his recent speech to the synod condemned the “Progressives”, [see who] but it is clear that he was referring to the modernist, which for fifty years have so far been able to survive by parasites of the Church, appear as the top of the class, and to reap success by hiding under the honorable title of “Progressives”. In fact, there is no doubt that the council has had a progressive character, as it has furthered the advance of Christian piety, of ecclesiology, of theology, of morality, dialogue with the world and the spiritual life. The other part, We can understand why the Popes have not yet spoken only on very rare occasions “modernism”; because we all still remember the dramatic modernism of the time of St. Pius X, who defined the phenomenon as the “sum of all heresies”. but yet, fifty years, prominent scholars and authoritative pastors of the Church, as were Jacques Maritain (2), Dietrich from Hildebrand (3), Cornelius the carpenter (4), Cardinal Giuseppe Siri (5), Cardinal Pietro Parente (6) and Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, prophetically signaled the return of a modernism that occurred since the immediate post-conciliar. It is true that there was also Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, which however, unfortunately, falling into a serious misunderstanding of modernism accused the Council itself. That is certainly the word “modernism” scare. but yet, to a careful analysis of the situation of the Church and theology today, the way things are. Of course we should not say that this disease of the mind affects all patients at the maximum degree; However, we know that to speak of malignancy is not necessary that the body is in metastasis, but it is sufficient that an initial presence, thanks to an emergency, can also be eliminated. Thus one may use the name of “modernist” for subjects in which there are only traces of this serious disease of the spirit.


Painting by Ruben

The important thing is not to be confused with the progressive modernism. Progressivism, as I said, is an entirely normal and healthy Christian life I would say mandatory. “The charity, St. Augustine says, if not progredisce, is not charity”. And St. Paul urges us all to strive with all our strength and to advance continuously towards perfection. The church, for its part, assisted by the Holy Spirit, moves continuously through history towards the fullness of truth. Modernism is instead a false progressivism; it is a deceptive and wrong attempt that, fraudulently claiming to refer to the Council, wants to modernize the Christian life through uncritical assumption of modernity, which, instead of being judged by the Gospel, claims itself to judge. Progressivism legitimate, therefore, can be an expression of a healthy appetite for the new, effect of a free choice or preference quite normal of certain faithful within the Church, more affected than others to the dynamic element, evolutionary and propulsive. Nothing wrong with that, rather it is a lot of good. A valuable service, certainly not without risks, worth to run in order to suggest new ways, research projects and implementation, in order to promote the advancement of the Church in history towards eschatological fullness.


The splendor of the liturgy is a legacy of faith that can not be lost or to be lost

Essential and vital, in the Church and in theology, is also a certain element or office storage or tradition, as it is to deepen, clarify, make explicit, develop, improve, to grow and develop a legacy, we could say a divine treasure, incorruptible, incorruptible and unchangeable values ​​of theoretical and moral, “non-negotiable”, universal and absolute, revealed, operated and founded by Christ and entrusted by him to the apostles. In this light, St. Paul commands Timothy: "Guard the deposit" [The Tm 6,20]. Obviously this is not to cling to use, institutions, Things, doctrines of the past, having exhausted their function, mostratesi or harmful, they are no longer needed, they have nothing left to give and even become dangerous: here is the “traditionalism” condemned by the Pope in the aforementioned speech. This “traditionalism” would not have loyalty, but backwardness and impediment to progress, as they say, “a ball and chain” or even a poison, as it would for example consume expired food or “muzzle the ox while it is treading” [The Cor 9,9].

Nokter Wolf

Dom Notker Wolf, abbot primate of the Benedictine confederation, during a rock concert

Progressivism and healthy conservatism refer to each other, as well as a body needs at a time to grow and maintain their identity. A rigid fixity and closed, without movement and adaptation, or conversely the disorderly movement of its dissolution of a body deprived of their identity are not the phenomena of life, but death. The conservative, as the lefevriano, which opposes the liberal or progressive modernist, waste that are both conservative extremists that ruin the Church and lead out the truth. It is urgent, therefore, to make some changes to a certain way of speaking about these issues. For instance, Recent events in the great debate about the story and the conclusions of the Synod of Bishops on the Family, you have to make some clarifications. The great modernist print and Masonic has been pleased to present the current Cardinal Walter Kasper as “progressive” vicina and the Pope, while the power of the now famous five cardinals including Cardinal Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been slanderously or at least improperly touted as “conservative” and contrary to the Pope “progressive”. This means, as they say, change the cards on the table so mean and unfair. We then things right. The five cardinal, they did not do anything but remember the core values ​​and dogmatic of marriage and the family are not “Conservatives”, but perfect Catholics. Cardinal Kasper and friends, to talk, with their assumptions malcelatamente relativistic and historicist, should not be called “Progressives”, but rather modernist.

Paul VI

Blessed Pope Paul VI

Father Al poi, obviously super parts thanks to the charisma of Peter and as a teacher of the faith, if we want to give a qualification, we assign at most that of progressive, ma non all Rahner all Kasper o o All Royal, but in the Pope Paul VI, to Maritain or Congar, not sure, so, a modernist, pace of the modernists that if you would like to buy up. Even a Pope is free to choose a given current theological or express its cultural line staff, that has nothing to do with his office of infallible Universal Doctor of the Church, beyond all possible opinions or theological tendencies. Therefore, if there is one on the Pope, teacher of the faith, beyond its heralded and unreliable statements represent the Pope, this is just Kasper; and if there is a teacher of the faith with the Pope, these will be just the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Do not be so to tell the stories. Journalists improvised theologians, before you write nonsense, who do you teach theology if it means a little’ more of them.

One final thought on this topic, and it is this. The problem of modernism in itself is much more serious than that of conservatism or lefevrismo. Except that the former is much more difficult to solve than the second, because while Lefebvre and the like are a very small minority, thus very little power, the modernists, After a tireless work to climb to the top, that has lasted fifty years, are now able to win in the Church and in the same hierarchy enormous power. So we understand how, while it is easy to take action against Lefebvre, of conservatives and traditionalists, is much more difficult to remove modernism, since it is precisely those impelagate authorities should intervene. AND, said humorously as a good journalist, how to keep mice to the cheese. Thus there is an obvious injustice that is taking place today. These are called “two weights and two measures”. Striking examples and paradigms are on one hand the ongoing persecution against the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the other impunity and the continuation of the huge success of which still enjoys the rahnerismo, still ongoing after fifty years, despite the opposition and reports of distinguished theologians. There is in fact to be considered that, on the one hand lefevriani have at least compared to the immutability of dogma and reject the dogmatic progress, modernists are much worse, because of their dogmatic relativism and evolutionism, which leads them to destroy all the dogma and undermine the foundations of the faith (7) leading souls to apostasy and immorality, beyond all their mock Catholicism.

Burke Mattei

Cardinal Raymond Burke Leonard at March for Life, to his left Prof. Roberto de Mattei, who for years it was the main organizer

The remedy, or at least an important remedy in this climate of falsehood and injustice, for which, according to the effective expression of Cardinal Raymond Burke Leonard, we feel the “seasickness” in the boat of the Church that seems without coxswain in the storm, seems to be a strong part of the Magisterium, wise and courageous recovery of authentic and genuine language of doctrinal and pastoral, that has always distinguished the great leaders of the Church, the great reformers and saints pastors and teachers, the pedagogical knowledge, catechetical, therapeutic, healing and evangelization of the Church, inspired by the Word of God, Guided by the Spirit, wisdom teacher who excels on every other school of theology, of spirituality, and moral perfection and virtue of mankind. In particular, it is necessary that the Church back to talk about the distinction of heresy by the dogma, orthodox heterodoxy, that is, in essence, the true from the false in the field of faith, as it is normal for the doctor to talk about health and disease. What is the doctor who does not dare to tell the patient that is sick? There is too much care in the authorities and among the pastors to speak frankly error, as if to do so would offend the wanderer. Of course you must learn to talk, but talking about is actually to the benefit dell'errante and those who are deceived by him. Today there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Catholics or other people deceived by heretics.


The Holy Father Benedict XVI

There is no use to pretend not to see or be limited to convictions or complaints are vague and general, which do not disturb any, if not worsen the situation of wandering and end up giving a free hand to impostors. It seems that the Magisterium of time is taken by an excessive regard for the erring, which then reverses to their own detriment. You should not be afraid to touch famous theologians or pastors or cry, although close to the Holy See or of the same Roman Curia or in the papal Faculty. The frankness with which the Cardinals faithful have criticized, in defense of the Church's magisterium, the brothers who make mistakes, is exemplary and comforting. It's about time that the good cardinal to come out of the closet. Of course, the modernists complain that Rome is too severe. But we understand this very well and we should not take any account of. The allegation of error just serves to correct the errant, while an excessive regard, an imprecise language and generic, too soft and forgiving mercy is not, but in the end connivance with error, with obvious damage dell'errante.



A language shy, stuttering and tergiversante shows a lack of conviction, want to praise and does not generate any respect, you do not need to moderate the arrogant and even raises only rice or compassion. Things have to be called by their name. I would be cautious to qualify a proposition as heretical; but if we find out for sure that it is heretical, it must be said that it is heretical. It should certainly sometimes, indeed usually, be mild and gentle in action, be patient and learn to wait. But to shake a sleeping consciousness or bold, energy is needed and severity. The expressions suggestive and euphemistic, circumlocutions, the paraphrase or circumlocution, sistema se living in a, are totally ineffective to show the evils and to correct the customs and misconceptions, as shown for the sake of completeness the experience of those dedicated to education, the formation of the next or guide of souls.

The skipper of the boat is sleeping. No need to wake, not to feel criticized for having little faith. He knows when and how to intervene. It's up to him to wake up, if anything,. About noi, continuiamo the remare, as our action seems ineffective. If the boat really run the risk of sinking, He will think to calm the waters.

Fontanellato, 3 November 2014




(1) Cf The peasant of the Garonne. An old layman questions about the present time, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris 1966.
(2) Cf The peasant of the Garonne. An old layman questions about the present time, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris 1966.
(3) Cf The Trojan Horse in the City of God, John Fox Edition, Rome 1969.
(4) Cf The adventure of progressive theology, Rusconi Editore, Milan 1974.
(5) Cf Getsemani. Reflections on the Contemporary Theological Movement, Editions of the Fraternity of the Virgin Mary, Rome 1980.
(6) Cf The crisis of truth and the Second Vatican Council, Po Institute of Graphic Arts, I rovigo 1983.
(7) A “faith”, for instance, as that preached by card.Martini, which is intrinsic to atheism, or the one advocated by card.Ravasi, which would in itself the question, or faith “athematics” Rahner or faith not as a doctrine but as “meeting” O “experience” that faith is?

The correct historical mission pedagogical and pastoral: the Church and the government of Francisco Franco






[…] at the end of the Spanish Civil War in the thirties of the twentieth century, will be counted 6.832 murdered between the clergy, divided into 13 bishops, 4.184 secular priests, including seminarians, 2.365 Religious and 283 religious; to these must be added at least 60.000 Lay, killed because they are part of the Catholic or some religious association, or simply because they are Christians, as well as several hundred thousand people killed as anti-Marxists, royalist sympathizers or right.

Author Ludovico Galaleta, I. C.

Louis Gadaleta, I. C. *


In 1978, three years after the death of Francisco Franco, a Spanish priest - who was the protagonist and eyewitness of the events ofcommunism Revolution in Spain 1936, miraculously surviving the fierce anti-Catholic persecution unleashed by anarchists and communists - A group of young left-wing intellectuals who in his presence he said, the worst of any sort on General Francisco Franco, with disarming calm and serene answered:

"I do those terrible years that I've lived and I've seen my brother priests tortured and murdered, nuns raped by hordes of mercenaries in the pay of the Soviet Communists and then killed in a cruel way, churches desecrated, symbols of Christianity destroyed, with immense damage to the artistic ... well, if today met our Lord Jesus Christ who walks arm in arm with Francisco Franco, First I would greet Franco, then the Lord Jesus!».

This hyperbolic expression all played on pure paradox was used to that priest, eighty years old at the time, to tell those so-called intellectuals in their early twenties, veterans from the "glories" of the sixty-eight: "Why do you speak to blind ideology of what you do not know absolutely?»

historical memory

the lack of historical memory is one of the major tragedies of our modern

In a social situation like ours today, in which the feedback often proceed on the basis of moods lack the most basic historical knowledge, our pastoral task is also to work on a proper recovery of an adequate historical memory, eliminating the history of myths and legends that have been replaced in the historical real: as a matter of fact, "Who does not know the history of the past, is often condemned to repeat it ", as he said the Spanish philosopher and writer George Santayana.

The "clerical complicity" with the Franco regime is still an accusation addressed to the universal Church and the particular Churches of Spain by intellectuals low market, in addition to the accusations against the Popes Pius XI and Pius XII, "Guilty" of having supported this leader rather than the so-called "fighters for freedom and democracy": obviously, many of those who today make such assessments can be found in the circles of the European Left radical chic, stubbornly survived the fall of Communism in the rubble of the Berlin Wall and the victims of their stubborn refusal to accept reality; and if reality conflicts with ideal, so much the worse for reality - Voltaire said! In order to understand certain facts and instead give then a calm assessment on the support given to Franco by the Church and by her two popes, you have to go back in time to the period of the Spanish Revolution, provide the reader with the documented truth of the facts and then leave him in the resulting conclusions, without changing the mood in truth and ideologies in history.


Freemasonry, that much weight and incidence took in all the attacks on the Church in the course of modern history …

The origins of the civil war can be placed from the 1931, when the republic is established in Spain, hegemony of the liberal left and the Masonic: the head of government is Manuel Azaña, anticlerical and turned Mason, that makes up a ministry formed by radical, Socialists and Communists. Incited by their leaders, the anarchist masses begin immediately in several cities: Madrid, Seville, Malaga, Cadiz, Alicante, to make an assault on churches and convents, profanandoli, looting and giving them to the flames. Called on to intervene to protect the personal safety and local, But the government refuses to send the Guardia Civil: "All the convents of Madrid are not worth the life of a single Republican" (1) Azaña declared.
In the following months a constituent assembly, where the Masons are 183, approve a new constitution, that is officially the Democratic, but in practice discriminates against all opposition, and especially virulent against the Church: Catholicism is no longer the state religion, that has now become secular and inspired, especially in the field of education, sectarian theories of Freemasonry; religious congregations are prevented from receiving any public financial support, their movable and immovable property are looted by the state and many of them will be arbitrarily suppressed under the guise of being enemies of the nation; Jesuits are suppressed even express article of the constitution. In addition, the divorce is approved and denied any validity to sacramental marriage.

To men it is totally forbidden to teach and have assets of industry and commerce, and this - combined with the expropriation of property - it throws the most destitute. Religious freedom is possible only in homes and public worship of religion is not allowed, and the government is at pains to prohibit processions, abolish religious education in schools and take away from them and from every public place the crucifix and all religious symbols.

Spanish revolution 4

archive photo: two of the nuns of the Visitation pipelines to be shot by the militia red. The seven Visitation nuns were proclaimed blessed martyrs 7 July 1997 together with others 491 Spanish martyrs.

Religious persecution is as violent as it is unjustified, because "the Church has not shown any systematic hostility to the Republic" (2), admit the Mason Alejandro Lerroux blaming, even as a lone voice, the illegality; but the anarchists are pushing for far more radical measures: "The Church has to disappear forever. The temples will no longer serve to promote the most vile complicity. […] I finished the fonts of holy water. It's horrible to see that the Republicans Madrid did not realize the true importance of incendiary blasts that have stained during the first days of July, our social firmament. There are no more shacks Catholic. The torches of the people were incinerated. In their place will be reborn a free spirit who will not have anything in common with the masochism that incubated in the aisles of the cathedrals. […] For this it is clear that there impadroniremo of all its [of the church, N.d.R.] assets that belong to the people for justice. The religious orders have to be dissolved. The bishops and cardinals should be shot. And the church property should be expropriated " (3), the newspaper of the POUM Workers Solidarity.

Sister Cecilia Cross

pectoral cross of the Visitation Sister Cecilia pierced by a bullet and now preserved in the Monastery of the Visitation

The Communists are no less: Trotskyist leader Andrés Nin said that "the working class has solved the problem of the Church simply, leaving even a non-standing ", and 'we have many problems in Spain, and bourgeois republicans did not bother to fix them: the problem of the Church ... ; we have it remedied by going to the root. We have suppressed his priests, churches and worship " (4). You get to say, as the Communist Juan Peyró, that "kill God, ing esistesse, the heat of the revolution, when the people, inflamed by hatred right, tranships, is a very natural fit for human consumption ' (5); "Spain has ceased to be Catholic ' (6), Cortes to Azaña enthused commenting on the constitution in 1931.

Spanish revolution 2

archive photo: as well as with the living fury of red rages even on the bodies of priests and religious, that are pulled out of their graves and exposed to gruesome mockery

From Rome, Pope Pius XI condemned the violence of the Godless with the encyclical We love the 1933: "We solemnly protest with all our might against this law, stating that it can not be invoked against the inalienable rights of the Church ", writes, hope that the people of the Iberian induced the rulers' to reform these provisions […] replacing them with other laws to reconcile with the Catholic conscience '.

Spanish revolution 1

Nun's corpse out of the grave and exposed on the road

Catholics persecuted advantage of the elections 1934 to send to the government in front of the right, that mitigate as far as possible the measures of persecution and try to restore order in the country, convulsed by violence and expropriation: the Esercito, commanded the Franco, repress the uprising of Asturian miners, that - egged on by the anarchist press - had murdered 33 priests and religious, destroying churches and religious symbols, bombarding the cathedral of Oviedo and even setting fire to the episcopal palace and seminary. But in 1936, expired term, new election marks the rise of the Popular Front, composed of radicals, Social-Communists and anarchists, which allow voting to win a few votes: the violence perpetrated by the left during the campaign shall be reported to the Cortes by right-wing deputy José Calvo Sotelo, the "Spanish Matteotti", my he 13 July 1936 Communists kidnap him and kill him. It is the straw that breaks the camel.

Spanish revolution 3

a firing squad of red-staged the shooting of the statue of Christ the Redeemer

Faced with the threat of a Soviet republic Spanish, now seen as inevitable by both sides, the 17 born July a military uprising immediately supported by the right, by monarchists and Catholics: the alzamiento is warmly welcomed in Burgos, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Zamora, and Pamplona where people "transformed the coup into a folk festival, spilling into the streets shouting "Live Christ the King!”» (7). The Republican response is immediate: unleashes the merciless hunt Catholic, be a priest or religious is itself worthy of death, as well as having sympathy for religion; churches were systematically looted and burned, or put to any garages or movie, while there is shameful incidents of sacrilege for which the Eucharistic Species are extracted from the tabernacles and trampled, mutilated statues and crucifixes, beheaded and shot. Works of art of inestimable value end up destroyed or stolen from the red fury: Republicans come to the point of opening the ancient tombs in the churches to steal the gold may be present, and even dig up the bodies of nuns and religious exposing them to the derision of the crowd macabre.

fatebenefratelli Spanish martyrs 2

the friars of the Order of St. John of God, Fatebenebratelli, dedicated to helping and caring for the sick, taken out of their hospitals and killed by red

The 30 September 1936 the bishop of Salamanca Pla y Daniel exudes his pastoral letter The two cities, that reveals the eyes of the world the horrors and hardships suffered by the Church Iberian, explaining the reasons why the Church and Pius XI blessed Franco and the Nationalists: "The current struggle […] yes covers the external form of a civil war; but it is actually a crusade […] an uprising not to disturb, but to restore order "; a crusade 'in favor of the order against the dissolving communism, for the defense of Christian civilization and its foundations, religion, Home and family, contro i without God and against God. […] The alzamiento Spanish is not merely a civil war, but essentially a crusade for religion, for the country and for civilization against Communism ". For every official act of the Church, Republicans react incrudelendo persecution: were exterminated regardless of all the priests and religious, accanendosi also against the sisters and nuns who are often repeatedly raped before being killed; some priests is promised his life if you will consent to lose one's chastity in brothels, but no one will agree to this ignominy.

At the end of the war, will be counted 6.832 murdered between the clergy, divided into 13 bishops, 4.184 secular priests, including seminarians, 2.365 Religious and 283 religious; to these must be added at least 60.000 Lay, killed because they are part of the Catholic or some religious association, or simply because they are Christians, as well as several hundred thousand people killed as anti-Marxists, royalist sympathizers or right.

Francisco Franco

Francisco Franco, the cover of the Times

In 1937 all the Spanish bishops signed a joint letter to support the crusade Franco and seek help from European nations, in the meantime are deployed: send volunteers for Franco Catholic nations of Portugal and Ireland, and for the Republicans socialist nations of France and the USSR. Germany and Italy, for political reasons the first and the second political-religious, sent armed contingents in support of the nationalists, that slowly proceed to the liberation of the territories, where the few priests escaped still be living back and restore Catholic worship, Brother di essi Josemaria Escriva, future founder of Opus Dei. In the meantime, Italian military chaplains, make up for the spiritual needs of the Spanish administering the Sacraments.

Among the Italian contingents are the volunteers of the Blackshirts, that well with the militia Republicans are having to fight against their own countrymen: in Spain are, indeed, many Italian Social-shareholders and the ranks of the International Brigades, they see in the Spanish war a crusade against fascism, according to the propaganda of Moscow, Meanwhile, it extends its control on the grid Republican causing the communists to physically eliminate the anarchists to take the lead in war.

Augustinian martyrs of spain

contemporary painting depicting the martyrdom of the Augustinian friars. In 1936 the friars of the Order of St. Augustine were killed by militiamen red 97

In the battle around Guadalajara, north of Madrid, the two sides are compared, Italians against Italians: the battle is close and long, from 8 to 25 March 1937; Republicans must absolutely reject the onslaught of nationalist, elated to have just released Malaga, in order to prevent the fall of the capital where they are holed up, and therefore resort to the help of Soviet tanks. After initial successes nationalists, Republicans have the upper hand and the Italian troops are forced to retreat: However, it is a Pyrrhic victory. Not even two years after the victorious troops of General Francisco Franco closed the war will come to the Capital, with the blessing of Pope Pius XII (8), who see with joy the end of an anti-Christian regime and the establishment of a Catholic state which will last until 1975 and expressing the Spaniards his "paternal congratulations for the gift of peace and victory with which God has deigned to crown the Christian heroism of your faith and charity", fighting for Spain, 'Nation chosen by God […] as an impregnable bulwark of faith [that] had to make proselytes materialist atheism of our century the most sublime proof that you are on top of everythingor the eternal values ​​of Religion

Franciscan martyrs

i 22 Franciscan martyr dell'Ordine

and of the spirit ". After praising that - despite "the intense propaganda and constant efforts of the enemies of Jesus Christ seem to have wanted to do an experiment in Spain chief of the destructive forces that hold them in the whole world", the Spanish people had risen "decided to defend the ideals of the faith and of Christian civilization" and "helped by God was able to resist the instigation of those, deceived by what he believed a humanitarian ideal of exaltation of humility, in reality, fought not only in favor of atheism "- Pius XII elevated Finally, thanks to the memory of" all those who were able to sacrifice himself heroically in defense of the inalienable rights of God and Religion, both on the battlefield, is enshrined in the sublime offici of Christian charity in prisons and hospitals ».

From this brief historical summary is possible to understand that hyperbole built on pure paradox, to which the elder priest, who had seen his brothers massacred by the hatred of anarchists and communists, appealed illustrating Jesus Christ walking arm in arm with Francisco Franco, the whole thing just to say to the young ideologues: study the history, because if you do not know, you will be doomed to repeat it.


* The AUTORE Religious Institute of Charity (The Rosminians), earned a master's degree in Contemporary History at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and theological baccalaureate at the Pontifical Lateran University.




(1) Cit. in P. PRESTON, The Spanish Civil War, Oscar Mondadori History, 2000, p. 35.
(2) Cit. in G. ROUX, The civil war of Spain, Trad.. en. Sansoni, Florence, 1966, p. 29.
(3) The Church Down! Editorial anonymous Solidaridad Obrera, 15 August 1936, cit. in A. MOUNTAIN MORENO, Historical summary of the religious persecution in Spain 1936-1939, Madrid, 1961, p. 55-56.
(4) Cit. both in A. MOUNTAIN MORENO, Historical summary, p. 55.
(5) Cit. both in A. MOUNTAIN MORENO, Historical summary, p. 55.
(6) Cit. in Ibid., p. 56, note.
(7) Ibid., p 81.
(8) S. S. PIUS XII, Radio Message "With inmenso joy", 16 April 1939.