The Archabbot emeritus of Montecassino Pietro Vittorelli has died: pity can erase the sad truth?


Christian piety cannot omit the truth. Therefore, the site manager I cannot be silent what is is confirmed: one that «He spoke badly of everyone, except Christ, apologizing to the dir: “I do not know him”!» (Epigraph by Paolo Giovio on Pietro l'Aretino).

— News in brief —

Editors of The Island of Patmos









Among the various sites that are said “Catholics” there is one called I cannot be silent. A young man is responsible for this, who we understand has been kindly accompanied in the past to the exit doors of seminaries and religious institutions. It is perhaps for this reason that he feels legitimated to write pearls of wisdom on the problems of the Catholic Church, but above all on the training of priests - which is the most complex and delicate thing that can exist -, presenting himself as an expert in this regard?

His articles are numerous in which he repeatedly attacks people and ecclesiastical institutions with an acidic style. No one was saved from his stabs: by the Supreme Pontiff - who can be respectfully criticized, not, however, contested and mocked -, to follow with high prelates of the Roman Curia and prefects of the various dicasteries of the Holy See, which can also be criticized, but I didn't laugh in a mocking and arrogant way. He showed real ferocity towards the director of the Vatican Media and the head of the Holy See Press Office, to the point of accusing them - at best - of "incompetence" and "illiteracy".. He even took it out on the Vatican Gendarmerie, composed of elements selected for undoubted excellence as well as endowed with rare education and courtesy, to which he dedicated, even though, ironic comments regarding their professionalism.

He likes to present himself as an expert “Vatican things”, as if he were coming and going from the sacred palaces, omitting to say that it does not possess any pass to transit through the territory of the Vatican City State, where we do not know he is a welcome guest.

it does not concern us in any way how this individual - who does not appear to benefit from the support of a wealthy family or the income from a professional job - can camp out in Rome where the costs of living have always been high, today more than ever to the stars, because the subject of the question is completely different.

In today's article (cf.. WHO) this excellent expert on the Roman Curia publishes a comment on the death of the Archabbot emeritus of Montecassino, Dom Pietro Vittorelli, already presented in the past as an innocent victim acquitted of the accusation of having stolen money from the abbey's funds:

«It concludes, today, a long and unjust judicial via crucis that began in 2017" (cf.. WHO).

Considering that they are in fashion i dubia, we intend to submit some of them to the person responsible for this Site with the express invitation to respond strictly on the merits of the seven questions that follow:


  1. It is true that Pietro Vittorelli did not simply use but rather abuse hard drugs and that he was a cocaine addict who was so severely addicted that he ended up admitted to a discreet Swiss clinic to be detoxified where the cost for three months of treatment amounted to approximately 160.000 Euro?


  1. It is true that the serious neuro-cardiological problems that severely debilitated Pietro Vittorelli were the consequence of his abuse of a narcotic substance known as crack, which finally caused him a strong thrombosis?


  1. It is true that when he was hospitalized as an emergency, the specialists who treated him were embarrassed when they learned from the clinical analyzes that Pietro Vittorelli appeared to be making massive habitual use of cocaine and crack and that this was precisely the cause of the serious attack that had struck and severely debilitated him?


  1. It is true that Pietro Vittorelli was an irrepressible practicing homosexual who led a life in total contrast with Catholic morality, the principles of the priesthood and monastic life and who used to avail himself of the paid services of young people escort homosexuals around Europe, leaving traces of this in his chat private, later acquired by the investigators as documentary evidence, in which he expressed himself with a style and language of unspeakable immorality?


  1. It is true that Pietro Vittorelli traveled around Europe suffering from compulsive shopping reaching the point of spending up to approximately 50.000 euro in a single month, with transactions documented by his credit card records, paying hotel to 5 luxury category stars, gourmet restaurants, high fashion boutiques and perfumeries?


  1. It is true that what is contained in the points 1-5 they are all elements meticulously documented in investigative documents then passed by the investigators to the Holy See for information, in consideration of the fact that Pietro Vittorelli was a diocesan ordinary?


  1. The site director I Can't Be Silent, well-known punisher of the Roman Curia, of the prelates of the Holy See, of the Vatican Media, of the Vatican Press Office, of the Pontifical Gendarmerie and so on (see archive of his articles) perhaps believes that when the serious and immoral exploits of a practicing and unrepentant homosexual are involved, everything should be relegated to the spheres of his private life, without this having any impact on the ecclesial and canonical-juridical level?


the tenor of the exchanges that Pietro Vittorelli used to have with escort gay for pay: «I'm going to look for cocks»


Christian piety cannot omit the truth. Therefore, the person responsible for this Site, it confirms itself for what it is: one who «He spoke ill of everyone, except Christ, apologizing to the dir: “I do not know him!» (Epigraph by Paolo Giovio on Pietro l'Aretino).

The great expert on Church matters answer these dubia, but strictly on the merits, or shut up, commending with us the soul of this unfortunate deceased to the infinite mercy of God.


the Island of Patmos 14 October 2023








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4 replies
  1. Pietro
    Pietro says:

    Rev. Father Levi of Gualdo,

    Thanks for the published contribution. But I would like to understand: the data you list have been made public by the authorities or have remained confidential? The case of Abbot Vittorelli had shocked me to a certain extent years ago, when the case is “exploded”, but I don't understand if there were any official positions taken or condemnations.
    I thank you and the other Fathers of the Island of Patmos for the service you offer to the People of God.

    Yours in Christ,


    • father ariel
      father ariel says:

      Dear Peter,

      in this very sad story people tend to confuse two distinct and completely different spheres: that concerning criminal law, resolved with an acquittal, the ecclesiastical one, before the internal law of which this unfortunate man has been guilty of the worst crimes a religious priest can commit, monk and abbot of the Benedictine Order, which he violated in the worst way:

      1. the vow of poverty he professed, leading a worldly and expensive life like the most hedonistic secularists;
      2. the vow of chastity, also violated in the worst way, having had relationships considered by Catholic morality “against nature”, far worse than those that instead follow the natural call of man towards woman;
      3. the vow of obedience, because he tried to escape the provisions given by the Ecclesiastical Authorities who tried to have him withdrawn to some abbey, which he however did not want to do.

      Of course he was acquitted once it was established that he had not stolen funds from the 8X1000 assigned to the abbey which was a territorial prelature at the time, i.e. diocese. Civil justice could never have convicted him for facts which under criminal law do not constitute a crime, why spend and waste, have homosexual relations and disobey Ecclesiastical Authority, According to the law, they are not criminals. All elements, these, which escape a young and kind gentleman who celebrated his acquittal in an improvident and mystifying way, especially considering that he also prides himself on being a great expert in ecclesiastical matters and canon law.

      If the Ecclesiastical Authorities did not harshly sanction him it was only out of Christian charity on the one hand and modesty on the other. The Abbot Emeritus, how long “young”, his health was completely compromised and he had retired to a private life in an apartment in Rome owned by his family. Then they silenced everything. He was not suspended from carrying out his duties because in fact he had suspended himself, perhaps even losing faith, considering the way he lived until the end of his days, nor was he canonically sanctioned because he had given himself the worst of sentences.

      What I have reported is all sadly and meticulously documented in the records.

    • father ariel
      father ariel says:

      Dear Reader,

      many of our articles are also signed by Fathers Ivano Liguori, Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, Simone Pifizzi, the Hermit Monk (truly existing person and truly hermit), Teodoro Beccia … but I am the editor in chief of this magazine, duly registered with the Order of Journalists of Lazio, as is the undersigned, I respond personally to everything published on The Island of Patmos. Because of this, those of newspapers or magazines both in print and on-line, they are called responsible directors, precisely because they are responsible for the publications that imply their approval, therefore their personal legal responsibility.

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