«I'm not coming to the concert, I'm not a Renaissance prince", said the Holy Father, However, this does not mean clearing away the worst of the sloppiness

«Go further, so close you make me upset …» If a priest removes the crucifix from the center of the altar so that it does not cover the “centrality” of the celebrant-protagonist, it means that we have reached the end of the line

Gestures and words, about the liturgy. Let's break a spear in favor of “Kiss me Tucho”, anche se pare avere dimenticato la Redemptionis Sacramentum

The “Yellow Submarine” and tragedy. To what extent are you required to save human life in all ways?

The Corpus Christi. A feast to be rediscovered in a time when the Eucharistic cult seems “past fashion” in the streets deserted by shepherds and occupied by “sacred processions” the “politically correct”

There was only one professional flea-hunting Italian politician who sighed about the way Volodymyr Zelensky violated protocol

"Crimes and Punishments". The inevitable extravagances of certain priests in the light of the Paschal Mystery

Venerable Brother Priests, the Church is experiencing an unprecedented crisis and we are experiencing the most difficult of trials: the great test of faith