“Letters” – Divine punishment, love and mercy. The reasons of Roberto de Mattei

letters from readers 2


Letters of Patmos Island Readers




"Dear Fathers of Patmos Island, I came across a video of Prof. Roberto de Mattei in which relate to certain natural events such as the Messina earthquake of 1908 yet … divine retribution (!?). I am appalled that you still use certain tones and understand why Ariel's father pulled some lashings in his articles. All this in addition to the Jubilee gates of mercy. I'd like to know your opinion "



Author Drafting of the Island of Patmos

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON
Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



"Dear Fathers of Patmos Island, I came across a video of Prof. Roberto de Mattei in which relate to certain natural events such as the Messina earthquake of 1908 yet … divine retribution (!?). I am appalled that you still use certain tones and understand why Ariel's father pulled some lashings in his articles. All this in addition to the Jubilee gates of mercy. I'd like to know your opinion " [N.d.R. see video WHO ]

John Salvitti, Rome



Dear Reader.

roberto de mattei foreground

Roberto de Mattei, born in Rome but belonging to a family of the old Sicilian aristocracy, talking about the earthquake of Messina has not delivered “personal opinions” from “Catholic opinions part”, It is based on historical facts.

The answer together to explain why we share what he presented Prof. Roberto de Mattei and because the difendemmo when it was attacked by the “fundamentalists” secularists so decomposed and no arguments, as he himself explains in detail and calm in the video that she sent us.


Do not wrong his father Ariel Mal as his ' stripes ', because it's colorful exchanges d ’ opinions sometimes from his Tuscan spirit, through which never has dwarfed this talented Catholic academic, We both know each other in person. So don't confuse certain normal pinch among scholars with forms of hatred that does not touch the fathers of’Patmos Island. Know that philosophers, theologians and historians accapigliano since nate philosophical disciplines, theological and historical, and then dinner together, because the quarrel ends up put their hunger, many are burning energy in certain discussions.


In the context of certain debates ’ We do not accept criticism of de Mattei at Vatican II, that regard we all ’ contentious issue if necessary. And here it is not opinions, but loyalty to the Magisterium of the Church, on which we cannot compromise, While in deep respect of the dear person.


Through its application She offers confirmation of what today is difficult to talk about a “language” Cattolica. For this several times the fathers of’Patmos Island They insisted on various articles on “language loss”, or the drama arising from speaking a language that the secularist world, but often even some Catholic world steeped in modernismi and sociologismi is no longer willing to acknowledge and understand [see WHO].


Roberto de Mattei Plagues of God

the book by Roberto de Mattei [ed. Faith&Culture]

The mention of Salviano in Marseille [CF. The Governance of God] by de Mattei is relevant and applicable to our time, given the apparent biblical reference to ’ famous episodes of Sodom and Gomorrah. A company like ours, increasingly condescending to say in favour of behaviors contrary to divine law, What exactly can be sodomy, may actually suffer a severe divine retribution. If indeed God, How often does the Holy Father Francis, is always ready to accommodate anyone who repents, don't forget the needs of Justice, they want the punishment of sinful arrogant, Cheeky and obstinate. If we stuck with this concept of Justice is common to all religions and based on natural moral conscience, would collapse the entire legal order ’ of Church and State. One man wolf. The thugs crush the honest, the bullies would make the righteous slaves.


The important distinction must be taken into account contained in the letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the pastoral care of homosexual persons of the Congregation for the doctrine of the Faith 1986, n.3 [see WHO]. This is the distinction between condition or homosexual tendency and homosexual acts. L ’ tilting, explains the document, «though is not in self pity», because it is instinctive and spontaneous, and sometimes the innate, «is however a trend, more or less strong, towards an intrinsically bad behavior from moral point of view», Since the acts to which pushes or prompt, «are deprived of their essential and indispensable aims», which is procreation. Therefore SIN or guilt is not the mere presence of the stimulus homosexual, but voluntarily agreeing to this inclination. Comply voluntarily to a bad angle ’, though unintentional, can only be a bad action ’. Which leaves the ecclesial and pastoral civil law a fair and ample space for specific interventions and calibrated, as the case, be implemented with caution, charity and respect for people, Since you must always remember the fundamental distinction between the objective moral qualification of a sin or offence in relation to moral law or civil and concrete responsibility entity ’, If there is and how much there is, in specific circumstances, the person who commits. Judge of the Act in principle is not the same as judging the individual consciousness in certain circumstances. It is in relation to this second aspect, not at first, You should refer to the popular and articulate the Holy Father's sentence summed up by newspapers in: "Who am I to judge?» [see part II of Ariel's Conference. Levi di Gualdo, minute 18,40 WHO].


bologna show profanity

the new Sodom&Gomorrah, show profanity on the passion of Christ staged by’Arcigay Bologna [see WHO]

To support the Theology of doom o la Theology of Hell ’, We refer to the numerous times the Lord Jesus references in the Gospels, indicated variously as "fiery furnace" and as a place where will be weeping and gnashing of teeth» [Mt 13, 42]. Even in the old testament ’ frequent reference is made to the judgment of God and his punishment for sinners. In biblical literature l ’ the wrath of God is placed together with the ’ love from the Psalmist who sings the praises of God celebrandolo as "slow to anger and great in ’ ’ love» [Shall 102,8], and yet «patient and merciful is the Lord, slow to anger and rich in ’ grace» [Shall 144,8].


The divine retribution It is not always necessarily a positive act of God against the sinner, as a necessary consequence of the same sin, he commits, as it is logical that died who drinks a poison. But, According to inscrutable Justice plans and mercy, God in this life sometimes punishes, in others not, leaving the punishment to the future life. Better to suffer the punishment now, because you can redeem, rather than in the ’ beyond, where there is more ’ remedy. Because of this, It is good to take advantage immediately of the divine mercy, doing penance for our sins, because if you don't do this now, beyond, instead of mercy, There will be justice, whose rigour does not wish you to anyone.


The pains of this life may also affect innocent, While certain criminals seem to get away. It would seem at first that there was a lack in God of Justice, Why not punish the criminals and does not defend the oppressed; and mercy, Why let the innocent suffer? The answer comes to us from faith, which tells us that the innocent are joined by their father to the cross of Christ, the Innocent ’ par excellence, become in Christ salvation the world tools. Towards these innocent justice is mercy, According to the Pauline teaching ’ [RM 3,21], because it is God who justifies for mercy. As for miscreants, There is mercy for them, but as long as you convert. And God is right for them, because it offers them the means to save himself.


L’IRA Divina in the Biblical sense does not mean then give outrage, nor does it mean much less cruelty, is simply the divine will to do justice and then the fitting punishment. Be slow to anger not so ’ say be free of anger, because the immense grace of ’ ’ God's love also righteousness resides in that mercy through which the divine Judge will grant the bliss of paradise, assign the destination of ’ soul to purgation, i.e. to purification in Purgatory, irrogherà and eternal punishment in Hell for those who ’ so stubborn and persistent have refused his love, His gifts of grace and his mercy and forgiveness.


Paul Rubens 1615 lot flees with his family

painting by Paul Rubens (1615) Lot flees with his family while on Sodom and Gomorrah fire and rain zolto

As priests and theologians We realize that we need more and more start from a thorough catechesis of the people of God, eliminating the imposture of a false "do-goodism" and a fake emphasis on forgiveness, and at the same time giving proper training to priests, given that many of the faithful, but unfortunately also individual shepherds care d ’ anime, have a ’ bad idea of God's mercy, that does not exclude punitive justice, as well as the existence of good ’ does not exclude the existence of evil ’; and the good deed does not exclude SIN. Mercy is not only a gift, but it's also prize. Do not reward the evil, but the good.


The divine mercy supposed the punishment and penalty of sin. Mercy is the divine will to free in Christ the ’ man from sin and lift it from its miseries, consequences of original sin and, sometimes, of personal sins. It puts the SIN, but not necessarily removes or alleviates pain, which therefore, for love to the cross of Christ, takes a value and expiatory repairer. The remission of sin free from punishment of hell ’, While the penalty for sin is venial timeline, or redeem with down here with the penance and the ’ use of indulgences, or in Purgatory. Where pure souls can take advantage of indulgences.


God wants to do in all mercy. If so — and in fact this is the truth of faith — some are rewarded and the object of mercy, while others are damned and smitten, This difference does not depend on God, but the typical swing of ’ free will human beings, able to work now well now the bad. It is therefore right that the good are rewarded and the bad are punished. It would be unfair that God would impress the bad. It would be like allowing them to do evil. May God never allow such a thing? The other part, If the ’ man wants to avoid punishment, didn't that make good, What in which God will infallibly rescues and surpass with his grace and his mercy.


The punishment does not contradict nor denies mercy, which takes place without limits, as well as the existence of ’ bad does not mean that good. If someone is punished and rejects the mercy, It is not because God does people's preferences, but it's just the fault of the sinner. We're just us, with our sin, to put a stop to the divine mercy, which, by itself, as an inexhaustible torrent, would flow all the time.


The divine mercy removes the punishment or transfigured. Our forefathers received a punishment that has echoed throughout the human ’. But God had mercy on us giving us his son, so using the cross we are forgiven of our sins and we transform the punishment in Atonement. And not only, but we also made children of God. If someone does not receive mercy, It is not because God does not want to give it to him, But why is he that arepenteth not of his sins, so the punishment, instead of Atonement, remains as punishment in all its severity.


Pope francesco mercy

the Holy Father on the Jubilee of Mercy

So much mercy that the punishment are dictated by ’ love. Indeed, l love what ’ asks? Wanting the good of ’ more. If so it is good that the malefactor, If deserves punishment, both chastened, and eventually forced to repair the badly done or to pay damages, at the same time, possibly do waves reflect, one is that the Cherubim, by the competent authority ’ [It gave, Papa, bishop, judge, superior, parent, educator, etc.] is an act of love, Although this may seem strange to those who have an emotional-only concept of love ’ love. On the contrary, can we get to say that the same damned by ’ Hell continue to be loved by God, that keeps them alive in the infernal city order and — as St. Thomas Aquinas considers — not so much to punish as deserve. For this the divine mercy is felt even in Hell ’.


It is wrong to believe that one who punishes hates the punished. On the contrary, who chastens must give a glossy rating, prudent, objective, dispassionate and impartial, in law enforcement ’, as the judge of a court, for the audio if you can the same chastised, to safeguard the common good, as for the defense and the satisfaction of those who received wrong, without going by private interests or by passion, otherwise they would implement justice.


Qhis spirit with which invite you to participate in the Jubilee of Mercy, Open all ’ acceptance of grace and forgiveness of God, There are granted on condition of our conversion and repudiation of our sins, sincerely dedicated to the works of Justice and mercy, taking care of our salvation with fear and trembling "», but also great confidence in divine mercy. «Here's the time!»- Saint Paul would say -. Behold the hour of salvation ’!» [II Cor 6,2].


If God allows natural disasters It is only to admonish us on this earth, not for launch on us their revenge, but to give to men his mercy, so much want our conversion to snatch the eternal punishment. But to snatch the ' furnace ' where ' will be weeping and gnashing of teeth», He needs our consent, why free created us, free it takes.


destruction scene after the earthquake in Port au Prince Bel Air Center neighborhood - Haiti - 15/01/2010 - FOTO JONNE Roriz / AE

the terrible earthquake in Haiti, before which, in the opinion of certain, You may not remember that that country was: crossroads of all vices, of the worst trades, with a high rate of murders, one of the world's centers “black magic”, a center of prostitution, especially child labour, suspected place and of trafficking in human organs, etc …

The problem is that today we fail to read the signs in ever greater numbers: unusual climatic changes, drought, earthquakes, tidal waves … and if anyone in all this invites to read also some divine warnings or admonitions, ends under the crossfire of those who were evicted God from history and human experience ’. And precisely these, that in all ways want to deprive the humanity of God ’, all ’ occurrence as well with blows of unfair laws, end with ’ then accuse us of failing of humanity, What this also happened to Roberto de Mattei swamped at the time d ’ insults, but also to us, When preaching the Gospel or certain pages reminding the faithful of certain warnings of the Lord Jesus, We felt respond, even from some fellow priests, that ' l ’ hell is a contradiction in terms of the mercy of God who is love and who as such would not ever the condemnation of all man ’ ’ eternal damnation». And all this, in the Church's doctrinal language, It's called heresy, only and nothing else ’ that heresy.


By’Patmos Island, 30 May 2015




Super Quark, service on the earthquake of Messina-Reggio di Calabria

Lectio on tradition at the Franciscans of the Immaculate ’ held by Ariel's. Levi di Gualdo



«The Tradition, between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith» was the ’ topic by his father Ariel during a Conference split into two lessons.


Author Drafting of the Island of Patmos

Dell’Patmos Island



Franciscans of the immaculate 1

Franciscan friars of the Immaculate ’ with the Holy Father Francis

The 2 May, Ariel S. Levi of Gualdo held in Rome a Lectio on tradition at the Franciscans of the Immaculate ’, published in its entirety on channel YouTube Dell’Patmos Island.

Renewing hopes d ’ all grace of the Lord into this young and precious religious family, the fathers of’Patmos Island Thank you Between Carlo for shooting video and Jorge, collaborator of Father Ariel, for mounting the movie.


Youtube channel of’Patmos Island


Ariel video 1 ok

Ariel video 2 ok

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

– Theologica – The metaphysics of Teilhard de Chardin, an evolutionary metaphysics

– Theologica –


The first thing you might notice is that there is no concept of Teilhard Act d ’ be, substitute from the ’ evolution. Does not exist, so, for him a fixed and immutable being, become independent and change. L or l ’ be ’ essence, for him, is the ’ be that becomes, as in Heraclitus. Everything evolves, all wetsuit, nothing is immutable, nothing is final. Becoming himself is eternal: always and forever. Nobody doubts of ’ existence of changing bodies. But for Teilhard there not dumb institution, even God.


John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON

To open the ’ article click below

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON – The metaphysics of Teilhard de Chardin




Christ doesn't take ruffians and courtiers, in fact there calls “servos” ma “Amici”


Once the message of the Church was the Salvation, Today his message became a better specified not poverty that has both the taste of the Evangelical and ideological, to the extent that, to access the episcopate and cardinalate purple, seems to be required as non-negotiable requirements being come and gone from the Rom, or have attended landings of refugees or of too many alleged such in Lampedusa. Saint John Paul II, which was the best of the worst of the Communist ideology directly on your skin, at the beginning of his pontificate did not say: «Open the doors to the poor of existential suburbs », He invited the world to 'Open the doors to Christ and his saving power ». And who canonized, in doing so he just presented and proposed as heroic virtue model to be pursued, not as a “Santino” from popular iconography.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

«More call you Not servants, because the servant does not know what his master; but I have friends called, because everything I've heard from Father l ’ I have made known to you»

[The Gospel of St. John 15,15]

On April 1, I made a so-called "fish" [see WHO] It then immediately indicated as such rettificai through an article written in the form of "Supplication to the Supreme Pontiff” [see WHO], that of courseApril Fool remained unanswered. Forse perché il Santo Padre sembra preferire di telefonare ad una celebre accolita di Lucifero, Mrs. Emma Bonino, that along with that famous possessed by Marco Pannella have imposed by referendum the abortion law with please of voters and Governments of the worst baciapile Christian Democrats? Abortion today celebrated by these two antichrists as "diritto civile"And"social conquest”. Afterwards, the duo Pannella&Bonino, He fought in favor of all the worst aberrations: from genetic manipulation to euthanasia, from the culture by Victo NGAI gender. And while my words did the rounds of the Roman Curia and many prelates, in their notorious cowardice, You fregavano your hands or m ’ sent private messages saying: "Thank goodness that you say what we cannot say», the Holy Father, far from inviting the affected satanassa Bonino in old age by a tumor to convert, preparing so through public repentance and Penance to his big meeting with death, that is the judgment of God, with nothing to sigh about all this urged instead to … «keep hard» (!?) [see WHO, WHO, WHO, etc. ..].

Francesco in the chair 2

The Holy Father Francis, the Chair of the Bishop of Rome

A Roman Pontiff will always be the object of my obedience, It is a fact not disputed by me written and explained in numerous articles. Even before an Alexander VI, even before John XII Revenant I shall see and therefore always venererò any successor of the Prince of the Apostles, the mystery of the church built by Christ on Peter. As indeed the Holy Bishop and doctor of the Church Ambrose: Ubi Petrus, Church was there [Expositio in Ps., XL, § 30].

bonino abortion

Famous photos of Emma Bonino who practiced abortions with a bicycle pump. Ever repenting of its past, followed in his mind to call the ’ abortion “great social conquest”.

This does not detract from the fact that the Holy Father, in his private functions the following penalty then from newspapers and from television stations around the world in a more or less fixed, more or less instrumental, ends up being sometimes embarrassing, but not for what he said – or rather often unspoken – but for what mass media eventually let him say what in truth never said. As indeed I have repeatedly written: In "The Church"field hospital”, to cope with the wounded who come to the emergency room; often wounded also by certain ambiguous words and gestures, We us priests, that today, as never before, had been ill-treated and, where appropriate, rebuked by a Roman Pontiff that considers appropriate to encourage two children but of the Antichrist as Marco Pannella [see WHO, WHO, etc. ..] ed Emma Bonino, to which each of us, by the successor of Peter to the last priest of’Catholic world, It can mean only one thing, If anything even to raise supplice kneeling in front of them with tears in his eyes: "I beg you, converted and believe in the Gospel, otherwise the judgment of God upon you will be very strict, because with your evil works you have created all the conditions for a certain eternal punishment, much you despised the laws of God and the mystery of the gift of life!”.


the fruits of “social conquest” carried forward from his youth until now never repenting from Emma Bonino who should … “sit tight”

Preaching in the desert sands, using my words but in essence making use of certain content expressed other Pontiffs from Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and Saint Catherine of Siena, in a step that I turned to the Holy Father with these words:

[…] We should not ever trust anyone who goes through that confidence by Brocade decorated in gold and silver to a dime a dozen with acrylic rags, because this shows that these transformers are never clerical themselves, then do not exhibit the genuine sincerity of selfhood. Those that after your election to Augusta Sacred Throne have placed in the safe pectoral crosses of gold to show up at meetings of bishops or in private audience by the Pope with pectoral crosses iron, or those who appear to poorer still occur directly with pectoral crosses of wood shaped yes Franciscan, are the living sign of unreliability most false and dangerous, as well as the paradigm of that appalling mediocrity that today stifles the Church of Christ from the lowest to the highest levels [see WHO].

logo roma seven

the ’ information organ of the Diocese of Rome

I do not watch television, If not very often; I am well aware, however, that there are several comedic programs that help the audience to laugh at a time in which there would be plenty to cry, Suffice it to say that Europe is social and political collapse, with the cutthroats who are breaking through its doors and many old churches of Northern Europe and France ’ now depopulated and to this date in Muslims use to make of mosques. In any case, boutade the most hilarious comedy can be found these days in serious and official messages sent by certain offices and church institutions. Let me point out in this regard an article on RomaSette.it, the information on-line of the Diocese of Rome ’, that please read and then answer this question: Roberto Benigni and Maurizio Crozza, at the height of their "delusions" of comedy, We would never get to these new levels by clerical spot Advertiser National-popular?

Paul Schiavon

S. AND. Mons. Paul Schiavon, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome who resigned from the post of ’ 75 years of age

But we did object of this my comment: at the end of 75 years of age s ’ has resigned from the Office of auxiliary bishop of Rome and. Mons. Paul Schiavon, replaced by a fifty, Augusto Paulo Lojudice, priest of the Roman presbytery. I don't know this confrere who in a few days will receive the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit through episcopal consecration and I want to say without equivocation that penalty will be pious and worthy person to receive the fullness of the Apostolic priesthood and cover so that the Office was entrusted. It is no coincidence this Roman priest – to whom I wish every best and for which I invoke every grace of the Lord – made me laugh, But what was written by the information officer of the Vicariate of Rome with repeated calls to Cardinal Agostino Vallini:

«Peculiar attention to the poor, underlined by Cardinal Vallini, who recalled the visits to some Roma camps in which don Lojudice has accompanied over the years: a reality of "frontier" that the bishop-elect had chosen to follow a few years ago along with a group of students of the Roman major Seminary, where was spiritual father by 2005 al 2014. A sign of recognition of Pope Francesco “for a commitment to charity – diocese said Cardinal – carried out by Caritas, Parish, dalle associazioni” » [See text WHO].


New style – Cardinal Francesco Montenegro, Archbishop of Agrigento, and the new Episcopal greeting: the catalinho_cv9 raised

Before these claims is clear that the Vicar General of his Holiness, today leading discoverer of poor and remained thunderstruck by them over the past two years along the path of clerical rather than conformism along the road to Damascus, lives and has its own Office in a Palace – the Lateran, which is no doubt the poor emblem for the poor dreamed by the Holy Father from the very beginning of his pontificate. Just go into that building and log on if anything in private apartments of certain prelates, or go and look in the folders of the Treasurer's Office spending big bucks for the renovation of several of them. Just so, Why just certain monsignorotti took possession of the accommodation to their assigned, of practice and discipline were to do everything from top to bottom.


New style – “the ocelots” e il Cardinale Montenegro. Bourbon Princes until yesterday, These were until a few years ago the Sicilian bishops, now changed to “boys” in the mood for making jokes National popular

The current Vicar General of his Holiness for the Diocese of Rome He is remembered by many of my fellow brothers, priests for over two decades, living with terror, When they rimembrano the days when it was their Rector at the Seminary of Naples. Elected then Auxiliary Bishop of that city, apparently not spent his days as pious Pilgrim among the "existential suburbs " – that in Naples there is no lack of – or serve meals in canteens for the poor, or visit the slums or Roma camps. In the ancient and noble Partenope no memory of facts like that. Nor does it appear that this Auxiliary Bishop Pai has ever fallen in piazza to snatch the young manpower to those sons of the demon of the Camorra, which govern for decades that splendid city, not only illegal in State legal status, but as higher power at the same legal power the State.


New style from the “Poor Church for the poor”, Cardinal Montenegro with a pectoral cross of wood

Elected Bishop of Albano, mostly dotted diocese in exclusive areas of the Castelli Romani, None of the many priests who celebrated a day that was intended for other Office recalls that he had never seen the villas of the Castelli Romani with an old Fiat-Panda of the early 1980s, coi sedili posteriori tirati giù per far spazio alle buste della spesa da portare agli imprenditori od ai professionisti con le parcelle a sei zeri che si trovavano ad attraversare dei momenti di difficoltà, al punto da essere costretti a risparmiare sui costi di manutenzione delle loro piscine; to the extent that the Caritas diocesana wondered whether it was appropriate to send volunteers to cut the grass of their golf courses.


New style from the “Poor Church for the poor”. Cardinal Montenegro with another model of pectoral cross of wood

Poi fu nominato Presidente del Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica, located in a large and splendid palace whose spaces, What we know, were never changed to dormitories or housing for the homeless of Urbe Quirite, or Welcome Center for those who attack you now Roms like flies in the nearby Via della Conciliazione, profanities and blasphemies pulling you back if not by money.

Finally he was appointed vicar general of his Holiness for the Diocese of Rome, with residence in the Palace of the Lateran, where it does not appear that the Roma rise and fall along the solemn Sadler, also because at the entrance, by Convention with the Ministry of the Interior, was placed to a security police. Nobody is that cops have received disposal by ecclesiastical authority to indicate the Gypsies and the corridor plan in which is located the Office of Cardinal Vallini, at which send children the morning do not go to school to ask directly to him begging, because that – alms – the demand so annoying to Italian citizens who at the entrance of their houses or on their journeys are not protected against policemen and saucy sometimes even dangerous stalkers.

If the poor – and especially to certain Rom svelte hands – is not allowed access to the solemn Lateran Palace also enjoys a special legal regime applicable to extraterritoriality under international conventions, on the other hand was allowed them to develop, under this papacy "poor to the poor", a real racket alms throughout Via Merulana, from San Giovanni in Laterano and Santa Maria Maggiore, why s ’ was seen before. And the Panhandlers – which again are part of a real racket managed by crime – are all de rigueur placed to sow harassment on the territory of the Italian Republic, of which I am proud to be me priest citizen and they are happy to pay taxes, contrary to certain prelates, ivi incluso il Cardinale Vallini, who can benefit from a police station in charge of monitoring the entrance to his residence and Palace that has the Holy See passport which has also a blue car with diplomatic license plate.


New style from the “Poor Church for the poor”. Another model even wooden pectoral cross of Cardinal Montenegro

It is true that the donkey is tied to the pole where he wants the master, as the old proverb says; but the Evangelical maxim is quite different from certain sayings of popular wisdom, because the Lord has called us serfs, because the servant does not know what his master [GV, 15,15]. It's no coincidence the Lord has called us friends, because he wants our faithful friendship, IE our Christian way, Christological or better, He doesn't want our labor ruffianesimo, less than ever it takes courtiers computers, ready to jump on the bandwagon of new master, or how any of winner, the face of Christ and all his saints.


New style from the “Poor Church for the poor”, yet another pectoral cross of rich wood joinery collection of Cardinal Montenegro

La verità è che in questa Chiesa ridotta spesso a un teatrino made of spot for advertising effect, We find ourselves faced with authentic walking dead on two legs without knowing d ’ be dead. There remains therefore remain cautious and vigilant on deck, While doing everything in our power to do pastoral work to save souls, While waiting for the current drag via these corpses. Because pace of lackeys, of ruffians and complacent courtiers of all time, Christ our God always knows when and how to change the program through the work of the Holy Spirit on his Church. And maybe, the Holy Father Francis, for grace and mysterious God's projects might just be the key useful to reduce the slow agony of our agony, letting us make the big collapse in a short time, so that we can then begin soon to rebuild from scratch over the rubble. And of this, one day, We should be grateful to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Father Francis for being his faithful and effective instrument of grace for the Church of Christ and the people entrusted to it by the Lord.

Open the doors to Christ

… is in Christ, We must open the doors, to him and especially his Savior power. This is something for which we must “sit tight”, until his return at the end of time.

I think deserve mention "last but not least for the fact that the Church recently wanted to proclaim Holy and heroic virtue" model that Saint John Paul II, which was the best of the worst of the proletarian-Communist dictatorship directly on your skin, at the beginning of his pontificate did not say: «Open the doors to the poor of existential suburbs», He invited the world to "Open the doors to Christ and his saving power». Exactly this, He said that John Paul II offered today as viable and feasible model of heroic virtue. And who canonized, in doing so he just presented and proposed as heroic virtue model to be pursued, not as a “Santino” from popular iconography.

We are now beyond the so-called fruit, We are over the same digestive tract. Now we need a powerful laxative, If not a real gastric lavage, to free as soon as the ’ of our poor gut but still Holy Church, that despite the dire poor fools works − which have always been by far the worst of heretical works smart – will always remain spotless bride of Christ until his return at the end of time. This is our faith, This is our hope Christological: «Le porte degli inferi non prevarranno contro di essa» [Mt 13, 16-20]. And we will not cease to open wide the doors to Christ and his saving power. the poverolatrie that Castro only mundane conformism and servile opportunism the leave willingly to clerical hacks, including those Cardinals who have suddenly discovered d ’ as a tool for understanding and as a means of measuring the Roma Supreme, instead of the real value of a ’ Gospel more and more unknown and unheard by the men of this world; including those Cardinals with crosses hanging on wooden chest. I am afraid that these people run the serious risk of increasingly represent itself and its human and from actual dissociations pastorale, instead of the authentic and unique ’ Church of Christ treats us as friends, No servos; It takes announcers of salvation and true tools for fulfillment of his plans of redemption, because this is the mission that Christ entrusted to his church built on Peter.


Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The end doesn't justify the means


[…] and here the speech you can certainly extend to those who aspire to the first positions in the field of culture, of science, of theology, of ecclesiastical dignities. And here we have an explosion of self-righteousness, sad deformation of spiritual life and of the vocation of the theologian and Pastor, plague that does not spare any century in the history of Christianity, scandalous and choking of spiritual invasion by land interests more or less sinful, especially for power, by domain, of efficiency, listings, of success. Here is setting up the most dangerous and cunning closer to that of the serpent of Genesis, Why, If the damage or profiteer politician disappoints in economic goods, the evil Shepherd, the false prophet or teologastro sends the soul to hell.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



machiavelli 0

Prince, the most famous opera by Niccolò Machiavelli

We all know the axiom that sums up the doctrine of Machiavelli about the Prince's duties: "the end justifies the means", Although this principle is not machiavelliano in the text with these precise words. It does mean that, If the end is good, any means serving to the attainment of the end, It is for that very reason fair and good or, If it is bad, becomes good. Also know as this maxim of Machiavelli has been rejected by many. Remarkable, for instance, is the essay by Jacques Maritain "The end of Machiavellianism” in Reason and Reasons . Here I would like to study in a special way his critique. (C)itiamo first Florentine Secretary's words contained in the famous Prince:

machiavelli 2«The laudabile keep the faith, and to live with integrity and not with cunning, each the means. Nevertheless you see from experience in our time, those princes have done great things of faith held little, and who knew with cunning work around the brains of men, and eventually they exceeded those that are founded on loyalty ... Venture to say this, that were (good qualities) and always observe, are harmful, and of them parendo, they are useful; how pitiful opinion, loyal, Human, itself, and be; but being so built with the soul that, not be case, You can and will change in the opposite ... A man who wants to make all parts good profession, agrees that ruin in among many that are not good. So you must learn to be not good, and use it and not use it as needed, half man, half beast, Fox now, now lion ... What has been able to better use the Fox, It's better to happen... But you must always be so prudent who knows how to escape the disgrace of those vices that the torrebbero was ... If men were all good, This precept is not good. But because I'm sad, and would you not, you still don't have to observe them».

Machiavelli 1

Niccolo Machiavelli

The flaw in this reasoning of Machiavelli It is not going, as may appear, admitting that, to achieve certain purposes, It may be useful to use in special cases of means that are generally prohibited. If Machiavelli stopped at this, would reason. This, however, does not mean an act in itself coonestare bad. But this does not mean that it is impossible to play an Act generally bad conditions that make it good. Indeed, as you know, the same traditional morality, admits as self-defense killing of unjust aggressor. Likewise also the lie, that kind is bad, Why does the listener of the right to know the truth, in certain cases, can be seen as a legitimate defense against those who would use the news to do harm, and then may become legal, as can be seen from the behavior of Raab, narrated in the Bible [GS 2,1-21], which is rewarded [GS 6, 22-25] and praised in Hebrews [EB 11,31] and from San Giacomo [GC 2,25].

machiavelli 3

the scourge of “machiavellism” in politics

No bad acts that can never become good, even for certain circumstances. And it is here that Machiavelli falls, because for him there is no absolutely bad Act, While on the other hand, does not believe that good always and absolutely go tried. A complete distortion of morality; Sin becomes commanded, While virtue is scorned.
It is not about, as some say, independence of moral politics. Political action, Since human act, It is simply a moral act having as purpose the cure for the common good. Morals and politics cannot ignore one another to each other, but politics is nothing more than the application of moral principle in the context of social relations. The policy simply must determine in the social field what the moral law is indeterminate; but cannot combat it. Nobody authorizes the politician to be a villain in the name of politics. But even the politician, just as political, is called, in Christianity, to be Holy. Machiavelli, to learn these things, He had under his eyes beautiful teachings of the Savonorola; but failed to gain any profit.


maximum machiavelliche of Al Capone: “You can do more with a kind word and a gun, than with a kind word and just”

This relativism and moral expediency Machiavelli It also reveals in confuse prudence with the cunning, how it looks already evident from indifferent that Machiavelli makes two words. This means that advises the Vice instead of virtue, as St. Thomas teaches the cunning is a false prudence for which 'someone, Ad finem aliquem consequendum, Vel vel bonum malum, veris not viis utitur, SED simulatis et apparentibus ».
And it is precisely what makes the astute: to achieve its end, which does not appear to be a good end – "do great things" doesn't want to even say anything – pretends to be good, upright and honest, but it really isn't. So the cunning is the companion of hypocrisy.

A Psalm of Scripture praises the cunning against the "evil" [Shall 17,27]. But as to defend itself against a criminal, then it is clear that must be understood in the sense of prudence, of the prudence, where Christ says that we should imitate the snakes. Vice versa, Machiavelli's the Prince does not scruple to deceive, harm or exploit even the innocent, in order to achieve its aims of domination and power.


the goodness …

For Machiavelli the goodness is not an absolute end, but the end is this do "great things", which may be simply a will to power or self-affirmation. What if, to order service, serves the goodness, well, But if it serves the wickedness, well the same. In an environment of wicked, the single, for Machiavelli, If he wants to be in luck and success or at least survive, must in turn be evil. They, to give force to his sophisticated reasoning, It conceives that the duty to be good, is, in the words of Kant, a categorical imperative, aside from the fact that we hardly ever meet pure evil company, where does not shine some light of goodness.

Saint Peter Dominican martyr

Dominican St. Peter Martyr

One thing is certain: that Machiavelli was not able to understand the value of martyrdom. It is clear that Machiavelli in his considerations is driven by a simple earthly perspective. The destiny of man resolves to this world, losing in this world means losing everything. Be defeated here to be faithful to an ideal oltremondano for Machiavelli makes no sense. From that you can see its not say radical anti-Christian, But even materialist, because ancient sages like Socrates and Plato, they elevate the look beyond purely land interests and aspirations to hear the absolute and unconditional imperative of moral value present in consciousness.

With the formidable under her eyes of a Savonarola, Machiavelli was limited to a modest eulogy, perhaps without realizing that heroic brother's example was a radical denial of its logic of

savonarola plaque in Ferrara

the Dominican Girolamo Savonarola plaque posted on the Town Hall in his hometown of Ferrara

arrogance. It should be noted that, If the medium is not good, no circumstances can make good the goodness of end cannot make it good. The order therefore cannot justify a half bad, just as God justifies the sinner making it good. The steal to give to the poor remains a steal, Although the give to the poor is commendable. Because the medium is good not enough that effectively reaches end; must be good in itself. Some steal to give to the poor can be an effective means to benefit the poor, the theft remains theft.

So too, If a medium is absolutely bad, cannot become good. This impression could give it the murder and falsehood. But they are not bad as such acts, but only the murder of an innocent person and falsehood to the innocent. If not, as we have seen, It may be legitimate to kill or deceive the malefactor. We here therefore a distortion of values, that goodness is at the service of evil. There is still bitterness assumption that good cannot overcome evil, especially in social intercourse: might as well then take the road of evil in the false idea of being able to defend themselves and assert themselves so. Given that others are evil, If you want to survive and go down, of be evil too.


Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve by Michelangelo

Machiavelli seems split absurdly good idea, almost should or could be a super good of man "al di là del bene e del male", related figures and functional to the Supreme good, indifferent to good and evil or synthesis of both. Here Machiavelli seems to preempt Nietzsche. The good seems to consist precisely in this oscillation, in this play skillfully between good and evil, depending on amenities. Duplicity is erected to system, the polar opposite of frankness and linearity of Evangelical "Yes, Yes, no, No ". Do not give a good pure and absolute separated from male; but an unbreakable bond between them, that seems already presaged the Hegelian dialectic.

common good

the Earth, the great common good …

The Prince does not affect the machiavelliano service to the common good, but only to its: keep tight hold of the power, whatever it is, and dominate others. Must of course be generous and unselfish; but only when it suits him. But overall must pretend, If you want to be successful and keep the power. The important thing is not to be honest, but to believe the high of it. From here you understand what Machiavelli offers on his principe: the important thing is not to serve the people, but just give the appearance. The important thing is to stay afloat at any juncture through honesty and dishonesty. Moreover, history shows that even those who follow these ideas don't always have luck and indeed often end badly, while leaders politicians, Heads of State, honest and brave rulers, even if not always goes well, but you can have a great success, as demonstrated by the examples in noble figures, as a St. Louis IX, a St Wenceslas, a Charlemagne in the past and in our times Alcide De Gasperi, Giorgio La Pira, Aldo Moro, Benigno Zaccagnini, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Gandhi and many others. Not to mention the great Popes in history.


the pirate crew

Prince machiavelliano also needs to be an artist in ciurmeria, always hold the power to dominate others. In that regard, they arouse the whole smart Fiorentino admiration those who "knew with cunning work around the brains of men". And here the speech you can certainly extend to those who aspire to the top even outside of politics, in the field of culture, of science, of theology, of ecclesiastical dignities. And here we have an explosion of self-righteousness, sad deformation of spiritual life and of the vocation of the theologian and Pastor, plague that does not spare any century in the history of Christianity, scandalous and choking of spiritual invasion by land interests more or less sinful, especially for power, by domain, of efficiency, listings, of success. Here is setting up the most dangerous and cunning closer to that of the serpent of Genesis [Gen 3,1], Why, If the damage or profiteer politician disappoints in economic goods, the evil Shepherd, the false prophet or teologastro sends the soul to hell.


Jesus heals the blind from birth

One more woe afflicting the Church today It is precisely the multiplication of these subjects, qualified or not qualified, amateurs or professionals, which, as I said a Dominican Superior, — I do not know if with these words you repeat the account Machiavelli —, «change the mind of the faithful».

Another flaw of Machiavelli is the excessive importance which he gives ground to success. There is no doubt that the Prince's political program aimed at success and can be attacked more than a Bishop or a theologian you wait from their business success. but yet, even Prince Christian must not be too attached to the success and, in order to stay faithful to principles of honesty, must be able to accept the failure. Better a failure but with a clear conscience that a great success with deception, corruption and dishonesty: "the subtle cleverness which tends to draw in the error" [Ef 4,14]. Today, especially behind the formidable impetus coming from the Church from Leo XIII to the current Pope, many voices have been raised in order to underline and enhance the moral dignity of political action in the service of the common good and the close link that a healthy political ethics must have with the Gospel.


the good Samaritan collects and maintains the ’ man attacked on the street by robbers

Today more than one time many, especially young people, understand and appreciate what is noble and admirable devote their lives to the good of others, maybe only on humanitarian grounds, the improvement of the policy, the establishment and promotion of social justice, the defence of the oppressed at the cost of sacrifices and failure and even risk their lives. After the bitter experience of dictatorships of the last century seems to be a widespread loathing, at least in Western countries and noncommunist UN-Islamic or right against the machiavelliano model of the head of State or sovereign or, the political leader. This is not to say that the machiavellism was defeated in society as in the Church. It is then those evil plants sown from original sin, that always reborn if we are not ready to snatch with the remedy of honesty, Justice and charity.

Varazze, 18 May 2015

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The imprint of the face of Christ in the shroud



the ’ shroud footprint, Despite belonging to a body, as is testified by the position of the arms and legs, However, at the same time unsettling testimony of ’ moment in which Christ is rising and leave us a miraculous sign and struck by this instant, to which nobody has seen, but only this poor dumb towel, but more eloquent than a thousand human testimonies.


Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON


Shroud 2

photographic images of the shroud

On the occasion of the exposition of the Shroud in Turin, an event of great significance and resonance in the ecclesial and scope ’, more widely, of culture, of science and history, I think our readers will like these my considerations relating to the interpretation of ’ ’ imprint of his face on the towel sindonico. They will lead us to better understand the meaning and value of this mysterious Footprint, that, scientific research progresses, always better and always with greater certainty confirms the traditional belief of the Church (1), whether it is actually of the cloth which was wrapped the body of Christ, down from the cross and laid in the Tomb, According to the account of the Gospel [Mt 27,59; MC 15,46; LC 23,53].

according pia

the Piedmontese lawyer according to Pia ’ [1855-1941] who performed the first photo on the Shroud

Everyone knows the sensational event ’, that was in 1898 as the Turin lawyer according to Pia ’, who, in preparing the facial sindonico photography, She saw appalled and thrilled, that the negative of the photo showed the features of the face in relief, as if, Similarly to what happens in a photographic portrait of a face exposed to light, protruding parts — for example, the nose or the opposite — they lit, While those falling or were hidden in the shadows.

Shroud 3

close-up of face

From then until now it is common practice to interpret this surprising negative of the Shroud imprint in the same way as or on the model of the negative of a photographic portrait, as if it were, to be precise, the negative of a negative. Let me explain. The theory that was formed as a result of the discovery of Pia is as follows: you imagine the ’ shroud impression as if it is the negative of a photographic portrait; so the negative of the picture of this imprint is logically to form a positive: Here, then, appear with clarity and relief, nearly lit by light, the features of the face, like a real portrait, What that previously did not have this representational effectiveness, because we are facing a simple imprint or, we could say, a simple negative. Of course everyone has always recognised the imprint of the face ’.

shroud 1898

Exposition of the shroud in 1898

The ’ operation of the Pia meant that this face you recognize so much better, because the eye ’, considering that negative, the perceived as a positive, Although on the contrary (2), almost a mysterious and solemn Face that emerged from the darkness of white photo negative. Because of this, This picture, next to the ’ shroud footprint, emerged right away and deservedly to worldwide fame. But it fell in a big mistake, which even today generally don't you realize. L ’ error lies in the fact that it is wrong to compare the picture of the face, coming out of the photographic negative of the photo of mark ’, a common photographic portrait, as is the case when we photograph our friend or our familiar. Indeed, a photographic portrait is a common face illuminated by a light source, that comes from the outside of the face, usually a light or left or right or top ’. In the so-called Flash the light strikes the subject head-on. Anyhow, you always give the face parts that remain in the shade, caused by the fact that, for instance, the nose is an obstacle in the light, for which projects a shadow ’ on the cheek.

shroud 5

shadows and lights of the face

What has not so far made attention and that causes the error of ’ theory of the negative of a photographic portrait, is that areas of the ’ area in which are the footprints of the face, imprint-free — for example, the space between the cheek and the footprint or the hair between the nose and the cheeks —, are not comparable to d ’ shadow areas as might happen in a photographic portrait, shadow i.e., as I said, caused by the fact that certain parts hamper the arrival of light ’. Instead of sindonico areas in shadow on the towel, they are why not reached — as today — science attests from irradiation perpendicular to the fabric, hit by a mysterious radiant energy, which, leaving the Face the Lord gave the sheet, or to accuracy has more oxidized the most bulging of the face — for instance the nose, moustache and brow — and less and less and less frontal parts and more oblique than the direction of the rays, up to l ’ irradiation completely ineffective compared to areas located in the same direction of rays, like for example the parties left or right cheek and neck, that does not leave any footprint and are totally in shadow.

shroud 5

shadows and lights of the face

Anyhow — and this is crucial to the refutation of that theory — the shadow parts are not such because other parties are hampering the arrival of radiant energy, at that time had not yet been discovered and was mistaken for a light source, as is the case in normal photographs of other humans. But the parts of the face on the canvas are either shaded or more or less in evidence in relation to the fact of being more or less close the source of radiant energy ’, which is the same Face, to evade entirely to it in areas where the impression of ’ energy ’ is totally absent, because there may come.

shroud 1931

preparation of the Shroud for the exposition of ’ 1931

If the picture of the face was comparable to a photographic portrait, as it was believed until now, the ’ facial image should have shaded parts caused by other parts of the face, for example the ’ shadow of the nose on the cheek or part of the enlightened face of ’ or similar details, all things that are absolutely not. This type of shade “from obstacle” is totally absent from his face and c ’ is only ’ other “for non-contact”, not due, as I said, from parts that hamper the light, but just where the light parts — rather the radiant energy — couldn't get, Why put in its own direction.

Shroud 7

the light and dark Shroud

This radiant energy was both light and heat, a Luz caliente, would St. John of the cross, referring to the light of faith, principle of love, We have given and radiates from the face of Christ. Heating for the oxidation of ’ fabric; bright, as it has caused the ’ imprint of the Face, that is a face of pure light without shadows, just as Saint John says that "God is light and in him there is no darkness» [The Gv 1,5]. Vice versa, the theory of ’ photographic image should assume of shadows by obstacle, as in any normal photo; shadows that instead, in the face sindonico, There aren't any. Nothing in the face of Christ, poses an obstacle to light. Since it is a light which proceeds in a straight line — in Christ all is right, everything is right - , can't illuminate what is out of its direction and its scope. A lesson for us, Let us not fully illuminate from Christ and, as we finished and c ’ is the not-to-be, do not be surprised if the light of Christ is therefore limited in us: can't illuminate what c is ’.

The face of the Shroud is not a face illuminated by a light that comes from outside, as our. It is instead a face light, that gives off light, similar to the face of Moses, and indeed much more, While it is true that is the face of the word of truth, that illuminates the world.

shroud 8

detail of the hands with the sign of the nail in the wrist

The conclusions, to which we arrived, have a unique interest and make us discover an aspect of Face sindonico, that so far it had not been considered because of a misunderstanding. The rest, the discoveries we make for centuries in the shroud Image are ’ to each other in a wonderful and exciting sequel, It seems he never end. Something happens in Christology, where theologians and the Church itself never end to discover new aspects of the mystery of Christ, in which ' are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge " [With the 2,3].

Shroud 9

photographic negatives

C ’ is also another aspect of the shroud image ’, which seems that everyone today ’ there yet realized. And is the ’ hair style. This impression is not that which would arise from contact with the radiant energy ’ with sagging hair, What would be logical that they were those of a corpse lying on a horizontal plane, as it is supposed to be the body of Christ, covered by fabric. Instead the hair, How is the ’ imprint, fall perpendicularly, as if the body were pillow block feet, so alive, with front cover, at a certain distance, ’ too it perpendicular to the floor [supported by who?], so you can receive the ’ imprint of the body of the Lord.

shroud 10

the shroud, It could be a snapshot of the resurrection?

What conclusions to draw? The ’ shroud footprint, Despite belonging to a body, as is testified by the position of the arms and legs, However, at the same time unsettling testimony of ’ moment in which Christ is rising and leave us a miraculous sign and struck by this instant, to which nobody has seen, but only this poor dumb towel, but more eloquent than a thousand human testimonies.

Varazze, 4 May 2015


(1) The law of prayer, law of belief. The 17th century exist in may in the Diocese of Turin a liturgical memory of the shroud as an imprint of the body of Christ dead and risen. Naturally this belief of the Church is not dogma of faith, and yet the sum is authority, though it is not the subject of faith, that is a matter of divine revelation. It is, however, connected to the faith matters, Giacchè – Apart from the relationship with Evangelical narratives – What could be more associated with the faith, If the body of the man, which is the Author and his early mastery of the ’ faith (EB 12,2)? To be specified, Furthermore, that the said conviction of the Church does not claim absolutely to replace or overlap to the judgment of science, which, in this field, It is also within its competence, can and should make judgments, that are absolutely free and independent from faith, with their own authority and certainty based on ’ experience and reason.
(2) Would be almost done to say, with Luther: void contrary species. Par almost a Hegelian dialectic game: the positive in the negative.


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