The angelologist Marcello Stanzione again snatches Saint Hildegard of Bingen from the clutches of modern shamans



Hildegard was an extraordinary and multifaceted figure. Over the course of her long life she has worked from philosophy to poetry to dramaturgy, from music to cosmology to healing herbalism. He had the gift of prophecy and clairvoyance, he carried out studies on the therapeutic properties of gems and stones …

— Books and reviews —

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos


the new book by Marcello Stanzione on Hildegard of Bingen (Il Cerchio editions, 2022). To access the book shop click on the image

The priest Marcello Stanzione, specialist in angelology, he is considered one of the leading European experts on Angels. His dissemination work has lasted for three decades and as the author of dozens of books translated into multiple languages, lecturer and television presence on Rai programmes, Mediaset e Sat2000, has always been very precious in these times in which man, when he decides to abandon the true path of faith and turn his back on God and the mystery of Redemption, far from emancipating himself, he always ends up believing in everything. At that point the Angels end up reduced to figures that can vary from tarot cards to new age, becoming elements that witches and ufologists abuse.


His attentions, his research and publications also focused on particular figures of male and female saints who had a close connection with the Angels. Among them Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), Benedictine nun beatified in 1324 and canonized in 2012 by the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI who proclaimed her a doctor of the Church. And here an aside between the lines is allowed: let's hope that after the recent Italian controversies regarding the declination of male names into female, where in the opinion of the Honorable Laura Boldrini the first female president of the Council of Ministers should not be called "Mr. Prime Minister" or "Prime Minister" but "President" and "Prime Minister", the same, or several of his friends within the disastrous contemporary Catholic world, do not also enter our house to argue and therefore to demand that Saint Hildegard or Saint Catherine of Siena be referred to from now on no longer as “doctors” but as "doctors of the Church".


That of Doamna Ildegarda, as the Benedictine nuns were called yesterday and as they still are today, he was an extraordinary and multifaceted figure. Over the course of her long life she has worked from philosophy to poetry to dramaturgy, from music to cosmology to healing herbalism. He had the gift of prophecy and clairvoyance, he carried out studies on the therapeutic properties of gems and stones.


Needless to say: the work of Marcello Stanzione, who has dedicated many publications to this figure [see WHO], it was particularly helpful, indeed truly indispensable to snatch this titan of a woman from the clutches of magicians, ufologists and followers of new age. Why not, even from those of some deranged priest, Unfortunately!


In his latest book, written together with Elisa Giorgio, the Author talks about the healing properties of herbs according to studies, Saint Hildegard's research and recipes. It goes without saying that herbs with healing properties have always been used in medicine and pharmacology. It is a well-known fact that the Holy Pontiff John Paul II, suffering from Parkinson's disease, was given papaya, which did not cure him of that illness, but it gave him good benefits.


Obviously you can't cure cancer neither with herbs nor with the so-called "alternative medicine" and that it is good to let yourself be treated by oncologists and scrupulously follow their therapeutic prescriptions, certainly not those of certain shamans, But, precisely in the field of oncology and the treatment of hopeless terminally ill patients, The use of natural substances in palliative programs for the treatment of pain is increasingly widespread, including substances commonly defined as “drugs”, but which in truth are nothing more than herbs, starting from what is usually called marijuana, which is nothing other than Indian hemp, one of whose properties is that it is a powerful and effective anti-inflammatory, equally beneficial are the therapeutic properties of coca leaves and poppy plants from which opium is obtained.


With this new book of his Marcello Stanzione offers and returns to readers the real and extraordinary figure of a woman who is a giant in faith, in science and in what today we would define as cutting-edge research.


From the island of Patmos, 30 October 2022


With our editions Marcello Stanzione has published

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