Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Conservatism and Progressivism, two categories journalistic, not the Church's magisterium

Conservatism and progressivism:




The skipper of the boat is sleeping. No need to wake, not to feel criticized for having little faith. He knows when and how to intervene. It's up to him to wake up, if anything,. About noi, continuiamo the remare, as our action seems ineffective. If the boat really run the risk of sinking, He will think to calm the waters.


Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


progressive conservatives

Liberals and conservatives, two categories never endorsed by the ecclesiastical language

What the purpose of these two categories journalistic, that held the bank for fifty years in the big media, never appropriated the language of the Magisterium of the Church? They reflect a very rough surface and of the moral and doctrinal, confusing the debate and the problem with church disputes and conflicting opinions as ephemeral currents and the political. As I will demonstrate in this article, they are totally inadequate and misleading with respect to the issue of doctrine that the Church today has very serious. I'm kind of hypocritical smokescreen or, as they say, Of “bait and switch”, that for fifty years the modernists and the enemies of the Church, open or hidden, been able to impose the public with a powerful propaganda, conniving weakness or impudence of the ecclesiastical, to spread with impunity their mistakes and moral vices in the Church.

remove mask

it is time to remove the mask …

That's why it's time to say enough is enough and to unmask once and for all impostors recovering the wisdom, the Onesti, the seriousness, the accuracy and clarity of the language of the Church, certificate in the history of two thousand years of Christianity based on the same common sense, who feels the need to distinguish fundamental, the vital issues, not so much the preserve of the progress, Things certainly respectable but not decisive, but rather the true from the false, right from wrong, justice by sin. AND permissible in the language, when the subject or the opportunity it imposes, a certain style undetermined, diplomatic or gradient; you can not always do a hatchet, even at the risk of being offensive (1), this is true, but also the costume now widespread systematic ambiguity, disloyalty usual, to say and what not to say that ironically called the Void polically correct, What is repugnant and a source of infinite evils.

Cardinal martini

ll late Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, lent itself as a benchmark critical of Pope Benedict XVI and the leader of a progressive and liberal theology.

E’ true that these categories misleading, though in themselves not illegal, are favored by very powerful in the world today that wing and Catholic theology, strutting narcissistically title “progressive” marginalizing condescendingly, haughty condescension and barely concealed impatience with those in the Church who do not share his modernism, by Lefebvre and sedevacantists up to Catholics purest, upright and faithful, and even the progressives to Maritain or Congar. But this progressive for them is still not enough, since they are so far advanced towards the Church of the future, who consider the Second Vatican Council and the subsequent reign as passed and still tied to the remnants of the past. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, few months before his death, he stated on the BBC that the Church Ratzinger has been back two centuries [see who].


The Holy Father Francis

Francis Pope in his recent speech to the synod condemned the “Progressives”, [see who] but it is clear that he was referring to the modernist, which for fifty years have so far been able to survive by parasites of the Church, appear as the top of the class, and to reap success by hiding under the honorable title of “Progressives”. In fact, there is no doubt that the council has had a progressive character, as it has furthered the advance of Christian piety, of ecclesiology, of theology, of morality, dialogue with the world and the spiritual life. The other part, We can understand why the Popes have not yet spoken only on very rare occasions “modernism”; because we all still remember the dramatic modernism of the time of St. Pius X, who defined the phenomenon as the “sum of all heresies”. but yet, fifty years, prominent scholars and authoritative pastors of the Church, as were Jacques Maritain (2), Dietrich from Hildebrand (3), Cornelius the carpenter (4), Cardinal Giuseppe Siri (5), Cardinal Pietro Parente (6) and Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, prophetically signaled the return of a modernism that occurred since the immediate post-conciliar. It is true that there was also Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, which however, unfortunately, falling into a serious misunderstanding of modernism accused the Council itself. That is certainly the word “modernism” scare. but yet, to a careful analysis of the situation of the Church and theology today, the way things are. Of course we should not say that this disease of the mind affects all patients at the maximum degree; However, we know that to speak of malignancy is not necessary that the body is in metastasis, but it is sufficient that an initial presence, thanks to an emergency, can also be eliminated. Thus one may use the name of “modernist” for subjects in which there are only traces of this serious disease of the spirit.


Painting by Ruben

The important thing is not to be confused with the progressive modernism. Progressivism, as I said, is an entirely normal and healthy Christian life I would say mandatory. “The charity, St. Augustine says, if not progredisce, is not charity”. And St. Paul urges us all to strive with all our strength and to advance continuously towards perfection. The church, for its part, assisted by the Holy Spirit, moves continuously through history towards the fullness of truth. Modernism is instead a false progressivism; it is a deceptive and wrong attempt that, fraudulently claiming to refer to the Council, wants to modernize the Christian life through uncritical assumption of modernity, which, instead of being judged by the Gospel, claims itself to judge. Progressivism legitimate, therefore, can be an expression of a healthy appetite for the new, effect of a free choice or preference quite normal of certain faithful within the Church, more affected than others to the dynamic element, evolutionary and propulsive. Nothing wrong with that, rather it is a lot of good. A valuable service, certainly not without risks, worth to run in order to suggest new ways, research projects and implementation, in order to promote the advancement of the Church in history towards eschatological fullness.


The splendor of the liturgy is a legacy of faith that can not be lost or to be lost

Essential and vital, in the Church and in theology, is also a certain element or office storage or tradition, as it is to deepen, clarify, make explicit, develop, improve, to grow and develop a legacy, we could say a divine treasure, incorruptible, incorruptible and unchangeable values ​​of theoretical and moral, “non-negotiable”, universal and absolute, revealed, operated and founded by Christ and entrusted by him to the apostles. In this light, St. Paul commands Timothy: "Guard the deposit" [The Tm 6,20]. Obviously this is not to cling to use, institutions, Things, doctrines of the past, having exhausted their function, mostratesi or harmful, they are no longer needed, they have nothing left to give and even become dangerous: here is the “traditionalism” condemned by the Pope in the aforementioned speech. This “traditionalism” would not have loyalty, but backwardness and impediment to progress, as they say, “a ball and chain” or even a poison, as it would for example consume expired food or “muzzle the ox while it is treading” [The Cor 9,9].

Nokter Wolf

Dom Notker Wolf, abbot primate of the Benedictine confederation, during a rock concert

Progressivism and healthy conservatism refer to each other, as well as a body needs at a time to grow and maintain their identity. A rigid fixity and closed, without movement and adaptation, or conversely the disorderly movement of its dissolution of a body deprived of their identity are not the phenomena of life, but death. The conservative, as the lefevriano, which opposes the liberal or progressive modernist, waste that are both conservative extremists that ruin the Church and lead out the truth. It is urgent, therefore, to make some changes to a certain way of speaking about these issues. For instance, Recent events in the great debate about the story and the conclusions of the Synod of Bishops on the Family, you have to make some clarifications. The great modernist print and Masonic has been pleased to present the current Cardinal Walter Kasper as “progressive” vicina and the Pope, while the power of the now famous five cardinals including Cardinal Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been slanderously or at least improperly touted as “conservative” and contrary to the Pope “progressive”. This means, as they say, change the cards on the table so mean and unfair. We then things right. The five cardinal, they did not do anything but remember the core values ​​and dogmatic of marriage and the family are not “Conservatives”, but perfect Catholics. Cardinal Kasper and friends, to talk, with their assumptions malcelatamente relativistic and historicist, should not be called “Progressives”, but rather modernist.

Paul VI

Blessed Pope Paul VI

Father Al poi, obviously super parts thanks to the charisma of Peter and as a teacher of the faith, if we want to give a qualification, we assign at most that of progressive, ma non all Rahner all Kasper o o All Royal, but in the Pope Paul VI, to Maritain or Congar, not sure, so, a modernist, pace of the modernists that if you would like to buy up. Even a Pope is free to choose a given current theological or express its cultural line staff, that has nothing to do with his office of infallible Universal Doctor of the Church, beyond all possible opinions or theological tendencies. Therefore, if there is one on the Pope, teacher of the faith, beyond its heralded and unreliable statements represent the Pope, this is just Kasper; and if there is a teacher of the faith with the Pope, these will be just the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Do not be so to tell the stories. Journalists improvised theologians, before you write nonsense, who do you teach theology if it means a little’ more of them.

One final thought on this topic, and it is this. The problem of modernism in itself is much more serious than that of conservatism or lefevrismo. Except that the former is much more difficult to solve than the second, because while Lefebvre and the like are a very small minority, thus very little power, the modernists, After a tireless work to climb to the top, that has lasted fifty years, are now able to win in the Church and in the same hierarchy enormous power. So we understand how, while it is easy to take action against Lefebvre, of conservatives and traditionalists, is much more difficult to remove modernism, since it is precisely those impelagate authorities should intervene. AND, said humorously as a good journalist, how to keep mice to the cheese. Thus there is an obvious injustice that is taking place today. These are called “two weights and two measures”. Striking examples and paradigms are on one hand the ongoing persecution against the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the other impunity and the continuation of the huge success of which still enjoys the rahnerismo, still ongoing after fifty years, despite the opposition and reports of distinguished theologians. There is in fact to be considered that, on the one hand lefevriani have at least compared to the immutability of dogma and reject the dogmatic progress, modernists are much worse, because of their dogmatic relativism and evolutionism, which leads them to destroy all the dogma and undermine the foundations of the faith (7) leading souls to apostasy and immorality, beyond all their mock Catholicism.

Burke Mattei

Cardinal Raymond Burke Leonard at March for Life, to his left Prof. Roberto de Mattei, who for years it was the main organizer

The remedy, or at least an important remedy in this climate of falsehood and injustice, for which, according to the effective expression of Cardinal Raymond Burke Leonard, we feel the “seasickness” in the boat of the Church that seems without coxswain in the storm, seems to be a strong part of the Magisterium, wise and courageous recovery of authentic and genuine language of doctrinal and pastoral, that has always distinguished the great leaders of the Church, the great reformers and saints pastors and teachers, the pedagogical knowledge, catechetical, therapeutic, healing and evangelization of the Church, inspired by the Word of God, Guided by the Spirit, wisdom teacher who excels on every other school of theology, of spirituality, and moral perfection and virtue of mankind. In particular, it is necessary that the Church back to talk about the distinction of heresy by the dogma, orthodox heterodoxy, that is, in essence, the true from the false in the field of faith, as it is normal for the doctor to talk about health and disease. What is the doctor who does not dare to tell the patient that is sick? There is too much care in the authorities and among the pastors to speak frankly error, as if to do so would offend the wanderer. Of course you must learn to talk, but talking about is actually to the benefit dell'errante and those who are deceived by him. Today there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Catholics or other people deceived by heretics.


The Holy Father Benedict XVI

There is no use to pretend not to see or be limited to convictions or complaints are vague and general, which do not disturb any, if not worsen the situation of wandering and end up giving a free hand to impostors. It seems that the Magisterium of time is taken by an excessive regard for the erring, which then reverses to their own detriment. You should not be afraid to touch famous theologians or pastors or cry, although close to the Holy See or of the same Roman Curia or in the papal Faculty. The frankness with which the Cardinals faithful have criticized, in defense of the Church's magisterium, the brothers who make mistakes, is exemplary and comforting. It's about time that the good cardinal to come out of the closet. Of course, the modernists complain that Rome is too severe. But we understand this very well and we should not take any account of. The allegation of error just serves to correct the errant, while an excessive regard, an imprecise language and generic, too soft and forgiving mercy is not, but in the end connivance with error, with obvious damage dell'errante.



A language shy, stuttering and tergiversante shows a lack of conviction, want to praise and does not generate any respect, you do not need to moderate the arrogant and even raises only rice or compassion. Things have to be called by their name. I would be cautious to qualify a proposition as heretical; but if we find out for sure that it is heretical, it must be said that it is heretical. It should certainly sometimes, indeed usually, be mild and gentle in action, be patient and learn to wait. But to shake a sleeping consciousness or bold, energy is needed and severity. The expressions suggestive and euphemistic, circumlocutions, the paraphrase or circumlocution, sistema se living in a, are totally ineffective to show the evils and to correct the customs and misconceptions, as shown for the sake of completeness the experience of those dedicated to education, the formation of the next or guide of souls.

The skipper of the boat is sleeping. No need to wake, not to feel criticized for having little faith. He knows when and how to intervene. It's up to him to wake up, if anything,. About noi, continuiamo the remare, as our action seems ineffective. If the boat really run the risk of sinking, He will think to calm the waters.

Fontanellato, 3 November 2014




(1) Cf The peasant of the Garonne. An old layman questions about the present time, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris 1966.
(2) Cf The peasant of the Garonne. An old layman questions about the present time, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris 1966.
(3) Cf The Trojan Horse in the City of God, John Fox Edition, Rome 1969.
(4) Cf The adventure of progressive theology, Rusconi Editore, Milan 1974.
(5) Cf Getsemani. Reflections on the Contemporary Theological Movement, Editions of the Fraternity of the Virgin Mary, Rome 1980.
(6) Cf The crisis of truth and the Second Vatican Council, Po Institute of Graphic Arts, I rovigo 1983.
(7) A “faith”, for instance, as that preached by card.Martini, which is intrinsic to atheism, or the one advocated by card.Ravasi, which would in itself the question, or faith “athematics” Rahner or faith not as a doctrine but as “meeting” O “experience” that faith is?

The correct historical mission pedagogical and pastoral: the Church and the government of Francisco Franco






[…] at the end of the Spanish Civil War in the thirties of the twentieth century, will be counted 6.832 murdered between the clergy, divided into 13 bishops, 4.184 secular priests, including seminarians, 2.365 Religious and 283 religious; to these must be added at least 60.000 Lay, killed because they are part of the Catholic or some religious association, or simply because they are Christians, as well as several hundred thousand people killed as anti-Marxists, royalist sympathizers or right.

Author Ludovico Galaleta, I. C.

Louis Gadaleta, I. C. *


In 1978, three years after the death of Francisco Franco, a Spanish priest - who was the protagonist and eyewitness of the events ofcommunism Revolution in Spain 1936, miraculously surviving the fierce anti-Catholic persecution unleashed by anarchists and communists - A group of young left-wing intellectuals who in his presence he said, the worst of any sort on General Francisco Franco, with disarming calm and serene answered:

"I do those terrible years that I've lived and I've seen my brother priests tortured and murdered, nuns raped by hordes of mercenaries in the pay of the Soviet Communists and then killed in a cruel way, churches desecrated, symbols of Christianity destroyed, with immense damage to the artistic ... well, if today met our Lord Jesus Christ who walks arm in arm with Francisco Franco, First I would greet Franco, then the Lord Jesus!».

This hyperbolic expression all played on pure paradox was used to that priest, eighty years old at the time, to tell those so-called intellectuals in their early twenties, veterans from the "glories" of the sixty-eight: "Why do you speak to blind ideology of what you do not know absolutely?»

historical memory

the lack of historical memory is one of the major tragedies of our modern

In a social situation like ours today, in which the feedback often proceed on the basis of moods lack the most basic historical knowledge, our pastoral task is also to work on a proper recovery of an adequate historical memory, eliminating the history of myths and legends that have been replaced in the historical real: as a matter of fact, "Who does not know the history of the past, is often condemned to repeat it ", as he said the Spanish philosopher and writer George Santayana.

The "clerical complicity" with the Franco regime is still an accusation addressed to the universal Church and the particular Churches of Spain by intellectuals low market, in addition to the accusations against the Popes Pius XI and Pius XII, "Guilty" of having supported this leader rather than the so-called "fighters for freedom and democracy": obviously, many of those who today make such assessments can be found in the circles of the European Left radical chic, stubbornly survived the fall of Communism in the rubble of the Berlin Wall and the victims of their stubborn refusal to accept reality; and if reality conflicts with ideal, so much the worse for reality - Voltaire said! In order to understand certain facts and instead give then a calm assessment on the support given to Franco by the Church and by her two popes, you have to go back in time to the period of the Spanish Revolution, provide the reader with the documented truth of the facts and then leave him in the resulting conclusions, without changing the mood in truth and ideologies in history.


Freemasonry, that much weight and incidence took in all the attacks on the Church in the course of modern history …

The origins of the civil war can be placed from the 1931, when the republic is established in Spain, hegemony of the liberal left and the Masonic: the head of government is Manuel Azaña, anticlerical and turned Mason, that makes up a ministry formed by radical, Socialists and Communists. Incited by their leaders, the anarchist masses begin immediately in several cities: Madrid, Seville, Malaga, Cadiz, Alicante, to make an assault on churches and convents, profanandoli, looting and giving them to the flames. Called on to intervene to protect the personal safety and local, But the government refuses to send the Guardia Civil: "All the convents of Madrid are not worth the life of a single Republican" (1) Azaña declared.
In the following months a constituent assembly, where the Masons are 183, approve a new constitution, that is officially the Democratic, but in practice discriminates against all opposition, and especially virulent against the Church: Catholicism is no longer the state religion, that has now become secular and inspired, especially in the field of education, sectarian theories of Freemasonry; religious congregations are prevented from receiving any public financial support, their movable and immovable property are looted by the state and many of them will be arbitrarily suppressed under the guise of being enemies of the nation; Jesuits are suppressed even express article of the constitution. In addition, the divorce is approved and denied any validity to sacramental marriage.

To men it is totally forbidden to teach and have assets of industry and commerce, and this - combined with the expropriation of property - it throws the most destitute. Religious freedom is possible only in homes and public worship of religion is not allowed, and the government is at pains to prohibit processions, abolish religious education in schools and take away from them and from every public place the crucifix and all religious symbols.

Spanish revolution 4

archive photo: two of the nuns of the Visitation pipelines to be shot by the militia red. The seven Visitation nuns were proclaimed blessed martyrs 7 July 1997 together with others 491 Spanish martyrs.

Religious persecution is as violent as it is unjustified, because "the Church has not shown any systematic hostility to the Republic" (2), admit the Mason Alejandro Lerroux blaming, even as a lone voice, the illegality; but the anarchists are pushing for far more radical measures: "The Church has to disappear forever. The temples will no longer serve to promote the most vile complicity. […] I finished the fonts of holy water. It's horrible to see that the Republicans Madrid did not realize the true importance of incendiary blasts that have stained during the first days of July, our social firmament. There are no more shacks Catholic. The torches of the people were incinerated. In their place will be reborn a free spirit who will not have anything in common with the masochism that incubated in the aisles of the cathedrals. […] For this it is clear that there impadroniremo of all its [of the church, N.d.R.] assets that belong to the people for justice. The religious orders have to be dissolved. The bishops and cardinals should be shot. And the church property should be expropriated " (3), the newspaper of the POUM Workers Solidarity.

Sister Cecilia Cross

pectoral cross of the Visitation Sister Cecilia pierced by a bullet and now preserved in the Monastery of the Visitation

The Communists are no less: Trotskyist leader Andrés Nin said that "the working class has solved the problem of the Church simply, leaving even a non-standing ", and 'we have many problems in Spain, and bourgeois republicans did not bother to fix them: the problem of the Church ... ; we have it remedied by going to the root. We have suppressed his priests, churches and worship " (4). You get to say, as the Communist Juan Peyró, that "kill God, ing esistesse, the heat of the revolution, when the people, inflamed by hatred right, tranships, is a very natural fit for human consumption ' (5); "Spain has ceased to be Catholic ' (6), Cortes to Azaña enthused commenting on the constitution in 1931.

Spanish revolution 2

archive photo: as well as with the living fury of red rages even on the bodies of priests and religious, that are pulled out of their graves and exposed to gruesome mockery

From Rome, Pope Pius XI condemned the violence of the Godless with the encyclical We love the 1933: "We solemnly protest with all our might against this law, stating that it can not be invoked against the inalienable rights of the Church ", writes, hope that the people of the Iberian induced the rulers' to reform these provisions […] replacing them with other laws to reconcile with the Catholic conscience '.

Spanish revolution 1

Nun's corpse out of the grave and exposed on the road

Catholics persecuted advantage of the elections 1934 to send to the government in front of the right, that mitigate as far as possible the measures of persecution and try to restore order in the country, convulsed by violence and expropriation: the Esercito, commanded the Franco, repress the uprising of Asturian miners, that - egged on by the anarchist press - had murdered 33 priests and religious, destroying churches and religious symbols, bombarding the cathedral of Oviedo and even setting fire to the episcopal palace and seminary. But in 1936, expired term, new election marks the rise of the Popular Front, composed of radicals, Social-Communists and anarchists, which allow voting to win a few votes: the violence perpetrated by the left during the campaign shall be reported to the Cortes by right-wing deputy José Calvo Sotelo, the "Spanish Matteotti", my he 13 July 1936 Communists kidnap him and kill him. It is the straw that breaks the camel.

Spanish revolution 3

a firing squad of red-staged the shooting of the statue of Christ the Redeemer

Faced with the threat of a Soviet republic Spanish, now seen as inevitable by both sides, the 17 born July a military uprising immediately supported by the right, by monarchists and Catholics: the alzamiento is warmly welcomed in Burgos, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Zamora, and Pamplona where people "transformed the coup into a folk festival, spilling into the streets shouting "Live Christ the King!”» (7). The Republican response is immediate: unleashes the merciless hunt Catholic, be a priest or religious is itself worthy of death, as well as having sympathy for religion; churches were systematically looted and burned, or put to any garages or movie, while there is shameful incidents of sacrilege for which the Eucharistic Species are extracted from the tabernacles and trampled, mutilated statues and crucifixes, beheaded and shot. Works of art of inestimable value end up destroyed or stolen from the red fury: Republicans come to the point of opening the ancient tombs in the churches to steal the gold may be present, and even dig up the bodies of nuns and religious exposing them to the derision of the crowd macabre.

fatebenefratelli Spanish martyrs 2

the friars of the Order of St. John of God, Fatebenebratelli, dedicated to helping and caring for the sick, taken out of their hospitals and killed by red

The 30 September 1936 the bishop of Salamanca Pla y Daniel exudes his pastoral letter The two cities, that reveals the eyes of the world the horrors and hardships suffered by the Church Iberian, explaining the reasons why the Church and Pius XI blessed Franco and the Nationalists: "The current struggle […] yes covers the external form of a civil war; but it is actually a crusade […] an uprising not to disturb, but to restore order "; a crusade 'in favor of the order against the dissolving communism, for the defense of Christian civilization and its foundations, religion, Home and family, contro i without God and against God. […] The alzamiento Spanish is not merely a civil war, but essentially a crusade for religion, for the country and for civilization against Communism ". For every official act of the Church, Republicans react incrudelendo persecution: were exterminated regardless of all the priests and religious, accanendosi also against the sisters and nuns who are often repeatedly raped before being killed; some priests is promised his life if you will consent to lose one's chastity in brothels, but no one will agree to this ignominy.

At the end of the war, will be counted 6.832 murdered between the clergy, divided into 13 bishops, 4.184 secular priests, including seminarians, 2.365 Religious and 283 religious; to these must be added at least 60.000 Lay, killed because they are part of the Catholic or some religious association, or simply because they are Christians, as well as several hundred thousand people killed as anti-Marxists, royalist sympathizers or right.

Francisco Franco

Francisco Franco, the cover of the Times

In 1937 all the Spanish bishops signed a joint letter to support the crusade Franco and seek help from European nations, in the meantime are deployed: send volunteers for Franco Catholic nations of Portugal and Ireland, and for the Republicans socialist nations of France and the USSR. Germany and Italy, for political reasons the first and the second political-religious, sent armed contingents in support of the nationalists, that slowly proceed to the liberation of the territories, where the few priests escaped still be living back and restore Catholic worship, Brother di essi Josemaria Escriva, future founder of Opus Dei. In the meantime, Italian military chaplains, make up for the spiritual needs of the Spanish administering the Sacraments.

Among the Italian contingents are the volunteers of the Blackshirts, that well with the militia Republicans are having to fight against their own countrymen: in Spain are, indeed, many Italian Social-shareholders and the ranks of the International Brigades, they see in the Spanish war a crusade against fascism, according to the propaganda of Moscow, Meanwhile, it extends its control on the grid Republican causing the communists to physically eliminate the anarchists to take the lead in war.

Augustinian martyrs of spain

contemporary painting depicting the martyrdom of the Augustinian friars. In 1936 the friars of the Order of St. Augustine were killed by militiamen red 97

In the battle around Guadalajara, north of Madrid, the two sides are compared, Italians against Italians: the battle is close and long, from 8 to 25 March 1937; Republicans must absolutely reject the onslaught of nationalist, elated to have just released Malaga, in order to prevent the fall of the capital where they are holed up, and therefore resort to the help of Soviet tanks. After initial successes nationalists, Republicans have the upper hand and the Italian troops are forced to retreat: However, it is a Pyrrhic victory. Not even two years after the victorious troops of General Francisco Franco closed the war will come to the Capital, with the blessing of Pope Pius XII (8), who see with joy the end of an anti-Christian regime and the establishment of a Catholic state which will last until 1975 and expressing the Spaniards his "paternal congratulations for the gift of peace and victory with which God has deigned to crown the Christian heroism of your faith and charity", fighting for Spain, 'Nation chosen by God […] as an impregnable bulwark of faith [that] had to make proselytes materialist atheism of our century the most sublime proof that you are on top of everythingor the eternal values ​​of Religion

Franciscan martyrs

i 22 Franciscan martyr dell'Ordine

and of the spirit ". After praising that - despite "the intense propaganda and constant efforts of the enemies of Jesus Christ seem to have wanted to do an experiment in Spain chief of the destructive forces that hold them in the whole world", the Spanish people had risen "decided to defend the ideals of the faith and of Christian civilization" and "helped by God was able to resist the instigation of those, deceived by what he believed a humanitarian ideal of exaltation of humility, in reality, fought not only in favor of atheism "- Pius XII elevated Finally, thanks to the memory of" all those who were able to sacrifice himself heroically in defense of the inalienable rights of God and Religion, both on the battlefield, is enshrined in the sublime offici of Christian charity in prisons and hospitals ».

From this brief historical summary is possible to understand that hyperbole built on pure paradox, to which the elder priest, who had seen his brothers massacred by the hatred of anarchists and communists, appealed illustrating Jesus Christ walking arm in arm with Francisco Franco, the whole thing just to say to the young ideologues: study the history, because if you do not know, you will be doomed to repeat it.


* The AUTORE Religious Institute of Charity (The Rosminians), earned a master's degree in Contemporary History at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and theological baccalaureate at the Pontifical Lateran University.




(1) Cit. in P. PRESTON, The Spanish Civil War, Oscar Mondadori History, 2000, p. 35.
(2) Cit. in G. ROUX, The civil war of Spain, Trad.. en. Sansoni, Florence, 1966, p. 29.
(3) The Church Down! Editorial anonymous Solidaridad Obrera, 15 August 1936, cit. in A. MOUNTAIN MORENO, Historical summary of the religious persecution in Spain 1936-1939, Madrid, 1961, p. 55-56.
(4) Cit. both in A. MOUNTAIN MORENO, Historical summary, p. 55.
(5) Cit. both in A. MOUNTAIN MORENO, Historical summary, p. 55.
(6) Cit. in Ibid., p. 56, note.
(7) Ibid., p 81.
(8) S. S. PIUS XII, Radio Message "With inmenso joy", 16 April 1939.

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

ecumenism? Provided that the truth and the truth: the success of Luther


The success of Luther is largely due to the fact that he picked up and developed heretical bodies already existed in the history of the Church, such as those more immediately preceding Hus and Wycliffe, as well as the Waldensians, of Manichaean, of the Cathars, Ockham and Cusano, although it is true that every heretic always gives a special character to the doctrines that invents, and this clearly allows to distinguish the heresies of Luther from those of other heretics. On the other hand, it must also find in Luther trace of genuine instances of reform, that already characterized the great reformers like medieval Saint Bruno, San Pier Damiani, St. Romuald, Saint Bernard, St. John Gualberto, St. Francis, and St. Catherine of Siena.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



With all the news of the case, while you are approaching the celebration of 500 years of “reform” heresiarch Luther, the editors of’Patmos Island proposes an article published two years ago by Father John Cavalcoli, ON



Luther preaching

preaching of Martin Luther, Press the sixteenth century

Now more than ever, in the era of ecumenism, we ask what is the meaning or the meaning of Lutheranism. And on this point continue the discussions and conflicting interpretations, despite the steps taken by ecumenism. What are the origins and causes of Lutheranism? What are your intentions, its instances, its essential themes? What are your results? How is it that five centuries later, after the convictions of the Church, it is still alive, enough to influence the Catholic theology today? What determines the power of his seduction? How is it that attracts great minds and men of valor? And what could be done to bring the separated brethren to fellowship with the Church of Rome?


Luther's theses

Luther affix his 95 thesis on the portal of the cathedral

A misconception that has spread in the Catholic world because of a false ecumenism, is that, after all, Lutheranism was a choice like any other, within Christianity or the Church, as were, for example, religious families founded by St. Benedict or St. Francis or St. Dominic. Lutheranism would not be a false interpretation of Christianity and the Church, but it would be just a different choice. For other, then, Luther was a great reformer of the Church, a great religious genius thirsting for Christ and his righteousness, a whirlwind prophetic, a scourge of scandal, Abuse, vices and heresies, which would become aware of the Church of Rome and their doctrinal and moral deviations medieval and would lead them with energy and intransigence to the rediscovery of the true Gospel and the true saving relationship with Christ, rejecting many concepts and practices spurious, well as the traditions of men, that had accumulated in the past, such as debris covering a monument in time hiding the genuine beauty.


vescovessa Eaton

the “bishop” Elizabeth Eaton president of the Lutheran bishops of the United States.

Modern followers of Luther, considering the ecumenical climate, no longer own the violence of the attacks of the "reformer" against the Pope, Catholic doctrine and morals, and yet, if legitimize the existence of the Roman Church, see it with some sufficiently, a tolerant and benevolent compassion, as a respectable surplus of the past, why would not dream of considering the guidance of the Church, role, this, jealously reserving only to themselves, that fifty years from now they are embellished with the title of “Progressives” and are revered and proclaimed these.


vescovessa pastoral eaton

the “bishop” Elizabeth Eaton

Others, believing then to operate in such a way to Christian unity, there has been the idea that Catholics and Protestants represent equal, albeit in a different and mutually complementary, two large fragments of the Church, divisasi at the time of Luther because of mutual wrongs and misunderstandings and thus to faults on both sides. To which the solution or the remedy of this split, break up, fracture, or division or whatever you want to call it, would not be in the fact, how to order and hopes the Council document on ecumenism (1) that the separated brethren, giving up their mistakes, are “fully incorporated” in the Catholic Church, in which alone is the fullness of truth, but they can easily maintain their positions. The important thing is that there is dialogue and mutual cooperation. At the same time continues to “pray for L'Unità”. But I wonder if in this condition of mind and mentality that prayer becomes a hypocrisy.


comiso ecumenical prayer

Bishop of Ragusa Paul Urso with the Lutheran pastor Gisela Salomon and a group of Pentecostals during an ecumenical prayer

Like this, to recover the unity, reaccommodate and the broken vase, each party should give up what the opposing side, proposed as Karl Rahner in his book Union of Churches real possibility (2). In practice, he suggested that the Catholic Church should ask all, Catholics and Protestants, adherence to dogmas that we have all shared, while it should make “Optional” for all and especially for Protestants those dogmas they not allowed.


We must say clearly which it is actually wrong to conceive the unity discovery by comparing the operation to that of an orthopedic that reassembles the fracture of a broken femur. The marine biotoxins right here instead gives him to Christ: heretics are branches that have fallen off or almost detached from the vine, that the Roman Church; whereby, while the Church as the Church (not as individual Catholics!) no wrongs or errors to be repaired, but only to preach the whole gospel to the whole world dispelling the darkness of error, vice versa separated brethren are saved only if, correct their mistakes, come into full communion with Rome, communion which, however,, known as the Council, it is now completely absent, but only partial, imperfect and incomplete, which does not exclude the possibility of a Lutheran in good faith to be saved.


captive-Methodist Synod

Catholic bishops and “bishop” Methodist, archive photos of L'Osservatore Romano

The Church itself is essentially one and indivisible. No force can split or divide the broken up and put one side against the other inside or outside. There can be and there are divisions among Christians, but not in the Church, much less the Church. The heretics and schismatics do not divide the Church, but split from the Church; are not a part of the Church, but are separated from the Church, which is essentially a whole and. So this is not to reunite the Church, but that heretics and schismatics come back in the Church. It will be difficult for the Church, as they would like, go on their side. True Catholics are back, as Catholics, not as sinners, all joined together in the Church, which of course does not mean that there are clashes or disagreements between them, which do not affect their fundamental communion in the Church and members of the Church. And it is supremely the Pope define, procure, guard, protect and enhance the unity of the Church by promoting assembly or meeting of Christians, harmony and reconciliation between the opposing parties - for example, modernist Lefebvre - and the discovery of the lost sheep. The mission of the Pope schismatics and heretics do not understand it completely. They believe that the Pope is the principle of division because it requires, to be true Christians, condition that they do not want to admit. So there are fools who believe that ecumenism would be better, if it were not for the Pope.



Dominican Dutch Prof. Edward Schillebeeckx

Prof. His K ?? NGT ?? Bing

Reverend Prof. Hans Kung

In this search for distant, then this call to unity with Rome - the “center” - Francis Pope refers when he speaks of the need for the Church “bait” and go “in the suburbs”; not so much of the slums, but rather of the areas most human undernourished in terms of spiritual. The suburbs can also be the pastor or Sunday school teacher who do not live in full communion with the Church. Still others, as Hans Küng (3) and Edward Schillebeeckx (4), pushing hard syncretism indifferentist, and misinterpreting the famous thesis of the Council, that "the Church of Christ subsists" (stops) "The Catholic Church" (5), come to envisage a “Church of Christ” or a “Christianity” resulting from the synthesis of all religions concerned about human rights, justice and peace in humanity, where the Catholic dogmas are not denied but, deprived of their universal and compulsory, are integrated by the doctrines of other religions, evident Enlightenment secularization of Christianity that excludes the supernatural, considered myth, fanaticism and superstition, according to the well-known form of Freemasonry. Of course such a thing would have liked not even Luther, attached in the end, though in his own way, the essential content of faith of the Gospel (6). But Luther did not realize that once destroyed the Magisterium of the Church, the sheer refer to Scripture private, despite the conviction to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit and without difficulty admitting the clarity of many passages of Scripture itself, is by no means sufficient to ensure with certainty and precision the content of the faith. But above all, does not correspond to the will of Christ expressed in the Gospel.


Luther's Bible of 1534

Luther's Bible, edition of 1534

In this regard we must remember that the Church and the doctrine of the faith are created and protected organisms from the infinite divine wisdom, such so as to resist, If well kept, every attack of the enemy, but at the same time, as creatures, are the result of a harmonious set of elements and factors, “joints and links” [With the 2,8], where the links do not all have the same strength, but some are less firm than others, for which they can be more easily broken by a desire malignant. Like this, for instance, in the human body, which is also a wonderful work of God, some structures are more vulnerable than others: if one puts the wrong foot, easy to take a wrong; if it keeps your teeth clean, easily take caries and so on. The Word of God does indeed united “joints and marrow,” [EB 4,12]; but if the soul does not take away from the snare of the devil lies, these delicate ties can be broken. This is the case in the heresy. This is what happened to Luther, who, although it has had its own strong personality able to influence others, I have not completely made up his heresies, Jupiter brings forth Minerva by her boss, fully armed. Instead he went to undermine fragile points or joints of the ecclesial, sometimes plunged into a crisis in the history of the Church, as are, for example, the relationship Pope-Church or Scripture or Church-grace-grace-sin or free will or faith and reason or faith-works.


Council of Trento

Assizes of the Council of Trent, stampa vintage

The other part, we can no longer see in Luther's heresy only, but in some ways it is more important to highlight its positive instances of reform, that have contributed to its success and, duly purified and inserted into the Catholic context, found some satisfaction in the doctrines and pastoral care of the Second Vatican Council. The same phenomenon of modernism of the time of St. Pius X, was largely an unsuccessful attempt to operate this recovery, instead it was done by the council with all the authority that belongs to an Ecumenical Council.



Amerian Roman

the philosopher Romano Amerio

As to the question of reform, we must say that the essence of the Church is immutable in itself, but this does not mean that it has periodically need of reform: The Church must always be reformed, says an old adage. The fear of Romano Amerio that the Second Vatican Council “changed” the essence of the Church has no foundation, and he tends to confuse the true ecclesiology of the Council with the interpretations Give a few Modernists.
To operate but real reform, that what is beneficial and conformed to Christ her Founder, need to know what the Church can change and what you can not change without thereby destroying itself, corrupt or impair the essence of the Church. To tell the truth, The Church is in itself indestructible (portae hell not praevalebunt). The trouble is that its essence can corrupt the minds of false reformers, which they believe to reform, but actually build a false church, which is contrary to the will of Christ. Therefore necessary to distinguish from deformation reform. The reform periodically necessary and requested by the same human essence and history of the Church, has the task of finding, maintain and enhance the shape blurred by arbitrary additions or subtractions, spurie purely umane.


Instead a reform that purported to change the essence of the Church or conceive this essence as changing course, according to the modernist form, instead of renewing, purify it and improve it, destroy it. In the work of Luther are both aspects, it is supremely necessary, under the guidance of the Magisterium of the Church, make this distinction to accommodate the positive and reject the negative.


Luther headphones

Luther, too heard the reasons of himself

The success of Luther It is so largely due to the fact that he picked up and developed already existed heretical instances in the history of the Church, such as those more immediately preceding Hus and Wycliffe, as well as the Waldensians, of Manichaean, of the Cathars, Ockham and Cusano, although it is true that every heretic always gives a special character to the doctrines that invents, and this clearly allows to distinguish the heresies of Luther from those of other heretics.
The other part, as I said, you also find in Luther trace of genuine instances of reform, that already characterized the great reformers like medieval Saint Bruno, San Pier Damiani, St. Romuald, Saint Bernard, St. John Gualberto, St. Francis, and St. Catherine of Siena.


Dominicans and Franciscans

meeting between Dominicans and Franciscans

One of the reasons why it did not catch on Lutheranism in some countries such as Italy, was that even before Luther certain religious orders, as for example the Dominicans, had promoted a reform against the pagan influences of the nascent humanism, as it was for the school Catherinian of Blessed Raymond of Capua, Blessed John Dominici, St. Anthony of Florence and of Girolamo Savonarola.
The Eras, for its part, always attack some weaknesses, some difficult passage, breaks any connection or relationship fragile, where many may fall, and this has happened, although there may be so absurd heresies, who always find the blockhead who makes his eagerly, species to the present day.
A delicate point of the Catholic faith is that of the Petrine. To deny this all heretics in different ways the authority of the Pope. And you know how violence Luther rejected the charism of Peter. In fact, about the mission of the Pope, There are in principle two difficulties, where you easily play the spirit of lies.


The pope's chair

the chair of the Roman Pontiff in the Basilica of St. John Lateran

The first is that the Pope must distinguish two things: the infallibility of his ministry as a teacher of the faith and the frailty of his humanity of the son of Adam, which can also commit unjust actions, indiscretions or sins on the floor, as well as personal, Also the government or ministry. The usual tactic of heretics, which does not escape even Luther, is to start from criticism or even just claims about the pastoral or moral conduct of the Pope, to attack him as a teacher of the faith and guide to salvation.


The second challenge is to understand and appreciate the relationship between the Pope and the Church. That the Church is guided by Christ, heretics generally admit. What they should not be is that it is led by the Pope in the interpretation of Scripture and Tradition, in essence, the truth of faith and divine revelation.


Saint Peter

Saint Peter the Apostle

According to them it is sufficient to Christ or the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And in principle, This may be true. If God had willed, could have found a community of salvation from Him directly driven, unmediated literary, magisterial, catechetics, Hierarchical, liturgical and sacramental, priestly or papal. God has no problem to be known directly in their own conscience, and command him directly what to do and guide you through the grace of heaven.
Except that though God wanted to adjust things differently. And these are problems that only God can solve, such as those relating to salvation, it is logical that we must trust that He has a positive and historically wanted (“divine right”) through his apostles and especially Jesus Christ. The problem is not heresy to not believe in Christ; the problem is to accept everything that Christ taught and willed.



statue of Giordano Bruno of Nola

The heretic may also speak of the Church, faithful, of charity, Posting, of Tradition, of Revelation, of sacraments, of the Holy Spirit, of grace, of virtue, of sin, of salvation, Mystique. Can you speak of the Holy Trinity, of Christ and of God. But it is to see one by one conceives as these values. We do not care to only words, heresy because they are emptied of their true meaning. For this reason, it is not always easy to expose the heresies, well disguised under the appearances of piety, interpretations of Scripture or Tradition, projects holiness, proclamations reformers, theological ideas of genius, apocalyptic prophecies, heavenly visions ...


Leone X

the Pope Leo X

In the case of Luther's rebellion to the Pope arises from the fact that he, in its tendentious readings of Paul, he was convinced he had found the peace of his soul and the essence of the Gospel according to Rome he had lost. Hence his rejection of the doctrine of the Magisterium of the Church. From there the opposition to many other tenets as enshrined in that infallibility papal he did not want to recognize.
The other part, as taught by St. Augustine, we come to believe in Christ by believing the testimony of the Church. It is from the Church and under the patronage of the Church that we receive the Bible, that is the truth of faith, and then we come to faith in Christ.


A faith in Christ immediate, priori, athematics, preconceptual, given to all, come the intende Karl Rahner, without belonging either invisible or implied to the Church, does not exist. Not that you should believe in the infallibility of the Church just because it tells the Church. It would be a vicious circle. This leads instead to believe in the infallibility of the Church through the signs of credibility that the Church offers. But once you discover Christ in the Church, we must believe in the infallibility of the Church because, knowing that the Church is infallible, the Church itself teaches us to be infallible in the name of our faith in Christ.


Museum Luther's last residence re-opens

Luther: death mask and hand cast.

Luther, as one may suppose, Thanks to Catholic education received, was well come to believe in the Church, even if it became part of a religious order. Why then at some point repudiated the faith in the Church? Like Luther came to lose faith in the authority of the Pope? It was a vera fede? If it was vera stinks, why lose it? In the name of what? Under such pressure? Under what suggestion? It was really worried about his own safety or something else not so noble? He could not keep the true faith in Christ because he lost his faith in the Church.


Christ raises peter

Christ raises Peter sinking in the waters

Believing he had found the true faith, Luther actually lost it when he lost his faith in the authority of the Pope doctrinal, under the pretense of interpreting Scripture better than him. He thought he find out the truth and fell into the illusion; and those who follow him are victims of the same delusion. What greater tragedy for a man to share the faith that is illusion? It's like exchanging Christ with Belial. And as much damage as you can make it to the next lead him out of the path of truth? What is the meaning of all the preaching of Luther? There are serious questions, which still, after five centuries of studies on Luther, is difficult to answer. One thing is certain. One lesson that comes from Luther this: take care to get a solid faith and authentic and always keep it in the cost of living.


Fontanellato, 31 October 2014



(1) Reintegratio, 3.

(2) Morcelliana, Brescia 1986
(3) Cf Save the Church, Rizzoli, Milan 2011
(4) Cf Site. The story of God, Queriniana, Brescia 1992, pp. 218-223.
(5) The light, 8

(6) His tremendous persistence in heresy was just remain stuck his conviction of being in the true faith, while the second he was in Rome to have fallen into heresy.








3. ARCHIVE Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo – registration in the Special Register of Journalists of Lazio


registration in the Special Register of the Journalists of Lazio





The “fulfillment”, marcionista between heresy and ecumenism at all costs

TRA Eresia marcionista ED Ecumenism AT ALL COSTS

Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to bring to completion. For verily I say unto you: Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle of the law will, till all be fulfilled [Mt 5, 17-18].


Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



yes yes no no

you when you, no when it is no ...

This fragment of the Gospel of St. Matthew is rich in these elements on these few lines may be written treated encyclopedia only to frame the different arguments enclosed in a single harmonic context: the revelation of the Word of God made man. Think how much we could talk and discuss, Today perhaps more than ever, on single sentence that follows a few lines ahead: "Let your speech be: "Yes, Yes ", "no, No "; more than this comes from the evil one " [Mt 5, 37]. Needless to say, the Church and in society today is rather difficult to say when it is yes and no when it is not, mindful that the more - but sometimes even less, if no worse than the "nothing", for example, the omission - it comes from the Evil One, for which the "less" and the "of nothing" is sowing ground, irrigation, bud and finally harvest.

Nunzio Galantine

S. AND. Mons. Nunzio Galantine, Secretary-General of the CEI, in one ieratica poses during the liturgical actio

Just think what is difficult in the Church today to say clearly: this is right and this is wrong, This is lawful and this is unlawful, because it is written in the deposit of faith revealed. All this not because we say, but because it teaches Revelation, of which we are devoted servants and instruments, faithful preachers, not arbitrary hosts. And this is easy to say what kind of desolation pervade us when you are forced to hear bishops say homilies in which our chief priests speak of crimes against the language of social justice with brisk sociology, no longer speak of sin or of the Social Doctrine of the Church, not to mention the almost total lack of proper vocabulary metaphysical. What actually understandable, because when the revelation and his devoted servant of theology must take account of the too worldly demands of the company to which you want pleasure and never regret, to follow below with the logic of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue reduced mostly to political sociology, it may happen that one tries to logical consequence of having in all ways “a barrel of wine and eat it too”, as stated in our old proverb.

Say ' yes ' or ' no ' is harder than it looksi, by which time we have lost our natural language, which is precisely the metaphysical, Today tragically replaced with the Hegelian-rahneriano. So often we end up saying a little 'yes and a little' no, or with the support that may be but is at the same time and also no, if everything goes well, we conclude with a "ni", but not to make decisions and sometimes painful, saying with prudence and love the truth that can never be silenced, given that we are called to know, serve and proclaim the truth that will set us free [GV 8, 32], because none of us is a “Christian anonymous”, but a loyal subject and topic Prince of revelation and redemption. No one is to God “anonymous”, place which He calls us one by one by name, It took the very fact, designed and loved even before the creation of the world. Herein lies the danger of certain heterodox tendencies of the Jesuit Karl Rahner that today is the master in the absolute majority of theological studies: give improper and relativistic dignity saving to’ “anonymity”, through which you end up making anonymous God, nullifying through its poisonous theory of so-called “anonymous Christians” the whole mystery of the Redemption.


The Ark of the Covenant containing the tablets of the Law

This fragment of the Gospel of Matthew contains numerous inspirations of deep reflection (c)he had the opportunity to study years ago in my book [And Satan came Trino, cit. pag. 100-104]. We take only the opening sentence of this Gospel passage: «Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to fully fulfill ". It is truly a land mine, in part insidious one that opens the horizon through this phrase, penetrating into it because we are going to touch the Old and the New Covenant, the Old and New Testament, the ancient people of Israel and the new People of Israel born of the Incarnation, by the death and resurrection of Christ, God.

catechism ok

An edition of the Catechism

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church we read these words [n. 121-123]:

"The Old Testament is an indispensable part of Sacred Scripture. Its books are divinely inspired and retain a permanent value, for the Old Covenant has never been revoked. Indeed, the Old Testament economy was directed was to prepare […] the advent of Christ the Saviour of the universe.

The Second Vatican Council states that "The books of the Old Testament, Even though they contain matters imperfect and provisional, bear witness to the whole divine pedagogy of God's saving. They express a deep sense of God, sound wisdom about human life and a wonderful treasury of prayers; Finally, in them is hidden the mystery of our salvation " [Cf Second Vatican Council, Cost. dogm. God's word, 14: AAS 58 (1966) 825].

Tables of the Law

Tablets of the Law

Christians venerate the Old Testament as true Word of God and lChurch has always vigorously rejected the idea of ​​rejecting the Old Testament under the pretext that the New has rendered it void. This is a heretical thesis carried out by the Bishop of Sinope Marcion in the second century, which gave birth to the heresy which will then name Marcionism. Needless to say: the subject is so sensitive that every word, rather, every breath should be weighed, especially in these times where more and more often, use the correct words - which are an essential basis is essential to express the doctrine is primarily to make theological speculation, which is the correct metaphysical vocabulary - replace “new words” if not worse utterances based on impulses dictated by fairness and social policy, other structured on-gooders sterile sentimentality and ends in themselves.

Who among us has done some 'legal studies, or simply for personal practical issues also had to do with the book of succession Pro mortis causa - I refer to the specific Code of Civil Law of our country - knows, if anything, even knowing how little of law, that the will is valid on the last signed. If before this will have been entered into other, automatically are no longer valid. Unless, the last will made, is not affected by irregularities and flaws that make it invalid, because in that case as attested by the previous. Obviously we are not here to discuss notarial deeds but, since we are talking of wills ...

Temple of Jerusalem

Plastic reconstruction of the ancient Temple of Solomon

... We are faced with an Old Covenant that is not canceled by the first and a New Covenant that comes from the ancient. On the one hand we have the Jews with an Old Testament and Ancient Alliance, other Christians with a New Covenant and a New Testament. It is not a minor problem, albeit too accommodating certain theologians and biblical scholars argue for years that both the children of the two alliances hold sacred pact, welcome dato's revocato, that is, the Old Covenant of the People of Israel; then given to the second, that is, the New Testament of Christians, the New Covenant. To all this is added the Catechism of the Catholic Church which states: "The Old Covenant has never been revoked". There's enough to be confused, especially when faced with all this, the priests are not the pastors that they teach the faithful; or if theologians don't do well — but especially with faith - Their craft tools of theology devoted servant of the Truth Revealed.

The Sermon on the Mount Carl Bloch, 1890

Carl Heinrich Bloch, Sermon on the Mount, oil on canvas

What the Catechism of the Catholic Church is sacrosanct, provided it is properly explained, because the task is to indicate the text and sometimes outline the truths of faith; while the task of the devoted servants of truth is to explain, to evangelize and educate the faithful to correct doctrine. The explanation for this apparent dilemma is all of it in one word that completes this phrase of the Lord Jesus, because with that one word the Word of God gives us the explanation that many - you want to excesses of ecumenism misinterpreted, you want to make inter-religious dialogue at all costs and at all costs - but do not want to catch. Also because in the context of the discourse in Matthew's Gospel there are two expressions that look really at odds with each other and that almost clash in the original greek text. On the one hand, the concept of continuity with the Old Law: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets: I have come not to abolish ... [5,17]». On the other, a little further on, a phrase that seems to be a warning containing a real break: "Have you heard what the ancients were told ... but I tell you ... [5,21SS.]». And before all this, the problem does not go away but is quite complicated. Also because, the statement "but I tell you", should be read and interpreted in accordance with the models of lexical Aramaic language spoken by the Lord Jesus: is an imperative expressed with solemn authority in the construction of the same phrase on the wheel whole '' I '. Which is to say,: "It's true because I say it, because I am proof of the truth ". That being said let's try to put ourselves in the shoes now the scribes and Pharisees, even worse, the doctors of the Law, to understand why they repeatedly accused Jesus of blasphemy [Mt 26, 57-58], others to act in the name and on behalf of the devil himself [LC 11, 15-26], so they were unable to understand the message contained in his speech.

completionThe solution to this "dilemma" is therefore entirely enclosed within a word apparently so simple as to pass almost unnoticed by many scholars: "Consummation". Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets, I have come not to abolish but to fulfill ". The Lord, who is the son of the Old Covenant, born jew among the Jews, and as such circumcised and submitted by the devout zeal of his parents in all the rituals prescribed by the Mosaic Law, not simply leads the Old Law to fulfillment: he himself is the fulfillment of flesh, then the body and the living presence, Alpha e Omega, because his "I" is actually an incarnation of God, then her visible bodily presence.


Go over …

Accomplish, which can be translated as "overcome", "Go beyond" or "complete", does not mean undo or cancel, quite the opposite. The Old Testament was preparatory to the New, and as such should be read and understood in a dimension of the Catholic Faith. Just think of the figure of John the Baptist, The Forerunner, the one who cried out from the wilderness: "Prepare the new roads». When the Word of God became flesh did not erase his preaching of the Baptist, but went to him and asked and demanded to be baptized. And most times, preaching, the Lord Jesus reminded the heroic figure of this great man of faith who announced the coming of the Messiah: "I tell you, among those born of women there is none greater than John " [LC 7, 28].


view of the ancient Roman Forum

In another example, still, this time of historical: after the fall of the Roman Empire was founded in the Middle Ages is divided into at least three different historical periods, after which we have the Renaissance. Well: Renaissance does not come suddenly, much less by accident, but at the end of an epoch that preceded it and in a sense prepared, then in the Renaissance is enclosed and also lives in the Middle Ages. Just as the Baroque, which also contains within itself the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Under the homes of many Italian historical centers there are layers of foundation much older, on which and through which today are the houses visible and populated. This is what the language of the Lord Jesus means to accomplish. The Lord Jesus did not abolish the Law and the Prophets, but on their old foundations built the new temple of God, erected thanks to those ancient foundations. And we are grateful and sincere debtors to those ancient foundations, essential and indispensable, through which and upon which Christ established the new dwelling of; and inside the house we live, blessing for ever and ever God that Christ did not abolish but has made, creating the New Israel, all Vero Israele, without detracting from the true foundation of the Old and Ancient Israel, that is no longer the home, but the foundation on which it is based and builds new home, the temple of Christ, who has completed, abolished without a single iota of the old law: "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle of the law will, till all be fulfilled " [Mt 5, 18].


depiction of Paul's preaching to the Areopagus in Athens

The Apostle Paul, grew up and trained in the cultural self-righteous, does not shirk from addressing the delicate relationship between the Old and the New Covenant. In the Second Letter to the people of Corinth, the Apostle states on the one hand that "our sufficiency is from God who has made us worthy to be ministers of the new covenant" [2 Color 3,6], on the other hand that "to date that same veil remains removed, when you read the old covenant, because it is removed in Christ, may it » [2 Color 3,14]. All this to explain clearly that to be removed is not the Old Covenant but the veil fell over it and that the same will be taken for all who believe in Christ. The Apostle does not fail to remind the privileges of ancient Israel by writing in the Letter to the Romans: "They are Israelites, have the sonship, Glory, alliances, legislation, the cult, the promise; to them belong the patriarchs, and from them came Jesus according to the flesh " [RM 9,4-5]. All these gifts are forever because the love of God as indelible gift is bound neither by logic nor by human responses, but by his faithfulness to the Covenant. Thus, "the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable" [RM 11,29]. So are the irrevocable covenant of biblical history, as irrevocable and unforgettable is the humanity of the Jewish Jesus. Therein lies the concept that delineates a difference between the Old and the New Covenant. The Old becomes new in Christ and it is neither old, or repealed. The New Covenant brings to life the ancient because it is made with the blood of Christ: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you" [LC 22,20]. Or as St. Augustine explains: "The New Testament is hidden in, while the Old is in the New revealed ".


Ambrosian Carnival” – Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi portrait during a party next to a lady disguised as a priest belonging to the sect of Old Catholics.

These are the foundations on which you should do ecumenism with combinations born of painful separations with core Catholic who took life peppered the worst heresies, for example Protestantism. True ecumenism is done starting from the penalty spot by the knowledge that Christ on this earth God has created one Church entrusted to Peter, not to a multiplicity of "Churches" entrusted to an army of Protestant congregations divided into thousands of different denominations, including those from which many Pentecostals sad ideas have taken some Catholic groups of uncontrolled and uncontrollable charismatic and Neocatechumenals. Who then had doubts in this regard — including some bishops and Cardinals, theologians of biblisti, whether they are alive or dead, as Gianfranco Ravasi as Carlo Maria Martini — would that thought to the words of the profession of faith which proclaims our I think a church, holy catholic and apostolic Church ". In the Symbol of Faith Nicene Creed did not proclaim all the multiplicity of “churches”, all of which are "une" and "holy".

More delicate is still interreligious dialogue made instead with faiths outside the nucleusunedi cristiano. In that case you need to confirm more firmly and respectful of our faith in the Word of God made man. Avoiding every effort to water down the truth of our faith for fear of offending those who refuse and those who deny the mystery of the Incarnation, the death and resurrection of Christ, God, putting in an entirely legitimate, with such a refusal, the freedom and the free will given by God as part of his own creation; because man is always free to accept or reject the mystery of his God and Creator, God's Christ the Redeemer, Holy Ghost the Comforter, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

an apostolic Catholic saintHe talks explaining what you believe in and trying to convey in the best way our beliefs, certainly not resize it to meet so complacent to those who reject decisively - often with destructive aggression or homicidal violence as some Islamic fringe - the Revelation of Christ, God. A painful rejection that deserves our respect, just as God himself has observed with pain the worst of the worst choices and waste freely operated by man and is contained in the mystery of original sin is in the mystery of the Cross. What matters is that it is clear that those who refuse to respect the Word of God made man certainly does not mean approval of those who work with joy this rejection that comes upstream from the drama of the end of any action of redeeming grace.

Those who refuse Christ God is painfully observed, not approved, not shared, let alone invited to give lectures in our ecumenical theological studies and in our seminaries, within which would explain the errors inherent dangerous - for example - the Protestant heresy, and consequently in his theology. They should not be asked some scholars within these our centers of study and training for conferences, because they may be worthy men in all respects human and social, on the theological and doctrinal errors are larded with perhaps, for this, welcome at various universities and pontifical universities in which in fact do not teach Catholic theology a more, at best they teach filosofismi and sociologisms religious elaborate on the creative language and arbitrary to some theologians, rather than the universal language of the Church's Magisterium, which the theologian is only an instrument and faithful speaker, not critical, not censor …

Together with our intimate and respectful disapproval of those who are in error, and for those whoprostitute heresy persists, we must also be imbued with a deep sense of sorrow. This is the metaphysical basis, underpinned by the philosophy of common sense [Cf. the Antonio Livi Philosophy of common sense]; This was the basis on which the theological and pastoral should ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, especially when the protagonists of certain dialogues are bishops and cardinals are called to guard the faith, certainly not to water it down and svenderla better for pleasure and to remain acceptable to all; including those who are continuing with fierce pride and indomitable to continue to spread far the worst heresies against the Truth Revealed, ignoring the clear warning that urges us to be perfect in one [GV 17, 20]. And if the unit has been broken does not exactly blessed the fracture and conferred dignity heresy which broke the unity of Truth. Everything always regardless of the fact that the mystery of salvation is quite different and as such is embedded in the heart of God who alone is the Judge and that just may decide to accept in their own kingdom, whole armies of heretics, without having to ask permission to any college teachers of the law; thing of which, moreover, gave clear warning to all the centuries to come, warning that "the tax collectors and the prostitutes will precede the Kingdom of Heaven" [Mt 21,28-32].

Antonio Love ( 1938-2020 )
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Antonio

we are working for you … against the synod media






You have to remind everyone of the truth, that is the true theological sense of what is happening in the Church: the Synod of Bishops, This like the others that preceded and will follow, is not a political meeting or a scientific conference; is a tool that serves the Roman Pontiff, Bishop of Rome and Pastor of the whole Church, to regularly consult the bishops from all over the world and process, from time to time, pastoral documents relating to the Universal Church. The two synods that are taking place: an extraordinary, held this year, and other ordinary, to be held in 2015, still have not submitted any draft of the final document to the Pope, which is in any case the decision on how to use the proposals of the bishops. In short, there is still no act of the Magisterium on which to build theories about alleged reforms or revolutions taking place in the Church.

Author Antonio Livi

Antonio Love


cardinal erdo

Cardinal Peter Erdo

The different and not always prudent interventions of the Synod Fathers first, during and after the holding of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, together with the comments often sensationalized theologians and journalists, had the effect of a dramatic image presented to the public the Catholic Church. The world episcopate would be deeply divided; Fifty years since Vatican II would have exacerbated tensions between the two great ideological parties, progressives and conservatives, who are fighting front, with the prevalence of the party of reform that would be to get, with the consent of the Pope himself, the renunciation of teaching to traditional teaching on sexuality and the sacraments, Marriage and the Eucharist in particular.

Bruno Forte

Bruno Forte, Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto

This image of the Catholic Church today is unacceptable: not only because it has baffled and bewildered the faithful - and this displeases those who care about the real interests of the pastoral - but also because it is false. In fact, it was built on the basis of sociological surveys (sociology of religion) quite superficial and partial, then expressed in a language that ignores the properly theological categories and uses only the typical categories of political controversy, reducing the normal dialectic of views on pastoral decisions to be made at this historic moment in a scandalous struggle between opposing ideologies that seek hegemony of the temporal power and the understanding of the events relating to the harmonious development of the dogma.

You have to remind everyone of the truth, or the true theological sense of what is happening in the Church: the Synod of Bishops, This like the others that preceded and will follow, is not a political meeting or a scientific conference; is a tool that serves the Roman Pontiff, Bishop of Rome and Pastor of the whole Church, to regularly consult the bishops from all over the world and process, from time to time, pastoral documents relating to the Universal Church. The two synods that are taking place: an extraordinary, held this year, and other ordinary, to be held in 2015, still have not submitted any draft of the final document to the Pope, which is in any case the decision on how to use the proposals of the bishops. In short, there is still no act of the Magisterium on which to build theories about alleged reforms or revolutions taking place in the Church.

preaching of the baptist

Preaching of John the Baptist, Flemish work of the sixteenth century

Those who come to the public with a sense of authentic Catholic pastoral responsibility, like us the Island of Patmos, always wants to bring the discussion to the meaning and the theological sense of the events that characterize the life of the Church. But true theology has as its sole reference point the dogma: not only to interpret it with assumptions of various kinds - historiographical, logical, metaphysical - but first of all to point out what is rationally and effectively where the dogma - the truth to believe by all regardless of culture and pastoral guidelines - which at any time is stated formally by the ecclesiastical magisterium. Also this detection function of the content and limits of dogma is a job that requires a proper scientific level. When there is placed at this level, statements of theologians and even individual bishops about the alleged changes in the doctrine of the faith are devoid of seriousness and are easily infected by ideologies of various kinds, with serious consequences for the maintenance and the increase of faith in the Christian people.

Just because aware of the seriousness of this problem ecclesial I keen to be part of father Ariel S.Faith and Reason Levi Gualdo to give life to the Island of Patmos, bringing "dowry" the ideas and accomplishments of my Union Fides et Ratio for scientific defense of Catholic truth. The Union operates in fact to promote a better understanding of the Catholic faith and a more faithful adherence to the Magisterium of the Church, that faith is infallible interpreter at all times and in every historical juncture pastoral. The adjective "apostolic" intends then qualify the Union as work done by Catholics who feel the responsibility - of all baptized Christians - to participate, each according to his skills and his personal vocation, one mission of the Church, that Christ wanted "a, santa, catholic and apostolic ". By the will of Christ, indeed, it is up to the bishops - awarded the charism of apostolic succession, the unity of the episcopal college chaired by the Pope - the duty of guarding, transmit, interpret and announce infallibly the revelation of Christ, the Son of God the Father has sent into the world because "all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth"; Priests have the task of working in the field of the Lord as "generous coadjutor of the episcopal» (cf Conc. cum. Vatican II, Decree Priesthood, 2, 7; dogmatic constitution The light, 28; decree Christ the Lord, 15; John Paul II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Herdsmen, 47); at last, to all the faithful, including the laity, whose specific ecclesial role is to "sanctify temporal structures from within ' (cf. Dogmatic Constitution The light, 31; Pastoral Constitution The joy and hope, 53; decree The Laitym, 31), it is the testimony of the faith of the Church and its propagation in all spheres of human society, using an adequate theological education, coupled with their professional competence.

Layout 1

By the acts of the last meeting

As for the specific purpose apostolic Union, which works for the defense of scientific truth Catholic, the term "Catholic truth" makes it clear that the faith of the Church: Faith Church, who believed, is for every believer the truth in an absolute sense, as "word of God", supernatural revelation, communication to us men of the mysteries of salvation by Chi "neither deceives nor can deceive others", being the One who created us out of love, then, after the sin of our first parents, in his mercy he redeemed us with life, death and resurrection of the Son. The word "catholic" , in particular, want to emphasize two important aspects: the first is that the Union has the sole purpose of serving the scientific truth revealed by God in Jesus Christ and proposed by the Catholic Church with the charism of infallibility; the second is that the apostolate promoted by the assumption that the mission of the Church is directed to the whole world (katà holon), because the revealed truth is for all men and is recognizable as such by every man that is properly announced, regardless of their personal circumstances of age, culture and experiences: revealed truth transcends fact particularism and does not change with the changing historical contingencies.

Finally I clarify what I mean by "scientific defense". No one can ignore that the Catholic faith is under attack today: not only by the traditional ideological forces that external dispute his claim to be the complete and final revelation of the truth that saves - I allude to Judaism, paganism as the state religion in the Roman Empire, Hellenistic-Christian philosophy of Celsus, all’Islam, the illuministico deism, to Freemasonry, atheistic communism, scientism neopositivistic, to vitalistic irrationalism, the critical rationalism -, but also by the new ideological forces that act inside, interpreting the Christian faith with incorrect or inadequate conceptual schemes which eventually cancel it just like truth; and here I am referring to theological modernism and the various forms of dogmatic relativism.

Livi Benedict XVI

The Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI meets with members of the Academic Senate of the Pontifical Lateran University, left Antonio Livi time dean of philosophy, the center Bishop Rino Fisichella, at that time rector.

Discuss the false reasons of one or the other a discussion that needs to be calm and serene, devoid of ideological passion but not without sincere and ardent love for the revealed truth - is a right and even more a duty for the Christian who has philosophical competence, as I feel I have. The defense (apology) the Christian faith is also a practice born with Christianity itself; and the early apologists that the history of Christianity has among the "fathers of the Church", both East to West, were philosophers (think of Justin Martyr), who felt obliged, by virtue of their firm belief rational that Christianity was the "ultimate truth", to refute the false reasons given by those who then pretended to deny that Christian doctrine was the divine revelation of the mysteries of our salvation. Today, as perhaps never in the past, is indispensable task of Christian philosophers deny - with rational arguments, which ultimately must be brought back to the logic aletica - false reasons always obsessively re-proposed by those who deny the divine origin of the Christian doctrine or even claims to show that "doctrine" is not properly (even if they know the Scripture, which states that Christ said: "My teaching is not mine, but his that sent me " [cf. Jn 7, 16]).

common sense

The philosophy of the day

Also speak of a "scientific defense" in the sense of a defense based on rational arguments rigorous, arguments that ultimately - as I said before - are brought back to the logic aletica (which is the philosophical logic as able to ascertain the conditions of possibility of truth in every situation cognitive), that, being the field of philosophy of my specific expertise, gives me reason to hope to be able to contribute to the apostolic goals I mentioned. And you do not think it is arbitrary to refer to philosophy when it comes to the "science"; indeed, in the language of classical epistemological, and also in the modern one I had adopted, the noun "science" is not to be understood in a reductive way, as referring only to the physical-mathematical theories or biological (this is the epistemological error of scientism), but as a synonym of knowledge by inference in general, including (and at the top) metaphysics and logic. In fact, my fundamental text on these topics (Philosophy of common sense) subtitled logic of science and faith. We work for then then promotes study and research historical-critical and philosophical-theological useful to the pursuit of some concrete goals:

disclosure in all areas of society with the proper interpretation of revealed truth, which is located in the documents of Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, in the light of the ecclesiastical magisterium, necessarily considered in its logical continuity (from the doctrine of the Apostles to the teachings of the Council and papal latest, including possible post-synodal apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis in 2015).


Sant'Anselmo d'Aosta, Doctor of the Church

The promotion of a greater unity of the Catholic faith in common, providing all the right criteria for distinguishing, in any historical context, doctrine authoritatively proposed by the Church as a divine revelation - the doctrine to which every Catholic must always pay a consent sincere and convinced - by the different hypotheses of interpretation of the dogma that may be proposed by the theological schools or by individual theologians, assumption that nothing can be added and nothing should take away the only truth that saves;

The creation of a new cultural climate, in the Church, that can ensure - once ensured that solid foundation of unity in faith above - the effective exercise of freedom of opinion doctrinal and pastoral choices, in the awareness that pluralism, both the theological and pastoral, is not only legitimate but also necessary for the purposes of 'understanding faith, ie as a requirement of the faith itself, which never ceases to seek new and more effective ways to penetrate deeply into the truth revealed («faith seeking understanding»), also in view of an ever more fruitful application of it to the different circumstances of personal and social structures (inculturation of the faith).

As a result, a sort of "demystification" of theology professional in order to play down the differences in doctrinal guidance between different schools and different players in the public debate, making aware the faithful who have no sense mutual accusations of infidelity to the Spirit and the mutual suspicion of heterodoxy, undoubtedly because God wants all of us, in the Church, only fight in the name of truth, the only truth of the Catholic faith, which comes before any choice of field in the cultural and theological. Indeed, only what is dogmatically defined by the Church can be identified with what "always, everywhere and by everyone»Was believed (Tradition) and especially with what today and in the future can be believed "always, everywhere and by everyone"Precisely because it is the truth revealed by God in Christ: truth at its core notional is and must remain accessible to all (understandable solely on the basis of "common sense") and for this transcends the endless variety of legitimate interpretations, much of the traditionalists as progressives.


the weight balance, it's not easy, but it is possible …

I am aware that the pursuit of these objectives requires a very difficult balance: between the duty of obedience to the pastoral guidelines that the legitimate Pastors provide to the whole body of the Church and correspondence to the vocation of each person in the Church; between loyalty to the only revealed truth and the need to seek new ways for evangelization; between the respectful acceptance of the different charisms and different pastoral options of the other faithful and passion for their own choices, accrued on the basis of his reading of the "signs of the times" and on the basis of their life experience. But I am convinced that this balance is assured precisely by the rules suggested by the logic of rationality integral aletica and who for years have committed to illustrate the plan, precisely, scientific rigor in data collection and argumentation. Together with his father John and Arie S Cavalcoli. Levi Gualdo are sure to be able to effectively continue on this road, at the service of the ecclesial community.

Click here to listen to a Marian hymn of popular tradition

The case of the Bishop of Albenga, cause to reason “traditionalist aesthetic”?



[…] under his government have been welcomed in the Diocese - or he himself ordered - even priests defectors from various dioceses that define problematic is an understatement; and that's a fact, not a guess. Fell, the poor donkey, because the faithful and several priests of that particular church were sent to the Holy See is not mere documentation of the protests but terrifying, alleging among other problems also that no small concern that the presence of many priests with homosexual tendencies manifest …

Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

I wanted to take care of things a lot more interesting e, why not: rewarding. In short: make my "job" pastoral-theological. I work in a number of articles for our Theologica and many are the writings that I have sketched out some of the Fathers of the Church by offering them a present reading, because today more than ever, are of great current figures of men as St. Maximus the Confessor, or Saint Anselm of Aosta, Having said that the most shocking news reaches us daily by the Gospel: many are in fact the pages that seem to be written today for men and for modern society. This is a characteristic that only the Word of God is able to have, as proof of what it is divine, therefore permanently alive and able to communicate beyond the times.

New priests pose for a picture under a s

Young priests of the seminary of Ecône of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X

Neither I nor my brothers with whom we have created this online magazine we want to continue battles against anyone: we are not members of a political party or are on the payroll of some demanding boss, as such engaged in battle and to take away the credibility of a party opponent. We are simply and only priests and Catholic theologians and the only battles that we intend to lead are those for diffusion and for the protection of the truths of faith. And the Church is not our party, is our mother, our wedding. Nothing so staff, less than ever livoroso to the world of so-called traditional wire-Lefebvrian. And in addition to not being livorosi, We are aware of a fact for years: induce the reason some people, especially in the face of evidence of the facts, would be a difficult task even to the Holy Spirit, then imagine us poor mortals.

donkey falls 1

donkey fell into a well

The world of the so-called tradition is full of contradictions and inconsistencies the greater the more bitter is the conviction of belonging to this world to be the only and only holders of the purity of the Catholic. And when the ass falls - the famous proverb: "It is here that falls on the ass!"- That's the good traditionalist pro-Lefebvrians and their various fan club not only do not see the fall, but behave as if the donkey did not exist. Instead there is the donkey, fell, and in this particular case it is a favorite, a landmark in the world of traditional: the Bishop of Albenga Mario Oliveri, no doubt a worthy pastor and a man of sound doctrine, which in recent days has been at the center of several controversies. We do not know if the Bishop will be deprived of the government of his small diocese, nor do we know whether to do so, the Holy See will appoint an auxiliary bishop, thereby avoiding the bishop Ligurian humiliation of dismissal from the chair close to the age of 75 years of age. All of these, for now, are only hypotheses and conjectures about journalism that you do not even have to enter.

Mario Oliveri

The Bishop Mario Oliveri with a high jeweled miter, more or less 80 inches

More on the other hand, where it is almost a duty to enter: the donkey fell because under his rule were met in that Diocese - or ordained by himself - also some priests who have fled from various dioceses that to define problematic is an euphemism; and that's a fact, not a guess. Fell, the poor donkey, because the faithful and several priests of that particular church were sent to the Holy See is not mere documentation of the protests but terrifying, alleging among other problems also that no small concern that the presence of many priests with homosexual tendencies manifest; and the most striking in this respect were found to be the ones with the beautiful of the Latins always on the mouth and with handpieces, Episcopal gloves and hoods mag have the same artistic and professional relationship that the legendary Wanda Osiris had with roses throwing viewers, while the Afghan greyhound on a leash down the staircase illuminated, escorted by his boys and singing the famous song: «Sentimental, this withered rose " …

Some sites and blogs ultra conservative at first tried to scream to "purge franceschista", in conclusion: the “yet another persecution”. Then maybe they knew and kept quiet. And still today they continue to remain silent in a hypocritical and malicious silence, having decided that the donkey can not fall simply because the donkey does not exist, because in the world of so-called tradition is all pure, beautiful and spiritual; everything is sacred and inspired by the sacredness, but that "obscene Mass of Paul VI established Protestantism as a result of large aberration of the apostate Sacrosanctum Concilium», as we read for years around their sites and blogs where the contempt of the Magisterium of the Church seems to be the most popular sport, and all in the name of an unspecified “purity Catholic”.

Who took care to read my book, And Satan came Trino, in which I devote the entire second chapter to the problem of "omosessualizzazione of the Church", then the problem of dramatic and dangerous gay lobby within us; or who has had the opportunity to read my interview with Roberto Marchesini for The New Compass Daily [see who], not so much what I think will be perceived, but in what way and how seriously I faced the problem. And when addressing and analyzing a problem, you can not use two weights and two measures, seconded that the issue touches "our" or "their".

donkey falls 2

perhaps, with the opening of the grace of God and acceptance of His mercy, even the donkeys braying, can go to Heaven …

What reproach in this world of so-called tradition is the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the extreme malleability of morality, about which tend to be very rigid when regards the other, on which they are ready to lay on the shoulders weights that they would not move them with their finger [LC 11,46-48.52], as he warned the Holy Father himself in his final keynote address at the Synod of Bishops, for which I refer to the two comments of Father John Cavalcoli published in this online magazine.

As far as the rest instead, or better with regard to "their", in that case, rather than being lenient, just do not see, precisely because the donkey does not exist. Here then is the pontifical dances, in which shine dalmatics, copes and chasubles, where the incense envelops perfect movements, theatrical, Studia al Millesimo, in fact involved mostly hordes of horsemen real or imagined, noble, more or less fallen, of would-be aristocrats who have their quarterings, who at best have a couple of divorces behind and at the time living with a girl who could be their daughter. But whether beninteso: live with each other as brother and sister. What to say: lucky them! I'd look good I dto take home with me a statuesque perpetual 25 years with measures 90-60-90. This is not because the canon law does not allow me and the Ecclesiastical Authority nor, but whyssuno would be willing to believe that we live as brother and sister, perhaps the first to believe it would not really me. And as, although not a “Christian adult” of pure school Dossettian, I think, however, to have grown up enough as a man and as a priest, I think I have learned that to escape situations of sin, the first step is to escape conservatively that create favorable opportunities to sin all prerequisites.

Pope child

greeting of a little girl to the Holy Father

The signed esiste and cade, sometimes grotesquely. It is in these circumstances, through the charioteer virtue of prudence is necessary, through the Christian charity built on truth and justice, exert the most profound mercy on donkeys in free fall; the true mercy which, most likely, the Holy Father speaks behind his lines in the final inaugural address made at the Synod of Bishops on the Family.

Click here to listen Mercy Lord, performed by Luciano Pavarotti, Monreal 1978