From his unreal world Alessandro Minutella takes it out on Archbishop Georg Gänswein. A human tragedy and a disaster of souls in a period of devastating crisis affecting the Catholic Church
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In a Church that in an obsessive way seems capable of talking only about the poor and migrants while the house is burning engulfed in flames, a subject like Mr. Minutella can gather followers and produce huge souls disasters. Nor can we forget that he certainly did not become a priest by himself, quite the opposite: it is the emblem of one of the many monsters created by the superficiality and lack of vigilance of our Bishops and the formators appointed by them to train future priests.
- Church news -
Athe sad case by Alessandro Minutella, suspended priest from Palermo peep In the 2017, fell into excommunication In the 2018, resigned In the 2022 by the clerical state, punishment that the Church very rarely inflicts, I dedicated one conference to which I refer.
Il Signor Minutella he's a serial liar lying - who knows, perhaps even knowing that he is lying? ―, contradicting itself for years continuously. Proof of this are his videos present by the hundreds on the Internet in which he usually affirms the opposite of what was previously stated even after a short time, or even in the space of a single video. The dangerous element that characterizes this twisted psychology is the continuous falsification and manipulation of facts, of the history and documents of the Church and what they contain. Mr. Minutella specializes in having the documents of the Magisterium of the Church say what they do not contain. The technique he uses is always the same: takes a few lines, manipulates them, it distorts the text and makes the document say what it does not say. We have repeatedly shown that on certain texts it is not written what Mr. Minutella attributes to him but the exact opposite of what he affirms and supports.
Let's try to clarify matters with just one example among many: to argue that the election of the legitimate Successor of the resigning Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI is invalid and that the reigning Pontiff is a usurper antipope, has always used the Apostolic Constitution Dominic Flock where the Holy Pontiff John Paul II establishes:
"If the election had taken place otherwise than as prescribed in this Constitution or if the conditions set out here had not been observed, the election is therefore null and void, without any declaration in this regard e, so, it does not confer any rights on the elected person " [cf.. n. 76].
This statement however, it is only the conclusion of the entire previous Chapter V placed as closed at the end of precise and detailed explanations related to the mechanism of voting in conclave. Extrapolating these four lines and building on them what the entire Apostolic Constitution does not say is a serious and dishonest mystification. However, this is the consolidated action that Mr. Minutella has been carrying out for years: extrapolates a passage in which pacts and agreements between the Cardinals before the conclave are prohibited, extrapolates a closure that concludes Chapter V, after which it omits, with obvious criminal intent, to cite the article that clarifies since the opening of the following Chapter VI:
"If in the election of the Roman Pontiff - God forbid - the crime of simony were perpetrated, I decide and declare that all those who are guilty of it will incur excommunication automatic and that the nullity or non-validity of the same simoniacal provision is nevertheless removed, so that for this reason - as already established by my Predecessors - the validity of the election of the Roman Pontiff is not challenged [cf.. n. 78].
This is imprinted in that Apostolic Constitution to which Mr. Minutella attributes what was never written by the Holy Pontiff John Paul II, which, without penalty of misunderstanding, clarifies that not even the shameful and grave crime of simonia renders the election of the Roman Pontiff invalid and illegitimate.
The game should be clear and easy to unmask, but this is precisely the problem: Mr. Minutella addresses an audience of lost and superficial people in front of whom two different ways of acting collide: that of us theologians, philosophers and jurists who we speculate on the basis of scientific criteria structured on logic and rationality, that of the pseudo-theologian Minutella who knowingly plays on the emotionality of the frail and the weak and who acts in total disregard of logic and rationality. The pseudo-theology of Mr. Minutella is structured on a heretical Mariology with a millenarian structure that totally distorts the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary changed into a modern pagan divinity, with constant obsessive magical-esoteric references to the imminent triumph of his immaculate heart, without taking into account the absolute centrality of the Christological mystery. with a style that ranges between the tele-barker and the magician who reads the tarot, Mr. Minutella continually arouses in fragile and lost people that deleterious spirit towards which the Blessed Apostle Paul warns us by saying:
«The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, having itching ears they, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales " [II Tm 4, 1-4].
I neuro-video-delusions of Signor Minutella are an incessant itchy stimulus through the spreading of Marian messages, visions of mystics and mystics and their alleged prophecies, most of which have never been recognized as authentic by the Church. Tease the catastrophic morbidity with the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, obviously after having twisted and manipulated them, presents the writings of Maria Valtorta as foundations of faith, heedless of the negative judgments and condemnations of the Church [cf.. My previous article, WHO]. He insists that the “prophecies” of Blessed Katharina Emmerick are authentic, because according to him beatified by the Church. In doing so he demonstrates disturbing and crass ignorance, because when in the 2004 Emmerick was beatified the competent dicastery of the Holy See reiterated the inauthenticity of the so-called prophecies attributed to her by writing:
«The blessed has certainly left us only three letters. The other writings, which are erroneously attributed to it, have different origins: the "visions" of the Passion of Christ were annotated and reworked with great freedom and without any control by the German writer Clemens Brentano (1778-1842). The works in question cannot be considered either written or dictated by Emmerick and not even authentic transcriptions of her statements and narratives, but a literary work by Brentano " [Declaration of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, 2004].
If the Church proclaims a blessed, or later proclaims a blessed as a saint, this does not imply that he recognizes, you beatify and canonize everything you have said or written. Affirm to your followers that everything is authentic because the Church has beatified or canonized, it means expressing genuine idiocy. Mr. Minutella is able to mix together Our Lady of Fatima with Saint Malachi Bishop of Armagh, lived in the twelfth century, whose “prophecies” on the popes are a resounding forgery attributed to him and further manipulated in the seventeenth century. Mr. Minutella done all this, as Friar Cipolla in the short story of Giovanni Boccaccio, reassures the villagers about the authenticity of the amazing relics displayed, pointing out that he is "twice a doctor of sacred theology" and that he is a theologian trained at the school of St. Thomas Aquinas, as well as expert in theology of the famous twentieth century theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar. In fact, Mr. Minutella is so limited and ignorant that he would not be able to make even the structure of one question dell’Aquinate, however, he has such a nerve that he would be able to declare even the sensational fake of the Constantinian donation, stating that Lorenzo Valla, who proved its falsity in 1440, he was just a poor incompetent.
Numerous followers of this sect leader are suffering from functional illiteracy which makes them unable to read and understand a document, from other digital illiteracy. Both take as gold standard what their guru says, taking care not to make a very minimum effort: go on official site of the Holy See, look for and read the documents of the Magisterium of the Church which he overturned to ascertain that they say the exact opposite of what Mr. Minutella bi-doctor in sacred theology attributes to him. Both of these types of people are to such an extent devoid of critical sense that they are unable to analyze certain statements and compare them with those that demonstrate how surreal and insane the statements of Mr. Minutella are.. Let me be clear, by ignorant we do not mean humble or simple people who are always ready to listen and learn what they do not know, but those who refuse to reason, who are incapable of developing critical thinking and who with aggressive pride feel they possess knowledge, especially of true faith.
For some time now a journalist who writes rants on the newspaper's blog has taken on the shoulder of Mr. Minutella Free and who recently published a book in which he explains how the resigning Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI made an act of resignation through a document deliberately made invalid by various Latin grammatical errors. I do not know if this Lord is aware that in the Holy Gospels there are some errors, even gross ones due to translations and transcriptions, perhaps he also intends to invalidate the revealed Word of God? And so, after the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, forced to make an act of resignation, would have retired to "an impeded seat", began to speak and communicate "in code", to demonstrate in cryptic language the invalidity of his renunciation and the state of impediment that would not allow him to speak and express himself, but only to send encrypted messages, of which he is the only and brilliant world interpreter, as well as discoverer, this reporter fantasy Of Free.
The birth and proliferation of certain subjects it can also be a natural reaction in historical-social contexts that have always been known in sociology and mainly linked to the various stages of decadence marked by great cultural regresses and the consequent rejection of the basic principles of human rationality. It is in fact known that when one ceases to believe in the foundations of revealed faith, one ends up believing in everything. Of course, what is very perplexing is that a nice face of an undertaker like the director of Free Alessandro Sallustri allows space for such garbage. It would be as if in the nineties The Corriere della Sera had entrusted a front page column to Wanna Marchi and the magician Mário Pacheco Do Nascimento, if anything, after having removed space and closed a column entrusted to Vittorio Messori. A long-time newspaper editor who does not realize this is almost the corpse of a journalist who has now lost even that stiffness of death which might give it a certain charm.
In fact, we are beyond science fiction, beyond the grotesque, because if Benedict XVI had done what is attributed to him by Wanna Marchi and the magician Do Nascimento - respectively priest dismissed from the clerical state and journalist fantasy - you understand well that we would find ourselves before the most lying and cowardly Pontiff in the history of the Church.
Deny these people, as has been done several times, it is completely useless, because Mr. Minutella and the journalist author of this fantastic Ratzinger Code upset any sentence, word or deed. Example: Benedict XVI blinked his right eyelid twice? Think of it as a natural mechanism of the human body dictated by the functioning of the facial muscles? Absolutely not. In truth it is a Ratzingerian morse code through which the Holy Father, forced to make an act of renunciation, is communicating and confirming that he is in an "impeded seat" and that he is always the only and legitimate Roman Pontiff. Some think that Benedict XVI's hunched shoulders are due to the natural physical decline of a man in his nineties? Absolutely not. In truth, it is proof that the Holy Father is bent under the weight of the oppression of the Bergoglian conspiracy hatched by the so-called Mafia of St. Gallen by the cardinal Masons who are all venerable masters of the XXXIII degree of the Masonic Grand Lodge of the ancient Scottish rite.
It recently ended up in the viewfinder S. AND. Mons. George Ganswein Prefect emeritus of the Papal Household and still faithful private secretary of the resigning Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, to which Mr. Minutella sent a letter together with a small group of seven other priests following him on 6 August, asking for an account and confirmation that Benedict XVI had truly and validly renounced and that the Supreme Pontiff Francis was really his legitimate successor. We reason: to questions as idiotic and provocative as it would be possible to answer, especially if they are posed by manipulators who usually distort any response, even the clearest and most decisive? In fact, the reaction was not long in coming: a few weeks later, Mr. Minutella explained that the lack of response should not be read as a form of rudeness, but as a test of silence-assent. This is equivalent to sending a message to the Abbess of the Poor Clares of strict observance to ask if she is a virgin or if before becoming a nun, when she was a young secular woman, she had had sexual intercourse with men. These are perhaps questions to ask? there, do not think that asking such questions to a Supreme Pontiff who has made an act of resignation is so different from asking a question like the one just illustrated to the Abbess of the Poor Clares, except to state below that her failure to answer is a proof to be read as a form of silence-assent on the part of the Reverend Mother.
Recently Mr. Minutella complained that H.E. Mons. Georg Gänswein allegedly telephoned the brother priest of a German priest who joined his entourage stating that this subject is in concrete facts a “crazy” as well as “theologically out of my mind” and that his book Pietro, where are you? it does not deserve the paper it is printed on”. Let me be clear: all this is stated by Mr. Minutella, we don't know if this phone call took place. If it had happened, we do not know what Archbishop Georg Gänswein really said to his interlocutor and in what terms. One thing is certain: in case he had expressed those judgments, he would have said and summarized nothing but the reality of the facts.
The reply was not long in coming of Mr. Minutella who first of all gave the ignorant to Archbishop Georg Gänswein who by training is a canonist and who according to him "should know that a madman cannot incur excommunication, because he is not aware and therefore not responsible for his actions ". Also in this case, Mr. Minutella confirms Urbi et Orbi his ignorance and narrowness. Not all insane people or all people suffering from severe psychiatric disorders are subjects incapable of understanding and willing. We could start from Friedrich Nietzsche dead mad until the mathematician John Forbes Nash, Nobel Prize for Economics, who suffered from a very severe form of schizophrenia which could never be cured. All this proves that if there is an overt ignorant man, it is certainly not Archbishop Georg Gänswein but Mr. Minutella.
Victimist and whiner to the point of paroxysm, Mr. Minutella has been repeating for years: "No one wants to confront me on the merits of the issues", implying and giving his followers to drink that no theologian, canonist and ecclesiologist would hold up a comparison with such great and powerful science. The reality is quite different: although it proclaims itself "lion of Mary", in truth, Mr. Minutella is just a poor werewolf who screams like a castrated capon in a camera room from which he throws arrows in his videos, but who has always been careful not to seek and accept comparisons with true and serious scholars. Before Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke and the presbyter and theologian Nicola Bux, who tried to bring him back into the ranks at the beginning of his mad delusions between the 2016 and the 2017, this self-styled "lion of Mary" werewolf stood before them with his head down, with the tail between the legs and the small voice. So he did with them as with other interlocutors. Then, when she walks into her video-shooting room with her adoring caregivers nodding, at that point it turns into a hyena.
Qhen in September 2018 the Supreme Pontiff Francis he went to Palermo Mr. Minutella was warned in time and a private meeting with the Holy Father was proposed, so that she could have a chance to ask him about it or tell him what he thought to his face. All before he was notified of the excommunication automatic. What was the reaction of the self-styled "lion of Mary" werewolf? Two days before the arrival of the Holy Father he went to Verona, fired every worst poison and two days later returned to Palermo to continue vomiting on "Bergoglio antipope usurper emissary of the Antichrist", obviously from his room of filming assisted by his adoring caregivers. Why the "lion of Mary" did not take that splendid opportunity to tell the person directly concerned what he thought of him, instead of fleeing to Verona two days earlier and returning two days after the Holy Father had left Palermo? If the followers of this pathological liar ask coward unable to deal with anyone on the merits of delicate theological and juridical issues which he reduced to a little theater of the grotesque.
Someone wondered: why they did not receive it from Benedict XVI, so that he was informed by the voice of the person concerned about his free and valid act of renunciation, thus bringing him back to the right path? Several thought about this eventuality, but it was prudently discarded, the results would have been so obvious: the "lion of Mary" would have prostrated himself with his tail between his legs, her head down and her small voice, then, just got home, he would have flung himself into his bedroom to take on the role of the werewolf and announce that thanks to that meeting he had had irrefutable proof that Benedict XVI, imprisoned in “venue prevented”, he had been forced to reassure him under the threat of the powerful ecclesiastical freemasonry of the Vatican ruled by cardinal Satanist Masons affiliated to the Grand Orient of the Scottish Rite.
Mr. Minutella is one of the many monsters born within the Church and before which we should all question ourselves, our Bishops in the lead. He is neither intelligent nor cultured, he is by no means a talented communicator and is devoid of rhetorical art, he's just a salesman, a barker. Its cultural narrowness is embarrassing, for this he needs to advertise the academic qualifications obtained in ecclesiastical universities, which have never been proof and attestation of ability, science and intelligence. For several decades a specialization or a theological doctorate in Rome has been granted to anyone. We priests and theologians, that we know this, we laugh about it every time Mr. Minutella reassures his followers by citing their academic qualifications as a guarantee of the nonsense he utters.
Like a real cancer Mr. Minutella came to life and developed in a historical moment of serious intra and extra ecclesial crisis. For years I have been repeating that since the end of the 1960s a crisis of doctrine has developed in the Church which has given rise to a crisis of faith., the consequence of which was finally a devastating moral crisis of the clergy [cf.. my book And Satan became triune]. Devoid of intelligence and culture but rich in the cunning of the old illiterate peasant who can also be able to outsmart you with shrewdness, Mr. Minutella starts based on true things and objective data linked to this great and painful decadence that is affecting the Church, after which it sells endless falsehoods, gathering ever greater numbers of followers among those weak and lost Catholics who seek guidance and safety.
in a Church that obsessively he seems able to speak only of the poor and migrants while the house is burning engulfed in flames, a subject like Mr. Minutella can gather followers in ever greater numbers and produce enormous disasters of souls. Nor can we forget that he certainly did not become a priest by himself, quite the opposite: it is the emblem of one of the many monsters created by the superficiality and lack of vigilance of our Bishops and the formators appointed by them to train future priests. These would be the real ones MEA culpa that the Church should do, instead of asking forgiveness from the natives of the Americas to whom i “bad” Spanish conquerors of the 16th century prevented from continuing to make human sacrifices of children to the Inca and Aztec deities, thus giving breath to the trumpets of Signor Minutella, a monster that did not create itself but that was created by us, largely guilty and responsible for the huge disasters that it is doing on souls.
the Island of Patmos, 3 October 2022
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