Antonio Love: «Enzo Bianchi, “the atheist humanist” throw away the mask»



[…] Bianchi has always behaved like Bruno Forte, Gianfranco Ravasi and many others who faced my theological criticisms [cf. my treatise on True and false theology] they do not even try to refute them but are content to proudly show me their episcopal or cardinal insignia. I don't just have to pray, as I continue to advise everyone not to take to the Magisterium what absolutely Magisterium is not.


Author Drafting of the Island of Patmos

of the island of Patmos



true and false theology

The work of Antonio Livi: True and false theology, is published by the publishing house Leonardo da Vinci [see WHO, WHO]

We recommend Dell readers’Patmos Island reading this article by Antonio Livi posted at The New Compass Daily [see WHO].

Antonio Livi was one of the founding members our online magazine with which for a few months does not cooperate more. We will soon correct the page of “Editors” where yet his card, while his name, with our pleasure and honor, will always stay on home page Welcome to eternal remembrance of this successful experience born of our common understanding.

The choice of Antonio Livi has never affected the priestly fraternity that binds us and the sincere esteem for him on the part of the Fathers of’Patmos Island, that in toto share the contents of this article of his and who will continue to support him in this and other battles of his based on the safeguarding of dogma and Catholic doctrine. It is not by chance, between not long, the three founding members of the’Patmos Island all three will meet together as speakers at a Conference.


Conference in Rome 30 October 2015

Adult vocations to the priesthood

— Letters from the readers of’Patmos Island -



[…] in my priestly life I always ended up making all that I wouldn't do, thing I thank God. This has also taught me to distrust, and so very deep, of all those people and all those priests to whom Christ, always and rigor, he asks only and exclusively what they want, some of them have even godless effrontery to brag by saying in public: "Jesus said ... Jesus asked me ...». Not to mention some lay people, in particular of certain charismatic and the neocatechumenals, they have instead a holy spirit to its staff saying service and suggesting their – often against the doctrine and discipline of the Church's liturgical and canonical – what they want to hear and suggest.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Caro Father.

I am a Dominican tertiary, and if I am not indiscreet I would like to ask you: Why not become a priest in the order of Friars preachers? If the question is indiscreet and erase everything and do not answer me. Heartfelt wishes for the Island of Patmos.

Andrea of Bernardo

Dear Andrea.

Dominican novice

A novice as the habit of the order of preachers at the headquarters of the Italian national Dominican provinces in Naples

As I'm sure you will understand this is not the place to make my vocation story, also because the speech is complex. Numerous people, priests including, They asked me to write a book about the history of my vocation, but for now I have always given up. Maybe someday I'll do it in old age, at the bottom there is a public thing vocation, considering that it takes itself as more public can exist: the exercise of the sacred Ministry of priests.

I didn't choose the order of Friars Preachers or other orders because adult vocations: or they make radical choices by entering cloistered orders of strict observance, Trappist Monks or type, or in one of those very few Benedictine monasteries which, despite the irreversible decadence that has affected this worthy family, maintain a certain rigor. The experience teaches me that adults usually enter the contemplative orders or the secular clergy, Why can hardly be formed for religious life, except special thanks.

Given that the seminar – cleverly set up by the Council of Trent – don't fit the dogmas of the Catholic faith, My Bishop, as in the past have made many other bishops in the exercise of their legitimate authority, settled for me, that I had accomplished 40 year old, a more suitable ITER formative: in Rome was entrusted to a priestly house, living where I did the theological education, on the other hand, the training for the priesthood under the guidance of trainers selected by Bishop. It was a very valuable experience, because I got to live in contact with 30/35 priests in age between 32 ed i 45 years from all continents of the world, acquiring first of all a universal vision of the Catholic Church and certainly not a vision limited to the garden around the bell tower of the village, Since one of the major tragedies that devastates the secular clergy is the provincialism.

I believe I have made the right choice, or as a pious Trappist monk told me: "You are made for Fireworks, not for the silence of the cloister. In you is the innate sense of prayer, meditation and contemplation, but as support for fireworks will have to shoot». Thesis confirmed recently by a brother priest, also take the adult priesthood, formerly a psychiatrist and now a monk, who wrote to me with a sympathetic vein: "You were born to do Hunter, I was born to do the veterinarian». Joke before which, a young brother priest of mine replied: "You're not only limits to tear, because once you do it you're hopping around festive shreds, happy to have done a good service to the Church ".

In that House International priestly There was with me another Italian was ordained a deacon and then presbyter of the secular clergy a few months away from me, at the age of 43 year old, today a missionary priest in an indigenous area of ​​Panama. A day, talking between us, we discovered that we had both thought of a radical choice: “out of this world"And"lock ourselves up"in a Trappist monastery, but he too, so different but similar, it had been said: "you have the missionary spirit in the heart».

The formation of a religious, After entering the postulancy at ordination should not in my opinion – and a last time in certain orders lasted not less than 10/12 year old. When in the post-Vatican II Council certain religious families reduced formation to 5/6 year old, deleterious results in next time you are seen all. For instance: a few years ago, leading a group of families in Assisi, I had to translate and explain what it meant to the Latin inscription above the Porziuncola, which was nothing more than an indication of the indulgence reserved for those, repented and confessed, had crossed that threshold. In fact, there were four apathetic and fat people in the basilica fratacchioni Mexicans who had not been able to answer this trivial question put to them by the people, sign that … and he found in the temple those who sold sheep, oxen, and doves, money-changers sitting [«And entering the Temple (Jesus) He found people who sold oxen, sheep and doves, and the money changers seated at school». GV. 22,42]; and we also know how the Lord Jesus was angry before the painful scene [cf. GV. 2,13-25].

What I reproach to some religious families and certain orders historians is this: yesterday, the best vocations, they took them, because people who were particularly educated and gifted for studies came to them; with them the best speculative minds found their natural nucleus. In many historical Orders entered even the sons of aristocratic families or of the richest families, so much so that the "luck" of certain monastic congregations also stems from certain vocations through which convents and monasteries acquired substantial assets then to the death of parents of some monks and Friars, thanks to which they were able to open many houses around the world. Just think of the intense and productive missionary activity carried out by Dominican friars in the 16th century. And over time as different areas were evangelized by the Dominicans and the Jesuits evangelized, considering that in those evangelized by the Jesuits developed all below, from liberation theology to priest-guerrillas, from the syncretism indigenist theology. For charity, the Dominicans have grown in their breasts one among the worst heretics in the post-Council, Edward Schillebeeckx, I do not know, however, that we have exalted as the theologian of theologians or how the new Thomas Aquinas, as did the Jesuits at the level “institutional” with a subject much more dangerous: Karl Rahner.

Today, some historical Orders, declined to accept those that we hit off seminars and almost always serious moral reasons; and simply said that it takes, to be tossed out by a seminar now! What several of these religious families – Benedictine and Cistercian monks in the lead – remains, is the ancient "smell under her nose”, unless you have many of their abbeys, however, full of "misses"e you"mentally disturbed "at various levels. In fact, let's not forget that "boni them Benedictine monks ”, thanks to “Mirabile” the work of the last two Arciabati di Montecassino, led to the collapse of the great abbey of the West, now totally decayed and reduced to a handful of old monks. What in fact failed to make the American bombers that razed at the end of World War II were able to do so in the most dire of post-Conciliar seasons Dom Bernardo D'Onofrio, awarded with the subsequent election as Archbishop of Gaeta; and Peter Dom Vittorelli, formerly his private secretary and later his successor, over which modesty requires us to spread a merciful veil.

But nothing prevents me to be close to certain spiritualities, Proof of this is the fact that as soon as I was ordained deacon, I gave my first services to the Dominicans in Sant’Alessio all'Aventino; and when I began to preach, my style of preaching was everything inspired by the old homiletic Dominicans who'd known as a teenager and who had left an indelible mark in me by serving as a model of my preaching. As though said that Trappist monk, Maybe I was born really for «Fireworks», because in the economy of salvation, in the church there is also need Fireworks operators.

In my priestly life I always ended up doing anything that I wouldn't do, thing I thank God. This has also taught me to distrust, and so very deep, of all those people and all those priests to whom Christ, always and rigor, he asks only and exclusively what they want, some of them have even godless effrontery to brag by saying in public: "Jesus said ... Jesus asked me ...». Not to mention some lay people, in particular of certain charismatic and the neocatechumenals, they have instead a holy spirit to its staff saying service and suggesting their – often against the doctrine and discipline of the Church's liturgical and canonical – what they want to hear and suggest.

A vocation is truly authentic to the extent that they are applied and experienced two principles: the principle However has not made my, but your will» [cf. LC. 22, 42], and the principle “I was crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. This life in the flesh, I live it in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me " [cf. II Gal. 20].

In the absence of these two principles rooted in the consecrated person with the sacred order, contributing significantly to impress our indelible sacramental character, or we are dealing with a non-vocation, or are we faced with a fragile vocation, or we are faced with one of those many subjects that are not his fault, but for serious responsibility of seminaries and novitiates today and bad trainers who often populate them, did not receive adequate training. And those who have not been adequately trained but rather full of philosophisms, sociologisms and psychologisms, It always ends with l’ “the” next to “It gave“, between confusion and disorders of body and soul.

As for the rest, my spiritual closeness to the sons of Saint Dominic of Guzmàn I think blatant, not just because I work with a distinguished Dominican, But why this man of great faith and wisdom represents for me a model of doctrine and theology that inspire me and to draw from it safely with both hands; in the same manner in which I draw to producing another great Dominican, Tomas Tyn, of blessed memory [1950 − † 1990], died at a young age and has really all those germs that would lead him in later years to become an authentic Thomas Aquinas of the 20th century.

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The question of the validity of priestly ordinations today, and the problems of the Society of Saint Pius X

— Theologica —


The tragic mistake which is fallen Bishop Marcel Lefebvre, certainly due to a subtle deception of the devil, was formed in his mind an adamant as mistaken belief, che gli insegnamenti del Concilio, He appeared to be polluted by a secularist mentality, anthropocentric and modernist, They consequently compromise the high, traditional dignity of Holy orders, degrading it and asservendola to profanity, at depths, per non dire agli errori del mondo moderno.

Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP

To read the article click below:


The summer is ending and … “No tengo dinero”




Author Drafting of the Island of Patmos

of the island of Patmos



Dear Readers.

«The summer is ending and a year off he goes"said a canzonetta Righeira brothers also authors another appropriate song of fathers’Patmos Island: «I do not have money » [see WHO].

Soon, In october, one year after the opening of’Patmos Island expire paid services of which we use to manage the site of this online magazine. The dell site’Patmos Island is in fact “heavy” for loading data and images, but above all, the number of visits is very high, We arrived at 1.500.000 views in less than a year, which requires a Server business that allows unlimited access to the high number of readers, daily increase in.

If you can offer us some contribution through the convenient and secure PayPal found to the left of the home page, We would be very grateful, because with your donations contribute to the survival of the fathers ' service that is completely free of charge, But besides their gratuity you may not think that they should also pay the costs of operating a service through which give the fruits of their work to anyone who wants to use them.

May the Lord reward you.




I Santi “obnoxious”, Popes included …

— Letters from the readers of’Patmos Island -



[…] if the Holy Father Benedict, doctrine man and refined theologian, he had a tendentially mild and weak character, to the point of being subjected to a real dripping during the last year of his pontificate; the Holy Father Francis, che conosce la dottrina e che per sua stessa e ripetuta ammissione non è un teologo, far from having a mild and weak character has the spirit of the leader, of General and, tra un sorriso mediatico e l’altro, his authority knows exercise and enforce, and how! At this delicate moment in history at Christ Church maybe needed this: a Pontiff that impose its authority knew and know to cry if the proud and arrogant rather than go away crying before the arrogance of the proud and arrogant.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Caro Father. I've been reading your articles for a while and I have to tell you: on something I agree on other somewhat less. We witnessed a very painful renunciation from part of a great Pope that stinks more than blatant exclusion on the part of those who have always hated. She defines a thing for me was the spearhead of the Holy Pope John Paul II and now impresses me the strength with which bears his cross. Frankly it saddens me to compare his meekness and determination the arrogance of his successor who seem to be debunked a Paladin of so-called progressive that a representative of the East India Company as she called his order [cf. WHO] intriso di potenti. I know that the Holy Spirit is at work but does not force then it is not that we have closed the door on making us owners of what is not ours? I'm not a traditionalist I am just a Catholic Christian a little saddened and bewildered. Thank you for your attention and for your possible reply.


Caro Ermanno.

The vocation follows the dynamics of falling in love. When as a teenager I used to fall — something that happened every two weeks media —, my age seemed to me as a beautiful goddess, what am I saying: perfetta! A quel point, by man “adulto” ed “experttal ero a 13 year old, got to sing and dance "Ramaya Ramaya Bokuko abantu Ramaya Miranda Tumbala» [see WHO], I went to get my grandfather's advice, che aveva la capacità di prendermi persino sul serio — forse perché si chiamava Giordano Bruno? —, remaining unmoved in the face of my shoot, type: "I fell in love with Silva, the daughter of pharmacist». And he, Serio: "But I didn't realize that Silvia was the daughter of the bakery». And I: "And, you got it right, because even the Baker's daughter is called Silvia, but that was two girl cooked does». E dopo la prima euforia la ragazzina cominciava ad apparirmi non più una dèa, and rather than see her perfection I began to see the flaws.

How many times I happen to smile to myself, quando per i sacramentali o le assistenze liturgiche indosso la crush bianca, oggi che sono felice sposo della Chiesa.

After disbanding neurotic Dell’falling vocations one of my trainers — also became a priest in adulthood —, mi rivolse un monito di cui feci subito tesoro e che oggi è per me oggetto di esortazione: «Do not idealize the people, because you can create idealizing of idols, finendo poi appresso delusi e non di rado arrabbiati col coltello stretto tra i denti».

To avoid falling into such disarray and at the same time clarifying certain doubts legittimi altogether, should be clear, first of all, what is Holiness. Saints are those figures to which all we do cheer but well we look by look, in particular to the holy martyrs. What are the soubrette e gli attori di film demenziali che amano dichiararsi devoti di San Pio da Pietrelcina in giro per le televisioni o sulle colonne dei rotocalchi rosa, to whom is never crossed my mind to make the slightest effort to imitate the model in their lives of faith and Christian virtues of this extraordinary santo?

There are major figures in the history of the Church that no one has ever canonized and that inspire my deepest sympathy, that is a human element subjective. Ci sono diversi santi, alcuni anche dottori della Chiesa, that make me instead antipatia, some deep well; and the antipathy, as the sympathy, is a human element subjective and as such if necessary to control, because from it you should not be affected when you are called to formulate evaluations and especially to make choices regarding the Church's life or the lives of individuals.

La riconosciuta santità instead relies on an element objective rectum on a solemn pronouncement of the highest Mastership: the Church has canonized that man or that woman — I can be obnoxious — recognizing objectively la eroicità delle loro virtù ed elevandoli quindi a modello di esempio per il Popolo di Dio. This element of objectivity is a given for me that I have never denied, quite the opposite: lo riconosco, I respect that, I follow it and send to the people of God. Moreover, the Church does not requires me to ask you to intercede for me with God in those saints who subjectively I think “obnoxious”. E se per un verso non nego di sentirmi molto più vicino alla spiritualità di San Domenico di Guzman e dei suoi Frati Domenicani, on the other hand I don't have any problem to declare indifferent to the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi and distant from his Franciscan friars. I have sympathy for St. Philip Neri and devotion to Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Despite being free to express that the current Jesuits — to me epitetati Company of the Indies —, have little to do now with the society of Jesus designed by their founder, perché se tornassero a essere ciò che erano, instead of spreading poisons of Karl Rahner like Thomas Aquinas novel of the 20th century, would the novitiates and student full, instead populated by some African shaman or by young Indians who often manifest themselves most clearly that Buddhist Christians. And we pass on the kind of training through which came to the priesthood a pious past and Jesuit on what you come today certain methods and certain Buddhist shamans means.

The whole thing is just Chronicle of a death foretold, why the 23 October 1972 un insigne gesuita, Cardinal Jean Danielou, rispondeva così a un intervistatore della Radio Vaticana sulla crisi della vita religiosa, in particolare della Compagnia di Gesù:

«La soluzione unica e urgente è fermare i falsi orientamenti presi in un certo numero di istituti. For this it is necessary to stop all experiments and all decisions contrary to the directives of the Council; mettere in guardia contro i libri, the magazines, conventions that are put into circulation these misconceptions; ripristinare nella loro integrità la pratica delle costituzioni con gli adattamenti chiesti dal Concilio. Where this appears impossible, It seems to me that you can not refuse to the religious who want to be faithful to the constitutions of their order and directives of Vatican II to form distinct communities. I superiori religiosi sono tenuti a rispettare questo desiderio. These communities must be allowed to have houses of formation. Experience will show if vocations are more numerous in case of strict observance or observance homes mitigated. Nel caso in cui i superiori si oppongano a queste richieste legittime, un ricorso al Sommo Pontefice è certamente autorizzato» [text of interview, WHO].

E sulle ceneri della Compagnia di Gesù St Ignatius Loyola, He was born to father Pedro Arrupe new Company of the Indies diretta oggi da Padre Adolfo Nicolás.

Another item to clarify is the fact that the Holy perfection is not required. Not only, indeed, There were saints who walked the capital sins far and wide, because along with the sins they committed all manner of errors, prima di quella conversione che li ha portati a diveniri degli autentici modelli di virtù. A separate topic deserve those saints who were Matti come cavalli da corsa, per citarne uno tra i tanti: St. John of God, also as former soldier Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Fatebenefratelli order meritorious, It takes its name from the habit of this man of God who often, between the laughter of the people, began to rant and to gesture the squares and markets screaming: «Fate del bene, fate bene, siblings, a voi stessi!». Implying that doing good to the next, and in particular to the sick, It was also good to yourself, alla propria anima.

The last Popes canonized and beatified, were far from perfect: mi riferisco a San Giovanni XXIII, Blessed Paul VI and John Paul II San …
… certain naivety of John XXIII are known facts, as is the fact that if the withdrawn Paul VI, anziché piagnucolare, He had used his authority to invoke Apostolic and nipping their legs to certain theologians who spread dangerous heresies, today their children ed i loro grandkids non avrebbero impestato la Chiesa intera di pensieri eterodossi. Nor can we evade the fact that in the last decade of pontificate of Saint John Paul II, with Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for bishops have risen to some of the worst Episcopal bishops ever had by the Church over the past two hundred years of history; and this statement is a fact supported by the convictions of various courts of the world, from various more or less silent dismissals, da tanti penosi promoted to be removed, etc ...

Ciò vuol forse dire che sono stati canonizzati e beatificati degli uomini che non lo meritavano? Or men without the fundamental virtue required of a Saint, che è la prudenza?

Place without stain of original sin was born only the Blessed Virgin Mary and that only the word of God made man has never known SIN, These Popes have been canonized and beatified because in spite of their imperfection, in the face of an appeal before which Apostolic, the first to be inadequate in its way it was personally chosen by Christ God, were models of heroic virtue. Analogamente a San Pietro anche questi suoi recenti Santi Successori hanno vissuto una vita esemplare in contesti sociali e politici talvolta difficilissimi, a volte impossibili da gestire, Blessed Paul VI in particular. And as we know Peter, dopo essere scappato impaurito [cf. Mt. 26, 47-56], dopo avere rinnegato il Signore per tre volte [cf. 26, 69-75], dopo essere stato a giusta ragione rimproverato da Paolo ad Antiochia [cf. Gal. 2,1-2.7-14], è morto versando il proprio sangue per Cristo e per la sua Chiesa; a blood that makes him heroic in faith but certainly not perfect in some of its incorrect opinions, in certe sue condotte di vita e in certe sue scelte.

This logical Christian It is therefore also applicable to Benedict XVI, None of us can reasonably change nor in a roaring lion or a warrior, né in un idolo, even with all the affection and reverence that I for one I cherish towards him.

Che Benedetto XVI abbia mostrato profonda debolezza and sometimes a total lack of Church Government, is a fact that nothing takes away the virtues, His Holiness of life and beautiful theology according to which, Apostolic authority together with its, He could order the diffusion of heretical thoughts of many theologians — starting from Karl Rahner — and to prohibit their thoughts were used as teaching incorrect even required under her window to pull up papal of future priests who do not have a clear idea at the outset on the ministerial priesthood, proprio perché infarciti delle gravi eresie rahneriane riguardo la concezione stessa del Sacro Ordine [reference on the subject to the splendid article by John Carlson, see WHO].

From refined what was theologian could have avoided, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, to consecrate a Bishop with his bare hands a topic from questionable to say the least Christology as Bruno Forte; could have avoided by the Roman Pontiff to consecrate a bishop and then create a subject like Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, that embodies the denial not only of healthy living theology of Benedict XVI but the orthodoxy of Catholic doctrine; avrebbe potuto impedire a molti scellerati vescovi italiani di mandare i loro seminaristi a fare i ritiri spirituali prima delle sacre ordinazioni presso il false prophet e bad teacher Enzo Bianchi, perché tutto questo è autentica empietà … These and more are the devastating works that took place under the eyes of Benedict XVI, fully informed and aware of all. Delle oggettivepecche” that invalidated but his Holiness of life, alla sua alta teologia ed al suo splendido magistero pontificio.

Having said that I add: If those who by waiving the sacred throne continue to try theories from libro giallo, Instead they tried to penetrate the mystery of the Church — which requires the assumption of humility and listening — understand that Pope Benedict has done voluntarily, spontaneously and freely by the why can't handle a situation of paralysis that has developed as a tumor with disseminated metastases in the last half-century of the Church's life, starting from John XXIII, come blaterano gli accusatori del Concilio Vaticano II, because the triggering conditions already there were everyone in the last part of the pontificate of Pius XII, which saw fit not to appoint a Secretary of State; But having said that why can't I gotta sit open a complex topic in the theme. I will only say that the many, le troppe Agatha Christie entering as tanks in the factory of Murano crystals of the contemporary church history, should assess the damage and the bewilderment that produce the good people of God, pronto spesso a prenderli sul serio in quanto “Seri” e “Devotees” Catholic historians or journalists. One “Serio” e “devotee” giornalista cattolico non svende però la povera e deturpata sposa di Cristo per uno scoop, impersonating the sensationalism for irrefutable truth; a “Serio” e “devotee” storico non spaccia per verità le proprie ideologie soggettive, as such all debatable.

If we do priests catechesis, If we explained to our faithful the fundamentals of doctrine, of Ecclesiology, the sacramentary, Church history and Canon law — but the assumption though is the knowledge transmission — we would avoid leaving them in meal daily Twaddle who write many vaticanologists loaded by their owner-operators or as any from small serpents hidden in the anonymity of the Roman curia; giornalisti che molti nostri fedeli — non avendo adeguate risposte da parte di noi preti — prendono come Parola di Dio con tutto ciò che ne consegue.

And to respond strictly in relation a relevant question: ammettiamo che il Santo Padre Francesco, as our dear reader is an «arrogant». Admitted and that the grace of the Holy Spirit is able to pull out the virtue even the habit, I ask: After a gentle man was devoured by an open-air dump which gave rise within the Church to a dirt like no other traveling upstream from weakness of blessed Paul VI inherited almost unmanageable heritage from San Giovanni Paolo II, It wasn't that there was providential as a “marpione Jesuitche sorride pubblicamente in piazza rimanendo simpatico a tutti ma che in privato a Santa Marta taglia le teste? And those who were guillotined cannot manco complain, because if they did they would finish the square filled with lynched fans from … er papa piacone He immediately declared that "from the other side of the world», unless you have the ability to make smart concrete facts in — and I mean that in the positive form — out of this world.

More than answers I gave food for thought, including the action of grace of the Holy Spirit through the Holy Father Francis, and as I said already two years ago in the third month of his pontificate: «È enigmatico. One Pied Piper that is bringing all the mice in the open ' and that I hope will lead them one below the other to jump into the river for the Supreme good of the Church. I am more and more convinced, indeed, through the Synod on the family pulled them into a trap by placing them in a position to go all out in the open, cosa che alla resa dei conti comporterà che allo scoperto venga infine anche lui. E, as I wrote in the past, the Holy Father could run the risk of returning to wear the red shoes for what they really mean: the martyrdom of Peter that with bloody feet on Vatican Hill came to be crucified upside down [see WHO]. At that point we — which we devoutly criticized — we will defend it and we will watch the cross with the young John and the Blessed Virgin Mary, While "all the disciples, forsook him, fled» [cf. Mt. 26,56], because I am afraid this is the end, all in all very glorious, reserved for the Holy Father Francis, at the end of this honeymoon media that was too long and that even the most shrewd and cunning of the old Jesuits can pull over for a long time.


THE ENIGMA OF FRANCIS – intervista del giugno 2013 ad Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Antonio Socci, the “motu proprio” and the problem of faith



The question of faith is explicitly mentioned in the document of the Supreme Pontiff because in the present situation characterized by secularism and de-Christianization from a galloping more foals Palio di Siena, the religious element of ignorance on the increase is so great and this, together with the surface lightly, that today we are compelled to clarify what for centuries was obvious even among people unlearned. And today more than ever is really quite high the risk of couples who marry in church without true faith in Sacramento, because we do not believe or pretend to believe because, or because they conceive evil or by simulation or inadvertent error.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



dear Antonio.

antonio socci

A Christian father who loves does not forgive just a small mistake, forgive the mistakes also committed “seventy times seven” [One of the books devoted to Antonio Socci's daughter Catherine, see WHO]

Many readers have pointed me your article [see WHO], and in truth I must tell you that if you do not commentassi would risk to appear partial. The human affection and esteem I have unchanged against you together with my sympathy can not in fact take the use of two weights and two measures, because I would be pastorally and intellectually right, if not dishonest worse.

You are a sincere and devoted Catholic, as it is Prof. Roberto de Mattei you mention in your article and of which I have recently written [see WHO]. An undoubted sincerity of purpose - your like that of de Mattei - who does not exempt from error analysis and evaluation, as they are not free from error I, I can commit even more serious and produce as a result of damage to a lot more than I can compierne any secular. Even the saints were not exempt from errors, sometimes even from heresies, from which then you are obviously amended.

About the motu proprio of the Supreme Pontiff Francis [see WHO] you write that: "The dynamite is mainly Article 14 the "rules of procedure" where he evokes the "lack of faith" of those being married as a possible cause of simulation or error in the consensus and then the nullity of marriage '.

I would like to assure you that this is not a "dynamite". Indeed, the point of your article through which it is clear that you can not grasp the scale of the problem in itself and by itself, It is based on the reference you make to the Procedural Rules Motu Proprio [Art. 14 § 1]. My fear is that you have not grasped the complexity of the reasons that are upstream and which led the Pope to indicate how elements for discussion the cause of nullity of marriage, by means of the shorter process, according to the canons 1683-1687, also "the lack of faith that can generate the simulation of consent or the error that determines the will».

Unfortunately mistakes in thinking that in the past the Church "excludes" the lack of faith by invalidity. An idea like this is really your absurd on formal and substantive grounds. And here I would like to point out incidentally that I made use of the term "absurd" in the strict sense according to the correct etymology and not according to the use for which this lemma is used in everyday language. Per absurd It means it, in philosophical language and the philosophy of law, an element or a thought that is contrary to logic or reason.

If the Church did not speak essential element of faith, it was because it was the first condition of the minimum required for the validity of the Sacrament. He did not speak simply because, marriage being a sacrament, It supposed, or it is still assumed that the engaged have the same faith in Sacramento. Or in other words: who never would have crossed my mind, yesterday, of asking a candidate for priestly ordination next if you truly believe in the Eucharistic Sacrifice Mystery? Unfortunately, as a presbyter, I can witnessing to today, before ordering priests certain subjects that should not be made to approach the altar even as altar boys, the bishops should ascertain if they know and especially if you truly believe the fundamental truths contained in the dogmas of the Catholic faith, What this requires that upstream the fact that, to be trained in the correct Catholic doctrine are first of all the bishops [see my article on the Secretary General of the CEI, WHO].

I'll try to clarify everything with another example: in the beautiful Tuscan countryside where last year you you invited me to lunch and my co-worker - and where I hope to come back soon to visit you - today there are old farmhouses that cost much more than a house located in historical city centers. In these houses they lived until less than a century ago the farmers many of whom knew barely read and write. With this example I would like to offer you a concrete idea of ​​radical social transformation and environmental. but yet, those farmers, including especially the illiterate, they knew very well what marriage was. Today, many of those who bought the houses of the old farmers by paying over the nineties up to ten million old lire per square meter, if anything professionals with the parcels to six zeros, or wealthy entrepreneurs, or rich foreigners … What is marriage a high percentage do not know precisely. It would be enough to go that genderista Gianna Nannini, born into a wealthy family of Siena impreditori, popstar famous all over the world, degree in literature and so on, asking her to explain what marriage; if anything, since we, to explain well what the family, or the relationship between parents and children, or whether it is humane and just a creature is deprived of a father and a mother “date” to be raised among circles of homosexuals and lesbians sour.

I hope I've made clear why the question of faith is explicitly mentioned in the document of the Supreme Pontiff: because in the present situation characterized by secularism and de-Christianization from a galloping more of the foals of the Siena Palio, the religious element of ignorance on the increase is so great and this, together with the surface lightly, that today we are compelled to clarify what for centuries was obvious even among people unlearned. And today more than ever is really quite high the risk of couples who marry in church without true faith in Sacramento, because we do not believe or pretend to believe because, or because they conceive evil or by simulation or inadvertent error.

This is the reason why in my homilies often I insist on some fundamental elements of the faith, speaking of the mystery of God's Word made flesh, clarifying the nature hypostatic Christ true God and true man. Speaking of the Eucharist and clarifying that it is the mystery of the real presence of Christ under the appearances of bread and wine; then explain that the Eucharist is not an allegory, a metaphor, a symbol of the spiritual presence of Christ. Similarly I explain that the Holy Mass is the living and holy sacrifice of the cross that is renewed in a bloodless way, and invite you to pay first of all listen to the words of the celebrant when the ruling canon the word "sacrifice", or when the faithful themselves respond to the priest also making reference: "May the Lord accept this sacrifice from your hands, to the praise and glory of His name and of all His Holy Church ". I explain that the Holy Mass, namely the Eucharistic Sacrifice, is not a dance or drumming, It is not a canteen where joyful friends make dinner together; that the altar is the table of the deejay around which anyone who knows three chords can torture the whole assembly with inappropriate and annoying schitarrate. I recently used the pastoral life experience during a sermon telling of when replacing a pastor in a parish church, just arrived, I was approached by two catechists in the mood to give me directions on how to celebrate, unaware that tells me how to celebrate the Church through the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, not those pie gives I renamed inappropriate pretesse born of the worst confusion of roles produced by the worst of the post-conciliar, which has nothing to do with the Second Vatican Council. The two tell me: "You do not know our parish, so we wanted to inform you that we at the center of the liturgy we put young people '. The fulmino with a fiery look and answer: "I'm sorry for you, and above all I regret your young, because I put Christ at the center of the liturgy, and young people need to be adoring and kneeling before Him, because the center is His, and it is a total and totalizing center, because Christ is the beginning, the center and the ultimate goal of our entire humanism " [CF. Declaration Lord Jesus, see WHO, Instruction Sacramentum, WHO].

Between you and me, there are only a few years apart: you were born in 1959 and I in 1963. So I ask you: when between 1967 and the 1968 you made the catechism to prepare for First Communion, at the end of the receipt preparation, you had the conscious awareness of what you were going to receive? Of course you had, I'd like that in May 1972 I received my First Communion kneeling at the railing on the surface covered with white linen and with the altar boy who was holding me the plate under the chin.

I mentioned three accidental elements or so-called “damn external” - The genuflessione, the balustrade covered with linen, the plate - that in their accidental contingent recall elements of sacredness and reverence for the sacred mystery today unfortunately lost with all that is sad and painful it follows, starting from the way in which many faithful receive no sacred respect and deep reverence the Body of Christ; from sloppy way in which many priests distribute the Eucharist, often demandandone distribution - without any objective necessity - to lay more sloppy even some priests.

You and I, how we received the first confession? Kneeling before the confessional grille, inside which there was the priest wearing a cassock, the white surplice and purple stole,. Or maybe it would have been unthinkable that one of the many priests today ye ye, with trousers jeans and scollacciata shirt with short sleeves administer confessions to young women sitting in a chair inside the parish office with the door closed, if anything, even answering the phone during the sacramental action? And with that I hardly explain that I am not a misogynist, but a priest of Christ which never enter our minds of sitting on an office chair to face a penitent intention to confess their sins to have the grace, the mercy and forgiveness of God; I would never do with anyone, especially with a woman, which it is due by the priest a delicacy and respect very special.

Now you understand why for which we must unfortunately also explain the obvious, Once discharged, and took tragic act that what for centuries has been obvious, Today, unfortunately, no longer is? And you not only have to explain the obvious to the lay, but also to many priests malformed placed by wickedness of our bishops in places often more delicate. You understand, Dear friend, that today, under the indifferent eyes of our bishops, to priests placed in the larger parishes or to strut in the offices of the curia, we see doing things that until a few decades ago would have never crossed your mind to even more ignorant of the country cared, of those who, more than theology, They had studied the need catechism with a stick, and to whom we owe eternal gratitude today if we still have a Faithful People, from John Vianney patron saint of us priests, that with many difficulties read well or not the Latin of the Missal of St. Pius V?

I entrust your daughter Catherine again the Blessed Virgin Mary at the end of the day when the universal Church celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, honored more than ever for your friendship.

The Holy Father Francis causes “an injury to Christian marriage”? Come on, let's be serious …



During my preaching in the desert for years I have been saying that the source of the problem is the fact that sacramental marriage is granted by the bishops and their priests with a lightness that cries out for vengeance before God. Would not it be better to prevent, rather then try to cure later what is not always treatable?


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo 



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Bride church entrance

a priest who allows a bride in these conditions access to church, deserves due compliments, of course with his Bishop …

Rarely happen read legal documents based on such deep on pastoral criteria. Managed to work wonders in the Apostolic Letter motu proprio of the Supreme Pontiff Francis, The gentle judge of the Lord Jesus on the reform of the canonical process for the causes of nullity of marriage [full original text, WHO]. Unfortunately in the hours we asstop to a different train of bad information and all’Patmos Island I have reached so many letters from readers who have asked explanations on "new procedures" about "marriage annulment" according to the "new rules of the Holy Father Francis». Except for the priests readers tend to base their questions on journalistic news of this kind: "Francis continues the revolution: “Canceling quick and free marriage " [see WHO].

We repeat to readers what we have repeatedly urged them: It should never rely on newspaper reports or extracts often misinterpreted by news agencies; you should always go to the source and read official documents, all available on the website of the Holy See.


bride to church 2 Gwendolyn Tavassi and Umberto D Aponte

Rome, Church of San Lorenzo in Lucina – It is not the image of a pornstars but of a bride admitted under these conditions in a church of the Diocese of Rome. This requires to extend the warmest congratulations to Monsignor Rector of this underground church and those of the Vicariate of Rome …

The title earlier reported he is alone one among many in which there are two words misleading and incorrect: "revolution", lemma dear to the Argentine Passionaria Elisabetta Piqué [see WHO]; and the even more unfair to "undo". For as we will explain any Pontiff, including the Holy Father Francis, You can cancel a Sacramento. It was possible the Popes Clement VII and Paul III, who excommunicated Henry VIII, respectively, in 1533 It is in the 1538 for its double story and its claim to bend the Discipline of the Sacraments to his will, They would gladly spared the schism of the West with all the persecution that followed for the Catholic Church of England, for the clergy and the lay faithful in Rome, as demonstrated by the Thomas More's martyrdom and that of the Bishop and Cardinal John Fisher, both beheaded and later proclaimed holy martyrs.


Let's clarify the terms making use of correct words, why nobody, including the Roman Pontiff, can "cancel”, “delete”, “remove"A sacrament validly celebrated or administered. A Sacramento - in this specific case the marriage - can be null, which is different from the concept of aberrant "sacrament canceled”. For instance: I have received validly and lawfully the Sacrament of Orders whose validity requirements are minimal, as indeed they are for all of the Sacraments. But if it were true that I have not received the Holy Order freely but under threat and coercion, and that in truth it was not my intention to become a priest; if it were established that have come to the Sacred Order for wicked and perverse purposes, animated by contempt for the deposit of faith, the Magisterium of the Church and the truths of faith from it guarded and announced … ascertained everything would be said that the sacrament received from me is null. E, although consecrated priest, formally received the sacrament would not be valid to me, because the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration recited by the bishop on me and the anointing of the palms of my hands with sacred chrism, then it may be only signs in themselves that they could not produce any sacramental effect on a person totally closed to the gifts of grace of the Holy Order.


spouses Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracaeli 2

Rome, Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli. Always with renewed congratulations to the Franciscan Friars Minor who are entrusted with the rectory of this basilica and those of the Vicariate of Rome.

The church may declare that a sacrament is null, What materially different from 'cancel a sacrament. The Church has no faculty to "cancel"A sacrament because they can not dispose of the substance of the Sacraments as the goods are unavailable and therefore non-alterable variables and not in their essence, being precisely the means and instruments of divine institution grace of which we ministry we are only the custodians and dispensers according to the different power of the sacrament of Holy Order; Sacraments do not have and they are not masters. All this is not a game of words and not even a matter of wool goats, quite the opposite: who affirms: "The ecclesiastical court has canceled the marriage of Tom and Caia, "says an enormous foolishness. The ecclesiastical court has just declared that the marriage is void after having ascertained the lack of one or more requirements to make it valid.


spouses Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracaeli 3

Rome, Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli. Always with renewed congratulations to the Franciscan Friars Minor who are entrusted with the rectory of this basilica and those of the Vicariate of Rome

Now I will try to clarify the issue: years ago I was called by an ecclesiastical court with another person to give evidence for a judgment of nullity of marriage. The fact to which I bore my testimony concerned a story that happened years before I divenissi priest; In fact, as many know I became a priest in adulthood. The other person who testified with me was my ex-girlfriend. It happened in the past that during a dinner, the two that became husband and wife had before us an interview that it was a true pact exchanged our presence as condition not To marriage. He said his future wife: «I marry you on a specific condition: I know that I do not want children, and that I will use every precaution not to have. I am happy to live my life with you, but no children. So if you want to have children it is better not to marry ". I replied to her friend - which by the way was also a lawyer - which in my opinion was not one of the best conditions to get married. Two years after we lost touch and after a further 12 years I was called in ecclesiastical courts, deposited before which - together with what in another life It was my girlfriend - what we both heard one evening in 14 years ago.


I will not forget He never told me what the elder brother hearer [ecclesiastical judge], then taking me by face to face. If I have to tell it all first made me this joke: «I notice that before becoming a priest you had good tastes …», referring thus to the beautiful young lady who testified with me, accompanied by his wife and out of the palace of the ecclesiastic tribunal embraced me and told me: "I am pleased to finally meet you in person since I have known through many accounts of my wife," And he asked me if I could baptize their second child on the way, which I did later with great pleasure …

… and after this joke aimed at breaking the ice, the confrere hearer [ecclesiastical judge] She passed with a smile far more serious jokes: "This procedure certainly will fail not because there's half a priest, but because there is half a priest who has faith, who really believe God's judgment and that this never proferirebbe false; What I sensed right away ». He went on to say: "You know how many advance request for recognition of the nullity of marriage basing their claims on the fact that they promised not to have children, who they were married under duress or that they were not able to have sex couples as sexually incompatible?». He concluded: "The reasons given are the most difficult to prove scientifically, why we often resort to the formulas of oath ". I replied: "Are you saying that many have compromised the health of soul uttering perjurers?». He smiled and answered no more, while I continued saying: «… but the priest who welcomed them, who he talked to them and they accepted the consensus that they exchanged, What kind of priest is ... how he knew them ... What has heard before they were united in marriage ... what perception has this priest of the sacraments of grace? Because upstream of these situations, if we want to be honest we always end up discovering the inevitable presence of a bad priest, or a surface priest to whom their bishop permits dangerous luxury Memo be a bad priest or a superficial priest ". It concluded: "This where I just laid are in fact the consequences of not applying the proper discipline of the sacraments on the part of the bishops responsible for the surveillance on their priests'.

Rome, Church of San Pietro in Montorio al Gianicolo. This bride was admitted into a church of the Diocese of Rome covered in a transparent lace. Always with renewed congratulations to the Franciscan Friars Minor who is entrusted with this church and those of the Vicariate of Rome

Do not hesitate to call misleading from the title Article signed by historian Roberto de Mattei on the agency Correspondence Romana: "An injury to Christian marriage" [see WHO, WHO, WHO]. My fear is that the distinguished and myself always esteemed historian - with whom I share and I can share many concerns - has perhaps misunderstood the text, Why l’begins initial of this motu proprio It is the following:


«The Lord Jesus, judge clement, Shepherd of our souls, He entrusted to the Apostle Peter and his successors the power of the keys to accomplish in the Church the work of justice and truth; This supreme and universal power, to bind and to loose on earth, he claims, It strengthens and vindicates that of the Pastors of the particular Churches, under which they have the sacred right and the duty before the Lord to judge his subjects' [CF. WHO].


Santa prisca aventino

Rome, Church of Santa Prisca on the Aventine. the bride's entrance to the shoulders and open back. Always with Rinovati congratulate the Augustinian friars who are entrusted with this church and those of the Vicariate of Rome.

In that text does not speak Jorge Mario Bergoglio, ma Peter expressed in the highest exercise of that power that he has received from Christ, God himself, who gave him the power to "bind and loose" [cf. Mt. 16,13-20].

Sull 'Patmos Island anyone can read one of my recent articles in which I gave the Holy Father a caress branch with her hand covered with sandpaper [cf. WHO] as a matter relating to pastoral matters; a text accompanied by two other article in their own way have uproar [cf. QUI, WHO]. In my article I expressed my concerns to grant to priests Valid ma illegal the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X to administer confessions; and I repeat that in this, the Holy Father, in my opinion, perhaps it was inopportune pastorally. Then, if anything, one day emerge all highly appropriate reasons for his choice, and in this case I will be the first to ask for forgiveness for having formulated an opinion that in retrospect could be totally wrong, unhesitatingly admitting a mistake. Waiting for this seguiterò to dissent whenever the Holy Father, as a media Pope piacione or serving as tele-journalistic your Sympathy instead of his Holiness, He will debut as a private doctor extemporaneously, off the cuff or via private messages on issues and matters not related to issues strictly connected to the doctrine of faith and the discipline of the sacraments. Or better still clarify: I seguiterò to claim the freedom of the children of God and the legitimate exercise of always turned critical with great devotion even to the Supreme Pontiff, limited to what concerns all those issues in which do not satisfy the three different degrees of papal infallibility given in the Apostolic Letter To protect the faith prepared in the form of motu proprio by St. John Paul II [see WHO].


But if I read the heading of a papal document "motu proprio», ancòra first read the following in the text I have already accepted the contents without conditions and discussions, mindful that Peter received from Christ the power to "bind and loose"; and I paid devout and filial obedience to the Bishop who consecrated me in the sacred order of priesthood itself in full communion with the Bishop of Rome; I certainly did not pay obedience to my opinions or my way of seeing and hearing; I did not pay allegiance to my pride and my arrogance. It is in this way that as a priest of the secular clergy have been trained to act and rapportarmi towards Ecclesiastical Authority, starting first from the authority the Supreme Pastor of the Universal Church, the Successor of Peter and Vicar of Christ on earth, to which the Word of God has given power to "bind and loose".


brides Carmelites

them facie Carmelite Friars, to better publicize their profitable little factory of marriages near San Giovanni al Velabro, the official web site of the historic church have entered this photo, just to entice brides to enter seminude [see WHO]

you do not understand so where would come the mortal "wound in Christian marriage", if we consider that the motu proprio the Holy Father Francis begins with the premise of the indissolubility of marriage. In fact, the text reads:


"In the course of the centuries the Church in matrimonial matters, gaining a clearer sense of the words of Christ, He has understood and explained more fully the doctrine of the indissolubility of the sacred bond of marriage, It has developed a system of nullity of marriage consent and has regulated more adequately the judicial process in the area, so that ecclesiastical discipline was more consistent with the truths of faith professed ".


Bride church San Andrea and Gregorio al Celio

Rome, Santi Andrea e Gregorio al Celio. Once these were slips to put under your clothes, do not wear dresses to church. With renewed congratulations to the members of the Priestly Fraternity of San Carlo Borromeo to whom this church is entrusted and to those of the Vicariate of Rome

With this motu proprio the Holy Father tries to remedy uncontrolled and unfortunately uncontrollable drifts related to the discipline of the Sacraments. He may not be present in every diocese in the world to control what nefarious continue to do many priests under the indifferent eyes of many bishops, that with a lightness that ranges between sloth and spirit of the temple merchants allow weddings to anyone as if the sacrament had a "right" before which you can not say no. Because this is the real pastoral issue that we will now analyze; a serious problem, indeed primary, I hope will be analyzed in time and place by the bishops at the Synod Fathers on the family still in progress. If we do not admit with Christian honesty that many of the problems related to marriage fall under the direct responsibility of bishops and presbyters, namely that upstream it is generated just by us and our lack of, sometimes almost absent supervision, little worth talking about marriage and family in the Synods of Bishops.

Then, we are honest: how many times have I heard my brothers after the celebration of marriages make jokes of this kind in the sacristy: "I bet in a couple of years these get divorced". And when I, reproachfully, I replied: "E tu, Why, although aware that this marriage there are no Christian foundation, you accepted their consent?». Bell'O ready the priest's answer: "And what should I do?».

I ask then, the Synod Fathers: of these real problems, intend to speak to the Synod on the family, looking and healing first of all the problems and our faults, before you get lost in the discussion of the problems and especially in the most convenient and easy search of the others' faults, or better to say of those who then, divorced and remarried, claim remarriage “clean” and access to the sacraments as if the one and the other had a right rather than an action of grace?»


The pastoral problems not resolved attempting the impossible task of straightening of a crooked tree grew; It is trying to act behind preventing the tree planted on the river bank to grow crooked. So if you are diagnosed with cancer, you can not let that developments, then attempting unnecessary interventions before the widespread metastases, because at that point you can only intervene with palliative care to try to alleviate the pain the patient, but certainly not to save his life. Or you can take action by placing the sick person who refuses the illness and death in the face of reality and its heavy responsibility: the salvation of one's soul.


spouses to St. Sylvester and Martino to the mountains

Church of San Martino ai Monti, other little factory wedding de facie them brothers Carmelites

During my preaching in the desert for years I have been saying that the source of the problem is the fact that the sacramental marriage is granted by the bishops and their priests with a lightness that cries out vengeance before God. Therefore it would be necessary to prevent, instead find himself then to cure what is not always treatable, all to the superficiality with which to mount the priests administer certain sacraments.

During my years of sacred ministry, how many couples more or less young I addressed the prayer: "Do not marry in church, because they lack the minimum requirements to receive the Sacrament. Do not marry in church, because you are not interested in the Christian life, why not accept the fundamental principles of our profession of faith ". But the answers have always been: "And, I admit to not being a believer, but I do it for her ... it is true, we are in favor of abortion, all’eutanasia, to divorce, we support the culture of gender … But we have to get married in church to make parents happy, because they are keen to certain traditions ... ".


Spouses church of San Pietro in Montorio al Gianicolo

Rome, Church of San Pietro in Montorio al Gianicolo. Shoulders and back and discovery … renewed congratulations to the Franciscan Friars Minor who are entrusted with this church and those of the Vicariate of Rome

a thirty year old who she was allowed to enter in triumph into an ancient cathedral church dressed in tails along with a bride who seemed to Princess Diana in cascades of flowers, sounds of organ and violins, during a private meeting took place a few weeks before the presence of eleven people during a dinner in a private home, he told me not to believe in the divinity of Christ, much less in his physical resurrection; he considered it "childish" believe that the bread and wine could actually become the body and blood of Christ; who judged the Gospel a book of stories and legends that had been in his power would have locked up in jail, the President of the Italian Bishops' Conference - which at the time was Cardinal Camillo Ruini -, because he said stuck his nose in political matters that did not concern him or the Italian bishops. Obviously informed of all this, the bishop of that diocese, Also riferendogli that during this dinner the future wife had entered the abortion issue to support the full legitimacy of the woman to have an abortion, calling abortion a "great vested right" and a "social achievement", and to this end he had brought his own experience, having herself aborted 19 year old, age in which - he said - "I was neither ready nor was I inclined to have a child at the time ', and affirmed: "I could go back I would do the same". Informed of all, the bishop of that diocese sent me, through his presbytery elder, the invitation to be "less rigorous" because "applying your logic we would have maybe ten weddings a year across the diocese".


Church spouses sant Alessio Aventino

Rome, Church of Sant'Alessio on the Aventine Hill. there … This bride has had the good taste to discover decolletage back and shoulders but to cover their hands with transparent gloves. With renewed congratulations to the Dominican Friars who are entrusted with this church and those of the Vicariate of Rome

Today this bishop, in the light of its own motion The gentle judge of the Lord Jesus It must assume all its responsibilities even before such cases, because when later many of these invalid marriages upstream will founder, the good shepherd and his priests will be set before the undeniable evidence of their failures, and it will be up to them to remedy it, on pain of salvation or eternal damnation of their souls.

Atheism of many couples who marry under these or similar conditions should be added the very worst atheism of certain priests, especially those priests appointed as parish priests or rectors of historical and artistic prestigious churches that much pull for these "skit weddings”. In the Diocese of Rome the worst markets They are managed by priests belonging to various religious families. Many of these priests behave in fact as merchants on advanced collection of "parcel"No qualms to be the first to wreak havoc of Sacramento: brides admitted to church half-naked with bare shoulders and breasts media outside, photographers and cameramen who are the masters on the presbytery, assemblies consisting of friends and relatives totally disinterested in the sacred rite, it is not for them that space a sacred place and what takes place inside a Sacramento, but a charming theater in which we recite a scripted this is only for souvenir photos or the movie ... and in front of this many pii Religious silent and raking in as much money as they can for their religious provinces, often retaining evil historic churches, with often the sacristies inside of which are crammed synthetic vestments, yellowed and badly smelling gowns, tablecloths for altar worn, ornaments and sacred vessels ingiovabili and corroded inside, because the practice tends to be that of the “to take” and yet not invest a penny in “maintenance“.


San Anselmo aventino

Rome, Badia di Sant'Anselmo Primaziale. In this case any comment on shoulders, arms and necklines is superfluous, because by the Benedictines of St. Anselm everything is permitted except what is Catholic. With renewed congratulations to the Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Confederation and those of the Vicariate of Rome

These are the problems to be solved upstream on the basis that the sacraments are the actions of supernatural grace, not a right, not a market, not a mess profane and sacrilegious. Therefore inside the churches to join in marriage should only be accepted believers, aware that during the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the couple will exchange the agreement before the priest and the assembly of the People of God; and that consensus is an eternal and indelible sacrament, unless tomorrow is not recognized that because of a major incidence on Sacramento, although formally celebrated, It lacked one or more requirements that make it valid actually.

These serious underlying problems, to which must be added the lack of preparation of the spouses, the marriage preparation courses reduced to two or three meetings made by some priests with people who did not enter the church from the day that they had received Confirmation, They are not solved only by proclaiming the streamlining of judicial canonical procedure, but really doing pastoral catechesis and above, reserving the sacraments of grace to believers and the disbelievers who use our historical churches like the studios for their dramatized. Certain problems are solved by saying: no, you can not marry in church, why you not have the requirements to do so, and you must have paid the full and unconditional acceptance of what is contained in the Profession of Faith Catholic and concrete demonstration of having a tense will at least try to live a Christian life.

Over time I happened to witness the most renowned in the Churches of Rome - just to take the Diocese of the Roman Pontiff - at weddings, during which the priest spoke to the altar was answered by himself; with the couple who could not even replicate "amen ”, who did not know how to respond during the offertory rite, who knew not even the Our father … All these problems are resolved with decisive and serious pastoral firmness by saying: no, you're getting married in church, because as far as baptized, despite having received the sacraments of Christian initiation, in concrete facts you are not a Christian, Why not Christian is your thinking and your life; and as such we bishops, we priests, we Church respect you as well, but do not come to the House of God to make fun of Christ and his saints because, all polished, next to you with your woman totally scollacciata and more like a Strumpet in dress dressed up to the nines at a Christian wedding, you have to make a photo album or a souvenir movie inside a suggestive 16th century church.


holy bride constancy 2

Rome, Basilica of Santa Costanza. What kind of “Shaman ritual” He is doing the priest in this church entrusted to the Canons Regular Lateranesi altar dressed with a wedding so that it seems to have just unplugged from pole Lap-dance of a night club? Go for it: renewed congratulations to those of the Vicariate of Rome and in particular those responsible for the Office Liturgical.

To solve these problems difficult to manage, the Holy Father has chosen the right way to recognize the bishops the exercise of their powers, so before some damage products then provvedano their pigs remedy; and to any remedy that will put in place, will somehow clear to them the failure of their pastoral, because they will have to solve the problem without the ability to download it on to others.


Dear de Mattei reports in his article an expression of Cardinal Raymond Burke who said Leonard:

« […] It exists in about a catastrophic experience. In The United States, Since July 1971 to November 1983, entered into force the so-called Provisional Norms which they eliminated de facto mandatory double conforming decisions. The result was that the bishops' conference did not deny one request for dispensation from the hundreds of thousands received and the common perception of the process began to be called "Catholic divorce" [Remain in the Truth of Christ. Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church, Cantagalli, Siena 2014, pp. 222-223]».


holy bride constancy

Rome, Basilica of Santa Costanza … renewed congratulations to those of the Vicariate of Rome

Cardinal Burke, as a former President of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura it should be informed of the fact that in those years came several instances the United States of America to the Roman Rota from people who had seen deny the nullity of marriage ruling by US diocesan tribunals; just make a thorough and serious research in the archives. Apart from this, before such true or partially true problem, It remains more than ever, standing as I previously stated: Bishops put in a position to assume all their responsibilities without the ability to do damage and download problems and solutions often difficult on him to others.


in fact the impossibility views to prevent bishops and priests to reduce marriage to a lucrative Street market de-sanctifying and often truly sacrilegious, who then proceeds to put them in a position to assume full responsibility for the damage which they have produced not allow him to continue in their bed pastoral bankruptcy.

marriage 1

Santo Spirito in Sassia, placed in Borgo Santo Spirito, behind the Bernini Colonnade, Millionaire marriage Flavio Briatore and Elisabetta Gregoraci

For when the bishops They will have to solve certain problems judicially, at that point it will come out the lightness of their priests: catechesis in preparation for marriage often reduced to two or three meetings farcical during which many pastors are limited only to say how much money they pay to the church and at which florist and photographer should contact, for certain parish priests lucrino further percentage gabelle; the inability of ignorance or worse often in real intent through which, and threatens, prove unable to distinguish even the believers from nonbelievers. And the main problem, that is what non-believers who claim the "right" to Sacramento, It is often solved with several hundred euros left in offering to the priest for the celebration of marriage. But when tomorrow the Bishops of these priests should solve problems of unprecedented lightness unpleasant welcoming couple instances that a few months from the wedding demand recognition of the nullity of their marriage, will be forced to collect their own hands what nefarious also allowed it to be sown in the field of the Lord.


This motu proprio the Supreme Pontiff is an act aimed at empowering the bishops of a contemporary church in which everyone wants to become cardinal, but no one seems willing to take on even the slightest responsibility. Well, that the bishops are beginning to take responsibility for all of them own their apostolic office. What this for which we thank, with reverence and devotion, the Supreme Pontiff Francis, for putting them, juxtaposition, in a position to take their responsibilities.



«Pecunia non Oleta»*




marriage 2

Dear readers: which of you, seeing this picture, He has paid attention to the beautiful neckline of the bride and who, instead, He has paid attention to the valuable Archbishop's pastoral staff celebrant owner? Reverend Signatory of this article, He admits he was admired by the breast of the bride and not to have rather paid any attention to the pastoral staff. But on the other hand, could a celebrity multimillionaire and marries naked, not be joined in marriage at least by a Cardinal, to enrich also of this “accessory” their princely frame? And a veil on offer in several zeros that will surely slipped into the old Cardinal Paul Poupard pockets, obviously for the benefit of his pious foundation … is intende! Why does everything always goes to the work of God and God's works, obviously!



* «money does not stink», Vespasian said in response to the members of the Roman senate when hurled the coins after he had set the fee sull'orina.



All images used in this article does not violate the privacy any person these are photographs taken from the internet, so public and as such available to anyone.






Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Wedding, concubinage and virginity

— Theologica —


[…] from the Bible the pleasure is sensitive compared to spiritual pleasure, even to the same Divine joy, God's pure spirit, that obviously has no sex. It is important to, because of this, have an analogical concept of pleasure, connecting the sensitive one to the spiritual one. This is the way to avoid both rigorism and laxity, both Origen and Pannella.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



To open the ’ article click below





Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Father Tomas Tyn and the Lefebvrismo



The few competent theologians, learned, wise, balanced, brave and faithful to the Magisterium are easily marginalized, defamed, ignored or even persecuted by a modernistic power or rahneriano now established in academic circles and of ecclesiastical authority, so is now operating an inquisition just as modernist and even more sharp-eyed and lasts of the Romans at the time of St. Pius X and Monsignor Umberto Benigni against the modernists of the time …


Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


The wolf and the lamb

Ad eundem rivum Lupus et Agnus … [by Phaedrus ' Fables]

We often tell ourselves that we need good theologians, in a situation like the present one, where the greatest damage to the souls and the Church are caused by bad theologians. However, it is so strong, seductive and insidious the influence and power of these theologians, that even the good Catholic, who loves the truth and wants nothing more than to follow the Gospel, sound doctrine and the Church's Magisterium, difficulties or is easily deceived in the knowledge the righteous judgment criteria, of discernment and evaluation for identifying valid theologians from imposters, by hucksters and theologasters O, as Christ would say, by false prophets and wolves in lambs [cf. ].

Benedict XVI catechesis

the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI during one of his Catecheses

but yet, know these criteria it shouldn't be too difficult. Since we all must and can save ourselves, It gave, in the most diverse ways, it does not deny to any man of good will the knowledge of saving truth. Benedict XVI had this to say, to distinguish the good from the bad theologians it is necessary to compare them with the Catechism, where we find the fundamental truths of the faith. In fact, today some theologians errors are so crude and glaring, that are not limited as a time to thin sophistry born to the disquisitions of school, where then, after all, were things that only understand craft and clerks were mere opinions of school, that is not questioned by any dogma quietly accepted, but today errors affect all the fundamental truths of the faith, from the divine attributes to the Holy Trinity, to the dogmas of creation, the existence of angels, the Constitution of man, of Eden and original sin, of grace, of Mary's virginity, of the incarnation, of the Redemption, of the Resurrection of Christ, up to the liturgy, natural and supernatural morality, to nature, origin and purpose of the Church, to eschatology, to the value of miracles and prophecies, the same faith, of Tradition, of Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church. Nothing is spared and everything is questioned, questioned or denied or falsified.

Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange

a cartoon depicting the father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, ON

The few competent theologians, learned, wise, balanced, brave and faithful to the Magisterium are easily marginalized, defamed, ignored or even persecuted by a modernistic power or rahneriano now established in academic circles and of ecclesiastical authority, so is now operating an inquisition just as modernist and even more sharp-eyed and lasts of the Romans at the time of St. Pius X and Monsignor Umberto Benigni against the modernists of the time, less dangerous than those of today, except that if a poor father Lagrange, Father Juan Arintero or Cardinal Andrea Carlo Ferrari were suspected unfairly by modernism from Orthodox conservatives, today the Orthodox, even moderately progressives, as the maritainiani, they are harassed and persecuted by the modernists.

tomas tyn ok

Dominican theologian Tomas Tyn

The Dominican Tomas Tyn the same fate has befallen. Teacher in the 1980s at the Studio Teologico bolognese Dominican, the learned theologian, zealous, brave, generous, thomist, fervent and most faithful to the Magisterium of the Church, warned with a lot of energy and a wealth of arguments against the snaking errors both in the doctrinal field and in that of morality: especially modernists, secularists, relativists, Communists, existentialists, Protestants, idealists and pantheists.

Father Tomas felt a particular interest for the values ​​of the Catholic tradition, warned the Mission of remembering those who had forgotten or neglected, in that climate of reckless then rejection of the past, that, as we well know, characterized those troubled years, remained in our memory as the period of “dispute“, during which, under the pretext of conciliar renewal, many foolishly abandoned or changed sacred and immutable values, You should keep. In those same years, moreover, to complicate matters, a movement of Catholics arose on the initiative of Monsignor Marcèl Lefèbvre, who believed that the new doctrines of the Council were infected with modernism, rationalism, enlightenment, anthropocentrism, liberalism and indifferentism. The Council, so, According to him, had broken with sacred tradition, proposing new harmful, that had already been condemned by the pre-Conciliar Magisterium. The Church had so, col Council, deviated from the truth and had to return there, rejecting those doctrines as false. Among the innovations he condemned Lefèbvre asked also promulgated by Paul VI reformed, claiming that the only valid Mass, the “Mass of All Time“, as they call the lefebvrists, was the previous one of St. Pius V: for this it was necessary to stop immediately with the new Setting and return to the ancient.

Tomas Tyn 2

Tomas Tyn

Father Tomas welcomed the new docility of the Council, so much so that every day he celebrated that, is in the convent, both the Sunday to the parish of San Giacomo Bologna fuori le Mura, where he served for 14 years from 1976 al 1989. He died on 1° gennauo of 1990, just 39 years of age.

He did not hide his admiration for the Tridentine Mass, of which praised the beauty in a long letter, that he in 1985 He wrote to the then prefect of the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who pleased us to send him a meaningful reply, in which he declared his agreement [1]. This was certainly the condition that allowed some point, in the same year, to Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, Archbishop of Bologna, to have the prior of the Bolognese convent ask Father Tomas Tyn to celebrate the Tridentine Mass for a group of faithful weekly in a private convent, that earlier had turned to Cardinal, which the Father did until he left Bologna in 1989 hit by disease, that led him to death.

Tomas Tyn

Tomas Tyn

Father Tomas was a traditionalist, but in the sense of the word praiseworthy, as preferential attention to traditional values, more than those of new advance or. His sympathy for the Tridentine Mass can surmise something like. Nothing, however, had to do with the lefebvrist traditionalism, though some, especially the modernistic environment or despiser of tradition, uninformed, for interest or in bad faith I have mistaken for a lefebvrist.

In fact what is lefebvrismo? In the belief that the Second Vatican Council the Church, infected with modernism, taught, under pretext of “pastorality“, false doctrines on itself and damaging about the relationship with the modern world, failing its duty as guardian of Holy Tradition. The lefevriani recognize the validity and legitimacy of the Council, ma, though in fact originates of the doctrines, that they reject as false, consider only pastoral and, because in the Church's pastoral is not infallible, they believe that it teaches wrong doctrines or that they can be wrong. The lefebvrists don't see a witness Council, but a traitor of tradition. They do not understand that the Council has taken a step forward in the tradition, in accordance with what the Council itself teaches on Tradition, where it says it “progresses” e “grows” knowledge of revealed truths, that it transmits to us [2], also contained in Sacred Scripture, It is clarification and completion of what is contained in Sacred Scripture, both, almost forming a single thing (“coalesce“), one word of God, both are sources of divine Revelation, which are infallibly guarded and interpreted by the Magisterium of the Church.

Book of tyn Cavalcoli

the book dedicated to John Carlson to Tomas Tyn

None of these ideas in lefebvriane Father Tomas, what if, as I said, shows a particular attention to the Tradition, has no difficulty to see it confirmed, continued and progressed in the teachings of the Council and of the following Magisterium of the Church. Father Tomas, instead of the lefebvrists who claim to find errors in the doctrines of the Council, he never dares to make any criticism of the Council's doctrines, and the lodi did not return, While stating that should be properly interpreted and warning from misinterpretation or exploitation made by modernists.

Father Tomas, Thanks to his solid faith and theologically strong, he realizes very well with the acute lucidity and fine discernment of a Thomist, reacting with extreme promptness and energy and an inexorable criticism, of indiscipline, of impostures and theological deviations, that swarm in his time, covering Deceits them unfairly with the authority of the Council and it looks good by letting the slander of deceived lefevriani, who would find the cause of those deviations in the same Council.

tomas tyn brothers

Tomas Tyn, at the top right, with a group of brothers in the convent of Bologna

Father Tomas, with his frankness and parrhesia, with his hand out with both hands the water of wisdom and his battle against counterfeiters and the enemies of the faith, "stumbling stone» [RM 9,33] and «scandal» stone [The Pt 2,8], could not create around itself and two opposing sides against each other armed: one part, a crowd of admirers and devotees, not only believers, but also simple people of good will, He also drove and helped with his charity high priestly and pastoral prudence, especially among the poor and the humble, but also in each social milieu ― arrived everywhere with the intense apostolic activity " ; and the progressive thickening of those storm clouds, especially cultural environments of the left but also the right, modernists, Pharisees, Freemasons, Communists, Protestants, careerists, opportunists and so on, increasingly irritated by his fiery words that were stinging in their consciousness. But the storm was supposed to break out after death.

Tomas Tyn 5

Tomas Tyn

A fundamental theme of Tynian speculation is that of freedom [3], that must be based on truth, regulated by the moral law, especially of charity, freedom as the person's mastery of his own acts, freedom as a principle of justice, freedom as the primacy of the person over the common good and therefore the rejection of any left or right totalitarianism, but also and especially, as St. Augustine, "freedom under grace».

In this we could make a link between Tyn and Father Giorgio Callegari, Venetian Dominican, that in the late 1960s in Brazil, together with others, he fought and suffered for the liberation of the popular classes from a tyrannical regime, that it was said and hypocritically saw communism in fact only to fight for social justice.

george callegari

the Dominican Giorgio Callegari

Father Tomas instead met the cruel and inhumane face of communism, so that he too fought and suffered for freedom, and while Father Callegari, calunniosamente accused of being a Communist, fighting for the change of social conditions, the struggle of Father Tomas Tyn, mistaken for a fascist and a Lefebvrian, was to unmask the Hegelian roots of totalitarianism of the left and right, latest offshoot of that Lutheran immanentism that, after having snatched the Gospel from the Church, and have it delivered in the hands of the State, put the bases for the divinization of the State, that in the 20th century would prove in Nazism and communism.

Two Dominicans united in the same ideal of truth, Justice and freedom, though so different for mutual contrast of historical and social climates in which they lived. Father Tyn must be freed from lefevriano label required by the modernists, While father Callegari from rich appioppatagli Communist. The fame of Holiness should always open the hard way between misunderstandings, the slander and lies that would stop the unstoppable advance of witnesses of the Gospel.

Tomas Tyn Marinella Montanari

Tomas Tyn by Marinella Montanari

Later in the early 2000, God has granted the Church a great gift of his grace in order to make it shine even more for the benefit of the whole Church, that light which Father Tomas had already scattered throughout his earthly life among those whom he had met, family members, faithful of the Church of Bologna and other places, confreres, penitents, friends and enemies, people of all walks of life, believers and non-believers, particularly suffering and thirsting for truth, of justice, of freedom and Holiness.

tomb tyn

Tomas Tyn's grave

So the Czech Dominicans, at the beginning of 2000, they were promoters of the cause of beatification of Father Tyn, not only because of its reputation for sanctity there giunta, but also, and it was the decisive thing, for the news or discovery of the vow he had made at the time of his priestly ordination in 1975 and he kept secret, to offer his life under the protection of our Lady for the liberation of his homeland from Communist oppression. Now, God wanted Father Tomas died right on 1 January 1990, at the end of a brief and painful illness, When the President of the Republic, Vaclav Havel, inaugurated in the exultation of the whole nation, the new Government. On that occasion,, being now publicly know father Tomas vow, he was immediately raised to the rank of national hero, so much so that that same State Television which until a few months earlier was an organ of the Communist Party, praised the heroic witness of Father Tyn.

Tomas Tyn 6

the servant of God Tomas Tyn and his image chosen by the Office of the Postulator for the cause of beatification

The thought of the servant of God You can qualify as genuinely, frankly and fully Catholic and more precisely thomist, given his absolute adherence to the doctrine of the faith, interpreted, taught and guarded by the Magisterium of the Church. In tal modo, How often reiterates its scholar Gianni Battisti [4], You can find in Tyn thinking what exactly that being Catholic, as defined by the Catholic Church [5], name that is now misunderstood, exploited, falsified and mistreated in a thousand ways with create a huge confusion, damage to the faithful and discredit the Catholic name, with whom do you spend every kind of imposture and heresy. But nothing prevents, wanting to further clarify this Tyn Catholicism, It can be classified as “traditionalist“. E’ however, on this point the most hateful ones have arisen and been relentless, stubborn and nefarious misunderstandings and malice on behalf of theologian, given that some Catholics, lefevrismo related, have tried, though in vain, to make Father Tomas one of their; while others, of modernist orientation and are the majority, as well as having a strong power in the Church, they try to discredit Father Tomas by presenting him or passing him off as Lefevriano or Filolefevriano. But the dishonest operation by the latter consists in the fact that they condemn as block “traditionalist” Anyone who doesn't is modernist or “progressive“, like them, to be a driver of legitimacy, They call themselves, blurring into one appellation dishonorable legitimate traditionalism, How is precisely to Tyn, with the schismatic traditionalism of the Lefevrians.

Caffara and Cavalcoli

left on Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, the Center John Carlson at the convent of San Domenico in Bologna on the occasion of the opening of the cause for beatification of Tomas Tyn

Despite repeated attempts by witnesses and actors of the process of beatification was opened in 2006 in Bologna by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, to pluck these poisonous weeds, They allignato among the people and the faithful, to the point of putting an obstacle to continuing the process, the Diocesan phase which was nearly finished, so the testimonial material was almost ready to be sent to Rome to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in order to complete it. Like this, an intervention by the competent authorities and all the devotees of the Servant of God appears urgent to give the Cause a new impulse, whereas the sublime doctrine and the shining example of Father Tyn, for their balance, the courage and wisdom, could play a valuable role in spreading the truth, in refutation of the errors, in the promotion of good morals in individuals and in society, in fostering ecclesial justice and communion and in making peace, with adverse parties reconcile, left and right, that today, with their fanatical presumption and intransigence, they are torturing the Church and paralyzing her in her task of evangelizing the world.

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra during the opening of the beatification process of Tomas Tyn

It is therefore highly desirable that the cause of Tyn may progress through a courageous and decisive intervention by its supporters, of devotees, of the disciples and scholars of Father Tyn, scattered in Italy, in the Czech Republic and around the world, from Germany, to France, to Spain, to United States, at Austria, to Switzerland, to Philippines, to Hungary, to Slovenia, to Mexico, to Brazil, the Argentina, to Albania, in Malta. This opposition of forces is one of the earliest signs of trouble more severe macroscopic of today's Church, i.e. the absolutization and ideologization of the two opposing parties of lefevriani and of the modernists, that, arrogatisi in place of the Pope the Church censors function, We condemn and are mutually, as if it were to separate the wicked from the righteous. There is no doubt that these categories have value, being used by the Bible itself, which, however, absolutely does not use them in that meanly biased sense, but only in relation to obedience or disobedience to God, where in individual cases it is prudent to refrain from judging. But the problem that afflicts us is foolishness with which these categories are used by these two parties, which reduce them to their partial vision, one-sided and biased. These categories make sense only in relation to those who serve God and those who hate him; which is not easy to judge in individual cases. Hence the folly and recklessness to use them only in reference to your party, furthermore, tainted by misconceptions and heterodox ideas.

tight tomas 7

Tomas Tyn

The Catholic as such, How to pose well Antonio Livi in’Patmos Island [see WHO], is neither progressive nor conservative, but simply Catholic without adjectives; is above the left. “Catholic” It means “universal”: Catholic would be one that is partial? Unless it's specifications that have nothing to do with the truths of faith, but add something accidental to the Catholic, how, for example, it would be to distinguish the French Catholic from the Italian one or the young Catholic from the adult one. Reduce instead, How to make lefevriani and modernists, being Catholic at their current size-restricted, you offend the sacredness and universality of the Catholic name. No problems qualify as conservative or progressive: is completely legitimate and normal, provided, however, that this is done within the bed of orthodoxy and of communion with the Church and the Pope, as accidental expressions, modal and contingent of legitimate different ways of living one's Catholicism, respecting and working with the opposite trend, because of the one and the other are made to complement each other and together serve the Church.

tight tomas 8

Tomas Tyn

Another thing to note. The contents of theology are subject in history to a continuous deepening and clarification, Thanks to the research of the theologian. For this there is a traditional theology, expressing and comment on existing data, for example of the great masters like Thomas Aquinas; and a new or innovative theology, presenting the latest survey results, often only questionable or hypothetical, therefore questionable, and that can also be wrong. The theologian, in principle, has this dual task: comment on traditional data, already acquired, Maybe exposing them with a modern language; and engage in research or formulation of new theories or interpretations, of course on the solid foundation of those already acquired. The theologian more interested in progress, may be called “progressive“, but which, however, has nothing to do with “modernist“, that is a false way to advance and modernize the theology.

Tomas Tyn bambino

Tomas Tyn image child

Father Tomas chose to devote the exhibition of traditional doctrines, without he disdained any new, which presented themselves as development or explanations of the doctrines of the Council. In fact, they paid attention and did not fail to give himself new contributions e.g. to the advancement of metaphysics or the doctrine of grace and freedom in relation to psychology. In any case and in the aforementioned sense he can be qualified as a traditionalist theologian qualification, of which he was aware and of which he boasted.

Revisit with Father Tyn content of the tradition, just as they are left to us and emerge from the Magisterium of the Church, starting with the Apostolic tradition until Pope's Magisterium, it is a salutary exercise in Catholic orthodoxy, that fixes the lefevriano concept of tradition, locked at the time of the Council, showing how the post-Conciliar progress in the knowledge of God's Word, under the leadership of the Church, It is the most authentic experience of sacred tradition today.

Varazze, 7 September 2015



[1] The correspondence between Father Tyn and the Cardinal is published in my book Father Tomas Tyn. A traditionalist post-conciliar, Editions Faith&Culture, Verona 2007.
[2] Cost.Dogm. God's word, n.8.
[3] CF. The anthology of his writings on freedom in The liberation of freedom, edited by G.Cavalcoli, Editions Faith&Culture, Verona 2008.
[4] CF. t. Tyn performance, The power of truth. Lessons of theologiansa, Diffusion Editorial Umbilicus in Italy, Rieti 2012.
[5] See the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


Father Tomas Tyn Conference “The virtue of religion



Gives “imago Dei” ad “image net”. Next time the Holy Father will buy zucchini in Campo dei Fiori?



Man created in the image and likeness of God wanted to rebel against Him making himself God, and today, instead of kneeling in front of your Creator, no longer even kneel before idols, but he prostrates himself before directly to digital cameras, giving up totally to live the present and projected future, as if from the philosophical and theological language of our dying world was missing the word eschatology, to make room for all other questions and purposes: … and tomorrow, What I invented, to amaze again? Or: Today I gave the daily dose to mass media going to the optician, but tomorrow I will be forced to increase the dose. So if you went to the fruit market in Campo dei Fiori to buy two courgettes under the statue of that "holy man" by Giordano Bruno?


Author Jorge A. Faccio Lince

George A.. Faccio Lince

imago of

… never as today the man was committed to deface the creature being created in the image of God-likeness

The expression of Saint Augustine imago Dei O image of God [II sent. d. a. 16 1, q.1], today should be the subject of in-depth reflections, having regard to the social upheaval that seems to have changed now image net. For this I resonates in the ears a well-known expression of St. Thomas Aquinas: Agere sequitur esse [the Act follows the be], principle that is at the foundation of Thomistic ethics. For St. Thomas, from being necessarily follows the to-be. What exists has its own ontological nature that affect the action of the same entity, in the case of male moral action. The man, as a creature created by God and therefore God's creature will not only possess the simple ontological creature feature, Why must also have an appropriate moral behavior and in its way as a result of the to-be which will lead him to aspire to ultra-terrestrial perfection. For Saint Thomas being mean Act of being [They actu essendi ab] i.e. action, News. In Thomistic perspective everything exists to implement actions, and in this way be coincides with the action in its final fulfillment.

Valeria Lukyanova barbie

The future that awaits us? the model Valeria Lukyanova photographed with Barbie doll, which it has come to resemble …

These days are about ten years old Since the Ukrainian model Valeria Lukyanova became famous throughout the world for its natural resemblance or artificially created with the famous Barbie doll. For many of those like me who grew up watching commercials for this toy and seeing little girls play with this famous doll, has always been the question of how this would be if it were a doll real person.

The first impression we seeing the pictures of this woman is: “But it's true?». And again: «How did ... it's all the result of Magic from the computer?». Then, After the first impression, begins to take a negative rating given by the fact that it is a person totally falsified, or as it is now customary to say: all redone. In others, however, a sense of satisfaction may arise in seeing a toy you grew up with made in the flesh. In both cases, curiosity almost morbidly pushes us to look for more images and data of the model which arouses a whole series of emotions and chain reactions in the world of Cyberspace that made her famous.

Valeria Lukyanova in costume

The future that awaits us? The model Valeria Lukyanova posing in a swimsuit at the beach with her body transformed into Barbie doll

If the reputation of this model was the result of an advertising campaign the same company Mattel makes sense, above all considering that today more than ever in the world of advertising as in that of fashion, slogans are also based on the components of aggressiveness, of transgression, of the upheaval or total reversal of the real data. Because this is the planet where it is born and increased the fame of this model through photographs and video clips that have been around the world through social networks [see WHO, WHO, WHO]. And today the social network have become much more of a fundamental part of human communication, in particular the younger generation; for many are the only form of expression.

Ever as before, who owns a computer, a Table or smartphone has the ability to find everything they need in terms of information; as well as the possibility to express their reviews toward anything. Technological progress is so large now that we don't need to argue our choices, because with a simple “I like it” his Facebook ed a Tweet everything is done on Twitter. We can then spend time commenting everything and its opposite with a thumbs down or up, with a little heart or one emoticon.

telematic means — that could be a means of communication and dissemination of knowledge and culture, but also of pastoral care - they have instead become instruments of authentic annihilation, Sometimes the Guillotines, of parallel worlds that you put in a destructive manner to the real; a "real" now reduced the immediate, as if there had never been a "first"and there wasn't a"after”. Worlds governed entirely by snapshots that require continuous updating both by those who want to be the center of attention and by those who want to be in the know at every moment of their day. Then begins a new day, in which you do not even remember the day before and do not take into consideration the future day that will follow and which you will need to "raise the bar" of surprise and then amazement. In one of our newspapers private interviews the father Ariel S. Levi of Gualdo told me long ago that ' the story progresses so fast through its increasingly policy-historians who sometimes has the impression of not having my living, not having more time to process it, but what is worse: to live it».

jorge drowning

the new people …

This instant update it has become an archetype of conduct in every sense, not only in the virtual world, because it is increasingly imposing in the most varied spheres: in political as in the religious and pastoral care. The aim seems to be to become "famous" or to have a role and a group of people who follow you, thereby finding the very reason for one's being, the purpose of one's life and existence.

Social networks are not only audiences of auto-exposure, But even the courts of assizes making reviews following the "law” dictated by the statistics of personal success or failure; a trap into which even our Pastors fall who seem at times more concerned with pleasing the world than with Jesus Christ, all with an aggravating circumstance: the world to which they want to pleasure has no body and has no soul, It is a world made such is precisely because without Jesus Christ.

The virtual world will inevitably produce a virtual reality

Every person who enters this virtual circle sooner or later is forced to take precise and variable forms of behaviour and expression that tend to mutate itself, because permanence in success is based on the principle of continuous updating; It is therefore necessary to provide elements of "astonishment” always higher and in ever more massive doses. Just like the Ukrainian model that has undergone a process of constant mutation and that at this point could be called the "new Eve”, the prototype of the new or future world that is not coming, but which has already taken possession of the real through the virtual form.

This instant update not only involves the world of show business – that it's not only cinema, the world of tv or swimsuit –, Why, as I said before, It affects all social scopes, politicians, religious and scientific. Needless to say, what dangers this can lead: not only the loss of values and laws that for the entire course of history have governed civilizations; not only for the loss of a conception of life, of time and of the same relationships with others, because this path leads to a consequent and total emptying of the man in action, in his being and his human creature role created in the image and likeness of the living God [cf. Gen. 1, 26-27].

jorge like

the new slavery "like», I like it …

The instant update "that is the negation of theology of the body of Saint Paul the Apostle [CF. With the. 1,18] and of the Christian who becomes a living image of Christ [CF. RM 8,28; The Cor. 15,49; ] ― imposes to please always a distant world that is without penalty and body without head, made anonymous and hidden behind a screen on which symbols of liking or disliking are proclaimed destined to make up the number. Finally will be indicated with a Clik What to do for better pleasure, thereby generating the danger that all-out misconceptions will soon be imposed, but above all that a style will end up being imposed that will bring the men of the near future - in any social role, political or religious they find themselves - to a dramatic forced choice: be similar to their predecessors, or to overcome that imposed limit thanks to which today we are no longer even able to distinguish the ridiculous from the far-fetched?

This is the true and final reversal of God, of real substance and man; a reversal that blocks all in a time instant that lasts longer than that taken by the Flash cameras. Today, a Ghost Pilate without a body and soul, speaking from an undisclosed location in computer network to a mass without the head and without a tail would have ended up asking the same question: «Who do you want to free you, Barabbas or Jesus Christ said?» [cf. Mt. 27,16-26]. I leave it to the readers to evaluate the answer which in this case would end up being shouted "democratically" by the Cyberspace ...

3 September 2015, the Holy Father Francis makes an improvised in an optical shop to change lenses to glasses

The created man in the image and likeness of God wanted to rebel against Him making himself God, and today, instead of kneeling in front of your Creator, no longer even kneel before idols, but he prostrates himself before directly to digital cameras, giving up totally to live the present and projected future, as if from the philosophical and theological language of our dying world was missing the word eschatology, to make room for all other questions and purposes: ... and tomorrow what I invented to impress again? Or: today I gave the daily dose of amazement to the mass-media going to the optician to change lenses, but tomorrow I will be forced to increase the dose; so if you went to the fruit market in Campo dei Fiori to buy two courgettes under the statue of that "holy man" by Giordano Bruno?


TV2000 is perhaps already testing the waters at the fruit market in Campo dei Fiori?