Wedding, concubinage and virginity

Father Giovanni

— Theologica —


[…] from the Bible the pleasure is sensitive compared to spiritual pleasure, even to the same Divine joy, God's pure spirit, that obviously has no sex. It is important to, because of this, have an analogical concept of pleasure, connecting the sensitive one to the spiritual one. This is the way to avoid both rigorism and laxity, both Origen and Pannella.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



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5 replies
  1. hector says:

    Rev. Dad,
    I report these two related articles.
    Synod: for paragraph correction 137 The Labor dell'Instrumentum. The request of the 50 Moralists.

    In the paragraph 137, topic of contraception, therefore we read:
    «Bearing in mind the wealth of wisdom contained in Humanae Vitae, in relation to the issues it deals with, two poles emerge that need to be constantly combined. On the one hand, the role of conscience understood as the voice of God that resounds in the human heart educated to listen to it; on the other, the objective moral indication, which prevents us from considering generativity a reality on which to decide arbitrarily, apart from the divine plan on human procreation. ”

    Law and conscience: two discordant "poles"?

    Thank you.

  2. Irapuato says:

    Dear Father Carlson, in the meantime, thanks for the rich reflection on the topic. Now I ask her, she wrote in the conclusion: “The serious question that arises today is whether the Church believes she is considering these forms of imperfect or incomplete marriages, in which cases and under what conditions. We confidently await an orientation and effective response from our pastors under the guidance of the Holy Father.” Now the Pope's Motu Proprio has arrived and Father Ariel explained it well, here I ask: in the MP you believe that some of the serious issues masterfully reported in the article and related to the delicate task of nullity without risking to cover have been taken into consideration, instead, real marriages in defense of “and remarried”? Thanks and Ave Maria. (Dorotea)

    • father ariel
      Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON says:

      Dorotea face,

      In my article I was referring to the decisions that the Holy Father will take based on the proposals of the Synod.

      As for the Motu poprio on the grounds for nullity, my perplexity is that, welcoming as a reason for nullity the declaration of the parties, the judge may be deceived by a false declaration.

      One can suspect (“legitimate suspicion“) in fact, that the parties actually want a divorce and to achieve this end, are moved by a partial judgment, too subjective (maybe in good faith) or who lie or exhibit a false proof of nullity, which the judge is forced to believe on the word. It would be like asking for a thief: you stole? E’ very likely that he says no.

      We certainly need to trust the words of others, but it is necessary to avoid naivety and lack of thought, especially if you are a judge in such an important case.

      This declaration must be corroborated with objective and verifiable evidence and testimony from third parties.

      The issue of remarried here has nothing to do with it, as the parties could declare the forgery about the “previous marriage”.

  3. Make safe says:

    However, it must be noted that the common concept of morality has changed.
    Even limiting ourselves to the Catholic environment, today as today it is considered normal for boyfriends to make love (also very young and even without living together) so much so that those who marry virgins are really white flies.
    And it's about good guys, who attend the parish and its various activities, they are selfless and charitable, and all the rest.
    E’ really so serious that they decide not to wait for the wedding to get each other the intense pleasure of sexual relations, using condoms to avoid pregnancy and infections?
    I believe it is not that bad… and that a sexually satisfied but charitable couple is much better, compared to an egoist who thinks only of his career, perhaps even at the expense of others!
    I would add that if all those who are known to have sex without being married were excluded from parochial activities, all our churches would remain desolately empty!

  4. father ariel
    Andrea2008 says:

    Dear Professor, more than 10 years ago I followed some of his academic courses as an auditor while I was studying philosophy at the University of Bologna.
    Now I find her in this beautiful telematic Island and with great pleasure I am reading her articles in the archive collection.
    I wanted to tell you that I have great memories of her person and her metaphysics lessons.
    With deep respect.

    Andrea Nanni (Bologna)

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