The civil juridical aspects of Communion on the hands in the face of the absurd legal actions undertaken by priests and bishops who deserve to be flogged in blood


We will pay a lot, we will pay for everything, with so many and such interest inflicted by God's chastisement that will be so high as to leave even the worst money lenders speechless. Because we have throttled God who at the right time will let us experience first-hand what a divine loan shark is capable of.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


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if l'ideology surpasses the transcendental value, metaphysical and mystagogical of the ineffable Eucharistic Mystery, our Venerable Bishops could also close the great shop of the Italian Episcopal Conference, send his folks away 400 and useless salaried employees, most of whom were hired because they were friends of friends of friends of this or that monsignor, after which to found a Non Governmental Organization to dedicate itself to refugees, migrants and non-EU citizens who are so fashionable today, because it seems that only "they are the Church".



It's a matter of consistency, ever since the gloriously reigning Supreme Pontiff, on the day of Holy Thursday in which the institution of the ministerial priesthood and of the Most Holy Eucharist is celebrated, he found nothing better to do than rinse and kiss the feet of convicts and whores, several of whom are non-Catholics and not even baptized Christians. Indeed, it is notoriously known that Jesus Christ, as apostles, a small group of prisoners and whores was chosen. And I repeat the magic word: consistency! Unless, to some of our bishops, it does not appear that Our Lord Jesus Christ took a poor man during the last supper, exhibited it to the apostles and said: “This is my body, this is my blood". Then giving the command: "Do this in memory of me". And this is done, far from consecrating them Priests of the New Covenant, he took a group of pagan whores and told them to go and evangelize the peoples [cf.. Mt 10, 5-8; MC 16, 15-20], to baptize [cf.. Mt 28, 19-20] and to forgive sins [cf.. GV 20, 22-23].


On the threshold of sixty, not having to become bishop and cardinal, nor having ever had any career ambitions, I can benefit from that freedom of God's children which allows me to tell bad teachers and bad pastors that they are such, to grave harm to the Church and the People of God, if anything even with the aggravating circumstance of the cowardice of those who know perfectly well what is wrong, if not worse sacrilegious. But for a quiet life they are silent, because they don't want problems, or because the bishop of the suffragan diocese points to the nearby metropolitan archiepiscopal see, or why the metropolitan archbishop of that archdiocese is clamoring for the cardinalate, for this he sports a pectoral cross made from the piece of wood of a migrant boat that sank off the coast of Lampedusa, proceeding in procession with a wooden pastoral stick that seems to have come out of Mastro Geppetto's workshop, whose son Pinocchio, as known, was born by the work of a saw. And if a person like me dares to point them out for what they are, that is, sensational kiss-ass, he even risks appearing as a vulgar priest. Because it is good to clarify: vulgar is not who kisses the ass of the powerful bully by bending to his worst and most harmful whims, but who indicates it as such using a word that upsets the tender and delicate ears of the children of the new and modest Victorian England of the late nineteenth century, with all its private vices and public virtues. A Prudibonda England where it was possible to bugger merrily in private, as long as the word "ass" was not used in public, Oscar Wilde sweett!


We know perfectly well that giving Holy Communion on the hands today is very dangerous, especially in certain areas and localities of our country, in which magical and esoteric practices are widespread, on the rise, however, throughout our national territory. As well known, when one no longer believes in God and in the mysteries of faith, you always end up believing in everything.


On the casual way in which Holy Communion is administered, our Father Ivano Liguori has just written [see WHO]. This article of mine is nothing more than a sort of continuation appendix to yours. Obviously with a substantial difference: he expresses himself in a seraphic way, even when it's harsh, I do not. When I am strict I sometimes become very harsh and I am not afraid to resort even to trivial expressions.


Inside the church, thanks to the influences of a Calvinist matrix that taint the Catholic ecclesial communities of Northern Europe, Communion given on the hands has become a real ideological claim since the 1970s, a sign of distinction, a hallmark of certain so-called Catholic-Protestant progressivism. And when with the Covid epidemic it was really forced to give it up for reasonable safety reasons, the few embankments that remained have totally decayed. Here then is that today, not a few ideological priests, they impudently allow themselves to deny it to those who dare to receive it in the mouth or worse than ever on their knees. Just as this pitiful video proves, where a Metropolitan Archbishop and his Auxiliary Bishop distribute Holy Communion.

We also reported it recently, complete with film document, the shameful case of the priest who denied Communion in St. Peter's Square at the funeral of Benedict XVI and rejected a faithful who, making an intolerable affront, even dared to kneel [see WHO]. Let's not joke, kneeling before Christ God present alive and true in soul, body and divinity borders on blasphemy today. Only in front of the Nigerian whores invited as protagonists of honor at the papal Mass of the Lord's Supper kneel down, complete with rinsing and kissing the feet [cf.. my book WHO]. Then, wanting to be good all the way, we could also apply softening creams for the heels hardened by the heels and pass a little polish on his nails, finally exhort them by saying: "… daughter, Now go back to being a whore, because God loves you as you are and for the job you do".


The plates have been missing for years used for some centuries during the distribution of Holy Communion, in case a Holy Host had inadvertently fallen. On the other hand, however, they were established by certain sculettanti aesthetic ceremonies the silver plates to place the much holier and more precious red bishop's skullcap on top, before which the Body of Christ is very little.


In various locations it has happened more times than people, received Holy Communion, they put it in their pocket. In others some young people, received the Holy Wafer, they ran off, surely to make use of it in various Satanist circles. One time, and Satanists, to steal the Eucharist they had to enter the churches, if anything at night, or in any case break into the tabernacles. Today we went to meet them making their job much easier: we put it directly into his hand.


Faced with such specific and by no means rare cases we come now to the idiocy of those bishops and priests who have seen fit to react by even making complaints. It is obvious to say the least that such complaints ended up being filed immediately. And I will tell: I applaud and congratulate the Public Prosecutors who prepared the filing as they were unable to identify elements of a crime in the reported fact in order to be able to start a criminal action. Or someone expects a Public Prosecutor to take into consideration the mystery of the transubstantiation of the Eucharistic species and the real presence of Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist? These are things that concern the mysteries of faith, not the courtrooms of the courts of any non-denominational country, including thank God our. Which judge could severely sentence a person who left after a priest placed a Host in his hand? And what should he be sentenced for?, perhaps for having stolen and profaned the Body of Christ? If there is a judge who, applying the penal laws of our system, can write in a condemnation sentence that in that piece of unleavened bread there is really and substantially Christ present, living and true, please point it out to me, I would be very happy to get to know him, before the court of appeal annuls his sentence and the Superior Council of Magistracy opens disciplinary proceedings against him for clear and manifest incapacity to judge rationally and consequently give a fair sentence.


“art opera” made with 242 Holy Hosts placed in this one's hand “artist” by very attentive celebrant priests filled with faith and sacred care for the precious Body of Christ


When the pseudo artist Abel Azcona he received Holy Communion dozens of times until he subtracted 242 Holy Hosts, after he had used them to compose one of his "works of art" on the ground which consisted in the composition of the word "pedophilia" written with the profaned pieces of the living Body of Christ, shortly thereafter he was denounced by the Association of Catholic Lawyers of Spain, by virtue of the fact that the penal code of that country sanctions with a sentence of between eight and twelve months of imprisonment the offenses «to the sentiments of a religious denomination» through mockery «of its dogmas, beliefs, rites and ceremonies». The so called artist explained flawlessly, rational and incontestable: “I did not commit any crime if I decided to put them in my pocket and walk out of the church, they were the ones who handed them to me, so it's all legal.


I think that bad figure the Association of Catholic Lawyers of Spain did it, that they should have been so annoyed and protested, but towards the superficiality, the lack of control and perhaps the scant consideration of certain bishops and priests on the sacredness of the Body of Christ. Always assuming that they truly believe that the Holy Wafer is the Body of Christ, because many bishops and priests just don't believe in it, the way they celebrate Holy Mass and the total carelessness with which they administer Holy Communion proves it, except to see the sculettare around them aesthetic ceremonies who with great class and fluttering place their most holy zucchetto on the silver saucer.


During the celebration of my first Holy Mass I was forced to chase a lady with the pyx in her hand who, having received Holy Communion, put it inside her purse. I what ever, since he was a deacon, I gladly gave Communion in the hands and for this reason I was particularly careful when giving it, I saw her and immediately ran after her, pulling it out of his bag and consuming it. An elderly retired magistrate was present among the faithful, who a few days later commented on that fact by telling me: “The only one who could be prosecuted in that context was you, that you actually stopped a person, all the more a woman, you took the purse from under her arm, you opened it to him and you took something inside. You basically searched it without having any authority. Not to mention the image damage you've done to her in front of everyone. Any judge would have found himself forced to make these assessments, even a Catholic magistrate and believer like me who has always had a particular devotion to the Blessed Sacrament».


I no longer gave Communion on the hands to anyone, always availing myself of the granted right to give it under both species, dipping the Sacred Host into the chalice of the Blood of Christ and offering it to the faithful saying: "The Body and Blood of Christ", thus forcing them to receive it in the mouth.


When during the emergency from Covid it was appropriate and prudent not to give Communion in the mouth but only on the hands, I have always distributed it with two people next to me, one to my right and one to my left, besides me who never took my eyes off the faithful until they had consumed it in my presence without leaving. And several times I called back the people who tried to leave without having consumed the Eucharist in front of me.


Most of my confreres don't do this, because after having torn the balls of the faithful with long talkative sermons on the poor and migrants, when they come to the Eucharistic Prayer they are in a hurry than the mythical one Doctor Terzilli health insurance doctor, for this reason always and strictly only the Second, which it is the shortest. Then they arrived at Communion more hasty than ever, here they are "slamming" quickly on the hands of the faithful the Holy Eucharist as a throwing of sheets made with unleavened bread, also because then there are ten minutes of parish announcements ranging from youth meetings to the roast pork festival, more or less like the announcements that Our Lord Jesus Christ made before the end of the Last Supper and then on Mount Calvary before expiring on the cross.


Numerous brothers, who are like-minded about me and who are likewise very attentive, they asked me several times if any bishop had ever called me around Italy, since, except for the Covid period, I never give Communion on the hands to anyone. In a playful way, but quite serious, I answered: “If there is one thing our bishops care about, it is their skin. They love to talk about martyrs at the right moment, but they have no predisposition to martyrdom, especially to defend the supreme and absolute truths of our faith". Just enough to understand that before me, that for the Body of Christ I would sacrifice my life instantly, it is better to sketch and keep quiet.


It's true, I'm a priest who occasionally swears and what's worse I also purposely tell them in a calculated and scientific way, But, when I gave the viaticum to a dying elderly man and he remained with the Host on his tongue with his mouth open because he could not swallow it, I took it from him and consumed it myself. And anyone who knows me knows to what extent I am a picky hygienist. It's true, I'm a priest who occasionally swears and what's worse I also say them on purpose in a calculated and scientific way, But, when an elderly deacon inadvertently nudged me while I was holding the chalice with the Blood of Christ and some of the liquid fell out, I knelt down and wiped the floor with my tongue to the last drop. Therefore I think I can afford to give some balls to those bishops who fully deserve it for the way they treat and allow the Most Holy Eucharist to be treated by some of their priests, showing more attention not to offend ideologies rather than protecting the Body of Christ. Because if I decide to do this, or wanting even worse, the entire Italian Episcopal Conference can only keep silent, in the light of my priestly living and acting, fruit of a markedly and profoundly Eucharistic vocation. Because the Precious Blood of Christ fell on the floor I instantly licked it with my kneeling tongue on the ground, but I've never kissed a powerful bully's ass in my life, was even the august ass of the Roman Pontiff, to whom I am bound to pay filial respect and devoted obedience, but certainly not bidet service, a dense army of career ass-lickers takes care of that with Mastro Geppetto's croziers in hand and the pectoral cross made from the wood of a boat sunk off the coast of Lampedusa.


We will pay a lot, we will pay for everything, with so many and such interests inflicted by God's chastisement that will be so high as to leave even the worst money lenders speechless. Because we have strangled God who at the right time will let us experience firsthand what a divine usurer is capable of on the day he will tell us priests:


"To whom much is given, much will be asked for; to whom men have committed much, It will ask the more " [LC 12, 48].


the Island of Patmos, 8 January 2023




It doesn't matter what happens by giving Communion on the hands without attention to whoever you find yourself in front of, the important thing is to protect the ideology of Communion in the hand rather than the Body of Christ. Above all, we should ask ourselves: when this obvious madman presented himself before the priest, the good shepherd who placed the Most Holy Eucharist in his hand, where he had his eyes and attention? Or maybe he had to hurry up “Pull” quickly Communion in a hurry to give then 10 minutes of parish announcements, which as we know are the primary foundation of the mysteries of our faith? Shortly after, the priest also filed a complaint. penalty Question: and the priest, for his carelessness and imprudence towards the Most Holy Eucharist, to which ecclesiastical court was he denounced, after giving Holy Communion to an obvious provocateur and even saying to him «... magna … magna …»?

We will pay a lot, we will pay for everything, our bishops in the lead!





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2 replies
  1. Iginio
    Iginio says:

    But I remain perplexed: if one vilifies the Eucharist, he commits some crime, even civil. E’ It is true that we are not in France in the 1820s, where a law was approved which sentenced to death whoever stole the sacred chalices (while in today's France blasphemers are cheerfully absolved). But equally there must be some protection.

    • father ariel
      father ariel says:

      Dear Iginio,

      if we want to make a discourse of a legal and legislative nature, in this case it is necessary to abandon any form of emotion a priori and reason in purely rational terms, certainly not throwing it on the sacred mysteries of faith, which as such concern the deposit of credit, not positive law.

      1. No legislator and no civil law of any secular and non-denominational country of this world can establish by law that the Sacred Host is really and substantially in vivo Body of Christ, by law it is a piece of unleavened bread. The law can take into account what the Eucharist “it means” e “symbolizes” for believers, stopping only at the concept of “symbol”, without going any further.

      2. I'm afraid you missed my explanation, which I believed and hoped was clear and precise: if a priest gives a piece of unleavened bread to a person who comes before him, placing it in his hand and then handing it to him, if that goes away, he explains to me what kind of crime the person would incur and in what capacity the law should prosecute him?

      The fault does not lie with the legislators of the world, the fault lies with us priests who, in the utmost and often total carelessness, persist in placing the Eucharist on people's hands without exercising, often, if not sometimes even of practice, any kind of careful and prudent control.

      When then what happens happens, the protection of the law cannot be invoked, because if I give you something in your hand and you walk away, only an utter idiot can speak of “theft” o di “profanation”. I'm the one who gave it to you.

      I thought my explanation was clear, simple and understandable.

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