The necessary pastoral care of Christian funerals opens up to the hope of the resurrection not to the extemporaneous bizarreness of the celebrating priest even when a bishop presides


[…] in Rome itself we were forced to assist in the 2012 at the funeral of the most famous director of porn films, during which famous porn-actors and porn-actresses anything but repentant, after having received the Most Holy Eucharist in a sacrilegious way, not satisfied, they went up to the ambo during the liturgical action to give a real and proud praise to pornography before the end of the Holy Mass.

- Church news -

Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp..


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Who like me is a parish priest - even before I was chaplain of a large city hospital - he will be able to understand me when I say that one of the greatest difficulties for a priest is to make the faithful understand - but also to those who are a little less so - that with the Sacraments it's just a joke. The Sacraments are not comparable to a ductile modeling clay, useful to shape according to the times and circumstances, fabulous when it comes to meeting artistic needs, so as to express the inspiration of the creator, but without demanding more than what this humble material really can give outside of what it was created for by the mind of man.


With the Sacraments some think they can do it all, absolutely everything. And if something cannot be done, it is invented from scratch: find your soul mate, fix the economy, mend broken ties or forge new ones, bring together chronic delays and put the thermometer of faith back on par. Or use the Sacramento as a political or musical podium to convey certain messages or amarcord, organize kermesse of various potentates in which profanation invariably escapes us, up to the belated request for forgiveness complete with a fake tear in front of the coffin of the one who until recently did not deign to even look at. For this I repeat: with the Sacraments one cannot and must not joke because through the right understanding and celebration of these sacred signs we publicly reveal our faith and in doing so we express our belief and the greatness of our dignity as Christians within the Catholic Church which is its faithful guardian on behalf of Christ the Lord.

Both liturgical and sacramental theology start from a fundamental axiom that says that the The law of prayer And The law of belief (the law of prayer is the law of believing). This means that my way of praying or celebrating makes my faith manifest. Obviously this axiom is true even if formulated in reverse, the The law of belief And The law of prayer and my faith makes it possible for me to pray and celebrate well. However, I leave this type of insight to our liturgist brother Simone Pifizzi who will be able to explain the matter better than me. I am interested first of all in clarifying the dogmatic and subsequently the pastoral aspect. Because it is from what we believe and what we defend within the Tradition of the Church that a good pastoral care is born that the most perfectines would call Practical Theology.

The practical aspect of our pastoral care reflects the most intimate aspect of the relationship with God, what the Catechism of the Catholic Church [cf.. NN. 2095-ss] calls the virtue of religion and which disposes us to adoring recognition of the Lord, first reality and commandment sanctioned by the Decalogue and messianic truth that Jesus strongly rejects before the devil in the desert when he says: «It is written: "The Sir, Your God, will love: him alone shall you serve"" [Mt 4,10]. Therefore, if in my practical faith there is no recognition of having to worship and adore the living Lord, in Spirit and Truth [cf.. GV 4,24], I will also do beautiful things but they will always remain limited to the glorification of man and transient realities that do not save and do not help for eternal life.

He is with the Lord in his Church that we intend to compromise our lives, till death, event in which most of the screens of mortals fall apart to leave uncovered the true sore nerve of our creatures sick from sin: we are afraid to die because we do not believe in a living and resurrected God!

In the hypothetical ranking of the most scrambled Sacraments, you don't even have to ask, in the first place that of the Eucharist stands out, meaning both the sacrifice of the Holy Mass, Eucharistic Communion, Holy Viaticum and Eucharistic Adoration. Thanks to the fact that if the majority of the faithful and priests no longer believe in the living and real presence of the Lord present in his true body, blood, soul and divinity of that consecrated unleavened bread, everything else follows accordingly. And I say this not because I want to launch defamatory accusations against the People of God or some confrere - something that would immediately attract the ire of those beautiful devout souls with scandalized virgin hearts whose only priestly sin consists in the bad word or in that area geographical below the waistband of the pants ― but I say this because today with the Smartphone e i social network everything is taken up, all recorded and documented and reproduced in real time as it happened for the Cycling Mass Kobram cup, the Put on the mat in the sea and still others of which traces can easily be found in the boundless archive of the web.

At this point it is only a matter of viewing the video documents and to draw the necessary conclusions ... in this regard someone would have to say «the argument against the fact is not valid». But we, here from The Island of Patmos, we want to add the arguments to the facts, not so much to defend such desolates Mexican butchers of liturgical and sacramental indecorousness but those believers of Christ who have the right to have good antibodies to resist in faith these oddities that now seem to constitute the objective normality in many communities.

Before moving on to present the facts I would like to recall that in Rome itself we were forced to assist in the 2012 at the funeral of the most famous director of porn films, during which famous porn-actors and porn-actresses anything but repentant, after having received the Most Holy Eucharist in a sacrilegious way, not satisfied, they went up to the ambo during the liturgical action to give a real and proud praise to pornography before the end of the Holy Mass. Episode reported in detail by our Father Ariel in an article of 2017 to which I refer you [see article WHO].

Holy Mass is the heart of the Church and it often happens that some Eucharistic celebrations become the framework for expressing something else or the complete opposite of what a Catholic Holy Mass should be. Often this happens in delicate circumstances, such as for example at religious funerals in which the rule now in vogue seems to be only that of the search for human respect which is thought to be superior and more urgent than that attitude of toilets which is due and pertains only to the Lord really present in the Sacred Species. And incidentally it is good to remember that in the Catholic faith we usually indicate with toilets the cult reserved to God and to the Persons of the Most Holy Trinity, which is a cult of worship; with hyperdulia the one dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary which is not a cult of adoration but of veneration, likewise that of the Angels and Saints indicated with the term of dulia.

The fact that the Eucharistic celebration is used to “say or do anything else” is wrong in itself, precisely because the celebration of the Holy Mass is used. The flaw of inappropriateness of a deformed faith is evident, because already the Holy Mass with its redemptive mystery says something infinitely more powerful and definitive: "We announce your death, man, we proclaim your resurrection in anticipation of your coming!» (acclamation of the assembly after the Eucharistic Prayer). Which we can also express in this way: “Death and life faced each other in a prodigious duel: the Lord of life was dead; but now, vivo, triumphs!» [from the hymn of praise Gregorian].

What could we possibly add more and better before this announcement that characterizes the blessed hope to which all men are called by the risen Christ? but yet, the case of funeral masses revisited it is very common and the confrere parish priests will understand me very well, some of whom will have already resigned themselves to passing the time of the funeral living it as a penitential moment to avoid finding the relatives of the deceased who list all the most offensive and poisonous litanies about priests and the "rigid Church".

Still others resist stoically and they try to make people understand that a funeral Eucharistic celebration, like the one recently celebrated in the church of Santa Maria Ausiliatrice in the presence of the Venezuelan prelate H.E. Monsignor Riccardo Lamba auxiliary bishop of Rome [you see WHO], it can be quite another thing, prophetic announcement of hope and consolation in the face of the nullification of death.

We have to state decisively that the concept of Christian death is different from that of pagan death. Here we do not wish to examine the very serious tragedy of the news story of Martina Scialdone killed in Rome by her ex-partner. We are more interested in bringing into this event of absurd death a Christian response of faith that goes beyond the sentiment highlighted by the entire national press and to which the celebrating Bishop seems to have implicitly consented by allowing a song by the singer Irama to be performed: «Wherever you are: the farewell to Martina Scialdone and those words that break the silence of the church at the funeral» [cf.. WHO].

We are aware or not what does it mean to propose such a song in memory of a deceased who, making a clear reference to reincarnation, literally says: «Wherever you are / if you will come back here / if more / you know that I will wait for you»? [cf.. WHO]. A Christian shouldn't already know what eschatological destiny his deceased brothers are destined for? The Catechism of the Catholic Church says in n. 1013:

“Death is the end of man's earthly pilgrimage, it is the end of the time of grace and mercy that God offers him to carry out his earthly life according to the divine plan and to decide his ultimate destiny. When is “the one course of our earthly life over”, we will never return to live other earthly lives. “It is appointed for men to die once” [EB 9,27]. There is no "reincarnation" after death.".

Understand this first we are also accompanied to see the definitive condition in which our dead are destined to stay, the Christian vision of death is expressed in an incomparable way in the liturgy of the Church that says:

«To your faithful, man, life is not taken away, but transformed; and while the home of this earthly exile is being destroyed, an eternal habitation is prepared in heaven" [See. Preface of the dead I: Roman Missal].

This new home in which life is transformed after death leads directly into the glory of Paradise with God, in that mystery called the Communion of Saints which constitutes us as a triumphant Church, purgative and militant. It is therefore not sensible and useful to ask ourselves, from the point of view of a mature faith, the "physical place inhabited" by the deceased: rather the deceased must be found alive in God awaiting the final resurrection and in that communion of love that we mortals must seek with God and which allows us to be close to them every time we pray, we participate in the Holy Mass, we perform works of mercy in their memory, we strive to live a life of conversion and union with the Lord in the expectation that we too will be united with theirs in Heaven.

In conclusion, I pause to briefly comment on the liturgical indications of the funeral ritual in use in the Catholic Church that a priest in the care of souls, and much more a bishop, should know and apply not out of a sense of cold formalism but to preserve the strength of faith in the Church and nourish the hope that does not disappoint in the people of God.

From the clarifications to the General Premises the Funeral Ritual [cf.. pp. 29-30] we read in the paragraph 6:

«after the introductory remarks to the last recommendation and farewell, according to local customs approved by the diocesan bishop, short words of Christian remembrance regarding the deceased can be added. The text is previously agreed and is not pronounced from the ambo. Avoid using recorded text or images, as well as the performance of songs or music extraneous to the liturgy».

Above all at the end of the funeral Mass, after celebrating the sacrifice of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ who rises victorious before death and the coffin in the church, there would be little to add, if not a solemn: I believe. But the Church, in her maternal care, still wishes to be a balm of tenderness and to recommend the deceased to God and to say goodbye to him in the hope of a new encounter in Paradise. For this reason, he allows an affectionate and familiar farewell as long as it is in a Christian spirit, reverberating that mystery that has just concluded in the Eucharist celebrated.

This greeting is to be agreed with the priest which verifies its suitability and the opportunity of an undue spectacularization, so that values ​​that clash with the Christian faith are not expressed, just as the pagan expression is abundantly fashionable today: "may the earth be light on you". All this is done not from the ambo, which is the place where the Word of God alone must resound, but from a suitable place.

As explicit as necessary is the clarification to avoid singing, music or anything else that is extraneous to the liturgy and that could create confusion even if in some way a connection can be found with the history of the deceased or his family. We repeat that the sacraments are not modeling clay that I can adapt or modify according to my wishes.

If we really have to look for suitable words or songs that may have the strength to break the silence of a church funeral, let us make use of what the treasure of the Church already places in our hands, in that Easter hymn ofExulte

“This is the night when Christ, destroying the bonds of death, He rose as victor from the tomb. No advantage for us to be born, if he hadn't redeemed us".

We forget too often that we have been called into existence to be redeemed and ransomed by Christ and this is what allows us to see death as a passage and not an end. In every funeral Christ is there to remind us that he has broken death and with it the absurd pain of a life that can be violated or insulted in the eyes of the most, just believe it. And the first to believe it should be the sacred pastors as celebrators and zealous custodians of the sacred mysteries.

Laconi, 27 January 2023





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Liturgical colors are not games of ideological rainbows, but visible signs of the sacred mysteries we celebrate


The sloppiness, like vanity, they are both diseases that destroy the liturgical sign, which by its nature - to be truly "beautiful" - needs truth and simplicity. It is certainly not by eliminating the signs that we arrive at a more "beautiful" and engaging liturgy or an unspecified "liturgy of the origins", but explaining their profound meaning.

— Liturgical ministry —

Simone Pifizzi


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When the presbyters are consecrated priests the Bishop addresses a warning that should mark our entire existence: "Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, conform your life to the mystery of the cross of Christ the Lord " [See. Liturgy of the sacred ordination of priests, n. 150].

The priesthood is linked to a dimension of eternity, because we will be priests forever. The indelible character of the Holy Order confers a dignity that makes us superior even to the Angels of God, who stand aside before the priests. Our brother illustrates it in a masterful way Marcello Stanzione, considered one of the leading European experts of Angels and whose article I refer you to [see WHO].

The sacred liturgy it is made up of signs and symbols which are certainly not ends in themselves, because they constitute those "external accidents" or "outward signs" through which substance is concreted and takes shape. An example, indeed I would say the most striking example: the Most Holy Eucharist, mystery of the Body and Blood of Christ and his real presence among us, it is realized through the matter and the external sign of the bread and the wine which truly and substantially become the living and true Christ.

In the sacred liturgy every sign and gesture, even silences have their theological and mystagogical meaning. Of "liturgical silences" there are three foreseen by the rite of the Holy Mass: during the penitential act, after the celebrant said: «Before worthily celebrating these holy mysteries let us acknowledge our sins». Then after the proclamation of the Holy Gospel, if there is no homily, or after the homily. In the end, after Holy Communion. Moments of silence that it would be good to respect and not omit, thing that incidentally the Bishops would do well to remind those of their priests that in 15 few minutes celebrate the weekday Holy Mass, perhaps forgetting that he had recited the phrase from the beginning «…before celebrating worthily…». Word, that of "dignity", which should have a great weight, especially in the celebration of the "sacred mysteries".

Among these signs there are also liturgical garments which - like every sign - sometimes risk obscuring rather than revealing the reality to which they refer. In fact, we cannot hide the risk that in our cultural context some liturgical vestments, for their affectation and sophistication, may they tarnish the glory of God and be regarded simply as an exhibition of human vanity. But that unspeakable sloppiness is also deplorable - today considered poverty and simplicity, but which should instead be called by its name: sloppiness! - which not only distorts the liturgical sign (think of the various chasubles and rainbow stoles) but even, sometimes, he removes it altogether with an arbitrariness that no minister of God is permitted.

The sloppiness, like vanity, they are both diseases that destroy the liturgical sign, which by its nature - to be truly "beautiful" - needs truth and simplicity. It is certainly not by eliminating the signs that we arrive at a more "beautiful" and engaging liturgy or an unspecified "liturgy of the origins", but explaining their profound meaning.

The liturgical dress, compared to other signs, is of very relative importance. Proof of this is that for at least the first four centuries of the life of the Church, the sources do not report that ordained ministers wore special clothes during the celebrations, convinced that it was essentially important to be "put on Christ" [cf.. Gal 3, 26]. The Pope Celestine I, in the fifth century, he complained to some bishops in southern Gaul that some priests had begun to use showy clothes for the liturgy, and so he concluded:

“We must distinguish ourselves from others by doctrine, not for the dress; for conduct, not for the dress; for purity of mind, not for outward adornment" (cf.. Celestine I, Letter, PL 50, 431).

It would also be worth explaining how and why, during the first centuries, ancient symbols and clothes paganites Roman times merged into the early Christian liturgy starting from the beginning of the 4th century. These are external signs to which a profound Christian value was given. The structure of certain rites is even older, for example, those of the offertory of the Holy Mass have their roots in the ancient offertory liturgies performed by priests in the Temple of Jerusalem. However, these are complex topics related to the history of the liturgy that we will deal specifically with in another article.

Even in awareness well expressed by the ancient popular saying "the dress does not make the monk", that the liturgical dress, like all outward signs, has a secondary importance in Christian worship, this certainly cannot lead us to ignore that it belongs to that complex of conventional signs which humanity has used since the beginning to express the thought, lifestyle, the ideas and role of a person. The dress, whether you like it or not, he always sends out a message and expresses something about the role, of a person's identity and mission. And it is precisely starting from this last concept that we can identify one of the main meanings of liturgical vestments understood as a sign of a mandate and of a mission that is certainly not hoarded, but received from the Lord. And if it remains profoundly true for every baptized person that the Lord Jesus invites us to worship in spirit and in truth [cf.. GV 4, 24], so is the fact that we - who live in the regime of signs and see invisible realities "as in a mirror" [cf.. I Cor 13,12] ― we need these signs to be able to express a cult that is not theoretical, disenchanted, but that knows how to gather everything that is profoundly human to express to the fullest what it intends to communicate.

The liturgical dress, like all human expressions not exempt from that corruption that has its roots in the human heart, he will always have to "come to terms" between the "high" meaning he wants to express and those deviations represented by sloppiness, from vanity and power. The vestments of ordained ministers, like all the ritual dresses of instituted ministries and of the laity (and in this I would also put some clothes for weddings and first communions) they have the symbolic task of expressing an inner reality and an ecclesial service in a simple and clear way, and not for this reason in contrast with beauty and decorum, because beauty and dignity hardly lead to truth. All this always avoiding that they become elements that hinder the correct understanding of the message of which the liturgy carries, or that even distort the very essence of the sacred liturgy.

Overall signs and symbols on which the liturgy lives and feeds, the liturgical garments we have said have a secondary value. A fortiori this speech is valid for the colors that have entered into liturgical use both for clothes and for other decorations. However they are present in the liturgy and often arouse curiosities and questions in the faithful that need to be given a serious and precise answer, recalling that in Christian worship - especially since the reform of the Second Vatican Council - nothing must be simply decorative or superfluous or worse still relegated to pure external form, on the contrary: everything must have a theological and mystagogical meaning.

Leaving aside the complex historical details, at least in our context, I want to remind you that in the liturgy the colors, as symbols, they came in rather late. For seven centuries the colors have not had a particular importance in Christian worship. Surely - and both written and iconographic sources confirm this - there was a predominant use of white, always considered in the Mediterranean culture the color of celebrations and great occasions. Speaking of the white baptismal robe, the Holy Doctor of the Church Ambrose of Milan reminded the newly baptized:

"You then received white garments to show that you have cast off the sheath of sin and have put on the pure garments of innocence as the prophet said: cleanse me with hyssop and I will be cleansed: wash me and I will be whiter than snow" [Sant'Ambrogio, On mysteries, VII, 34].

Over the centuries what concerns the shape and the preciousness of the liturgical vestments is codified slowly, especially in the Byzantine liturgy. But to find an accentuation of sensitivity to the language of colors we have to wait for the Middle Ages, in a context where, what is no longer understood by the people through the Latin language and the meaning of the rites, it is rendered through visual language. It is not by chance, the middle Ages, it represented that happy time when you sign, symbols, gestures or silences spoke eloquently, but above all they were fully loaded with profound theological and spiritual meanings. With Pope Innocent III [†1216] we have ― with regard to the colors ― the first common directives that gradually impose themselves everywhere, finally being codified with the Missal of St. Pius V in the 1570, where the white robes are established, verdi, redheads, purple and black depending on the celebrations: the use of the color pink also appears on the 3rd Sunday of Advent and on the 4th Sunday of Lent, also said Happy Sunday, when the strict fast was broken.

The reform implemented by the Second Vatican Council he did not abolish the legislation regarding liturgical colors, however, considering it in the broader context of those signs that must be «clear, suitable for the understanding capacity of the faithful and do not need many explanations" [cf.. Holy Council, 34]. On the basis of this principle, the various national episcopal conferences are given the freedom to freely determine and use the liturgical colors according to the culture of the individual peoples [cf.. General Order of the Roman Missal, 346].

The current rules provide for the Roman rite and our western area the use of these colors:

BIANCO: it is the color of light, of purity and joy. It is used on all solemnities and feasts of the Lord (except those of the Passion), for the feasts of the Virgin Mary, of the Angels, of non-martyr saints. It is also used to administer the Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage.

ROSSO: color of fire and blood, symbol of Love / Charity, of the gift, of the sacrifice, of martyrdom. It is used in Holy Week for Palm Sunday and Good Friday, the day of Pentecost, for the feasts of the Apostles, of the holy martyrs, for the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, as well as in votive Masses to the Precious Blood of Jesus. It can also be used for the Mass of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

VERDE: in our culture it is a restful color that expresses normality, tenacious and permanent journey of hope. It is used in the weekday and Sunday celebrations of Ordinary Time.

VIOLA: Initially used as a variant of black, over time it has become a color in its own right. Solemn and serious colour, it expresses fatigue and hope at the same time. It is used during Advent and Lent and expresses penance and preparation for the coming of Christ. It is also used in celebrations of the dead instead of the color black, the use of which remains optional, because in our culture it best expresses the Christian hope which is also present in the face of the mystery of death.

Rosacea: Conceived as a variation of purple, marks two breaks that the Church takes during times of penance. It is used twice a year, the third Sunday of Advent, this Dominica Gaudete and the fourth Sunday of Lent said Dominica to rejoice.

Besides these, in the various liturgical “families” other colors exist and are used in sacred celebrations:

ORO: Symbolizing divine light gold or yellow can be used to substitute for any color except purple.

NERO: Generally considered in relation to the celebrations of the dead, in the Middle Ages it was used to indicate penitential times. Since the Council of Trent it was also used for Good Friday.

SKY BLUE: it is associated with the Marian dogma and can therefore only be used during celebrations related to the Blessed Virgin Mary, such as the Assumption or the Immaculate Conception. The only color that represents a true liturgical privilege, its use was authorized by the Council of Trent only in Portugal, in Spain, in the former territories of these two countries, in the former kingdom of Bavaria, in certain churches in Naples and finally in the Franciscan Order historically and theologically considered worthy of having defended the Marian dogma. This privilege is still valid today.

The liturgical colors, beyond their use and meaning, they serve to communicate the message that, according to the different celebrations, it can be festive, of hope, conversion, of solidarity in pain… All of this is certainly not enough as an end in itself, if it is not accompanied by the fundamental purpose of every Christian ― especially if an ordained minister ― and of every community of disciples of the Lord, or: live the gospel!

Not to make vestments, colors or other symbols and liturgical signs nothing more than expressions of folklore, strangeness or simple vanity, they need to become an "epiphany" of the mystery of salvation which finds its unique and profound root in the vital and life-giving encounter with Jesus, Word incarnate, Eternal Priest of the New Covenant. Why everything, in the sacred liturgy, manifests and expresses the mystery of the incarnate Word of God, died, resurrected and ascended to heaven. For this reason the liturgical assembly acclaims the living body and blood of Christ: "We announce your death, Lord, we proclaim your resurrection, waiting for your coming". This is the heart of the sacred liturgy.


Florence, 26 January 2023





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Parallel existences: Lady Diana e Georg Gänswein, like having everything in life and then spending your time complaining about it?


The pamphlet of Archbishop Georg Gänswein written with the help of the sacristan Saverio Gaeta is the denial of history and culture, above all of the prudence and wisdom that for centuries have governed and which still today should govern the entire paradigm of the Roman Curia.

Roman cat Hypatia











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Ecce Agnus Dei. Recognizing Jesus the Baptist opens the doors to the mystery of God and the mystery of ourselves


Acknowledging Jesus with this statement, John the Baptist opens up the mystery of God and the mystery of ourselves and guides us to discover God to gradually discover the mystery of man enclosed within ourselves.

— The live video of The Island of Patmos —

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos














the Dominican theologian Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, father editor de The Island of Patmos

A step foundation of the Gospel of Blessed John the Evangelist narrates:

"The day after, John seeing Jesus coming towards him said: “Here is the lamb of God, behold the one who takes away the sin of the world! Here is the one of whom I spoke: After me comes a man who has passed me, because it was before me. I didn't know him, but I came to baptize with water so that he might be made known to Israel”. John testified by saying: “I saw the Spirit come down like a dove from heaven and land on him. I didn't know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me: The man upon whom you will see the Spirit descend and remain is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. And I saw and testified that this is the Son of God”» [GV 1, 29-34].

Recognizing Jesus with this affirmation the Baptist opens up the mystery of God and the mystery of ourselves, guiding us to discover God to gradually discover the mystery of man enclosed within ourselves.

Father Gabriele and Sister Angelika await you for a catechesis entirely dedicated to the Lamb of God broadcast in the first one live the 2023 the 12 January 2023 at hours hours 21.00.


To pursue:

Live on Friends of Theological club: click WHO

Directed by the Jordan Canal: click WHO





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From the flight of the bumblebee to the flight of the jackal: Gianluigi Nuzzi, than with his”Quarto Grado acts as Rete4's gravedigger, a dead Pope has already launched on Emanuela Orlandi


It deals with, in truth, of a painful and pitiful case, primarily for the disappearance in those times of this teenager, to follow for all the most absurd and fantastic speculations that have been made on it, but what is worse: which continue to be made.

Roman cat Hypatia










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Dear gattolici and gattoliche

Jesus Christ be praised!


The journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi author of several tabloid books on things Vatican

It was a long time that I didn't go back to the columns of ours Patmos Island, soon explained the reason: like all powerful women, I prefer to live and work in the shadows, behind the scenes. It is not by chance, when I was collected newborn at the Catacombs of Priscilla that eccentric of the Father Ariel, on the first ones, wanted to call me Marozia, then he immediately opted to call me Hypatia.

On the case of Emanuela Orlandi I wrote in 2019. It deals with, in truth, of a painful and pitiful case, primarily for the disappearance in those times of this teenager, to follow for all the most absurd and fantastic speculations that have been made on it, but what is worse: which continue to be made.

I've already said everything there is to say, therefore today, at the exit of the article in La Stampa by Gianluigi Nuzzi who anticipates his new and sensational looting work, I can only limit myself to repeating this old article of mine.


the Island of Patmos, 11 January 2023



- the cogitatorio of Hypatia -



The Holy See, to any request made by Pietro Orlandi, Also, and only on the basis of an anonymous message received, would not hesitate to agree to the opening and inspection of any. So that, to put an end to it all, the Saint Pius Cat told me that the young woman was buried in caves under the Pontifical Archbasilica St. Peter, inside the coffin containing the remains of auguste Pope Boniface VIII.

Roman cat Hypatia










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Dear gattolici and gattoliche

Jesus Christ be praised!


historian and sad manifesto that poor Orlandi family had put up for Rome after the death of the young Emanuela

In the last two days this scorching July heat in Rome is a bit’ decreased, but on Saturday, when I went to the convent of the Dominican Fathers in Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, I thought of them inside 'n oven. So much so that I am called: mo 'I'm going' n little 'refreshes inside ar Pantheon, before de reaches the Dominican cloister inquisigatto Torque ner.

In the church of the Pantheon entrar were around ... 'NBE: not blocked me from perhaps those from 'the honor guard sabbauda?

Just so, they told me:

«Too, them cats, nun came Ponna».

Since I was already upset from the heat, at that point I did not see anymore and I answered:

«But the kids stamo? You just made entrà 'na de whores co bracket’ the zinne de Fora, then ampresso 'na coppietta de fags little hand na' to co manina’ them tight shorts' n half ar ass, and not make me unable to know '' a gattolica apostolic Roman? But de c'avete that fear, that if there Magnino them cats from the tombs the bones of those four carrion de Savoia them?».

Said this

ueh, but you know that nun m'allontano m'ammollava 'n carcio, quer large fijo de 'na bitch dressed as' n nineteenth puppet? It hath been made well in strillamme:

"This is insulting to the Fathers of the Fatherland!».

al che, before I moved away - because what else would take me to kick it seriously - then I screamed:

«... see, them Founding Fathers? They were only four mercenaries Masons, see the emparatte 'n bit' of history: to 'asshole!».

Just go through the gate of the Dominican Convent Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, dear Torque, inquisigatto more, He came to welcome me, amiable as ever. It is really a great cat of faith, very solid in the doctrine. We exchanged greetings, He then updated on the latest feline tribunal of the Inquisition.

«Dear Hypatia, I say to you that? Now nun potemo longer works. Just du 'weeks ago far we have put in three rats process bazzicaveno the church of’ Canadian, accused all three of diffonne heretical thoughts on cristologgia and pneumatologgia. goats, You know what happened

I turn my eyes to the sky and wonder lights in this regard, He responds Torque:

«Far we have risked us, de ended on trial! And you know why? But because the three rats were three heretical der catechists Neocatechumenal, understood? And you say that there is de vintage luxury because, a gay cat, margrado them that his withered ce vo 'b'bene, He has put everything in silent at er Supreme Tribbunale from 'Apostolic Signatura. Figurete, Hypatia my, Semo now ar legal chaos. Just think of the various b'botte de genie de 'sti times, nun found by de Meijo ago that abolished er tribbunale diocesan appeal by 'in the Diocese of Rome, essenno er President n'omo saint in one piece jie riggettava that the judgments of first instance on matrimonial nullity, made and dates' n jiffy, It was not even been set up pe 'er davero Catholic divorce».

At that point I explained to my dear Torque the problem, hence the reason for my visit. The day 11 July, at the request of his brother Pietro Orlandi, two tombs were opened at the Vatican Teutonic cemetery, to see if in them are the remains of the young Emanuela Orlandi were found, disappeared in 1983 at the age of sixteen [cf. WHO, WHO].

The day before I had been achieved by our beloved sister gattolica Tac, which as you may recall Readers lives in Cagliari, at the Hospital Chaplaincy Brotzu, where he is devoted to volunteering. A real Mother Teresa of Calcutta in size cat. The dear Tac is a mystic with special miraculous gifts. The only problem is that speaks and communicates only in Barbagia language, which it is not a dialect, but a real language. This forces me to turn to Torque, because it is a specialist in the philology of ancient Italic languages. Read the text, Good Torque has made me a faithful translation, which is as follows:

"In a moment of ecstasy, He appeared in a vision the Saint Pius Cat, who told me: must end, once and for all, the painful story of the young Emanuela Orlandi. Also because, if not, his brother Peter, long as he lives, will not rest. In order for this peace comes it is good to be revealed once and for all the burial of the remains of the poor girl. Otherwise it will continue to make regular excavations, buchi, inspection of tombs and so on. The Holy See, to any request made by Pietro Orlandi, Also, and only on the basis of an anonymous message received, would not hesitate to agree to the opening and inspection of any. So that, to put an end to it all, the Saint Pius Cat told me that the young woman was buried in caves under the Pontifical Archbasilica St. Peter, inside the coffin containing the remains of auguste Pope Boniface VIII» [CF. Transcript translated into Italian vision of the cat Tac, mystique of Sardinian Barbagia].

Without the translation Torque and I just looked stunned. Until, his breath, the distinguished Inquisigatto Major asked me:

Sentime b'bene Hypatia, you know I know '' No cat de faith, But, with all respect er pe’ 'It is our most valued mystical, nun is that na’ 'Sardinia, of these times, there is one of those sultry thistles that would sbarella cor brain well saints?

While this hypothesis valutavamo we exchanged various opinions on the painful story of the young Emanuela Orlandi, the case of which has long since been closed by the Roman magistracy. But above all there is a question of rigor to do: during the long and careful investigation carried out for years and years, emerged perhaps the figure of a teenager on model Agnes, virgin and martyr? It is perhaps, in the minutes of the investigations and interrogations, is on record that this young man attending parties, if anything, even larger than she, who were not properly or the young San Luigi Gonzaga or the great teacher of St. Philip Blacks? [cf. WHO, WHO …]. And in those eighties and beyond, how many were girls in the age group between 15 e i 18 year old, disappeared and were never found again? Various investigators, during those years, how many times they are put on the tracks of the so-called white slavery?

At the Prosecutor's Office in Rome, exist dossiers and open investigation cases, finally he closed after years without success, regarding adolescents and young girls disappeared and were never found again. You go in the historical archives of the Public Prosecutor of Rome, for confirmation, but especially ample evidence. The first that maybe he should go would be the lawyer acting for his brother, who have not the legal talent of the lawyer Giulia Bongiorno, he still had on several occasions its bath of cameras on the sad story of Emanuela Orlandi, as well as on the skin of the Holy See cyclically exposed to the media pillory.

Because none of these girls disappeared and were never found again did the news that after more than three decades followed but to work in the case of Emanuela Orlandi? But for the simple fact that the girl was part of the small circle of those few lay people who are citizens of Vatican City State, or a few dozen people, of which about one thousand to eighty percent they are all ecclesiastical. Or someone thinks that if the young man had been a Swiss citizen, French, German or Italian, his case would be continued for three decades, and pulled out each time in a corner of Italy is discovered a body buried somewhere outside of a cemetery?

This is what unleashes always morbid itching which unfortunately it is likely to give rise and breath the same brother, on whose sense of faith Catholic There is much to discuss, saw the way, the first anonymous tip, he demands and gets scoperchiamenti of tombs and analysis of remains of corpses, as happened in the recent case of the finds at the palace of the Apostolic Nunciature in Italy [cf. WHO]. And before each of these situations, the good brother Peter - which as mentioned above is not obligated at all to be a devout Catholic -, It favors the exposure of the Church in repeated forms of media pillory.

Just think, a level of journalistic literature and sinister gossip editorial, What it was published over three decades, often with very shameful accusations against the same Popes, followed by a considerable number of deceased prelates who have never been able to defend, but the memories which has made havoc in the name of an unspecified "truth about Emanuela Orlandi". Just as if the "truth about Emanuela Orlandi" justify any inference or any shovelful of mud thrown on the memories of other people. A random name among many? Just think about what has been written over time on the Cardinal Ugo Poletti [1914-1997], Vicar General of His Holiness for the Diocese of Rome [1973-1991], who has even gone so far as to be accused of having plotted with the criminals of the Banda della Magliana and its boss Robertino De Pedis, not to mention the inferences fiction on the then Secretary of State, Cardinal Agostino Casaroli [1914-1998] [cf. WHO]. Therefore, If Pietro Orlandi, as baptized and as a person born, He grew up and lived in the Vatican City State, It does not intend to have respect toward the Catholic Church and the Holy See, have least respect for himself and for his sister's memory, exposed for decades to gossip morbid journalists, especially because of him that never fails to give them generous waterfalls for their mills.

If no one has ever had the courage to say to the person concerned, it will be good that someone tell the good brother that journalists, tele-journalists and authors of tabloid books that aim to sell as many copies as possible, his sister Emanuela Orlandi not interested in anything. Is it possible that we all know but him, that this kind of heartless people and ten centimeters on wild boar followed undeterred stomach to provide jobs and editorial gains?

By now the Holy See, before any unreasonable and irrational demand that comes from Pietro Orlandi, He did not hesitate to run the forensic, to be analyzed remains of corpses, to proceed to the svellimento of floors, the opening of graves and so to follow, He was desperate to show the public that the Vatican has nothing to hide on the story of this teenager, already accustomed to frequent sixteen of not very advisable companies, as it is clear from the acts and lengthy, thorough investigative inquiries, or not? A young man was kidnapped on the streets of the capital of Italy, not in the Vatican gardens or while walking in the courtyard of San Damaso under the windows of the State Secretariat playing his flute.

Give her won to Peter Orlandi, whatever he asks and pretends, It is neither just nor pedagogic. Therefore, Dear Lord this that lies beyond all limits, it should first be said some no, then adequately advised to turn to a good clinical psychologist, in case it failed, over the decades, to process pain or trauma of bereavement.

The cat and I Torque finally we said to ourselves that certain things are not joking, nor ever should joking. But … why not falsify the message written by our mystical Barbagia after his vision? In conclusion, some say and claim that they even forged the third secret of Fatima.

«Torque, you launch 'n'idea. If it was very sbajiata, I ask God for forgiveness with all my heart er».

«Dimming, Dear Hypatia, what is' st'idea».

«Here we ... er tarot message from’ 'Mystics Tac, facenno reaches a similar message but different. For example, say that potemo 'is pora creature was made rests under the altar of' Confession in St. Peter, inside 'to the grave der Blessed Apostle Peter ...».

«Hypatia, to 'or say that with all core er: tojiete st'idea mind. Because if Peter Orlandi comes a kind der Post, within forty-eight hours ar maximum, mannerebbero them workers under the cameras' on television to seporcro opened er der Prince delli Apostles. Do not think, Hypatia my, but we still own».

May the soul of this beloved creature enjoy the divine peace between the Angels and Saints, wherever he buried his mortal body, but it can allow yourself above God's peace to those who just will not find peace, up to take peace to other, starting with the peace repeatedly taken to the Holy See, that the defects it has many and serious, but that does not deserve all this. Once fact, to the point where we are, If an anonymous did report it to Pietro Orlandi, we risk seriously to see even open the tomb of the Blessed Apostle Peter.

the Island of Patmos, 15 July 2019



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When during the Holy Mass Father Ariel smashed a guitar on the column of the nave of a parish church


When he goes to places he doesn't know, he prefers to have a policeman nearby who can possibly block him, "privilege" this granted of motu proprio a me, poor wretch that I am! Simple reason: holding a Bengal tiger is easier and less dangerous than holding him.

— Stories never written —

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos














I'm 12 year old that I live and work closely with him, are therefore a living archive of the deeds of Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo. Naturally, when you are meek, one does not narrate one's most beautiful deeds, for matters of meekness. I fear that one day I will have to give an account to God for having prevented the performance of various not beautiful feats, but beautiful. And who knows what punishment I will have to suffer for this, when I stand before the judgment of God, having prevented the realization of certain strokes of genius.


Characteristic of Father Ariel is to surprise you with things you would never expect. Because of this, when he begins with certain performance, always and strictly sudden and unexpected, people can't even react in the moment, because they need to get into the order of ideas that what happened is true, which just really happened.


May 2010, a brother of Father Ariel, Colombian, while he was doing his doctorate in sacred liturgy in a pontifical university in Rome he carried out the ministry of second assistant pastor in a parish that I won't name, in a suburbicarian diocese of Rome which I will not name. Having decided to make a pilgrimage to Fatima and stay in Portugal for a few days, calls Father Ariel and asks him if he can replace him for the evening Mass on Saturday and for that of Sunday morning. He accepts right away, also for the deep fraternal and emotional bond he nurtures towards that priest, who was master of ceremonies at his priestly ordination.


As it usually does, he asks me if I can accompany him and carry out the service of acolyte, not being able to admit that when he goes to places he doesn't know, he prefers to have a policeman nearby who can possibly block him, "privilege" this granted of motu proprio a me, poor wretch that I am! Simple reason: holding a Bengal tiger is easier and less dangerous than holding him.


Against guitars Father Ariel has nothing, why the guitar, if played well, by professionals and musicians, it can be a splendid liturgical instrument. Time and again we have heard guitarists play arias by J.S. Bach, on other occasions even accompany Gregorian chants in the background. An authentic marvel.

But when he hears about sixty-year-old post-sixty-eight-year-olds play the guitars they can't play, if anything on the melody of When the Saints Go Marching In, Father Ariel might even make you regret not meeting Jack the Ripper instead, with which all in all could go better.


I admit: Sunday morning that coretto hit rock bottom. During Communion they began to sing a song taken from the famous opera Jesus Christ Superstar. And here it must be stated: Father Ariel greatly appreciates both that work and the ballet of Martha Graham Dance Company, which he considers one of his greatest works rock in the twentieth century. But, at the same time, he is a presbyter and a theologian of solid doctrine and knows that that work and the lyrics of his songs strongly deny the divinity of Christ. That's when the chorus begins to sing on the words translated into Italian of the Magdalene in love with Christ: "… it's a man, he's just a man". Father Ariel ceases to distribute Communion, goes up to the altar, he places the pyx on it, he kneels reverently, descends under the presbytery, he takes the guitar from the guitarist's hand and smashes it on the column of a nave. He leaves the guitar in pieces on the floor and says: “At the end of real concerts rock that's how it's done".


A grave silence fell in the church. And as if nothing happened, composed and frozen like a piece of ice, the Eucharistic celebration continued and ended.


The pastor didn't dare say anything, I assume fearing ending up with a bronze candlestick stamped on my back. But the next day he was the first to support the protest of those choristers to the Bishop, saying he didn't know that priest and blaming the second assistant pastor who had called him to replace him. Obviously Father Ariel had already taken care to call his Bishop, who at the time was Msgr. Luigi Negri, and tell him the story.


No later than Monday afternoon the Bishop of that Diocese calls Mons. Luigi Negri, which basically was perhaps even more indisposed of the Father Ariel himself in the face of certain liturgical antics, and that so calms him down: «I reassure you and please also reassure the guitarist that all in all it went really well for him, rather thank God, because for the type that is, I'm amazed that he smashed the guitar on the column and not on his head».


Spent a year, while the Colombian priest was about to leave Rome at the end of his studies and return to his diocese, a few days before taking the plane he confided to Father Ariel that he had invited him on purpose to replace him, imagining that in the face of similar things he would have reacted, after he had had to put up with that choir and that ignorant parish priest for two years in matters of doctrine and faith, that he didn't even realize the heresies that those people sang during Mass.


But I repeat: being Father Ariel meek, deeply tame, avoid narrating some of his finest deeds, certainly for a speech of profound humility.


the Island of Patmos, 9 January 2023







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The civil juridical aspects of Communion on the hands in the face of the absurd legal actions undertaken by priests and bishops who deserve to be flogged in blood


We will pay a lot, we will pay for everything, with so many and such interest inflicted by God's chastisement that will be so high as to leave even the worst money lenders speechless. Because we have throttled God who at the right time will let us experience first-hand what a divine loan shark is capable of.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


PDF print format article



if l'ideology surpasses the transcendental value, metaphysical and mystagogical of the ineffable Eucharistic Mystery, our Venerable Bishops could also close the great shop of the Italian Episcopal Conference, send his folks away 400 and useless salaried employees, most of whom were hired because they were friends of friends of friends of this or that monsignor, after which to found a Non Governmental Organization to dedicate itself to refugees, migrants and non-EU citizens who are so fashionable today, because it seems that only "they are the Church".



It's a matter of consistency, ever since the gloriously reigning Supreme Pontiff, on the day of Holy Thursday in which the institution of the ministerial priesthood and of the Most Holy Eucharist is celebrated, he found nothing better to do than rinse and kiss the feet of convicts and whores, several of whom are non-Catholics and not even baptized Christians. Indeed, it is notoriously known that Jesus Christ, as apostles, a small group of prisoners and whores was chosen. And I repeat the magic word: consistency! Unless, to some of our bishops, it does not appear that Our Lord Jesus Christ took a poor man during the last supper, exhibited it to the apostles and said: “This is my body, this is my blood". Then giving the command: "Do this in memory of me". And this is done, far from consecrating them Priests of the New Covenant, he took a group of pagan whores and told them to go and evangelize the peoples [cf.. Mt 10, 5-8; MC 16, 15-20], to baptize [cf.. Mt 28, 19-20] and to forgive sins [cf.. GV 20, 22-23].


On the threshold of sixty, not having to become bishop and cardinal, nor having ever had any career ambitions, I can benefit from that freedom of God's children which allows me to tell bad teachers and bad pastors that they are such, to grave harm to the Church and the People of God, if anything even with the aggravating circumstance of the cowardice of those who know perfectly well what is wrong, if not worse sacrilegious. But for a quiet life they are silent, because they don't want problems, or because the bishop of the suffragan diocese points to the nearby metropolitan archiepiscopal see, or why the metropolitan archbishop of that archdiocese is clamoring for the cardinalate, for this he sports a pectoral cross made from the piece of wood of a migrant boat that sank off the coast of Lampedusa, proceeding in procession with a wooden pastoral stick that seems to have come out of Mastro Geppetto's workshop, whose son Pinocchio, as known, was born by the work of a saw. And if a person like me dares to point them out for what they are, that is, sensational kiss-ass, he even risks appearing as a vulgar priest. Because it is good to clarify: vulgar is not who kisses the ass of the powerful bully by bending to his worst and most harmful whims, but who indicates it as such using a word that upsets the tender and delicate ears of the children of the new and modest Victorian England of the late nineteenth century, with all its private vices and public virtues. A Prudibonda England where it was possible to bugger merrily in private, as long as the word "ass" was not used in public, Oscar Wilde sweett!


We know perfectly well that giving Holy Communion on the hands today is very dangerous, especially in certain areas and localities of our country, in which magical and esoteric practices are widespread, on the rise, however, throughout our national territory. As well known, when one no longer believes in God and in the mysteries of faith, you always end up believing in everything.


On the casual way in which Holy Communion is administered, our Father Ivano Liguori has just written [see WHO]. This article of mine is nothing more than a sort of continuation appendix to yours. Obviously with a substantial difference: he expresses himself in a seraphic way, even when it's harsh, I do not. When I am strict I sometimes become very harsh and I am not afraid to resort even to trivial expressions.


Inside the church, thanks to the influences of a Calvinist matrix that taint the Catholic ecclesial communities of Northern Europe, Communion given on the hands has become a real ideological claim since the 1970s, a sign of distinction, a hallmark of certain so-called Catholic-Protestant progressivism. And when with the Covid epidemic it was really forced to give it up for reasonable safety reasons, the few embankments that remained have totally decayed. Here then is that today, not a few ideological priests, they impudently allow themselves to deny it to those who dare to receive it in the mouth or worse than ever on their knees. Just as this pitiful video proves, where a Metropolitan Archbishop and his Auxiliary Bishop distribute Holy Communion.

We also reported it recently, complete with film document, the shameful case of the priest who denied Communion in St. Peter's Square at the funeral of Benedict XVI and rejected a faithful who, making an intolerable affront, even dared to kneel [see WHO]. Let's not joke, kneeling before Christ God present alive and true in soul, body and divinity borders on blasphemy today. Only in front of the Nigerian whores invited as protagonists of honor at the papal Mass of the Lord's Supper kneel down, complete with rinsing and kissing the feet [cf.. my book WHO]. Then, wanting to be good all the way, we could also apply softening creams for the heels hardened by the heels and pass a little polish on his nails, finally exhort them by saying: "… daughter, Now go back to being a whore, because God loves you as you are and for the job you do".


The plates have been missing for years used for some centuries during the distribution of Holy Communion, in case a Holy Host had inadvertently fallen. On the other hand, however, they were established by certain sculettanti aesthetic ceremonies the silver plates to place the much holier and more precious red bishop's skullcap on top, before which the Body of Christ is very little.


In various locations it has happened more times than people, received Holy Communion, they put it in their pocket. In others some young people, received the Holy Wafer, they ran off, surely to make use of it in various Satanist circles. One time, and Satanists, to steal the Eucharist they had to enter the churches, if anything at night, or in any case break into the tabernacles. Today we went to meet them making their job much easier: we put it directly into his hand.


Faced with such specific and by no means rare cases we come now to the idiocy of those bishops and priests who have seen fit to react by even making complaints. It is obvious to say the least that such complaints ended up being filed immediately. And I will tell: I applaud and congratulate the Public Prosecutors who prepared the filing as they were unable to identify elements of a crime in the reported fact in order to be able to start a criminal action. Or someone expects a Public Prosecutor to take into consideration the mystery of the transubstantiation of the Eucharistic species and the real presence of Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist? These are things that concern the mysteries of faith, not the courtrooms of the courts of any non-denominational country, including thank God our. Which judge could severely sentence a person who left after a priest placed a Host in his hand? And what should he be sentenced for?, perhaps for having stolen and profaned the Body of Christ? If there is a judge who, applying the penal laws of our system, can write in a condemnation sentence that in that piece of unleavened bread there is really and substantially Christ present, living and true, please point it out to me, I would be very happy to get to know him, before the court of appeal annuls his sentence and the Superior Council of Magistracy opens disciplinary proceedings against him for clear and manifest incapacity to judge rationally and consequently give a fair sentence.


“art opera” made with 242 Holy Hosts placed in this one's hand “artist” by very attentive celebrant priests filled with faith and sacred care for the precious Body of Christ


When the pseudo artist Abel Azcona he received Holy Communion dozens of times until he subtracted 242 Holy Hosts, after he had used them to compose one of his "works of art" on the ground which consisted in the composition of the word "pedophilia" written with the profaned pieces of the living Body of Christ, shortly thereafter he was denounced by the Association of Catholic Lawyers of Spain, by virtue of the fact that the penal code of that country sanctions with a sentence of between eight and twelve months of imprisonment the offenses «to the sentiments of a religious denomination» through mockery «of its dogmas, beliefs, rites and ceremonies». The so called artist explained flawlessly, rational and incontestable: “I did not commit any crime if I decided to put them in my pocket and walk out of the church, they were the ones who handed them to me, so it's all legal.


I think that bad figure the Association of Catholic Lawyers of Spain did it, that they should have been so annoyed and protested, but towards the superficiality, the lack of control and perhaps the scant consideration of certain bishops and priests on the sacredness of the Body of Christ. Always assuming that they truly believe that the Holy Wafer is the Body of Christ, because many bishops and priests just don't believe in it, the way they celebrate Holy Mass and the total carelessness with which they administer Holy Communion proves it, except to see the sculettare around them aesthetic ceremonies who with great class and fluttering place their most holy zucchetto on the silver saucer.


During the celebration of my first Holy Mass I was forced to chase a lady with the pyx in her hand who, having received Holy Communion, put it inside her purse. I what ever, since he was a deacon, I gladly gave Communion in the hands and for this reason I was particularly careful when giving it, I saw her and immediately ran after her, pulling it out of his bag and consuming it. An elderly retired magistrate was present among the faithful, who a few days later commented on that fact by telling me: “The only one who could be prosecuted in that context was you, that you actually stopped a person, all the more a woman, you took the purse from under her arm, you opened it to him and you took something inside. You basically searched it without having any authority. Not to mention the image damage you've done to her in front of everyone. Any judge would have found himself forced to make these assessments, even a Catholic magistrate and believer like me who has always had a particular devotion to the Blessed Sacrament».


I no longer gave Communion on the hands to anyone, always availing myself of the granted right to give it under both species, dipping the Sacred Host into the chalice of the Blood of Christ and offering it to the faithful saying: "The Body and Blood of Christ", thus forcing them to receive it in the mouth.


When during the emergency from Covid it was appropriate and prudent not to give Communion in the mouth but only on the hands, I have always distributed it with two people next to me, one to my right and one to my left, besides me who never took my eyes off the faithful until they had consumed it in my presence without leaving. And several times I called back the people who tried to leave without having consumed the Eucharist in front of me.


Most of my confreres don't do this, because after having torn the balls of the faithful with long talkative sermons on the poor and migrants, when they come to the Eucharistic Prayer they are in a hurry than the mythical one Doctor Terzilli health insurance doctor, for this reason always and strictly only the Second, which it is the shortest. Then they arrived at Communion more hasty than ever, here they are "slamming" quickly on the hands of the faithful the Holy Eucharist as a throwing of sheets made with unleavened bread, also because then there are ten minutes of parish announcements ranging from youth meetings to the roast pork festival, more or less like the announcements that Our Lord Jesus Christ made before the end of the Last Supper and then on Mount Calvary before expiring on the cross.


Numerous brothers, who are like-minded about me and who are likewise very attentive, they asked me several times if any bishop had ever called me around Italy, since, except for the Covid period, I never give Communion on the hands to anyone. In a playful way, but quite serious, I answered: “If there is one thing our bishops care about, it is their skin. They love to talk about martyrs at the right moment, but they have no predisposition to martyrdom, especially to defend the supreme and absolute truths of our faith". Just enough to understand that before me, that for the Body of Christ I would sacrifice my life instantly, it is better to sketch and keep quiet.


It's true, I'm a priest who occasionally swears and what's worse I also purposely tell them in a calculated and scientific way, But, when I gave the viaticum to a dying elderly man and he remained with the Host on his tongue with his mouth open because he could not swallow it, I took it from him and consumed it myself. And anyone who knows me knows to what extent I am a picky hygienist. It's true, I'm a priest who occasionally swears and what's worse I also say them on purpose in a calculated and scientific way, But, when an elderly deacon inadvertently nudged me while I was holding the chalice with the Blood of Christ and some of the liquid fell out, I knelt down and wiped the floor with my tongue to the last drop. Therefore I think I can afford to give some balls to those bishops who fully deserve it for the way they treat and allow the Most Holy Eucharist to be treated by some of their priests, showing more attention not to offend ideologies rather than protecting the Body of Christ. Because if I decide to do this, or wanting even worse, the entire Italian Episcopal Conference can only keep silent, in the light of my priestly living and acting, fruit of a markedly and profoundly Eucharistic vocation. Because the Precious Blood of Christ fell on the floor I instantly licked it with my kneeling tongue on the ground, but I've never kissed a powerful bully's ass in my life, was even the august ass of the Roman Pontiff, to whom I am bound to pay filial respect and devoted obedience, but certainly not bidet service, a dense army of career ass-lickers takes care of that with Mastro Geppetto's croziers in hand and the pectoral cross made from the wood of a boat sunk off the coast of Lampedusa.


We will pay a lot, we will pay for everything, with so many and such interests inflicted by God's chastisement that will be so high as to leave even the worst money lenders speechless. Because we have strangled God who at the right time will let us experience firsthand what a divine usurer is capable of on the day he will tell us priests:


"To whom much is given, much will be asked for; to whom men have committed much, It will ask the more " [LC 12, 48].


the Island of Patmos, 8 January 2023




It doesn't matter what happens by giving Communion on the hands without attention to whoever you find yourself in front of, the important thing is to protect the ideology of Communion in the hand rather than the Body of Christ. Above all, we should ask ourselves: when this obvious madman presented himself before the priest, the good shepherd who placed the Most Holy Eucharist in his hand, where he had his eyes and attention? Or maybe he had to hurry up “Pull” quickly Communion in a hurry to give then 10 minutes of parish announcements, which as we know are the primary foundation of the mysteries of our faith? Shortly after, the priest also filed a complaint. penalty Question: and the priest, for his carelessness and imprudence towards the Most Holy Eucharist, to which ecclesiastical court was he denounced, after giving Holy Communion to an obvious provocateur and even saying to him «... magna … magna …»?

We will pay a lot, we will pay for everything, our bishops in the lead!





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Giorgia Meloni's Communion and that clerical ideology on Communion in hand even in high-risk situations that goes beyond the very value of protecting the Body of Christ


It is necessary in certain great pontifical celebrations and beyond, Holy Communion is administered to thousands of people, more on the hands, where exercising control is impossible and where real sacrileges can occur, which punctually occurred and continue to occur?

- Church news -

Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp..


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Among many, during the funeral celebration of Benedict XVI, the photo of our Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni receiving Holy Communion from the hands of a priest did not go unnoticed. Someone maliciously pointed out that political sympathies risk overshadowing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but we, up here The Island of Patmos we have no political sympathies because we care about people and their souls and we know that for God there are no serial souls “a” or serial “b”, much less souls of the right or of the left but all are called to salvation in Jesus Christ, because this is why God called the Church and a priest should be concerned daily and primarily with the salvation and health of the souls entrusted to him, not of "other", and it is better to spread a pitiful veil and not add anything else on the nature and modality of this "other".


the sacrilegious visible results of Communion given in unchecked hands to please clerical ideology


Given the public case of Communion at Meloni, there would be so much to say and to object from the point of view of the doctrine and teaching of the Catholic Church but I believe that the point now is not this, if not to ignite sterile controversies that are completely useless and to be avoided. In my personal opinion it would certainly be appropriate to give a nice tug of the ear to the national Giorgia - a pastorally dutiful thing for the good of her soul and for the protection of many Christians who voted for her in the last elections - who did not have the slightest hesitation to receive the Eucharist although not being able to do it because still today linked through a cohabitation with Andrea Giambruno. Let us remember that coexistence is an emotional bond not recognized by the Church for two baptized persons, whose only valid bond of union is the sacramental one of marriage, in which Christ Himself unites spouses into one. Unfortunately, a significant aggravating circumstance is added to the specific case of our Prime Minister: either, her and her partner, are totally free from previous constraints. None of them has previously contracted a marriage which would constitute an impediment to their union. Therefore there is precisely the manifest will not to marry and to live in a state of coexistence. A situation that deserves all due respect for the free and unquestionable choices of others, but which however has nothing to do with those of the many people animated by deep Christian sentiments, divorced and later married civilly, that although they want to experience a regular situation they are not able to do it, unless there are elements such as to allow the ecclesiastical court to declare it invalid, therefore null, their previous marriage.


I hope some brother priest, maybe a friend of Meloni, made her understand the responsibility for her public act, not so much as a civil and lay representative of the Italian State present there to pay homage to a deceased Pontiff, but above all as a person who defines himself as a Catholic Christian and who on more than one occasion has wanted to present himself as a guardian of the traditional values ​​of the faith. Except for giving repeated guarantees during the electoral campaign that no one would touch the abortion law in any way, something further guaranteed by the Catholic Elisabetta Gardini to various television programs in the pre-election period [cf.. See WHO, WHO]


In the recent past, we have had other politicians who have brandished rosaries and sacred images for propaganda purposes and we have always ended up with farce, with great detriment to the faith of the simple and the unprepared. This is not because a politician is prohibited from testifying his faith and religious affiliation in public, but because when one does so one must keep one's own role as an official of a secular State which has certain obligations as well as that of a person of faith which has others and perhaps more burdensome and binding because they are addressed to God and to the Church which are not they are certainly voters.


So here is the crux of the matter: but is it ever possible that in the organization of the celebrations of the Holy See there is no provision for limiting these abuses and these outbursts of sentimental transport, especially in the section reserved for politicians and public authorities whose living condition is easy to trace and know their public thinking so as to evaluate whether or not these people should have access to the Sacraments? If this is possible to do it in smaller and less organized contexts, we should perhaps think that the organizational and diplomatic arm of the Holy See has become so short-sighted as to be short-sighted and not see certain situations? We do not want and cannot believe it.


The most striking reality it is that of a fallacious and dissipated organization of ceremonial. If a reprimand is necessary, it must be done to His Holiness' master of ceremonies and to the other masters of ceremonies in charge of the order and decorum of the celebration, who have not organized themselves to prevent certain offenses that, although they are not to be used to make a derogatory or hurtful judgment about the person, must be absolutely and by all means avoided by virtue of their sacredness which can easily lead to scandal - in the sense of stumbling to the faith - and to the mortification of the mysteries celebrated.


I remember very well than at the funeral of John Paul II, at the time of Communion, the notice was clearly given - due given the influx of people of different origins from all parts of the world - that the Eucharist was approached only by those who were in the conditions required by the Church to be able to receive it, so as to avoid the equivalence that the Body of the Lord has the same value and importance as a comforting embrace, of a gesture of solidarity in times of need or worse of a sentimental-passionate transport in which I "feel like taking Communion" for an unspecified reason.


The problem has always been discussed it is also another: it is necessary that in certain great pontifical celebrations and beyond, Holy Communion is administered to thousands of people, more on the hands, where exercising control is impossible and where real sacrileges can occur, which punctually occurred and continue to occur? At certain large and crowded celebrations, would it not be better to select a small group of faithful who receive Holy Communion, for example by the Supreme Pontiff or the Bishop, while thousands more of the faithful join them in spiritual communion? Or do we want to forget when in the 2005, shortly after the death of John Paul II, was auctioned off EBay a Host received by a non-Catholic participant in a Holy Mass celebrated by him in 1988? The problem was solved by the US Diocese of Sioux City who managed to withdraw it. But there is much worse: the so-called Spanish “artist” Abel Azcona subtracted 242 Hosts presenting themselves to receive Holy Communion, obviously given on the hands, then using them to compose the word «pederastia» which in Spanish means paedophilia on the ground. Yet not even cases of this kind have ever dissuaded the clerical ideologues of Communion in hand at all costs, in any situation even at high risk. For intimate knowledge of the subject in question I add: it is reasonable to blame our confrere Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo who has always refused to give communion on the hands to anyone, after running into an attempted abduction during the celebration of his first Holy Mass? There is a video documenting it in which Father Ariel is seen chasing after a woman with the pyx in his hand and taking the Host away from the bag in which he had placed it. Does anyone have an idea of ​​the indelible trauma that it entails for a priest to have given the Eucharist to a person who has tried to take it away, moreover during the celebration of his first Holy Mass? We want to give Communion on the hands? Good, but that at least it imposes itself to check with extreme attention. It is not possible for many priests to place the Most Holy Eucharist in the hands of unknown people without exercising any control. How many people, instead of consuming it before the priest as it should, they turn their backs or leave in the total carelessness of the celebrant, or they consume it while walking through the church without anyone calling them back? These are ordinary scenes. However, it is known how much clerical ideology far exceeds the very value of the Body of Christ and the maximum protection that it should require.


If these things don't remediate at the source, downstream there will hardly be someone who will keep and appreciate the value so as to enforce them. And between the political fevers that are waiting to catch the foot of the wrong adversary and the assaulting Puritan traditionalists who cry out to sin and threaten hell, there will always be in between the runaway from home which seraphically will remind us: "Who am I to judge?». Maybe we are nobody, but as priests and keepers of the mysteries of God entrusted to us with the laying on of hands, we want with all of ourselves to avoid that holy things are given to dogs, as well as pearls before swine [See. Mt 7,6]. It is not a question of spiritual racism but of pastoral charity which primarily wishes to protect those who still have to grow in the knowledge of God and in the proclamation of salvation within a gradual and mature journey of ecclesial faith. We cannot afford to waste the graces of God, and this also applies to those who are not yet able to appreciate them in order to grow in the right knowledge of Him and not to increase their own narcissistic and pathological religious sense. Perhaps we are wasting time but it is useful to recall the first letter to the Corinthians of the Blessed Apostle Paul [See. 1Color 11,17-34] in which the correct modality with which the faithful are called to approach the Body of the Lord is underlined, not only understood in its sacramental but ecclesial component, because it is the Eucharist that makes the Church, Body of the Lord. In a few lines «Paul educates us to have this look of responsibility on both of these "Bodies" by communicating to the rite established by Christ, ecclesial communion is also given shape and cohesion" [See. B. Standard, Letters of St. Paul, introduction, translation and commentary, St. Paul, 2021].


We don't expect that in the Vatican understand this Pauline theological concept but at least it would not hurt to have a little respectful decency towards all those brothers who due to their irregular condition cannot yet fully receive Holy Communion and who respectfully observe fasting towards the sacred species of the Lord thus manifesting a heroic testimony of love for the Church, the Body of Christ.


These Communions not made, more so than any done through deceit or the occasional sentimental carried away, today more than ever they are like a finger pointed at us priests who have long since abdicated the role of fathers in the faith to become friends who allow everything, they apologize and concede. We priests too, that we communicate at every Holy Mass, someone should make us think, know if we are truly in a state of grace to be able to receive that sacramental body that we consecrate daily when perhaps we are still totally unable to keep, to grow and defend that ecclesial body which is equally a sign of Christ in the world and communion with him.

Laconi, 8 January 2023





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When Jesus was baptized by his cousin on the banks of the Jordan River

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos


Quel battesimo non è quello sacramentale che noi abbiamo ricevuto. That of the Baptist was a ritual purification bath still in use today in the Jewish tradition.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.


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Dear brothers and sisters,

nella nostra vita tutti quanti siamo in cerca di giustizia. Una giustizia per un torto subìto, per una persona che amiamo rimasta colpita da un’ingiustizia, per varie situazioni sociali e via dicendo. Cercare giustizia implica cercare che ognuno abbia ciò che gli è dovuto, secondo la classica definizione di giustizia offerta dal giurista Ulpiano nel Digesto. La festa del battesimo del Signore è la festa della giustizia dell’uomo che riceve l’amore di Dio. Una volta ricevuto questo amore, lo porta agli altri.

Nel brano the Today's Gospel Gesù si avvicina al Battista per essere battezzato. Giovanni rifiuta. Gesù allora risponde con quello che è il centro di questa solennità:


«”Lascia fare per ora, perché conviene che adempiamo ogni giustizia”. Allora egli lo lasciò fare».


Adempiere ogni giustizia vuol dire per Gesù farsi battezzare. Let's clarify: quel battesimo non è quello sacramentale che noi abbiamo ricevuto. Quello del Battista, fratello del Signore (ossia suo cugino, ma in ebraico i cugini sono indicato come fratelli), era un bagno rituale di purificazione, il cosiddetto מקווה (mikveh) in uso tutt’oggi nella tradizione ebraica. Gesù non ha il peccato originale da lavare attraverso quel Sacramento del Battesimo da lui stesso istituito [cf.. Mt 28,19-20]. That mikveh lo chiede proprio per rendere giustizia alla volontà di Dio Padre. Perché la missione di salvezza dell’uomo per cui il Padre lo ha mandato sia il centro di tutto.


Gesù battezzandosi compie un atto di giustizia: dà al Padre ciò che gli è dovuto. Così subito dopo si spalancano i cieli. Ed ecco la voce del Padre e lo Spirito Santo si rendono visibili. Tutta la Trinità è presente. Il Padre dice che Gesù è suo Figlio e in quel Figlio ha posto il suo compiacimento. Da quel momento prendono inizio i tre anni di predicazione di Gesù e i suoi miracoli di guarigione.


Dalla giustizia del Padre Gesù attinge grazia e forza per esprimere la verità di Dio in parole e segni. Tutto questo lo porterà ad accogliere anche i terribili giorni della Passione e la gloriosa resurrezione. Dio Padre e tutta la Trinità offrono questa possibilità anche a noi.


Il Battesimo del Signore è una buona occasione per fare memoria anche del nostro Battesimo sacramentale, quando il Signore lavò il peccato originale e il nostro legame col male. Da quel momento noi siamo stati adottati anche dalla Trinità. Siamo diventati figli dell’Eterno Padre in Gesù Cristo. Siamo diventati Figli nel Figlio. Therefore, se responsabilmente e con libertà rispondiamo alla chiamata di essere figli e accettiamo la sua grazia, Dio pone anche su di noi il suo compiacimento.


Che vuol dire questo in concreto? Anzitutto che da quando siamo stati concepiti Dio ha iniziato ad amarci di un amore viscerale e profondo. Questo amore ci ha accompagnato per tutta la nostra vita fino a oggi. Un amore che è, at the same time, materno e paterno. Perchè Dio è Padre, e in quanto padre ci dona il Figlio e sin dall’inizio ci dona il desiderio di conoscere e cercare la verità, perchè Gesù è la verità. E al contempo ci dona lo Spirito Santo Amore. Che è la parte materna di Dio. Da qui l’espressione del Beato Pontefice Giovanni Paolo I che, lasciando un po’ perplessi alcuni, durante una sua catechesi disse «Dio è padre e madre» [cf.. Angelus, 10.09.1978] sottintendendo a questo modo che nel tutto sono racchiuse sia la paternità sia la maternità.


Cerchiamo di portare questa conoscenza della verità a tutto il mondo tramite la tenerezza e gentilezza. Così trasformeremo il nostro battesimo da atto sacramentale ad atto di amore concreto per il prossimo. Scriveva lo storico Cesare Cantù: «La carità è il solo tesoro che si aumenta col dividerlo». We ask the Lord, today, di fare memoria del nostro battesimo, per riscoprire di essere amati incondizionatamente da sempre e per




Santa Maria Novella in Florence, 6 January 2023

Epiphany of the Lord



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I brought The island of Patmos to the funeral of Benedict XVI between fog and old indelible memories


I never imagined that the pontificate of Benedict XVI would be liquidated with an hour-long funeral Mass and a five-minute homily during which nothing was said. Something complained of by many priests present in the square at the end of the celebration. But on the other hand it is known and well known today: to us priests those who listen to us?

- Church news -

Simone Pifizzi


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In 2005, at the funeral of John Paul II a strong wind was blowing which at the end of the celebration closed the Book of the Holy Gospel placed open above the coffin. To that of Benedict XVI, celebrated this morning there was a fog that prevented seeing the dome of St. Peter's, while in other areas of the capital it was sunny. At the next funeral, when will, what other sign will be reserved for us, even if today the ability to read the signs seems to have been lost?


Well did Father Ariel to "exhume" from the archive of our Island of Patmos an old article of 2017 in which he spoke years in advance of the funeral of Benedict XVI [see article WHO], preceded by a very deep and lucid comment from our Father Ivano [see article WHO].


I met in 1993 the one who in the 2005 he will become the 265th successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, at the time Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He was invited to Florence by the then Archbishop, the Cardinal Silvano Sandpipers, who made him stay in the seminary, as it used to be. The rector of the seminary asked me and another confrere to take care of him and to serve him for all his needs. I let you imagine our fear and trembling, finding ourselves before the Prefect of that dicastery, all the more so a theologian like him. To our amazement we met and were able to talk to a very amiable and pleasant person.


When we told him that we were at your complete disposal, in a sly and sympathetic way he replied: “But if you weren't supposed to be near me, what would you have done? What do you usually do in these moments and in these time slots??». We replied that in those moments we were devoted to study. He answered us: «Then it will be good that you study and that you prepare yourselves in the best possible way for your ministry, instead of standing behind me.


He showed great care for us in those days, especially when he celebrated Holy Mass in the seminary chapel, manifesting in its sobriety a sacred liturgical depth, giving us homilies that were profound catechesis.


Another memory it was when in the 2006 I brought young people to an audience during his first year of pontificate. The boys always had a vivid memory of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II, under whose pontificate they were born and raised. A histrionic and enveloping personality, before which Benedict XVI initially appeared a shy introvert. Not to mention the fury unleashed on him by the mass media. Like this, understand their doubts and perplexities, I extended this invitation: “Make a little effort: listen to what he will say in the hearing, then we'll talk about it". And in his style, Benedict XVI was able to speak of very profound themes with extraordinary simplicity, immediately grabbing their attention and winning their interest. I returned to Florence with young people who were enthusiastic about having attended that audience, who developed from that day to follow great affection and a deep bond towards the figure of Benedict XVI.


Several of those young people, in the following days, they confided in me that untrue and above all ungenerous stereotypes had been constructed about Benedict XVI. How can we forget the full-page headline of a newspaper that headlined the day after his election: The German Shepherd?


I brought it back to the hearing the young years later, during his last year of pontificate, shortly before the act of resignation from the exercise of the Petrine ministry. That too was a day of intense emotions that affected them greatly. The same ones we saw in large numbers parading in front of Benedict XVI's coffin exposed to the faithful in the Papal Archbasilica of St. Peter's, where they were calculated 200.000 people flocked in three days. All in confirmation of that truth kept silent for years by the national and international press which immediately declared war on him since his election: Benedict XVI was much loved by young people. If in fact we have been witnessing for a decade a vertiginous and dramatic decline in vocations to the priestly life, in the first years of Benedict XVI's pontificate, vocations were on the rise. And I'm certainly not saying that, and in numbers, the story. Above all, our increasingly empty seminaries say so. Also because, if the model of priest proposed today is that of the activist, I might as well enroll in the faculty of sociology and then become a social worker. And we want to talk about abandoning the priesthood? Such a high number of requests for dispensation from the exercise of the sacred priestly ministry had not been recorded since the 1970s, many of which advanced by priests in deep crisis, with twenty or thirty years of ministry behind them. This theme on which some bishops-social they should ask Father Ariel for guidance, that gives 12 years he dedicated himself to the care and assistance of priests in difficulty.


The last memory which I keep dates back to February 11 of 2017, when I went with Cardinal Ernest Simoni on a private visit to the monastery Mother of the Church. The Holy Father wanted to meet us and spend time with us before the Holy Mass, showing everyone the same affection: for an elderly and heroic Cardinal like Ernest Simoni, which he had spent 27 years of his life in the communist prisons of Albania, and likewise for me, that I also did not experience certain forms of white martyrdom with heroism.


The thing that struck me and moved me, it was that Benedict XVI recognized in this priest, now advanced in the years of priestly ministry, the seminarian met by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Archbishop's Seminary of Florence. He really remembered everything about that visit.


After this private meeting we concelebrated the Eucharist presided over by him in the chapel of the monastery Mother of the Church. I have already testified about that Holy Mass in these columns of ours last year [see article WHO], specifying that in the canon Benedict XVI pronounced the phrase: «… una cum famulo your Pope our Francisco». Testimony that, however, did not help the creators of cryptic codes, amphibology e, above all, to those who unfortunately follow certain lunatics who have given life to the world of the unreal [See previous articles WHO, WHO].


After the Holy Mass there was a very prolonged fraternal meeting, during which we offered him some gifts from the Church of Florence. Before the end of that meeting, the Holy Father gave me his zucchetto, which I clearly keep as a precious memory of this Pontiff, that despite certain human and governmental limitations, I consider him a great pontiff for his magisterium, for his catecheses and his unforgettable homiletics.


This morning I attended the funeral services in a St. Peter's Square packed with people like I haven't seen for many years. Square that we could risk - if Father Ariel had guessed this time too - not to see again like this. About a hundred thousand people were present, and almost 4.000 concelebrating priests. What struck me most was the presence of so many young people, as the pictures show.


I cannot omit one final note, sad but true, on which, however, I do not intend to dwell: I never imagined that the pontificate of Benedict XVI would be liquidated with an hour-long funeral Mass and a five-minute homily during which nothing was said. Something complained of by many priests present in the square at the end of the celebration. But on the other hand it is known and known: to us priests those who listen to us? When you are busy listening to everything, especially what is not Catholic, one may lack the time necessary to listen to the workers who work in the Lord's vineyard.


In certain occasions however, a pitiful veil must be drawn, or maybe even a heavy wool quilt with the sound of the headstone setting.

Rome, 5 January 2023



11 February 2017: the Holy Father Benedict XVI with Cardinal Ernest Simoni and the Florentine priest Simone Pifizzi




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