(Part II) Worse than tearing the patch: Mass celebrated by soaking in the sea? Punctual as the ecclesial and ecclesiastical death comes the response of the Archdiocese of Crotone
"Before the Eucharist, a sense of the sacred is needed before the pastoral sense, that is, of the divine Presence ". And what divine presence is perceived in the wet mass by Mattia Bernasconi? I'd be curious to ask your bishop, as well as his dogmatic teacher, of liturgy and canon law that surely will have explained to him what the Catholic Mass is and how it is celebrated [previous article: who]
- Church news -
Punctual like the film An armchair for two the evening of 24 December, The press release from the Archdiocese of Crotone-Santa Severina has arrived (cf.. who) the day after the news of the Holy Mass celebrated at sea, on an inflatable mattress and in a bathing suit by the presbyter Mattia Bernasconi of the parish of San Luigi Gonzaga in Milan.
Already from the title of the press release – Rediscover the beauty of Liturgical Symbols – it's easy to understand that the patch, as usual, turns out to be worse than the tear. And in fact if we read the text carefully we have no difficulty in classifying this defense as the most classic of all supercazzole to Ugo Tognazzi.
First of all, questionable is the emphasis at the beginning of the diocesan statement. The seriousness of the fact that i.e. is not considered in the slightest, a Holy Mass has been ridiculed and assimilated like entertainment from an 80s holiday village, caring only to reiterate the «beauty and seriousness of the experience lived by these young people, who have chosen our territory to engage in a volunteer field and question themselves on the issue of legality".
You have understood, rigid dogmatists and phrenic liturgists, whited sepulchres, all grandmother's lace and lace? The important thing is to have given these kids a strong civil experience, having been able to educate them in legality and civic commitment and not in conscious participation in the Eucharistic mystery, something that would be hoped for young people coming from a parish in Milan and not from a provincial section of the Uar. But let's leave aside these claims of rigid and crooked-necked Christians.
You bigots messaioli you have the obligation to update yourself and understand that the new kerygma that is the most popular in the Church today is the valorization of civil rights in the territory. The rediscovery, maybe, of local and food and wine resources. It doesn't matter if then, in the name of the highest civil values, we fall into a clear violation of the deposit of faith, of the liturgical and canonical norms of the Church, perhaps to the scandal of the simple, that is, of those who still believe and participate in a Holy Mass with devotion as Domineddio intended it.
What matters it was the instrument that allowed these scions of the church of Milan to have a strong experience of something «to be appreciated and to be grateful for». And so we too join this very civil chorus of gratitude and say: «Thank you Lord thank you, Thank you sir (cf.. who)».
Still with jubilation in my heart and the tremor between the lips, hands down like those who know they have been defeated and surpassed, I shyly allow myself to suggest to the Archdiocese of Crotone-Santa Severina some pastoral ideas for the next summer youth gathering. First of all, the organization of some rave party educational courses for kids come on 15 to the 25 year old. Rave – who are we to doubt that rave party you can't even find something good? – in which young people feel encouraged to strengthen theirs socialization skills and at the same time be introduced to the knowledge and practical study of the most common psychotropic substances in the area - perhaps in collaboration with the toxicology department and risking the patronage of some anti-drug unit - which is certainly useful in anticipation of a hypothetical future university career in Pharmaceutical chemistry and technologies or enlistment in the police force.
Specifically I would propose also the setting up of some gazebos around bonfires suitable for tasting some good food and wine products from the region which helps agricultural businesses in difficulty to regain their space and self-confidence starting from the use of materials green with zero environmental impact to respect sister mother earth, starting from those extraordinary bombs that are the Calabrian sauces with very hot chili peppers that will leave you breathless.
With a summer program like that, we are sure of it, there will no longer be any need to even celebrate Holy Mass or pray to have a strong experience of God, because all, either for psychotropic substances or thanks to a good Cirò Rosso DOC, they will certainly be able to be prophets and see visions better than they did, at the time of Moses, Eldad and Medad [cf.. Nm 11,25-29].
But let's go ahead. Continuing reading the press release, one can only share the liturgy, as well as every celebration of the divine mysteries of the Church, consists of gestures and symbols that are right to respect and value. But the statement - or the writer of the statement - seems to omit the consequence that such respect and valorization implies - something which in the magisterium of the Church appears clear and crystalline both for the Sacrosanctum Concilium that for the Sacramentum – that is, the celebration of the Mass, as an action of Christ and the Church, it is not an asset for use private of the priest, which he cannot, on its own initiative, to add, remove or change anything in liturgical and sacramental matters. And this applies both to the material and formal part of the Holy Sacrifice. Precisely the use of the conciliar expression through rites and prayers [cf.. SC 48] should arouse in the writer of the diocesan note a rightful veneration for the entire complex of the liturgical law of the Church which in this case constitutes an evident illicit act which must be corrected as soon as possible using the theological virtue of charity which is always understood, validated and practiced in the light of the truth that cannot be denied [cf.. Benedict XVI, Encyclical letter Charity in truth, NN. 1-2, 29].
And what is the truth? The truth is that a priest cannot celebrate in those conditions that are not even remotely acceptable inside a bar of a bathing establishment, where civic good taste and the manager's etiquette require customers to at least put on a t-shirt when going to eat at the counter.
The truth implies and also in the particular cases provided for by the Code of Canon Law, where the prerogative of sporadicity and not ordinariness is underlined [See. can. 932 §1 e 2 CIC in Commentary on the Code of Canon Law by Mons. Pio Vito Pinto, LEV, 2001 and Pastoral Legal Commentary on the Code of Canon Law by Luigi Chiappetta, EDB 2011], Eucharistic celebrations (even those on holidays and school camps) are celebrated in an appropriate manner, in well-kept places, decorous and respectful of the sacredness of the Paschal sacrifice of Christ which is celebrated therein. I therefore ask the most cultured and prepared canonists of the undersigned whether the particularity and exceptional nature foreseen by the canon can.932 §1 and 2 applies to Italian temperature peaks, this thing seems to have guided the choice of the mass at sea celebrated by the presbyter Mattia Bernasconi (cf.. who). Because if that were the case, all the brother priests of Sardinia and Sicily would feel authorized to celebrate from June to September inside inflatable churches like in Las Vegas a few meters from the shoreline having as an excuse the temperatures that fluctuate in summer from 35 to the 42 degrees.
I still remind the faithful, the most distracted and naive ones, that Crotone is located in Italy, where the Roman Catholic Church still exists. This geographical clarification is useful to avoid any confusion, if anyone ever thought of living in Gaul in the time of Julius Caesar among the Druids, which would then authorize us to seek not a church as a place of celebration, but an oak forest, a mistletoe plant or the banks of a lake.
If amazement is an essential part of the liturgical act, We old-fashioned priests and rigid faithful would have gladly done without certain amazements. I suggest that the venerable bishops and rectors of the seminaries take particular care of the liturgical-sacramental formation of the future priests of their areas, perhaps more careful to shave their eyebrows in a sculpted way like the young ladies, instead of studying the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. This will allow us to have a healthy pastoral sense so that in the future we will be spared the embarrassment and amazement of having to reluctantly leave similar celebrations and priests to head for other shores..
We entrust it to the Carthusian Monks of the historic and ancient Calabrian Charterhouse of Serre San Bruno an adequate prayer of reparation, which will be joined by those of us Fathers of The Island of Patmos.
Laconi, 27 July 2022
A video that raises very serious questions about the ongoing formation of priests, but above all on the formation of their bishops for the episcopate
The clerical correctness of the cartoonist Don Giovanni Berti could have been missing?
Father Ariel's colorful response was not long in coming …
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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos
When the Liturgy becomes a parody, behind it there can only be God's monkey. Then beautiful souls can play hide behind the finger of Pharisaic rigidity, convinced as they are that everything is allowed to them, since they embody innocence, the purity and goodness of the early Church, ma, on the theological level, the reality is this and only this. An objective and incontrovertible fact. If there is still some beautiful soul in good faith, think about this.