The definition of the essence of man

Father Giovanni

- the island of Patmos video -



The man It could be reasonably defined as an animal animated by a rational soul.


Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p.



Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p.

What is the difference between humans and animals endowed with instinct but no reason? Because this is the difference between the animal and the man who instead has the ability to reason. The animal has instincts, the man, which it is certainly not devoid of their human instinctivity, However, it is endowed with free will.


Because of this, the man, It could be reasonably defined as an animal animated by a rational soul.


In this one of his Lectio, Dominican theologian John Cavalcoli, through the speculations of classical philosophy and Thomistic metaphysics, leads us into one of the greatest mysteries of creation: being human [to open the video click below …]




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1 reply
  1. Roland
    Roland says:

    “The generic predicate of the essence of man is animality … because this statement comes from experience.”

    So you cannot affirm his mortality simply because you have not experienced it.

    Of the two one: either man is an immortal animal or man is not part of the animal genus.

    I'll give you a tip on what man is:
    One produced two.
    Two produced three.
    Three produced the ten thousand beings.

    in the “Three” He is there with Heaven and Earth…

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