Ecce Agnus Dei. Recognizing Jesus the Baptist opens the doors to the mystery of God and the mystery of ourselves
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Acknowledging Jesus with this statement, John the Baptist opens up the mystery of God and the mystery of ourselves and guides us to discover God to gradually discover the mystery of man enclosed within ourselves.
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A step foundation of the Gospel of Blessed John the Evangelist narrates:
"The day after, John seeing Jesus coming towards him said: “Here is the lamb of God, behold the one who takes away the sin of the world! Here is the one of whom I spoke: After me comes a man who has passed me, because it was before me. I didn't know him, but I came to baptize with water so that he might be made known to Israel”. John testified by saying: “I saw the Spirit come down like a dove from heaven and land on him. I didn't know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me: The man upon whom you will see the Spirit descend and remain is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. And I saw and testified that this is the Son of God”» [GV 1, 29-34].
Recognizing Jesus with this affirmation the Baptist opens up the mystery of God and the mystery of ourselves, guiding us to discover God to gradually discover the mystery of man enclosed within ourselves.
Father Gabriele and Sister Angelika await you for a catechesis entirely dedicated to the Lamb of God broadcast in the first one live the 2023 the 12 January 2023 at hours hours 21.00.
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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos
The misunderstanding could arise from overlapping the meanings of the expressions "to know" and "to know", which Sacred Scripture keeps instead distinct. Certainly Jesus and John knew each other in the sense that they knew about each other from family talks, or for playing together as children; but also not, since they lived in two different villages and due to the fact that John withdrew quite early in the desert. Nor can we say with certainty whether after years they still knew how to recognize each other. In this sense we could give the expression "I didn't know him" a literal interpretation. However, in my opinion, the interpretative figure of this passage lies in that “After me comes a man who has passed me ahead, because it was before me”. Indeed, chronologically Jesus was born after the Baptist, but in the scale of recent times it precedes him, because from the womb she sends him to announce its Advent and to pave the way for it. And it's only in seeing him come towards you – we could say from a past time, but also from a future time, in short, from an eternal time – that he undoubtedly recognizes Him as the Lamb of God. That is, it is precisely at that point where time meets the Eternal that he really knows Him, face to face, and it is precisely of this specific knowledge that John bears witness to us.
Jesus and John, almost certainly, they had known each other since childhood: Indeed Joseph, right man, he would never leave out the pilgrimage to Jerusalem once or twice a year e, almost certainly, he would find hospitality with his whole family, with Maria's cousin who lived in Ain Karem, a little more than as the crow flies 6 km from the temple.
I've never quite understood why the Baptist says he didn't know him (referring to Jesus) if he was her relative and if he had leapt in Elizabeth's womb at Mary's visit.
John knew Jesus as a relative, a human person: but when Jesus presents himself to be baptized, he knows him, by divine inspiration, as the Son of God… then he will doubt when he is arrested, but the Words of Jesus will confirm his faith.
Yup, siì, it seems clear to me that the meaning could be that. I agree. Nonetheless we remember that Elizabeth said “to which I owe the Mother of my Lord to come to me…”, therefore the mother of the Baptist seems to know who Jesus was. Therefore it remains a passage of the gospel at least to me in part a little’ Dark.
E’ Obviously we read Elizabeth's words as prophetic because of Luke's words “was filled with the Holy Spirit”, But, then as now, the term “Mr” (man), can mean either God, sia can be a form of reverence and respect with which one addresses a person to exalt them: even though in her heart Elizabeth felt that the Child she was carrying in her womb was special, I don't think he was aware that it was God.