"I'm gay". The coming-out of Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa, between the Pharisees and the sloth suicide clerical



Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa, theologian whom I respect and cherish great memories of which, He's gone with his "boyfriend”, the others are instead left to their places and soon become bishops and Cardinals in the Church of Christ emptied of faith and they reduced to a lobby straight pornocratici policy mafia blackmail and conspiracy of silence.


Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Bishop Olaf Kryzstof Charamsa, 43 year old, theologian of recognized thickness, Professor at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and the Pontifical Gregorian University, an official of the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith, and Secretary of the international theological Commission.

Unlike many others or most of the preface certain Catholic blog, I think I can speak of Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa with some knowledge, because I met him; in fact, he was my teacher at the time I was attending specialist license courses in dogmatic theology. In those years I had “the honor” to have as a teacher also Father Thomas Williams, who, by a hilarious irony of fate, was a professor of moral theology [see WHO, WHO]. I say "hilarious" because Williams — had a dispensation from the priesthood and dismissal from the clerical State — is married to the daughter of former u.s. Ambassador to the Holy See, from which had already had two sons in secret [cf. WHO]. And while this pious Legionnaire of Christ if messed up "Vatican diplomats thalami " [cf. WHO]; While her children were growing up healthy and beautiful, from his chair at the upright Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum - of which he was dean of theology in his early thirties - he thundered towards sins against sexual morality. Williams was indeed a hard and pure moralist, ready to throw lightning bolts and moral and bioethical thunderbolts on a condom and to threaten the poor young religious of the Legion, forced to have him so coercive as confessor, roasting in the fire of hell; because that would be their end, in case you were near misses the virile member prey on juvenile hormone also storms and only in a State of semi-consciousness during sleep. With some priests and religious, former unfortunate penitents obliged by this zealous former Legionary of Christ, I had to work a few years in foro interno and in foro outside, praying and hoping that God's grace, even through a donkey like me, sanasse the deep wounds are going to their souls by this evil being, inhumane and above all hypocritical structurally, worthy of the evil rotten trunk branch decayed by Marcial Maciel Degollado [cf. WHO].

Thomas Williams

the Legionary of Christ Thomas Williams, already Dean of theology of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and lecturer in moral theology and bioethics expert

I hope that similar events Prof. Roberto de Mattei - and with him all those who in recent days have treated Charamsa with extreme harshness in Corrispondenza Romana and elsewhere - have not lost my memory, including conferences he held together the moral integrity and bioethicist Thomas Williams [see WHO]. For my part I have no problem to say instead of having always considered Williams a mediocre inept put by inept legionaries of Christ teaching theology without first had included the foundations of the Catechism of the Catholic Church; and have highly esteemed theologian to Charamsa instead of that value was and who nevertheless remains. Well wonder: what he has to say to this de Mattei for Williams and Charamsa, apart from its invocation for the second of the mythical and … current Free Gomorrhianus published at the beginning of the 11th century [see WHO]?

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Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa, behind her partner Eduard Planas

And if the blog Forward People to the Rescue quickly echoes like a trumpet in the rag of clothing [see WHO, WHO, WHO] I prefer to proceed with the tenderness of affection towards a brother who made a mistake made by his grave further theological formation, in the face of which it is impossible to invoke ignorance and even less unavoidable ignorance. And my fondness stems from those pages of the Gospel in which the word of God invites the rich young man to give up his riches to follow him [MC 10, 17-27]. Now, Anyone who thinks that Christ was referring to material goods is wrong, showing in this sense that I understand this Gospel passage, because the true riches which limit the adverse sequela Christi and of which we must get rid of are those summarized in the Seven Deadly Sins. The sentence of this story is striking: "Then Jesus stared at him and loved him […]». This is tenderness: Let the penetrating gaze of God that one day, everyone, We are called to look face to face, also to submit to his judgment, that will be merciful even though his verdict was our condemnation to eternal damnation.


the return of the prodigal son to his father's house

This is why It is good to clarify from which pulpit preface farisee are the rags of dress on the case of Archbishop Charamsa. Analysing his gesture, the painful and provocative question that I will ask later will be the following: with this coming-out gave scandal or avoided continuing to live in scandal? I believe none of the many laiconi I immediately ran to shoot in bursts of what they regularly show they do not know, He managed to make a correct analysis, because in addition to not having the necessary elements to evaluate a case in itself and in itself very serious, do not have another precondition: the priestly soul. A priest's soul can be understood and, with God's grace penetrated, only from the soul of another priest moved from an awareness that touches not instead certain laiconi the party boat: Kryzstof Charamsa received divine sacrament an indelible character and eternal and as such will be a priest forever according to the order of Melchisedech, regardless of his choices and his life. I am aware that my brother made a gesture that betrays the profane and the sacred order of priests, but for this very reason I will never stop praying and hoping for his return, that the father can kill the fatted calf and sightseeing|. And that no one else dare you brother no objection before the acceptance of the merciful Father [cf. Parable of the prodigal son: LC 15, 23].

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Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa

Saying in retrospect "I thought so" ... it could almost taste like saccenza, but it is not so, because of the dear and esteemed Kryzstof Charamsa I remember the shiny look but at the same time sad and not clear, typical of the person who tries to hide the discomfort of that suffering about which he has written and spoken so much in his lessons, to be referred to as theologian of suffering, to which he has repeatedly dedicated learned seminars and scientific works [see WHO]. Thus I formed the idea that this very competent and lovable young theologian hid his own discomfort and the secret of his suffering in the mystery of human suffering. An inconvenience and a secret suffering that instinctively emotional sphere ricollegai-affective, because unlike this brother of mine who just became a priest 24 year old, I entered a seminary at a young age, and I got to develop some instinct before becoming adult presbìtero, safe and immune to the "false freedom" that pervades the seminars, where apparently it comes around, but where the repressive and self-repressive spirit is today far worse in many respects than that which prevailed in most of the pre-conciliar seminaries, from which you want by repression you want by careful selection, men came out and not women. And if you come back, in Diocesan presbitèri, There was some problem or some scandal broke out, This was due to the fact that some presbìtero fled with her lover, but with the female lover. I defy anyone to carry only one single case of a priest fled with the boyfriend before 1970s.

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Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa

The modern Pharisees who invoke the Free Gomorrhianus from above Empyrean of true&Temple traditio, however, they fail to give the public opinion correct information on Monsignor Charamsa, because if they did they would risk shooting themselves in the foot. It should be pointed out that, in fact, before his coming-out he has always been a theologian of orthodox doctrine trained according to the best criteria of classical scholasticism, end of Aquinas and refined scholar metaphysician; no coincidence that one of his main works is published by Edizioni Studio Domenicano [see WHO]. Students who had the opportunity to follow courses in the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum always remember with which accuracy and reliability have warned over the years future theologians from the old heresies, which, like viruses, transform over time while maintaining their dangerous substance intact. And also remember, his former students, how precise and decisive he was in the criticism addressed to the exponents of the New Theology; remember how in his lectures he emphasized the errors and dangers inherent in the thought of Karl Rahner. So precious he sent anti-modernist teachings and anti-rahneriani. A true theologian model belonging to the world of sound Catholic tradition, not an affiliate to the modernists or the so-called “Progressives”, quite the opposite: their sworn enemy.

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Thomas Williams after dismissal from the clerical State

The editor of Roman Correspondence, who has also been attending the large campus of the Legionaries of Christ for many years, where the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and the European University of Rome are located, he cannot pretend not to have known this theologian of sound and orthodox doctrine, and he cannot pretend not to have known the moralist hard and pure Thomas Williams, also of traditionalist setting, But if it was in secret with the daughters of ambassadors from such as churning out children and with whom I had a public discussion in 2008, When faced with his infuriating statement about masturbation I said that its rigor did not correspond at all to what is reasonable and humane was written with common sense and scientific in the Catechism of the Catholic Church [CF. n. 2352, WHO]. Up to arouse his scandal for this my affirmation text: "If a teenager is not St. Aloysius Gonzaga blessed by God with special thanks had never resorted to masturbation, If I was informed I would urge parents to take it as soon as possible by the neurologist, probably because there is in him something seriously wrong that does not work. If instead a young adult, od an adult, to live their sexuality through masturbation, in addition to putting myself at his disposal as a spiritual director, I would invite him to have a chat with a good psychotherapist, because this indicate that he, on an emotional and affective level, but especially at the level of human maturity, There is something not working right» …

… then, the legionaries of Christ, to build this large campus in the Aurelia area of ​​Rome they paid 18 bribes to corrupt officials, This is an entirely different matter morally, because what only matters is not to masturbate and do not use condoms.

Father Javier Garcia, L.C.

Given the very serious statement Just done, I get my hands on and to avoid unnecessary lawsuits which plaintiffs against ritorcerebbero improvvidi, accurate to claim the payment of 18 bribes to corrupt officials was one of the leaders of the Legion of Christ, the small and foolish father Javier Garcia, than in 2009, before a 27 priests, during a lunch in the Priestly House of Castel di Guido, Turning to me and to each other in that Italian International said before an entire audience of witnesses these very clear words about the devilish level that can reach the immorality of certain moralists: "In Italy you have a weird system. From us, in Mexico, It is not so, just pay one person that will fix everything; whereas, in Italy, you have to pay the various officials one by one, because each wants its slice of cake».


... those areas in which some do not at all apply the rigor of hard and pure moral theology …

After stating this, not in private but public columns in a magazine that exceeded in just one year 1.500.000 of visits, I'd be tempted to hope for a lawsuit from people who on the one hand they corrupted public officials with the payment of bribes, on the other were sleeping teens of their minor seminary in the dorms with the dim lights turned on, your hands outside the blankets and trainers who in turn controlled them strolling through the night, in order to avoid that they touched where resides the entire moral mystery of evil, that is born and grows everything from condoms and masturbation, certainly not through corruption of public officials through the payment of 18 tangents. The whole, goes without saying, while their priests impregnated the daughters of the ambassadors in private and then tore their clothes in public for a pre-marital sexual intercourse consummated by those who - even if wrong - had never solemnly promised to remain celibate and chaste. And having said that I avoid entering into the merit of the intense bond had by the legionaries of Christ with another them beniamino: the former Bank of Italy Governor Antonio Fazio, whose legal proceedings are well known to the public. If anything, about Fazio's ties with the Legionaries of Christ campus we could try to ask Prof.. Roberto de Mattei that teaches structure since its founding and where he still is the Coordinator of the graduate program in historical sciences, If that is not too busy to promote Press Agency At the legendary Roman Free Gomorrhianus, what the latter may take a grueling commitment, up to induce him to overlook understandably out of other things, Perhaps morally less relevant?

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S. AND. Mons. Mario Oliveri, Bishop emeritus of Albenga

Besides, we're talking about Catholics by Soviet regime, comparable in all respects to the ideologues of the old European communist parties, When tanks overran in August 1968 the city of Prague, were silent. As with Soviet ideology, affiliates have recently been silent "lodges" of the "Traditionalists" strong and pure before another undeniable fact: the Roman Catholic Diocese of hardcore Italian homosexual priests and scandals related to them, was governed by the darling of Italian traditionalist world: S. AND. Mons. Mario Oliveri, whose pontificals in Albenga cathedral were all full of jeweled pins mitrie, baroque vestments, of the Latins and ... many priests and seminarians sculettanti around him as languorous maidens captured by torpori of the first menstruation.

Gentlemen, as Hamlet said: "Something rotten in Denmark!». Implied: throughout. And those who think that Holiness and morality reside only where there is apparent rigor, the Latin liturgy and Gregorian chant, bel canto, did not understand anything; but it gets worse: he just doesn't want to understand anything, because the ideology that prevents her blinds. And ideology, whatever it is, it has always been the worst enemy of faith.

Recently I was scolded by one of my critics for having treated so "theologically incoherent"Prof. de Mattei in one of my articles focused on family and the Synod of bishops currently underway [see WHO]. Too bad that even in this case, to tear the clothes on my spirit "theologically incoherentWas a subject who spent his life harassing female students in a pontifical university; all healthy girls and women, well and with good memory. However, the inappropriate I would that, in the exercise of my priestly functions, I've never harassed a woman, neither inside nor outside my functions. And when, if anything, someone tried to harass me, I replied politely that if I wanted to accept certain pleasing "harassment" didn't have to do anything other than stay where I was, without any need to become a priest ...

Charamsa 8

What Monsignor Charamsa could and should avoid …

... but back to the case Charamsa, a brother to whom I will never cease - today more than ever - to love. In a relevant way and perhaps beyond reproach you could say that the Act of Archbishop Charamsa was an act dictated by Satan himself. In what other way could define an educated theologian, orthodox, competent and refined that addressed accusations to the Holy Church and the bride of Christ showing off in his verve a phrasebook criticism that rivals the worst ideologues of gender and omosessualismo? The worst heretical theologians, Hans Küng creature worthy of Karl Rahner, or the more Marxist theologians of liberation, they have never claimed anything like this; and they were and are, theologically speaking, obvious and manifest heretics, In addition to dangerous; While Monsignor Charamsa, theologically and doctrinally speaking, It was not and is not, because it is a serious problem mostly moral. And undoubtedly immoral - as well as detrimental to the dignity of all of us members of the Sacred Priestly Order - it was to see our brother dressed as a priest on the television channels of the world groping his "boyfriend", that clung to him and that he tilted his head on his chest as if it were the young apostle John with the Lord Jesus.

Lightning of saint peter

«The modern inability to read the signs» – the famous image of lightning that strikes the dome of St Peter's after the announcement of the abdication from the throne Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI

For my in-depth knowledge of certain Ecclesiastical Affairs and the complex relationships that I have for years as a confessor and spiritual director with numerous priests, often even in serious difficulties, using this my humble made his time training to enable the Ministry to Exorcist, I believe I can say that Monsignor Charamsa was not a direct victim of Satan but an indirect victim of his great acolytes. And his greatest acolytes are those who run major Diocese as bishops of the world; they are many senior prelates of the Roman curia and not a few members of the College of Cardinals. Msgr. Charamsa is just the result of what in a book of 2011 [And Satan came Trino, in other publishing company reprint], pointed to as the tragedy of the omosessualizzazione of the Church. And screaming in the deserts like a cheap little John the Baptist, such am I, I needlessly explained and repeated that a growing army of gay took office in all key posts in the Church, holding entire dioceses through the worst weapons of blackmail; holding their respective bishops hostage, often reduced to Snowmen with their beautiful miter on their heads and their shining crooks in their hands, but not able to govern many churches lost, because totally frocessed as a result of what in an ironic but relevant I define in my book as a universal nubifrossing broke out on the poor Church of Christ.


The powerful lobby gay that rages within the Church he has repeatedly forced Benedict XVI to appoint bishops of subjects that he would never have nominated; to raise to the dignity of Cardinal certain subjects like soubrette that elderly men; people who are not inspired by the memory of the Princes of the Church which is required as a first condition not only a natural maleness anatomical, but above all an adequate psychological masculinity.

The powerful lobby gay lava the worst "criminal records " of priests in career or on the run to the episcopate known for their immoral conduct since they were seminarians; reports will disappear with the ecclesiastical authorities from the few priests who have left a glimmer of courage, so coercive threat who view dissent towards their gossip. The lobby gay prevents healthy and motivated men are ordained priests, because today the majority of Italian seminaries are filled by embarrassing with shrill little voices effeminate and bloodless movements, in particular in Southern Italy, where if a gay is not handsome, then cannot fly to Rome, Bologna and Milan where he would find a rich homosexual fifty immediately that would keep him with all the, as an alternative in comes in seminar, becomes a priest and looking for a career. It is no coincidence that gays entering seminaries are always ugly and physically not attractive, because otherwise they would take other roads and taken all other careers. In all my years of priestly ministry and those of my previous training for the priesthood, the only gay athletic and personable that I knew, in the midst of a growing army of homosexual priests, it was only and uniquely Monsignor Charamsa. Maybe there will be other, but despite having lived mostly in Rome in international ecclesiastical and priestly circles, homosexuals I knew only him attractive.

Christ the Redeemer Rio

«The modern inability to read the signs» – lightning strikes the right hand of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro and damages your thumb. For over a Millennium, before the introduction of the “great sign of cross”, the blessing was given or by putting their hands or drawing a sign on his forehead with the right thumb.

I'm not suffering from sessuocentrismo nor is it one that fits the individual through situations and sessuocentrici schemes of Sigmund Freud, but as a man who never denied that he had lived in his previous life a dimension too sentimental and sexual, and that he had known the disorder of licentiousness and living with women, I can't evade the fundamental element of that human sexuality which was incidentally one of the main elements that helped the decline of Roman society. When it was lost virility, gradually took the field and homosexualism spread to the highest levels of social and political. Finally came down from the North of Europe, which barbarians were males and all-round … and to put it in a real way and without modest clerical euphemisms: the barbarians arrived with virile member erected and the sharp sword in hand plucking of the sorpresa “males” Romans plunged into the abyss of the worst frocismi and who made up by women were in orgies with young people at in alcove …

Sack of Rome JN Sylvestre 1890

the “Sack of Rome” by the Visigoths in the year 410

… and so the barbarians put in what remained of the knee decadent Roman Empire, with their erect member and their sharp sword.

Right now it's happening to ecclesial level the same thing in worse shape and with a difference: the barbarians converted to Christianity, and also thanks to their Christianity was saved and spread among the same barbarians. And from what the barbarians were hit? What drove them to conversion? Soon said: their conversion is linked to extraordinary figures of bishops, priests and monks, which barbarians recognized manly hardening, courage, authority, then the authorities. Well let's imagine the barbarians today: What would reactions before bishops figures hybrids and androgyny, who speak in a low voice but do not speak, they don't tell you and not say no, but above all more and more surrounded by sculettanti priests who speak with falsetto voices? Just imagine the reaction of the barbarians …

Gianfranco Ravasi

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi

… who could now, as in the 452, to stop Attila said “the scourge of God“, armed with only their own great authority, as was the Holy Pontiff Leo the Great? Perhaps Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi ordering the King of the Huns: "Dear brother, don't get mad, rather, come be my guest at the The Court of the Gentiles, talk together». Maybe Attila, After a laugh he would respond: «Sweetness, do you think being on set of the Canale5 television studios? See that I am real, But if you do not understand then know that I kill seriously!».

roberto marchesini

the psychologist Bonginkosi Macala

Years ago already I was talking of the homosexualization of the Church with all that goes with it, in-depth theme with the psychologist to whom Bonginkosi Macala complained a real omosessualista coup in progress [cf. WHO]. God knows how I suffer to see some ridiculous falls, Why just attend a meeting of the clergy in any Diocese to realize how low is, If not sometimes non-existent, the level of testosterone that runs between presbyters and bishops, until you reach real grotesque figures of priests; or to clergy assemblies that seem like real gatherings promoted by the Gay Village.

Maybe they were unleashed new persecution against the Church, because the blood of martyrs has always cleansed and revitalized, what they have learned over time our enemies, the devil in my head all that, treasured the lesson, If it looks good by making us a good service, in fact, his service is quite different: making use of the worst deeds of men of the Church often reduced to figures poised between caricature and grotesque, is spilling out of the ridiculous, even the contempt, but the ridiculous.

Today, the Church attacked from within was first of all emptied; powerful consortiums of half men have been created and placed in the most important places, made weak by their congenital smidollatezza and manageable through their ricattabilità. And these men in turn select the most “means” yet they are as such weak and intimidate, then intruppabili. "Blood of the martyrs"!


the pagan triumph festa di Sant'Agata in Catania, notoriously run by mafia clans

Ask us a question, or rather if the Italian bishops or what remains of the Italian episcopate address it: because from Naples downwards the Social Doctrine of the Church does not find application; because it was not developed culture of speakers and of the great Catholic aggregations? And Catholic aggregation means that four of the neocatechumenals means exalted disruption or Charismatic, but something else kind of aggregating aggregates. Because everything tends instead to be limited to a pagan faith made up of popular traditions, processions and celebrations of saints and saints that are reminiscent of the Greek bacchanals, which in his time ended with the great orgy between rivers of wine, while today they end with fireworks, as a simulated depiction of orgiastic orgasms? Because no one will care that the appalling scandal of the feast of St. Agatha in Catania is totally in the hands of the powerful mafia catanese [see WHO]? Well I'll tell you the meaning of it all: because in southern Italy — without prejudice to the individual exceptions of good priests, they are getting less and increasingly harassed by a corrupt church system and corrupting — there is morally more outrageous clergy, poor, and lazy white collar of our country. Indeed, Mafia associations: Camorra, ' Ndrangheta, Sacra Corona Unita and Cosa Nostra, not wanting to disturb their territory. Therefore they do not like the presence and work of antagonists capable of snatching the young laborers from them, educating young people to a non-mafia culture, what this would require the temperament and virility of priests who are first of all men determined and capable as such of inspiring respect and sacred fear. Here then is that the mafias have also insinuated a mafia system within the local Churches, where many bishops actually behave as if they were clan captain, surrounded by priests often caricatured and blackmailed. Inevitable therefore that certain local churches are first and foremost filled with homosexual priests, into the wardrobes of which is in fucking everything and more. This makes the particular Churches of southern Italy weak and subject to organised crime, exercising great power on the Bishops of blackmail, because if they were not in their place as the mafia want, these would bring out such serious moral and patrimonial scandals in front of which one would end up having to admit that the objective reality of certain bishops, priests and Diocese exceeds human imagination really.

storm sedated

Jesus sleeps in Peter's boat on the stormy sea [MC. 4, 35-41]

Over the years, in Rome, How many petitions were received, with all the most serious and detailed explanations of the case, about the urgency to appoint as diocesan bishops from Naples down priests without any bond of birth, parental and social with the place; that you are not trained in seminaries and theological studies locations? For all answer, not only Roma has been deaf, much worse: some of the most blackmailable priests-miss they were promoted to the episcopate and elected bishops of several of these particular churches, within which they have continued to increase and protect the ecclesiastical frocismo.

The Church will survive as it is written in the deposit of our faith, but this survival cannot be separated from the clear warning: "When the son of man will come back, will he find faith on the earth?» [cf. LC. 18,8]. The Son of Man could also find the shell of a Church totally devoid of faith, with small nuclei and persecuted outcasts inside, who tried to keep the faith of the Apostles intact at an immeasurable personal price.

free fall

We're in free fall, and without a parachute …

We are in irreversible free fall, being advanced with a crumbling of the faithful as he had never seen before in certain continents. And because as a Christian and priest are called to realism and not idealism German array — place that Christ died and rose again realistically, idealistically not something I — to be sure, even if in this case it is not appropriate to talk about "certainties": in not many years, the Church as we have conceived it for centuries at the ecclesiastical level will no longer exist [cf. My previous article, WHO]. The Church will survive and will continue to live until the end of time, but it will become "other”, because they are now fifty years that Christ's Church is turning into "other”; and this is not an opinion but a fact which I accept, while others do not, beginning with the members of the College of Bishops, because the best of the worst larded certain twentieth-century teologismi devastating idealist German array, which makes them sick of that idealism that leads them not to understand that realism all based on the flesh of the Risen One who ascended to heaven with the indelible signs of passion imprinted on his glorious body.

Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa It came out in the open, but contrary to what many people think, I believe it caused a minor scandal compared to those who reduced the Church to a sort of gynoecium for castrated capons, ready to destroy in the male group if they can't have, to possess, manage and reduce to their toy. And if they can't destroy that are not easily controlled, which is the male, then totally marginalize, so that clergy can triumph queers e checchine dive e divine thirsty for Red ties, of places in the sun and of prebends, subjects ready to be subjected to the powerful as gods geishe and arrogant beyond measure with the weak and the helpless. These are the true acolytes of Satan, Monsignor Charamsa not.

Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa and his companion on their departure for Spain

Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa It came out in the open Why is a male young and good looking, with a physique athlete and swimmer, beautiful and bright blue eyes. A man whose life, for better or for worse unfortunately, may grant all that could not grant the full army of gay priests unsightly in appearance and body, with devilish cunning but not of intelligence nor culture and skilled for this dissimulatori that, like all very mediocre people, or like all gay people angry, can a career only within the Church in our time of decadent implosion. Careers that ecclesiastical authority continues to concede their villain, nominandoli to high academic positions, making them bishops, inserting them in the Roman Curia, in the diplomatic service of the Holy See and so forth, because as I said years ago to the psychologist Roberto Marchesini: "They have made a coup!» [see WHO]. And I add today: «And the abdication at the sacred threshold of Benedict XVI is the tragic epilogue». Or maybe someone thought that the terrible and heavy bundles of investigation carried out on behalf of the Reigning Pontiff's predecessor and entrusted to four elderly Cardinals, It was dissolved into thin air? No, those folders are heavier today, and they contain facts and episodes before which Satan would be able to admit that he, even with all his hatred towards Christ, He could rub the Church as they slashed some Cardinals, bishops and priests.

garbage at home

junk in our House …

The theologian Kryzstof Charamsa it was one of our best items, and is out the door so striking to leave home for the worst that followed albergarvi in; a great item that no trainer and no confessor — to which who knows how many times will have spoken of their sexual urges towards your same sex — ever said: "Be pure yourself, but please, don't become a priest ". This sentence I have repeated several times, until a few weeks ago, several candidates for Holy orders, except watch them then order over time by their respective bishops, heedless of the enormous damage that with those sacred orders would have gone to the Church.

Stanislaw Dziwisz

Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz

This is our irreversible situation: Incapacitated bishops that cannot be removed because it protected by powerful cardinalone their former partner at the clique of the Almo Collegio Capranica, or why become bishops at the behest of some powerful that can not be mistaken in the choice, not even after death. Incapable bishops who in turn make perfect incapable of directing their seminaries, within which gay aggregations are formed, several of them then fly just priests for the offices of the Italian Episcopal Conference, the dicasteries of the Holy See, the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy ... and as the vipers continue to breed and protect each other at the highest levels, digging the ditch around anyone who opposes and call them by their name.

Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa was wrong, has betrayed the sacred priestly promises and embarrassed the increasingly small group of his healthy brothers; but he had the courage to tell everyone in the face that he was the product of this ecclesiastical homosexualization that has favored him in a fast and dazzling career since his young age, without anyone, during his formative years, realize the obvious before it was consecrated priest.

How many other gay of the powerful consortium of Polish homosexuals, apparent to the eye but at the same time hidden, remain in service to the Holy See, under the protection of the always powerful Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, also known as "the great gay washer”, He often provided such guarantees to do envy the candor of Santa Maria Goretti, Virgin and martyr?

nuncio in santo domingo

S. AND. Mons. Jozef Wesolowski, already Papal Nuncio in Santo Domingo, convicted of child abuse and possession of child pornography material and dismissed from the clerical State

How many members of the consortium of Polish gay they were promoted to the episcopal dignity? Because if I'm not mistaken, the first apostolic nuncio accused and found guilty of pedophilia in the entire history of the diplomatic service of the Holy See was just a Pole [see WHO, WHO]; Supposing that was in thanks of Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, always to talk about this poor Church where everyone knows responsible, instigators and executors but where nobody cut their heads, to promote boundary in different position, or heedless of the damage they can do is leave the Episcopal Chair or at its offices until the age limit occurred. Or: everyone knows that that auxiliary bishop is a problematic subject? And what's the problem: Let's see which diocese is vacant and nominiamolo for that bishopric, so it can be removed on one side to continue doing much worse damage elsewhere.

charamsa 9

Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa

Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa showed us to be the result and product of true acolytes of Satan, those who are defacing the Holy bride of Christ, hiding behind always reasons and rigor over good pastoral policy and high ecclesiastical diplomacy; reasons in the face of what they consider legitimate sacrifice even Christ and all Saints. And while all of them will end up in hell greeted triumphantly by Satan himself, Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa will end up instead in purgatory to serve his well-deserved punishment, that will be no eternal damnation. To eternal damnation they condemned those who have transformed the Church of Christ in a branch of the Church of Satan, including the rectors of seminar, Spiritual Directors and confessors all those unable to exercise with their own conscience and wisdom ministries, I have never read and feel the character of young Kryzstof Charamsa saying he: "Don't become a priest, because if you will not be able to be free, You can't be yourself, then you will devote yourself to useless suffering ". And not by chance, many years later, Bishop Charamsa was known within specialized theological as a young master of the Theology of suffering.

charamsa 10

Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa

A Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa, also in serious mistake and lacerating injury went to the Church, It should be recognized a "merit": at one point it was no longer in this game, he publicly betrayed the priesthood, she hugged her "boyfriend" at a press conference and left on a "honeymoon" for the Basque Country, While all other, far more dangerous than him, instead they remain in their places to profane the Sacred Priestly Order in a much worse way, decide that the able-bodied men cannot become priests and priests worse morally worse and continue to be promoted to episcopal dignity for protection of political reasons-diplomatic and ecclesiastical-that were created within the now “System-mafioso-Catholic Church”; a system to which everything is expendable, including the mystical body of Christ.

Monsignor Kryzstof Charamsa is gone with her "boyfriend", others — much worse ones — are instead left to their places and soon become bishops and Cardinals in the Church of Christ emptied of faith and they reduced to a lobby straight pornocratici policy mafia structured on diabolical dynamics of blackmail and conspiracy of silence.









I Santi “obnoxious”, Popes included …

— Letters from the readers of’Patmos Island -



[…] if the Holy Father Benedict, doctrine man and refined theologian, he had a tendentially mild and weak character, to the point of being subjected to a real dripping during the last year of his pontificate; the Holy Father Francis, che conosce la dottrina e che per sua stessa e ripetuta ammissione non è un teologo, far from having a mild and weak character has the spirit of the leader, of General and, tra un sorriso mediatico e l’altro, his authority knows exercise and enforce, and how! At this delicate moment in history at Christ Church maybe needed this: a Pontiff that impose its authority knew and know to cry if the proud and arrogant rather than go away crying before the arrogance of the proud and arrogant.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Caro Father. I've been reading your articles for a while and I have to tell you: on something I agree on other somewhat less. We witnessed a very painful renunciation from part of a great Pope that stinks more than blatant exclusion on the part of those who have always hated. She defines a thing for me was the spearhead of the Holy Pope John Paul II and now impresses me the strength with which bears his cross. Frankly it saddens me to compare his meekness and determination the arrogance of his successor who seem to be debunked a Paladin of so-called progressive that a representative of the East India Company as she called his order [cf. WHO] intriso di potenti. I know that the Holy Spirit is at work but does not force then it is not that we have closed the door on making us owners of what is not ours? I'm not a traditionalist I am just a Catholic Christian a little saddened and bewildered. Thank you for your attention and for your possible reply.


Caro Ermanno.

The vocation follows the dynamics of falling in love. When as a teenager I used to fall — something that happened every two weeks media —, my age seemed to me as a beautiful goddess, what am I saying: perfetta! A quel point, by man “adulto” ed “experttal ero a 13 year old, got to sing and dance "Ramaya Ramaya Bokuko abantu Ramaya Miranda Tumbala» [see WHO], I went to get my grandfather's advice, che aveva la capacità di prendermi persino sul serio — forse perché si chiamava Giordano Bruno? —, remaining unmoved in the face of my shoot, type: "I fell in love with Silva, the daughter of pharmacist». And he, Serio: "But I didn't realize that Silvia was the daughter of the bakery». And I: "And, you got it right, because even the Baker's daughter is called Silvia, but that was two girl cooked does». E dopo la prima euforia la ragazzina cominciava ad apparirmi non più una dèa, and rather than see her perfection I began to see the flaws.

How many times I happen to smile to myself, quando per i sacramentali o le assistenze liturgiche indosso la crush bianca, oggi che sono felice sposo della Chiesa.

After disbanding neurotic Dell’falling vocations one of my trainers — also became a priest in adulthood —, mi rivolse un monito di cui feci subito tesoro e che oggi è per me oggetto di esortazione: «Do not idealize the people, because you can create idealizing of idols, finendo poi appresso delusi e non di rado arrabbiati col coltello stretto tra i denti».

To avoid falling into such disarray and at the same time clarifying certain doubts legittimi altogether, should be clear, first of all, what is Holiness. Saints are those figures to which all we do cheer but well we look by look, in particular to the holy martyrs. What are the soubrette e gli attori di film demenziali che amano dichiararsi devoti di San Pio da Pietrelcina in giro per le televisioni o sulle colonne dei rotocalchi rosa, to whom is never crossed my mind to make the slightest effort to imitate the model in their lives of faith and Christian virtues of this extraordinary santo?

There are major figures in the history of the Church that no one has ever canonized and that inspire my deepest sympathy, that is a human element subjective. Ci sono diversi santi, alcuni anche dottori della Chiesa, that make me instead antipatia, some deep well; and the antipathy, as the sympathy, is a human element subjective and as such if necessary to control, because from it you should not be affected when you are called to formulate evaluations and especially to make choices regarding the Church's life or the lives of individuals.

La riconosciuta santità instead relies on an element objective rectum on a solemn pronouncement of the highest Mastership: the Church has canonized that man or that woman — I can be obnoxious — recognizing objectively la eroicità delle loro virtù ed elevandoli quindi a modello di esempio per il Popolo di Dio. This element of objectivity is a given for me that I have never denied, quite the opposite: lo riconosco, I respect that, I follow it and send to the people of God. Moreover, the Church does not requires me to ask you to intercede for me with God in those saints who subjectively I think “obnoxious”. E se per un verso non nego di sentirmi molto più vicino alla spiritualità di San Domenico di Guzman e dei suoi Frati Domenicani, on the other hand I don't have any problem to declare indifferent to the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi and distant from his Franciscan friars. I have sympathy for St. Philip Neri and devotion to Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Despite being free to express that the current Jesuits — to me epitetati Company of the Indies —, have little to do now with the society of Jesus designed by their founder, perché se tornassero a essere ciò che erano, instead of spreading poisons of Karl Rahner like Thomas Aquinas novel of the 20th century, would the novitiates and student full, instead populated by some African shaman or by young Indians who often manifest themselves most clearly that Buddhist Christians. And we pass on the kind of training through which came to the priesthood a pious past and Jesuit on what you come today certain methods and certain Buddhist shamans means.

The whole thing is just Chronicle of a death foretold, why the 23 October 1972 un insigne gesuita, Cardinal Jean Danielou, rispondeva così a un intervistatore della Radio Vaticana sulla crisi della vita religiosa, in particolare della Compagnia di Gesù:

«La soluzione unica e urgente è fermare i falsi orientamenti presi in un certo numero di istituti. For this it is necessary to stop all experiments and all decisions contrary to the directives of the Council; mettere in guardia contro i libri, the magazines, conventions that are put into circulation these misconceptions; ripristinare nella loro integrità la pratica delle costituzioni con gli adattamenti chiesti dal Concilio. Where this appears impossible, It seems to me that you can not refuse to the religious who want to be faithful to the constitutions of their order and directives of Vatican II to form distinct communities. I superiori religiosi sono tenuti a rispettare questo desiderio. These communities must be allowed to have houses of formation. Experience will show if vocations are more numerous in case of strict observance or observance homes mitigated. Nel caso in cui i superiori si oppongano a queste richieste legittime, un ricorso al Sommo Pontefice è certamente autorizzato» [text of interview, WHO].

E sulle ceneri della Compagnia di Gesù St Ignatius Loyola, He was born to father Pedro Arrupe new Company of the Indies diretta oggi da Padre Adolfo Nicolás.

Another item to clarify is the fact that the Holy perfection is not required. Not only, indeed, There were saints who walked the capital sins far and wide, because along with the sins they committed all manner of errors, prima di quella conversione che li ha portati a diveniri degli autentici modelli di virtù. A separate topic deserve those saints who were Matti come cavalli da corsa, per citarne uno tra i tanti: St. John of God, also as former soldier Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Fatebenefratelli order meritorious, It takes its name from the habit of this man of God who often, between the laughter of the people, began to rant and to gesture the squares and markets screaming: «Fate del bene, fate bene, siblings, a voi stessi!». Implying that doing good to the next, and in particular to the sick, It was also good to yourself, alla propria anima.

The last Popes canonized and beatified, were far from perfect: mi riferisco a San Giovanni XXIII, Blessed Paul VI and John Paul II San …
… certain naivety of John XXIII are known facts, as is the fact that if the withdrawn Paul VI, anziché piagnucolare, He had used his authority to invoke Apostolic and nipping their legs to certain theologians who spread dangerous heresies, today their children ed i loro grandkids non avrebbero impestato la Chiesa intera di pensieri eterodossi. Nor can we evade the fact that in the last decade of pontificate of Saint John Paul II, with Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for bishops have risen to some of the worst Episcopal bishops ever had by the Church over the past two hundred years of history; and this statement is a fact supported by the convictions of various courts of the world, from various more or less silent dismissals, da tanti penosi promoted to be removed, etc ...

Ciò vuol forse dire che sono stati canonizzati e beatificati degli uomini che non lo meritavano? Or men without the fundamental virtue required of a Saint, che è la prudenza?

Place without stain of original sin was born only the Blessed Virgin Mary and that only the word of God made man has never known SIN, These Popes have been canonized and beatified because in spite of their imperfection, in the face of an appeal before which Apostolic, the first to be inadequate in its way it was personally chosen by Christ God, were models of heroic virtue. Analogamente a San Pietro anche questi suoi recenti Santi Successori hanno vissuto una vita esemplare in contesti sociali e politici talvolta difficilissimi, a volte impossibili da gestire, Blessed Paul VI in particular. And as we know Peter, dopo essere scappato impaurito [cf. Mt. 26, 47-56], dopo avere rinnegato il Signore per tre volte [cf. 26, 69-75], dopo essere stato a giusta ragione rimproverato da Paolo ad Antiochia [cf. Gal. 2,1-2.7-14], è morto versando il proprio sangue per Cristo e per la sua Chiesa; a blood that makes him heroic in faith but certainly not perfect in some of its incorrect opinions, in certe sue condotte di vita e in certe sue scelte.

This logical Christian It is therefore also applicable to Benedict XVI, None of us can reasonably change nor in a roaring lion or a warrior, né in un idolo, even with all the affection and reverence that I for one I cherish towards him.

Che Benedetto XVI abbia mostrato profonda debolezza and sometimes a total lack of Church Government, is a fact that nothing takes away the virtues, His Holiness of life and beautiful theology according to which, Apostolic authority together with its, He could order the diffusion of heretical thoughts of many theologians — starting from Karl Rahner — and to prohibit their thoughts were used as teaching incorrect even required under her window to pull up papal of future priests who do not have a clear idea at the outset on the ministerial priesthood, proprio perché infarciti delle gravi eresie rahneriane riguardo la concezione stessa del Sacro Ordine [reference on the subject to the splendid article by John Carlson, see WHO].

From refined what was theologian could have avoided, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, to consecrate a Bishop with his bare hands a topic from questionable to say the least Christology as Bruno Forte; could have avoided by the Roman Pontiff to consecrate a bishop and then create a subject like Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, that embodies the denial not only of healthy living theology of Benedict XVI but the orthodoxy of Catholic doctrine; avrebbe potuto impedire a molti scellerati vescovi italiani di mandare i loro seminaristi a fare i ritiri spirituali prima delle sacre ordinazioni presso il false prophet e bad teacher Enzo Bianchi, perché tutto questo è autentica empietà … These and more are the devastating works that took place under the eyes of Benedict XVI, fully informed and aware of all. Delle oggettivepecche” that invalidated but his Holiness of life, alla sua alta teologia ed al suo splendido magistero pontificio.

Having said that I add: If those who by waiving the sacred throne continue to try theories from libro giallo, Instead they tried to penetrate the mystery of the Church — which requires the assumption of humility and listening — understand that Pope Benedict has done voluntarily, spontaneously and freely by the why can't handle a situation of paralysis that has developed as a tumor with disseminated metastases in the last half-century of the Church's life, starting from John XXIII, come blaterano gli accusatori del Concilio Vaticano II, because the triggering conditions already there were everyone in the last part of the pontificate of Pius XII, which saw fit not to appoint a Secretary of State; But having said that why can't I gotta sit open a complex topic in the theme. I will only say that the many, le troppe Agatha Christie entering as tanks in the factory of Murano crystals of the contemporary church history, should assess the damage and the bewilderment that produce the good people of God, pronto spesso a prenderli sul serio in quanto “Seri” e “Devotees” Catholic historians or journalists. One “Serio” e “devotee” giornalista cattolico non svende però la povera e deturpata sposa di Cristo per uno scoop, impersonating the sensationalism for irrefutable truth; a “Serio” e “devotee” storico non spaccia per verità le proprie ideologie soggettive, as such all debatable.

If we do priests catechesis, If we explained to our faithful the fundamentals of doctrine, of Ecclesiology, the sacramentary, Church history and Canon law — but the assumption though is the knowledge transmission — we would avoid leaving them in meal daily Twaddle who write many vaticanologists loaded by their owner-operators or as any from small serpents hidden in the anonymity of the Roman curia; giornalisti che molti nostri fedeli — non avendo adeguate risposte da parte di noi preti — prendono come Parola di Dio con tutto ciò che ne consegue.

And to respond strictly in relation a relevant question: ammettiamo che il Santo Padre Francesco, as our dear reader is an «arrogant». Admitted and that the grace of the Holy Spirit is able to pull out the virtue even the habit, I ask: After a gentle man was devoured by an open-air dump which gave rise within the Church to a dirt like no other traveling upstream from weakness of blessed Paul VI inherited almost unmanageable heritage from San Giovanni Paolo II, It wasn't that there was providential as a “marpione Jesuitche sorride pubblicamente in piazza rimanendo simpatico a tutti ma che in privato a Santa Marta taglia le teste? And those who were guillotined cannot manco complain, because if they did they would finish the square filled with lynched fans from … er papa piacone He immediately declared that "from the other side of the world», unless you have the ability to make smart concrete facts in — and I mean that in the positive form — out of this world.

More than answers I gave food for thought, including the action of grace of the Holy Spirit through the Holy Father Francis, and as I said already two years ago in the third month of his pontificate: «È enigmatico. One Pied Piper that is bringing all the mice in the open ' and that I hope will lead them one below the other to jump into the river for the Supreme good of the Church. I am more and more convinced, indeed, through the Synod on the family pulled them into a trap by placing them in a position to go all out in the open, cosa che alla resa dei conti comporterà che allo scoperto venga infine anche lui. E, as I wrote in the past, the Holy Father could run the risk of returning to wear the red shoes for what they really mean: the martyrdom of Peter that with bloody feet on Vatican Hill came to be crucified upside down [see WHO]. At that point we — which we devoutly criticized — we will defend it and we will watch the cross with the young John and the Blessed Virgin Mary, While "all the disciples, forsook him, fled» [cf. Mt. 26,56], because I am afraid this is the end, all in all very glorious, reserved for the Holy Father Francis, at the end of this honeymoon media that was too long and that even the most shrewd and cunning of the old Jesuits can pull over for a long time.


THE ENIGMA OF FRANCIS – intervista del giugno 2013 ad Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

The Holy Father Francis causes “an injury to Christian marriage”? Come on, let's be serious …



During my preaching in the desert for years I have been saying that the source of the problem is the fact that sacramental marriage is granted by the bishops and their priests with a lightness that cries out for vengeance before God. Would not it be better to prevent, rather then try to cure later what is not always treatable?


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo 



PDF print format



Bride church entrance

a priest who allows a bride in these conditions access to church, deserves due compliments, of course with his Bishop …

Rarely happen read legal documents based on such deep on pastoral criteria. Managed to work wonders in the Apostolic Letter motu proprio of the Supreme Pontiff Francis, The gentle judge of the Lord Jesus on the reform of the canonical process for the causes of nullity of marriage [full original text, WHO]. Unfortunately in the hours we asstop to a different train of bad information and all’Patmos Island I have reached so many letters from readers who have asked explanations on "new procedures" about "marriage annulment" according to the "new rules of the Holy Father Francis». Except for the priests readers tend to base their questions on journalistic news of this kind: "Francis continues the revolution: “Canceling quick and free marriage " [see WHO].

We repeat to readers what we have repeatedly urged them: It should never rely on newspaper reports or extracts often misinterpreted by news agencies; you should always go to the source and read official documents, all available on the website of the Holy See.


bride to church 2 Gwendolyn Tavassi and Umberto D Aponte

Rome, Church of San Lorenzo in Lucina – It is not the image of a pornstars but of a bride admitted under these conditions in a church of the Diocese of Rome. This requires to extend the warmest congratulations to Monsignor Rector of this underground church and those of the Vicariate of Rome …

The title earlier reported he is alone one among many in which there are two words misleading and incorrect: "revolution", lemma dear to the Argentine Passionaria Elisabetta Piqué [see WHO]; and the even more unfair to "undo". For as we will explain any Pontiff, including the Holy Father Francis, You can cancel a Sacramento. It was possible the Popes Clement VII and Paul III, who excommunicated Henry VIII, respectively, in 1533 It is in the 1538 for its double story and its claim to bend the Discipline of the Sacraments to his will, They would gladly spared the schism of the West with all the persecution that followed for the Catholic Church of England, for the clergy and the lay faithful in Rome, as demonstrated by the Thomas More's martyrdom and that of the Bishop and Cardinal John Fisher, both beheaded and later proclaimed holy martyrs.


Let's clarify the terms making use of correct words, why nobody, including the Roman Pontiff, can "cancel”, “delete”, “remove"A sacrament validly celebrated or administered. A Sacramento - in this specific case the marriage - can be null, which is different from the concept of aberrant "sacrament canceled”. For instance: I have received validly and lawfully the Sacrament of Orders whose validity requirements are minimal, as indeed they are for all of the Sacraments. But if it were true that I have not received the Holy Order freely but under threat and coercion, and that in truth it was not my intention to become a priest; if it were established that have come to the Sacred Order for wicked and perverse purposes, animated by contempt for the deposit of faith, the Magisterium of the Church and the truths of faith from it guarded and announced … ascertained everything would be said that the sacrament received from me is null. E, although consecrated priest, formally received the sacrament would not be valid to me, because the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration recited by the bishop on me and the anointing of the palms of my hands with sacred chrism, then it may be only signs in themselves that they could not produce any sacramental effect on a person totally closed to the gifts of grace of the Holy Order.


spouses Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracaeli 2

Rome, Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli. Always with renewed congratulations to the Franciscan Friars Minor who are entrusted with the rectory of this basilica and those of the Vicariate of Rome.

The church may declare that a sacrament is null, What materially different from 'cancel a sacrament. The Church has no faculty to "cancel"A sacrament because they can not dispose of the substance of the Sacraments as the goods are unavailable and therefore non-alterable variables and not in their essence, being precisely the means and instruments of divine institution grace of which we ministry we are only the custodians and dispensers according to the different power of the sacrament of Holy Order; Sacraments do not have and they are not masters. All this is not a game of words and not even a matter of wool goats, quite the opposite: who affirms: "The ecclesiastical court has canceled the marriage of Tom and Caia, "says an enormous foolishness. The ecclesiastical court has just declared that the marriage is void after having ascertained the lack of one or more requirements to make it valid.


spouses Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracaeli 3

Rome, Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli. Always with renewed congratulations to the Franciscan Friars Minor who are entrusted with the rectory of this basilica and those of the Vicariate of Rome

Now I will try to clarify the issue: years ago I was called by an ecclesiastical court with another person to give evidence for a judgment of nullity of marriage. The fact to which I bore my testimony concerned a story that happened years before I divenissi priest; In fact, as many know I became a priest in adulthood. The other person who testified with me was my ex-girlfriend. It happened in the past that during a dinner, the two that became husband and wife had before us an interview that it was a true pact exchanged our presence as condition not To marriage. He said his future wife: «I marry you on a specific condition: I know that I do not want children, and that I will use every precaution not to have. I am happy to live my life with you, but no children. So if you want to have children it is better not to marry ". I replied to her friend - which by the way was also a lawyer - which in my opinion was not one of the best conditions to get married. Two years after we lost touch and after a further 12 years I was called in ecclesiastical courts, deposited before which - together with what in another life It was my girlfriend - what we both heard one evening in 14 years ago.


I will not forget He never told me what the elder brother hearer [ecclesiastical judge], then taking me by face to face. If I have to tell it all first made me this joke: «I notice that before becoming a priest you had good tastes …», referring thus to the beautiful young lady who testified with me, accompanied by his wife and out of the palace of the ecclesiastic tribunal embraced me and told me: "I am pleased to finally meet you in person since I have known through many accounts of my wife," And he asked me if I could baptize their second child on the way, which I did later with great pleasure …

… and after this joke aimed at breaking the ice, the confrere hearer [ecclesiastical judge] She passed with a smile far more serious jokes: "This procedure certainly will fail not because there's half a priest, but because there is half a priest who has faith, who really believe God's judgment and that this never proferirebbe false; What I sensed right away ». He went on to say: "You know how many advance request for recognition of the nullity of marriage basing their claims on the fact that they promised not to have children, who they were married under duress or that they were not able to have sex couples as sexually incompatible?». He concluded: "The reasons given are the most difficult to prove scientifically, why we often resort to the formulas of oath ". I replied: "Are you saying that many have compromised the health of soul uttering perjurers?». He smiled and answered no more, while I continued saying: «… but the priest who welcomed them, who he talked to them and they accepted the consensus that they exchanged, What kind of priest is ... how he knew them ... What has heard before they were united in marriage ... what perception has this priest of the sacraments of grace? Because upstream of these situations, if we want to be honest we always end up discovering the inevitable presence of a bad priest, or a surface priest to whom their bishop permits dangerous luxury Memo be a bad priest or a superficial priest ". It concluded: "This where I just laid are in fact the consequences of not applying the proper discipline of the sacraments on the part of the bishops responsible for the surveillance on their priests'.

Rome, Church of San Pietro in Montorio al Gianicolo. This bride was admitted into a church of the Diocese of Rome covered in a transparent lace. Always with renewed congratulations to the Franciscan Friars Minor who is entrusted with this church and those of the Vicariate of Rome

Do not hesitate to call misleading from the title Article signed by historian Roberto de Mattei on the agency Correspondence Romana: "An injury to Christian marriage" [see WHO, WHO, WHO]. My fear is that the distinguished and myself always esteemed historian - with whom I share and I can share many concerns - has perhaps misunderstood the text, Why l’begins initial of this motu proprio It is the following:


«The Lord Jesus, judge clement, Shepherd of our souls, He entrusted to the Apostle Peter and his successors the power of the keys to accomplish in the Church the work of justice and truth; This supreme and universal power, to bind and to loose on earth, he claims, It strengthens and vindicates that of the Pastors of the particular Churches, under which they have the sacred right and the duty before the Lord to judge his subjects' [CF. WHO].


Santa prisca aventino

Rome, Church of Santa Prisca on the Aventine. the bride's entrance to the shoulders and open back. Always with Rinovati congratulate the Augustinian friars who are entrusted with this church and those of the Vicariate of Rome.

In that text does not speak Jorge Mario Bergoglio, ma Peter expressed in the highest exercise of that power that he has received from Christ, God himself, who gave him the power to "bind and loose" [cf. Mt. 16,13-20].

Sull 'Patmos Island anyone can read one of my recent articles in which I gave the Holy Father a caress branch with her hand covered with sandpaper [cf. WHO] as a matter relating to pastoral matters; a text accompanied by two other article in their own way have uproar [cf. QUI, WHO]. In my article I expressed my concerns to grant to priests Valid ma illegal the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X to administer confessions; and I repeat that in this, the Holy Father, in my opinion, perhaps it was inopportune pastorally. Then, if anything, one day emerge all highly appropriate reasons for his choice, and in this case I will be the first to ask for forgiveness for having formulated an opinion that in retrospect could be totally wrong, unhesitatingly admitting a mistake. Waiting for this seguiterò to dissent whenever the Holy Father, as a media Pope piacione or serving as tele-journalistic your Sympathy instead of his Holiness, He will debut as a private doctor extemporaneously, off the cuff or via private messages on issues and matters not related to issues strictly connected to the doctrine of faith and the discipline of the sacraments. Or better still clarify: I seguiterò to claim the freedom of the children of God and the legitimate exercise of always turned critical with great devotion even to the Supreme Pontiff, limited to what concerns all those issues in which do not satisfy the three different degrees of papal infallibility given in the Apostolic Letter To protect the faith prepared in the form of motu proprio by St. John Paul II [see WHO].


But if I read the heading of a papal document "motu proprio», ancòra first read the following in the text I have already accepted the contents without conditions and discussions, mindful that Peter received from Christ the power to "bind and loose"; and I paid devout and filial obedience to the Bishop who consecrated me in the sacred order of priesthood itself in full communion with the Bishop of Rome; I certainly did not pay obedience to my opinions or my way of seeing and hearing; I did not pay allegiance to my pride and my arrogance. It is in this way that as a priest of the secular clergy have been trained to act and rapportarmi towards Ecclesiastical Authority, starting first from the authority the Supreme Pastor of the Universal Church, the Successor of Peter and Vicar of Christ on earth, to which the Word of God has given power to "bind and loose".


brides Carmelites

them facie Carmelite Friars, to better publicize their profitable little factory of marriages near San Giovanni al Velabro, the official web site of the historic church have entered this photo, just to entice brides to enter seminude [see WHO]

you do not understand so where would come the mortal "wound in Christian marriage", if we consider that the motu proprio the Holy Father Francis begins with the premise of the indissolubility of marriage. In fact, the text reads:


"In the course of the centuries the Church in matrimonial matters, gaining a clearer sense of the words of Christ, He has understood and explained more fully the doctrine of the indissolubility of the sacred bond of marriage, It has developed a system of nullity of marriage consent and has regulated more adequately the judicial process in the area, so that ecclesiastical discipline was more consistent with the truths of faith professed ".


Bride church San Andrea and Gregorio al Celio

Rome, Santi Andrea e Gregorio al Celio. Once these were slips to put under your clothes, do not wear dresses to church. With renewed congratulations to the members of the Priestly Fraternity of San Carlo Borromeo to whom this church is entrusted and to those of the Vicariate of Rome

With this motu proprio the Holy Father tries to remedy uncontrolled and unfortunately uncontrollable drifts related to the discipline of the Sacraments. He may not be present in every diocese in the world to control what nefarious continue to do many priests under the indifferent eyes of many bishops, that with a lightness that ranges between sloth and spirit of the temple merchants allow weddings to anyone as if the sacrament had a "right" before which you can not say no. Because this is the real pastoral issue that we will now analyze; a serious problem, indeed primary, I hope will be analyzed in time and place by the bishops at the Synod Fathers on the family still in progress. If we do not admit with Christian honesty that many of the problems related to marriage fall under the direct responsibility of bishops and presbyters, namely that upstream it is generated just by us and our lack of, sometimes almost absent supervision, little worth talking about marriage and family in the Synods of Bishops.

Then, we are honest: how many times have I heard my brothers after the celebration of marriages make jokes of this kind in the sacristy: "I bet in a couple of years these get divorced". And when I, reproachfully, I replied: "E tu, Why, although aware that this marriage there are no Christian foundation, you accepted their consent?». Bell'O ready the priest's answer: "And what should I do?».

I ask then, the Synod Fathers: of these real problems, intend to speak to the Synod on the family, looking and healing first of all the problems and our faults, before you get lost in the discussion of the problems and especially in the most convenient and easy search of the others' faults, or better to say of those who then, divorced and remarried, claim remarriage “clean” and access to the sacraments as if the one and the other had a right rather than an action of grace?»


The pastoral problems not resolved attempting the impossible task of straightening of a crooked tree grew; It is trying to act behind preventing the tree planted on the river bank to grow crooked. So if you are diagnosed with cancer, you can not let that developments, then attempting unnecessary interventions before the widespread metastases, because at that point you can only intervene with palliative care to try to alleviate the pain the patient, but certainly not to save his life. Or you can take action by placing the sick person who refuses the illness and death in the face of reality and its heavy responsibility: the salvation of one's soul.


spouses to St. Sylvester and Martino to the mountains

Church of San Martino ai Monti, other little factory wedding de facie them brothers Carmelites

During my preaching in the desert for years I have been saying that the source of the problem is the fact that the sacramental marriage is granted by the bishops and their priests with a lightness that cries out vengeance before God. Therefore it would be necessary to prevent, instead find himself then to cure what is not always treatable, all to the superficiality with which to mount the priests administer certain sacraments.

During my years of sacred ministry, how many couples more or less young I addressed the prayer: "Do not marry in church, because they lack the minimum requirements to receive the Sacrament. Do not marry in church, because you are not interested in the Christian life, why not accept the fundamental principles of our profession of faith ". But the answers have always been: "And, I admit to not being a believer, but I do it for her ... it is true, we are in favor of abortion, all’eutanasia, to divorce, we support the culture of gender … But we have to get married in church to make parents happy, because they are keen to certain traditions ... ".


Spouses church of San Pietro in Montorio al Gianicolo

Rome, Church of San Pietro in Montorio al Gianicolo. Shoulders and back and discovery … renewed congratulations to the Franciscan Friars Minor who are entrusted with this church and those of the Vicariate of Rome

a thirty year old who she was allowed to enter in triumph into an ancient cathedral church dressed in tails along with a bride who seemed to Princess Diana in cascades of flowers, sounds of organ and violins, during a private meeting took place a few weeks before the presence of eleven people during a dinner in a private home, he told me not to believe in the divinity of Christ, much less in his physical resurrection; he considered it "childish" believe that the bread and wine could actually become the body and blood of Christ; who judged the Gospel a book of stories and legends that had been in his power would have locked up in jail, the President of the Italian Bishops' Conference - which at the time was Cardinal Camillo Ruini -, because he said stuck his nose in political matters that did not concern him or the Italian bishops. Obviously informed of all this, the bishop of that diocese, Also riferendogli that during this dinner the future wife had entered the abortion issue to support the full legitimacy of the woman to have an abortion, calling abortion a "great vested right" and a "social achievement", and to this end he had brought his own experience, having herself aborted 19 year old, age in which - he said - "I was neither ready nor was I inclined to have a child at the time ', and affirmed: "I could go back I would do the same". Informed of all, the bishop of that diocese sent me, through his presbytery elder, the invitation to be "less rigorous" because "applying your logic we would have maybe ten weddings a year across the diocese".


Church spouses sant Alessio Aventino

Rome, Church of Sant'Alessio on the Aventine Hill. there … This bride has had the good taste to discover decolletage back and shoulders but to cover their hands with transparent gloves. With renewed congratulations to the Dominican Friars who are entrusted with this church and those of the Vicariate of Rome

Today this bishop, in the light of its own motion The gentle judge of the Lord Jesus It must assume all its responsibilities even before such cases, because when later many of these invalid marriages upstream will founder, the good shepherd and his priests will be set before the undeniable evidence of their failures, and it will be up to them to remedy it, on pain of salvation or eternal damnation of their souls.

Atheism of many couples who marry under these or similar conditions should be added the very worst atheism of certain priests, especially those priests appointed as parish priests or rectors of historical and artistic prestigious churches that much pull for these "skit weddings”. In the Diocese of Rome the worst markets They are managed by priests belonging to various religious families. Many of these priests behave in fact as merchants on advanced collection of "parcel"No qualms to be the first to wreak havoc of Sacramento: brides admitted to church half-naked with bare shoulders and breasts media outside, photographers and cameramen who are the masters on the presbytery, assemblies consisting of friends and relatives totally disinterested in the sacred rite, it is not for them that space a sacred place and what takes place inside a Sacramento, but a charming theater in which we recite a scripted this is only for souvenir photos or the movie ... and in front of this many pii Religious silent and raking in as much money as they can for their religious provinces, often retaining evil historic churches, with often the sacristies inside of which are crammed synthetic vestments, yellowed and badly smelling gowns, tablecloths for altar worn, ornaments and sacred vessels ingiovabili and corroded inside, because the practice tends to be that of the “to take” and yet not invest a penny in “maintenance“.


San Anselmo aventino

Rome, Badia di Sant'Anselmo Primaziale. In this case any comment on shoulders, arms and necklines is superfluous, because by the Benedictines of St. Anselm everything is permitted except what is Catholic. With renewed congratulations to the Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Confederation and those of the Vicariate of Rome

These are the problems to be solved upstream on the basis that the sacraments are the actions of supernatural grace, not a right, not a market, not a mess profane and sacrilegious. Therefore inside the churches to join in marriage should only be accepted believers, aware that during the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the couple will exchange the agreement before the priest and the assembly of the People of God; and that consensus is an eternal and indelible sacrament, unless tomorrow is not recognized that because of a major incidence on Sacramento, although formally celebrated, It lacked one or more requirements that make it valid actually.

These serious underlying problems, to which must be added the lack of preparation of the spouses, the marriage preparation courses reduced to two or three meetings made by some priests with people who did not enter the church from the day that they had received Confirmation, They are not solved only by proclaiming the streamlining of judicial canonical procedure, but really doing pastoral catechesis and above, reserving the sacraments of grace to believers and the disbelievers who use our historical churches like the studios for their dramatized. Certain problems are solved by saying: no, you can not marry in church, why you not have the requirements to do so, and you must have paid the full and unconditional acceptance of what is contained in the Profession of Faith Catholic and concrete demonstration of having a tense will at least try to live a Christian life.

Over time I happened to witness the most renowned in the Churches of Rome - just to take the Diocese of the Roman Pontiff - at weddings, during which the priest spoke to the altar was answered by himself; with the couple who could not even replicate "amen ”, who did not know how to respond during the offertory rite, who knew not even the Our father … All these problems are resolved with decisive and serious pastoral firmness by saying: no, you're getting married in church, because as far as baptized, despite having received the sacraments of Christian initiation, in concrete facts you are not a Christian, Why not Christian is your thinking and your life; and as such we bishops, we priests, we Church respect you as well, but do not come to the House of God to make fun of Christ and his saints because, all polished, next to you with your woman totally scollacciata and more like a Strumpet in dress dressed up to the nines at a Christian wedding, you have to make a photo album or a souvenir movie inside a suggestive 16th century church.


holy bride constancy 2

Rome, Basilica of Santa Costanza. What kind of “Shaman ritual” He is doing the priest in this church entrusted to the Canons Regular Lateranesi altar dressed with a wedding so that it seems to have just unplugged from pole Lap-dance of a night club? Go for it: renewed congratulations to those of the Vicariate of Rome and in particular those responsible for the Office Liturgical.

To solve these problems difficult to manage, the Holy Father has chosen the right way to recognize the bishops the exercise of their powers, so before some damage products then provvedano their pigs remedy; and to any remedy that will put in place, will somehow clear to them the failure of their pastoral, because they will have to solve the problem without the ability to download it on to others.


Dear de Mattei reports in his article an expression of Cardinal Raymond Burke who said Leonard:

« […] It exists in about a catastrophic experience. In The United States, Since July 1971 to November 1983, entered into force the so-called Provisional Norms which they eliminated de facto mandatory double conforming decisions. The result was that the bishops' conference did not deny one request for dispensation from the hundreds of thousands received and the common perception of the process began to be called "Catholic divorce" [Remain in the Truth of Christ. Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church, Cantagalli, Siena 2014, pp. 222-223]».


holy bride constancy

Rome, Basilica of Santa Costanza … renewed congratulations to those of the Vicariate of Rome

Cardinal Burke, as a former President of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura it should be informed of the fact that in those years came several instances the United States of America to the Roman Rota from people who had seen deny the nullity of marriage ruling by US diocesan tribunals; just make a thorough and serious research in the archives. Apart from this, before such true or partially true problem, It remains more than ever, standing as I previously stated: Bishops put in a position to assume all their responsibilities without the ability to do damage and download problems and solutions often difficult on him to others.


in fact the impossibility views to prevent bishops and priests to reduce marriage to a lucrative Street market de-sanctifying and often truly sacrilegious, who then proceeds to put them in a position to assume full responsibility for the damage which they have produced not allow him to continue in their bed pastoral bankruptcy.

marriage 1

Santo Spirito in Sassia, placed in Borgo Santo Spirito, behind the Bernini Colonnade, Millionaire marriage Flavio Briatore and Elisabetta Gregoraci

For when the bishops They will have to solve certain problems judicially, at that point it will come out the lightness of their priests: catechesis in preparation for marriage often reduced to two or three meetings farcical during which many pastors are limited only to say how much money they pay to the church and at which florist and photographer should contact, for certain parish priests lucrino further percentage gabelle; the inability of ignorance or worse often in real intent through which, and threatens, prove unable to distinguish even the believers from nonbelievers. And the main problem, that is what non-believers who claim the "right" to Sacramento, It is often solved with several hundred euros left in offering to the priest for the celebration of marriage. But when tomorrow the Bishops of these priests should solve problems of unprecedented lightness unpleasant welcoming couple instances that a few months from the wedding demand recognition of the nullity of their marriage, will be forced to collect their own hands what nefarious also allowed it to be sown in the field of the Lord.


This motu proprio the Supreme Pontiff is an act aimed at empowering the bishops of a contemporary church in which everyone wants to become cardinal, but no one seems willing to take on even the slightest responsibility. Well, that the bishops are beginning to take responsibility for all of them own their apostolic office. What this for which we thank, with reverence and devotion, the Supreme Pontiff Francis, for putting them, juxtaposition, in a position to take their responsibilities.



«Pecunia non Oleta»*




marriage 2

Dear readers: which of you, seeing this picture, He has paid attention to the beautiful neckline of the bride and who, instead, He has paid attention to the valuable Archbishop's pastoral staff celebrant owner? Reverend Signatory of this article, He admits he was admired by the breast of the bride and not to have rather paid any attention to the pastoral staff. But on the other hand, could a celebrity multimillionaire and marries naked, not be joined in marriage at least by a Cardinal, to enrich also of this “accessory” their princely frame? And a veil on offer in several zeros that will surely slipped into the old Cardinal Paul Poupard pockets, obviously for the benefit of his pious foundation … is intende! Why does everything always goes to the work of God and God's works, obviously!



* «money does not stink», Vespasian said in response to the members of the Roman senate when hurled the coins after he had set the fee sull'orina.



All images used in this article does not violate the privacy any person these are photographs taken from the internet, so public and as such available to anyone.






The extent to which a Pope who doesn't listen to anyone except himself may fall into error?



The statement of the Holy Father: "I decided, Notwithstanding anything to the contrary ' should cheer the Bishops, that far from being questioned, You may have thus earned an essay about what is the real concept of "collegiality" of the Prince of the Apostles and Head of the Apostolic College, in case any of them meant to express opposition, because every apostolic college always ends up having to ineffable grace of the Holy Spirit Chief who deserves.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

The priest Ariel S. Levi Gualdo aggressively, the Dominican Giovanni Cavalcoli more mitigated, They have written harsh words against Lefebvre. Today Pope Francis said: «[…] I have decided, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, to grant to all priests for the Jubilee Year the faculty of absolving from the sin of abortion and those who have procured contrite of heart will ask forgiveness […] Meantime, moved by the need to match the welfare of these faithful, for my own hand I establish that many during the Holy Year of Mercy come near to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the priests of the Society of St. Pius X, validly and lawfully receive absolution of their sins " [cf. document WHO]. Should it not apologize by you for all that you have written in the past against the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X?

Alessio Maffei

Dear Reader

Father Pio

Saint Pio in the confessional in San Giovanni Rotondo

First of all I tell her that I apologize to Lefebvre heretics - that these in fact are and remain - when I will impose my Diocesan Ordinary and after the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith or his acting guardian will have shown me one by one the doctrinal errors, canonical and pastoral in which they are incurred during those past all of my writings found in the archive of 'Patmos Island; I hereby confirm that the writings in their substance on the floor dogmatic and canon from first to last.

The statement of the Holy Father: "I decided, Notwithstanding anything to the contrary ' should cheer the Bishops, that far from being questioned he may have thus earned an essay about what is the real concept of "collegiality" of the Prince of the Apostles, if any of them wished to express legitimate concerns, because every apostolic college always ends up having to ineffable grace of the Holy Spirit Chief who deserves, because between the lines - and even so between the lines - the Holy Father said to them all: “I do what I want and how I want, no matter what you may think of you”. And that unlike his predecessor too mild Supreme crucified for years even the worst criticisms of the bishops, not to mention those of the theologians or those at times furious that authentic ecclesial plague these are the feminist theologians. That is what we should remember that Benedict XVI proceeded to the remission of the excommunication in which incorsero the consecrating bishops and bishops consecrated without papal mandate in June 1988, only "after extensive consultation ', as reported in 2009 Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos at the time insider [see WHO].

At the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth century he reigned in France, Louis XIV [1643-1715], also known as Sun King. He ascended the throne at the tender age of five years under the regency of his mother Anne of Austria. At the age of 13 year old, In the 1651, He was declared an adult and therefore capable of governing, even if the government continued to be exercised by Cardinal Jules Mazarin [1602-1661], natural death which he assumed full royal powers. His government was marked by the so-called absolutism, soon imitated by most of the European sovereigns. A Louis XIV is attributed the dubious phrase I am the state [the state is me] variously reported and disseminated by various authors as well the legislation is me [the law is me].

I sincerely believe that the Holy Father Francis is so humble that it never would behave as if "The Church is me"Come on up"Law is me”. Pope Francis is in fact so open to everything, including what is not Catholic, and is so "liberal" or "revolutionary" - to use two misnomers flush with the injury to the person of the Roman Pontiff used from that passionaria Argentine Elisabetta Piqué [1] and an international press that has not really clear the role of Peter's Successor - that never would behave in an arbitrary and impulsive; never would behave as if the Church was his or if he could safely go beyond the ecclesiastical laws, up to model a Church ad personam.

It is not by chance, until a few decades ago the Roman Pontiff spoke using “We “, or so-called the plural of majesty, which had nothing redundant or imperial but much rather a theological and pastoral, as demonstrated by the fact that once removed the “We ” inevitably it took over the’ “the“, up to the most extreme forms and exasperating to the pontificate customization. No longer then the “We ” that makes impersonal the holy Petrine ministry first reminding Peter that he is in fact Peter and no longer Simone, wrong’ “the ” which instead customizes the papacy and who may run the risk of making a hostage of Peter Simone whims.

Without worth clarify misunderstanding: being the Roman Pontiff covered with a power that to him comes from Christ and certainly not from God Sovereign people or from Democratic Parliament of Cardinals who elected him, he has full and legitimate right to say “no” also proposed, directives or reforms unanimously approved by an ecumenical council, for nothing could ever become a binding doctrine or law of the Church without its approval. When in fact in the ecumenical councils or synods of bishops will vote, what happens to Peter has clear what is the thought of the College of the Apostles, but then, Who ultimately decides he is; and its decisions are not taken in majority of parliamentary votes but by the grace of the state of the Apostles Prince Successor [2] which it acts and which should always act as “We ” and certainly not in what “the “.

As regards the law: the Roman Pontiff has full and immediate authority over the whole Church. He is the supreme legislator and as such has a legitimate right to abolish, to change, reformulate or otherwise disregarded the rules of the Code of Canon Law at any time you want [3]. What this usually occurs through decrees, papal bulls, or other specific acts of his supreme magisterium, not through interviews, speeches off the cuff or private messages, because the Roman Pontiff, supreme guardian of the deposit of faith is also the supreme teacher, and a teacher is such to the extent that explains and makes comprehensible his explanations through the pious teaching newcomers to pick prudence and wisdom. And here it is worth remembering that prudence is the first of the four cardinal virtues [4], Wisdom is the first of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit [5].

It pains me to say what others do not seem to have the courage to say: what the Holy Father has is unfortunately wrong pastorally. It is also an obvious error, one of many that day after day pass under the silence of the bishops, and that are intended to add to the confusion that winds in the Church and among the members already too confused the People of God.

A heart anything but lightweight I say that what is pastorally wrong for this simple reason: priests consecrated priests in the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, under the Code of Canon Law are valid but illicit [6], so they do not administer and can not lawfully administer the Sacraments, as explained by the Venerable Pope Benedict XVI clarified that the lifting of the excommunication does not erase the fact that so-called Lefebvrians can not precisely lawfully administer the Sacraments:

"To this clear once again: until the doctrinal questions are clarified, the Society has no canonical status in the Church, and its ministers - even though they were freed of the ecclesiastical penalty - do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church " [7].

Said in other terms: their priestly ordination is valid, because it governed by a bishop who in turn has been validly but illicitly consecrated. This validity nothing detracts from the unlawful, precisely because it is illegal as well as serious priests consecrate the priests not in communion with Rome. And as is well known so-called Lefebvre deny the validity of the last council of the Church and almost all the new disciplines which followed them from the doctrinal, not only on what is "merely" pastoral.

I do not know what has prompted the Holy Father to give that option to the priests illicitly ordained and as such are suspended that fact from the exercise of the sacred ministry very act of their sacred ordination. Indeed, the so-called Lefebvre priests, still not in communion with Rome and derogatory today's Magisterium of the Church, they accused of being slipped for half a century apostasy [8], They may lawfully administer confessions in one case: to a person in serious danger of life. What this can do - and indeed must do - even an excommunicated priest and dismissed from the clerical state [9].

So the Roman Pontiff, which also can abolish laws, reform laws and create new laws as and when he wants, It is not at the same time above the doctrine of the Church, even if all the bishops, either for cowardice, Look for interest, on certain utterances confused and ambiguous silent so guilty; and that up to gravarsi for omission spirit dictated perhaps by the quiet life or some of their irrepressible career aspirations, such a liability that could throw open the gates of tomorrow to several of them. Can not be done, indeed, silent on the obvious. They should silence those of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and should not be silent canonists that inhabit the palace of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, because we are dealing with an error that it does not seem to take into account a blatant obviousness: the sacraments are not available right, even for the Church herself who received them in custody by God and that dispenses them as actions of supernatural grace; them pantry, but do not own them. No one is given the opportunity, even the Roman Pontiff, to dispose of them in an arbitrary manner, concedendone the “lawful” Directors who in fact has erected its own being, exist and operate right on the unit's denial and the stubborn refusal of the Magisterium of the Church of the last fifty years. The Roman Pontiff is called to "confirm his brothers in faith" [10], not to legitimize them in error, has not confonderli, not to divide them with blows of ambiguity.

More complex still the discussion related to the dogmatic sacramental, before which seems shaky silence the army of monsignorini in force at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, most of whom also teach at various universities and pontifical universities: the essence of the sacraments and their metaphysical substance is based on the unit [11]. I celebrate the Mass and administer the sacraments because I am a priest in full communion with the Bishop, from which emanates and is dependent on the priesthood that I received for the mystery of grace, after a solemn promise to lend him "devout and filial obedience", because it is from the Eucharist the Bishop invested apostolic power which proceeds the validity of Masses celebrated by his priests. The bishop is not that just as such, but because in turn it is in full communion with the Bishop of Rome, and be in communion means above all accept, respect, apply and spread among the members of the People of God, the doctrine and the Magisterium of the Church, certainly not affirm and teach - as do instead Lefebvre - that the doctrines of the entire ecumenical council are misleading and the teaching that follows is even "apostate".

Regarding this last speech I would much more to add especially as it regards the nature and substance of the Sacraments. But I leave the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith with which precisely worked an army of monsignorini variously doctors and professors, the answer to the following question: according to the discipline of the sacraments built on dogmatic sacramental, It may be granted right to lawfully administer the sacraments to priests and bishops who deny communion with Peter and with the College of the Apostles, and who for decades are accusing one another of apostasy from the Catholic faith, since the Supreme Pontiffs who have succeeded on the Chair of Peter from 1958 till today? Why i Byzantine canonical and pseudo Pharisaism pseudo theology of Lefebvre we have been known for four decades: one part, They claim to be celebrated in communion with the Church (!?), spread across texts and documents that indicate as heretics the Roman Pontiffs and the Bishops.

It should be pointed out to all those who lack the gift of memory that the heretical Superior General Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X was not limited to apostrofare as “heretic” the Holy Father Francis … much more! The Roman Pontiff has given this public definition: “We have before us a true modernist!» [see WHO]. It said this memory, to always deficient in memory and perhaps even theological culture, that modernism, according to the wise and always current definition of the Saint Pius X, It is not a simple heresy, but the mother and the repository of all the heresies. From this we may conclude that to deserve respect, the pastoral care, the tenderness and mercy of the Holy Father Francis - it goes without saying, It is a paradoxical question - you have accidentally accuse him publicly of being “repository of all the worst heresies“, as did the Head of Lefebvrians?

If these subjects is made that concession, well as on the occasion of the Jubilee Year, without that they have repented and without first having publicly asked forgiveness from the Roman Pontiff from them insulted bad words, and held up as a true heretic; if they do not fall into the full communion of unity with Rome, how far you can run the risk of turning into an available Sacramento good of which you can use and perhaps abuse arbitrarily? Because the Church is "sacrament of unity" [12] and if the discipline of the sacraments has been reformed under the merciful pontificate of Pope Francis, who has decided to render lawful the administration also to those who disparaging the doctrine and the magisterium deny their communion with the Church "apostate" of the "secret meeting" Vatican II and which does not recognize the acts of the subsequent magisterium 1958 [see WHO], then I demand that the pundits of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments we do so knowing clearly and quickly as possible, so that we priests can take note of the fact that I am the state [the state is me] is that the legislation is me [the law is me], then act accordingly by increasing our prayers, our penance and, if anything, putting even shouting: every man for himself ! Because if the Holy Father was not clear the nature of the supreme apostolic ministry of which he is covered by the mystery of grace - ministry which does not belong to him but that he was given in comodato d'uso to serve the Church and guide her as supreme servant - to us the whole thing is rather clear: no concessions should be made of any kind to people who for four decades accuse the Church of apostasy from the faith and covering insults of Peter and the entire College of the Apostles, because this is not mercy; and if these are the premises of the Year Jubilee of Mercy, as I said above … every man for himself !



[1] CF. Elizabeth Pique, Francesco, Life and Revolution [see WHO].

[2] CF. Dogmatic constitution The light, n. 8 [see WHO].

[3] CF. Code of Canon Law, cann. 331-335 [see WHO].

[4] Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1806.

[5] Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1830.

[6] CF. Code of Canon Law, cann. 1382-1384 [see WHO].

[7] Letter of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Bishops of the Catholic Church concerning the remission of the excommunication of 4 bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre, 10 March 2009 [see WHO]; Note from the Secretary of State about the four bishops of the Fraternity of St. Pius X, 4 February 2009 [see WHO].

[8] Statement of Bishop Marcel Lefebvre on the apostasy of Rome, see WHO

[9] Code of Canon Law, on the Sacrament of Penance [cann. 965-986], see in particular can. 976.

[10] CF. LC. 22,32.

[11] CF. Blessed Paul VI, Reintegratio [see WHO]

[12] CF. Dogmatic constitution The light, NN. 1-8 [see WHO]; Code of Canon Law, can. 837 [see WHO]

Bishops, fashions and advice for new careerists: "Be poor, existential and peripheral-sloppy»



together with the pretext of the poor, Today we have a veritable army of Judah, thieves and traitors, ready to use the poor as false and measure as a new pretext for their personal gain, always moved by those irrepressible ambitions originating from the queen mother of all deadly sins: the Superbia.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Country Priest

the work of George Bernanos, Diary of a country priest.

There are numerous private messages that more brothers I have posted priests from various parts of Italy, all moved by the same underlying substance; but not only them, several confreres from North America and Latin America have also asked me the same question: "Today, to be elected bishops in Italy, it has become a fundamental prerequisite to have been pastor of some more or less peripheral parish, and having dedicated themselves above all to the poor and derelict?».


Before proceeding further I would like to make an introduction to our readers, because as they know who reads my writings assiduously, it is my habit to call people and situations by their name, I'm so accustomed to shun the "to say and not to say”, the "do not name"but at the same time"make it clear”, If anything oozing poison also, According to the incorrigible habit of certain clerical, that when they press “it is said that…“, shortly after squirt cyanide at its purest.


paul farinella

THE NEW UNTOUCHABLES – two Genoese priests wearing a kind of apron for housekeeping and a colorful Sadat, taken while travelling with their own Bishop to celebrate the funeral of Don Andrea Gallo, more Companion of ideological Brigade brother in Christ.

Continue with round off on its way to the heart of a problem whose delicacy claim useful examples, starting from this first: time ago, a group of priests - including me - pointed to the president of the regional episcopal conference a little over fifty fellow priest who in our opinion had an Episcopal respectable profile; and maybe, for this, nor his bishop nor the bishops of that area who also knew him they had never dreamed of taking it into consideration. When a bishop does not report its own priest as a factor of the episcopate, and the bishops of the region show no interest to accept him as one of their "band”, it is unlikely that the alert can go forward. Needless then to report potential bishop to various departments of the Holy See, without making sure that does not end impallinato by snipers at the first request for information; because each of the sniper is usually provided with a list of friends of friends to promote and place. This is the reason why in Italy in particular, it is for specialists in cutting the legs of the good elements. Spent time and having had no response, It was sent on ahead myself as a "battering ram" to request explanations. The vice-president of the local bishops' conference gave me this short answer: "Undoubtedly it's a great priest, but it does not correspond to what are now the criteria and pastoral styles of Pope Francis'. I replied: "I am not aware that the Word of God, first, Pietro da He covered an extraordinary and heavy vicarious function, after, We have never proceeded to choose the apostles through the principle of cloning '. Instead of behaving like "sport" the bishop acted for the little man who was said and as such: "But in short, you can not always throw everything in theology!». I replied: "And what should I throw it, in gastronomy?». It resulted in having the bishop turned to the authentic leader impallinatore which was actually, beginning to throw up everything and more, up to define this holy priest as "theologically and liturgically in plaster, rigid and not flexible pastorally ". Something due to the fact that in the two parishes where he had been previously pastor had forbidden the Neocatechumenal celebrate on Saturday night, at the movie-hall of the parish, the "Agape", also known as "messa kikiana”. Had forbidden to lay men and women rule the roost on the presbytery changed during the sacred celebrations in their stage, to make so-called "resonance" during the Liturgy of the Word, because they were often real rants spree doctrinal errors. He had forbidden them to compose the Prayer of the Faithful, to teach catechism to the children of the First Communion and Confirmation to the boys in the questionable "doctrine" Neocatechumenal, explaining calmly but clearly: "In this parish children and adolescents will be prepared to receive the sacraments by the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the texts approved by the Italian Episcopal Conference". And after twenty years of unchallenged domination Parish neocatechumenal, He made for a whole year a series of reflections to explain the liturgical reform contained in Holy Council [text, WHO] the post-synodal exhortation Sacramentum [text WHO] the sense of what is done during the Eucharistic celebration and its meaning in the light of the Roman Missal; but above all he explained that the Holy Mass is the sacrifice, the sacrifice of passion, death and resurrection of Christ the Lord, not a dance party where others - be they people O idea - End up being the real stars.


Michel-Marie Zanotti

PRIESTS FILL-CHURCHES – Michel-Marie Zanotti, a priest in France ultra secularist drew many faithful, young species, starting from the element basilar: presenting more visibly as a priest [see WHO]

Given the progress achieved, although paid by the priest with a price of accusations and obstructions, after five years the bishop decides to move it to a larger parish where this time the problem was the charismatic "filled" with the Holy Spirit, led by a group of lay people who organized "rites" healing, liberation "rites" of alleged diabolical possession and so on. very difficult task, because if a group of seasoned lay appropriates a parish which manages years after creating the vacuum and turned away anyone who dares not to follow the dictates of the Holy Spirit in the exclusive service of the ringleaders of that movement, the priest may risk being lynched, if not the physical surely the moral, that is worse. Heedless of all, just arrived first of all taken by the "boss"Of the group"pretesse"Filled with special gifts of the Holy Spirit and enjoined: "Give me her copy of the key of the tabernacle". she answers: "I have it for years and I need to organize the Communion to the sick '. Replies the priest: "Give sick I go there, even because, before receiving Communion, several of them, especially the elderly used to frequent use of confession, They might want to confess, What she can not do. Or maybe you think you could be absolved for his charismatic special grace?». Soon said: the "pious women" launched against the pastor anything that resembled the Demon that Jesus rebuked: "enough! What do you want from us, Jesus of Nazareth? You come to destroy?» [cf. Lk 4, 31-37]. After two years it was a real pleasure to celebrate Mass in that parish, where often the brother invited me to preach in some special occasions, so that the faithful also should hear the voice of a different preacher pastor.


Bishop in tie

THE BISHOPS EMPTY-CHURCHES – S. AND. Mons. Claude Dagens, Bishop of Angoulême (France)

In short, a presbyter reminder for confession and spiritual direction, respected by young people as a priestly figure, not as a priest trendy playing at the little friend Brigadier, because not only do young people need, but they want the very priest who is such authority, authority and discipline of inner life, devoted to prayer and study in his spare time, open and available to all, but at the same time he reserved and always witness through his words and above all his works the sum sacramental dignity of which is covered by permanent and eternal character. I fellows Brigadier our young people if they go them to look elsewhere, certainly not among priests.


After briefly He had responded to the bishop which he had claimed: "Undoubtedly it's a great priest, but it does not correspond to what are now the criteria and pastoral styles of Pope Francis', here is that the good shepherd covered the fullness of the apostolic priesthood, He kneeled before me with a blouse-clergyman scollacciata - I'd rather duly presented by the bishop with my best Roman cassock - not knowing where to stick told me: "I felt, I understand you, he and others, you are of the same "school" ... in short, however young, Priests are "old fashioned", in cassock always on him. For charity, fate pure, nothing to say, but at least realize that times have changed, whether you like it or not ". He spread his arms and then shined with thumb and left index finger ring on his right middle finger up making the boy who leaves you understand "both the bishop's me, I am ... "and with a wry smile concluded: «… cheat a reason!».


bishop in tie 2

THE BISHOPS EMPTY-CHURCHES – S. AND. Mons. Jacques Walnut, Bishop of Amiens (France)

What is disheartening for a priest find himself wearing his best cassock, for the respect due initially to the bishop, even though it is revealed as an authentic quintessence of sloppiness. It is bitter to find themselves before a bishop in his pants, with scollacciata shirt, but with the ever-present on the pectoral cross dangling belly, sign of his power and of his often arbitrary humoral. At that point - and I do not regret it - I answered: "You see, Excellence, in my opinion it would be more prudent to avoid annoying people who refused any kind of education and thus of transformation through the gifts of grace, can move abruptly and laid the hoe to the pastoral ". And by that I mean shut the speech. Indeed it also closed the bishop, but he did it with a sentence that confirmed my theory about hoe and pastoral, in addition to confirming that the seminaries - I renamed pretify, great hotbed of deformation and deformed - by four decades not train and do not want to educate anyone. soon exclaims Bishop: "But to go see affanc ...!». And having said that I refused his hand to kiss, because if a bishop sends me to hell, more so I will kiss the hand, not for the obvious poor man who is, but for the sacramental grace of which is covered.


bishop in tie 3

THE BISHOPS EMPTY-CHURCHES – S. AND. Mons. Francois Fontlupt, Bishop of Rodez (France), please note the mustache to Freddie Mercury …

Soon after, the bishops of that region chose for one of their vacant sees a parish priest who in the three parishes where he had been confined himself to celebrate Mass, leaving everywhere lay people rule the roost, the organization of catechism classes to the liturgy, it prerogative of the inevitable "pretesse”. And when some relatives of sick elderly parishioners, They asked if he could get him to bring Communion, at least sometimes, He said that "there were lay leaders in whose ministry he could not interfere". When together with two other priests in that parish I went to confess several dozen kids the following Sunday they would receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, together with my two brothers I was amazed: boys and girls did not know what to say, were silent scene looking right and left, no one knew the act of contrition and all I had to say to make the sign of the cross while the priest was giving them absolution …


Freddie Mercury

… singer Freddie Mercury, perhaps more or less distant relative of S.It is. Mons. Francois Fontlupt, Bishop of Rodez.

… and while this took place in the parish church, eight catechists were sitting before the Blessed Sacrament Chapel to chat, to laugh with each other and to send text messages with cell phones, all with their backs toward the tabernacle of the sacred reserve Eucharistic. When I arrived at the parish church dressed in cassock, breviary with arm and purple stole folded over - because of penitents waiting I well “effrontery” old style even to recite the Liturgy of the Hours -, the pastor, today bishop, he said laughing: "But where are you going? Dressed like me scares the boys, They are not used to seeing a priest dressed up in this way. Go to the sacristy, take off this stuff and put white dawn, if you want". Indeed, he administered the confessions with a shirt unbuttoned paintings sitting with his legs on a bench. And when the fateful day he was summoned to the Bishop's Curia of his diocese and was communicated his episcopal appointment, his bishop, dressed in a clergyman sdrucite, after the reading of the official text put on the newly elected head bishop, dressed in civilian clothes, the red skullcap. A scene that, if it were not pathetic, it would be really ridiculous …


enrico bat

SMALL KÜNG NOSTRANI – the priest Enrico Mazza, course lecturer at the pontifical university catholic-protestant Sant'Anselmo.

… just as in 2011 pathetic was the chaplain of a hospital in Pisa, with whom I went from Rome in the early morning, I come from whom I sought the chaplain and asked if I could administer the anointing of the sick to my brother-in-law. He looked at me as if I were a Martian and enjoined me: "This is a secular environment and if you think to go up in the oncology ward to dress this way, then I say no right away ». Faced with this answer does not think, our dear readers, I had gone to steal from the closets of a clown Circus Moira Orfei clothes with which to clothe me from Rome, absolutely not! I was wearing the cassock and surplice arm, the stole and the book of the ritual anointing of the sick. I took off my cassock and went up in the oncology department with trousers and white shirt under my, because if I have to open the gates of Heaven to a soul, But any dementia - including a priest - requires me before singing "Red flag”, in that case I pretend for two minutes of being untouchable Genovese heretic priest Andrea Gallo and without hesitation attack: "Next people to the Rescue, Red flag …». Of all this, that soul deeply Catholic my brother, he was upset, species at that particular juncture, so much so that he said: "I do not think you go for a few words with the Archbishop of Pisa?». Eruppi with a laugh and replied: "My brother, come on! To make a word with those who, with that good man of John Paul Benotto, to which the priests give pats on the back while on the other hand he could have serious problems in being able to give an order to the porter of the archbishop's palace?». And of course let it go, because if you lose valuable time to reason with certain priests often serves, to lose it with certain bishops is even worse and far more disappointing.


Paolo Giulietti

BISHOPS DRAWS-YOUNG? – S. AND. Mons. Paolo Giulietti, auxiliary bishop of Perugia [see WHO]

I have just brought the examples of two different parishes that showed in the facts to be: one, a man of God and a man of government, a shepherd caring for the souls that if necessary he says what is right and what is wrong to do, pastorally acting accordingly in conformity with the doctrine, the magisterium and to the laws of the Church. The other, although bad pastor, however, it was provided by his protectors of a "card" where they had been impressed some really magic words today: "... He has dedicated himself to charitable activities, he was an assistant at Caritas, He attended the youth of the nearby golf Rom, etc..". And reading this "" tab there is clear the bleak present and the worst foreseeable future that awaits us. That's clear why the second of two parish priests brought to mo 'sample, and now Bishop, She could not take care of the sacred liturgy left outsourced to the laity; that is why he could not go and bring the Eucharist to the sick; that's why he could not watch over the First Communion children who did not even know the Our father and the boys of Confirmation that not even know what it was the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. He could not do anything about all these things “secondary” because he was engaged in something far more primary: visit the local Roma camp! A topic that which I have already discussed in my previous article, to explain between the lines that if God's ways are notoriously endless, those of the clergy are more and more "finished" and "defined", sometimes even so not just fool [see WHO], because nothing is more dangerous than an incompetent who exercises a power that first of all is a heavy duty; power which in any case does not come to him either by the sovereign people or by the appreciation of the everyday The Republic, but by Christ God.


Paolo Giulietti 2

BISHOPS DRAWS- YOUNG? – S. AND. Mons. Paolo Giulietti, auxiliary bishop of Perugia.

If someone decided to choose new bishops give her existential suburbs, or to promote the episcopate priests who played at “Compagnucci Brigadier” In fields scouts, instead fascinate young people with the style and charisma of a man of God like the French priest Michel Marie Zanotti [see WHO], go ahead, but the failure will be sealed through the ecclesial drama of the fall in the ridiculous. And unfortunately, in the space of not many years, the results will be paid by the Church of Christ and the People of God. All without even knowing who really make it through, because the mechanism of appointment of new bishops itself is so complex, species in a particular country like Italy, it's almost like a game of Chinese boxes. For what we know is the kind of work done by various church institutions and departments of the Holy See for the selection of future bishops. Work in which are involved several clerics who sometimes manage to drive certain appointments much more than they can make certain influential bishops and cardinals; and not infrequently, the various organs of the Holy See who have tried to carry out a serious and meticulous work characterized primarily on prudence, in an effort to select suitable candidates, you see everything clear before all’Friend of a Friend to place; and often, for these coups, you do not even know what “santo” to thank.


Nicholas Anselmi

FIGURE STOLEN IN CINEMAS TO ATTRACT YOUNG PEOPLE? – S. AND. Mons. Nicolo Anselmi, auxiliary bishop of Genoa [see WHO]

Ultimately comes to work concluded a dossier to the Pope containing a set of three names, from which he usually chooses the first indicated among the three candidates. There are several eyewitnesses who reported that often John Paul II signed without even reading the summaries of the three names listed, while Benedict XVI gave him a last and then signed. It is true that to appoint bishops his collaborators is Peter, but the mechanism is quite complex and in most cases the Holy Father merely ratify the choices of others that are the result of investigations, research and evaluations almost always very complex, both for good and for evil. Thing in itself entirely understandable: how could it, the Supreme Pontiff, take care of appointments and the periodic replacement of about 5.000 bishops scattered throughout 'Catholic world? All his time would not be enough for that alone.


nicole anselmi 1

FIGURE STOLEN IN CINEMAS TO ATTRACT YOUNG PEOPLE? – S. AND. Mons. Nicolo Anselmi, auxiliary bishop of Genoa.

From these delicate situations It comes the element of fundamental importance for any Pope: get close to her precious and especially loyal employees. It is the preciousness is loyalty panels on a clear premise: selflessness and faith in the deserved eternal reward for having served freely and without according any purpose the Church of Christ and Peter her Supreme Pastor; and to make these valuable services to the Church and her Supreme Pastor Peter, They are the ones who tell you always what they think, not those who are adept at concealing their own and be equally adept at trying to please in every way, the wagon master. Many are the damages caused to the Church by the period of the last Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, all due precisely to this: choosing bad associates who, in turn, They polluted the dioceses on the one hand and the Roman Curia on the other hand, often placing in the second even those most resembling the parakeets instead of males with all its appurtenances; and when these subjects are then lobby, We know what happens [see my old interview, WHO].


St. Pius X cartoon

the Holy Pontiff Pius X depicted in a satirical cartoon of the anti-clerical newspaper L'Assiette au Beurre (Butter dish) n. 242 of November 1905.

For forty years the Church has been playing with the world of the media which is based on logical ruthless image increasingly anti-Christian. Once - in recent times, not centuries ago - the Roman Pontiff and the bishops of many large and medium-sized diocese could walk on foot through the crowd camouflaged in civilian clothes, no one would recognize them; and in fact many did. The image of the Roman Pontiff was just over an effigy of the State coins Pontifical, while that of the bishop was depicted in a picture inserted into an inner room of the cathedral church in which they were collected the paintings of his predecessors. There were several bishops to control the scattered parishes in their dioceses turned camouflaged by secular, without being recognized even by pastors, but above all by the many manicured country that made up the bulk of the slice of their clergy. The Popes of the late nineteenth early twentieth century we had only a few official photos and from the pontificate of Benedict XV some very short and rare footage. With John XXIII the televisions begin to get into places until just before impenetrable and finally, with the pontificate of John Paul II, the media make their entrance “triumphal” in the Church, and every move and breath of the Roman Pontiff will be made public: from the “cradle of the newborn” inside the conclave until his dead body lying on the bed inside the room of his private apartment. Now, I do not say that this is bad, I say that all would be able to handle, why the media, wanting, They can also transform us into a truly grotesque structure through the most dangerous subliminal messages …


seminarian sfranta

The OF PRODUCTS TODAY PRETEND, THAT IS SEMINARS – within which there is no selection and supervision, where often there are no suitable trainers who have first been educated and made suitable to impart an ecclesiastical education appropriate to the dignity of the future priest [see movie WHO]

… example: beyond the respect of the Italian television after Democrat, if we analyze the shooting made by US television stations owned by secularist or Protestant societies, not to mention the Arab and Israeli, we see in close-ups during the celebrations of Benedict XVI a small army of ceremonies that sway between smiles and flattery, and they do not give some beautiful image of the Apostolic See, but they transmit in seconds the idea subliminally that the rate of male testosterone in certain ecclesiastical circles is quite low. No one pretends that they are chosen as bishops of fashion models, But enter the world of the image with caricatured figures if not worse grotesque, It hurts the Church, making the game that some ecclesiastics are very dangerous and harmful to the media …




… be clear: Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani was not an Adonis, it was not the Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, and it was not John XXIII, the ugliness of which was, however, surpassed by that of Leo XIII, to follow with the frail and hunchbacked Benedict XV. But the ugliness of certain figures or Pappagorgia which endear Ottaviani, They were offset by capacity and uncommon talent also recognized by many people adverse to the Church. What so I lament is the multiplication of figures that even cartoonists of the nineteenth century anti-clerical were going to draw, almost as if today the Church wanted to make a lavish wedding dinner with nuts and dried figs, public figures who presentanto, in addition to being unpleasant, they have not at all the charisma and the talent that would make it very beautiful even in their ugliness. And who reasonably believes that I am wrong, Please indicate and demonstrate publicly my error analysis and evaluation - and if the case so requires well with all canonical appeals of the case -, starting from pundits that the Holy See is at the Italian Episcopal Conference dealing with social communication, namely the service staff of catering organizing lavish wedding with nuts and dried figs.


Bagnasco Anselmi-001

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco and his Auxiliary Bishop, Teodrammatica a contemporary church in which the servant can never be more beautiful master …

Which aims to shake it's obvious, we understand ever since the Holy Father, ignoring all theologians at its disposal, He launched yet another message inviting a priest to preach the spiritual exercises to the Roman Curia. The message passed, however, was the only unusual thing in itself, ie sberlone another given to the Curia and the Curia by a Latin American with the aggravation of the Argentine spirit, and burdened - and let's face it! - By many anti-Roman prejudices. Because at this point I do not know what the Holy Father has truly taken care to know Rome and its history, including the history of the Roman Curia that he would reform, but it certainly can not be reformed without first getting to know her well and thoroughly, but above all without being free from the burden of prejudice. Over time, however, we can assess retrospectively what he is free party, or solid and adamant about their own prejudices, then acting accordingly.


John XXIII 2

… Also John XXIII was ugly, at times almost caricatural, but he was a man who despite all his amiability could inspire awe at a glance, and the talent that had, faith, hope and charity that animated him, united with his loving sympathy, not only made it beautiful, much more: They made it holy and heroic virtues model.

Singular and unique is the fact it sberlone linked to those spiritual exercises, because what just passed, Once again it was the gesture, or if you prefer the Holy Father's setback came in pullman Ariccia where the exercises were held, taking with him the bishops and cardinals style "group holidays Piedmont, if part! ”, in the words of an old TV commercial. So here's that journalists have delighted telling us that the Holy Father is sitting in the midst of all, the equal of all, in a simple way, resigned … because Francesco is “er papa de noartri ”. Let me be clear: I have nothing to say on certain styles homemade the Holy Father, I would much rather to ask about things far more serious, from the first: of those spiritual exercises, What is left? What was discussed? How it was talked about? What message it was launched by a particularly enlightened by God speaker, He called the onerous office of preaching before the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles and the other Apostles? If we go to practice we find that the spiritual exercises of Pope Francis there only remains the image of a pastor who preaches them, of a Supreme Pontiff sitting on pullman with everyone and among all. That there remains, and it's really miserable thing, as are many other buildings that house day after day, instead of on the rock, It is erected on the sand [cf. Mt 7, 26-27]. On the contrary, instead, memorable spiritual exercises preached in Lent 1971 by Father Divo Barsotti to the Roman curia on the invitation of Paul VI, Today it has left behind a monumental text, sometimes prophetic, work of a mystical authentic, of an authentic theologian, of a real Father of the Church [see WHO]; without which none of us know and without anything to any of us interests and as the board of what the participants have arrived, or where the Blessed Paul VI was sitting on the way.


This is not to say that it is wrong to take something of parish priests solid experience and promote them to the episcopate, because what they vitally need the many small, but also medium-sized Italian dioceses, It is the figure of a Bishop with pastoral experience, who knows how to treat this with his presbyters and that can receive and guide the flock portion of the People of God entrusted to him. But be pastor is not a guarantee, because the bishop demand extra completeness that few pastors have: first of all, He must be able to govern their own priests with authority and authority, confirming them day after day in faith [cf. LC 22, 31-34] then drive in a decisive and credible God's People.


fist on the table

the bishop has requested an iron fist covered with a delicate velvet glove.

The bishops must be adverse compared to the attitudes spineless that to please everyone and not upset anyone, create self-destructive paralysis situations because they do not actually govern their particular Church, leaving that to govern is bullying, quarrels and priests arbitrarities divided among themselves, where light is only the arrogance of the strongest in the time that you are placed in the right places after collecting the worst weapons of blackmail. Priests in some dioceses, although representing a small number of three or four elements, they put in check and silenced three bishops one after the other, after making them understand that they had in hand instruments of blackmail both on the moral side both on the economic side to blow up an entire diocese, with all the criminal implications in the event that certain information had reached the competent civil courts. And not a few Italian bishops, in such situations, They remained with their beautiful pastoral in his hand used solely as Liturgical trinket to do done anything.


Episcopal chair

the chair of the bishop great master [The model shown in the picture belongs to the Cathedral of Massa Marittima, WHO]

The bishop must be a master of doctrine. And here it should be noted that I have not said a supremely theologian but a master of doctrine, able to teach and if necessary enforce compliance with the Magisterium of the Church which the supreme guardian in his particular Church deposit of credit. And consider the recorded sermons that were spoken both for their settlement is in the chair during the first acts of the episcopal ministry by several of these bishops from parishes-existential-devices, the doctrine of several of them is not that exciting; and when you do not know well and thoroughly deposit of credit, safeguard it is not easy, although of course no limits to the grace of the Holy Spirit, but it is good not to challenge.


The bishop must also be a connoisseur of law, with a keen sense of natural law. And here you notice: I did not say that it should be a supremely doctor in canon law, but a person with the sense of entitlement, because if it is not, easily slip in free agency, factory all the worst injustices. And also in this case, many of the new recruits, leave to be desired as well in this sense, although it was priests for many years.


carlo maria martini 3

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, to which we have devoted a few critical articles to his theological thought [see WHO, WHO], but we have always referred to with reverence as one of the most beautiful episcopate figures of the twentieth century, simple but solemn liturgist.

The bishop is the supreme liturgist and celebrating the Eucharist depends on the validity of all the Masses celebrated in his own particular Church. And even in this case it is good to gloss over the sloppy manner and approximate with which certain bishops from parishes-existential-devices, true or presumed, They have been taken for years and years by many cameramen while celebrating liturgies that you may want to draw a veil.


I stop here not to proceed further, but there is enough to say that both trends, both conformism, lead by different routes but both parallel to the same disaster. Indeed, first fashion maverick bishops-pastors, we experienced both the fashion-curial bishops is the fashion of the bishops-professors. these seconds, mostly linked to the pontificate of Benedict XVI, that realizing how inside the Church of the ferment of heresy or doctrinal errors had pushed up huge panettone, to remedy, instead of closing the factories of panettone, instead of removing certain pontifical universities and pontifical universities the title "Pontifical", He begins to appoint bishops more or less illustrious professors of theology, often right from these factories of heresies, inside which were themselves the first and most pernicious speakers. Unfortunately these professors, some of which are true theologians others instead of pure windbags, over time they have sown around the Italian diocese so many and such damage that in many cases it will take decades before they can repair, especially when such serious damage are related to the priestly ordinations of many wrong subjects as such should never have become priests.


priest who blesses the peasants

two farmers kneel on the muddy ground as it passes the country priest who leads the Most Holy Eucharist to a sick. In front of these witnesses and testimonies, how they can, bishops and priests, show up today “trousers and shirt sleeves“? For what, perhaps to attract young? deluded! Are the priests like the one portrayed in this picture only that today might come to fill our churches, if the clerical pride would not close his eyes well before the evidence of the facts.

Problems not solved by switching between fashion, He has already done politics. Either the Church wants to repeat the political mistakes? Does anyone remember the times when before the political fall to historic lows of credibility, politicians tried to lure voters applying actors, singers and players on the electoral roll? Actually it was nominated and elected as well as a famous pornstars. We want to repeat the same mistakes in the Church, pornstars included?


The problem It is not to become bishops You need not be priests, or professors of theology, or who work in the Curia duties. It is not in fact the role that makes holy man, but the man who sanctifies the role that has been appointed to. A good bishop can then exit out of a suburban parish priest as a luminary of theology; by a qualified diplomatic service or by a priest who served the Church in a curia office, precisely because it is the man who makes the good bishop and certainly not the specific office he has held.


Ildefonso Schüster

BISHOPS WHO HAD UP TO A FEW TENS OF YEARS AGO – Blessed Ildefonso Schüster, Archbishop of Milan from 1929 al 1954. Figure of great theological depth, mystic and great shepherd of souls. When he made a pastoral visit, often he came at five in the morning in front of the parish churches, he knelt and prayed in the square waiting for the pastor opened the door for the celebration of the first Mass.

In my book published in early 2013, speaking of the episcopate and of our natural vocation to holiness, written in the water of our baptism, It said that it is up to the Church to establish how consecrated in the sacrament of Holy Order should play and pay their grateful and valuable services; the assumption that what is at the basis of the nature of the sacrament of Holy Orders. It is unacceptable that the priests are proposed as candidates for the episcopate, or bishops propose to major metropolitan locations, office of the Roman Curia or the honorary title of Cardinals. Anyone, in direct or indirect way it did, the penalty should be excluded from any possibility of promotion. No one is in fact promoted and consecrated bishop for his personal prestige but to be a faithful servant and devoted to the particular Church entrusted to him, always bearing in mind that God became incarnate in Jesus not to be served but to serve [CF. Mt 20,28]. Therefore we should work towards a day to an important result: a Catholic clergy formed by secular and religious priests are well aware that being bishop of a large and important diocese or be pastor of a small country parish is equally dignified and important for the Church, within which the Bishop of the largest diocese and the parish priest of the small country church offer both an essential service, united by their very nature of servants.


In the Church there is precious inspiring figure and the high example of the Holy Bishop Charles Borromeo, but there is just as valuable inspirational figure of no less high and example: John Mary Vianney, He elected not by chance patron of parish priests and priests. Surely no sane mind would ever sent Carlo Borromeo parish priest at Ars, and Jean Marie Vianney as bishop in Milan; but it is precisely the Church, the unique and the only one to determine who is to become Bishop of Milan and who the priest of Ars, to better develop its natural vocation to holiness and to preserve and save the faith of the People of God.


Bishop Mario Enrico Delpini

FROM THE HIERATIC FIGURE OF SCHÜSTER TO CURRENT TIMES – S. AND. Mons. Mario Enrico Delpini, President of the team for the Ongoing Formation of the clergy of the Archdiocese of Milan [see WHO]

When common sense take over fashions or market strategies played on real advertising slogans, the risk that we run is to put John Vianney being the Bishop of Milan and Carlo Borromeo to make the priest at Ars, with a sad consequent results: neither will become saints. The first, will not become holy because be an inappropriate subject as not up to the Bishop of Milan; The second one, will not become holy because it is an inappropriate subject as not up to the priest at Ars, and both sow damage to no end.


In the state in which we find ourselves, it is useless to look small, futile and clerical strategies, today targeted the baked professors and curial, tomorrow in the parish priests who have taken upon themselves in some way - or really clever joke - the smell of the poor and of those existential suburbs that seem to go out of fashion today. Each of these choices are only palliatives that will lead to total failure. What in fact does not seem to enter into the ever smaller heads of certain ecclesiastical, It is the fact that to come to be truly perfect in one [Cf Gv 17, 23] We must proceed if necessary with dramatic divisions, mindful that Christ the Lord also came to bring a sword and war, not only peace [cf. Mt 10,34]; Mindful that sooner or later, at the right moment, wheat will be separated from the chaff, when you are sure that to rip the weeds is not lost even an ear of corn, which is not to say: ups weeds that choke the good grain permanently [CF. Mt 13, 24-30].


Rafael Merry del Val

Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, Secretary of State of the Holy Pontiff Pius X, a man who today do not ever become a bishop, or that maybe they would not even be a priest.

Fashions are always harmful, of whatever kind they are, including the current research of parish priests with past real or imagined between Caritas, slums and Roma settlements, because this means that today, a man of God of extraordinary human completeness, morale, theological, legal and pastoral as Rafael Merry del Val, not only it would never became cardinal, but neither bishop and maybe even a priest, because only the sound of his name would turn up their noses many who pretend to want to smell the sheep to be taken on themselves, without having all understand what the Holy Father Francis wanted to say and convey to the shepherds in the care of souls by saying: "Be shepherds wearing the smell of the sheep". Nor ever he would have done any road a man like Giovanni Battista Montini, accused of coming from a family of the old Lombard bourgeoisie. Supersedes then the unhappy fate that in the Church trendy Today would be affected to a person like Eugenio Pacelli and step directly to Angelo Roncalli, but to the real, not to Santino from popular iconography. Today as today, the future St John XXIII, at the peak of the diplomatic career as apostolic nuncio in Paris, It would never become Patriarch of Venice - most ultra seventy -, after spending his entire life in the diplomatic service of the Holy See? Of course not, because if the logic had been applied fashionistas Today would have been tried definitely a pastor of some Veneto province that between 1945 and the 1950 He had enriched their curriculum, up to make it in such a way episcopabile, after dedicating himself to refugees and war orphans or have served meals to the homeless.


Bishop Claudio Cipolla

S. AND. Mons. Claudio Cipolla, former pastor, newly elected Bishop of Padua, where from 85 years was not chosen a cadidato that was not already a bishop with pastoral experience. Faced with this cute face is affectionately to say: to certain parish priests, until they give him a red, a dignified black cassock if not even put to picking up the appointment as bishop.

If at certain bishoprics They are sent from decades, or even centuries of bishops who have already gained pastoral experience in other dioceses where they have given proof of good governance, There must be a reason? If some Italian archbishop's offices have for centuries also cardinals locations, is because there are ancient traditions related to the history and the past kingdoms and principalities of the Italian peninsula; this has established a tradition that is said to be maintained. Rules and habits can be changed and in fact, to do it, Peter does not have to ask anyone's permission. Limit it, if he wants, or if it has the necessary humility to do it, can ask people who are certain historical and ecclesial mechanisms may know them even better than him, but he still bears the full power to act as considers most appropriate. So that the current Patriarch of Venice was not created cardinal, perhaps to the person concerned does not affect anything, but the Venetians used to having for centuries a patriarch also awarded the honorary title of cardinal very interested and, this failure to red biretta, they experienced as a humiliation. At the other end of our country, the Palermo, are already wondering if after his appointment as Cardinal Archbishop of Agrigento, also for their home will not be given the title of Cardinals to successor to the resigning Cardinal Paolo Romeo.


Erio Castellucci Archbishop of Modena

S. AND. Mons. Erio Castellucci, newly elected Archbishop of Modena

I understand that the Holy Father He hath now declared as part of "the other side of the world," but that does not mean engage in making things of this world, because it is common ground that the Italian Church, its bishops and clergy, soprattutto alla sua storia bimillenaria, is due at least the same respect that the Holy Father shows to have for real or alleged refugees [see WHO] landing for an average of 700/800 per day in a country - ours - unable to contain and assist such a flood of people, because we are talking about 400.000/ 500.000 people a year who arrive on a certain non-extended territory as Australia. The Italian Church and its history is due at least the same respect that the Holy Father for the inhabitants of the Roma camps, whose workers in dell'accattonaggio blaspheme Christ and all the saints along Via della Conciliazione behind those who dare not give him money. It is not beautiful nor good, even for a Roman Pontiff, albeit enveloped in "liberal" to which he believes seriously or just pretend that case geriatric Eugenio Scalfari, let it be understood: "I am and I do what I want". For us there is no doubt that you are Peter - for your Pentecostal friends do not know ', but to us you are Peter -, But before you establish precise rules, you have full authority to do so. Before Abolish customs and practices, then you should appoint a cardinal who you want and when you want, preventing a slice of your faithful, who for centuries they have been at the head of their diocese a bishop always created cardinal practices, they have to ask: "But what have we done wrong to the Church and the Holy Father?». The Church needs of their steadfastness and their own stability, which they contribute to some extent the traditions and customs of all accidental and quotas as such are changing and may be abolished at any time by the Supreme Shepherd. But I think that the least likely candidate to make the dangerous game to destabilization without first having established rules, is the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, also because sooner or later, the People of God, that has never been a fool in the whole course of the history of salvation, You might begin to wonder: in which pro 'all this, but especially, at what price?


Giuseppe Siri

Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, Metropolitan Archbishop of Genoa, also remembered as a man of extraordinary class and hieratic dignity. His mother worked as a concierge and his father was a handyman. He became a priest, however, at a time when the workshops were equipped with all the educational tools needed to maximize human development, morale, spiritual and theological of young talent.

The greatness of the Church has always been to be a mother and teacher, and a good teacher, which it is also mother, primarily educates. This is the reason why this extraordinary mother who is a body whose head is Christ [cf. With the 1, 18], He never made the class distinction, race and nation. We know all the flaws of our Church, holy and sinful according to the old definition ambrosiana. historical defects that the undersigned knows enough to have them repeatedly stigmatized in deference to the wise admonition of Pope Leo XIII who on September 8 1899 stated:


"The Church historian will more strongly emphasize its divine origin as has been loyal in no way conceal the evidence that the sins of her children and sometimes of his own ministers did suffer this bride of Christ".


Yet this mother and teacher, and at the same time holy and sinful, even in its most controversial eras and you contrasted saw up to their so-called leaders many men from very simple and modest families; because even in its most controversial eras and contrasted could spot talent, rather: I was looking right. Who today says, a spirit so romanofobo as anti-historical, which until not so long ago, to become bishops and cardinals had to be called Borghese, Orsini, Column, Odescalchi, Chigi, Doctors, Sforza ... wrong and mind. The histories of the bishops who have succeeded in many of our numerous Italian dioceses, They include many names of men from poor families, entered in the seminaries with kits donated to them by a poor country priest who had collected offers from equally poor faithful.


pietro Gasparri

Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, Secretary of State succeeded to Cardinal Merry del Val, He came from a family of farmers Marche, by many is considered as one of the greatest canon lawyers of the twentieth century.

Do not forget that to succeed Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, who had a blood concentration of the oldest noble families of Europe, was Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, who was secretary of state under Pope Benedict XV and Pius XI, as well as a signatory of the Lateran Treaty that ended the long Roman question began with the capture of Rome on 20 September 1870 lasted 59 long years. Peter Gasparri, born in the Marche in a village of the province, He came from a family of farmers pastoralists, was a canonist of rare refinement and decisive was his contribution to the drafting of the Code of Canon Law 1917. From modest family came the Holy Pontiff Pius X, who also he wanted beside him in the role of Secretary of State, Cardinal Merry del Val. From a poor family born Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, in the Trastevere, where his father worked as a laborer at a baker. We stop to these few examples that really would be the long list of men whose names are now part of the history of the Church and were not taking all the surnames of the most powerful European princely families.


What about the fact that in the early sixties, while in the United States there was racial segregation between blacks and whites, in Rome, a newly elected black cardinal red dress with purple and ermine cape magna, received kissed knee flexed by the papal nobility? Knows the Holy Father Francesco these edifying pearls of history related to a Roman curia kissing the hand of a black while in the US blacks could not even go on public transport? He is informed, the Holy Father Francis, that his Supreme Predecessor Benedict XIV, nee Prospero Lambertini, In the 1741 He did not hesitate to challenge, even with all the risks of the case, the major European powers, condemning without appeal slavery and declaring illegal, under penalty of immediate excommunication, the sale and the reduction of the Indians to slavery? Condemns, however, already delivered earlier by his predecessors Supreme Eugene IV [1435], Paul III [1537], urban VIII [1639], none of which came from existential suburbs They never played any apostolate in villas miseries.


Alfredo Ottaviani

Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani in an image of old age. Was prefect of the then Holy Office, today Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, man of great acumen and theological character of Vatican II. He was born in Trastevera from a very poor family and as Cardinal. Merry del Val is very devoted to charitable activities in favor of Roman children of that neighborhood, who affectionately they nicknamed him for his enormous double-chin “er jowl Cardinal“.

Unfortunately I fear that for some decades they are crushed delicate and old balances, and today we seem apotheosis joints. man ever, in the past, a Rafael Merry del Val prevented a priest of recognized talent with him to sit in the pews of the College of Cardinals, as guilty of coming from humble beginnings. But what today we should instead fear is that many Pietro Gasparri and Alfredo Ottaviani totally devoid of great talent and great compassion which characterized these men of God, but filled with ambitions in return for which they never could aspire in the civilized world, can prevent a Merry del Val to become bishop and cardinal, since "it does not correspond to what pastoral criteria and styles are today" - from villas miseries - "The Holy Father Francesco", with all the terrible harm that would result to the private church of this faith, of such talent and such a rare intelligence.


I do not know if anyone will reflect on all this, in a Church no longer able to educate and logical grasp the talent and mutate in the very principles of the Gasparri and Ottaviani, making them the principles for nothing less principles of a prince of birth as Merry del Val. I fear that in these sad times, where many churchmen seem the immediate junkies and live day after day without thinking of the future and to build for the future, few will make similar reflections. When in fact the one hand they make a coup and the other one gives in to fashions, the first thing you lose the freedom of the children of God and trying the worst coercion and arbitrary action of the worst even force others to the loss of this precious gift of grace. A church that no longer free teetering between bankruptcy and fashions equally unsuccessful experiments is bound to collapse, from his heart: the Sacred College of the Apostles, in which to recruit a mediocre after another into effect the coup of mediocrity in power. Never as today is in fact echoed the false and misleading warning which Judas:


[…] then Mary, took a pound of ointment of true nard, very precious, He anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair, and the whole house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment. Then Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, who would betray, he said: "Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?». He said this not because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief and, He had the bag, to take what was put therein. Then Jesus said: "Let her alone, let her keep it for the day of my burial. For the poor you have always with you, but you do not always have me " [GV 12, 3-8]


E together with the pretext of the poor, Today we have a veritable army of Judah, thieves and traitors, ready to use the poor as false and measure as a new pretext for their personal gain, always moved by those irrepressible ambitions originating from the queen mother of all deadly sins: the Superbia, which always blinds, preventing to correctly perceive the present and the future to build a holy manner to the praise and glory of God.







Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Giacomo Biffi and the idea of “essence of evil”


On the occasion of the death of Giacomo Biffi of fathers’Patmos Island have devoted some comments to his figure and his works [WHO, WHO], which are followed today by some calm perplexities, because what first is not convincing, is the conception of the late Cardinal assumed reality to the idea of evil.

Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



biffi cover

the work of Giacomo Biffi [Ed. Cantagalli]

In the book by Cardinal Giacomo Biffi Memories and digressions of an Italian Cardinal” [1] I read some of his thoughts about the essence of evil, that I wasn't entirely satisfied. He starts from the metaphysics of Soloviev, which saw reality as "unitotalità", that Biffi defines the "shape of the truth of being", that evil would be what "separates" from this all: “Evil is therefore essentially division and separation, because it is forfeiture from “unity”. The risk, in this view, is to conceive of evil as a forfeiture or removal from all, so the remedy results in a return of all to all, recovering herself, and the famous "apocatastasis" by Origen, condemned by the Church. If instead, as we'll see, evil is an ontological deprivation caused by the will of the creature, then we are ready to accept the Christian vision, for which the antidote to evil is not a simple return, but one recreation offered by God to the sinner, which offer, But, made in all, at some meets an irrevocable and absolute resistance.

apocalypse dragon

the mystery of evil, depiction of the Dragon of the Apocalypse

For this the divine remedy evil does not reach all creatures, ma only those who accept. In the Christian view, in fact, not all creatures return to One-All, that is to God, not because God cannot bring them back, but because they don't want. In the Christian view of God allows that in the question of evil come in the free will of the creature, capable of choosing evil, i.e. divest divine well permanently and irreparably damaged.

The origenist vision, instead, similar to that of Plotinus, everything that comes out of one and back to One, everything that comes out of everything and return to All, is Grand and charming, but deviates from the given faith, which provides eternal punishment for the wicked. In interpreting the Word of God, one must not start from an idea, as beautiful and sublime, and wanting to force the Word of God to enter into that idea; ma, on the contrary, It is our vision that should, as much as possible, reflect the word of God. This is the true theology; the other is Gnosticism. The rest, as we also in other religions, There is no shortage of reasons to admit an award in the hereafter or eternal punishment [2].

Inferno Claudia-Rogge-Inferno-I-2011-Diasec-168-x-215-cm

depiction of hell [artwork of Claudia Rogge]

In truth, the devise evil as a property of an entity that isolates or separates from all or from the collection to which it belongs, it doesn't make me difficult. There is no doubt that is separate from the evil Church; it is bad that the organ of a living being separated from the organism; It is wrong to extrapolate a phrase out of context that ensures the real meaning, and so on. But in reality the evil is something much deeper, it pertains, as we'll see, the roots of being.

Mitigate or alleviate the idea and the presence of evil and conceive a universe in which evil will disappear entirely a solution may seem comforting and even more worthy of God's infinite goodness; but in reality that emerges when we watch their goodness evil in the face without concealing anything in its deepest essence. God shows more powerful if we have a fair idea of the ultimate root of evil.

What first of all does not convince me it is the conception of reality presupposed by Cardinal Biffi's idea of ​​evil. I observe first of all that only God is one and all at the same time. Unity is not the "form of the truth of being" UT do, but the divine being. Only God is absolutely one in his infinite simplicity and its unmistakable identity. And he includes virtually every perfection in his infinite essence, as the cause itself contains virtually all its possible effects. In this sense we can say that God is "all" [Sir 43,27]. Furthermore, there is the risk of pantheism: If the reality is unitotalità and unitotalità is God, then reality is God. Moreover, there can be nothing outside of unity; If no, it would not be totality. But then, if evil is "separation" and is outside this totality, evil is nothing. Or we must admit that in order to be in reality, that is, in totality, Evil, Although separation, must still be within this totality. But if this totality is God, then evil is in God. In short, from this vision of Soloviev, endorsed by Biffi, many inconveniences arise.

San Filippo casts out the Dragon Temple of Hierapolis

San Filippo casts out the Dragon Temple of Hierapolis [Filippino Lippi from Prato, XVI century.]

Evil, Certain, is a not-to-be. Yet there is. And therefore it must somehow be in reality, the totality of being, certainly not in totality understood in the divine sense, Since in God there is evil, but rather pluralistic in all, in the transcendental sense, in all things, where actually there is evil. But if you don't do this distinction, you end up falling in Pantheism. And then the problem becomes dramatic and insoluble: or deny the existence of evil, since God is good; or if you want to admit the existence of evil, one is forced to place it in God. Moreover, If the unitotalità is, as must be, It gave, evil cannot be a "decline" from God, a decrease or loss or lowering of divinity. Evil does not come from God, but from the creature. It is a forfeiture of or of the creature from its state of normality, as Adam has decayed from its state of innocence.

Certainly the rational creature Sin separates us from God: but the evil he commits is not a "decay" from divinity, as the creature, even if it is a sinner, It is not a lowering or waiving of divinity, but a being produced by God out of nothing, in itself is good and that it is not bad "decaying from God", but with their ill will. It sure turns away from God and opposes, but not in the sense of losing an original deity from which falls. It gave, to create a creature even peccabile, does not decay at all or she loses Him, but He is always in his infinite perfection and goodness.

god idol

God the father is not an Idol …

The totality as reality, instead, altogether, is the set of God and creatures. It certainly is the totality of everything that exists. But it's not all a unique one, of a single entity, How would the whole of an entire, as well as we could say: all Apple or any individual.

Nor is the divine totality, absolutely indivisible. Instead, the totality of a set of entities: God and creation. It is also wrong to call all things "whole", How does Bontadini, because this again gives the idea of a single entity, of which the entities are only parts. The reality is not a single substance, as Spinoza believed, a whole divine, which are bodies or parts ways, but it is a set of substances, each of which is distinct from the others and is a divisible integer, connected with the other to form a single unified set under the rule of the Supreme divine indivisible Entity.

The overall reality is the totality a collection of all, is a whole of all, each of which is an entirely different of the other. Different is the divine totality from the totality of the creature. With regard to the creature or creatures, We talk about all in a sense multiple, diversified, analog. An account is the metaphysical or transcendental and everything is all or substantial ontological. The latter can be a created whole or a divine whole. All results from the metaphysical entities collection: God and creation, which in turn is a collection of all, or substances.

one all

the totality …

The totality of institutions includes God and creation. Therefore, God is conceived dialectically as if it were a part of it all, Although he is completely ontologically and above all, a more perfect the totality of all creatures combined. Each entity created is a substantial part of creation, Although also limited is an all. His being is a being by participation, Be dependent to that essence is God.

Based on these considerations, which interpret Biffi's metaphysical-theological vision, You can now examine how he sees the essence of evil. He does not consider the ontological aspect, evil like privatio boni debts, the ὑστέρησις of Aristotle [hysteresis, “delay”], but the limits to a disorder or a disorganization between itself and complete good. It's a bit like it can happen in a collection of works of art, in which a is subtracted from a thief. It is always a work of art, but it is no longer in his place.


Separation, opera di Edward Munch

So evil, According to Biffi, is the Act of the party that is detached from everything and conflicts with all. It is a part that breaks unity. Now, I don't think this speech, in itself certainly valid, truly grasp the essence of evil at the root. Indeed, the radical aspect of evil does not so much concern the order or composition of the parts as a whole, but the lack of integrity or perfection of the institution itself. The evil has to do with the corruption of the subject, to the limit, for the Bible, with the death of the subject.

Evil is not just a matter of disharmony or of separation or division or contrast against a whole or a whole, rather it concerns the plane of being, Indeed the non-being. Evil is a shortage to be before being a separation of the part from the whole. Evil affects the substance of the body before you do the its position relative to other entities. Evil is about existence. Is a lack of being in a subject which in itself remains good. It is not a simple non-being, but is the non-being of something that should be there and there is. The deficiency can be in the spirit: in the intellect and the will. We then blame evil, the sin. Or it can be suffered by the subject. And we then the evil of punishment. If this punishment is right, then we have a good; If it is unfair, This presupposes guilt in court, for which this penalty, i.e. this evil should be removed. In any case, evil is a deprivation of being.

evil and death

evil is connected with death …

For this evil in the Bible is connected with death. Evil is hatred of life and the suppression of life. Christ calls the devil, from that sin originates from evil, "a murderer from the beginning". The evil of guilt is an injustice, but not beyond the control of divine justice. Punishment is bad, but it is a bad thing right, for it is good that the wicked be punished. The eternity of hell penalty resolves to be an eternal good.

St. Thomas supports that the righteous in heaven will rejoice when they see the punishment of the damned. It is right that the relatives of a victim of terrorism rejoice in seeing the killer sentenced to life in prison. We don't have to do justice to ourselves, but only because, as the Bible repeatedly teaches, vengeance belongs to God [cf per es. RM 12,19]. As for the damned, he has nothing to complain about, Since the evil from which is afflicted if it is provided with their own hands. No wicked, so, if he does not repent, hope to be able to get away with taking advantage of God's goodness.

While clearly distinguishing good and evil, to condemn any duplicity, Christianity admits an evil that is well: the fitting punishment. Too bad that the evil is not punished. Also the cross is an evil that is well; saving bad. Avoiding the cross is bad. To bear the cross is good. Hence noShe Christian view evil in the end times is defeated in the sense that it ceases its activity against the good. And yet remain the eternal punishment for expressions of the divine justice. So, the "recapitulation of all things in Christ", of which St. Paul speaks [Ef 1,10] should not be understood in the sense of a origenista recomposition of broken unitotalità, Yes evil is totally abolished. This does not correspond to the revealed data, providing for the award of the good and the punishment of the wicked. Disappears so evil of guilt, but not the evil of punishment.


recapitulation of all things in Christ …

The unitotalità, which in reality is a divine attribute and not the character of the real, is not broken by the evil and therefore does not need to recompose. It does not decay by itself, but always remains intact and inviolable. Evil is totally absent in God. Instead the divine plan of salvation does not require the Elimination of guilt in all men, but only in the predestined. Even the willingness of reprobates, so, obstinately and irreversibly rebellious to God, contributes to the order of the universe, showing how God can draw good from evil.

The recapitulation commissioned by father and accomplished by Christ thus means that the father has subjected all things to Christ [CF. v. 22], "every knee should bow before Christ in heaven, on Earth and under the Earth " [Fil 2,10]. Christ is the Savior of the world, though not in the sense that everyone is saved, but in the sense that he offered everyone a chance of salvation, to which few escape blame for them, deserving the right punishment.

By his express declaration, Christ then the eschatological Judge function, that "separates the sheep from the goats". This recapitulation, so, should not be understood as final convergence origenista of all things to Christ, the bad disappear completely. But this convergence instead represents the Lordship of Christ over heaven and hell. The idea of a Christ who ricapitolatore reassembles the unit so that nothing remains outside in opposition to this unit (the damned), can have its own charm, but it is not Christian; it is a Gnostic idea, contrary to the Gospel and the teaching of the Church. Given that this "unitotalità" supposes a pantheistic background, it is understood that it is repugnant to admit evil in God. But in a pluralistic and non-monistic metaphysical conception, does fix admit next and under God, free from evil, the free will of the sinful creature.

eternal damnation

… eternal damnation is a man's choice

In the Christian view the event of evil involves in certain cases (the damnation) a definitive separation of the sinner from All, that is, from God, Although this separation, permitted by God, does not result in any fault or blame God, but the responsibility of the act falls completely on the sinner. This means that the Christian vision of totality leaves room for evil not in God obviously, but in creation to witness God's dominion over evil, that God, that having created even those who damn themselves, continue to love him with his Providence.

The fact that some not be saved — as is attested by revelation — it is not a sign of some imperfections in the work of salvation. Christ puts us in hand the means to save us; but we can't actually save us if we don't cooperate with saving grace. Which means that the evil done by the damned is not repaired, but it remains only to testify the divine punitive justice which, even in this extreme situation, it is not separate, as St. Thomas observes, by mercy.

Christ Pantocrator Cathedral cefalù

Christ pantocrator [Cefalù Cathedral]

Every man makes glory to Christ, even those who are "underground", i.e. to hell. Well due to deprivation remains forever in the will of the damned, marked by the sanction of divine justice. The work of salvation is not limited to reorder what was messy, to reunify what was divided, to reconcile what was inconsistent, but it involves a real work creator: give back to being what it was lacking: such is the forgiveness of sins, the ransom of the poor, the consolation of the afflicted, mercy for the poor, the release of prisoners, the resurrection of the dead. However even where sin is forgiven, the good of manifests divine justice.

In conclusion, It is impossible to understand the deep essence of evil and so the power of God in removing it, without a metaphysics of creation. The victory over evil is a new creation. Seeing evil only related to disharmony, gives us the idea of bad enough as it is clarified by the revelation. And gives us an idea not just of God's saving power. Much less can evil be conceived as a decay from or of the divinity or a fact internal to the divinity or a dialectical moment of divine becoming.. And then salvation is not even a reconstitution of divinity. In the Christian view that God incarnated doesn't mean dirty in God of evil: They, pure and innocent, knows better than us and we most of us abborre. For this he gave us his son who frees us from evil, but that is also a judge of the living and the dead. In the Christian view, the notion of evil assumes the non-being and then the deprivation and the other that of nothing, from which God draws the be. If some men remains forever the deprivation, This does not deny the infinite mercy, power and goodness of God, but it is a sign of God's power over hell and death.

Varazze, 23 July 2015



[1] Cantagalli, Siena 2007, p. 524.

[2] Cf my book Hell esiste. The truth denied, Editions Faith&Culture, Verona 2010.

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Infallibility and fallibility of the Supreme Pontiff



The Roman Pontiff, although endowed with the charisma of infallibility as a teacher of the faith, he still remains a fallible and sinful human being, where does not play this charism. If the doctrine of the faith is infallible, in the field of his pastoral action and Government, as well as in private conduct he can sin in various ways, such as prudence, in justice and charity.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP

Pope Francis

the Holy Father with a native headdress during the visit to Brazil

The question of infallibility or not of the Roman Pontiff somehow coincides with that of the infallibility of the Magisterium of the Church. Which is in fact meant by this expression? The power that the episcopal college has, under the guidance of the Pope, to teach, interpret and spread the Gospel. Of course there is a magisterial power of the Pope's own personal: what he teaches his own initiative, regardless of whether or not consensus of the Episcopal body. For instance, the catechesis on the "Theology of the body" performed by Saint John Paul II from 1979 al 1983. We have here then the Papal Magisterium. But we again: the College of bishops has the duty to adopt this Magisterium, as application of Christ's command to Peter: “strengthen your brethren” [cf. LC 22,31-34]. E, other parte, It is inconceivable a Magisterium of the Bishops which is not chaired and approved by Pope.

Pope Francis

the Holy Father with a native headdress during the visit to Brazil

Speaking of infallibility or papal infallibility not, It is as if you spoke then of infallibility or papal infallibility not of the Church, as guided by the Episcopal body United to the Pope, the so-called "teaching Church", though then in the end, as the Second Vatican Council says, the whole Church, and then every Member of the faithful, is infallible in believing and proclaiming the word of God, means under the guidance of the bishops and the Pope. The reader of the readings of the mass, when he proclaims them, foolproof. The child of the Catechism, If he responds well to teacher's questions, foolproof.

Pope headdress 4

the Holy Father wearing the hat of a groom in St. Peter's square

However, in the Church the Pope is the only member to enjoy a personal charism of infallibility. All other bishops and Cardinals, however learned and holy, do not hold any personal charisma of infallibility and can fall into heresy, as is proved by the history. Or you can say I'm infallible, individually or in groups, It was a Conciliar Assembly, just as United to Peter and submitted to Peter. The conciliarism, repeatedly appeared in history, is a heresy, it does not correspond to the will of Christ. As well as the simple "primacy of honor" without judicial and magisterial power supported by the schismatic Eastern Churches, is a heresy contrary to what Christ willed and commanded to Peter and his successors.

Pope headdress 5

the Holy Father with the hat of the infiorata of Spello

The Pope is assisted by the Holy Spirit infallibly When performs its task to proclaim and interpret the Gospel and strengthen his brethren in faith. Of course the Pope, because sinful man, son of Adam, fallible in things would also of Christian faith and morals, If you do not have this support and is indeed fallible, When, for different reasons, This assistance is not. And fallibile means you can't go wrong, who can pass up a mistake. Or you can give for sure what it is, or vice versa it can take what is certain for questionable. The greater certainty that the Pope is a master in faith and when infallibly teaches God's Word, We when he claims to speak on behalf of Christ and will define a dogma of faith, as is taught in the first Vatican Council.


the Holy Father wearing the hat of the alpini

For there to be infallibility These are not required explicit declarations and solemn, quite rare, but it is enough that the Pope proposes teachings that still refer to dogma or tradition or develop them and clarify or teach some doctrine necessarily connected to dogma or which in any way touches the truth of faith taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. As well as the doctrines of the ecumenical councils, that explain or deepen or interpret the truths of Scripture and tradition, even if they are not defined, however, they are final, that is absolutely and eternally true and infallible; and repeat their authority from that of the same Supreme Pontiff who approved. On the contrary, as is apparent from the letter To protect the faith of St. John Paul II of 1998, there are three degrees of infallibility of the doctrines of the Magisterium of the Church. The first, that requires faithful the Divine faith or theology reports, is that of the truths of faith defined, commonly called "dogmas". Reject this doctrine is heresy.

Pope: General audience

the Holy Father with the fire brigade helmet

On the second level are the doctrines not defined yet definitive, that is absolutely and eternally true, from the object of belief in the authority of the Church, the so-called "ecclesiastical faith". Can touch the thing revealed, or historical truths or necessarily connected with speculative thing revealed, as for example the existence of the human soul, of God, truth or freedom or the legitimacy of a Pope or a Council; things that, If they were not true, they would crumble or would make impossible the truths of faith. Reject this doctrine is error close to heresy.

Pope headdress 8

the Holy Father with a sports copricato

The doctrines of the third degree yet concern issues of faith or faith-related, therefore it is always a question of true and certain doctrines, but the faithful must not give assent of faith, but only pay "homage of his intelligence". There is no question here of the Church, that proposes, without defining it dogmatically, a doctrine of faith, but a doctrine of the Church, which has connection with the doctrine of the faith. Doctrine of this kind is for instance the principle of religious freedom or the principle of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue announced by Vatican II. Reject this doctrine is error against the doctrine of the Church. In the first instance we have the doctrine defined, in accordance with the definitive doctrine, in the third binding doctrine.

Why these three degrees? They do not refer to the question of truth, as if, for instance, were true only the doctrines of first instance. They respond to a pastoral reason and how to join the real of the human mind. Meet, in other words, educational purpose and the nature of the human mind to accept the truth.

Pope headdress 9

the Holy Father with the helmet of the workers of the steel mills of Terni

The Church has received from Christ the deposit of revelation in its entirety beginning. But it has not learned from the outset with equal clarity and certainty all the truths of the faith. Someone, those on which Christ had insisted that more or appeared in continuity with the old testament, or that seemed more appropriate to reason, have emerged for the first symbols of faith. Other, you could infer from early or were latent or implied under the first, maybe less important or maybe even more difficult to understand, "bear", at the beginning they were veiled or not as safe as the first. Hence this process of differentiation more degrees of certainty.

Pope headdress 10

the Holy Father with the bersaglieri Hat

The progress of the Church in knowledge the data revealed does not imply that God throughout history add new truth, but in the fact that the Church always knows better and more clearly all those truths, which Christ taught the apostles before returning to heaven. Now Christ from heaven, now, and until the end of the world, adds nothing to what he then delivered to the Apostles, but through his spirit assists the Church under the guidance of Peter in ever better understand and explain the truth revealed.

The Church does not only have to clarify for itself the quality and number of revealed truths, but once it, under the guidance of the Pope, clarified, it is his duty to teach them to the world. And even at this point there is the need for a gradual approach: gradually in to propose so doctrinal content next, starting with the easiest or the most important or most urgent. And gradually the emphasis or force or emphasis or severity with which propose the same doctrines, according to the needs or requirements of the faithful.

Pope headdress 11

two hats in addition to the Holy Father by the coast guard in Lampedusa

The infallibility of the Pope is historically proven: It has never happened that a Pope has belied his predecessor in matters of faith. Küng's thesis therefore is false. It may happen that a Pope instead accidentally fall into heresy or why not in full possession of his mental faculties or because threatened. The teachings of the Pope or his doctrinal position must be considered always with kindness, trust and respect, but also with wise discernment, in order to assess how, the level of authority and the kind of actions or pronouncements or the provisions of the acts or practices of Government.

Pope headdress 12

the Holy Father wearing the hat of Special Olympics delegation

After you make sure, at safe sources, objective and authoritative of the true content of what he says or said, the first thing to do is categorize the type and level of decision. The post-Conciliar Popes, especially from San Giovanni Paolo II, increased and further diversified kinds of their speeches. Not uncommon is the fact that they intend to demonstrate simple personal views, for example publications, speeches or interviews, perhaps following certain trends or Exegetical theology. It is evident that here are not infallible. I'm, these, interventions that are added to the traditional exercise of their moral and doctrinal Magisterium, that is expressed in the documents at various levels, from encyclicals to speeches, at general audiences or homilies in Apostolic visits; they retain the expression of their jurisdictional power, pastoral, disciplinary, of Government, diplomat, legislative.

In their moral teaching, be careful as it is traceable to the truths of faith distinct directives, that can be discussed. To about, worthy of every respect, Indeed, obedience of faith, is papal moral teaching that makes reference to the natural moral law, as for example rules of sexual or social ethics, the pastoral care of homosexual persons, the prohibition of contraceptives, of artificial insemination, or the defence of the rights of the poor and oppressed.

Pope headdress 14

the Holy Father with a hat of the alpine guides

Likewise with respect consideration should be given to the discipline of the sacraments and liturgical norms, even here, however, distinguishing what refers to the essential values of faith from what can be a simple pastoral value or changeable revisable. Also in directing the ways of salvation to those brothers and sisters who have travelled in an exemplary manner — the Saints — the Papal Magisterium cannot be infallible.

The case of judicial sentences is different in cases of schism or excommunication or death in canonical field, While the Pope can do no wrong in judging a heretical doctrine. As for pronouncements about charismatic phenomena, such as the Marian apparitions, Here the judgement is not infallible, However, it must be assumed that it is marked by prudence.

Pope Francis and queen elizabeth

the Queen Elizabeth with his hat for special occasions close to the Holy Father at the hearing

The Papal Magisterium, and in general the Church can and should be assessed in the light of tradition, Yes and writing, but not with the watchful attitude, wary presumptuous, We could say pharisaical, of him which is held usually with gun pointed to see the Pope in challenge, Maybe to accuse him of modernism, but with the confidence that we have the correct interpretation of Scripture and tradition. It is wise and right well interpret some of its expressions that can surprise at first. So similarly, before denying the infallibility of the doctrines of the Second Vatican Council, as some do, It reflects well on the fact that they, If they do not contain new dogmas defined, however they present new developments of the Tradition and new explanations of Scripture, You cannot bind, Maybe the third degree of authority, the sincere treat of true Catholic.

But it is also the duty of loyalty and honesty to the sovereign pontiff pull on our side, like the modernists, just because the Pope shows open to the values of modernity, forgetting the huge attack that he addresses in his Encyclical Laudato si against what was the worst poison of modernity: the antropocentrismo.

Pope on the throne

the Supreme Pontiff Francis, 266° Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, the Chair of the Bishop of Rome

The Roman Pontiff, although endowed with the charisma of infallibility as a teacher of the faith, he still remains a fallible and sinful human being, where does not play this charism. If the doctrine of the faith is infallible, in the field of his pastoral action and Government, as well as in private conduct he can sin in various ways, such as prudence, in justice and charity. For this he needs our help, first prayer, but also, for those who can, of constructive proposals in the doctrinal field, moral and pastoral, always leaving him the last word. It is very important therefore to know clearly where the Pope can be criticized and which must be obeyed. This clarity is essential for continued fruitful advanced on the way of salvation.

Varazze, 13 July 2015


And I tell you:

"You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and everything you melt on earth will be melted in heaven ".

[Mt 16, 18-19]

If Giacomo Biffi loses the train, Luigi Negri rushes behind



According to the direct preaching of Jesus Christ ' every tree is known by its fruit ", not by his words, not from her non-fiction production, not by the critical writings in retrospect. Or to put it more clearly: do not criticize, as Archbishop Emeritus now, those damages that enthroned as Archbishop to avoid, repair and, good occurrence, eliminate and punish.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



chasing the train

stop the train …

I have a lot of gratitude to h.e.. Mons. Luigi Negri, which I marked with indelible character of the sacred order of priests and to him will ever be less my deep devotion, Although today it is no longer my Diocesan, having been promoted in 2013 the archiepiscopal see of Ferrara. However, with filial boldness, I would like to say a few things. Because before I say what he wrote on New Daily Compass [cf. WHO], Cardinal Giacomo Biffi is an example of obedience to the Magisterium of the Church, It should be understood for what it really is obedience in an eschatological dimension, because his sense and Foundation is found in various sacred texts, from the prologue to the Epistle to the Philippians, where is taken as a model of obedience — until the death of the cross — the word of God made man [1].

If we consider obedience for what it really is about the metaphysical plan, do not obedienceI think Cardinal Giacomo Biffi is a model of purity in obedience to the Magisterium of the Church, whereas for over forty years has supported the heresy of “Instant resurrection“, Perhaps a misinterpretation of a Pauline step contained in the first Epistle to the Corinthians [2]. This theory of heresy was condemned by the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith in the 1980s, so that the same Cardinal Giacomo Biffi was invoked by it on this specific topic, Although only a few years ago published on’Roman Observer a retraction, Why to process the meaning of humility can take some decades; Meanwhile, But, the damage had already been done.

louis blacks during a lesson

S. AND. Mons. Luigi Negri during a lesson

Also concerning the “christocentrism” mentioned by the Archbishop of Ferrara, who was for three decades professor of philosophy at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan — while showing off more experienced political sociology of metaphysics and dogmatic theology "would have to be very careful, because Christianity is not Christocentric, ma patronocentric. Christ is not by himself but by his father and leads us to the father: "Whoever has seen me has seen the father" [3]. Of course, the father willed to glorify the son, but because the child glorify the father [4]. God had no need to incarnate and the incarnation is a pure and free gesture of love and mercy of the father to us.

biffi montanelli

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi and Indro Montanelli

Who knew not conceiving God, If you do not incarnate, was Martin Luther. A heresy that brought to the extreme ends up being summed up in the famous aphorism of Hegel: «God is no God without the world»; and this, de facto, is pure Pantheism.

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi you declare then implicitly to the ancient pagan principle A-All. Is the school of Parmenides, by Bontadini Severinus and, the much-celebrated “School of Milan” ― Mohandas is a large Mohandas! ―, a school of "genes" from which came Joseph Babu. The school rightly attacked and severely criticized by Cornelio Fabro, of which the spouse personally criticism.

Biffi Andreotti

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi and Giulio Andreotti at a meeting of communion and Liberation

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi was an admirer of Soloviev, that in turn was a disciple of Schelling, which is a reference point of Cardinal Walter Kasper. And by this we understand how and why the Cardinal Giacomo Biffi admired Joseph Babu: because everything was played in family.

I've never come across in Giacomo Biffi's thoughts, nor any he ever reported; What I know of him is for experiments or for direct readings of his works.

Giacomo Biffi umbrella

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi in one of his last public appearances

For instance: never came in a concrete way in the post-Council tackling as Bishop all problems pastoral governance plan, not only through his fiction production? In the reality of his pastoral governance, seriously defended Church teachings? Has never openly criticized the scientific and the modernists by preventing them from taking the field in the areas of training of clergymen and especially his Archdiocese? Aside from its great late criticism [5] made in 2010 Giuseppe Dossetti [1919-1996] four years after his death, have you ever place some concrete barrier against pernicious "School of Bologna" di Dossetti & Alberigo, During his two decades as a Bishop, started in 1984 and certainly not in 2010? Because to me it appears that be Archbishop of Bologna and as such also Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Faculty of theology of Emilia Romagna, does not involve, in one and in the other case, being awarded two meri honorifics, but a real office of government You should avoid those who exercise to let go to criticism just before the empty stall, When the horse has already escaped from years and run wild for the Prairies, devouring everything on their path. Because according to the direct preaching of Jesus Christ, "every tree is known by its fruit" [6], not by his words, not from her non-fiction production, not by the critical writings written in retrospect. Or to put it more clearly: do not criticize, as Archbishop Emeritus now those damages that enthroned as Archbishop to avoid, repair and, good occurrence, punish and eliminate, because similar and incontrovertible facts stimulate throughout the exercise of my critical sense based on reason and freedom of God's children.

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi was a man of culture, He has good ideas and offers high, but without going into too much merit and without delving into and clarify that much; What this typical of socio-political scientists, theologians not, those species that through certain issues linked to Christology and Ecclesiology move on dogmatic rigour.

biffi giussani Dossetti

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi with his left Luigi Giussani and right Giuseppe Dossetti

What is all this: vision deficiency or opportunism? Because Cardinal Giacomo Biffi wasn't so brave as you want to spend and how he believed he might be, quite the opposite: before serious pastoral situations and ecclesiastical and doctrinal drift, She turned her face often elsewhere, If anything, giving two tasty, witty but unnecessary quips, that oddly liked first of all at his opponents regrouped in some circles the left Radical-chic.

The fact that Cardinal Giacomo Biffi It was praised by the columns of Future from the Mason declared Fabio Roversi Monaco, former Rector of the Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna [cf. WHO], I'm not at all good impression, because the subject which are Catholic, Personally I would be attacked by certain people, do not praise; unless the praise is not the consequence, or at least the prelude of their conversion to Christ and to the truths of faith announced by his Holy Church.

biffi fifth gospel

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi during the presentation of his new publication

For this reason I wonder and wonder: all the teacher's lessons for many years Cardinal Giacomo Biffi has held at the University of Bologna, they were a witness to Christ, or effect of an Andy played on the promotion of its image, both Fabio Roversi Monaco?

Theology, more than phrases for effect, the jokes and witticisms, do you citing authors, sources and specific facts, arguing reasonable motivations and based strictly on dogma. And on this point — like many other "metaphysical theologian Antonio Livi has sacrosanct right.

ariel black

Bishop Luigi Negri and shoulders before him Ariel S. Levi of Gualdo, which pays homage to him

I wonder then if the Archbishop Luigi Negri is aware of the defects of Cardinal Giacomo Biffi's pastoral, some of which were mentioned in my previous article [cf. WHO] based on facts and not mere opinions; defects that might disprove Dane pastoral entering though the merits.

Allow me then to smile the expression through which goliardic Archbishop Luigi Negri closes his laudatory commentary talking about "poor timing" and "ecclesiastical mediocrity». It is true that these are mediocre and times that reeks of mediocrity and stifles the ecclesiastical world, for years on this topic I write and throwing analysis public cries of despair in the deserts of clerical acedia, in practice, however, with all its consequences, including some past rampogne of Bishop Luigi Negri, who today speaks of certain intra-ecclesial dramas of which I spoke and I wrote between 2010 and the 2012 and I reply I procured his reproaches, including the threat to ban me writing, something no Italian Bishop has never forbidden public heretics as G.s., Paolo Farinella, etc … that of selfishness and of disobedience to the doctrine and the Church's Magisterium have done their ideological flag public.

I wish to express to the Archbishop Luigi Negri It is then that the Holy Spirit, at the end of his mandate that Bishops ' is coming to an end, the fill his gifts of fortitude and wisdom.



[1] CF. Fil 2, 5-11.
[2] CF. The Cor. 15,51-52.
[3] CF. GV 14,9.
[4] CF. GV 17, 1-10.
[5] Giacomo Biffi, “Memories“, Second Edition, pp. 485-493.
[6] CF. LC 6,44.

Giacomo Biffi has missed the train?



With Cardinal Giacomo Biffi returns to father's House one of many Bishops of the last fifty years of church history which seem to have lost the train, Despite having spent his life talking to great wealth and competence of railway stations, always and pontificando penalty from the first class waiting room of Central station, while in all the other stations of the railway network the systems to lower the bars at the level crossings when the freight trains were passing were not even active.


Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



corpse biffi

the coffin of Cardinal Giacomo Biffi taken inside the palazzo arcivescovile di Bologna

I do not intend to do the so-called contrarian, because it was for me I would like not to do it and least of all to be. However, I do not intend to share this Italic mania to beatify the dead at all costs.

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bologna from 1984 al 2003, is one of several Italian Bishops that I respected and more appreciated aspects, but which I have not estimated. Nothing bad, because as a priest I must be devoted to any Bishop as such, Why is their due respect — as in the case of Bishop having jurisdiction over me, for my part, the branch is also due obedience — but no estimate, that is not due to no Bishop; and if the Bishop wants it, he must deserve it and earn it. This was written in a very polite to Cardinal Giacomo Biffi in 2011, When I sent him a copy of my book And Satan came Trino, in which I dedicated to him a polite critical section, what I propose below at the end, and through which I let the person concerned understand why I venerate him as a bishop but did not respect him.

Carlo Caffara funeral Biffi

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, in prayer before the corpse of his predecessor

Faced with the current ecclesial situation in which Peter's boat is battered by the stormy waves, the responsibilities of men like Cardinal Giacomo Biffi are enormous; and this responsibility must meet face to face with God, regardless of whatever style of italic which I said earlier, certain characters will then beatified during the short drive that leads them from the mortuary until the Tomb, even newspapers ultra secularists specialize always reduce the Catholic Church in real pulp.

Carlo Caffara funeral Biffi 2

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra blesses the corpse of Cardinal Giacomo Biffi

My modest and painful experience of priest and Pastor with the care of souls taught me to measure certain men of the church based on what they say, but what they do, or often what they don't do, because the sin of omission, together with the Sin capital of Sloth, they are the two most practiced sins of these times by clergymen. All beyond the fact that I am willing, as the Gospel, doing what right and wise to say but not to do what wrong do: «What they tell you, do it and look, but do not do according to their works, because they say and do. In fact, bind heavy burdens and impose them on the shoulders of the people, but they don't want to move them even with a finger " [CF. Mt 23, 3-4]. Unfortunately, really serious problems come when we find ourselves in difficult condition of not being able to do what they do but not what wrong say.

The bishop, depositary of the fullness of the Apostolic Priesthood and rightful heir of the Apostles, he is a Father who governs the particular Church entrusted to him. And a Bishop is not measured nor is judged historically by insightful jokes that gave us or from books he wrote, but from what he did, by the way in which he governed his Church and cared for the portion of the People of God entrusted to him. Therefore, if on one hand I consider Cardinal Giacomo Biffi a shiny pen, a sharp orator, a man of refined intelligence and a man of faith, on the other hand I have many reservations about his long pastoral Government, that is measured on all other items, I will mention only some of the many:

1. While a large slice of Bologna clergy slid in deeper secularization and modernist theologians led brilliantly out a real blow in the diocese felsinea, where he was and what he was, Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, that that particular Church was not a simple sharp and ironic observer “exterior”, but the Supreme Guide?

2. While for lack of vigilance and inadequate training offered, over the years even priests who were not suitable for the priesthood left the Archiepiscopal Seminary of Bologna, often bad formats thanks to "good" offices of several villains masters, with all the problems, even serious ones, which usually ensue from this in the clergy, where and what did the Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, Since priests he consecrated them? Mistake, or the word “bishop” derives from the Greek bishop, which literally means “controller”, “vigilante”?

3. When several senior priests and long-time parish priests begged him several times not to ordain certain subjects as priests, Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, with irony - or perhaps with cynicism? — which has always characterized, leaving awestruck these elders replied that in the Church there was also need for labour» (!?). Responding to this way, he was never touched by the dramatic dilemma as to what would happen to the Church, When many of these "unskilled workers", good as few to snatch the good branches in the vineyard of the Lord, would become trainers, Faculty of theology, or even bishops?

4. While the scope and theological formation of Bologna was a powerful and impregnable feud of the dossettiani, while being recognized and allowed the license to teach in subjects who were delighted to sign posters against the Italian Bishops ' Conference and in fact against the Pontifical Magisterium [see WHO]; While a large number of teachers in charge of formation of future priests openly criticized the Magisterium of John Paul II in theological studies in Bologna, where and what did concretely the shrewd and ironic Giacomo Cardinal Biffi?

5. In a publication of the Cairo Cardinal Giacomo Biffi wove the praises of Joseph Babu, on whose sensational do not intend to dwell doctrinaire errors, I'd rather leave the unpleasant task to John Carlson, If you have time and desire, given that it was he — later our dear and esteemed Antonio Livi — to refute his Dominican friar, paying a very high price, aware of how they made it to unfairly pay for attack … “lesa majesta” [see WHO, WHO].

6. How many times has happened that Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, by no means exempt from that humor which is hardly suited to a man of government, in his capacity as President of the Episcopal Conference of Emilia Romagna led to the appointment of persons unsuitable to the episcopate and how many, then, when certain candidates proposed by him difettarono, rather than admit to having wrong to evaluate them, protected them before the Holy See, rather than invoke for them all due and strict references?

7. Because the Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bologna, President of the Episcopal Conference of Emilia Romagna, Member of the College of Cardinals, Member of three important Roman dicasteries, with the possibility of contact and direct access to the Supreme Pontiffs John Paul II and Benedict XVI, of whom he has always enjoyed the profound esteem, It is instead limited to be ironic right and missing, through speeches and books, rather than exercise all the prerogatives of his high office for example epurando from theological studies some bad teachers responsible for breastfeeding future priests with poisoned milk of the worst heresies and modernist thoughts and ambiguous misunderstandings of Hegel and of certain theologians of the New Theology?

homage of mayor of Bologna Giacomo Biffi

the homage of the Mayor of Bologna to the body of Cardinal Giacomo Biffi

The universal Church and the particular churches do not save with two shrewd ironic jokes, nor with very relevant and intelligent banter with dozens of publications; because when you got from God the gift of prophetic read in advance the evolve of certain problems in the course of time, It is required more than ever to act, always paying high prices, as we teach the story of salvation, as we teach the order given to Prophets of Israel, as in their little have paid without hesitation the fathers of’Patmos Island, never haggle on the truth and the mystery of salvation.

funeral Biffi

the homage of the faithful at the mortuary of Cardinal Giacomo Biffi

It's true, as the beatificators have written in recent days, Cardinal Giacomo Biffi had talked beforehand about the new danger "the Islamic invasion", as recently I reminded myself to its undoubted merit [see WHO], But while he spoke about this problem from there would create short-term emergency situations no longer arginabili, many of his priests were active more than ever to accept Muslims to glory, to put them to the best in our House; many of his priests were industrious in encouraging mixed marriages between Italian and Catholic Women Muslim men, as they were in carrying on that false and misunderstood ecumenism - which, moreover, does not reside in any document of the Second Vatican Council - which he always and rightly criticized. Unfortunately, While Cardinal Giacomo Biffi was insightful jokes, During the eighties, many of his priests organized inter-confessional meetings that would make the skin crawl to the most extreme ecumenisms of the Northern regions of Europe, in total silence and complete non-action and non-reaction of their Bishop.

corpse Biffi Ernesto De Vecchi

the Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Bologna, S. AND. Mons. Ernesto Vecchi, blesses the body of Cardinal GIacomo Biffi

I believe that Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, for gift and special grace of the Holy Spirit, have been able to read and describe the reality of the present and the future that awaited us, limited though to play before the home foil ironic enveloped by flames. Or to put it in other words: the Cardinal Giacomo Biffi was given not only the light of awareness, because with it he had been given a precise task and with it also the most adequate action tools, but with that typical cynicism of clericals cloaked behind as many clerical reasons “always higher”, did a halfway job. Returning to the father's House with a perception and objective awareness of that very dramatic reality which he has spoken and written, but which in fact he did not face and before which he did not act by making use of all the apostolic powers which he had been invested with by the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit.

Giacomo Biffi John Paul II

an image of Cardinal Giacomo Biffi with John Paul II

Not only the Cardinal Giacomo Biffi it had been equipped with all the pastoral instruments of government, but also the best supports, including the esteem of two Supreme Pontiffs and that of many Catholics who would have protected and followed him even in the face of his very unpopular decisions. Therefore, one of the many Bishops of the last fifty years of ecclesial history who missed the train returned to the Father's House, Despite having spent his life talking to great wealth and competence of railway stations, always and pontificando penalty from the first class waiting room of Central station, while in all the other stations of the railway network the systems to lower the bars at the level crossings when the freight trains were passing were not even active.

And may the Lord have mercy on him, because who like us priests has had so much in gifts of grace, for both had very seriously will have to answer to God, He will use towards us a totally proportionate severity, opinion having entrusted his Church, his People and his message of Salvation.


Opera And Satan came Trino

click below for april text file:






In memory of Giacomo Biffi, bishop

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Killing in the name of God, Reflections on Islam


On the question of how to punish the impiety is interesting comparison between the Bible and the Koran. In both the use of force or killing the enemy's legitimate, of the attacker and the wicked. Both the Bible and the Koran admit one God who reveals himself to the prophets. But here ends the contact between the Bible and the Koran, because according to Islam the revelation that God has made his salvific will humans not culminates in Jesus, but it goes beyond, Jesus corrects to culminate in the Mahomet, who claims to correct Jesus because not only would he be made God, but falls in the pagan polytheism, stating that in God there are three people, then claiming three gods, impiety worthy serious Muhammad of capital punishment.


which we now present, 2 August 2016, this article last year

Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



Rai 1

. .

Muslims are convinced to conquer the West, even those among them who are not jihadists or extremists, They are convinced. I've heard him say many times: "We will conquer Europe with faith and with the fruitfulness"

His Bechara Boutros Raï Beatitudine, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites [cf. WHO]






islam 1

militants of the Islamic Jihad

It is often said that one cannot kill in the name of God, why, if he says, God is the God of life and does not want anyone's death. It does not make sense, It is a crime to attack next in the name of religion [1]. So motivated, This speech can have its validity, and it is important to stimulate the love of neighbour and honor of God, especially in our time, in which, with the terrible weapons that we, if a serious conflict arises, We know how it begins, but we will not know how it will end up. This talk also stimulates the faithful of different religions to mutual respect and to refrain from violent actions under the pretext of defending their religion. However remains a puzzlement on three points: first, There is no way to kill: it is one thing to kill an innocent, for example an abortion, an account is to kill in self-defense or to save the homeland. It is true that God does not want anyone to die.


islam 4

running a Chaldean Catholic in Iraq

Let us ask ourselves then how exactly that principle should be understood. About it remember that legitimizes the killing is nothing but a way to put into practice a principle of Justice, that is the moral or legal law. But who is the tutor first and high of every law and every right, name Dio? Killing in the name of the law, of justice, of the common good, of freedom, What is then ultimately, except to kill legitimately in the name of God? We must not be too hasty in saying that you can not kill in God's name, without making the necessary clarifications; otherwise you end up endorsing that injustice and violence that would prevent, as it is just the right murder or the proper use of force, that punish and prevent in some extreme cases the injustice, violence or actual mass sterminî.


islam 5

a group of Blue Helmets United Nations

Peace is not built and defended only peacefully, but also coercively. To spare those who are submissive and to conquer the proud, as the great poet Virgil. Already the ancient Romans had the motto: If you want peace, prepare for war. The enemies of peace must be overcome or kept at bay. War is not remedied only by inviting the belligerents to peace, but also indicating what concretely the aggressor must give up why don't both move a just war. This is the work of Evangelical advocates of peace. The work of justice and peace.



armed robbery

It would be nice to be able to persuade a gangster (c)he looks threatening to us with the gun aimed to desist, maybe in the name of God, from his bad deed. But experience shows that, unfortunately, hardly the criminal has the fear of God, so this noble call, unless we are gifted by God to a rare gift of persuasiveness and the gangster is touched by grace, it has no effect. But you can't ordinarily rely on these supernatural interventions and God commands us to resort to human prudence. Hence the need to move to pickax. The give up self-defense or combat, When would be necessary and possible "we think for example to warring military" is a serious indiscipline or cowardice toward themselves and toward the common good, that may be subject to criminal penalty, as in the case of renegade soldier. It is said that saving the skin is always a legitimate defense.


St. massimiliano

painting of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe in the concentration camp

Different is the sacrifice of one's life, in the civil field, see for example Salvo d'acquisto; or religious, see for example St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe. This can be a most noble gesture of heroic love. And here we have Christ himself and the martyrs as our supreme model, who allow themselves to be killed - for example a Saint Ignatius of Antioch - to testify their faith or to save a multitude. Maybe that even in these cases is not acting "or rather" do not suffer in the name of God? Therefore God wants the death of the martyr? The father wanted as such and the death of her son? It would be ungodly to say so. The father wanted his son's sacrifice, which resulted in death.


sacrifice of Christ

the sacrifice of the Lamb of God

If I pay a fee to buy a well, don't pay for the sake of spending money, but to buy that good. Don't accuse me of having squandered the money, ma, If I made a good deal, I'll be worthy of praise. Which one “deal” more advantageous to us the Father, for his glory and that of his son, he could devise what to give his Son for our salvation? For this St. Paul says that we were ' bought dearly» [The Cor 6,20]. Those who foolishly, as Edward Schillebeeckx, focus on the material fact of Christ's death, to deny the value of the redemptive sacrifice of Christ by his father and wanted to make sure only the murder committed by killers of Christ, they don't know what they say.



depiction of civil justice

Second point. Acting in the name of someone, If it is sincere, is an act for which the agent performs an action, the qualification which involves moral and responsible person on behalf of whom the agent acts. From him, in the name of such acts, people, after all, receives the endorsement or the mandate to do what it does in its name. The action of the agent, so, It is not that the execution of the will or of the person in whose name the agent acts. What the agent does, It does for the principal authorities, guaranteed by that authority and to honor the same principal, receiving glory from the action of the agent, assuming of course that it is a good deed.


The priest acts in the name of Christ, when this occurs validly and legitimately, it means what it does, it does so either because of or by the power of Christ or by the authority of Christ or by mandate or on behalf of Christ. Ultimately, what the priest does as a minister of Christ, it comes from Christ. Christ is the ultimate justification of what the priest does.


Beyond a purely reading material of the fifth commandment, fashionable today, but only when it's convenient, it must be borne in mind that killing in itself is not yet a sin or a crime. It is necessary to see why or in the name of what or of what value or of what idea one kills. The judge who in the name of the law imposes the death penalty on the criminal, It is not a killer, but he acts according to justice, vindex is the law and defender of the common good of threatened criminal. The jeweler who, threatened with death by a thug, to defend the prevents and kills him, It is not a murderer, but he defended the inviolable value of his life as an innocent. The unjust aggressor loses the right to live with his own act of aggression, While the attacked unjustly has the right and duty to defend, up to kill, If necessary, the aggressor.




The Righteous Kill It is therefore the right, as justified by a value or by a law that give sufficient legal or moral reason at the time of killing. In the name of defending innocent life may be safe to suppress a life. A lower level of life can and must be sacrificed to the higher, When this is endangered by the first. An idolatrous cult of life would make it impossible to supply the same. But let's ask ourselves: what is it or who, ultimately, justifies or establishes the bloody defense of life, unless the creator and Lawgiver of life, i.e. God? Here, then, as is evident, in the aforementioned cases, the killing of a criminal in the name of God.


It is obvious that God is the God of life and does not want the death of the living, not even that of an Ant, because every living thing from him is created, loved, guarded and preserved. But precisely because God is such, protects life from defends unjust assailant, much to enable legally or even control the killing.


slaughter of the innocents duccio Boninsegna

massacre of the innocents, work by Duccio di Buoninsegna

Let's ask ourselves another question: It may be right to kill the wicked, that is, the one who dishonors the name of God? God punishes the wicked with death? Surely God is immortal and does not need neither to defend nor be defended. However, even those who kill in self defense, even the judge who sentenced to death, even those who fought in a just war or for Justice or for freedom, ultimately fighting for God or in the name of God, that tutor and of vindex is all these values. As Scripture says: «Save the weak and the poor, liberatelo by the hand of the wicked» [Shall 82,4].


On the question of how to punish wickedness, the comparison between the Bible and the Koran is interesting. In both there is coercion or the use of force or the killing or legitimate enemy or assailant or killer, and even the wicked. In both of these sacred texts, such acts, in appropriate conditions and circumstances, are undeniably taken from God or made in his name.



the Holy bible

Both the Bible and the Koran admit a one God, single, spiritual, personal, creator of heaven and earth, then the angels and mankind, Eternal, Infinity, very high, wise, Provident, Almighty, mysterious, salvatore, just and merciful, that rewards with good paradise, the believers and the obedient, and punishes the wicked with hell, the infidels and the disobedient.
This God is revealed to the prophets, as it is revealed to Adam, to Abraham, Moses and Jesus. But here ends the contact between the Bible and the Koran, why, as we know, According to Islam, the revelation that God has made his salvific will humans not culminates in Jesus (Issa), but it goes beyond, corrects Jesus and culminates in Muhammad, who, without denying qualities and virtues in Jesus by Muhammad himself considered holy, up to chide the Jews killed him, However claims to correct Jesus because not only would have made God "and Muhammad here coincides with Judaism", but falls in the pagan polytheism, stating that in God there are three people, so, in the eyes of Muhammad, claiming three gods, impiety serious, worthy of capital punishment.


Koran 2

the Koran, Italian Edition

Salvation, so, According to the Qur'an, does not take place by means of Christ's sacrifice, but with submit to God wholeheartedly and with absolute faith (Islam), in prayer, in ritual practices and in listening to the spiritual guide (Imam), in keeping to the Koranic law (Sharia), the study of the Qur'an, in the practice of virtue and in repairing the wrongs done. To this cultic sacrifice of the lamb is not a priestly Act, but simple to treat God, that can be accomplished by any faithful, as a member of the religious community (Umma).
Different is the method of the diffusion or promulgation of the divine orders concerning salvation in the Bible and in the Koran. In both cases you intimate with every man to accept and obey orders, under penalty of eternal damnation. «Who believes will save; Whoever does not believe will be condemned " [cf. MC 16, 15-16]. These words of Christ, mutatis mutandis, feedback can be found in the words of Muhammad. But there is also this profound difference: that while Christ refers to the afterlife damnation, the Qur'an also speaks of an earthly immediate coercion.


Also different is the salvific message content in one and in the other case. The maximum difference is noted between the Koran and the Gospel: While the Quran merely transmit prescriptive orders with promise of reward and threat of punishment, This is not present in the Gospel; This however has as main announcement, entirely absent in the Quran, the coming of Christ the incarnate Son of God, that redeemed us with the sacrifice of the cross, giving us the remission of sins, the advertisement so that God wants us to grace, to make us his children and to give us his own divine life through Christ.


authoritarian orders

order and authoritarianism

The faithful relationship with God in the Quran It then summarizes the “devotee” (muslim, from which “Mussulman”). The perspective of the faithful as is completely absent “son of God”, which instead, as you know, it is fundamental in the Gospel. On the contrary, for the Qur'an, that does not accept Jesus as the son of God, the idea of a divine sonship bears an inexcusable familiarity with God, which the Koran, without excluding leniency, However, accentuates the transcendence and temibilità.


Also note that in the Koran the subjective consciousness has a very small part. What man thinks or wants so it does not affect anything; for which the Koran leaves little room for personal reflection or being examined for signs of credibility that may lead to a convinced and reasoned faith. The faithful is more moved by fear of retribution that the love of a God who is love, as in Gospel. He must obey and just, more so than God, whatever human decisions, does what it wants without taking account of human choices. Hence the distinctive Islamic fatalism, which human free will crisis straining to derive from God as much good as bad.


forced conversion

men, means and tools of forced conversion to Islam

The coercive element appears in the religion of Islam also under this angle: the faithful believe and obey not so much for love or free personal reflection in consciousness, but for fear of eternal punishment and threatened thunderstorms. It is therefore necessary to make a distinction between divine injunctions announced in the Old Testament and those announced by Christ. Moreover, in Church history, It should be about, distinguish three periods: first, the early Church was persecuted by the Roman Empire; second, the Constantinian era, inaugurated by Constantine in 315, the Christian religion has become religio bid and even the official religion of the Empire. And finally we have the third period, currently in progress, whose preparations begin, After the Protestant crisis and the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, principle whose region, his religion, the religious freedom enshrined in the peace of Westphalia the 1648. This approach of the Church-State relationship reaches maturity in civil field with the French Revolution, which puts an end to the medieval theocracy (old regime), he founded the democratic secular state and confirmed the right to religious freedom, without admitting that misfortune atheist state, that was the tragedy of the 20th century, of which we have not yet completely freed: see for example the Chinese Communist regime.



Camillo Benso count of Cavour and the principle “Free Church in a free State”

This new type of relationship between state and church "free church in a free State" as Cavour, released by Liberals from which grain was infected, was officially recognized ecclesial field, After being put into practice since the past centuries, from the Second Vatican Council. Instead, the Qur'anic style the announcement of divine commands resembles that of mosaic Church of the medieval regime “secular arm“, When the Pope ruled a Western European Christianity entirely cattolica, so that you can serve in some degree of civil power and the public force to enforce the rules of Christian ethics and the contents of Catholic doctrine, approved the State law.


secular arm

the secular arm

It is to be noted that the Constantinian recognition of Catholicism as the State religion, if on the one hand it helped and protected the Church to assert itself on the civil level and to expand geographically in accordance with its mission and spiritual purposes, on the other hand not allowed to implement properly the Lord's command to spread and sustain the Gospel with the simple testimony of charity, of solidarity and human promotion, without the use of coercive apparatus provided State, what later would be called “secular arm“. In this the Church assumed the new style of Apostolate established by Christ, but it still remained influenced by the Mosaic tradition, who wanted the announcement of divine orders was meant by the Prophet and the priest, but supported by coercive power and King's justice. Moses himself, as you know, It was not only the Prophet and liturgist, but also political and military leader of the people of Israel; and Muhammad, for his prophetic style, not taken to model Christ, but Moses.


papal state

The states of the Italian peninsula and the Papal State

Thus the papacy over the centuries acquisì, as is known, a real temporal power with territory, that was the so-called “States of the Church“, equipped with military forces like any other European state. In the field of ecclesiastical discipline the death penalty for heretics was tacitly abolished only with the abolition of the Criminal Code of the Papal States following the fall of the temporal power in 1871.


The birth of the Italian, inspired by the principles of secularism and then open the right of religious freedom and the end of the temporal power marked the beginning of a new era in the relationship between Church and State in relation to evangelization and to the question of ecclesiastical use coercive power. The church, while maintaining its own judiciary and coercive power against the faithful, it stood towards civil society no longer Catholic but religiously divided or pluralistic, no longer as the State religion that is ultimately as one of the powers of the State, although under the presidency of the Pope, but as a public community competitor to the common good of society and the State within the State and obedient to civil laws, Despite its autonomy as a church, while at the same time it was protected by civil law.


conquests of Muhammad

the first conquests of Islam

As the project of Koranic spread of Islam, It is inspired on the one hand by the Jewish people created by Moses "always, is intende, in the name of God "and the other towards Evangelical program of world conquest for Christ. Indeed, While on the one hand, the practice of the Islamic faith is associated with the possession of a territory, and therein the Qur'anic project resembles that of mosaic conquest of Palestine as the promised land, with the forced expulsion of peoples formerly therein in, on the other, Unlike Israel, the Muslims, taking a cue from the Christian perspective of world conquest, they believe that God sends them to conquer the world not only in the sense of global spread of Islam, but also in the belief that God has given to them the physical possession of the entire Earth, something that cannot happen without the use of arms. Hence the concept of “Holy war” (jihad), as military support of the preaching of the Koran from Islamic preachers.


stoning of a woman 1

Syria, stoning of a woman …

The Islamic religious authority does not claim to have only that coercive power that is allowed in principle to censor the faithful deviants, as is also given in Christian canon law, But u.s. threats and coercion even against the infidels or those to whom it is directed the Koranic message. The words of Christ ' who does not believe, will be condemned ", After having changed the reference to the Gospel, are therefore adapted to the Koran and preaching are intended in the sense that whoever does not accept the Islamic faith, he is punished up to the death penalty or forced to accept it by force.


stoning of a woman

… at the end of which the criminals of Isis have spread the video

The use of force in the name of God in Islam until you come to the murder in jihad, goes beyond any reasonable limit of respect not only the conscience of others, but his own physical safety. It is a missionary zeal whose doctrinal content may be partially acceptable, such as divine attributes or certain duties of morality or divine worship; But what is absolutely unacceptable and, to the limit, inhumane and barbaric, it is this method of violent and aggressive pressure, that oversees each method of calm and thoughtful persuasion, with the adduction of evidence and signs of credibility, that characterizes so obvious the Christian apostolate.


tommaso averroe

the triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas in philosophical dispute with the Muslim philosopher Averroes

It's not that the religious culture, philosophical, Theology and Islamic mysticism, mind you, It is not full of great values and great thinkers, Masters, moralists, poets and mystics, only this immense literature formed over the centuries, not at all a free charm, of its suasiveness and credibility, then instead of fact sets by force from religious authority-Islamic policy in its inexorable motion of expansion and conquest of peoples not yet subdued to the Qur'an. And that is because the motor of Islamic expansion is not only the religious interest, but inextricably to this joint, is a thirst for power and political and even economic domain.


In conclusion, we can say that appealing to God to justify the use of force or the Suppression of a human life can be lawful or a laudable action if it is right in itself, Since God is the Foundation of Justice and the Supreme Lawgiver, so everything is right can be found in Him its latest justification. This appeal, however, it must be sincere and well founded and must not be a pretext for coonestare an act of violence or an injustice. We must therefore see many acts of Saints who in the past have resorted to the use of force or endorsed in the name of God and for the love of God. We cannot think that they were all or cruel fanatics or hypocrites. They were in good faith, Although the time was not yet ripe, and even if undoubtedly they have done acts that we would not do today. But this does not mean that they remain our models, Once we have adapted their testimony to the needs of the Church today. Many doubts instead leave us some Islamic habits and stubborn inveterate, "not to mention the terrorists, they have nothing of religious, but they are pure criminals ", which make us suspect that the God in whose name they claim to act in reality is only the pretext of their pride, their arrogance and intolerance.


Varazze, the 2 July 2015




[1] Hence the disapproval without appeal of the wars of religion, even those carried out by Catholics against Protestants or Muslims.



madonna militia

In the town of Scicli, in south-eastern Sicily, the statue is kept in the Madonna of the Militia that Hunt via the Saracens who had invaded the territory. Every year the statue of Lady Warrior is carried in procession through the streets, at least until it is outlawed for “religious discrimination” …