Abortion is like paying a hitman to kill an innocent. Abortion will always remain the failure of modern man. The 194 it is a law that seeks to reconcile irreconcilable opposites


Someone has proudly stated that the 194 it is an imperfect Law, but worthy of a civilized country. As a Catholic and as a priest I say instead that the 194 it is in fact a chimera law, an absurd hypothesis that some Christian Democrat politicians have attempted to justify by resorting to the worst clerical double standard which reconciles irreconcilable opposites, namely legal infanticide with the culture of life made up of weak social-health and welfare policies.

- Church news -


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.


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if abortion is a "sacrosanct right" and a "great social conquest", then people have the courage and consistency to face the “sacred” the “santo” the A “great social conquest”, without invoking censorship by calling certain images harsh and raw. Because this is abortion, hard and raw: the killing of a human being.


With the establishment of the new government centre-right traction, the "very civilized" issue on the right to abortion was revived with vigor and emphasis. Used as a detonator to ignite the revolt against the conservatives, the sentinels of rights, they are now warning Italy of the fascist and ecclesiastical danger (read between the lines Meloni, La Russa and Fontana) against a law, the 194/1978, which according to them would run the risk of disappearing as has already happened for Hungary and Poland, countries where voluntary termination of pregnancy is strongly discouraged.


But how are things really?? We are truly facing a democratic danger? Or perhaps more prosaically we are retracing the footsteps of a bankruptcy ideology that already smelled of old more than forty years ago? Let's go in order, I would first like to contribute to the topic with some considerations on the matter, both as a Catholic and as a priest who has spent years of his life serving in a large hospital complex, and thus express some advice ― unsolicited ― to the address of the new government which has the great opportunity to accompany citizens today in reflecting on reality.


Never like in this historical moment there is a need for awareness of reality and a sense of reality to understand that any policy can only manage simple things, even if vast and delicate like the administration of a nation. When politics claims to interfere with human nature, with its dignity and sacredness, up to the claim of ontological overcoming - that is, that Dionysian over-man, free from the chains of ethical and normative values ​​― disasters are experienced punctually.


The improvement of human beings it is not established by politics but by the acceptance of high and demanding goals. The experience of the sacred, of the truth, of the beautiful and the good are essential and inalienable principles for stay human, values ​​also known by our Greek and Latin fathers and which Christianity has gathered by attributing them to the God of revelation as the Supreme Being from whom all good springs. Among the high and demanding goals that life offers us we can certainly include the custody of human life. Life is not one res to shape as desired, a sample of helpless primitive matter emptied of any superior and spiritual reflection. Human life is sacred, always, from its rise to its natural decline. As we approach the reification of life, we must be aware that we are approaching a highly dangerous process that leads to that transhumanism that has made abortion its most violent fruit, proudly claimed, I dare say evil, as a "law of civilization" and as a "great social achievement".


First, let's start with some evidence: it is convenient for everyone today not to consider the Law 194 in its true essence, in quell’humus cultural and political in which it was written and thought rather badly by the legislator. Let's overlook the fact that this law was signed by six politicians belonging to the Christian Democrats: a president of the republic, a president of the Council of Ministers and four ministers. They refused to listen to the voice of conscience to arrive at a more just and protective law, preferring a ploy clerical that only old Christian Democrat foxes could have devised. As proponents of Christian values, but much more as statesmen, they should have exercised a healthy principle of secularism (not to be confused with secularism) which would have allowed them to consider the defense of life fully understood as a priority, safeguarding the foundations of a modern and democratic civilization. And here we recall incidentally the story of the King of Belgium Baldwin I than in 1990 he refused, for matters of conscience, to put his signature on the law that made abortion legal, to the point of abdicating the throne for two days [see WHO, WHO]. But on the other hand, this ruler, he was not a Christian Democrat pile-upper but an authentic Christian.


It is our European story, the one to be clear that begins with San Benedetto da Norcia and his monks, which tells us how an authentic modern democratic civilization is characterized by the care of its members - from conception to death - above all protecting the life of the weak, of the poor, of the helpless and the infirm, without falling into that ideological schizophrenia which comes to recognize all rights as equal, only to rant that some rights are more equal than others.


For supporters of the law 194, of yesterday as of today, the main defensive argument consists in repeating it like a mantra ratio foundation with which the law was carried out, that is, to prevent the practice of clandestine abortion to the poorest classes who could not afford a trip to London or Lugano to get rid of the unborn child in complete confidentiality and cleanliness. Read that, in the intention of the most savvy, he certainly did not want to grant women wild abortion but only to deal with a medical and social emergency which at that time was practiced in unhealthy basements and improvised clinics, with the well-founded risk and danger to the health of the women who underwent such operations. However, it must be reiterated that this reasoning is false because it constitutes only a partial truth, a good Trojan horse that allows you to achieve the real goal which is to normalize abortion, then the killing of the fetus, as a process of a therapeutic compromise.


We remind the younger ones one of the most popular methods of abortion in the late seventies, the so-called Karman method, sponsored by CISA activists (Sterilization and Abortion Information Center) founded by Emma Bonino and partners. Method that has become iconic because it is documented by a photo that portrays Emma Bonino in the act of performing an abortion with the Karman method. This photo was then used for propaganda purposes both by the Radical Party and by +Europe to advance the "ideas of civilization" of a great Italian today [cf.. WHO]. Alongside the intention of the pure to create a legal provision that would limit the damages of the practice of clandestine abortion, it is necessary to consider much more seriously the line of thought which underlies this law and which represents the true ideological cradle in which 194 found a political justification, social and later referendum.


Ten years before the law came out, exactly in 1968, everyone had witnessed that great deception for youth which concerned freedom and sexual self-determination now considered an emergency of modernity. Indeed, when the sixty-eight thinking he spread his mistakes in high schools and universities, he also proudly and convincedly advocated the right to use his own corporality in modality multitasking. However, there was not in those young people the acceptance of as many duties as, in the face of sexual self-determination, they should have arisen. In other words, the right to make love with anyone and anywhere was defended to the bitter end, without acknowledging themselves responsible for that conception that would have resulted from that physical act. The woman was guided by a positive freedom that did not accept limitations and controls, to the point of denying the freedom to the unborn child to come into the world and severely limiting the involvement of the biological father who ended up being a spectator, a mere cooperator in copulation. So we continued to carry out a policy made up of rights - sexual and otherwise - to the sound of slogans and surreal words which was the cause of numerous unwanted pregnancies, but above all of a hypocritical mentality that suddenly imposed itself on the minds of the new generations: “I can do what I want, the body is mine and no one else's, the uterus is mine and I command".


With the arrival of so many unwanted pregnancies, the concrete problem arose of having to respond in some way to the fruit of numerous conceptions. This happened in two ways: or by sending children to orphanages ― closed in Italy with the Law of 28 March 2001 ― or with recourse to abortion. And certainly not all of these aborted pregnancies, circa 6 million and more abortions since 1978 to date, they were malformed fetuses or miscarriages. Unfortunately, today again, the pure preachers of rights too frequently forget to preach also the duties that are unfailingly unloaded on the shoulders of others, first of all the Catholic Church which for a long time has taken charge of the protection of unwanted little children, this is where, for example, the surnames of Proietti come from, Esposito, Diotallevi, I hope, Find yourself, Uncertain, Innocent etc...


The law 194 Promethean attempted to curb the unseemly and dangerous practice of clandestine abortion without ever really succeeding, to consider well that in Italy there are still among the 10.000 e i 13.000 cases of clandestine abortions per year. Worst of the worst, this Law has not been able to create a culture of care for women with which to value life as a discriminated reality and defend that vocation to life that flourishes precisely in the natural role of parenting. This would have allowed women to develop their own social responsibility starting from their truest identity, united with that duty of maternity which is expressed above all by bringing a pregnancy to term, regardless of whether or not you want to recognize the unborn child or entrust it to other families who can look after it with love. These are the interventions to be able to exercise a truly responsible motherhood, as well as the Catholic Church continues to propose through the magisterium of the Holy Pontiff John Paul II.


Someone proudly stated that the 194 it is an imperfect Law, but worthy of a civilized country. As a Catholic and as a priest I say instead that the 194 it is in fact a chimera law, an absurd hypothesis that some Christian Democrat politicians have attempted to justify by resorting to the worst clerical double standard which reconciles irreconcilable opposites, namely legal infanticide with the culture of life made up of weak social-health and welfare policies. It is not a law of civilization because there is no modern civilization that can justify infanticide as an inviolable right of man or woman [cf.. art. 2 Italian Constitution e Universal Declaration of Human Rights]. In this regard it is good to dwell on the paragraphs 4 e 5 of the law 194 which represent the weak link between two clearly irreconcilable positions: the paragraph 4 sees the continuation of the pregnancy as


a danger to his physical or mental health [woman], related to or related to your health, or its economic conditions, either social or family, or the circumstances under which conception occurred, or predictions of anomalies or malformations of the conceptus";


and the paragraph 5 looking for solutions for


"help [the woman] to remove the causes that would lead to the termination of the pregnancy, and enable her to assert her rights as a worker and as a mother, to promote any appropriate intervention aimed at supporting it, offering her all the necessary help both during pregnancy and after the birth».


This last paragraph it is utterly insignificant and badly applied to the state of the matter. Until today the 194 it is considered by all to be the law of abortion and for abortion. That law that allows you to give death to an innocent when the mother does not have sufficient income, when it was abandoned, when someone has proved against the continuation of the pregnancy, when due to age one is too young to become a mother, when the time or the way to bring a child into the world is not deemed suitable, when the unborn child is not aesthetically perfect. Feminist ideology has often contributed to mortifying any demonstration of protection for the pregnant woman and the unborn child, almost as if it were more urgent to choose to have an abortion instead of getting help during the pre and the post pregnancy.


With the establishment of the new government, the legal schizophrenia on the paragraphs 4 e 5 of the law 194 it seems to have been taken up by Forza Italia senator Maurizio Gasparri. With a bill he thought of enhancing the aspect of the protection of pregnant women but above all of the unborn child. Through a decidedly pro-life manoeuvre, the aim is to protect the legal capacity of the conceived from the mother's womb and to raise awareness in the country towards a culture of life by establishing a day dedicated to nascent life. I find these bills very sensible because it is necessary to reaffirm that there is only one right to defend which is the right to life. From understanding this, then a whole series of other interventions arise to favor a dignified life: economic policies, work increase, enhancement of education and culture, health policies focused on the good of the patient. If these proposals were to be accepted, they would represent only a small part of those timid attempts to focus on Italy, increasingly affected by the demographic winter, towards an awareness of human protection, a path of integral humanization and accompaniment of widely understood weakness.


The best advice I can give the new government is to invest immediately in family policies, social and health pro-life with generosity and determination, involving as many people as possible. Beyond what one might think, the protection of life is not just a matter of obscurantist Catholics. There are many people who, while not recognizing themselves within a faith, feel the need to fight in defense of human life, highlighting that cultural short circuit of mainstream which claims to protect all forms of life on the planet, from climate to animals to plants, refusing however to protect man from his first moments of biological life in the mother's womb.


In all of this talk there is no shortage of columnists e enlightened pundits who shouted at the fascist scandal over Senator Gasparri's bills, proposing the usual propaganda on the self-determination of women who, as carriers of the uterus, they cannot and must never be contradicted, not just on the days of their menstrual cycle, but above all when the right to choose about one's body and one's health presents itself. No matter, then, if this right denies a newborn to come to light and if the healthy therapeutic principle coincides in practice with the death in the womb of the conceived.


I like to state that whoever is the spokesperson for these "very civilized" untouchable rights is a child of that same intelligentsia violent and manipulative who is creating turmoil within the university these days Wisdom of Rome to deny the right to speak and debate to those who think differently. And after more than forty years of the law 194 you feel the need to think otherwise, take note that before the right conscientious objection there is an objection of thought which is the one that allows you to see reality for what it is, calling things by their proper names. And if we hear ourselves told that the therapeutic and voluntary interruption of pregnancy is civilization, we can make our decisive objection of thought and say, using the words of the Supreme Pontiff Francis, that abortion is the practice of those who want to hire a hit man to put an end to the life of an innocent [cf.. WHO].

Laconi, 9 November 2022





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How to speak of Christian death in a society that rejects the very idea of ​​death?


Contemporary culture seems not to ask the question of death, or try to exorcise it and make it fall into oblivion, do not ask questions and give no answers, while Divine Revelation assures us that God created man for a purpose of happiness that goes beyond earthly life.

— Liturgical ministry —

Simone Pifizzi


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William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1859. Day of the Dead. Museum of Fine Arts, Lyon

The Fathers of the last Council of the Church wrote that «In the face of death the enigma of the human condition reaches its climax» [cf.. The joy and hope, 18]. The Solemnity of All Saints and the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed are offered to us every year as an occasion to «contemplate the city of heaven, holy Jerusalem which is our mother" and to remind every baptized person that towards this common homeland "we pilgrims on earth hasten our journey in hope, rejoicing in the glorious lot of the elected members of the Church whom the Lord has given us as friends and role models" [cf.. Preface of November 1st].


Usually many people, even the inexperienced ones, there is no shortage in these days of remembering their deceased loved ones, participating in the Eucharist in the parishes and visiting the cemeteries. With heartbreaking affection we remember those who loved us, grateful for what we have received, eager perhaps to forgive and to be forgiven. There are many children who are no longer young, if anything with adult children or even grandparents, who before the graves of their parents reflect on many moments of their lives, saying to themselves, now with tenderness now with bitterness, sometimes even with deep feelings of guilt, that if it were possible to go back they would have had other attitudes and behaviors towards them.


Death can only lead us to question ourselves because - as I often say in funeral celebrations - nothing is more certain than that as we received this life, one day we will have to make it. Wisely an old English apologue expresses how a baby gives the first cry, already starting to age, so the age that passes - were even a few minutes, or a month or a year - it makes you inexorably old. This is why a child born from a minute is one minut old (a minute older).


When man finds the strength to stop and think about yourself, he feels like death does not belong to him. We feel, in our deepest innermost, that we are made for life. But not simply for eternal life on this earth, where he should be eternally subject to the contradictions and limitations of this world, or in a sort of modern highlander, painfully forced to part with loved ones and situations. We carry within our hearts a seed of eternity that arises every time we are faced with the mystery of death and what derives from it: disease, suffering, fear that everything will end forever. The dead, good to remember: it is an “invention” and consequence of human action. God created us immortal, non-mortals subject as such to physical decay, aging and pain, all elements that enter the scene of the world and human experience through original sin [cf.. Gen 3, 1-19], because of which a corrupted nature was given to all mankind to come. All fruit of the freedom and free will that God gave to man at the very moment of his creation [cf.. cf.. Gen 1, 26; Dt 7, 6].


Contemporary culture seems not to ask the question of death, or try to exorcise it and make it fall into oblivion, do not ask questions and give no answers, while Divine Revelation assures us that God created man for a purpose of happiness that goes beyond earthly life. God has called and calls man to cling to him with his whole nature in perpetual communion with his divine life. Jesus, Word incarnate, with his incarnation, passion, death and resurrection fully embraced our human nature; by dying he conquered death and by rising he gave man life again.


The resurrection of Jesus it is the central nucleus of the Christian faith. Whoever lives and dies in Jesus participates in his death in order to participate in his resurrection, as we recite in the III Eucharistic Prayer when we do Memory of deceased: "He (n.d.r Cristo) will transfigure our mortal body into the image of His glorious body". The Incarnate Word in the priestly prayer addressed to the Father before undergoing the passion asks that «all those you have given me are also with me where I am, so that they may contemplate my glory" [GV 17,24]. This is why the Apostle Paul says: “Certain is this word: if we die with Christ, we will also live with him" [2TM 2, 11]. It is in this that the novelty and essence of Christian death consists: with Baptism, the Christian is "sacramentally" dead with Christ, and is already entered into a new life. Therefore, physical death, consummates our dying with Christ and definitively completes our incorporation into Him. The Christian, despite knowing that death is also a painful passage ("pangs") he faces the inexorable shortening of his days in hope, knowing that Jesus has conquered death, that He is that light of the world also symbolized by the Paschal candle placed in front of the coffin during the funeral, the firstborn of the resurrected, the Head of the Body which is the Church [cf.. With the 1, 18] through which the certainty of eternal life reaches all members.


The Christian view of death it is expressed in an unsurpassable way in the gestures and words of the funeral rite e, in general, in the forms of the Holy Mass of the dead. Omitting for obvious reasons the texts, we want to emphasize the liturgical rites, in which the Church expresses its faith, well summarized by the words of the first preface of the dead: «To your faithful, o Lord, life is not taken away, but transformed; and while the home of this earthly exile is being destroyed, an eternal habitation is prepared in heaven".


On the day of the funeral the Church, after having entrusted his children to God, sprinkles the bodies with blessed water. Water is the primary and fundamental element for life to exist. It reminds us that we are made for life. It reminds us of Baptism in which we were inextricably united to Christ's death and resurrection and inscribed our name in the book of life. After sprinkling with water, the body of the deceased is incensed. Incense is used in the liturgy to honor God and what He means. In addition to the Eucharist, the altar is also incensed, l'Evangelario, the celebrant, the assembly, the sacred images... The body of the deceased is thus honored because it is recognized as a "temple of the Holy Spirit" and an instrument of communion with God and brothers.


The body of the faithful departed it is finally entrusted to the earth as a seed of immortality, buried in it as he awaits the never ending spring at the end of time. In this regard, I find these words of Cardinal Giuseppe Betori appropriate, Archbishop of Florence, with which I conclude:


“Even today, cemeteries are a place to exercise faith by praying for our loved ones. They used to stand at the churches so that there, where Jesus died and rose again, the deceased were also remembered and their memory referred to Jesus, Lord of the living and the dead. Even today the Church recommends burial as the closest form to our faith. It also allows for other choices, such as cremation, provided it is not made explicitly to deny belief in the final resurrection. In all cases, he asks that the ashes be kept in cemeteries, not in one's own homes and never disperse them in nature, denying a precise place to remember together and where the Christian community can ensure constant prayer. May these holidays give us that light and warmth that we deeply need and ease the step for those who in faith walk towards the place of bliss and peace, where God will be all in all".

Florence, 2 November 2022


1 He is a presbyter of the archdiocese of Florence and a specialist in the sacred liturgy and history of the liturgy




Popular liturgical hymn

Church of Santa Maria della Misericordia, Lastra a Signa (Florence)

Octave of the Dead, November 2013


Of our brothers,
afflicted and weeping,
Lord of the people:
pardon, compassion.

Submerged in fire
of a horrible prison
they cry out to you:
pardon, compassion.

If at our works
regards severe,
then I no longer hope:
pardon, compassion.

But I look kind
if you turn to the cross,
repeats each voice:
pardon, compassion.

To our brothers
therefore give rest,
the loving priest:
pardon, compassion.

Until from that fire
they will be resurrected,
Lord of your dead:
pardon, compassion.




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The angelologist Marcello Stanzione again snatches Saint Hildegard of Bingen from the clutches of modern shamans



Hildegard was an extraordinary and multifaceted figure. Over the course of her long life she has worked from philosophy to poetry to dramaturgy, from music to cosmology to healing herbalism. He had the gift of prophecy and clairvoyance, he carried out studies on the therapeutic properties of gems and stones …

— Books and reviews —

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos


the new book by Marcello Stanzione on Hildegard of Bingen (Il Cerchio editions, 2022). To access the book shop click on the image

The priest Marcello Stanzione, specialist in angelology, he is considered one of the leading European experts on Angels. His dissemination work has lasted for three decades and as the author of dozens of books translated into multiple languages, lecturer and television presence on Rai programmes, Mediaset e Sat2000, has always been very precious in these times in which man, when he decides to abandon the true path of faith and turn his back on God and the mystery of Redemption, far from emancipating himself, he always ends up believing in everything. At that point the Angels end up reduced to figures that can vary from tarot cards to new age, becoming elements that witches and ufologists abuse.


His attentions, his research and publications also focused on particular figures of male and female saints who had a close connection with the Angels. Among them Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), Benedictine nun beatified in 1324 and canonized in 2012 by the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI who proclaimed her a doctor of the Church. And here an aside between the lines is allowed: let's hope that after the recent Italian controversies regarding the declination of male names into female, where in the opinion of the Honorable Laura Boldrini the first female president of the Council of Ministers should not be called "Mr. Prime Minister" or "Prime Minister" but "President" and "Prime Minister", the same, or several of his friends within the disastrous contemporary Catholic world, do not also enter our house to argue and therefore to demand that Saint Hildegard or Saint Catherine of Siena be referred to from now on no longer as “doctors” but as "doctors of the Church".


That of Doamna Ildegarda, as the Benedictine nuns were called yesterday and as they still are today, he was an extraordinary and multifaceted figure. Over the course of her long life she has worked from philosophy to poetry to dramaturgy, from music to cosmology to healing herbalism. He had the gift of prophecy and clairvoyance, he carried out studies on the therapeutic properties of gems and stones.


Needless to say: the work of Marcello Stanzione, who has dedicated many publications to this figure [see WHO], it was particularly helpful, indeed truly indispensable to snatch this titan of a woman from the clutches of magicians, ufologists and followers of new age. Why not, even from those of some deranged priest, Unfortunately!


In his latest book, written together with Elisa Giorgio, the Author talks about the healing properties of herbs according to studies, Saint Hildegard's research and recipes. It goes without saying that herbs with healing properties have always been used in medicine and pharmacology. It is a well-known fact that the Holy Pontiff John Paul II, suffering from Parkinson's disease, was given papaya, which did not cure him of that illness, but it gave him good benefits.


Obviously you can't cure cancer neither with herbs nor with the so-called "alternative medicine" and that it is good to let yourself be treated by oncologists and scrupulously follow their therapeutic prescriptions, certainly not those of certain shamans, But, precisely in the field of oncology and the treatment of hopeless terminally ill patients, The use of natural substances in palliative programs for the treatment of pain is increasingly widespread, including substances commonly defined as “drugs”, but which in truth are nothing more than herbs, starting from what is usually called marijuana, which is nothing other than Indian hemp, one of whose properties is that it is a powerful and effective anti-inflammatory, equally beneficial are the therapeutic properties of coca leaves and poppy plants from which opium is obtained.


With this new book of his Marcello Stanzione offers and returns to readers the real and extraordinary figure of a woman who is a giant in faith, in science and in what today we would define as cutting-edge research.


From the island of Patmos, 30 October 2022


With our editions Marcello Stanzione has published

click on the image to access the book shop





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The problem is not the bullshit of the priests but the lack of vigilance of the bishops who seem to want the honors but not the burdens of the episcopate


Not a day goes by without some priest leaping into the limelight for feats ranging from Eucharistic sacrilege to the grotesque. All facts before which, take it out on the priest or on priests in general, that would be the easiest, forgetting that we priests are only the tip of theiceberg and that the fault lies entirely with our bishops.

- Church news -



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the Brescian presbyter Giuseppe Fusari

Many bishops they are burdened with pastoral duties: meetings with the elders of the city, with politicians who with one hand offer funding for Catholic schools and the activities of the Diocese and with the other ten hands shut the mouth of the local Church on all the most sensitive issues that it would be his concern to deal with and bring to light. Their presence as religious authorities at the various official holidays is mandatory, at ribbon cutting and inauguration. Recently we even witnessed the case of a bishop who participated in the ribbon cutting on the occasion of the opening of the new headquarters of a Masonic Lodge [see articles WHO, WHO]. All in an incessant succession of «Excellence … Excellence … Excellence!». Title pronounced obsequiously by people so deeply rooted in the Catholic culture as to be convinced that the stoups of churches are bidet formerly made available by the charity of the Church to poor people who did not have running water at home, after which they remained there only because they are part of historical and artistic assets. And how well you understand, faced with this kind of mass of pastoral commitments, which to define burdensome is a small thing, the Blessed Apostle Paul, with all its tortuous journeys, including a shipwreck with a fortuitous landing in Malta, to then leave for Syracuse to reach Reggio and from there resume the journey to arrive months and months later in Rome, in comparison they are very little, rather: I'm really nothing [history in Acts of the Apostles: 27,1-28,16]. Or maybe you want to compare that joyful character of the Apostle of the Gentiles obsessed with the physical line, then from diets, that for this reason he didn't even eat every day, with our poor bishops forced to food gourmet prepared by the best chef on the occasion of official dinners together with the prefect, quaestor, district politicians and so on to follow? Those yes, which are penance. And let's not talk about their residences, inside which devoted nuns look after them, they serve them, li lavano e li stirano … because this is the charisma and vocation of certain religious: be waitresses. The work of some of our Bishops in what has been defined as a "field hospital Church" is certainly much more onerous than it was for the trench doctors of the First World War to treat wounded and dying soldiers. Then, to keep up with the times, among a triumph of iron pectoral crosses and pastoral staffs now forged by carpenters with pieces of raw wood, every time they take the chair they give their sermon on the poor and migrants, without it being of much interest to him that the world is always poorer in Christ and more and more faithful are emigrating outside the Catholic Church.


Also for these reasons many of our Bishops receive their priests after a long wait. Sometimes after demanding that a septuagenarian priest answer the questioning of a peevish lay secretary, if anything, even divorced and living with his partner, who peremptorily asks why the priest intended to bother His Most Reverend Excellency, so that he himself could evaluate whether to tell him to contact the Vicar General or the Episcopal Vicar. Perhaps this was what some destroyers of the ecclesial structure meant with their cry: «Make way for the laity in the Church?». If then the Bishop, having heard the invaluable favorable opinion of the lay secretary, grants the grace to receive a priest who dares to have big problems to solve and for which he conscientiously believes he should hear from the Pastor of the local Church who has given him the mandate to exercise the sacred ministry and in communion with whom he exercises the priesthood, here is that after glaring at him he often begins: "I felt, I don't want problems!». To one of these Bishops, to which I went to present a situation with a high risk of public scandal explosion, I replied to this joke: "Think about, instead I became a priest aware that I would have had a life of great problems, while she, who has received the fullness of the apostolic priesthood, he became bishop precisely in order not to have problems, accepting honors but rejecting all the great and onerous burdens of the episcopate. But look how strange life is!».


This is indeed the point: most of the new generation Bishops, ready to tear their clothes faster than Kaifa in front of an unknown illegal immigrant who drowned in the sea before reaching Lampedusa, they don't want pain in the ass, especially by their priests. And shortly after they declare to you in a theologically pleasant way to say the least that «the poor are the flesh of Christ». Indeed, as known, during the last supper Christ took a poor man and showed him to the Apostles telling them «this is my body, this is my blood", all after having washed the feet of the prisoners and whores of Jerusalem.


In many of our cathedrals the Mass of the Lord's Supper seems to have become the catwalk of whores. It is even rumored that an agency specially set up by the Nigerian Mafia provides the hire of whores to the Bishops for a fee, when on Maundy Thursday they have to put on their play: wash and kiss the feet of the whores. All with the applause of the local sections of the PD and the whole gotha the Left radical chic which magnifies the new «Church outgoing», so good and efficient at self-destructing itself, that it is no longer even necessary to oppose and strike it, we do everything by ourselves. And while this is happening, in the geriatric wards lay abandoned holy priests over eighty years old, with a life entirely given to the Church and to the People of God, to whom His Most Reverend Excellency takes care not to hand over the parrot to piss or wash the shit off, as I have done several times and similarly other brothers of mine, variously singled out by certain new generation bishops as "problematic priests", simply because they are faithful to the priesthood, to the doctrine and perennial magisterium of the Church. That's why we don't fear getting our hands dirty with piss and shit. Which the Bishop understandably cannot do, because he is too busy rinsing and kissing the feet of Nigerian whores on the day when the institution of the ministerial priesthood and the Holy Eucharist is solemnly commemorated, a solemnity now reduced for years to the theater of whores and prisoners, better if muslim. Or maybe he didn't choose Our Lord Jesus Christ, as Apostles consecrated priests of the New Covenant, a bunch of convicts and sluts?


As you can see from the chronicles not a day goes by without some priest leaping into the limelight for feats ranging from Eucharistic sacrilege to the grotesque [I refer to the articles by Father Ivano Liguori: WHO]. All facts before which, take it out on the priest or on priests in general, that would be the easiest, forgetting that we priests are only the tip of theiceberg and that the fault lies entirely with our Bishops and with that visible Church which in the name of a badly understood "spirit of the Council" - which completely distorted and distorted the last Council celebrated by the Fathers of the Church - has favored and even stimulated the laicization and the worldliness of the clergy. I've been repeating and writing about it for years: a crisis of doctrine arose within the Church which generated a great crisis of faith which finally gave rise to a serious moral crisis widespread among the clergy.


To say that priests should always wear a cassock by strict obligation and live their interior and exterior priestly life with great decorum and dignity, unfortunately it is a losing battle, totally. We have witnessed some scenes that to say indecorous is a small thing, think of the Paduan presbyter Marco Pozza who interviewed the Supreme Pontiff several times sitting in front of him with his legs crossed dressed in jeans, sneakers and cheeky open shirt, in a triumph of slovenliness like never before [cf.. video WHO, WHO, WHO]. But it gets worse, because he was the first to mock the cassock by rashly combining it with clericalism, to worldliness and rigidity, it was the Supreme Pontiff himself [cf.. WHO, WHO, WHO], unaware that the clericals of the worst kind are by no means the few priests who continue to wear the cassock as a clear sign of their inner and outer life, but some of his favorites politically correct from whom you get interviewed in jeans, sneakers and legs crossed. Of course, court ruffians can never be missing, for example the Archbishop of Catania who in violation of all ecclesiastical norms forbids his priests to wear the cassock outside churches, relegating it to liturgical dress [cf.. WHO], the whole, it goes without saying, to avoid unspecified forms of "rigidity".


Soon said: from the priest in civilian clothes who interviews the Supreme Pontiff to the priest with the red loincloth, o al tattooed priest doing bodybuilding and who posts photos of his pumped-up physique from the gym and anabolic steroids social media, the step is very short. Therefore, take it out on the Brescian presbyter Giuseppe Fusari, bodybuilder priest who publishes his own half-naked photo, more than a simple thing would almost be a cowardly thing, at least for us aware that "fish stinks starting from the head". It is therefore useless to blame the tip of the fish's tail, than the reckoning, more than guilty, he is only the victim of an ill-formed and totally deformed priesthood, all with the blessing of the new generation Bishops.


For little it may be worth, know that my experience makes my discomfort and pain particularly strong. Unease and pain that I share with many of my other confreres who, like me, had the grace from God to know as children, adolescents and young people of authentic holy priests, who then became our models of priestly life. We have met truly holy bishops, ready at any moment of their day to bend over backwards for their priests, none of whom died forgotten in the depths of a hospital without receiving a visit from the Bishop several times, who himself provided to comfort them with the Sacraments. I remember a Bishop who canceled two very important appointments that had been scheduled for months for that day: the sacred ordinations of four priests that should have been held in the morning and his participation in an important public event of a local-historical nature in the afternoon. One of his priests was dying in hospital, where the Bishop ran, canceling sacred ordinations an hour earlier with this lapidary phrase: «The four who are to become priests can also wait a few days, they have before them a whole priestly life. My task and duty is to assist a dying priest of mine, who gave his entire existence to the Church and to the service of the People of God". And we are not few who have come to the priesthood through these models of Bishops and Priests who remain fixed in our memories, but not as figures of a past time that was, but as holy models of what a bishop and presbyter ought to be, always and at all times.


We have known Bishops who did not speak at all in an obsessive-compulsive way about the poor and migrants and who, when they appeared in public, manifested in their outward form all the ineffable dignity of the episcopate, especially when they celebrated Holy Mass. Only when they died did we later discover that they hadn't even left any money for their funeral expenses, after giving everything they had to poor families who found it difficult to clothe their children. None of them would ever have dreamed of transforming their cathedral churches into taverns and being filmed by photographers and cameraman as they served meals to the poor, as if the Church - in particular the Italian one - did not have an abundance of buildings to set up lunches, avoiding desecrating churches.


Our decline is irreversible because we have crossed the threshold of no return for years now [cf.. my article WHO]. We must therefore witness the painful images of a Supreme Pontiff who is interviewed by a pretino-trends in indecorous attire and in perfectly rude poses, we have to put up with the antics of our Bishops who hire whores to rinse and kiss their feet Mass of the Lord's Supper reduced to a painful little theater of the grotesque, we must feel alone, strangers and even unwelcome in our Holy House increasingly similar to the hall of the Great Sanhedrin and the Praetorium of Pilate, aware that the passion of Gethsemane has begun for the Church. And after the crucifixion, death and burial, the mystagogical experience will conclude with the resurrection. At that point we will begin to rebuild with enormous effort on the ashes of the great destruction. And to do so we will be four cats, but animated by true faith, true hope and true charity.


the Island of Patmos, 29 October 2022


In the picture: the Brescian presbyter Giuseppe Fusari – What to expect in the near future, perhaps a priest who comes to celebrate Christmas Mass in a red loincloth?














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The author of the delusional "Ratzinger Code" is an evident emissary of the smallest and most deviant Masonic esotericism of an anti-Catholic matrix



This character is looking for an author it is totally foreign to the world and to Catholic culture. We scholars on the way to old age do not require any particular effort to grasp between its lines, in addition to crass ignorance in matters of doctrine, of faith and above all of Church history and ecclesiastical law, a meandering esoteric element that just can't hide.

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the pamphlet by Andrea Cionci

Who has been reading me for years and know my articles and books can impute many things to me, starting with my writing and expressing myself in an often harsh way, without resorting to periphrases and vague implications. To be incisive, I sometimes use colorful phrasebooks as idioms, especially on very delicate issues. It is therefore with extreme clarity that I publicly affirm that the journalist Andrea Cionci, author of Ratzinger Code, a pamphlet delusional and outrageous towards the Supreme Pontiff Francis, he is an emissary of the worst Masonic esotericism of an anti-Catholic matrix.


I know nothing of this subject, I don't care where and how he lived, where it comes from, what his public and private life is, how and where he was formed… nor would I ever dream of investigating him, as he tried to do on me, unaware of running into numerous people who promptly warned me: "A certain Andrea Cionci is beating far and wide to ask for very sensitive information about you". So I don't know who he is, I don't care to know nor do I want to know. Someone told me that the news about him on the Net is very scarce, an experienced computer engineer explained to me that maybe, your internet, your data may have been cleaned up, as if he was born suddenly at the moment in which he begins to write nonsense about Benedict XVI's act of resignation, which he considered invalid and the consequent illicit and invalid election of the "false usurper pope Bergoglio".


One of its limitations is not to measure one's opponents well, since the undersigned, as well as being a Tuscan-Roman priest who, if necessary, seasons the speech with a colorful word, it is a lot more: a very adult man with a complex lived experience that brought him, among other things, to have many acquaintances and friendships. I have known and still know senior state officials who have often turned to me for advice, or to use myself as an interlocutor with the Ecclesiastical Authorities, in order to avoid that certain clerics inclined to get into trouble ended up slammed on the front pages of newspapers for moral issues that do not constitute any crime under the law of the Italian Republic, but that for a young monsignor of the Roman Curia pinched in certain environments can instead represent a lot, both for Catholic ethics and for the internal law of the Church.


To this beginner with the complex of the genius who thinks to bring to light and dissolve the most complex and occult plots, I fear it is not very clear that I have been able to afford to publicly refer a criminal to a powerful cardinal of the Roman Curia, then fell out of favor, but eight months later, not when I accused him and his henchmen of being worse than those of the Banda della Magliana, because in those days he was an untouchable at the height of power [cf.. video: WHO, by the minute 37:30]. And nobody, starting with the Bishop to whose jurisdiction I belong, not even half a sigh. Now, one of two: or the Author of this pamphlet he's just an amateur on the loose who has to grow and mature, or is burdened with limits so insurmountable that they make him unable to understand that any priest who dared to give a criminal to a powerful cardinal of the Roman Curia, in response, the Ecclesiastical Authority would have taken off the skin by sending him running to graze the sheep, but those of the Sardinian flocks of the most remote lands of Barbagia, not the sheep of the Holy Flock of the Lord.


To accuse and convict a defendant proof is needed, in the absence of which we are all innocent until proven otherwise. This does not mean that to convict a murderer it is necessary to find him with the smoking gun in his hand and the bloody corpse of the dead man lying on the ground.. Or perhaps it appears that most of the men who ended up in jail for rape were caught in the act of crime by the State Police while they were intent on raping a woman? Anyone who has practiced criminal law or knows it a little in general culture, knows what the "circumstantial trial" is. This means that when there is no direct evidence through which the relevant substantial element takes shape, it is possible to arrive at the elaboration of the proof through clues that are not mutually discordant and that together end up proving the fact.


This character is looking for an author it is totally foreign to the world and to Catholic culture. We scholars on the way to old age do not require any particular effort to grasp between its lines, in addition to crass ignorance in matters of doctrine, of faith and above all of Church history and ecclesiastical law, a meandering esoteric element that just can't hide. Or was he not promptly put out the door when in the past, before venturing into the fantasy plots of the "invalid renunciation of Benedict XVI" and of the "Bergoglio antipope", tried to propose to very expert and serious scholars a work on the Holy Shroud that smelled of esotericism? In short, we are faced with a subject that is decidedly foreign to the world and to Catholic culture, who in a clumsy way to say the least has decided to take on the role of the traditionalist, that make it as bizarre as I would be if I decided to take off my priestly cassock and wear a miniskirt overnight. Okay I'm friends with trans Vladi Gain, aka Luxuria, but seeing me in such a state, I think the first to be disappointed would be her.


I mentioned earlier to various institutional environments with which I found myself in close contact. My relationships, always multiple and varied, they are those of a man who has contact with everyone, even with what is very far from Catholicism, always maintaining my identity as a priest and faithful theologian until death to the deposit of faith and to the Holy Church of Christ. Given this premise, I can have - and have - relationships of sincere friendship with a sex addict anarchist like Giuseppe Cruciani, with a pure communist like Vauro Senesi, which I respect both for its coherence and for its human sensitivity. I have repeatedly confronted myself with Alessandro Cecchi Paone, who makes no secret of his homosexuality or of the fact that he belongs to the highest degrees of Freemasonry and that he has a totally different perception of human life from mine, but with whom it has always been a great pleasure to talk. I wrote the preface to Francesco Mangiacapra's book, a former gigolo, today my dear friend, thanks to which a circle of priests who availed themselves of the sexual services of hustlers was brought out [cf.. WHO]. Among the Italian commentators, the one I respect most is Daniele Capezzone, ex child prodigy of Marco Pannella, model of authentic liberalism, lucid man and not conditioned by ideologies, starting with liberalism itself. but yet, on issues such as abortion and euthanasia we certainly do not think the same way, but this does not detract from my esteem for him.


I made these premises to get to the point: I fear that only a novice boy may think that he has not had or does not have relations with people who belong to the highest degrees of Freemasonry and who run the most ancient Lodges. All people who enjoy my esteem, many of them are scholars of the highest level, other internationally renowned professionals to whom it has always been clear what I think of Freemasonry as a Catholic and a priest, that is to say that joining it and being registered in the Masonic lodges is incompatible with being Catholic. Notwithstanding my esteem for many of these individuals, who in turn respect me and love me.


And just friends belonging to the highest degrees of Freemasonry they asked me if by chance I had not noticed that this kid in search of visibility manifested the typical way of thinking of those belonging to the esoteric currents of that pseudo-Freemasonry that their serious Masons do not recognize as such and that they have always judged ridiculous deviations from small and pathetic enlightened aspirants.


The reason soon explained: this character, which we cannot define as a dangerous wolf, annoying at best chihuahua with the complex of pitt bull, after masquerading as an unlikely Catholic and as an even more unlikely traditionalist Catholic, began to launch attacks on the Papacy of such violence that not even the most ferocious anticlerical Freemasons of the nineteenth century had managed to launch. Also because they were skilled men, capable and intelligent, for this they considered the Blessed Pontiff Pius IX a very gifted man, as well as a formidable opponent and not easy to hit.


What the Author of Ratzinger Code spreads they are a mass of theories built on not even obvious lack of evidence, but precisely on the total absence of the vaguest clues. Everything is based on absurd and alleged brain-bending evidence based on nothing and contrived through the manipulation and alteration of Church documents, some words, facts and even silences and non-answers given, to the point of creating absurd non-truths entirely based on illogical elements, irrational and surreal.


Why Alessandro Sallustri, long-time journalist and expert editor of newspapers, let this subject have been writing similar inconsistencies on the newspaper's blog for some years now Free? Let's try to explain it to the candid souls who take the statements of politicians and conductors to be true talk-show Mediaset and Rai who, speaking of Vladimir Putin's Russia, affirm: “We are a free country with a free press!». And here we must pay honors to Mrs. Ilona Staller, aka Cicciolina, who, on the other hand, would never dream of announcing «I am an unblemished virgin!», because she is a consistent and truthful woman. So, the newspaper Free belongs to the current of the various Right that in the Supreme Pontiff Francis - whether it be true or wrong - they see a figure in their opinion unbalanced towards the Left. And certain things - whether they are true or false - must always be paid for, sometimes even with the help and instigation of certain poisoned churchmen who, hidden behind the scenes, blow the fire. Now try to imagine what would have happened if the Author of the Ratzinger Code had dared to sketch a vague conspiratorial sigh about Senator Matteo Salvini or the Honorable Giorgia Meloni. In the space of a few hours they would bounce it off the mark of that newspaper. The same thing would have happened with any de The Republic if he had done the same with figures loved by the Left radical chic. Suffice it to recall the recent case of Senator Tommaso Cerno, another free and brilliant mind, excluded from all public televised debates for his aversion to the bill on homotransphobia by the Honorable Alessandro Zan, that if he had passed as it was written he would have pursued the crime of opinion [on the subject, I refer to the book written by the Capuchin theologian Ivano Liguori and myself: WHO]. And with this it is clear why this subject can write absurd things in that newspaper, in this historical moment and under the direction of that director. Simply because someone considered his junk politically useful for striking and sowing confusion, regardless of whether they are true. Or you think some people care about the truth? Sometimes some unintelligent manipulators invent that or that code without even realizing that they are being manipulated and used as "useful idiots" by more intelligent people who are part of the great cogs of more or less occult powers.


The Ecclesiastical Authority on the one hand, i media Catholics on the other hand, they are wise and prudent in saying that this subject should not be given any visibility and that there is no answer to those who build illogical-irrational theories on absurd and surreal elements. But, at a certain point, when the clues agree and end up forming evidence, it is necessary to affirm what the Ecclesiastical Authority cannot say but what I can say: this subject belongs to those esoteric strands of deviated pseudo-Freemasonry and for some years, disguised as an unlikely Catholic and an even more unlikely Catholic traditionalist, tries to strike outrageously, that Papacy that supports the entire structure of the Catholic Church is incessant and methodical.


An eminent historian of the Italian Risorgimento he told me that the most furious anticlericals who lived at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries never reached such low levels. Not just because they were people with intelligence and skills, but because of the Papacy they fought and wanted to overthrow they recognized all the authority, the authority and also the historical greatness. They certainly did not spread pamphlet in which they claimed to have demonstrated with irrefutable evidence that Pius IX was a false pontiff elected in an invalid conclave.


Faced with all this we have only one consolation, which in itself is no small thing: we are faced with a clumsy beginner with low intelligence. And this I do not say, A Venerable Master of the Grand Orient of Italy told me, seventy-year-old man and personality with an encyclopedic culture, who for twenty years has considered me a sincere and loyal friend and that for this reason has always known what I think of Freemasonry. But my public and private relationships with individuals are something else, not by chance I am a priest, which as such has a duty to welcome everyone and listen to everyone, always saying what to me, my faith and catholic morality is right or wrong, giving an example of an experience that is always in total adherence, both public and private, with the truths announced and taught by the Church.


I wish Andrea Cionci happy growth, while continuing to settle for fishing in the sea plot ByoBlu of Internet users suffering from functional illiteracy and digital illiteracy, ready to believe in the existence of pink elephants that fly with wings, because in addition to this audience can not go, they lack maturity, intelligence and talent. Therefore, be satisfied with doing business with an outcast like the poor priest excommunicated and discharged from the clerical state Alessandro Minutella.


To tell him all this with kindness he is a man who if he calls on the phone certain cardinals answer him after the third ring and that, for this and more, how the Church works and the Papacy thinks they know much better than he does. That is, just enough to give him a loving paternal caress on the head, take him by the hand, take him to eat an ice cream cone and wish him, between licks, to be able to become a great day to be able to take care of things when you grow up. Otherwise he will spend his life licking the bleeding wounds from the lashes received, without ever understanding that a first-hair teenager does not shoot a rubber-shot gun at a trained soldier holding a kalashnikov, does not give a slap to Mike Tyson, nor does he rush on a bicycle mountain bike along the tracks against the high-speed train, screaming that he had discovered the Ratzinger Code and to be able to shoot it, because of this, biggest of all.


the Island of Patmos, 26 October 2022














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When the priest wants to promote the rights of secularism, the bishops have the duty to demand a priest who promotes the Church


Per certi preti oggi vivere nella Chiesa è un po’ come percepire il reddito di cittadinanza, allows you to live on a salary without giving absolutely anything. Togliere la congrua a questi soggetti sarebbe la prima azione necessaria, insieme all’interdetto a ricoprire incarichi ecclesiali rappresentativi in nome di una Chiesa con cui non si sentono in comunione.

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Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.


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un libro molto consigliato in lettura (cliccare sull’immagine per aprire la presentazione)

Dopo la celebrazione della Santa Messa sul materassino [you see who, who, who, who] e quella in tenuta ciclistica [you see who, who, who, who] the kermesse del clericalmente corretto ha aggiunto un nuovo tassello verso il completamento del grande mosaico della Church outgoing, poor for the poor, in cui l’unica vera povertà da tutti percepita è quella in materia dottrinale che finisce per condizionare la prassi pastorale.


Così nella bella Liguria, al confine con le Cinque Terre, in quel di Bonassola il presbitero Giulio Mignani della diocesi della Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato si è meritato l’onorificenza di ambasciatore per i diritti del laicismo, tanto da avere come attendente niente meno che l’agguerrito Marco Cappato [you see who, who, who, who]. Devo dire che ci siamo persi, per la “gioia” del prete e del promotore dell’eutanasia, una sicura performance del nostro Padre Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, prontamente invitato a dibattere con loro al programma Straight and Reverse in onda giovedì 13 ottobre su Rete 4. Il nostro confratello non intendeva però mancare al funerale di uno dei suoi grandi maestri, il gesuita Peter Gumpel, insigne teologo e storico del dogma [see who], celebrato a Roma venerdì mattina alle 10 presso la cappella della curia generalizia della Compagnia di Gesù. Questo gli ha reso impossibile recarsi negli studi di Cologno Monzese. Se sia stato un bene o un male non è dato sapere, forse avremmo assistito a chissà quali fuochi di artificio.


Both clear, tutto questo bailamme non è il risultato di un colpo di testa estivo ma è il ragionato e meticoloso lavoro di svariati anni di ministero parrocchiale in cui questo prete pro-eutanasia si è presentato come l’esponente di un pensiero teologico filo-germanico che lo delinea come prete di rottura, come del resto ha fatto, sta facendo e ancora farà in Sardegna il presbitero Ettore Cannavera [you see who].


Da Crotone a Mazara del Vallo passando per Bonassola, isole comprese ecco realizzata la nuova via sacra in cui i novelli presbiteri inclusivi, resilienti e paladini dell’amore sfoggiano con orgoglio i paramenti iridati fino a calcare il recinto del Tempio dei Diritti in cui possono offrire le primizie del loro zelo e ribadire che l’unico vero dogma esistente è la Resistenza.


Yup, resistenza e vigilanza, come ci pare stia già facendo la Conferenza Episcopale Italiana dopo le ultime elezioni politiche [you see who, who]. Davanti a una Chiesa ritenuta omofoba e allergica alle politiche civili sull’aborto e sul fine vita, c’è bisogno di resistere: resistere davanti alla Verità, resistere davanti al buon senso, resistere davanti all’ovvio, resistere anche davanti all’innocenza incolpevole che si incarna nelle fattezze di un feto, di un disabile o di un malato terminale, resistere soprattutto davanti a Gesù Cristo che non informa più la vita di numerosi presbiteri, i quali strizzano l’occhio alla militanza civile. Un tempo andavano di moda i preti operai, oggi quelli attivisti e resistenti!


Come risaputo la resistenza migliore è quella che si consuma to enter, tra quinte colonne che operano all’interno delle Curie arcivescovili, nei saloni parrocchiali, dove i sacerdoti possono fare liberamente il loro coming out di pensiero e manifestare le vere intenzioni che si uniscono ai rispettabilissimi ragionamenti a-teologici e a-cattolici che vengono fatti passare come l’architettura su cui si costruisce una spiritualità alternativa (non “indietrista” direbbe qualcuno), come si affretta a chiarire il prete pro-eutanasia all’intervistatore delle Iene [vedi video who by the minute 4,30].


Se è vero che la bocca parla della pienezza del cuore [Mt 12,34], la bocca di questo prete e di tanti altri come lui ha abbondantemente parlato in questi ultimi anni mettendosi consapevolmente e orgogliosamente al di fuori dell’insegnamento della Chiesa. Ma stavolta, nell’ingranaggio ben oliato della lotta per i diritti civili, qualcosa è andato storto, un vescovo ha voluto dire la sua e si è messo di traverso come inciampo evangelico affinché fosse a tutti noto che la militanza di quel suo presbitero non solo era ed è sbagliata, ma bisognava farla giungere al capolinea.


Sono assolutamente convinto che la notizia del provvedimento canonico della sospensione a divinis sia giunta senza troppe sorprese: sicuramente non per il prete che aveva già da tempo fatto un pensierino di abbandonare la Chiesa [you see who] ma anche per la diocesi spezzina assuefatta dalle dichiarazioni diuturne del prete dei diritti. Da parte sua il vescovo S. AND. Mons. Luigi Ernesto Palletti si è comportato da gran signore, non ha fatto nulla di più di quanto un autentico successore degli apostoli dovrebbe fare, cosa che oggi lo definisce come una mosca bianca nel panorama episcopale italiano. Non solo si è dimostrato veramente un padre paziente davanti ai capricci di questo figlio prodigo ― prete di rottura che ha rotto abbastanza le altrui ortodosse gonadi presbiterali ― ma anche ha saputo promuovere percorsi di recupero e di riconciliazione con questo suo prete più intento a difendere i diritti civili che ad amare la Chiesa di Cristo di cui è stato costituito ministro.


Voglio ricordare a tutti i nostri Lettori che ogni candidato al sacerdozio, prima dell’ordinazione diaconale e prima di quella sacerdotale pronuncia un giuramento molto chiaro e vincolante, che poi ribadisce nel momento in cui assume incarichi ufficiali all’interno della Chiesa. Qui di seguito riporto i testi a cui è necessario fare riferimento:


Io N.N. credo e professo con ferma fede tutte e singole le verità che sono contenute nel simbolo della fede, that is: I believe in one God, Almighty Father, creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God, He born of the Father before all ages: God from God, light from light, True God from true God, generated, not created, of the same substance as the Father; through him all things were created. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, e per opera dello Spirito Santo si è incarnato nel seno della Vergine Maria e si è fatto uomo. Fu crocifisso per noi sotto Ponzio Pilato, died and was buried. On the third day he was resurrected, according to the Scriptures, è salito al cielo, siede alla destra del Padre. It will come again, in glory, to judge the living and the dead, and his reign will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, che è Signore e dà la vita e procede dal Padre e dal Figlio. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified, and spoke through the prophets. Credo la Chiesa, una santa cattolica e apostolica. Professo un solo battesimo per il perdono dei peccati. Aspetto la resurrezione dei morti e la vita del mondo che verrà. Amen. Credo pure con ferma fede tutto ciò che è contenuto nella Parola di Dio scritta o trasmessa e che la Chiesa, sia con giudizio solenne sia con magistero ordinario e universale, propone a credere come divinamente rivelato. Fermamente accolgo e ritengo anche tutte e singole le verità circa la dottrina che riguarda la fede o i costumi proposte dalla Chiesa in modo definitivo. Aderisco inoltre con religioso ossequio della volontà e dell’intelletto agli insegnamenti che il Romano Pontefice o il Collegio episcopale propongono quando esercitano il loro Magistero autentico, sebbene non intendano proclamarli con atto definitivo.

Io N.N. nell’assumere l’ufficio di […] prometto di conservare sempre la comunione con la Chiesa cattolica, sia nelle mie parole che nel mio modo di agire. Adempirò con grande diligenza e fedeltà i doveri ai quali sono tenuto verso la Chiesa, sia universale che particolare, in which, secondo le norme del diritto, sono stato chiamato a esercitare il mio servizio. Nell’esercitare l’ufficio, che mi è stato affidato a nome della Chiesa, conserverò integro e trasmetterò e illustrerò fedelmente il deposito della fede, respingendo quindi qualsiasi dottrina ad esso contraria. Seguirò e sosterrò la disciplina comune a tutta la Chiesa e curerò l’osservanza di tutte le leggi ecclesiastiche, in particolare di quelle contenute nel Codice di Diritto Canonico. Osserverò con cristiana obbedienza ciò che i sacri Pastori dichiarano come autentici dottori e maestri della fede o stabiliscono come capi della Chiesa, e presterò fedelmente aiuto ai Vescovi diocesani, perché l’azione apostolica, da esercitare in nome e per mandato della Chiesa, sia com­piuta in comunione con la Chiesa stessa.

Così Dio mi aiuti e questi santi Vangeli che tocco con le mie mani.

Sosterrò la disciplina comune a tutta la Chiesa e promuoverò l’osservanza di tutte le leggi ecclesiastiche, in particolare di quelle contenute nel Codice di Diritto Canonico. Osserverò con cristiana obbedienza ciò che i sacri Pastori dichiarano come autentici dottori e maestri della fede o stabiliscono come capi della Chiesa, e in unione con i Vescovi diocesani, fatti salvi l’indole e il fine del mio Istituto, presterò volentieri la mia opera perché l’azione apostolica, da esercitare in nome e per mandato della Chiesa, sia compiuta in comunione con la Chiesa stessa.


Il presbitero spezzino Giulio Mignani ha sicuramente pronunciato davanti al suo vescovo e agli officiali di Curia questo giuramento impegnativo, sebbene sostenesse di fatto tutto il contrario. Sarebbe quindi ora di giungere a una resa dei conti, non in seno alla battaglia per la difesa dei diritti civili, ma nel cuore e nella vita di questo fratello sacerdote. I'll explain: in Italia nessuno proibisce a nessuno di svolgere la carriera di attivista in qualsiasi campo (purché si rispetti la legalità), per questo motivo Giulio Mignani farebbe bene in avvenire a discernere quello che intende fare. Lui ha il pieno diritto di esercitare la parresia e dire al suo vescovo che rinuncia al suo sacerdozio per perseguire la nobile causa di attivista pro-aborto, pro-eutanasia, pro-unioni arcobaleno, lasciando così che a parlare sia la sua singola e rispettabile persona, non però quella della Chiesa che come sacerdote egli rappresenta e di cui si vuole fare portavoce.


I repeat: questo è nel suo pieno diritto, così come è nel pieno diritto della Chiesa, dei vescovi e dei fedeli avere dei sacerdoti che sappiano annunziare Cristo, testimoniare il Vangelo della vita e difendere il deposito delle fede dai lupi rapaci che insinuano l’errore, anche se deboli e peccatori. Nessuno mai ha preteso dai sacerdoti un certificato di impeccabilità, siamo i primi a sperimentare la contraddizione, ma è doverosa una proporzionata chiarificazione delle proprie intenzioni liberamente assunte davanti alla Chiesa e al popolo santo di Dio al momento della sacra ordinazione.


Sarò malizioso ma per certi preti oggi vivere nella Chiesa è un po’ come percepire il reddito di cittadinanza, allows you to live on a salary without giving absolutely anything. Togliere la congrua a questi soggetti sarebbe la prima azione necessaria, insieme all’interdetto a ricoprire incarichi ecclesiali rappresentativi in nome di una Chiesa con cui non si sentono in comunione. Dopo di che si aspetta per vedere se le varie associazioni promotrici dei diritti civili, quelle che non lesinano a pubblicizzare e aizzare questo genere di sacerdoti, saprebbero sobbarcarsi il loro completo mantenimento, magari come addetti al volantinaggio nelle scuole in favore della pillola RU486, in qualche gazebo in piazza per dirci quanto è misericordiosa e buona l’eutanasia o forse come barman presso il Muccassassina di Roma. Perché deve essere chiaro che chi predica il Vangelo, dal Vangelo sarà sostenuto nelle sue necessità. Chi invece predica i diritti civili, dai diritti civili dovrà essere ugualmente sostenuto, visto che non è più possibile invocare l’errore o la confusione mentale quando si è arrivato a fare una lucida e pubblica professione di fede da attivista.


I hope I'm wrong ma da oggi a qualche mese potremmo sentire ancora parlare di questo confratello, forse perché ridotto allo stato laicale, per richiesta sua o come conseguenza canonica per il mancato ravvedimento. Davanti a una Chiesa percepita come oscurantista e incapace a riconoscere l’amore vero, egli sarà il nuovo martire dei diritti e dell’inclusione. Portato in trionfo tra i vari salotti televisivi del pensiero democratico egli proclamerà la bellezza di essere sacerdote: sacerdote senza più mediazione con il divino, sacerdote mortificato nel suo essere profeta contro corrente, sacerdote svuotato di quella fortezza dei martiri che sanno affrontare la croce soprattutto quando si sentono inermi.


Concludo manifestando tutto il mio rammarico per quei fedeli che oggi gridano allo scandalo a causa della sospensione peep di Giulio Mignani, perché non si rendono conto che questo confratello non è una loro proprietà da usare, così come è tremendamente ingiusto percepirlo come ariete per forzare la porta della Chiesa. Mi spiace anche per tutti i fratelli omosessuali, per tutte le donne che hanno abortito e per coloro che hanno desiderato mettere fine alla loro vita: hanno perso una buona occasione per incontrare un Cireneo capace di affiancarsi alle loro sofferenze senza giudizio, tanto da venirne sollevati per un tratto di strada, incamminati verso la sola vera liberazione che giunge al mattino della domenica di Pasqua e che ha nel Risorto l’unico e vero protagonista, non un uomo – anche se animato dalle migliori intenzioni – che gioca a tana libera tutti.

Laconi, 15 October 2022





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Tomorrow the Society of Jesus will be buried forever. Peter Gumpel is dead, Jesuit of the old school and postulator of the cause of beatification of Pius XII



Father Peter Gumpel was the last of the Mohicans. When tomorrow morning at 10 her funeral services will be celebrated with him will be permanently buried, after the previous deaths of the other elders, what was once the glorious Society of Jesus, reduced today to all the most tragic squalor personified by the unhappy and above all seriously heterodox jokes of their Superior General Arturo Sosa Abascal.

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Peter Gumpel (1923-2022) Jesuit theologian and historian of dogma, he was academic, expert at the Second Vatican Council, general postulator of the Society of Jesus and postulator of the cause of beatification of Pius XII

Yesterday morning Andrea Tornielli, dear old friend, he had the sensible kindness to inform me that the Jesuit Peter Kurt Gumpel had recently died, theologian and historian of dogma, already expert at the Second Vatican Council, for half a century postulator general of the Society of Jesus together with his confrere Paolo Molinari (1924-2014), with whom he took care of the cause of beatification of Pius XII. Both were trusted private advisors of the Holy Pontiff Paul VI in the delicate and turbulent historical phase of the post-council.


Father Peter, born in Hannover on 15 November 1923, he came from a rich family of the ancient German aristocracy, soon disliked the Nazi regime. This is the reason why they first moved to France and then to Holland, where the very young Peter, he learned the language and studied. Being a connoisseur of that country and its language, when decades later the delicate problem of the publication of the Dutch Catechism arose (1966), the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI sent him as his trustee on a visit to Holland.


Only male heir of the family, several times he told me of how much adolescent he expressed to his father that he wanted to enter the Society of Jesus:


“We were in the car, my father stopped, he made me get off with my dachshund dog with whom I walked a few kilometers to return home. When I entered my father told me never to go back to certain fantasies. Then he added that he would allow me to enter the Society of Jesus only if the Supreme Pontiff himself had told him ".


The young man took his father at his word. The family had known and hosted Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli several times, at the time apostolic nuncio to Berlin, elected in 1939 to the sacred throne, to which he did not hesitate to write. A month later the father received an autograph letter from the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII asking him to allow his son to enter the Society of Jesus..


Since I was a student with his brother Paolo Molinari he made a profound one, fraternal and intense friendship that lasted for a lifetime. During his student period in England he was an indefatigable fan of Father Paolo who masterfully played football. To my question if he ever played, with humor all the Teutonic answered:


"No, because it is intellectually more gratifying and physically less tiring to cheer from the stands for those who play ".


Yup, he preferred to sit and smoke one cigarette after another and enjoying the game of others. Heavy smoker, several times I found him in his study enveloped in a blanket of smoke. He could also have not signed the documents he had drawn up, because the author could have been recognized by the smell of tobacco that impregnated them. I told him once while I was smoking with him:


«Certainly smoking is seriously harmful to health, but I fear that even cancer is far from the Jesuits, taking care not to have to deal with dangerous subjects like you ".


Father Peter and Father Paolo they have been my teachers and trainers, for years they have guided me beyond the words imprinted in the documents of the Second Vatican Council, explaining step by step from which stories and events many of those texts were born. After my specialized studies in dogmatics, Father Peter started me on the study of the history of dogma, in the absence of which one can run the risk of ending up immersed in a dogmatic that rests on the clouds. He suggested that my bishop send me to study for a period of time in Germany, where I had some Jesuits of the old guard as teachers. Later I was trained in the postulation of the causes of the Saints, where they instructed me mainly on the papers of the delicate and complex process of beatification of the Venerable Pontiff Pius XII, to which I dedicated in 2006 the main section of my work Herbs Amare, from which a single essay dedicated to the figure of Eugenio Pacelli was later born: Pius XII and the Shoah.


The 2 May 2014, when the funeral services of Father Paolo Molinari were celebrated in the chapel of the General Curia of the Society of Jesus, I understood that Father Peter had lost half of his life and that from then on he would be prepared to lose the other half he had left.


The year was 2013 when during an interview he told me that the current Society of Jesus had no affinity and similarity with the one in which he had entered at the beginning of the Second World War. I understood that he was not referring to a transformation due to a natural process of evolution, but to a radical deformation that had long since affected the very heart of the charism of the Companions of St. Ignatius of Loyola.


Shortly after the friend's notice I arrived at the Residenza San Pietro Canisio together with my brother Marcello Stanzione, great expert in angelology with whom I had been traveling until the day before. We found his body composed at the least worst possible way, placed in a corner at the entrance of the San Pietro Canisio Residence, without a cross, without a light on, without a flower. Emblem of the squalor of today's East India Company. I kissed the cold forehead of my father and trainer, I laid my hands on his and together with Father Marcello we recited the From the depths and blessed is that revered body which it contained for almost 100 years his immortal priestly soul.


Father Peter Gumpel he was the last of the Mohicans. When tomorrow morning at 10 her funeral services will be celebrated with him will be permanently buried, after the previous deaths of the other elders, what was once the glorious Society of Jesus, reduced today to all the most tragic squalor personified by the unhappy and above all seriously heterodox jokes of their Superior General Arturo Sosa Abascal.


A beautiful memory by Father Federico Lombardi, S.J. his The Osservatore Romano [view of page. 4 from The Osservatore Romano, WHO].


the Island of Patmos, 13 October 2022














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As we had anticipated: the Bishop of Terni who participates in the inauguration of the Masonic Lodge "was misunderstood". Father Ariel will participate in the inauguration of the next Erotic Festival. And that no one dares to misunderstand it



"No one tears a piece from a new cloak to attack an old one; otherwise he will rend the new, and the patch from the new will not match the old " [LC 5, 36].

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I had already anticipated in my article yesterday [see WHO], that the press release would arrive on time to clarify that "... the Bishop was misunderstood".


And as anticipated, this happened: the Bishop of Terni filmed holding the ribbon during the cut for the inauguration of the new Masonic Lodge was just misunderstood. He was not an imprudent man who was poised between the imprudent and the idiot, but it was misunderstood, as the diocese's official communiqué says [see WHO].


I take this opportunity to inform the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops who in the next edition of Erotic Festival they will be able to see me between two pornstars plus with breasts in the wind intent on holding the ribbon for the inaugural cut, exactly as the Bishop of Terni did, misunderstood and misunderstood. And it is clear: that no one dares to misunderstand me. Also because a priest between two is much better and far less harmful pornstars than a blatantly imprudent bishop holding the inaugural ribbon to the Masons, only to declare himself misunderstood and misunderstood.


the Island of Patmos, 3 October 2022


Remake of the historic film The Misunderstood, with the extraordinary participation of the Bishop of Terni












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From his unreal world Alessandro Minutella takes it out on Archbishop Georg Gänswein. A human tragedy and a disaster of souls in a period of devastating crisis affecting the Catholic Church



In a Church that in an obsessive way seems capable of talking only about the poor and migrants while the house is burning engulfed in flames, a subject like Mr. Minutella can gather followers and produce huge souls disasters. Nor can we forget that he certainly did not become a priest by himself, quite the opposite: it is the emblem of one of the many monsters created by the superficiality and lack of vigilance of our Bishops and the formators appointed by them to train future priests.

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To open the video conference click on the image

Athe sad case by Alessandro Minutella, suspended priest from Palermo peep In the 2017, fell into excommunication In the 2018, resigned In the 2022 by the clerical state, punishment that the Church very rarely inflicts, I dedicated one conference to which I refer.


Il Signor Minutella he's a serial liar lying - who knows, perhaps even knowing that he is lying? ―, contradicting itself for years continuously. Proof of this are his videos present by the hundreds on the Internet in which he usually affirms the opposite of what was previously stated even after a short time, or even in the space of a single video. The dangerous element that characterizes this twisted psychology is the continuous falsification and manipulation of facts, of the history and documents of the Church and what they contain. Mr. Minutella specializes in having the documents of the Magisterium of the Church say what they do not contain. The technique he uses is always the same: takes a few lines, manipulates them, it distorts the text and makes the document say what it does not say. We have repeatedly shown that on certain texts it is not written what Mr. Minutella attributes to him but the exact opposite of what he affirms and supports.


Let's try to clarify matters with just one example among many: to argue that the election of the legitimate Successor of the resigning Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI is invalid and that the reigning Pontiff is a usurper antipope, has always used the Apostolic Constitution Dominic Flock where the Holy Pontiff John Paul II establishes:


"If the election had taken place otherwise than as prescribed in this Constitution or if the conditions set out here had not been observed, the election is therefore null and void, without any declaration in this regard e, so, it does not confer any rights on the elected person " [cf.. n. 76].


This statement however, it is only the conclusion of the entire previous Chapter V placed as closed at the end of precise and detailed explanations related to the mechanism of voting in conclave. Extrapolating these four lines and building on them what the entire Apostolic Constitution does not say is a serious and dishonest mystification. However, this is the consolidated action that Mr. Minutella has been carrying out for years: extrapolates a passage in which pacts and agreements between the Cardinals before the conclave are prohibited, extrapolates a closure that concludes Chapter V, after which it omits, with obvious criminal intent, to cite the article that clarifies since the opening of the following Chapter VI:


"If in the election of the Roman Pontiff - God forbid - the crime of simony were perpetrated, I decide and declare that all those who are guilty of it will incur excommunication automatic and that the nullity or non-validity of the same simoniacal provision is nevertheless removed, so that for this reason - as already established by my Predecessors - the validity of the election of the Roman Pontiff is not challenged [cf.. n. 78].


This is imprinted in that Apostolic Constitution to which Mr. Minutella attributes what was never written by the Holy Pontiff John Paul II, which, without penalty of misunderstanding, clarifies that not even the shameful and grave crime of simonia renders the election of the Roman Pontiff invalid and illegitimate.


The game should be clear and easy to unmask, but this is precisely the problem: Mr. Minutella addresses an audience of lost and superficial people in front of whom two different ways of acting collide: that of us theologians, philosophers and jurists who we speculate on the basis of scientific criteria structured on logic and rationality, that of the pseudo-theologian Minutella who knowingly plays on the emotionality of the frail and the weak and who acts in total disregard of logic and rationality. The pseudo-theology of Mr. Minutella is structured on a heretical Mariology with a millenarian structure that totally distorts the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary changed into a modern pagan divinity, with constant obsessive magical-esoteric references to the imminent triumph of his immaculate heart, without taking into account the absolute centrality of the Christological mystery. with a style that ranges between the tele-barker and the magician who reads the tarot, Mr. Minutella continually arouses in fragile and lost people that deleterious spirit towards which the Blessed Apostle Paul warns us by saying:


«The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, having itching ears they, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales " [II Tm 4, 1-4].

I neuro-video-delusions of Signor Minutella are an incessant itchy stimulus through the spreading of Marian messages, visions of mystics and mystics and their alleged prophecies, most of which have never been recognized as authentic by the Church. Tease the catastrophic morbidity with the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, obviously after having twisted and manipulated them, presents the writings of Maria Valtorta as foundations of faith, heedless of the negative judgments and condemnations of the Church [cf.. My previous article, WHO]. He insists that the “prophecies” of Blessed Katharina Emmerick are authentic, because according to him beatified by the Church. In doing so he demonstrates disturbing and crass ignorance, because when in the 2004 Emmerick was beatified the competent dicastery of the Holy See reiterated the inauthenticity of the so-called prophecies attributed to her by writing:


«The blessed has certainly left us only three letters. The other writings, which are erroneously attributed to it, have different origins: the "visions" of the Passion of Christ were annotated and reworked with great freedom and without any control by the German writer Clemens Brentano (1778-1842). The works in question cannot be considered either written or dictated by Emmerick and not even authentic transcriptions of her statements and narratives, but a literary work by Brentano " [Declaration of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, 2004].


If the Church proclaims a blessed, or later proclaims a blessed as a saint, this does not imply that he recognizes, you beatify and canonize everything you have said or written. Affirm to your followers that everything is authentic because the Church has beatified or canonized, it means expressing genuine idiocy. Mr. Minutella is able to mix together Our Lady of Fatima with Saint Malachi Bishop of Armagh, lived in the twelfth century, whose “prophecies” on the popes are a resounding forgery attributed to him and further manipulated in the seventeenth century. Mr. Minutella done all this, as Friar Cipolla in the short story of Giovanni Boccaccio, reassures the villagers about the authenticity of the amazing relics displayed, pointing out that he is "twice a doctor of sacred theology" and that he is a theologian trained at the school of St. Thomas Aquinas, as well as expert in theology of the famous twentieth century theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar. In fact, Mr. Minutella is so limited and ignorant that he would not be able to make even the structure of one question dell’Aquinate, however, he has such a nerve that he would be able to declare even the sensational fake of the Constantinian donation, stating that Lorenzo Valla, who proved its falsity in 1440, he was just a poor incompetent.


Numerous followers of this sect leader are suffering from functional illiteracy which makes them unable to read and understand a document, from other digital illiteracy. Both take as gold standard what their guru says, taking care not to make a very minimum effort: go on official site of the Holy See, look for and read the documents of the Magisterium of the Church which he overturned to ascertain that they say the exact opposite of what Mr. Minutella bi-doctor in sacred theology attributes to him. Both of these types of people are to such an extent devoid of critical sense that they are unable to analyze certain statements and compare them with those that demonstrate how surreal and insane the statements of Mr. Minutella are.. Let me be clear, by ignorant we do not mean humble or simple people who are always ready to listen and learn what they do not know, but those who refuse to reason, who are incapable of developing critical thinking and who with aggressive pride feel they possess knowledge, especially of true faith.


For some time now a journalist who writes rants on the newspaper's blog has taken on the shoulder of Mr. Minutella Free and who recently published a book in which he explains how the resigning Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI made an act of resignation through a document deliberately made invalid by various Latin grammatical errors. I do not know if this Lord is aware that in the Holy Gospels there are some errors, even gross ones due to translations and transcriptions, perhaps he also intends to invalidate the revealed Word of God? And so, after the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, forced to make an act of resignation, would have retired to "an impeded seat", began to speak and communicate "in code", to demonstrate in cryptic language the invalidity of his renunciation and the state of impediment that would not allow him to speak and express himself, but only to send encrypted messages, of which he is the only and brilliant world interpreter, as well as discoverer, this reporter fantasy Of Free.


The birth and proliferation of certain subjects it can also be a natural reaction in historical-social contexts that have always been known in sociology and mainly linked to the various stages of decadence marked by great cultural regresses and the consequent rejection of the basic principles of human rationality. It is in fact known that when one ceases to believe in the foundations of revealed faith, one ends up believing in everything. Of course, what is very perplexing is that a nice face of an undertaker like the director of Free Alessandro Sallustri allows space for such garbage. It would be as if in the nineties The Corriere della Sera had entrusted a front page column to Wanna Marchi and the magician Mário Pacheco Do Nascimento, if anything, after having removed space and closed a column entrusted to Vittorio Messori. A long-time newspaper editor who does not realize this is almost the corpse of a journalist who has now lost even that stiffness of death which might give it a certain charm.


In fact, we are beyond science fiction, beyond the grotesque, because if Benedict XVI had done what is attributed to him by Wanna Marchi and the magician Do Nascimento - respectively priest dismissed from the clerical state and journalist fantasy - you understand well that we would find ourselves before the most lying and cowardly Pontiff in the history of the Church.


Deny these people, as has been done several times, it is completely useless, because Mr. Minutella and the journalist author of this fantastic Ratzinger Code upset any sentence, word or deed. Example: Benedict XVI blinked his right eyelid twice? Think of it as a natural mechanism of the human body dictated by the functioning of the facial muscles? Absolutely not. In truth it is a Ratzingerian morse code through which the Holy Father, forced to make an act of renunciation, is communicating and confirming that he is in an "impeded seat" and that he is always the only and legitimate Roman Pontiff. Some think that Benedict XVI's hunched shoulders are due to the natural physical decline of a man in his nineties? Absolutely not. In truth, it is proof that the Holy Father is bent under the weight of the oppression of the Bergoglian conspiracy hatched by the so-called Mafia of St. Gallen by the cardinal Masons who are all venerable masters of the XXXIII degree of the Masonic Grand Lodge of the ancient Scottish rite.


It recently ended up in the viewfinder S. AND. Mons. George Ganswein Prefect emeritus of the Papal Household and still faithful private secretary of the resigning Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, to which Mr. Minutella sent a letter together with a small group of seven other priests following him on 6 August, asking for an account and confirmation that Benedict XVI had truly and validly renounced and that the Supreme Pontiff Francis was really his legitimate successor. We reason: to questions as idiotic and provocative as it would be possible to answer, especially if they are posed by manipulators who usually distort any response, even the clearest and most decisive? In fact, the reaction was not long in coming: a few weeks later, Mr. Minutella explained that the lack of response should not be read as a form of rudeness, but as a test of silence-assent. This is equivalent to sending a message to the Abbess of the Poor Clares of strict observance to ask if she is a virgin or if before becoming a nun, when she was a young secular woman, she had had sexual intercourse with men. These are perhaps questions to ask? there, do not think that asking such questions to a Supreme Pontiff who has made an act of resignation is so different from asking a question like the one just illustrated to the Abbess of the Poor Clares, except to state below that her failure to answer is a proof to be read as a form of silence-assent on the part of the Reverend Mother.


Recently Mr. Minutella complained that H.E. Mons. Georg Gänswein allegedly telephoned the brother priest of a German priest who joined his entourage stating that this subject is in concrete facts a “crazy” as well as “theologically out of my mind” and that his book Pietro, where are you? it does not deserve the paper it is printed on”. Let me be clear: all this is stated by Mr. Minutella, we don't know if this phone call took place. If it had happened, we do not know what Archbishop Georg Gänswein really said to his interlocutor and in what terms. One thing is certain: in case he had expressed those judgments, he would have said and summarized nothing but the reality of the facts.


The reply was not long in coming of Mr. Minutella who first of all gave the ignorant to Archbishop Georg Gänswein who by training is a canonist and who according to him "should know that a madman cannot incur excommunication, because he is not aware and therefore not responsible for his actions ". Also in this case, Mr. Minutella confirms Urbi et Orbi his ignorance and narrowness. Not all insane people or all people suffering from severe psychiatric disorders are subjects incapable of understanding and willing. We could start from Friedrich Nietzsche dead mad until the mathematician John Forbes Nash, Nobel Prize for Economics, who suffered from a very severe form of schizophrenia which could never be cured. All this proves that if there is an overt ignorant man, it is certainly not Archbishop Georg Gänswein but Mr. Minutella.


Victimist and whiner to the point of paroxysm, Mr. Minutella has been repeating for years: "No one wants to confront me on the merits of the issues", implying and giving his followers to drink that no theologian, canonist and ecclesiologist would hold up a comparison with such great and powerful science. The reality is quite different: although it proclaims itself "lion of Mary", in truth, Mr. Minutella is just a poor werewolf who screams like a castrated capon in a camera room from which he throws arrows in his videos, but who has always been careful not to seek and accept comparisons with true and serious scholars. Before Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke and the presbyter and theologian Nicola Bux, who tried to bring him back into the ranks at the beginning of his mad delusions between the 2016 and the 2017, this self-styled "lion of Mary" werewolf stood before them with his head down, with the tail between the legs and the small voice. So he did with them as with other interlocutors. Then, when she walks into her video-shooting room with her adoring caregivers nodding, at that point it turns into a hyena.


Qhen in September 2018 the Supreme Pontiff Francis he went to Palermo Mr. Minutella was warned in time and a private meeting with the Holy Father was proposed, so that she could have a chance to ask him about it or tell him what he thought to his face. All before he was notified of the excommunication automatic. What was the reaction of the self-styled "lion of Mary" werewolf? Two days before the arrival of the Holy Father he went to Verona, fired every worst poison and two days later returned to Palermo to continue vomiting on "Bergoglio antipope usurper emissary of the Antichrist", obviously from his room of filming assisted by his adoring caregivers. Why the "lion of Mary" did not take that splendid opportunity to tell the person directly concerned what he thought of him, instead of fleeing to Verona two days earlier and returning two days after the Holy Father had left Palermo? If the followers of this pathological liar ask coward unable to deal with anyone on the merits of delicate theological and juridical issues which he reduced to a little theater of the grotesque.


Someone wondered: why they did not receive it from Benedict XVI, so that he was informed by the voice of the person concerned about his free and valid act of renunciation, thus bringing him back to the right path? Several thought about this eventuality, but it was prudently discarded, the results would have been so obvious: the "lion of Mary" would have prostrated himself with his tail between his legs, her head down and her small voice, then, just got home, he would have flung himself into his bedroom to take on the role of the werewolf and announce that thanks to that meeting he had had irrefutable proof that Benedict XVI, imprisoned in “venue prevented”, he had been forced to reassure him under the threat of the powerful ecclesiastical freemasonry of the Vatican ruled by cardinal Satanist Masons affiliated to the Grand Orient of the Scottish Rite.


Mr. Minutella is one of the many monsters born within the Church and before which we should all question ourselves, our Bishops in the lead. He is neither intelligent nor cultured, he is by no means a talented communicator and is devoid of rhetorical art, he's just a salesman, a barker. Its cultural narrowness is embarrassing, for this he needs to advertise the academic qualifications obtained in ecclesiastical universities, which have never been proof and attestation of ability, science and intelligence. For several decades a specialization or a theological doctorate in Rome has been granted to anyone. We priests and theologians, that we know this, we laugh about it every time Mr. Minutella reassures his followers by citing their academic qualifications as a guarantee of the nonsense he utters.


Like a real cancer Mr. Minutella came to life and developed in a historical moment of serious intra and extra ecclesial crisis. For years I have been repeating that since the end of the 1960s a crisis of doctrine has developed in the Church which has given rise to a crisis of faith., the consequence of which was finally a devastating moral crisis of the clergy [cf.. my book And Satan became triune]. Devoid of intelligence and culture but rich in the cunning of the old illiterate peasant who can also be able to outsmart you with shrewdness, Mr. Minutella starts based on true things and objective data linked to this great and painful decadence that is affecting the Church, after which it sells endless falsehoods, gathering ever greater numbers of followers among those weak and lost Catholics who seek guidance and safety.


in a Church that obsessively he seems able to speak only of the poor and migrants while the house is burning engulfed in flames, a subject like Mr. Minutella can gather followers in ever greater numbers and produce enormous disasters of souls. Nor can we forget that he certainly did not become a priest by himself, quite the opposite: it is the emblem of one of the many monsters created by the superficiality and lack of vigilance of our Bishops and the formators appointed by them to train future priests. These would be the real ones MEA culpa that the Church should do, instead of asking forgiveness from the natives of the Americas to whom i “bad” Spanish conquerors of the 16th century prevented from continuing to make human sacrifices of children to the Inca and Aztec deities, thus giving breath to the trumpets of Signor Minutella, a monster that did not create itself but that was created by us, largely guilty and responsible for the huge disasters that it is doing on souls.


the Island of Patmos, 3 October 2022












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The Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia inaugurates the new headquarters of Freemasonry



The priests who from God have had the grace of having two balls, fundamental and indispensable prerequisite for the ministerial priesthood, if necessary, they must know how to turn them

- Church news -



The Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia at the cutting of the ribbon for the inauguration of the new Masonic Lodge

Faced with a fact of this kind my balls turn to the point that if they put me to soak in the port of Civitavecchia, after half an hour I would arrive in Cagliari pushed by my turbine balls [cf.. WHO].


And threatens who from God have had the grace to have two balls, fundamental and indispensable prerequisite for the ministerial priesthood, if necessary, they must know how to turn them, especially in the face of the colossal nonsense of certain bishops who have long competed with each other to see who commits the biggest bullshit, which the Holy See then oversees, provided that certain prelates speak in an obsessive-compulsive way of the poor and migrants.


There is no need to go back to the times of Blessed Pontiff Pius IX nor to those of the Supreme Pontiff Leo XIII or of the Holy Pontiff Pius X, the much more recent Holy Pontiff John Paul II would have been enough, because he would have flogged this bishop with his own hand.

I have nothing to add, if not my most devoted regards to the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, waiting for the now customary press release: «… the Bishop was misunderstood ". Although certain episcopal releases are not new, a confrere from Arezzo - still pissed off for this reason - told us that already in 2019 their Bishop was the guest of honor for the feast of the 150 years of the historic local Masonic Lodge [cf.. WHO].


We entrust the comment of this event to Roberto de Mattei, President of the Lepanto Foundation in Rome.


the Island of Patmos, 2 October 2022












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