That disaster of “Basic income” seen and experienced by us priests in daily contact with the world of reality


It is conceivable and sustainable that a productive part of the country maintains a clearly parasitic part with its own contributions and tax revenues which, faced with forms of exaggerated welfare for the pure purpose of electoral reservoir, he doesn't even say thank you, because he acts and reacts as if it were his due, except complain that everything is never enough?

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It comes from Salerno Today the 15 October 2018 [see WHO]

Italy it is populated by a large number of cowards ready to applaud the powerful at the pinnacle of power, then to attack his corpse. And the Italian psychology of Piazzale LoretO, corner of Milan where the crowd attacked the body of Benito Mussolini, Clara Petacci, Nicola Bombacci, Alexander Pavolini. In front of that mess Sandro Pertini, socialist partisan and future President of the Republic declared: «With that gesture the insurrection dishonored itself» [cf.. WHO].

I fly over Carl Gustav Jung which defined the structure of the collective unconscious, because the discussion would be complex and I will limit myself to mentioning the obvious: each population is conditioned and animated by its own peculiar social psychology which derives from its history and experience. It is in this sense that we can speak of "social character" or "collective socio-psychology".

The Italian character has been depicted in a plastic and realistic way in the world of journalism and in that of cinematography by two great figures of the Italian twentieth century: the journalist Indro Montanelli and the actor Alberto Sordi that the vices of Italian translated them into cinematography. Among his works remains memorable Stardust, with the extraordinary Monica Vitti.

While everything was silent and no one dared to sigh before the powerful majority in power, for my part I did not hesitate to affirm, In the 2019 It is in the 2020, that the basic income was the most scandalous vote-buying ever in the history of the Italian Republic [see my article WHO]. It is a historical fact: all the old parties of the so-called first Republic took illicit loans from industries for years and years, companies and large enterprises. The old Italian Communist Party took even worse illicit loans, because the money came to him from the Soviet Union, which was an enemy country of the Atlantic Pact. No Party was immune from this funding. Yet none of them ever dreamed of buying their votes using public taxpayers' money, as did instead that movement of great moralizers known as the Five Stars, who immediately never spoke to the intelligence of the Italians, or what little is left of it, but to their emotionality and their belly. Votes clearly acquired with the citizen's income, as evidenced by the electoral preferences that have touched authentic Bulgarian majorities in those electoral districts of Southern Italy where the most numerous subsidies have been disbursed. Only two regions, Campania and Sicily, hold the 48% of citizenship incomes among those disbursed throughout Italy. The consequence was that in some constituencies the Five Star Movement exceeded the 70% of electoral preferences. They are not inferences, but statistical data that say so, although it is true that elections are won with majority numbers, or not? And the numbers speak.

I wrote all this years ago, in full power cinquestellino, unlike many, indeed of the too many who saw this reality only when the great moralizers of the country fell into a farcical re-edition of Animal Farm George Orwell. And this after having given us everything and more: from the scooters from which today we risk being overwhelmed on the sidewalks, to follow with wheelchairs that only a scientist of Lucia Azzolina's caliber could invent. On Luigi Di Maio, Minister for Foreign Affairs, let us instead directly spread a pitiful veil.

Let's clarify right away for the avoidance of any doubt: a country that is truly civil has a political duty, social and moral to support all those citizens who are unable to work or who cannot find work. As always, we try to clarify everything with some concrete examples: a worker who has carried out a strenuous job for twenty or thirty years, for example a bricklayer or a labourer, if at the age of fifty he finds himself out of work and moreover with some health problems, where does he find another job? If a worker of a similar age, but also a forty-year-old who was a truck driver for almost twenty years, can no longer sit for ten hours a day driving a truck due to physical problems that prevent him from doing so, but which at the same time cannot be considered invalid, because it isn't, another job where he finds it? For one and for the other, as for many others, finding a new job may also be possible, but it is certainly not easy and least of all they will be able to find it on the spot. It is obvious that supporting these people is a duty of civility. But the basic income, we are sure that it went to this kind of people and to all those who find themselves out of work for reasons completely beyond their control?

Given that we are talking about the Italians, not of the Germans or the French who, like it or not, they are peoples with a deep sense of nationhood and national identity, the citizen's income marked first of all, in the nefarious Italian psychology, an immediate rush to defraud the State and the entire national community of public taxpayers. Only dreamlike politicians like the Cinquestelle could cross the mind, in a country like ours, to disburse this subsidy basing everything on the truthfulness and good faith of the self-certification, without any kind of strict control, avoiding that everything ended up for the benefit of those smart ones of which Italy is the mother in constant labor. And the crafty crooks, according to the investigations that were made with enormous delay by the administrative and judicial bodies in charge, it wasn't "a few cases" at all, but tens and tens of thousands, many of which are truly sensational. Because as soon as they started doing the checks, they quickly discovered the incredible and the improbable. Unfortunately, the controls, they were triggered only when the government changed and after the previous government had been able to gain votes on income both in the general elections and in the administrative elections.

I talked for a long time and with numerous recipients of this devastating income, which is certainly not such as such but for the way in which it was designed. From their mouths I could only hear the word «I have the right to… I have the right to… I have the right to…». Faced with the question of whether they ever asked themselves the problem that receiving a subsidy implies that on the other side there are public taxpayers who pay them, the answer given ― and not once, but almost standard practice - it was nothing short of bleak: "Ah, but it is the state that pays for it...". Further clarification to follow: «…because the State must…». Every comment, faced with such beliefs, it would be superfluous to say the least.

An entrepreneur friend some time ago he told me that he had paid to the state, in his personal contributions to INPS, beyond 400.000 euro in 40 years of work, getting in return, once you reach retirement, a pension of 650 € monthly. Having said this, he declared himself scandalized - and I would like to see how to blame him - at the idea that twenty year olds physically able to work did not even bother to look for work and that they collected 780 monthly euros of basic income. While others collected income on the one hand and worked illegally on the other, putting in your pocket 1.500 / 1.600 € per month. Because these are the people who pay income to an army of do-nothings who would have no right to it and who, I repeat, they are by no means sporadic and isolated cases, always according to what emerged from the checks carried out after the stables had been opened and the oxen escaped into the wild.

The famous Italian journalist Bruno Vespa recently gave this testimony to a Mediaset television programme:

«I have a farm in Puglia. I found a girl who worked illegally in a club. Brava, motivated, he wanted to grow up: I offered her 1.300 euros to be a waitress. The young woman accepted but then returned home and her partner told her: "you're crazy, by adding undeclared work to your income, you are much freer and do what you want”. There is an infinite number of these situations in Italy» [cf.. WHO].

Soon said: we are faced with a large and disturbing number of ignorant selfish people who do not even have the faintest idea of ​​what a state is. But it gets worse: in a more or less plaintive or arrogant way, they always and only prefix the word "I have the right to ... I have the right to ... I have the right to ...", without ever being even remotely touched that the rights due or acquired are necessarily based on duties. Like this, every time I have reminded these subjects - many of whom unfortunately are socially unrecoverable in their way of thinking - that a State is based on the relationship between citizens' duties and rights and that the State benefits to the extent that the State is given, in response I heard: "Ah, but the salary of politicians …». And this is the other devastating element of Italian psychology: "the other is worse and does much worse than me". Or: "… Yes, I evade taxes and I do well to evade it because the director of the Bank of Italy takes 40.000 euros per month salary. Only the worst of the worst can arise from reasoning of this kind. Also in this case let's say it with examples: here then is the Neapolitan mother who in front of her son caught in the act while he was robbing a tobacconist, he takes it out on the judge who condemns him by stating: «There are politicians and industrialists who steal but do nothing to them». To follow with the mother of the two criminals that the 6 September 2020 they brutally killed the young man in Colleferro Willy Monteiro Duarte, Incidentally, they are also recipients of citizenship income granted upon self-certification, who reacted by mocking the poor young man killed and affirming: «They put it on the front page not even if the queen had died» [cf.. WHO].

The sad truth is that in Italy we have raised and raised generations of lazy spineless people over the last half century, for the most part spoiled only children of mum and dad, truly convinced that everything is due to them and that the word "right" is completely devoid of the suffix "duty". And then let's overlook the psychology that marks the even worst generation of only children born to mothers over forty, because there we are truly in tragedy …

For the kind of ministry I carry out I have daily contacts with confreres who live scattered throughout the dioceses of all of Italy, in contact day after day with human material. In particular those who live in Campania, Calabria and Sicily have told me episodes and situations of scams and robberies done brazenly in the public light of day. Several Neapolitan presbyters told me that they did not know a single recipient of basic income who did not work illegally. Some Sicilian presbyters told me that it was the employees of the various public administration offices themselves who suggested how to change residence or create fictitious residences in order to receive more citizenship income within the same family, after that, a few days after, Advertisements for Five Star candidates in that constituency reached them on WhatsApp.

More pastors of these regions I have been told of cases in which young people have gone to ask if they could get married in church without however having the documents sent to the Municipality because in this case they would have formed a family nucleus and lost their two respective citizenship incomes which would have been reduced to a single income per household. As they were individual income earners, they intended to continue to receive each his own income and to work quietly in the open in the dark. To my question addressed to these confreres: «They are sporadic cases?». I was answered both from Campania and from Sicily: “Sporadic? It is the widespread practice, but it gets worse: everything takes place in the light of the sun and under the eyes of the same administrators who not only avoid vigilance, but who favor precisely this system for their electoral interests. Everyone sees and knows, but for the political elections first and the administrative ones afterwards, no one would have thought of going against this appetizing electoral pool of income earners, behind which there are not only individual recipients, because behind it is the "due gratitude" of entire families and numerous friends».

But there is even worse: confreres who live in daily contact with social unease have repeatedly complained to me that they touch the reality of income distributed in rain to an army of clever people who had no right to it every day, while several really needy people had failed to get this subsidy. They told me, but I myself saw craftsmen with my own eyes, plumbers, electricians, aerialist, bricklayers who cash in on average 3.000/4.000 euros per month in total black money to which they added the perception of the citizen's income without any modesty or shame. And these are not sporadic isolated cases, because in certain areas of our country they appear to be the practice instead. The whole, I repeat, in public sunlight.

It is thinkable and sustainable that a productive part of the country maintains with its contribution and its own tax revenue a clearly parasitic part which, in the face of exaggerated forms of welfare for the pure purpose of electoral reservoir, he doesn't even say thank you, because he acts and reacts as if it were his due, except complain that everything is never enough? You can think, especially in the current geopolitical and economic situation, to be able to continue to keep this large portfolio of votes good and dear at the expense of the working country, produces and pays taxes? It is absolutely not true that certain things happen throughout Italy, fake! In various areas of Southern Italy I have seen people working illegally in bars and restaurants, where even the police forces go for coffee or dinner, the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza, labor inspectors. And when I pointed out to the latter that in no other part of Italy is it possible to see an average of eight out of ten people working illegally in certain places, in response they gave a melancholy half smile and said to me: "Better undeclared work than unemployment". To those who are not clear, I repeat: response given by inspectors of the Labor Office, I don't know if you know what I mean.

To some Palermo recipients of income, jobs were offered in other areas of the country, where there are labor shortages in many sectors. The best justifications given to the various talk show television did not wait: "I can't leave the family ... with the salary they would give me, half would go to pay the rent ...". Finally the most splendid pearl of the receiver that for more evenings, give one talk show television to the other he said: «Because entrepreneurs from the North don't come here to Palermo to create jobs?». And of talk show in talk show everyone was silent. Too bad among the guests in those parterre I wasn't there too, because I would instantly remind him that in the past, complete with incentives from the state and the European Union, more companies tried it and how, to go and create jobs. The problem was that as soon as they tried to establish companies, they ended up with three different realities: with appalling bureaucracy, with corrupt administrators who, if they didn't demand bribes in cash, demanded the hiring of their protégés, lastly and not least with the mafiosi who demanded protection money. Why in cities like Palermo and Catania, the lace, even those who sell panelle and bruscolini at the market pay it. But maybe, to this earner invited to talk nonsense by a talk show television to another, the possibility was given to present the complex and delicate reality of Palermo ― without any penalty of ridicule ― as if the capital of Sicily were a canton of the Swiss Confederation, inhabited, as is well known, by zealous and precise subjects like the Swiss. Or ignore maybe, this subject and especially those who invited him to pontificate, that when in Agrigento they finally decided to demolish some illegal villas built inside the Valley of the Temples for demonstration purposes, the demolitions were carried out by companies in the Triveneto controlled and escorted by the State Police, Army and Carabinieri? Who knows why none of the local companies showed up at the auctions that went deserted several times ... but who knows why?

The statistics confirm than with the citizen's income, unemployment, from the 2019 at the end of 2022 has increased and companies and small businesses, especially those operating in the Italian tourism sector, they had enormous difficulty finding staff. Friends who run hotels, restaurants and bathing establishments have reported to me and shown that in full season they have paid between 1.800 until 2.200 euros per month for Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan workers because they couldn't find any crying unemployed Italian willing to do the dishwasher. Especially from young people, the aspiration of many of which ranges between the desire to become influence full of followers to that of being able to enter a reality show. Why these, it's the generations of misfits we've created, granting them also the basic income, it was the icing put on the cream on top of the cake.

Then we want to talk about mothers, species of the hypertrophic-protective southern ones, that they really don't want, that their children do certain jobs, even if some of them would be willing to do them? I heard them say with my own ears: «… my son a dishwasher … my son a tomato picker …? No, my son doesn't have to!».

When I was ten years old ― so we're talking about five decades ago now ― I saw young twenty-year-olds work, mostly university students, in the tourist facilities of my maternal family members. In the following decades they became freelancers, senior officials in the state administration, specialist doctors, some became entrepreneurs themselves after learning the art of entrepreneurship from my uncles. One of these, later became a specialist doctor, he was particularly close to my father during his illness which led to his death at the age of just one 56 year old. During the course of his university studies in medicine, d’estate, throughout the season, he worked as a waiter to pay for his studies, because his family could not afford to support him much in studying away from home.

My friend Paolo Del Debbio, al talk show conducted by him he cut off a Tizio saying: "Look ..., that you are talking to a former waiter. Because when I was studying I supported myself by being a waiter». But if we give our young people a sofa, a playstation and a basic income, if anything, also making him believe that it can last for a lifetime and that the unspecified abstract entity called the State pays for it, we won't be able to get a specialist doctor or Paolo Del Debbio out of it, nor a good and ordinary citizen of the Italian Republic. All this while reaffirming that a truly democratic country, liberal and civil, it has the duty to help and support all the people who have no job or who have lost their job. But not those who don't want to find work or who work illegally to get a double salary, while those who have worked for a lifetime and contributed their income to our welfare state, today takes 680 euros per month of pension e, in addition to mockery, he must also hear quite a few people, that they have no desire to work and even less to find work, to click: «… I have the right to… I have the right to… I have the right to…».

From the island of Patmos, 18 December 2022











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A dream from which the divine reality of the redemption of man comes to life

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos


In Joseph's dream the Angel can speak with serenity and tranquility in the name of God. Why Joseph, whose heart is already prepared to welcome God, now he can understand the details of the divine plan in the light of faith.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.


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Dear Readers and friends of The Island of Patmos,


we all have dreams. We are men and we always tend to welcome our deepest desires and aspirations. So we have an end, a larger and more precise purpose that directs all the other smaller and more daily choices. All our dreams tend to humanize us and make us better because we reflect through them, we put ourselves to the test and are willing to put ourselves on the line.

Joseph also he had his dream. Marry his girlfriend, Maria. He was almost at the pace of the wedding ritual celebration. But Joseph realizes that Mary is pregnant. Like this, suddenly, he is in a drama. His dream breaks. What he had longed for and expected can no longer come true. Maria cannot be his wife. But overcome the initial discouragement, Joseph does not lose heart. With justice towards God and towards Mary herself, he places himself in obedience to the law of Deuteronomy: to avoid stoning she decides to write a letter to break off the engagement in a discreet and confidential way. God helps Joseph and sends him an Angel in a dream. Here then is that Joseph can abandon his dream to enter God's dream. In Joseph's dream the Angel can speak with serenity and tranquility in the name of God. Why Joseph, whose heart is already prepared to welcome God, now he can understand the details of the divine plan in the light of faith.

Joseph learns from the Angel who must name the son of God. To that very special son, willed by the Eternal Father, first person of the Trinity, Joseph is called to give the name. Naming implies having parental authority and offering legal paternity. And Jesus is the son of Joseph by legal means. (D)The name means that God entrusts Joseph with a very important task: proclaim to the world that Jesus, that child who came so mysteriously into her life, it is God who saves the whole world. Joseph thus becomes the first announcer of the name of God who offers the announcement of salvation. Finally God's dream announced in Isaiah is fulfilled and realized [cf.. 7,14]. When Giuseppe wakes up, he has the key to that broken dream in his heart. He earned everything a hundredfold, in God's dream that comes true in him. So he takes Maria with him, as a faithful husband, affectionate groom and a man who is careful and precise in his work and takes care of his bride. Together with Maria, she takes care of and guards that mysterious child. With Mary he teaches him the practices of the Jewish faith. Joseph in his loyal chastity is a fruitful and authentic father for this mysterious son.

God's dream surpasses the human one of Joseph. And it is even more beautiful and unexpected. Writes the biblical scholar Rosalba Manes:

«With Joseph, man returns to being as Genesis presents him to us before sin: lover and custodian of the gifts of God"

This can happen in our lives. How many times do we have to abandon projects and dreams. With difficulty we succeed. But if we leave all the projects and enter God's dream, we will not lose anything but we will have everything a hundredfold.

We ask the Lord to bring our lives into His Dream, to all become little Joseph and Mary, and with the grace we have received, give the world the salvation of God.


Santa Maria Novella in Florence, 18 December 2022



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Who was Maria pregnant with?? Joseph's dream. An appointment not to be missed with the Club Theologicum


Joseph wanted to leave Mary because he realized she was pregnant and thought she had cheated on him with someone else. As he was mulling over the situation and then secretly leaving her, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream

— The live video of The Island of Patmos —

Author: Jorge Facio Lynx President of Editions The island of Patmos


the Dominican theologian Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, father editor de The Island of Patmos

What to do with Maria? Who is she pregnant with?? How to avoid scandal? In the middle of the night, an Angel breaks into his dream, so that Joseph enters the Dream of God:

«But while he was thinking about these things, behold, an Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said to him: «Giuseppe, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary with you, your bride, because what is generated in her comes from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son and you will name him Jesus: indeed he will save his people from their sins […]» [Mt 1, 20-23]


On this issue reflect together tonight, 15 December, our Dominican theologian Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci together with Sister Angelika.

We wait for you hours 21.00 direct streaming.


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Statement from the Bishop of Padua regarding the presence of Mr. Alessandro Minutella in the territory of his Diocese

- Actuality -


This morning the schismatic heretic vomited poison against the Bishop of Padua [cf.. WHO] that by fulfilling his duties as a shepherd he has put on guard the clergy and the faithful from participating in its "shamanic-madonnolatrici rites"


Editors of The Island of Patmos


Repeatedly we demonstrated through his videos and speeches [cf.. WHO, WHO, WHO] that Mr. Minutella is an aggressive-violent narcissist, affected by pseudo-mystical exaltation, as well as dissociated from reality, which creates in people fragile relationships of profound dependence and just as much dissociation from reality. They are not our risky opinions, but analyzes done by multiple psychiatrists who examined his video materials. Especially Mr. Minutella incites people to hatred by turning them into machines which in turn spread hatred in an aggressive and violent way against «The false church of the false pope emissary of the Antichrist».

Phenomena of this kind they should never be taken lightly, because sooner or later there is the serious risk that some exalted person may commit an act of physical violence to the detriment of some bishop. An attempt that has already been made in the past, when if. Mons. Michele Pennisi Archbishop of Monreale disavowed the pseudo-mystical activities of the then Reverend Alessandro Minutella [see document HERE]. With the result that a group of his possessed people tried to attack him as he left the archbishop's palace [cf.. WHO]. precedents in this sense, also recent, unfortunately there are none, just remember the case of the attack to Cardinal Giuseppe Betori Metropolitan Archbishop of Florence.



December, 2022

The Bishop of Padua, Mons. Claudio Cipolla, in the light of some information received through the social channels used by Mr. Alessandro Minutella, learned of his imminent presence in the Padua area - and therefore presumably in the territory of the Diocese of Padua - in the period 15 December 2022 ― 15 January 2023, also accompanied by Fra Celestino della Croce, born Pietro Follador, currently incardinated in the diocese of Patti (Messina).

In this regard the Bishop, Mons. Claudio Cipolla, report to presbyters, deacons, consecrated men and women and faithful all that Mr. Alessandro Minutella, former presbyter of the Archdiocese of Palermo, was excommunicated 18 August 2018 (with Decree 15 August 2018) for having committed the crime against the faith and the unity of the Church, as schismatic; and was dismissed from the clerical state (out of office and for the good of the church) in data 13 January 2022 (by decree issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith).

Furthermore, as regards fra Celestino della Croce, he communicates that he has received from his bishop the prohibition to carry out the priestly ministry in public due to his positions openly in line with those of Mr. A. Minutella.

Bishop Claudius as pertaining to him in the territory of the Diocese confirmation the measures taken against Fra Celestino by the Ordinary of Patti, to which he adds the revoke the faculty to hear Confessions and to impart Sacramental Absolution to the faithful, within the territory of the Diocese of Padua. forbids also to parish priests, to church rectors, to parish administrators and superiors of religious institutes, to grant the aforementioned Alessandro Minutella and fra Celestino della Croce places of worship and both internal and external spaces owned by ecclesiastical bodies.

Prohibition that assumes the value of a heartfelt invitation for any faithful Catholic who has ecclesial Communion at heart.








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Note about the author of “Codice Katzinger” and the ridiculous saga of "no one answers the merits of my questions"


To be seriously concerned for all the souls of the fragile and confused that they drag along in the grave error, causing serious damage to individuals and entire families, turning them into hate machines against "the false satanic church of the false usurper and apostate pope Bergoglio", it is a duty which no pastor in the care of souls can shirk.

- Church news -

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.


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That precious human doubt that transforms us into lights of the living God

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos


Il dubbio assale Giovanni il Battista durante la sua carcerazione, quando deve sperimentare la solitudine della notte dell’anima e della fede comincia a nutrire dubbi e a pensare che l’annuncio dato su Gesù non sia del tutto vero


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.


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Dear Readers and friends of The Island of Patmos,


nella nostra vita può capitare di vedere cose così tal belle da non credere che siano reali. Forse abbiamo dimenticato come ci si stupisce. Su questo i bambini sono dei veri maestri. Therefore, quando accade qualcosa di gioioso e bello, facilmente ci chiediamo: «… è successo davvero? O forse è solo tutto un sogno?». In quel momento siamo tutti un pocome il filosofo Cartesio che in un celebre passo delle Meditazioni Metafisiche scrive:


«Riflettendoci con più attenzione, tanto chiaramente mi rendo conto che non è mai dato di distinguere la veglia dal sogno con criteri certi, da rimanere attonito; e proprio questo stupore mi riporta quasi a credere di star sognando anche ora».


Ma ecco allora Gesù che viene a darci una bella sveglia invitandoci in questo cammino di Avvento a fugare i dubbi perché quanto sta accadendo non è un sogno. Dio prende la natura umana, si fa uomo, per essere vicino a tutti noi. È tutto vero. Così quello che è impensabile e che sembra appunto un sogno irrealizzabile invece è realtà.


Questo dubbio in fondo ad un certo punto l’aveva avuto anche Giovanni il Battista. In Vangelo di questa III Domenica d’Avvento let's read:


"During that time, Giovanni, che era in carcere, avendo sentito parlare delle opere del Cristo, per mezzo dei suoi discepoli mandò a dirgli: «Sei tu colui che deve venire o dobbiamo aspettare un altro?».


Il dubbio assale Giovanni il Battista durante la sua carcerazione, quando deve sperimentare la solitudine della notte dell’anima e della fede comincia a nutrire dubbi e a pensare che l’annuncio dato su Gesù non sia del tutto vero. Nell’ora dell’abbandono è facile pensare che sia tutto troppo bello per essere vero, esattamente come accade anche a noi. Non perché siamo stati tutti davvero carcerati, ma perché possiamo aver trascorso dei periodi di isolamento, di solitudine, di abbandono. Ci sentivamo soli e pensavamo che Gesù non fosse venuto davvero anche per noi, che in quel momento non fosse davvero presente, nella nostra sofferenza. In questo Avvento proviamo a far memoria di questi momenti per rileggerli alla luce del Natale: Gesù c’era in quella notte esistenziale.


Gesù nel Vangelo infatti rassicura il Battista che è veramente lui il Figlio di Dio, colui che nascendo è venuto illuminare la tenebra del mondo e dell’uomo e a farlo splendere. Per farci brillare come lui nella notte di Natale è la luce del mondo. E far splendere la luce della nostra vita.


L’Avvento sia così anche il cammino di comprensione e di rilettura con lo sguardo di quella fede che alla luce della grotta di Betlemme ci trasforma tutti in piccole luci del Signore. Tutti possiamo diventare i testimoni del messaggio che quel piccolo bambino è il figlio di Dio, who is true God and true man.


Dio ci guidi e ci accompagni in questo tempo di Avvento, perché con la sua grazia e i suoi doni, diventiamo nel Signore il suo Dono di Natale per il mondo sofferente.


Santa Maria Novella in Florence, 11 December 2022



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The Education “Sacramentum” and liturgical abuses: tell it to the Bishops, don't tell Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk


In conclusion, thinking about it, every community of the faithful always ends up having the priest it deserves, exactly like us priests, that we often end up "condemned" to a just and deserved punishment to have the bishops we deserve.

— Pastoral Liturgical —

Simone Pifizzi


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Suggestion to your Bishop to solve the root problem: lock him inside a room of two meters by two meters with the Padri de The Island of Patmos (click on image to open the video)

Iour brother Ivano Liguori he dealt with the problem of liturgical abuses, even if in the specific case the abuse had the connotations of sacrilege perpetrated during the celebration of the Holy Mass [cf.. WHO, WHO, WHO, WHO].


in liturgical language it is customary to speak of the Canon of the Holy Mass. The word stock canon it is the precise norm to be followed to celebrate divine worship. The fee is by its nature fixed and rigid. Unfortunately, when certain terms are used, today many tend to turn up their noses because they do not know the true meaning of words and end up confusing "fixed" with fixism and "rigid" with rigidity. Nothing more wrong. The celebrant is a faithful and scrupulous instrument of the sacred liturgy, non-master or arbitrary master, worse than ever: free creator. The sacred liturgy invests the life of the entire universal Church, of which it is an expression and common prayer of praise to God. Creatively abusing the sacred liturgy means making it unstable and taking away that univocal dimension, common and universal prayer. This is why the liturgical abuse, whether small or big, gives rise to a double fracture: with the communion of the Church and with its dimension of universality. We recall that the etymology of the word "Catholic", dal greco throughout, it means universal and thus indicates its universality.


The 25 March 2004, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, “by disposition of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II, drawn up by the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, in agreement with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith” the Instruction was issued Sacramentum. Subtitle: «On some things that are to be observed and avoided concerning the Most Holy Eucharist».


The final closing of this Document, with the subjects involved, immediately makes us understand that we are not dealing with a series of pious recommendations but with a text that is binding on both conscience and practice, and whoever does not comply commits a real abuse, the gravity of which can reach the point of actual sacrilege, as unfortunately we have also seen recently.


Someone will object that in this way the wings of initiative and creativity are clipped. Generally these types of objections come from the mouth of those who have made relativism - a truly great corrosive disease of the contemporary Church - a sort of norma normans non normata, forgetting that the Church, of a treasure that is so absolute, because it was left as a gift by the Divine Redeemer, is keeper, no mistress. In the Eucharistic liturgy the Church celebrates the perennial actualization of the saving action of the Lord Jesus in her life, in his passion, in his crucifixion, in his death and resurrection [cf.. n. 40], for this after the consecration of the sacred species, the People of God acclaim the living body and blood of Christ present in soul, spirit and divinity:


"We announce your death, Lord, we proclaim your resurrection, waiting for your coming".


There is a basic question which runs through the entire education: it is really necessary to pay attention to liturgical abuses? It is not enough to reaffirm the importance and the need to follow the liturgical norms according to the spirit of the Second Vatican Council which affirms:


«the integral public cult is exercised by the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, that is, from the Head and its members. As a result, every liturgical celebration, as the work of Christ the priest and of his Body which is the Church, it is sacred action par excellence» [Holy Council, n. 7].


On the columns of this magazine It has been explained several times over the years that if, after six decades since the closing of a great ecumenical council, the Church has found itself forced to publish two very specific corrective documents - these are the Lord Jesus (c)he reaffirms the salvific uniqueness of Christ and his Church, to follow with the Sacramentum in which he refers to the basic foundations of art celebration - something went wrong. That said, it is good to clarify that it was not the Council that malfunctioned, element of necessary pastoral renewal which the Church needed, exactly as it was four centuries ago another great Council, that of Trent. To malfunction, indeed sometimes very badly, it was the post-council interpreters of the so-called spirit of the Council who often ended up generating an idea of ​​the Council all their own. this is what didn't work and generated the problems we sadly have to deal with today. Who takes advantage of certain objective data, from doctrinal bewilderment to often almost institutionalized liturgical abuses, to impute the blame to the last Council of the Church, one of two: or sin of profound ignorance, or, out of pure ideology, consciously lies.


In the Encyclical Letter Church of the Eucharist preceding education by one year Sacramentum the Holy Pontiff John Paul II recalls that the liturgical norms


“they are a concrete expression of the authentic ecclesiality of the Eucharist; this is their deepest sense. The liturgy is never anyone's private property, nor of the celebrant, nor of the community in which the Mysteries are celebrated. The priest who faithfully celebrates the Mass according to the liturgical norms and the community which conforms to them demonstrate, in a silent but eloquent way, their love for the Church" [cf.. n. 52].


Obviously that's not enough only one external participation, because celebrating the Eucharist requires faith, hope and charity. In this regard, the Instruction states Sacramentum:


“A purely external observance of the rules, as is evident, would conflict with the essence of the sacred liturgy, in which Christ the Lord wants to gather his Church, why it is, with him, “one body and one spirit”. The external act must be, therefore, enlightened by the faith and charity which unite us to Christ and to one another and generate love for the poor and afflicted".


Abuses have always existed, also in the so-called "Everlasting Mass", neologism invented by whose mind, playing with Latin, it ignores not only the history of the liturgy, but the same history of the Church. However it is good to remember that as far as the Eucharistic celebration is concerned, not all abuses have the same weight. If in fact it can happen to inadvertently get the color of a sacred vestment wrong, to mistakenly use an ordinary preface when the liturgy provides for one of its own, or to use unsuitable songs, in this case we are in the realm of human error. Other abuses threaten instead: or to invalidate what is being celebrated, or to manifest an absolute lack of Eucharistic faith, producing devastating effects on the People of God, in an ever higher and more disturbing decay of the Eucharistic cult and of the perception of its sacredness which supports the very structure of the Church, which is in itself a Eucharistic mystery, because it is founded on the body and blood of the Word of God made man. Other abuses, on the other hand, risk generating confusion among the people of God, or even to desecrate the celebration itself. That is why abuse cannot be taken lightly, as if they were … excesses of creativity.


One thing is certain: all members of the Church need liturgical formation, which is sadly missing today. The Second Vatican Council specifies that it is absolutely necessary to give first place to the liturgical formation of the clergy [cf.. Holy Council, n. 14]. But it is also true that they exist in one or another ecclesial context, abuses that contribute to obscuring the right faith and the Catholic doctrine on this wonderful Sacrament [cf.. Church of the Eucharist, n. 10]. The Sacramentum specifies that "Abuses are often rooted in a false concept of freedom" [cf.. n. 7]. “Arbitrary acts, indeed, do not contribute to an effective renewal" [cf.. n. 11]. It is good to clarify what has been reaffirmed in several acts and documents of the magisterium: "Such abuses have nothing to do with the authentic spirit of the Council and must be corrected by the Pastors with an attitude of prudent firmness" [cf.. John Paul II, 40 anniversary of the conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy, Apostolic letter Spirit and bride, n. 15]. The Instruction clarifies the same Sacramentum:


“To those who modify the liturgical texts on their own authority, it is important to point out that the sacred liturgy is intimately connected with the principles of doctrine, and the use of unapproved texts and rites consequently causes it to weaken, or get lost altogether, the necessary link between the the law of prayer the A law of belief» [cf.. n. 10], (known Latin expression which in the language of the sacred liturgy means: the law of prayer is the law of believing).


For Catholic believers reading this Instruction would indeed be very instructive, it is no coincidence that it is called Education. Surely it will be much more instructive than looking for unlikely answers about social media, if not worse, improvise liturgists and give answers that often one is not really able to give, contributing in this way only to generate confusion and sterile controversy, but above all to increase the lack of knowledge of the many who, in increasing numbers, but they assume they know. In fact, if the Church makes certain texts and documents available to the faithful, it is precisely to instruct them also on how it is good and proper to react to the liturgical abuses of certain celebrants. Therefore it is of little use to blame the priest forge of liturgical abuses on a page Facebook. The Church indicates precisely which are the errors and abuses that no celebrant must commit, after which it indicates to the faithful how to act and who to contact. He does not exhort them to go looking for improbable answers where it is impossible to find them, or worse to argue where the controversy will end up being something solely an end in itself.


Many would be examples, let's pick one at random: several times it happened to us priests to collect the discomfort of the faithful who complained about the unjustified use of extraordinary ministers of Communion, if anything, while the celebrant was seated at the headquarters and a couple of lay people were distributing the Most Holy Eucharist. We are undoubtedly dealing with a serious abuse, the Instruction itself specifies it by clarifying:


«It is reprehensible the practice of those Priests who, although present at the celebration, however, they abstain from distributing Communion, entrusting the laity with this task" [cf.. n. 157].


This rule was in turn preceded twenty years earlier by a reply of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments [11 July 1984: AAS 76 (1984) p. 746]. This delicate task entrusted to the laity is in itself an altogether extraordinary ministry, in fact, it pertains to ordained ministers, to the presbyter and the deacon, distribute Holy Communion to the faithful. Only in cases where the ordained ministers are not sufficient for the large number of people, appeal can be made to the ministers of Communion, who exercise a wholly extraordinary ministry.


Faced with abuses of this kind and to the numerous others described in this Instruction, on which it would not be possible to dwell, the Catholic faithful are required to contact their bishop, certainly not a Facebook e Twitter, because our dioceses are not governed by either Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, who among other things cannot exercise any power over priests or admonish them for any reason.


Before the objective responsibilities of our clergy, defective and sinful, we don't back down, indeed we are the first to admit the obvious mistakes of the few or many of our confreres who unfortunately seem to celebrate at times almost with their feet. However, the responsibilities of those faithful are no less serious, or presumed such, that instead of informing the bishop, as they should do, they think they can complain with the rag of their clothes on social media, even better if behind a fantasy name, because in that case they will become extremely aggressive and severe, rather than act as God commands and assume all their responsibilities as Catholic believers, simply informing the bishop.


In conclusion, thinking about it, every community of the faithful always ends up having the priest it deserves, exactly like us priests, that we often end up "condemned" to a just and deserved punishment to have the bishops we deserve.

Florence, 10 December 2022





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With the figure of John the Baptist we rediscover humility in the precious desert of Advent

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos


The Forerunner, the Baptist, he is the one who speaks in the desert. Wear very sparse clothing, it fed on plants and locusts. This is the typical condition of someone who is in a purification phase of their life.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.


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Dear friends and readers of The Island of Patmos,


anyone who has played a sport, for example football, swimming, horse riding…reminds you of an instructor, an educator, or someone who coached and accompanied him until he became a good footballer, swimmer or jockey …


In today's Gospel the figure of John the Baptist enters the scene. He who acts as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments and who is similar to the coach we met on the football pitch, in the swimming pool or at the riding stables, prepares us for the way. In this case the way of God. He is introduced to us immediately at the beginning of the pericope:


«In those days John the Baptist appeared to preach in the Judean desert, saying: «Be converted, because the kingdom of heaven is near!». He is the one who was announced by the prophet Isaiah when he said: The voice of one crying in the wilderness:/ Prepare the way of the Lord, / his paths straight!».


The Baptist tells us many things, including that the ancient Jewish pact will be modified for an epochal and definitive change. Who, Matthew himself, reports the words of the Baptist who announces a conversion for the coming of the kingdom of heaven, which is close. What does he mean by kingdom of heaven? There is no doubt that for us and the time in which we live the Baptist announces the presence of God and the coming of Christ in history. But before this there is an important detail: the same Isaiah quoted in the Gospel text announces the arrival of an announcer, of a precursor in the desert who will accompany the awareness of the coming of God into our lives. Here then is that Jesus is announced in the desert by someone who prepares his way so that all members of the people can welcome him.


There is a big announcement for us too of the community of believers. Here Battista is in the person of the church, we theologians will say it represents the whole Church that, despite his defections and ours, that we compose it and that we are all sinners born with original sin, she is the one who helps us get to Jesus. God through the whole Church helps us to straighten our crooked paths to get back on the correct path towards God.


Now the precursor, the Baptist, he is the one who speaks in the desert. He wears very shabby clothing, it fed on plants and locusts. This is the typical condition of someone who is in a purification phase of their life. The Baptist probably lived a form of life similar to that of the Essenes who had their community at Qumran, a Jewish sect, we would say today, strictly observed. He prepares the way in that desert which can be a physical place but also an interior attitude. In the desert you can travel routes in the sand that you didn't know about. All you need is a wise and attentive guide who knows the desert first. Expert as John was for those he wanted to help convert and he did so through the baptism of conversion that he administered. It was certainly not the sacramental baptism that we know today, but a purification rite that took place through the immersion in the waters of the Jordan of those who had decided to confess and recognize their sins. A penitential practice that washed away sins, from faults and imperfections.


After passing through the desert sand, you really need refreshing water. Even in the life of faith that we live now in this Advent. Let us rediscover what the sacrament of washing and cleansing our soul is for us, that is, confession. In which after having examined the desertifications of all mortal sins, we can receive the outpouring and washing of reconciliation.


We ask the Lord to rediscover humility as the basis for daily conversion, to travel through our existential deserts and drink from the always thirst-quenching water of God's love.


Santa Maria Novella in Florence, 3 December 2022



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The Author of the Katzinger Code has chosen a target that he does not forget and against which no one has ever won in history


With the Church, divine and human institution, with which certain characters in history have not won, the Author of the really thinks he can do it Codice Katzinger? In that case, all that remains is to send him all the most sincere wishes.

- Church news -

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.



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