(1st part) Sunstrokes: Mattia Bernasconi Ambrosian presbyter celebrates Holy Mass in a bathing suit by soaking in water with an inflatable mattress as an altar
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"Before the Eucharist, a sense of the sacred is needed before the pastoral sense, that is, of the divine Presence ". And what divine presence is perceived in the wet mass by Mattia Bernasconi? I'd be curious to ask your bishop, as well as his dogmatic teacher, of liturgy and canon law that surely will have explained to him what the Catholic Mass is and how it is celebrated.
- Church news -
«The Church makes the Eucharist and the Eucharist makes the Church» is a simple medieval theological concept that surely H.E. Mons. Mario Delpini, archbishop of Milan and successor of Saint Ambrose, will know more than well. Perhaps, however, this medieval maxim escaped its presbyter Mattia Bernasconi who made public mockery and outrage of the mass in Crotone in the locality of Alfieri-Scifo. (you see who, who, who), making members of Christ, limbs of a prostitute [See. 1Color 6,15].
I'll be honest, if I were a young 20-year-old today, I'd be well off this church 2.0 that day after day finds new reasons for pride [Pride as they say] to mortify and mortify. A Church very attentive to temporal purposes such as welcoming the poor and migrants, education for legality, the ecological-dietary-food commitment, the political struggle for peace, up to the unscrupulous race towards justice and universal brotherhood of sanculottiana memory but diaphanous and sloppy when it comes to defending and guarding its most precious asset which is the Eucharist and the divine mysteries.
And it is not just about the Eucharist that it is only right to speak at this juncture, but of the true and proper sense of the sacred which has now disappeared from the Church and from the "pretific" archbishops, as our Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo in his book of Beyond 10 Years ago: And Satan became triune. Indeed, as the theologian and liturgist rightly maintains Nicola Bux: "Before the Eucharist, a sense of the sacred is needed before the pastoral sense, that is, of the divine Presence " (who). And what divine presence is perceived in the wet mass by Mattia Bernasconi? I'd be curious to ask your bishop, as well as his dogmatic teacher, of liturgy and canon law that surely will have explained to him what the Catholic Mass is and how it is celebrated.
Who knows to what high pastoral sense - that of the "shepherd with the smell of sheep" - Mattia Bernasconi arrived in his priestly years to feel the irrepressible need to celebrate with a bare and hairy chest, immersed to the waist in the limpid sea of Calabria with an inflatable mattress for the altar and a ministrant in costume that holds the corporal to prevent the sea breeze and the waves from overturning the chalice (perhaps made of ice cream waffle?) and the great host (maybe sponsored by Algida?).
Why is clear, today the mission of the priest lies in upsetting, not in sanctifying. It must upset in every field - for good as well as for evil - to the point of touching the excesses of a pastoral pornography made up of an absolute supremacy of conscience over everything., especially on the things of God. «A shocking experience […] upsetting because it has actually upset many of our thoughts e, obviously, shocking in a positive sense " [cf.. who]. And between one upheaval and another, we actually arrive at that masterpiece of God's death that Nietzsche had foretold but that we priests 2.0 we have achieved in practice. If those who serve God and the Altar mingle with the baseness of this world, God is clinically dead in their life and in their ministry and thus resurrects not the new man but the Promethean one who in excess, in the upheaval and in the do it yourself of a self-centered faith that seeks salvation in immanence and not in transcendence.
Dear Mattia Bernasconi, Ambrosian presbyter, your field on legality with the children of the parish of San Luigi Gonzaga in Milan may have been a resounding success but now, please, be kind enough to explain to him that in addition to civil legality there is also a dogmatic legality, liturgical and canonical that is inextricably linked to that health of the soul that the Church desires for its children and that you as a priest must defend with all your strength. Explain to him, please that any shocking experience does not entitle you to barbarously kill the holy and perfect sacrifice of the Mass as you did, mocking the apostolic teaching on which the the law of praying from believing of the church. The heart of your kids will perhaps be ready and prepared tomorrow to resist the lure of lawlessness but will in fact be disarmed and impatient in the face of the sense of the sacred, oblivious to God, unable to hold back with Him, tired in front of the Saint who reveals himself, just as it was for Abraham, in the hottest time of the day [GN 18,1].
Even the noblest of civil and human values constitutes a pale reflection when compared to the treasure of the Eucharist which is capable of building the Church but on the condition that it recognizes its value and its centrality, making it become fund you culmination of every Christian experience and of every Christian in every time and season. Only if we recognize in the Eucharist well celebrated and well prepared: «the daily manna, without which for this harsh desert in the back goes those who are more anxious than gir» [Dante Alighieri, The divine Comedy, Purgatory, XI, 13-15] we could be saved as believers and trustworthy as presbyters. And you, dear Mattia Ambrosian presbyter, it is really the case that I tell you, thanks to the Calabrian sun you labored in vain by retreating in your knowledge of Christ to follow a modern pastoral profile of a shepherd with an evil understood "smell of the sheep". With the hope that with all that water and the movement of the waves that pastoral sense has finally been washed away from your priesthood, alas definitely.
Laconi, 25 July 2022
A video that raises very serious questions about the ongoing formation of priests, but above all on the formation of their bishops for the episcopate
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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos
One must not be naive! The sense of the sacred and the very concept of “sacred” it is banned from theological faculties because it is identified as “pagano”. With Christ everything is holy, they say in those strange places, consequently no sacred spaces are needed. Fantasy, so, can express itself in any direction supported by “liturgical creativity”. So instead of proceeding to the internalization of Christianity, one proceeds to its dispersion or to its final nullification. The dispersive motion of the soul is now particularly accelerated and also explains the spectacle “liturgical” where you have to hit the mind and totally overlook the interior. The active contempt for spirituality, prayer reduced to a minimum, if not abolished, the forgotten asceticism help to empty man and to reduce Christianity like the skin of the snake that made the moult: a lifeless residue. The other part, in official Catholicism by now a vision triumphs where power has in fact swallowed up Tradition by placing itself above it and producing, in its place, of the secularized traditions that can support it. From an ecclesiastical power of this kind it will never be possible to ask for a condemnation for sea masses since there is a profound similarity between the desecrated mentality of this priest and that of a large part of the episcopate. The Catholic world is experiencing its Babylonian captivity, occupied by largely detached prelates and laity, ignorant and enemies of the ancient Tradition. But this is nothing more than a schism (with heresy)…