Silvio Berlusconi has died, man loved and hated, but an undoubted piece of the homeland history of Italy

Notizie brevi


Al di là delle posizioni politiche e delle convinzioni personali di ciascuno, the merit of courage and enterprise must be recognized to President Silvio Berlusconi, il merito di aver lavorato intensamente, possiamo dire fino all’ultimo, nella creazione della propria azienda e nell’ideazione di un progetto politico che ha saputo intercettare l’interesse e l’apprezzamento di milioni di italiani.

Anna Monia Alfieri, I.M.
Knight of the Italian Republic









Notizie brevi


Silvio Berlusconi è morto questa mattina presso l’ospedale San Raffaele di Milano dove era stato nuovamente ricoverato lo scorso venerdì 9 June, dopo un precedente ricovero a causa di una polmonite e di una leucemia mielomonocitica. Il feretro è stato trasportato dall’ospedale alla villa di Arcore alle ore 12. Domani sarà allestita la camera ardente nella sede di Mediaset nello studio 20 di Cologno Monzese. I funerali si svolgeranno mercoledì nella Cattedrale di Milano.

Al di là delle posizioni politiche e delle convinzioni personali di ciascuno, the merit of courage and enterprise must be recognized to President Silvio Berlusconi, il merito di aver lavorato intensamente, possiamo dire fino all’ultimo, nella creazione della propria azienda e nell’ideazione di un progetto politico che ha saputo intercettare l’interesse e l’apprezzamento di milioni di italiani.

La sua “discesa in campo”, per mutuare una sua espressione, in un’Italia che stava vivendo una profonda crisi politica legata agli effetti di Tangentopoli and of bombe della Mafia, con la conseguente crisi dei tre partiti che, until then, avevano guidato la scena politica, aveva dato nuova determinazione alla schiera dei moderati rimasti delusi dalle vicende di quegli anni.

Credo che uno dei grandi meriti del Presidente Berlusconi sia stato quello di non essersi mai abbassato alle accuse e alle polemiche contro gli avversari politici, di aver sempre mantenuto toni educati e rispettosi e di aver contribuito a fare dell’Italia uno degli attori economici e politici più importanti a livello europeo e mondiale. Ci uniamo, so, alla preghiera di suffragio per lui e nella vicinanza alla sua famiglia.

Milan, 12 June 2023





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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos











New destination and ministry for our editor Father Ivano Liguori


The Provincial Minister of the Capuchins of Sardinia has asked Father Ivano to accept a new assignment, however very delicate, as formator at the Convent of Sanluri where the house is located where aspirants to religious life are welcomed for their vocational discernment.

— News in brief —

Editors of The Island of Patmos








Our Capuchin editor Ivano Liguori is a cornerstone of our magazine, his precious collaboration began six years ago, at the time in which he carried out the ministry of chaplain at the Brotzu Hospital, large hospital in Cagliari, where years later he is always remembered together with his brother Giancarlo Pinna by the medical and paramedical staff, by former patients and their families who occasionally continue to send messages of esteem and gratitude to our editorial staff in his memory.
Great expert in health pastoral care and young man endowed with a rare humanity based on a solid faith and equally solid doctrine, Father Ivano knew how to see, in nine years of delicate hospital service, the suffering Christ in the sick (cf.. Mt 25, 35-44).
In September 2019 is sent to Laconi, in the province of Oristano, as guardian and parish priest at the convent with adjoining parish cared for by the Capuchin Friars Minor in the town of origin of Ignatius of Laconi, in a situation that is not exactly easy and with several problems to heal. From the beginning he dedicated himself with great dedication to the care of souls, taking care of the decorum of the sacred liturgy, always available with the confreres for confessions and spiritual directions, offering important formation meetings and cycles of catechesis, several of which are also published in video on these columns in the column Breakfast with Cappuccino, including a series of catecheses dedicated to the Sacrament of Penance, the confession. In the meantime he dedicated himself to his publicist activity on our magazine, that without him it would not be what it is today, signing over 100 articles of great breadth and profound pastoral and doctrinal depth, while giving the press two books: From the From Prozan to Prozac (2021) e The sign of Cain (2021).
Before leaving Laconi administered Holy Baptism to a beautiful little girl from 10 year old, visible sign of the fruits produced by his four years of pastoral activity carried out in that town.
The Provincial Minister of the Capuchins of Sardinia asked Father Ivano to accept a new assignment, however very delicate, as formator at the Convent of Sanluri where the house is located where aspirants to religious life are welcomed for their vocational discernment.
Also Father Giancarlo Pinna, with whom he shared many years of ministry at the large hospital in Cagliari and that in September 2019 it was also transferred to Laconi, leave that location, but not alone. In fact, the two brothers arrived in Laconi, taking with them the new convent Tac, the cat who for years lived in the chaplains' lodgings and who today lives serenely and happily in that religious house. This time Father Giancarlo will bring to his new destination a dachshund as affectionate as pimp.
In charge of taking care of the retirement home of Oristano where the sick Franciscan Tertiaries live, Father Giancarlo will arrive with the most therapeutic that can exist in that context for elderly and sick people: a ruffian dachshund. Ancient and pure Franciscan pedagogy.
the Island of Patmos 12 June 2023








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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos


