New destination and ministry for our editor Father Ivano Liguori


The Provincial Minister of the Capuchins of Sardinia has asked Father Ivano to accept a new assignment, however very delicate, as formator at the Convent of Sanluri where the house is located where aspirants to religious life are welcomed for their vocational discernment.

— News in brief —

Editors of The Island of Patmos








Our Capuchin editor Ivano Liguori is a cornerstone of our magazine, his precious collaboration began six years ago, at the time in which he carried out the ministry of chaplain at the Brotzu Hospital, large hospital in Cagliari, where years later he is always remembered together with his brother Giancarlo Pinna by the medical and paramedical staff, by former patients and their families who occasionally continue to send messages of esteem and gratitude to our editorial staff in his memory.
Great expert in health pastoral care and young man endowed with a rare humanity based on a solid faith and equally solid doctrine, Father Ivano knew how to see, in nine years of delicate hospital service, the suffering Christ in the sick (cf.. Mt 25, 35-44).
In September 2019 is sent to Laconi, in the province of Oristano, as guardian and parish priest at the convent with adjoining parish cared for by the Capuchin Friars Minor in the town of origin of Ignatius of Laconi, in a situation that is not exactly easy and with several problems to heal. From the beginning he dedicated himself with great dedication to the care of souls, taking care of the decorum of the sacred liturgy, always available with the confreres for confessions and spiritual directions, offering important formation meetings and cycles of catechesis, several of which are also published in video on these columns in the column Breakfast with Cappuccino, including a series of catecheses dedicated to the Sacrament of Penance, the confession. In the meantime he dedicated himself to his publicist activity on our magazine, that without him it would not be what it is today, signing over 100 articles of great breadth and profound pastoral and doctrinal depth, while giving the press two books: From the From Prozan to Prozac (2021) e The sign of Cain (2021).
Before leaving Laconi administered Holy Baptism to a beautiful little girl from 10 year old, visible sign of the fruits produced by his four years of pastoral activity carried out in that town.
The Provincial Minister of the Capuchins of Sardinia asked Father Ivano to accept a new assignment, however very delicate, as formator at the Convent of Sanluri where the house is located where aspirants to religious life are welcomed for their vocational discernment.
Also Father Giancarlo Pinna, with whom he shared many years of ministry at the large hospital in Cagliari and that in September 2019 it was also transferred to Laconi, leave that location, but not alone. In fact, the two brothers arrived in Laconi, taking with them the new convent Tac, the cat who for years lived in the chaplains' lodgings and who today lives serenely and happily in that religious house. This time Father Giancarlo will bring to his new destination a dachshund as affectionate as pimp.
In charge of taking care of the retirement home of Oristano where the sick Franciscan Tertiaries live, Father Giancarlo will arrive with the most therapeutic that can exist in that context for elderly and sick people: a ruffian dachshund. Ancient and pure Franciscan pedagogy.
the Island of Patmos 12 June 2023








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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos




The Corpus Christi. A feast to be rediscovered in a time when the Eucharistic cult seems “past fashion” in the streets deserted by shepherds and occupied by “sacred processions” the “politically correct”


We are sorry to note - as evidenced by numerous messages from priests who arrived on our Island of Patmos in the past days - that in many of our cities by now the procession of The body of the Lord it has become a memory. Even the Diocese of Rome did not have its procession this year: on the other hand, on the eve of The body of the Lord however, it was used to carry out the meeting conference on human fraternity entitled Not Alone, which also included the presence of the Holy Father, did not materialize due to the last surgery.

— Liturgical ministry —

Simone Pifizzi


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In recent times we really saw more or less everything. Holy Masses celebrated on inflatable mattresses [cf.. WHO, WHO, WHO], on motorcycles or anything else used for altars; with sacred ministers in bathing suits or with clothes that to judge inappropriate for the Holy Eucharistic Sacrifice would be a mere understatement. Holy Thursday reposition altars that, from places that should express love and prayer towards the most precious treasure left to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ, which have become a place of outlet for the most extravagant priestly paturnies [cf.. WHO].

The body of the Lord June 2020, Eucharistic blessing from the cathedral square imparted by Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Metropolitan Archbishop of Florence

It then comes as dew on the fleece in the desert the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, commonly said The body of the Lord, which the Church celebrates on the first Thursday after the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, or the following Sunday. Was written:

“How the Most Holy Eucharist represents the center and summit of all our religious life, as well as the fulcrum of the liturgy, the highest moment of Christian life and the holiest of sacraments, so the holiday of The body of the Lord, apart from Easter and Christmas, it is the most radiant of the liturgical year, because it marks the triumph of the Eucharistic King, and its institution is the most eloquent expression of the religious and ecclesial life of the Middle Ages" (Bernhard Ridder, Ecclesiastical history textbook, Pauline, p. 368).

The origin of this holiday it is traced back historically in the year 1247 in the diocese of Liège, where the bishop introduced this celebration in reaction to the theses of Berengar of Tours (998-1088), according to which the presence of Christ in the Eucharist was not real but only symbolic. The Bishop was inspired by the mystic Saint Juliana of Cornillon (1192-1258), Augustinian nun of Mount Cornillon Convent, who had a vision of the Church as a young man, appeared to her under the guise of a full moon, marked by a dark spot, to indicate the absence of a holiday. Later she had the vision of Christ himself who entrusted her with the task of working to ensure that the feast of the Blessed Sacrament was established, to revive the faith of Christians in the real presence in the Eucharist and to expiate the sins committed against the Eucharistic Sacrament. Become in 1222 prioress of her convent sought advice from the leading theologians of her time (tra cui Jacques Pantaleon, future Pope Urban IV) to request the establishment of the party. This brought the bishop of Liège, Robert of Thourotte (+1246) to call in 1246 a local synod ― because at the time the synods dealt with serious things ... ― which established that from the following year the feast of the The body of the Lord in the diocese of Liège. Incidentally: at the time the bishops had the right to establish liturgical feasts within their own diocese.

In 1264 Pope Urban IV who had already contributed and supported the party of The body of the Lord in Liège, also following the recognition of the Eucharistic Miracle of Orvieto-Bolsena del 1263, with the bubble Pass out of this world, established the solemnity of The body of the Lord for the whole universal Church, raising it to a feast of obligation and fixing its celebration for the Thursday after the Octave of Pentecost. On the Eucharistic miracle of Bolsena-Orvieto, however, we leave the floor to our confrere from Orvieto Marco Nunzi, who is an expert connoisseur [cf.. WHO]. I am interested in underlining some liturgical particularities of this feast:

Eucharistic liturgy. The texts of the readings of the three Masses corresponding to the festive liturgical cycles A, B e C, first of all they present the symbolic figures of the Old Testament concerning the Eucharist such as the manna given as food to Israel in the wilderness, the burnt offerings e i sacrifices of fellowship with the Lord, the blood of the covenant, the bread and wine offered by Melchizedek to Abraham. In the second reading of the same three Masses, the Apostle Paul states that communion with the Body of Christ is an eloquent sign of unity, of intimate friendship and "incorporation" in Christ, as well as faith and complete self-giving to him. The text of the Letter to the Hebrews (B) presents Jesus offering himself to purify our conscience from the works of death in order to serve the living God. In the Gospel passages it comes part of Discourse on the Bread of Life held by Jesus in Capernaum (cf.. GV 6), the last supper of Jesus and the institution of the Eucharist (cf.. MC 14, 12-6. 22-26) and the multiplication of the loaves (cf.. LC 9, 11-17). In particular, the stupendous sequence should be underlined Lauda Sion who sings of Christ the true Bread of Life who “feeds us, it defends us and leads us to eternal goods in the land of the living".

Liturgy of the hours. Beyond the hymns of Put lingua, the Sacred festivals he was born in The word coming from above, unsurpassed in content and musical melody, the psalms of the Office of Readings, of Lauds and Vespers summarize all the sentiments that a believing and loving soul can express to the Lord, who in the Eucharist gives us the eloquent sign of his infinite love for us. The two readings present the Eucharist as the center of the whole history of salvation, which has its preparation in the Old Testament and its full implementation in the New Testament. San Tommaso Aquino, in the second reading, don't hesitate to say

"the Only Begotten Son of God, wanting to make us partakers of his divinity […] became man to lift us to the heights of God […] in fact, he offered his body to God the Father as a victim on the altar of the cross for our reconciliation. He shed his blood making it count as a price and as a lavage because, redeemed from humiliating slavery, we were cleansed of all sins. Because, at last, remain in us a constant reminder of so great a benefit, he left his Body as food and his Blood as drink to his faithful, under the species of bread and wine. Oh, wonderful banquet! What can be more valuable? No sacrament is healthier than this. The Eucharist is the memorial of Christ's passion, it is the greatest of all the wonders he wrought, it is the admirable document of his immense love for men» (Opusc. 57, on the Feast of the Body of the Lord, lect. 1-4).

Eucharistic Procession. As we have already said, In order to encourage devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, Pope Urban IV extended the feast of The body of the Lord to the whole Church. While making no mention in the Bull of a Eucharistic procession, he immediately got into the habit of showing the faithful the Eucharistic Species during a solemn procession with the Blessed Sacrament, which evidently has always stood out for its special importance and significance in the pastoral life of Christian communities. It therefore agrees that, where current circumstances allow it and where the procession can truly be a sign of faith and adoration, it is preserved. In this case it is good that the procession with the Blessed Sacrament takes place immediately after Mass, in which the Host is consecrated and then carried in procession. The songs and prayers that are made along the way, lead everyone to manifest their faith in Christ, solely intent on the light of the Lord (cf.. Rite of Communion outside Mass and Eucharistic Worship, NN. 102 – 104).

Sorry to see - as attested by numerous messages from priests who arrived on our Island of Patmos in the past days - that in many of our cities by now the procession of The body of the Lord it has become a memory. Even the Diocese of Rome did not have its procession this year: on the other hand, on the eve of The body of the Lord however, it was used to carry out the meeting conference on human fraternity entitled Not Alone, which also included the presence of the Holy Father, did not materialize due to the last surgery.

That of Rome is just one example of an elegant episcopal "apology". ― with lots of shrugs to those who instead point out the importance of such a gesture ― to leave our streets and squares to others, most of the time transformed into large open-air trattorias, in this sense it would be enough to take a tour of Piazza del Duomo in Florence to realize it …

Perhaps on this trend of throwing away all our traditions to be "politically correct" it would be better to make a serene but urgent reflection, even if the discomfort and suffering that the priests and consequently the faithful are experiencing in an ever greater form, it would seem to matter little or nothing.

Florence, 11 June 2023



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Marco Nunzi, presbyter
Canon of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Orvieto
Father frame

The Eucharistic miracle that took place between the cities of Orvieto and Bolsena and the establishment of the Solemnity of Corpus Domini


Witness of the miracle of Bolsena, the Corporal of Orvieto is the "signature" of Jesus alive and true in the Eucharistic Bread, which sweeps away doubt and lets us penetrate those sacred mysteries which are reached through the reason of faith: Faith and Reason (faith and reason). Or as Saint Anselm of Aosta teaches: Faith seeking understanding (faith requires the intellect) which takes shape from the saying of Saint Augustine I believe in order to understand (I believe to understand).

- Church news -

Marco Nunzi*











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The Solemnity of The body of the Lord see the cities of Orvieto e Bolsena united in a profound inseparable combination. Because it's true, the prodigious sign took place in Bolsena, but the "cradle" of the Solemnity from which it was then established for the whole Church remains and is Orvieto. Just as Jerusalem cannot do without Bethlehem, in fact, there would be no resurrection without first the nativity, in the same way the Feast of the Body and Blood of the Lord would not have been proclaimed without the prodigious event that gave rise to it.

Marco Nunzi and Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, Chapel of the Sacred Corporal, Orvieto Cathedral

The history of facts we can summarize it like this: in the distant XIII century Peter, boemo priest, he was tormented by a doubt. He couldn't explain himself like during Holy Mass, through the transubstantiation, the bread and the wine could really change into the Body and Blood of Christ. Thus he undertook a long pilgrimage to Rome to pray at the tomb of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the hope of finding an answer to his excruciating torment. Once in Bolsena he decided to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice on the tomb of the martyr Christine. During the Eucharistic canon, on the words of the consecration of the sacred species, in her trembling hands the Host visibly became true flesh that, dripping copiously alive blood, he implored the corporal and some stones from the altar.

For a mysterious design of Providence, in those times the Supreme Pontiff resided in Orvieto Urban IV, present in his residence in Orvieto during that miraculous event. As soon as the Pope learned of the miraculous event, he instructed the Bishop to go to nearby Bolsena to examine what had happened and bring the signs of the miracle to Orvieto. Went down to the foot of the Orvieto cliff to go to meet the Bishop, on seeing the sacred Corporal the Pope knelt down moved and, taken into his hands with great veneration this Holy linen, he returned in procession to the Church of Orvieto among the songs of the people in celebration.

Urban IV, many years before the Bolsena events and of his election as Supreme Pontiff, met in Liège, in Belgium, Juliana of Cornillon. The humble religious shared with him some revelations she had received from the Lord. These concerned the need to establish a new liturgical solemnity in honor of the Holy Eucharist, Admirable Sacrament of the Love of God and His Presence. Dad, mindful of Giuliana's confidences and with the eyes of the heart still fixed on the Precious Blood imprinted on the Corporal, it was decided to establish by the City of Orvieto, with the bubble Pass out of this world of 11 August 1264 the feast of Corpus Domini extended to the whole Universal Church.

The Pope also asked Thomas Aquinas, well-known Dominican theologian, he was also then resident in Orvieto, to draw up the Divine Office of the new Solemnity. Thus were born the texts of the five wonderful Eucharistic hymns: the Put lingua which ends with the well-known Only then, the lodge Sacred Solemnities, the Bread of Angels, the You will find the word from above e O saving victim, which are still part of the Liturgy of the Church today.

Concerning the writing of hymns, tradition hands down a particular episode: Thomas Aquinas, before presenting himself before Urban IV to propose the hymn Put lingua, he went to the church of the convent of Orvieto to pray in front of the Crucifix. Thomas asked the Lord to let him know his "opinion" on what had been written. The Crucifix answered simply: «You wrote well about me or Tommaso, what reward do you want? The great theologian replied: “Nothing but yourself, o Lord”».

What it means for us today to celebrate this great Solemnity? The immediate reminder is to go back to what Jesus did and said at that last supper. We contemplate his gesture: He took some bread and said “this is me, take and eat."

A sign, the bread, which represents his life, what was his whole life: Donated bread, life given, not even a crumb of this life, not even an instant of his time did Jesus keep for himself, it was all a gift to the brothers. What does Jesus say to us when he declares “this is me, take and eat” that is, assimilate this life proposal that was mine. Eating that bread means "you welcome me into your life and by welcoming me you welcome the logic of Love that leads to the construction of a new world." Because every disciple who eats this Bread is willing to be completely bread of life for others as Jesus was and continues to be through us.

Witness of the miracle of Bolsena, the Corporal of Orvieto it is the "signature" of Jesus alive and true in the Eucharistic Bread, which sweeps away doubt and lets us penetrate those sacred mysteries which are reached through the reason of faith: Faith and Reason (faith and reason). Or as it teaches Sant'Anselmo d'Aosta: Faith seeking understanding (faith requires the intellect) which takes shape from the saying of St. Augustine I believe in order to understand (I believe to understand).

the Island of Patmos, 11 June 2023


* Mons. Marco Nunzi (01.06.1964) he is presbyter of the Diocese of Orvieto-Todi and canon of the Chapter of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta





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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos




Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The body of the Lord. The Blessed Sacrament of Presence and Communion

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos


"In truth, verily I tell you: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day"


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.


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Dear Friends and Readers of The Island of Patmos,

in the great feast of The body of the Lord Jesus definitively offers himself to us in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Liturgy of the Word tells us that in those days, while the inhabitants of Capernaum listen to his words, they are knocked out by a big announcement: «I am the living bread, came down from heaven" (GV 6, 51). Words that initially cause some confusion in them, to the point of raising protests. They almost seem to expect a God who is a bit’ more understandable, compared to those words in which Jesus expounds what is the great mystery of the Eucharist. With words that at first can only stun, outlining a great and tremendous mystery. Jesus, the incarnate son of God, choose to become that piece of bread and that sip of wine. In the Eucharistic species, Christ in body is present at every Holy Mass celebrated, blood, soul and divinity. Those Eucharistic species become for us the bread and wine for the path of eternity. They become the new hidden manna, the food that allows us to obtain the lifeblood of grace to walk in holiness and justice every day of our lives.

As we more or less know from the Catechism, the real presence of Jesus is possible because during the Holy Mass, at the time of consecration, through the words of the priest recited on the Eucharistic species the miracle of transubstantiation. The substances of bread and wine, while maintaining the same look, they are converted into the substance of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Before the announcement of this mystery the Capernaites are scandalized, because they don't understand it, partly because you lack the tools to understand, partly because they have a somewhat hard heart locked up in pharisaic formalisms and memorized formulas which, however, do not have a concrete development in charity. So here Jesus offers them two explanations:

"In truth, verily I tell you: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day" (GV 6, 53).

Jesus explains that assimilate his body it means that the Father has sent him as a new and eternal manna from heaven that completes the manna that was given to the Jews in the desert. So Jesus is the one who in that manna, in that bread, he makes himself present because God the Father makes him present through a miracle, this is in synthesis the discourse that he presents to the listeners; and makes it present because through his bread Jesus arrives in full and strong intimacy with those who welcome him. The body of the one who receives the new and eternal manna becomes the temple, the new home for the Lord.

This shows on the one hand the real presence, as we said at the beginning, in which the believer is purified and transformed by God to be in imitation of Christ. In a sense, as the Greek Fathers say, the assumption of the Body of Christ makes him similar to us: because the Eucharist is the Sacrament that offers all of us the grace of the presence and imitation of Jesus in our concrete daily life.

Like this, imitating Jesus, all of us can fellowship with others and climb a path of holiness. To be holy means to operate the charity and love of God, therefore to let our neighbor enter a path of eternity. Jesus himself tells us so: the love of Christ in the Eucharist leads us to eternal life and the resurrection of the body.

As well as then, as I read these eternal words I wonder: the great mystery of love truly present in the Eucharist, scandalizes perhaps even today? Perhaps our sanctification also passes through this. Be Eucharistic witnesses, because first of all we are the first to be eucharistized, that is, we are poured out by the grace of the real presence, and its effects of joy and satisfaction can be authentic witnesses of the beauty of its presence. Show the joy of being in communion with Him, thus it leads us to make communion with the whole Church and witnesses with all humanity.

We can draw from this joy every time we approach the embrace of Eucharistic adoration. We lay our hearts, our existential wounds on the Eucharistic heart of Jesus and we will be poured out by a great love.


Santa Maria Novella in Florence, 11 June 2023




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Soon we will have Pietro Pacciani President of the Supreme Court of Cassation assisted by Bombolo, Alvaro Vitali and Er Monnezza



"Of course, given his obvious closeness to McCarrick, it is unlikely that Farrell knew nothing of his gravely sinful acts."

Hypatia's cogitatory


Author Hypatia Gatta Romana

Hypatia Gatta Roman












Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell was appointed President of the Supreme Cassation of the Vatican City State, the equivalent Supreme Court of Cassation of the Italian Republic. This prelate is a creature created by the Archbishop of Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick than in 2018 he was found guilty of continued sexual harassment and abuse, enough to be hit in the 2019 with the most extreme canonical penalty: dismissal from the clerical state, imposed with sentence of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which recognized him guilty of sERIOUS oFFENSES for abusing adult men and young priests over several decades [cf.. decree of the Holy See].

The current President of the Supreme Court, in addition to never having received any legal training, at the time he was insistently proposed and wanted as his own auxiliary bishop in the 2001 by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

With the then Archbishop of Washington he lived for six years in a communal flat, obviously - it goes without saying - without ever realizing the circle that he had and the kind of life he led, despite living in close contact with him under the same roof. Something that raised the perplexities of the President Emeritus of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura at the time, Cardinal Leo Raymond Burke, than in 2018 he declared:

"Of course, given his obvious closeness to McCarrick, it is unlikely that Farrell knew nothing of his gravely sinful acts." [cf.. WHO].

In short: the person with the pedigree more suitable to be appointed president of the Cassation of the Vatican City State, flanked by three judges chosen and appointed by the Supreme Pontiff, Cardinals Matteo Maria Zuppi, Augusto Paolo Lojudice and Mauro Gambetti, also totally devoid of legal training, who have been careful not to refuse the assignment, perhaps because they are convinced that this pontificate will be eternal and that in the Church one of those settlements of accounts as never seen before in history will open?

unbelievable stuff …

The Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell he obtained his primary degree, or basic title, in philosophy and theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas [Holy See: official biography].

Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi he also obtained the basic title of theological baccalaureate and has extensive experience in the field of "popular schools for marginalized children in the Roman slums, initiatives for lonely and non self-sufficient elderly people, for immigrants and the homeless, the terminally ill and the nomads, the disabled and drug addicts, prisoners and victims of conflicts" [Holy See: official biography].

Cardinal Augusto Paolo Lojudice, former Auxiliary Bishop of Rome and currently Metropolitan Archbishop of Siena-Colle Val d'Elsa-Montalcino he is licensed in fundamental theology [Holy See: official biography].

Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, mechanical engineering graduate, he is licensed in anthropological theology [Holy See: official biography].

None of these cardinals never studied law and all, from the President of the Cassation to the Judges are completely devoid of training and legal culture.

For the spirit of emulation the Italian government is seriously thinking of appointing Pietro Pacciani president of the Supreme Court of Cassation assisted by cylinder, Alvaro Vitali and by Tomas Milian said Is Monnezza.

As Greek wisdom teaches, it is known that after tragedy always comes the grotesque farce.


the Island of Patmos, 4 June 2023






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