Tomorrow the Society of Jesus will be buried forever. Peter Gumpel is dead, Jesuit of the old school and postulator of the cause of beatification of Pius XII



Father Peter Gumpel was the last of the Mohicans. When tomorrow morning at 10 her funeral services will be celebrated with him will be permanently buried, after the previous deaths of the other elders, what was once the glorious Society of Jesus, reduced today to all the most tragic squalor personified by the unhappy and above all seriously heterodox jokes of their Superior General Arturo Sosa Abascal.

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Peter Gumpel (1923-2022) Jesuit theologian and historian of dogma, he was academic, expert at the Second Vatican Council, general postulator of the Society of Jesus and postulator of the cause of beatification of Pius XII

Yesterday morning Andrea Tornielli, dear old friend, he had the sensible kindness to inform me that the Jesuit Peter Kurt Gumpel had recently died, theologian and historian of dogma, already expert at the Second Vatican Council, for half a century postulator general of the Society of Jesus together with his confrere Paolo Molinari (1924-2014), with whom he took care of the cause of beatification of Pius XII. Both were trusted private advisors of the Holy Pontiff Paul VI in the delicate and turbulent historical phase of the post-council.


Father Peter, born in Hannover on 15 November 1923, he came from a rich family of the ancient German aristocracy, soon disliked the Nazi regime. This is the reason why they first moved to France and then to Holland, where the very young Peter, he learned the language and studied. Being a connoisseur of that country and its language, when decades later the delicate problem of the publication of the Dutch Catechism arose (1966), the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI sent him as his trustee on a visit to Holland.


Only male heir of the family, several times he told me of how much adolescent he expressed to his father that he wanted to enter the Society of Jesus:


“We were in the car, my father stopped, he made me get off with my dachshund dog with whom I walked a few kilometers to return home. When I entered my father told me never to go back to certain fantasies. Then he added that he would allow me to enter the Society of Jesus only if the Supreme Pontiff himself had told him ".


The young man took his father at his word. The family had known and hosted Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli several times, at the time apostolic nuncio to Berlin, elected in 1939 to the sacred throne, to which he did not hesitate to write. A month later the father received an autograph letter from the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII asking him to allow his son to enter the Society of Jesus..


Since I was a student with his brother Paolo Molinari he made a profound one, fraternal and intense friendship that lasted for a lifetime. During his student period in England he was an indefatigable fan of Father Paolo who masterfully played football. To my question if he ever played, with humor all the Teutonic answered:


"No, because it is intellectually more gratifying and physically less tiring to cheer from the stands for those who play ".


Yup, he preferred to sit and smoke one cigarette after another and enjoying the game of others. Heavy smoker, several times I found him in his study enveloped in a blanket of smoke. He could also have not signed the documents he had drawn up, because the author could have been recognized by the smell of tobacco that impregnated them. I told him once while I was smoking with him:


«Certainly smoking is seriously harmful to health, but I fear that even cancer is far from the Jesuits, taking care not to have to deal with dangerous subjects like you ".


Father Peter and Father Paolo they have been my teachers and trainers, for years they have guided me beyond the words imprinted in the documents of the Second Vatican Council, explaining step by step from which stories and events many of those texts were born. After my specialized studies in dogmatics, Father Peter started me on the study of the history of dogma, in the absence of which one can run the risk of ending up immersed in a dogmatic that rests on the clouds. He suggested that my bishop send me to study for a period of time in Germany, where I had some Jesuits of the old guard as teachers. Later I was trained in the postulation of the causes of the Saints, where they instructed me mainly on the papers of the delicate and complex process of beatification of the Venerable Pontiff Pius XII, to which I dedicated in 2006 the main section of my work Herbs Amare, from which a single essay dedicated to the figure of Eugenio Pacelli was later born: Pius XII and the Shoah.


The 2 May 2014, when the funeral services of Father Paolo Molinari were celebrated in the chapel of the General Curia of the Society of Jesus, I understood that Father Peter had lost half of his life and that from then on he would be prepared to lose the other half he had left.


The year was 2013 when during an interview he told me that the current Society of Jesus had no affinity and similarity with the one in which he had entered at the beginning of the Second World War. I understood that he was not referring to a transformation due to a natural process of evolution, but to a radical deformation that had long since affected the very heart of the charism of the Companions of St. Ignatius of Loyola.


Shortly after the friend's notice I arrived at the Residenza San Pietro Canisio together with my brother Marcello Stanzione, great expert in angelology with whom I had been traveling until the day before. We found his body composed at the least worst possible way, placed in a corner at the entrance of the San Pietro Canisio Residence, without a cross, without a light on, without a flower. Emblem of the squalor of today's East India Company. I kissed the cold forehead of my father and trainer, I laid my hands on his and together with Father Marcello we recited the From the depths and blessed is that revered body which it contained for almost 100 years his immortal priestly soul.


Father Peter Gumpel he was the last of the Mohicans. When tomorrow morning at 10 her funeral services will be celebrated with him will be permanently buried, after the previous deaths of the other elders, what was once the glorious Society of Jesus, reduced today to all the most tragic squalor personified by the unhappy and above all seriously heterodox jokes of their Superior General Arturo Sosa Abascal.


A beautiful memory by Father Federico Lombardi, S.J. his The Osservatore Romano [view of page. 4 from The Osservatore Romano, WHO].


the Island of Patmos, 13 October 2022














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As we had anticipated: the Bishop of Terni who participates in the inauguration of the Masonic Lodge "was misunderstood". Father Ariel will participate in the inauguration of the next Erotic Festival. And that no one dares to misunderstand it



"No one tears a piece from a new cloak to attack an old one; otherwise he will rend the new, and the patch from the new will not match the old " [LC 5, 36].

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I had already anticipated in my article yesterday [see WHO], that the press release would arrive on time to clarify that "... the Bishop was misunderstood".


And as anticipated, this happened: the Bishop of Terni filmed holding the ribbon during the cut for the inauguration of the new Masonic Lodge was just misunderstood. He was not an imprudent man who was poised between the imprudent and the idiot, but it was misunderstood, as the diocese's official communiqué says [see WHO].


I take this opportunity to inform the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops who in the next edition of Erotic Festival they will be able to see me between two pornstars plus with breasts in the wind intent on holding the ribbon for the inaugural cut, exactly as the Bishop of Terni did, misunderstood and misunderstood. And it is clear: that no one dares to misunderstand me. Also because a priest between two is much better and far less harmful pornstars than a blatantly imprudent bishop holding the inaugural ribbon to the Masons, only to declare himself misunderstood and misunderstood.


the Island of Patmos, 3 October 2022


Remake of the historic film The Misunderstood, with the extraordinary participation of the Bishop of Terni












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From his unreal world Alessandro Minutella takes it out on Archbishop Georg Gänswein. A human tragedy and a disaster of souls in a period of devastating crisis affecting the Catholic Church



In a Church that in an obsessive way seems capable of talking only about the poor and migrants while the house is burning engulfed in flames, a subject like Mr. Minutella can gather followers and produce huge souls disasters. Nor can we forget that he certainly did not become a priest by himself, quite the opposite: it is the emblem of one of the many monsters created by the superficiality and lack of vigilance of our Bishops and the formators appointed by them to train future priests.

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To open the video conference click on the image

Athe sad case by Alessandro Minutella, suspended priest from Palermo peep In the 2017, fell into excommunication In the 2018, resigned In the 2022 by the clerical state, punishment that the Church very rarely inflicts, I dedicated one conference to which I refer.


Il Signor Minutella he's a serial liar lying - who knows, perhaps even knowing that he is lying? ―, contradicting itself for years continuously. Proof of this are his videos present by the hundreds on the Internet in which he usually affirms the opposite of what was previously stated even after a short time, or even in the space of a single video. The dangerous element that characterizes this twisted psychology is the continuous falsification and manipulation of facts, of the history and documents of the Church and what they contain. Mr. Minutella specializes in having the documents of the Magisterium of the Church say what they do not contain. The technique he uses is always the same: takes a few lines, manipulates them, it distorts the text and makes the document say what it does not say. We have repeatedly shown that on certain texts it is not written what Mr. Minutella attributes to him but the exact opposite of what he affirms and supports.


Let's try to clarify matters with just one example among many: to argue that the election of the legitimate Successor of the resigning Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI is invalid and that the reigning Pontiff is a usurper antipope, has always used the Apostolic Constitution Dominic Flock where the Holy Pontiff John Paul II establishes:


"If the election had taken place otherwise than as prescribed in this Constitution or if the conditions set out here had not been observed, the election is therefore null and void, without any declaration in this regard e, so, it does not confer any rights on the elected person " [cf.. n. 76].


This statement however, it is only the conclusion of the entire previous Chapter V placed as closed at the end of precise and detailed explanations related to the mechanism of voting in conclave. Extrapolating these four lines and building on them what the entire Apostolic Constitution does not say is a serious and dishonest mystification. However, this is the consolidated action that Mr. Minutella has been carrying out for years: extrapolates a passage in which pacts and agreements between the Cardinals before the conclave are prohibited, extrapolates a closure that concludes Chapter V, after which it omits, with obvious criminal intent, to cite the article that clarifies since the opening of the following Chapter VI:


"If in the election of the Roman Pontiff - God forbid - the crime of simony were perpetrated, I decide and declare that all those who are guilty of it will incur excommunication automatic and that the nullity or non-validity of the same simoniacal provision is nevertheless removed, so that for this reason - as already established by my Predecessors - the validity of the election of the Roman Pontiff is not challenged [cf.. n. 78].


This is imprinted in that Apostolic Constitution to which Mr. Minutella attributes what was never written by the Holy Pontiff John Paul II, which, without penalty of misunderstanding, clarifies that not even the shameful and grave crime of simonia renders the election of the Roman Pontiff invalid and illegitimate.


The game should be clear and easy to unmask, but this is precisely the problem: Mr. Minutella addresses an audience of lost and superficial people in front of whom two different ways of acting collide: that of us theologians, philosophers and jurists who we speculate on the basis of scientific criteria structured on logic and rationality, that of the pseudo-theologian Minutella who knowingly plays on the emotionality of the frail and the weak and who acts in total disregard of logic and rationality. The pseudo-theology of Mr. Minutella is structured on a heretical Mariology with a millenarian structure that totally distorts the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary changed into a modern pagan divinity, with constant obsessive magical-esoteric references to the imminent triumph of his immaculate heart, without taking into account the absolute centrality of the Christological mystery. with a style that ranges between the tele-barker and the magician who reads the tarot, Mr. Minutella continually arouses in fragile and lost people that deleterious spirit towards which the Blessed Apostle Paul warns us by saying:


«The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, having itching ears they, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales " [II Tm 4, 1-4].

I neuro-video-delusions of Signor Minutella are an incessant itchy stimulus through the spreading of Marian messages, visions of mystics and mystics and their alleged prophecies, most of which have never been recognized as authentic by the Church. Tease the catastrophic morbidity with the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, obviously after having twisted and manipulated them, presents the writings of Maria Valtorta as foundations of faith, heedless of the negative judgments and condemnations of the Church [cf.. My previous article, WHO]. He insists that the “prophecies” of Blessed Katharina Emmerick are authentic, because according to him beatified by the Church. In doing so he demonstrates disturbing and crass ignorance, because when in the 2004 Emmerick was beatified the competent dicastery of the Holy See reiterated the inauthenticity of the so-called prophecies attributed to her by writing:


«The blessed has certainly left us only three letters. The other writings, which are erroneously attributed to it, have different origins: the "visions" of the Passion of Christ were annotated and reworked with great freedom and without any control by the German writer Clemens Brentano (1778-1842). The works in question cannot be considered either written or dictated by Emmerick and not even authentic transcriptions of her statements and narratives, but a literary work by Brentano " [Declaration of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, 2004].


If the Church proclaims a blessed, or later proclaims a blessed as a saint, this does not imply that he recognizes, you beatify and canonize everything you have said or written. Affirm to your followers that everything is authentic because the Church has beatified or canonized, it means expressing genuine idiocy. Mr. Minutella is able to mix together Our Lady of Fatima with Saint Malachi Bishop of Armagh, lived in the twelfth century, whose “prophecies” on the popes are a resounding forgery attributed to him and further manipulated in the seventeenth century. Mr. Minutella done all this, as Friar Cipolla in the short story of Giovanni Boccaccio, reassures the villagers about the authenticity of the amazing relics displayed, pointing out that he is "twice a doctor of sacred theology" and that he is a theologian trained at the school of St. Thomas Aquinas, as well as expert in theology of the famous twentieth century theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar. In fact, Mr. Minutella is so limited and ignorant that he would not be able to make even the structure of one question dell’Aquinate, however, he has such a nerve that he would be able to declare even the sensational fake of the Constantinian donation, stating that Lorenzo Valla, who proved its falsity in 1440, he was just a poor incompetent.


Numerous followers of this sect leader are suffering from functional illiteracy which makes them unable to read and understand a document, from other digital illiteracy. Both take as gold standard what their guru says, taking care not to make a very minimum effort: go on official site of the Holy See, look for and read the documents of the Magisterium of the Church which he overturned to ascertain that they say the exact opposite of what Mr. Minutella bi-doctor in sacred theology attributes to him. Both of these types of people are to such an extent devoid of critical sense that they are unable to analyze certain statements and compare them with those that demonstrate how surreal and insane the statements of Mr. Minutella are.. Let me be clear, by ignorant we do not mean humble or simple people who are always ready to listen and learn what they do not know, but those who refuse to reason, who are incapable of developing critical thinking and who with aggressive pride feel they possess knowledge, especially of true faith.


For some time now a journalist who writes rants on the newspaper's blog has taken on the shoulder of Mr. Minutella Free and who recently published a book in which he explains how the resigning Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI made an act of resignation through a document deliberately made invalid by various Latin grammatical errors. I do not know if this Lord is aware that in the Holy Gospels there are some errors, even gross ones due to translations and transcriptions, perhaps he also intends to invalidate the revealed Word of God? And so, after the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, forced to make an act of resignation, would have retired to "an impeded seat", began to speak and communicate "in code", to demonstrate in cryptic language the invalidity of his renunciation and the state of impediment that would not allow him to speak and express himself, but only to send encrypted messages, of which he is the only and brilliant world interpreter, as well as discoverer, this reporter fantasy Of Free.


The birth and proliferation of certain subjects it can also be a natural reaction in historical-social contexts that have always been known in sociology and mainly linked to the various stages of decadence marked by great cultural regresses and the consequent rejection of the basic principles of human rationality. It is in fact known that when one ceases to believe in the foundations of revealed faith, one ends up believing in everything. Of course, what is very perplexing is that a nice face of an undertaker like the director of Free Alessandro Sallustri allows space for such garbage. It would be as if in the nineties The Corriere della Sera had entrusted a front page column to Wanna Marchi and the magician Mário Pacheco Do Nascimento, if anything, after having removed space and closed a column entrusted to Vittorio Messori. A long-time newspaper editor who does not realize this is almost the corpse of a journalist who has now lost even that stiffness of death which might give it a certain charm.


In fact, we are beyond science fiction, beyond the grotesque, because if Benedict XVI had done what is attributed to him by Wanna Marchi and the magician Do Nascimento - respectively priest dismissed from the clerical state and journalist fantasy - you understand well that we would find ourselves before the most lying and cowardly Pontiff in the history of the Church.


Deny these people, as has been done several times, it is completely useless, because Mr. Minutella and the journalist author of this fantastic Ratzinger Code upset any sentence, word or deed. Example: Benedict XVI blinked his right eyelid twice? Think of it as a natural mechanism of the human body dictated by the functioning of the facial muscles? Absolutely not. In truth it is a Ratzingerian morse code through which the Holy Father, forced to make an act of renunciation, is communicating and confirming that he is in an "impeded seat" and that he is always the only and legitimate Roman Pontiff. Some think that Benedict XVI's hunched shoulders are due to the natural physical decline of a man in his nineties? Absolutely not. In truth, it is proof that the Holy Father is bent under the weight of the oppression of the Bergoglian conspiracy hatched by the so-called Mafia of St. Gallen by the cardinal Masons who are all venerable masters of the XXXIII degree of the Masonic Grand Lodge of the ancient Scottish rite.


It recently ended up in the viewfinder S. AND. Mons. George Ganswein Prefect emeritus of the Papal Household and still faithful private secretary of the resigning Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, to which Mr. Minutella sent a letter together with a small group of seven other priests following him on 6 August, asking for an account and confirmation that Benedict XVI had truly and validly renounced and that the Supreme Pontiff Francis was really his legitimate successor. We reason: to questions as idiotic and provocative as it would be possible to answer, especially if they are posed by manipulators who usually distort any response, even the clearest and most decisive? In fact, the reaction was not long in coming: a few weeks later, Mr. Minutella explained that the lack of response should not be read as a form of rudeness, but as a test of silence-assent. This is equivalent to sending a message to the Abbess of the Poor Clares of strict observance to ask if she is a virgin or if before becoming a nun, when she was a young secular woman, she had had sexual intercourse with men. These are perhaps questions to ask? there, do not think that asking such questions to a Supreme Pontiff who has made an act of resignation is so different from asking a question like the one just illustrated to the Abbess of the Poor Clares, except to state below that her failure to answer is a proof to be read as a form of silence-assent on the part of the Reverend Mother.


Recently Mr. Minutella complained that H.E. Mons. Georg Gänswein allegedly telephoned the brother priest of a German priest who joined his entourage stating that this subject is in concrete facts a “crazy” as well as “theologically out of my mind” and that his book Pietro, where are you? it does not deserve the paper it is printed on”. Let me be clear: all this is stated by Mr. Minutella, we don't know if this phone call took place. If it had happened, we do not know what Archbishop Georg Gänswein really said to his interlocutor and in what terms. One thing is certain: in case he had expressed those judgments, he would have said and summarized nothing but the reality of the facts.


The reply was not long in coming of Mr. Minutella who first of all gave the ignorant to Archbishop Georg Gänswein who by training is a canonist and who according to him "should know that a madman cannot incur excommunication, because he is not aware and therefore not responsible for his actions ". Also in this case, Mr. Minutella confirms Urbi et Orbi his ignorance and narrowness. Not all insane people or all people suffering from severe psychiatric disorders are subjects incapable of understanding and willing. We could start from Friedrich Nietzsche dead mad until the mathematician John Forbes Nash, Nobel Prize for Economics, who suffered from a very severe form of schizophrenia which could never be cured. All this proves that if there is an overt ignorant man, it is certainly not Archbishop Georg Gänswein but Mr. Minutella.


Victimist and whiner to the point of paroxysm, Mr. Minutella has been repeating for years: "No one wants to confront me on the merits of the issues", implying and giving his followers to drink that no theologian, canonist and ecclesiologist would hold up a comparison with such great and powerful science. The reality is quite different: although it proclaims itself "lion of Mary", in truth, Mr. Minutella is just a poor werewolf who screams like a castrated capon in a camera room from which he throws arrows in his videos, but who has always been careful not to seek and accept comparisons with true and serious scholars. Before Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke and the presbyter and theologian Nicola Bux, who tried to bring him back into the ranks at the beginning of his mad delusions between the 2016 and the 2017, this self-styled "lion of Mary" werewolf stood before them with his head down, with the tail between the legs and the small voice. So he did with them as with other interlocutors. Then, when she walks into her video-shooting room with her adoring caregivers nodding, at that point it turns into a hyena.


Qhen in September 2018 the Supreme Pontiff Francis he went to Palermo Mr. Minutella was warned in time and a private meeting with the Holy Father was proposed, so that she could have a chance to ask him about it or tell him what he thought to his face. All before he was notified of the excommunication automatic. What was the reaction of the self-styled "lion of Mary" werewolf? Two days before the arrival of the Holy Father he went to Verona, fired every worst poison and two days later returned to Palermo to continue vomiting on "Bergoglio antipope usurper emissary of the Antichrist", obviously from his room of filming assisted by his adoring caregivers. Why the "lion of Mary" did not take that splendid opportunity to tell the person directly concerned what he thought of him, instead of fleeing to Verona two days earlier and returning two days after the Holy Father had left Palermo? If the followers of this pathological liar ask coward unable to deal with anyone on the merits of delicate theological and juridical issues which he reduced to a little theater of the grotesque.


Someone wondered: why they did not receive it from Benedict XVI, so that he was informed by the voice of the person concerned about his free and valid act of renunciation, thus bringing him back to the right path? Several thought about this eventuality, but it was prudently discarded, the results would have been so obvious: the "lion of Mary" would have prostrated himself with his tail between his legs, her head down and her small voice, then, just got home, he would have flung himself into his bedroom to take on the role of the werewolf and announce that thanks to that meeting he had had irrefutable proof that Benedict XVI, imprisoned in “venue prevented”, he had been forced to reassure him under the threat of the powerful ecclesiastical freemasonry of the Vatican ruled by cardinal Satanist Masons affiliated to the Grand Orient of the Scottish Rite.


Mr. Minutella is one of the many monsters born within the Church and before which we should all question ourselves, our Bishops in the lead. He is neither intelligent nor cultured, he is by no means a talented communicator and is devoid of rhetorical art, he's just a salesman, a barker. Its cultural narrowness is embarrassing, for this he needs to advertise the academic qualifications obtained in ecclesiastical universities, which have never been proof and attestation of ability, science and intelligence. For several decades a specialization or a theological doctorate in Rome has been granted to anyone. We priests and theologians, that we know this, we laugh about it every time Mr. Minutella reassures his followers by citing their academic qualifications as a guarantee of the nonsense he utters.


Like a real cancer Mr. Minutella came to life and developed in a historical moment of serious intra and extra ecclesial crisis. For years I have been repeating that since the end of the 1960s a crisis of doctrine has developed in the Church which has given rise to a crisis of faith., the consequence of which was finally a devastating moral crisis of the clergy [cf.. my book And Satan became triune]. Devoid of intelligence and culture but rich in the cunning of the old illiterate peasant who can also be able to outsmart you with shrewdness, Mr. Minutella starts based on true things and objective data linked to this great and painful decadence that is affecting the Church, after which it sells endless falsehoods, gathering ever greater numbers of followers among those weak and lost Catholics who seek guidance and safety.


in a Church that obsessively he seems able to speak only of the poor and migrants while the house is burning engulfed in flames, a subject like Mr. Minutella can gather followers in ever greater numbers and produce enormous disasters of souls. Nor can we forget that he certainly did not become a priest by himself, quite the opposite: it is the emblem of one of the many monsters created by the superficiality and lack of vigilance of our Bishops and the formators appointed by them to train future priests. These would be the real ones MEA culpa that the Church should do, instead of asking forgiveness from the natives of the Americas to whom i “bad” Spanish conquerors of the 16th century prevented from continuing to make human sacrifices of children to the Inca and Aztec deities, thus giving breath to the trumpets of Signor Minutella, a monster that did not create itself but that was created by us, largely guilty and responsible for the huge disasters that it is doing on souls.


the Island of Patmos, 3 October 2022












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The Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia inaugurates the new headquarters of Freemasonry



The priests who from God have had the grace of having two balls, fundamental and indispensable prerequisite for the ministerial priesthood, if necessary, they must know how to turn them

- Church news -



The Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia at the cutting of the ribbon for the inauguration of the new Masonic Lodge

Faced with a fact of this kind my balls turn to the point that if they put me to soak in the port of Civitavecchia, after half an hour I would arrive in Cagliari pushed by my turbine balls [cf.. WHO].


And threatens who from God have had the grace to have two balls, fundamental and indispensable prerequisite for the ministerial priesthood, if necessary, they must know how to turn them, especially in the face of the colossal nonsense of certain bishops who have long competed with each other to see who commits the biggest bullshit, which the Holy See then oversees, provided that certain prelates speak in an obsessive-compulsive way of the poor and migrants.


There is no need to go back to the times of Blessed Pontiff Pius IX nor to those of the Supreme Pontiff Leo XIII or of the Holy Pontiff Pius X, the much more recent Holy Pontiff John Paul II would have been enough, because he would have flogged this bishop with his own hand.

I have nothing to add, if not my most devoted regards to the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, waiting for the now customary press release: «… the Bishop was misunderstood ". Although certain episcopal releases are not new, a confrere from Arezzo - still pissed off for this reason - told us that already in 2019 their Bishop was the guest of honor for the feast of the 150 years of the historic local Masonic Lodge [cf.. WHO].


We entrust the comment of this event to Roberto de Mattei, President of the Lepanto Foundation in Rome.


the Island of Patmos, 2 October 2022












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Ivano Liguori
Of the Order of the Capuchin Friars Minor
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Ivano

Italy has chosen with its democratic vote, but the most libertarian and demanding choice remains that for Christ


If the truth will be seen in Jesus everything will be recovered, otherwise everything will be lost for our poor Italy which has been struggling for some time in a Europe which is floundering lost between hatred towards its own Christian roots and an exasperated and maddening secularism which has lost, along with the Christian ones, also the roots of democratic liberalism itself.

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Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.


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the leaders of the Center Right

I just got back to the convent, after a retreat of a day and a half in the company of some priest confreres belonging to a priestly fraternity and I was unable to experience live the electoral count of the last political elections which involved all of Italy between Sunday and Monday, if not for short twitter beds before going to sleep, borrowed from some news agencies.


During a sera to dinner, together with the other priests of this fraternity of which I belong, I was struck by the words of one of them, older than me in age and wiser in wisdom that thus began: "my experience with politicians has always been one of either disappointment or betrayal".


This confession it was for me a bolt from the blue, because I found it profoundly topical and painfully true. The politician, when of his own free will he turns to the Church or to the priests, he does so either to ask for a vote or because he intends to carry out an exchange of favours. But surely he does not go to the priest as a baptized person who questions his being a politician and seeks the light of that Holy Spirit who is the only one who can obtain a wise heart in government, as we see done in the prayer of the young King Solomon [See. 1 Re 3, 5-15].


It's very frequent for a politician running for election to identify as a Christian, but once elected he forgets it very easily, not hesitating to bite the hand of his electorate, not making the slightest scruple about going against the Gospel, to the Church and mocking the priests, the latter thing that many parish priests personally experience in the daily skirmishes with the various mayors and presidents of regions at any level, sign and color belong.


To tell the truth, this occurrence occurs much more frequently with centre-right alignments which have always boasted a historic closeness to the Catholic electorate and even propose themselves as Defender of the Faith, except then endorsing anti-Christian policies using civil rights as a carpet and the untouchability of already established regulations that, needless to say, vary from abortion to euthanasia, from the recognition of marriage between same-sex couples to gender forced in schools and so on.


This first look deserves careful reflection and at the same time a question: how come the Christian denomination within politics never coincides with adherence to the person of the living Risen One, except for some accident amarcord cultural, how is the matter of Halloween at the end of October or the crib before Christmas? Fare amarcord culture does not help salvation, both for man as well as for the State which is equally immersed in those pangs of Creation wounded by original sin which awaits a definitive redemption. We therefore need to walk a path of recovery that can only be undertaken with Christ and which is preserved within a path of holiness that, as John Chrysostom suggested, above all it needs the recognition of sin, so that the latter may be handed over to Him who has made a massacre of sin. Because it is clear, the baptized man, before any other work activity, social or political is a man handed over to Christ according to the words that the Blessed Apostle Paul will say to the Galatians:


"Brothers, all of you are children of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for how many of you have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ. There is no Jew or Greek; there is no slave nor free; there is no male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." [Gal 3,26-28].


Christ is truly the all-encompassing element around which the new man reborn in baptism finds his deepest and truest identity together with that operation which drives him to build the Kingdom of God on earth (as we ask moreover in the Our father), which is not the antiquated implementation of an anachronistic theocracy but the definitive realization of that mystery of the incarnation in which "God became man to make human life, both personal and social, a concrete way of salvation [See. Speech of the Holy Father Francis on the occasion of 50 years after the encyclical Development of Peoples].


It is not the political manifesto of an alignment that engages my characterization as a man but is the ontological resemblance to the Son of God who became man for me and in his humanity redeemed me by dying on the cross. With all due respect to the numerous baptized members of any political party, I would like to remind you that the ideal to be pursued in the Christian life, the fundamental option that informs action resides in the person of the glorious Crucified, in that tiring Amen daily uttered while following the Risen One in which all the authority of the Father is present who gives the possibility of doing things that would not be contemplated in our concrete possibilities [See. GV 21,1-14, MC 16,9-20].


Christ is the life option that does not admit antagonists, which leaves no room for other suitors who aspire to win the heart of man, as we well know that those who are not willing to love Christ more than their father, of his own son, of his own daughter, of his wife, of his own party is not worthy of him [See. Mt 10,34-11,1]. Yup, dear, you understood correctly, even of his own party, just as the various disciples of Jesus who militated within the Zealot party had to learn.


We often run the easy illusion to be disciples of Christ because we identify with perfect moral acts which not only do not lead to Christ but are revealing of that vanity and that narcissism which leads towards a pathological self-salvation. And of leader pathological narcissistic politicians and heads of state we can number several in this historical moment. Our local politics is sick and highlights the narcissistic aspect of the human, creating operational perspectives that are not redemptive because they lack the true Redeemer of man who is Christ. Invariably, with such programs based on narcissism, shipwreck is reached and the sovereign people go astray by revolting in the bed of their own conscience, now at right and now to left, in the fleeting hope of calming down and reaching the longed-for sleep, without knowing that he will still have to stay awake for a good part of the night waiting for that Bridegroom who he will only be able to recognize if his own baptismal lamp has not run out of oil.


Italy has chosen the Centre-Right coalition with its vote, headed by the Honorable Giorgia Meloni. As a Christian and as a priest I can only pray for them as it is right to do, especially in a historical period so tormented by the specter of war, from a thousand human criticalities and the fragility of our planet's resources. I remain convinced that this last democratic expression is not yet fully mature, there is still too much evident passion that has guided the hand of the Italian voters. This portends an immediate future of bitter disappointments: from the appointment of ministers to the first measures in the courtroom, the veil will fall from the eyes of many and will be revealed, perhaps even betrayed and disillusioned with what one had hoped to be able to change.


Meloni will be the first woman to head the Presidency of the Council of ministers in Italy, its task will be very difficult not so much for the fragile plethora of the current opposition but for the narcissistic dynamisms of the center-right coalition which will not allow it a serene government sheltered from snipers and moral blackmail. I am also very concerned about the possible tensions with the Quirinale which will entrust the task to a political coalition that does not seem to play its music and which in many respects has been prevented in various circumstances.


I conclude with the reference to Italian Episcopal Conference which through the mouth of its Cardinal president affirms that the Church «will continue to indicate, severely if necessary, the common good and not personal interest, the defense of the inviolable rights of the person and of the community". I was surprised by the use of this noun in Cardinal Matteo Zuppi's communiqué, given that the Church in recent years has been everything, except strict with the various governments with mandatory traction PD. And so I thought, have you ever seen that also in via Aurelia n. 468 Has anyone thought of packing their bags and leaving the country as Chiara Ferragni proudly declared to the four winds, Fedez, Elodie, the Berte, Rula Jebreal, Roberto Saviano and many others still in view of Meloni's electoral victory? One might say, in both cases … God willing!


Maybe it will be a mischievous thought but even within the Church the danger of parliamentarianism and narcissism is very strong, so as to obscure the primacy of the glorious Christ and it will certainly not be an unplanned severity to revive the fate of what appears lost. It takes seriousness to start afresh from Christ, not severity, it is necessary to invoke the Holy Spirit so that there may be a new Pentecost within the nation-states, this must be done by the Church.


My very personal wish for the future premier italiano and his coalition is to start looking Christ in the eye and wondering like Governor Pilate: «What is truth?», if the truth will be seen in Jesus everything will be recovered, otherwise everything will be lost for our poor Italy which has been struggling for some time in a Europe which is floundering lost between hatred towards its own Christian roots and an exasperated and maddening secularism which has lost, along with the Christian ones, also the roots of democratic liberalism itself.

Laconi, 1October, 2022





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Elections 2022 - «I'm Giorgia: I am a woman, i am a mother, I am Italian, I'm a Christian " … and I consider abortion an untouchable "right"



A Catholic cannot sign a blank check without date and without amount to people who demonstrate that they have a completely distorted idea of ​​the very concept of human life, or who, in the face of the vote, pass over the right to life by speaking of the right to abortion.

- Actuality -



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It is indubitable that the Hon. Giorgia Meloni is a woman, a mother and an Italian, but I doubt she is Christian. He demonstrated this during the election campaign by reiterating to the various talk show that "Brothers of Italy would never have questioned the right to abortion" [Rete4: Straight and Reverse, 15.09, Fourth Republic, 19.09].

The PD bandwagon where many adult Catholics camp out radical chic who flirt with the Left of the post-proletarian freaks with the super penthouses in Parioli and the villas in Capalbio, it brings together fringes that have been fighting for years for euthanasia and marriage between same-sex couples, who complain of the excessive number of conscientious objecting doctors guilty of preventing the "sacred right" to abortion. Recently, the Piddine fringes have tried to pass a law that, behind the false banner of the crime of homotransphobia, would have effectively punished the crime of opinion. What if that law was passed as it was written, today we priests would be dragged from one court to another for having read the texts of the Blessed Apostle Paul in our churches or for having passed on what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches about certain spheres of morality. For now, the proposal has failed, by passing i gay friendly piddini From Prozan to Prozac, as Father Ivano Liguori and I explained in one of our books.


To hit Giorgia Meloni, woman with undoubted political talent, intuitive and intelligent, temperamentally amiable and great communicator, the Left have repeatedly accused her that the Brothers of Italy intended to strike the law 194 than in 1978 made the worst form of the death penalty legal in our country: the killing of children in the womb. Except then wave the rainbow flags shouting peace and love and tear his clothes if in the United States of America he is sentenced to the electric chair a serial killer. All in the name of "no to the death penalty always and in any case", except for the legalized death penalty for abortion imposed by mothers and carried out by serial killer operating legally in our hospitals.


A politician who from speech to speech, Of talk show in talk show states that abortion is a right and that as such it will not be touched ", the vote of the Catholics deserves it as much as the PD bandwagon with all its avid supporters of euthanasia deserves it, of the fight against conscientious objectors, marriage between same-sex couples, of the attempt to pass a liberticidal law which, under pretexts for the protection of the LGBT world, intended to establish the dictatorship of minorities through The coup of the politically correct, as our author Francesco Mangiacapra wrote in one of his splendid books.


Today we Catholics we are not even able to vote for the so-called least worst. And who would be the least worst, perhaps Cav. Silvio Berlusconi suffering from hypertrophic narcissism and delirium of omnipotence or the Sen. Matteo Salvini who changes his mind overnight? We fly over the grillini that should have redesigned an entire country, except to become worse than the old levers of the D.C.. and of the P.S.I, which at least were made up of men of great preparation and culture, or by authentic statesmen of great class and race like Bettino Craxi. A Catholic cannot sign a blank check without date and without amount to people who demonstrate that they have a completely distorted idea of ​​the very concept of human life, or who, in the face of the vote, pass over the right to life by speaking of the right to abortion.


Like the sound of the Pied Piper of Hamelin elections always end up bringing the mice out into the open, because you need votes to win them. And to get votes you need not so much pleasure, but please the worst of this world. However, a Christian cannot please what is bad, nor can it call the massacre of the innocent "intangible right", with the deafening silence of the very Catholic Elisabetta Gardini, also a candidate in the Brothers of Italy.


A person who has declared himself a Christian around all of Europe, but that before the elections it justifies itself for the sake of voting with repeated public confessions ensuring that "no one will touch the right to abortion", she qualified enough not to get the vote of the Catholics, even cost abstention or a canceled ballot inside the polling station. Without detracting from the high quality and capabilities of the On. Giorgia Meloni, which undoubtedly is Giorgia, is a woman, she is a mother and an Italian, but in the face of the vote she proved that she was not Christian at all. And of this Catholics are kept in conscience and take seriously, if some of them had wanted to choose the least worst.


the Island of Patmos, 23 September 2022












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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

Political elections 2022. The truth will make you free and happy. To rediscover the person and the common good



The Common Good is tension to perfection reminds us that the political choice is always a choice in the making. The perfections, living conditions change and change, just like the parties: we need a heart and an attentive look at the signs of the times and at the neighbor who lives in a state of material poverty, moral and spiritual.

- Actuality -


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.


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The year was 2005. As a young undergraduate student in philosophy at the state university Wisdom I had to make one of the first academic choices of my life. The curriculum of studies at the time required me to make a choice of specialization, then choose which specific subject I would have deepened within the philosophical branches.


After careful reflection and prayer, I matured with God's help, the will to continue my studies in the specialization in political philosophy. This implied that the courses and research that I would support would also touch upon the fields of moral philosophy and law. The most recurring theme in those years among us young students and young philosophers was more or less always that: what is the relationship between the citizen and the institution? Between the whole and the part?


After entering religious life this topic has continued to interest me. Especially because I have had good professors of moral theology and of the social doctrine of the Church who have been able to rigorously and systematically explain the thought of the Church on socio-political issues. I thank these teachers, many of whom are my brothers, because with their lessons today they allow me to express some reflections on the forthcoming political elections in which we all as citizens will have the opportunity to participate.


The current political landscape, as it is known, is divided into three major parties, with the necessary internal nuances: Right, Left and Third Pole. So, to the nomenclature and division typical of Italian politics at the beginning of the twentieth century, we also find the insertion of a centrist pole. This is therefore the fact of reality what will be presented in the ballot paper that the Catholic voter will open and on which he will have the right to vote. Already the Father Ivano expressed himself in another very nice and profound article.


We are therefore in a democratic system where we are all called to be responsible for the Common Good.


About democracy, I always loved, read and meditated several times on the beautiful words of Annus, social encyclical which I advise all Catholics to read and meditate deeply:


«The Church appreciates the system of democracy, as it ensures the participation of citizens in political choices and guarantees the governed the possibility of both electing and controlling their rulers, and to replace them peacefully, where this is appropriate. That, therefore, it cannot favor the formation of small managerial groups, who for particular interests or for ideological ends usurp the power of the State [1]».


Now democracy, as Aristotle already teaches in the Policy, if badly managed, by free choice or incompetence, easily becomes demagoguery. I won't get too specific so as not to digress, but I also remember the studies on democracy, which can also easily assume dictatorial or totalitarian forms [2]. In practice what the Father Ariel analyzes in one of his works as "the phenomenon of democracy without freedom". What is the democratic foundation that then avoids these drifts? She explains it herself Annus:


«[…] An authentic democracy is possible only in a rule of law and on the basis of a correct conception of the human person. It demands that the necessary conditions be met for the promotion of both individuals through education and formation in true ideals, and of the "subjectivity" of society through the creation of structures of participation and co-responsibility [3]


The first and true pillar of the company it is then the human person. Many books have been written on the concept of person, so much ink has been poured into as many reflections, on which perhaps a thousand pages would not be enough. Thus the person is the propulsive and intensive center of ideas, actions and values ​​for civil society and for the Church. So every democracy must defend it, promote it and educate it in civic and universal values. Every local Church must sanctify it, teach her correct doctrine and govern her on the way to holiness.


The invitation to this rediscovery of man in its freedom and vocation to sociality it comes directly from God who created man in his own image and likeness. Like the One God, he is one in nature but threefold in person, thus by creating us, he in turn gave us the possibility of being people and of living according to freedom and relationship with one's neighbor. Jesus asks the apostles to be the light of the world. To lead every person to truth and goodness. This allows us to introduce the second major pillar of society and the state, according to the Church: the Common Good.


We have seen that the document of St. John Paul II speaks of participation and co-responsibility in democratic choice. This is because it has a great Catholic tradition and reflection behind it on the theme of the Common Good, as the second great pillar of the Company. Each person is the center if he also knows how to decentralize. If he knows how to come out of himself to give himself to find himself in a collective communion that respects his individuality at the same time but also knows how to elevate it. Every person is relational and is called to social and ecclesial communion. She is called on a journey of truth and goodness. That is: the Lord invites us to the truth which makes us free to do good. Jesus then told those Jews that they had believed in him:


“If you stick to my word, you will truly be my disciples; you will know the truth and the truth will set you free" [GV 8, 31-32].


The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church clearly and concisely expresses the concept of the Common Good:


"From dignity, unity and equality of all people derives above all the principle of the common good, to which every aspect of social life must refer to find full meaning. According to a first and broad meaning, by common good we mean "the set of conditions of social life that allow both communities and individual members, to reach one's perfection more fully and more quickly". The common good does not consist in the simple sum of the particular goods of each subject of the social body. Being of all and of each one, it is and remains common, because it is indivisible and because it is only possible to achieve it together, grow it and keep it, also in view of the future. How the moral action of the individual is realized in doing good, thus social action reaches its fullness by realizing the common good. The common good, indeed, can be understood as the social and community dimension of the moral good"[4].


The Common Good as a set of conditions for the achievement of a greater perfection for the person. I think I have never found a more beautiful and more complete definition of the Common Good, in all the authors I studied and wrote about during my university years and even after. The Common Good as a tension towards improvement is in the first place, call for the enhancement and recognition of our neighbor ― with our work (basis of the Italian constitution), with respect for civic duties ― the neighbor who is a you that God has placed in our Italian nation and with which we must cohabit responsibly.


In second place, the Common Good is tension to perfection reminds us that the political choice is always and in any case a choice in the making. The perfections, living conditions change and change, just like the parties: we need a heart and an attentive look at the signs of the times and at the neighbor who lives in a state of material poverty, moral and spiritual.


there, so, the two poles that every Catholic must keep in mind when they present themselves at the polling station. And that every Catholic deputy or senator must always have in mind, if he is elected, and will present itself in Parliament.


If perhaps this to the keyboard theologians and their supercazzole exhibited in the cathedrals of the social network it will sound like an abstract and beautiful speech in theory, but in practice absolutely impracticable, will once again prove how this generation of Digital Age she is perhaps one of the most ignorant ones in history but who at the same time believes herself to be the smartest ever. Because it's one of those digital generations that thinks of splitting up theory e praxis, but he knows nothing of either. That said, this is the call in conscience to the moral and social principles that should guide us. I have no intention of offering electoral and party suggestions. My task as a priest and theologian is therefore only to remember those core values ​​for all the faithful and encourage them to live them consistently. To imitate those who have embodied these values ​​in the past. Their actualization will also be made explicit by the circumstances from the principle of epic who will be able to suggest it to the readers.


I conclude by asking you to pray for our Italy, because it also rediscovers the values ​​of secularism - against the prevailing secularism - and knows how to make faith dialogue, culture and theology, between Catholics and men distant from the faith always with the good will to serve the person and the Common Good.

Jesus sweet Jesus love (St. Caterina da Siena)


Rome, 23 September 2022



[1] Annus, 46.

[2] I refer to those who want to deepen the necessary J. Talmon, At the origins of totalitarian democracy, The Mill, Bologna, 1967.

[3] Annus, 46.

[4] Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 164.







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Ivano Liguori
Of the Order of the Capuchin Friars Minor
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Ivano

A country is not saved with protest votes. As a Catholic electorate for the upcoming elections that risk being yet another “belly vote”?


We are left with hilarious bitterness of our local politics boutade of some farce characters, iconic phrases more worthy of a walker than a statesman called to guard the good and the beautiful of a country: “We will open the Parliament like a can of tuna […] We're not here to spot the jaguars ". And between a can of tuna and a jaguar the 25 September is approaching and what Catholics are doing, what they think, where am I?

- Church news -


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.


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I am afraid that even the political elections the 25 September will no longer be the expression of a vote tummy that not of a real democratic feeling that takes the good of our country into due account. Which is why I am undecided whether to vote or not. For a priest, the vow is a serious matter of moral conscience, not just a civic duty enshrined in the Constitution.


A belly vote, how will that of the 25 September, we don't need it now, it has never and never will be used to build a balanced and sensible future. Anyone who still thinks that something could change from the next elections is very wrong, nothing will change, because politics - the real one, that of our Greek fathers - was designed not to change the system but to change man from within. As a presbyter I am allowed to say that man must be converted? Because this is the heart of the problem, the Pelagian effort of voluntarism is not enough. Man hardly educates himself, learning from their mistakes and its history, that most of the time he does not know and ignore. If it were that simple, we would have long ago stopped formulating and pursuing anti-human laws and policies, worthy of the most ruthless totalitarian policies that are repeated cyclically from time to time.


If we had paid more attention to history, we would have understood that the realities that truly improve the world all have the note of gratuitousness and non-repayable investment. I think, eg, to public health, to school and the world of education. School and healthcare are those magnificent realities in which you have to invest in generosity without expecting anything in return, because the fruits are not immediately visible but over time and the reward will certainly not be quantifiable in monetary figures but in better men, compassionate and wise.


We wanted to profit from hospitals transforming them into companies where it is good and nice to save on infirmities to increase the visibility of the manager on duty and where the pathologies are categorized according to a political and certainly not a clinical value. In the space of fifty years, schools have become the centers of an ideological tolerance in which students - less and less wise and proud of it - are not led to think with a critical sense and freedom. Indeed, it has been assumed that too much study was even deleterious, so it was necessary to introduce some alternation with work, in the illusion of planning a permanent job after high school. But even in this we have done worse, coming to conceive the mirifico income of citizenship that leads to the proof of facts to evaluate the study and work as disvalues ​​from which to beware of which it is possible to live only and only by claiming rights instead of getting busy in duties.


It was the rights to constitute the hinge of the all-Italian policy of the last ten years. Rights, we focus on rights, only and only rights! Forgetting the fact that to grow well the seed of any right must meet with the soil of duties, hard ground to work that requires the sacrifice of everyone.


For this reason I am convinced, both as a believer and as a presbyter, that the next elections will still displease most of Italy and that Catholic electorate that still remains there.


The entire political management was emblematic during the Covid-19 pandemic of both the last Draghi government and the two Conte governments. It was well highlighted how deep the dark barrel of Italian politics is, wound and wounding, it is called to scrape. In the last two years we have really come close to the popular uprising, as for the events in Trieste - something that would certainly have happened in a more realistic country than Italy - but not in Italy, we have always been the champions in the separation with reality, so as to put a patch on everything and make us like it, up to connivance with evil.


Even in the face of this important detachment from reality, I am convinced that there are still many good people in Italy: there are, they exist and will also exist in the future, but they are sufficiently sensible not to enter the vortex of politics that appears like that Count Ugolino who does not skimp on devouring his children. Well aware of the mechanisms of political power, they keep Socratically away from the lure of tyrants, who virtuously declaim examples of credibility, honesty and incorruptibility but which eventually become corrupted by the end of those famous mountain fifes that went to play and were played.


Of our own politics we are left with hilarious bitterness boutade of some farce characters, iconic phrases more worthy of a walker than a statesman called to guard the good and the beautiful of a country: “We will open the Parliament like a can of tuna […] We're not here to spot the jaguars ". And between a can of tuna and a jaguar the 25 September is approaching and what Catholics are doing, what they think, where am I? Yup, where am I? Not in the sense of their political weight which is non-existent (there is no longer a true Catholic politician since the time of Giorgio La Pira) but at least as believers where they are? Which direction are they called to choose in order to avoid conniving with certain structures of sin? Unfortunately, we have already experienced this, there is a serious danger that politics, free from everything and everyone, can become corrupted into a structure of sin, enemy of God and man, and fall into that original sin in which truth and virtue are excluded. Faced with the obsessive concern to make politics secular (and politicians) we have come to forget the areté (virtue), the sacred virtue par excellence that every politician and politician should pursue.


St. Thomas More, a Catholic politician too, was well aware of the danger for a believer of living in a corrupt state and of the need to resist as believers, as the evil of the rulers affects not only one part of the nation but all its members and what is objectively evil for one part is also evil for the other. Says St. Thomas More:


“If we lived in a state where virtue was profitable, common sense would make us holy. But since we see that greed, anger, pride and stupidity commonly yield much more than charity, to modesty, justice and wisdom, maybe we need to keep a little steady, even at the cost of being heroes ".


Avarice today, anger, pride and stupidity are the guidelines within which the plots of a belly vote will be woven that will end up creating discontented and deceived citizens. Let us not be under any illusions, today even those parties that are built around the cornerstones of alternative thought and the anti-system and that insist on the abolition of GreenPass, on the end of the vaccination obligation, on the reintegration of those suspended from work, on the position of the war in Ukraine, on expensive bills, they will stop in front of the non-negotiable values. And what should a Catholic do? Pinch your nose and choose between the worst and the slightly less worst? But even no!


It is self-evident that no party that matters (not zero-point ones) will dare to say anything about non-negotiable values essential for a believer, because they are well aware of reducing their electorate. Faced with important issues such as abortion, the end of life, assisted suicide, the legalization of soft drugs, LGBT issues such as parties can be said to be truly anti-system? Which parties will marry charity, to modesty, justice and wisdom in their electoral program? Certainly not the current center-right whose current coalition is as embarrassing as that of the center-left. Just look at a few talk-show to hear how many male politicians, but above all women candidates in those parties that virtually would even refer to Christian values, they become as soft as butter in the sun on certain very sensitive subjects, they put their hands forward and promptly justify in a decisive and reassuring way that the Law 194 do not touch. Some even let slip that it is an "acquired right", implied: intangible! And these would be the parties and their respective candidates who would like to try to court the lost one, confused and disheartened Catholic electorate? And don't expect salvation even from the new coalitions that have sprung from the tormented gestation of a time of pandemic, where the Masaniellis went to waste, some years and they will be clones of the former Five Star Movement.


As Christians there is nothing else left which makes sense to do if not to pray, with that same request that the blessed apostle Paul made to Timothy:


«I recommend you therefore, first of all, asking questions, pleas, prayers and thanks for all men, for kings and for all those in power, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity " (1TM 2,1-2).


We have to pray - as we do in the universal prayer of Good Friday - so that those who are called to govern the civil community may be enlightened by the Lord in their minds and hearts so that the common good is reached, to true freedom and peace. We have to pray, asking the Lord for the strength to promote a Christian policy that changes man from within and not the system. A politics of virtue, in which the beautiful, the good and the true inspire the rulers to something more than an armchair and an annuity. I don't know if it will be possible but we have already hit rock bottom, so what do you say, at least we try?


Laconi, 12 September 2022






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All is not lost: the Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan doctor of the Church, right away!


Sooner or later there will be a conclave. Perhaps it would be appropriate to have the majority of the Cardinal electors recite the formula of oath in their national languages, exempting them from pronouncing it in a Latin that many do not know. In this way we will avoid the anticlerical secularists, agnostics and atheists, however, gifted with culture and preparation, can make fun of us for centuries to come.

- Church news -


The Fathers of the Island of Patmos



We never would have imagined than one day, the actor and director Carlo Verdone entered the literature of the Wisdom Books with his famous phrase: or it's strange, at least until the Supreme Pontiff began to give his best in the choice of new cardinals.


In 2017 he was made a cardinal the auxiliary bishop of San Salvador S.E. Mons. Gregory Rosa Chavez. The archbishop of that diocese, S. AND. Mons. Jose Luis Escobar Alas, thus he found himself as auxiliary a cardinal. Everything always to be read in the light of the great wisdom of Carlo Verdone: …or Word Association!


Without cardinal all those Italian dioceses which historically have been residential cardinal seats remain: Palermo, Naples, Florence, Bologna, Genoa, Milan, Turin and Venice. In all these historic seats there are currently two cardinals, the meek but decisive and determined Giuseppe Betori in Florence, created cardinal by Benedict XVI in 2012 and the meek and enough Matteo Maria Zuppi, created cardinal by Francis and today President of the Italian Episcopal Conference.


With a subtle Socratic irony that one would never have expected from a Milanese - we are so used to thinking that it is almost a prerogative of the inhabitants of the Italic areas of Magna Graecia which was, being ironic -, S. AND. Mons. Mario Delpini delivered memorable jabs in his official greeting to the newly elected Cardinal Oscar Cantoni, Bishop of Como, Suffragan diocese of Milan.


We are sincere: but who are they baucia Milanese? After all, Milan is only an ancient diocese that has given saints to Christianity, blessed, Doctors of the Church and Supreme Pontiffs. It is only a Diocese that with its missionary priests or the gift of faith he contributed in a decisive way to evangelize entire nations around the world. All trivial and completely obvious things. Perhaps we want to compare this Diocese, the largest in Europe, historically and ecclesially so insignificant, with the Apostolic Vicariate of Mongolia (1.300 baptized Catholics) with the diocese of Tonga (9.000 baptized), with the Vicariate of Brunei, where there are barely any baptized Catholics throughout the country 15.000, whose bishops were created cardinals? What is Milan, in the face of the eccentric papal extravagance of … 'O famously strange? Because we are reduced to this: to wanting to do eccentric things that can surprise, since no one seems to be able to amaze with Jesus Christ anymore.


A subdued advice: sooner or later there will be a conclave. Perhaps it would be appropriate to have the majority of the Cardinal electors recite the formula of oath in their national languages, exempting them from pronouncing it in a Latin that many do not know. In this way we will avoid the anticlerical secularists, agnostics and atheists, however, gifted with culture and preparation, can make fun of us for centuries to come. Not everyone can in fact understand the profound and great mystagogical wisdom of ... 'O famously strange!


the Island of Patmos, 1September 2022





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Ivano Liguori
Of the Order of the Capuchin Friars Minor
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Ivano

The Church and the crisis of the sacred: the Eucharist is the real presence of Christ and the bloodless Holy Mass memorial of the sacrifice of Calvary


In the letter of the 7 April 1913, Padre Pio da Pietrelcina wrote to his spiritual director Padre Agostino da San Marco in Lamis describing the mystical experience he had witnessed, where the weeping Lord Jesus complains of his priests calling them "butchers" precisely in relation to the celebration of the divine sacrifice and the provisions with which it was celebrated.

- Church news -


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.


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The story of the Ambrosian priest Mattia Bernasconi and his idea of ​​celebrating Holy Mass at sea, as I have already dealt with in the past in my previous articles [see who, who, who], showed very well the level of weakness of the The sense of Faith circulating today among the clergy and the faithful. On the contrary, precisely because the clergy are the first to be deficient in The meaning of Faithi, of Tradition and knowledge of the Magisterium, the faithful feel entitled to behave accordingly, distilling their faith within a creed that is the result of an emotional drive and corporate solidarity.


By the grace of God, after some time of inexplicable silence, the Archbishop of Milan has his say and says it with the authority of a pastor whose purpose is to defend the People of God entrusted to him against the shipwrecks of faith and sound doctrine. In spite of all those beautiful souls who for some time have defended the horrendous antics of putting into the sea with the sword, complaining of stiffness, ignorance and judgment all those who - including us priests - have had to say and have reacted ... because you know, in the Church there are other problems, the important things are certainly not these. Poor us!


Just take an excerpt from the press release of the Ambrosian prelate [see who] to understand how much this Brother was wrong, so much so that he forced his bishop to such expressions:


«I believe that Don Mattia's way of celebrating is nonsense without justification […] It will be a duty for Don Mattia to seriously resume liturgical training that allows us to understand how this behavior was possible and to prevent it from happening again ".


As always the painful point it is given by the formation of the clergy, to always be taken care of and to be checked periodically over the years. Ignorant clergy leads to the consequence of an ignorant laity, in the etymological sense of the term. It is not only a problem of dogmatic theology that informs liturgical and pastoral theology but above all of an immersion in that dimension of mystery which touches the very heart of God and constitutes its spiritual texture..


All the sacred mysteries, in the first place The holy Mass, they allow man to touch the action of the Holy Spirit in his own creaturality, working out salvation. If we don't allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us through the sacred mysteries, nobody will. The spirit of the world is unable to reinvigorate the withered bones of a God-forgetful life [cf.. This 37,1-14], it distorts everything in disordered emotionality, in do it yourself compulsive and sectarian solidarity, all things that cannot find a justification in the Church, especially when you push yourself to the limit of sacrilege.


I think it is useful and constructive re-read some of the many comments of the "faithful" that appeared on the profile Facebook by Mattia Bernasconi, as well as in that of other presbyters. For example Giovanni Berti, the cartoonist priest of the clerically correct who immediately ran to the defense of his Milanese brother by making drawings to this. Here are some of the more interesting comments:


«I am on the side of the priest who made the mass on the mat. And I defend it. God can be found everywhere, even at sea […] total solidarity with Don Mattia and his authentic testimony […] Don Mattia was and is also authentic in apologizing. The young priests who are nostalgic for the Council of Trent and who celebrate in Latin terrify me […] Mattia you haven't done anything wrong! I hope that the support of those who love you will give you strength and comfort you! […] Don Mattia the true word of God is practiced in this simple and humble way, we are all with you […] But Jesus must have been happy to be celebrated in such a context and then maybe someone who hadn't been to mass for a long time, he had a chance to remind those who have criticized it only out of envy, not to have the courage or the imagination to do it to them! How much hypocrisy… how many Taliban we have in the church […] Thank you Don Mattia for yet another teaching you have given me. The essence […] But apologize for what??? Offended who? Of zotic people? It does not seem to me that Jesus went to preach the faith around in a suit and tie had an altar all in gold!


There is also a letter from a certain Don Paolo, entitled: "The mattress of the scandal and the Catholic dinosaurs", whose contents are comparable to those learned during a course online in theology, whose dogmatic teacher is the magician Oronzo. I am not here to open any debate on these expressions that speak for themselves and that, as I said earlier, they are just a mixture of emotionality and corporate solidarity. but yet, the tragic nature of a non-existent Eucharistic faith is evident and leaps to the eye, the lack of understanding for the violation of the mystery of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord combined with a luciferian denial of sin that nullifies any possibility of recovery of the offender and of recognition and expiation of the guilt. In short, to hear these testimonies, Mattia Bernasconi is more devoted to the Eucharist than Saint Pasquale Baylon, patron of Eucharistic congresses.


My intent with this further article on the subject is to publicly reiterate to the Presbyterian Confreres and to the Venerable Bishops that our faithful have completely lost the sense of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Just as they have lost the meaning of the Eucharistic celebration of Mass as a bloodless memorial of the sacrifice of Calvary. And this is because of us priests! Definitely, if we still want to save the least that can still be saved, we must start afresh from the Eucharist, both as a mystery revealed by the Lord Jesus and as theological understanding and reflection within the Magisterium of the Church. Start from the basics, starting with children, educating their hearts to know how to see Jesus, to be with him in the Sacrament. My experience as a priest of the Order of the Capuchin Friars Minor, for years chaplain in a large hospital, today parish priest of a parish annexed to our Sardinian convent in Laconi, is the one that tells me that children easily fall in love with the Sacrament of the altar if we adults know how to provide them with the bare minimum to understand its mystery and the dignity of greatness. In my opinion, the concepts of faith in the Christian faithful should not be burdened and multiplied if they are not yet able to assimilate its essentials. The Eucharistic presence of Christ adored and proclaimed real in the celebration of the Holy Mass becomes the hyphen that allows me, at a later time, to have a more dilated and pure look, almost mystical, to see the Lord present in the poor, in the sick and in all the brothers I will meet.


The hours of Eucharistic adoration, which in parishes are increasingly disappearing, they represent the real training ground in which to recognize the living Jesus. A Christian who does not worship and praise is a weak Christian. A priest who in his spiritual life does not feel the need to stand before Jesus in the sacrament is a bureaucrat and if he is also in the care of souls and does not peel his knees in front of the tabernacle he endangers his apostolic mission, his spiritual health and weakens the flock entrusted to him.


If we were to observe the awareness of the presence of the Lord in most of the faithful who cross the entrance of a church, we will see some good ones: how many of them enter with decorous and not skimpy clothes? How many turn off their mobile phones or silence it out of respect for the Blessed Eucharist and out of respect for those present who are already in prayer? How many look for the red lamp that signals that the church is inhabited by the Eucharistic presence of the living Christ? How many kneel, once you get to the counter, and recite the prayers of praise and reverence to the Holy Eucharist like those taught by the holy doctor Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori or say a heartfelt "May the Most Holy and Divine Sacrament be praised and thanked every moment" ending everything with a doxology? How many of those who enter the church, they hurry to seek the comfort of the person of Christ in the tabernacle instead of hurrying to look for the wooden or plaster statue of the saint on duty, not understanding the substantial difference between simulacrum and real presence, between the worship of latria, dulia and iperdulia?


And this could be just the beginning of a long collective examination of conscience that involves the faithful and priests together. We can go further by analyzing the Holy Mass: those who arrive on time so that the celebration can begin with the entrance song and end it with the final song? How many are the faithful still convinced that the Holy Mass is valid if it has arrived at least before the proclamation of the Holy Gospel? How many, during the consecration and elevation, they know how to look at the Body of Christ in the white host and the chalice with wine, Blood of the Lord? How many still firmly argue that to receive communion at Holy Mass just one Act of Pain without the need for any prior sacramental confession, even if you are aware of having failed to some commandment? How many are convinced that to receive sacramental Communion the only passionate desire that makes people say "I felt like taking the Eucharist" forgetting a Christian life that excludes habitual sin, the conditions of moral disorder and the impediments of conscience that would need a profound healing? How many are the faithful who present themselves to receive Communion from the priest only for baptisms, weddings and funerals, thinking that that communion thrown there is a duty due to etiquette and not as a response of faith? How many still go to Communion with candy or chewing gum in their mouths? How many still approach with contempt and derision, with no awareness of who you are going to receive? How many challenge the Church and the priest who distributes the Eucharist considering Communion as a proper acquired right? How many public advocates or defenders of positions such as abortion, l'euthanasia, divorce, coexistence, drug use, marriages outside the natural law, war and all those cases in which division abounds, hostility and oppression of the weakest today approach Communion with evident sacrilege?


It seems normal to you affirm that, after all these inconsistencies, we can still believe in a serious and mature way in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist? The marine mass of Crotone is the tip of theiceberg of a pathological sacramental malaise that is affecting everyone.


And when you point out this incompatibility, even with force, immediately you become one who judges, a betraying Judas or an anachronistic Catholic "dinosaur". Today these accusations become the most immediate way to discredit the adversary and defuse the goad towards the sanctity that is required of those who want to cross the narrow door [LC 13,24]. With this antidote, the prosecution charge, we get rid of any bigot, just as in politics the word fascist is used and in the LGBT community the word homophobia to silence opposing dissent.


As a Capuchin friar I would have a good game in reminding everyone of the position, in relation to the Holy Mass, by Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. His, stigmatized priest, to each Eucharist that he celebrated or attended he relived on his flesh and in his soul the terrible pangs of the passion of the Lord Jesus with vivid realism. In the letter of the 7 April 1913, Padre Pio wrote to his spiritual director Padre Agostino da San Marco in Lamis describing the mystical experience he had been a spectator of, where the weeping Lord Jesus complains of his priests calling them "butchers" precisely in relation to the celebration of the divine sacrifice and the provisions with which it was celebrated. I wanted to cite an example dear and close to me, but I could go on to list other saints such as Blessed Carlo Acutis, eg, and other memorable pages in the history of the Church in which the importance of the celebration of the Eucharist and the Body of the Lord is reaffirmed.


I'm not doing this to provoke a lynching of anyone, something that I would be careful not to do being a sinner more than the others but, Alas, I was also credited with this intention by someone who has read my latest articles, not just misinterpreting them, but just completely distorting them.


Dear Brothers in the Priesthood and Venerable Bishops, I consider true and right the ministerial duty to affirm that when the limit of decency is exceeded in such a clear way with regard to the Most Holy Eucharist and the Holy Mass, as happened in Crotone, it takes the right indignation, the due reparation and the courage of fatherhood. Yup, knowing how to use virile paternity with immediacy and authority, that neither the Archbishop of Milan nor that of Crotone have been able to do immediately. As he said in 1972 the Venerable Father Divo Barsotti preaching the spiritual exercises to the Roman Curia under the invitation of Paul VI:


"The Church has been endowed by God with a coercive power that she must exercise if necessary because if she does not exercise it, both the charity and the mandate that Christ has given her are lost".


And as a father in front of the son who is wrong he does not strive with firmness and mercy, as we read in Hebrews [cf.. 12,5-11], so that this is repentant and not lost? Because it is from the correction that underlines the error that the charity is born that recovers the one who makes mistakes and surrounds him with mercy. For this reason we must not be afraid to affirm with the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church that:


"Our Savior at the Last Supper, the night he was betrayed, he instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of his Body and Blood, with which to perpetuate over the centuries, until his return, the sacrifice of the cross, and to entrust thus to his beloved Bride, the church, the memorial of his death and resurrection: sacrament of piety, sign of unity, bond of charity, Easter banquet, in which Christ is received, the soul is filled with grace and the pledge of future glory is given " (See. CCC n.1323).


Who helps us in this understanding of the Eucharistic mystery are our priests who are not masters but servants without ulterior motives:


“They exercise their sacred function in the Eucharistic cult or assembly, where is that, acting in the person of Christ and proclaiming his mystery, they unite the vows of the faithful to the sacrifice of their Head and in the sacrifice of the Mass they make present and apply, until the coming of the Lord, the only sacrifice of the New Testament, that is, the sacrifice of Christ, who once and for all offers himself to the Father as an immaculate victim. From this one sacrifice all their priestly ministry draws its strength " [cf.. CCC n.1566].


In the daily liturgical diakonia at the service of the altar made up of gestures, rites, signs and symbols, the priests, they celebrate the Eucharist in which the Lord renews his Easter redemption from sin and death in favor of man. This ritual language needs an appropriate space, that it is worthy of the greatness of the mystery that is celebrated in it. Therefore the Holy Mass:


«Let it be done in the sacred place, unless in a particular case necessity requires nothing else; in which case, the celebration must take place in a decent place " [cf.. Sacramentum n. 108 and Code of Canon Law, Can. 932 § 1; cf.. S. Congress. for the Cult Div., Istr., Liturgical establishments, n. 9: AAS 62 (1970) p. 701].


Like this, celebrating with lively faith and in a worthy way the Holy Mass, the priest and with him the Church, realizes what St. Ambrose Bishop of Milan says about the real presence of the Body of the Lord:


«This bread is bread before the sacramental words; ma, intervening the consecration, the bread becomes Christ's flesh […] From which words the consecration is made and whose are these words? Of the Lord Jesus! All the things that are said before that moment are said by the priest who praises God, pray for the people, for kings and for others; but when it comes to fulfilling the venerable sacrament, the priest no longer uses his words, but of Christ. It is therefore the word that operates (traverses) the sacrament […] See how effective it is (operator) speaking of Christ? Before the consecration there was no Body of Christ, but after the consecration, I tell you that the body of Christ is now there. He said and it was done, he commanded and was created (cf Shall 33, 9)» [See. Ambrogio, Of the sacraments, IV, 14-16 (PL 16, 439 ss].


With the last and definitive word of the Archbishop of Milan, on the story of the Mass of Crotone, we are moving towards the end of the summer 2022. Summer is ending, the Righeira Brothers sang in 1985, for us it would be enough that these liturgical and dogmatic oddities were to end, with the hope that in this period the bishops will be a little closer to the priests and a little less to the polls and politicians, since we still believe that Christ is the one and only Redeemer of humanity.

Laconi, 23 August 2022

feast of Saint Ignatius of Laconi






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