Author Father Ariel

Babel and the Newspeak: Church without a vocabulary for half a century [version available in Spanish]



When the Church waiver of a common language, Universal and precise, this is the language dogmatic, fixed and timeless, since his task is to take the time, then comes the lack of communication and renewed the drama of the pride of Babel. In short, urge to run for cover and take note of the dramatic figure: we have lost the language to communicate the mysteries of faith, that require a lexicon precisely and accurately, which is independent of the company and the time; and this language is the language of metaphysical […]



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Years ago I spent a lot of time for reflection and study of some particular socio-ecclesial,false prophets wolves then securing in some of my books - in particular in the work And Satan came Trino - A concept on which followed always argue: the principle of reversal of good and evil that turns evil into good and good into evil, until the "natural" destruction of the concept of good and evil, in a world where the secular and ecclesial subjective consciousness is canceled and the objective consciousness - what Carl Jung would call in his own way "collective unconscious" or "collective consciousness" - is often totally annihilated. This process, which is the supreme creator the Devil, inevitably passes through the "emptying" of the words, first private content then filled the other, eg charity without truth, mercy without justice ...


Justice of God

mercy and judgment of God

When the beginning of the year 2000 I began to perceive certain forms of philanthropic gooders at the time in development and now reached the peak of real perversion, in the opening of my book published then in 2007 I wrote: "Charity without truth is lame, Truth without charity is blind. Charity welcomes the Truth to the extent that the Truth welcomes the Charity " (1). And it is the love that brings me to define our Creator God as a virile as the originating source of the concept of the manhood that takes fitness visible and tangible in the Incarnate Word, Christ the Lord, true God and true Man. All this to say that charity - at least that Christian - has nothing to do with some molasses. Love-love is a true "attribute" of God and as such is not even conceivable without the truth; in the same way in which mercy is unthinkable - at least in a Christian - without truth and justice. If, therefore, we want to reduce man to the true impotence of not be to condemn the not become, first you must empty words, alterarle and falsificarle, then deprive him of a vocabulary, then a language.


In running the last half century has been renovated within the ecclesial society what God's children have already experienced in the past, all through the same procedures and with the same consequences as the bottom end. Our modernity is in fact contained in the Old Testament story which tells of the construction of the Tower of Babel, Hebrew מגדל בבל - Migdol bavel :


Babel tower 2

Tower of Babel

The whole earth had one language and the same words. Migrated from men chanced upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said to one another: "Come on, let us make bricks and cociamoli fire ». They had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said: "come, build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make a name, lest we be scattered over all the earth ". But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said,: "There, they are one people, and they have all one language; This is the beginning of their work and now they plan to do will be impossible for them. Let us go down and confuse their language, they may not understand one another's speech ". The Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. This is why it was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth, and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon all the earth (2).


Adam and Eve


Among the many interpretations of this allegorical tale that besides the allegory contains the root of divine truth, love always prefer the image of punishment for an act of human arrogance of the man who not only tries to challenge God, but to replace God. However, the heart of the great temptation to which Adam and Eve yielded was the deception of the devil enclosed in an expression that runs through the dawn of time the history of humanity: … if you eat of this fruit of which there have been forbidden to feed yourselves, you will be like God. In this way the Tempter alters and doubts the word of God, just emptying it and turning it into another, insinuating the malevolent doubt that that prohibition is born only by jealousy of God, desirous that Adam and Eve were not like him.


In the ancient exegesis made when he still possessed and stored it carefully a vocabulary that contained within itself the real meanings of words and a common universal language, is used to make a connection between the episode of the Tower of Babel and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles at Pentecost Cenacle. Through the action of grace of the Holy Spirit to take the Apostles speak different languages ​​thus becoming understandable to people of all nations, healing the fracture originated in this way in the past in Babel.


theological disputes

theological disputes

They are the first to criticize the limits of the decadent neo-scholastic, that the authentic school is just a parody. If desired we can also to criticize scientific and relevant to certain parts of the work or to some of the same thoughts Angelic Doctor, that is dogmatic truths - in a wonderful way and so far unsurpassed - but whose thought, also not free from some human errors, is not a dogma of faith. St. Thomas Aquinas speaks of dogmas, and effectively transmits them through the meter of the best metaphysical, but the Summa Theologica is not a dogma, know it and always say the first Thomists, some even so hilarious saying that "God is not one, Trine and … tom », Although speculation of Aquinas proven for centuries for its valuable effectiveness with which guides us to penetrate the arcane mysteries of the Triune God.


Walter Kasper and Karl Lehmann

The Cardinals Walter Kasper and Karl Lehmann, disciples of the German theologian Karl Rahner

The exponents of the various theological schools have affrontanti for centuries in deep and sometimes furious theological debates, all benefiting from the legitimate right of citizenship within the Church. This occurred at various times of the long space that was the Middle Ages, still defined by certain irreducible donkeys as "era of the dark ages", an expression also adopted by certain ecclesiastics and theologians, some of them in the chair in our pontifical universities. The truth, is that in the "terrible" season "dark ages", which marked instead of the extraordinary explosion of the human intellect through the sciences, the arti, philosophy and theology, not only the comparison was possible but sought, favored and advocated; contrary to today, where above the ashes of the metaphysical language now de-constructed originated a crisis of unprecedented dogma, until the collapse in the paradox is understood in the strictest etymological sense of the Greek root of παρά [versus] e glory [opinion]. The perverse paradox today is that you can put into question the Incarnation of the Word of God, you can read in a purely allegorical resurrection of Christ, you can reduce the Holy Eucharist to mere symbolism of a joyful feast, you can scempiare the sacred liturgy according to the arbitrary action of the bohemian Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez di, You can drag within the Church African animism and Pentecostalism in North America through the devastating work of certain charismatic possessed, you can pass off the ecclesiology more ambiguous newspeak ciellino seated carrieristico of practice on the bandwagon, but you can not put into question the pernicious theories of Karl Rahner and all stars from the New Theology; of all the stars born from post erettosi council as a genuine Babel above the doctrines of Vatican II, on which we celebrated the great betrayal in a climate of brutal dictatorship that does not admit any healthy discussion. Or as said in a theological study of Southern a teacher to a seminarian: "What you think I do not care. What I want is for you to take me word for word examination Christology Walter Kasper and Karl Lehmann, if you want to pass my exam, otherwise …». And these modern “theology” Today in the chair, who have studied the patristic not on Greek texts but on summaries of handouts translated, which replaced the dogmatic talk by talking sociological; these destroyers of metaphysics and all common sense, often it is those who ironic style from the Enlightenment volteriani in the odor of Freemasonry Settecentesca on so-called "dark ages"; them who took the lamp over the table and have hidden under the bushel (3) finally delivering the Bride of Christ to a long night of darkness.


Cardinal martini

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini during a keynote

One time, one of several priests pulled up in our pretify - Those factories today deformation which are now reduced certain seminars - and bred through the best of the worst of the Protestant exegesis, baccalaureate, specialized and finally doctorate from the “rabbinical school” the Pontifical Biblical Institute without ever having touched what in philosophy and theology is truly Catholic thought, raised complaints about me, according to him guilty of criticizing the thought of “Most Holy Father of the Church” Carlo Maria Martini. The bishop of this priest kindly exhorted me to be less impetuous. I said to the bishop: "That his priest, not only flirts with anything that is not Catholic, but squints euthanasia, says so sibilino that the speech on abortion should be assessed “case by case”, that one day the Church does not consider whether women priests at least the diaconate to women, that the speech of divorced Catholics will go evaluated quickly and well. Responsible to cure a center of theological education, called to lecture leftists and ideological supporters of the culture of gender … yet has even impudennightly conversations in Jerusalemza to complain that I would have uttered a sacrilegious “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit”, ie have dared to criticize the thought of a thinker that I fear has made his soul to God in a crisis of faith. And mind you, Venerable Bishop, not fetchmo this because I dare to judge the intimate consciousness of Cardinal Martini, that only God can scrutinize and judgeKing, but because I analyzed some of his texts; and even if you want to read Nighttime conversations in Jerusalem, understand the inner drama of this man whom around theological studies Italians are dedicated lectures entitled celebrative “The word of Cardinal Martini”, all while day after day you forget more and more the Word of God, replaced with the verb of modern idols, including among them also Cardinal Martini. But this is not the problem but other: she knows that his priest critical subliminally the magistero of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, launching on both the Martinian “anathema” that the Church would be back at least 200 year old? Well mi tip: you may perhaps question the tenets of Catholic morality, criticize the teaching of the Church and of the last two Popes with modernistic haughtiness by biblical scholars pro-Protestant, and at the same time, however, be prevented from questioning, on a strictly scientific, theological and pastoral, certain statements unhappy and blatantly incorrect pronounced by Cardinal Martini?». Replied the Bishop: «Dear son, What can I do?». I replied: «Thethe place her know what to do, but the bishop is she, not me. Anyhow: the first step to solve the serious problems, is to first admit their existence, certainly not deny it ". Phi, in a very delicate, I reminded the bishop what constitutes serious and devastating lack for priests who exercise the priesthood in communion with the fullness of his priesthood and for the People of God entrusted to him, Il grave sin di dismissedone, He impotentza arising from non-action, sport now widely practiced in our increasingly episcopate reduced to a team of officials in the career that they do not want trouble, who do not like to discuss let alone are willing to call the rebellious children, However, despite being able to draw those who say the obvious: "WhatI do not pastoral "and often is not even Catholic. All with good peace of the defuntWhite-Martinior Cardinal Martini, that under the test of facts that cannot be easily denied, he spent his life to please and to be celebrated in glory by all the intellectual circles of the left, praised by strampa anti-Catholic and Masonic; all while John Paul II before, Benedict XVI after, by the same intellectual circles and by the newspapers were made literally in pieces methodically and often fierce. I repeat, these are the facts, with all due respect martinitt formed on the best of the worst of exegesis and Protestant heresies modernist now in power; and around his theological studies Italian organize seminars on “The word of Cardinal Martini”, calling often to pontificate other immacabile false prophet and bad teacher: Enzo Bianchi.


After the de-construction of the dogma erected on the detection and on the deposit of faith established by the great dogmatic councils of the Church, in its place have replaced the dogmatizations human thoughts of different Rahner, they created their first new vocabulary. Indeed, so that the coup could be really devastating, it was necessary to first establish two “myths” intangibles that could serve as neo-dogma: first of all, a new era with all the implications of the messianic event, it reads "hermeneutic of rupture and discontinuity”, namely the Church understood as an entity created by the post-Vatican II; then a new lexicon, ie all the ambiguous terminology of the new theological vocabulary rahneriano.


true and false theology

the work of Antonio Livi, True and false theology

In the work True and false theology my elder brother Antonio Livi is the phenomenon of de-dogmatization explaining with scientific rigor how metaphysics is essential for the interpretation of the dogma, as expressed in a scientific certainties of common sense. Data published at the height of his maturity philosophical and theological, this refers to the production of the French Dominican Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, in particular to his studies on common sense and to philosophy of being and dogmatic formulas, to follow the encyclical Faith and Reason of St. John Paul II, the drafting of which is not missed the contribution of Antonio Livi.


1984 George Orwell

the work of George Orwell, 1984

To poison the truth it is first necessary to poison the appropriate language to express it. So that, all these sowers of poisons and destruction that have poisoned the good theology and de-structured or destroyed the dogma, they ended up creating a language peppered their typical and specific neologisms, or how would George Orwell in his prophetic novel "1984": one Newspeak. And who does not speak Newspeak ends up being declared taboo, to quote a neologism that Freud so dear to certain theologians and ecclesiologists modernists.


When the Church waiver of a common language, Universal and precise, this is the language dogmatic, fixed and timeless, since its purpose and mission is to travel time, then comes the lack of communication and renewed the drama of the pride of Babel. In short, urge to run for cover and take note of the dramatic figure: we have lost the language to communicate the mysteries of faith, that require a lexicon precisely and accurately, which is independent of the company and the time; and this language is the language of metaphysical.


In the Church change - and must change - the accidents of language, but not the substance of the language based on the eternal unchanging. Or to put it with a courtly illustrative example: “Afterwards, ere no one who was God favellasse “. Traducento from courtly language to the current substance has: before the man spoke God already had. L ' accident - Which is the language of expression - can instead change and, without changing the substance of a single iota, Today we can safely say the same thing as saying: “Before anyone spoke God already had”.



precious chalice

Dire: “This is my body or say “Here this is my body”, it's the same thing, with all due respect to certain Lefebvrians that “they adore” plus the external accident and changing the of the Latins rather than the substance of the Eucharist which is Christ the eternal and immutable, This living and true, regardless of the external accidents which are by their very nature changing. Say instead “there, this represents my body”, would hardly be a mutation of the accident formal language but a mutation of the most delicate ontological substance, precisely linked to the ontology of divine uncreated, immutable and eternal. Hence for example the discussion on “for many” that by means of the accident language is instead now “for everyone “, thing that could open deep theological debates, but have no reason to be because Benedict XVI ordered that the correction in “for many ” in missals translated into various languages, several of which are already corrected and printed. As for me I say always “for many ” since the first Mass celebrated; and that not for abuse but for arbitrary adherent fidelity to the original texts, starting of course from those of the Gospel.



Missal of St. Pius V

Let me be clear: the Sacrifice of Christ destroys sin for the man called in its own way to contribute to this destruction to rebuild the New Adam. The Apostle Paul states with theological coherence that Christ "died for all," and that his death has destroyed sin (4). In a different but similar context, the author of the Letter to the Hebrews does not refer to “everyone”, for all, in a for many, a “a lot of”: «[…] the sins of many " (5). Exactly what pro for you and for many, that resonates in the original Latin text of the oldest Eucharistic Prayer, then translated into most of the national languages ​​by the term “for everyone”. In the original greek is used oι πολλοι, which literally means “most” but it does not mean “everyone”, term used in the Gospel of St. Mark and St. Matthew and just in the narrative of the institution of the Eucharist, in which the Evangelists do not use πάντες ἄνθρωποι [for all men]. We are then faced with a blatant inconsistency? Why the use of the term “for everyone” e “for many” almost similar in other contexts? It is not a semantic fallacy if we compare in terms escalotologico and theological “for many” e “for everyone” the mystery of the royal priesthood of Christ, that is not born with the priestly character but that assumes; and since I hired him for himself but for us, the question sounds nothing short of legitimate: Christ becomes the High Priest “for many” O “for everyone”?


Benedict XVI in the chair

from theological professorship to the Chair of Peter

There is no contradiction between the different rows above-mentioned: Christ's death, although it is sufficient for all, and although it took place for all is not effective if not for those who need to be saved because they want to be saved; equally true of the Royal Priesthood of Christ that takes effect for many who want to participate to benefit. Not everyone submit to Him in faith and works through the plan of salvation that is offered in the love and grace of the divine power; offered to all but not imposed. So is the man of freedom and free will to make effective or completely ineffective the Royal Priesthood of Christ. Therefore, transcription of “for many” derived from the greek oι πολλοι labeled “for all ", it is not at all - as Benedict XVI explained in a letter of his 2012 the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference restless - a faithful translation "but rather an interpretation" that might sound, I might add I, also not bit’ arbitrary. Benedict XVI, in his capacity as refined theologian, teaches us all thatNo theology, paying close attention to the meaning of words and their appropriate use - especially in the delicate sphere of dogmatic theology or in the specific case of sacramental dogmatics - does not mean moving on the sophisms played on matters of goat wool, but protect the truth from the danger of error making first use of the correct word, which is the Word of God, and only God's Word.


Sorcerer's Apprentice

the Dominican theologian John Cavalcoli usually defined as Karl Rahner Great Sorcerer's Apprentice

The truth is announced through words, because the Word of God himself became living word; and divine truth, to be announced and transmitted, does not require simple words appropriate, but its specific words. Who took care to study well and to fund the first major dogmatic councils celebrated during the first eight centuries of the Church's life, knows that the first problem that poses to the Fathers was first to find words adequate to express the mystery, however, that not being present in the vocabulary, were modulated by the philosophical lexicon greek. Since the sixties of the twentieth century, this “apparatus” linguistic philosophy and theology born by councils, the literature of the Fathers and speculation of the greatest doctors of the Church, was suddenly dismantled to chase after "new words", the Newspeak of Great Sorcerer's Apprentice, as he likes to indicate Karl Rahner, the Dominican Giovanni Cavalcoli, also the author of a work that constitutes a milestone in the critical thinking rahneriano [see who], given to the press after three decades of research and collecting in it too many valuable critical insights of the Servant of God Tomas Tyn, already the author at the time of a study in which he refuted the ambiguities and errors inherent in the thought of this famous German theologian.


Then taken by the euphoria of the big "update" and a "new Pentecost" misunderstood, we have lost the word eternal and immutable God and the language is appropriate and accurate through which pass, and today we trudge trying to express ourselves with a newspeak peppered with decadent German Romanticism, purpose of which is only to falsify the truth, in bad or good faith, dispersed and sometimes crazy under the shadow of the Tower of Babel which resonate the empty or dangerous than a thousand words and filosofismi sociologisms pseudo theological.


The first of which externalization public-private in externalization public-private it seems that you are showing without this metaphysical language and that is based on immutable dogma, it would seem the reigning Pontiff, while around him a nugulo of courtiers surrounding increasingly masters' according to their own whims, refusing to listen to the truth to get lost behind fables " (6).


in the beginning

prologue to the Gospel of St. John the Apostle

The last Synod of Bishops, those were the Synod Fathers able to understand and listen, or just to read - I'm not even saying to translate, but only to read - a text in Latin? Is it possible that in Rome, when in many homes priestly happens that thirty priests who speak ten different languages ​​should concelebrate the Eucharist, use English as the language, instead of Latin? Many should ask questions, while Peter, for its part, should hurry to give answers and to take serious action, instead of playing to please the media playing himself with Newspeak [see who]. What is in fact, while the burning house falls apart, water the garden of daisies that not wither with the warmth generated by the fire, ie announce a reform of the Roman Curia increasingly unlikely? Perhaps in order to please those who do not want to eat always Reform, but only the great and irrepressible desire to destroy Rome headquarters perennial of the Chair of Peter?



Songs of Advent: Creator of the stars

The authors of the Island of Patmos promote the protection of the heritage of song and of the Latin liturgy








1. CF. Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo: Herbs Amare, the century of Zionism. Rome, 2007.

1. Gen 11, 1-9.

2. CF. II Cor: 5, 15.

3. CF. Mt 5, 15.

4. CF. RM 1, 6-7.

5. CF. Letter to the Hebrews: 9, 28.

6. CF. II Tm 4, 1-8.

9 replies
  1. Riccardo says:

    father ariel
    I'm more and more convinced that the problemissimo both cxix with its documents, anfibologici in every respect and functional to their subsequent exploitation.
    Another problem is, as I seem to see, theology horizontal or religious philosophy, Ivan, chauvinist and self who bartered his lexicon Crystal had a gift from St. Thomas with the jewelery of modernist philosophical rant.
    I am also convinced that another problem is the pursuit of land at the expense of honesty supernatural holiness, forgetting that this is inclusive of that, while the reverse is not true.
    Terror, of omission, reticent, self-forgetting, of his task and the example of the Martyrs, the Church has abandoned the ambience dogmatic, which alone can ensure authorities to her Magisterium, Bitterly, “but hope against hope”, I see lying among the nettles the keys of Peter and the whip that strikes the error.

  2. hector says:

    Reverend Father, I address to all three, these questions for me and for many distressing.
    Church poor or poor church? Are reconcilable? What must the believer to belong to Jesus?
    Poor church, for more and more enthusiastic zealots, church "democratic" , of the referendum as the new questionnaire for the synod on issues related to family, outgoing church!
    Poor church - I would say – church men, church (irresponsible?) that away from God!
    With preparatory document, asks a warning "not to cancel the turn of the Pope" not to "start from scratch" . Exhortation (propaganda of proselytism) or intimidation?
    The "hype and marketing" – their expressions of "neo language" – orchestrated by zealous organizers, premature satisfaction, they consider already acquired the target.
    Many synod fathers have expressed doubts on the merits and in the method of choice "desired" and expressed dissent. The battle is not lost. Should the believer - a member of the People of God, conscientiously – make its voice heard to the contrary? Manifest as a good Christian? In the community, in…

  3. vincenzodatorino says:

    The late Don Piero Ottaviano founder of Didaskaleion in Turin for the evangelization of the laity, he already years 70 said that in sermons the priest should always give notions of catechism to meet chronic ignorance of the faithful who do not know their faith. Li is the awareness and the intellectual source for a true Christian life or not?

  4. Julian gifts says:

    Father very good morning, despite writing in Italian I prefer to ask my question in Spanish in order to avoid misunderstandings: you speak a new language imposed in recent years in the church, a vision that can be itself subjective and you talk like other priests of doctrinal language only as metaphysical, and while referring to Thomas Aquinas, but they forget that this language was in very checkered history that ended with nominalism where concepts were classified as empty words where only the man gave his power and meaning. On the other hand studies on language and history in recent centuries have given a valuation context, to the authors, the characters but especially the validity of the judgment of the observer externally. How can you think that in a society like the present ecclesial language of immobility, abstraction was and is the metaphysical language can respond and talk and define today's dynamic main linguistic feature? is not grabbing a piece of wood in the middle of a sea instead of swimming to seek salvation?

  5. federicofontanini says:

    Ieri will, during a meeting of the liturgical zonal, there were some interventions aimed at stimulating the celebrant to multiply explanations and comments during the liturgy. Today it has lost (or almost) clear and universal language of the Catholic liturgy ever thanks to which even a child or an illiterate old woman managed to enter into the mystery of the Holy Sacrifice. E’ really dramatic, no longer able to communicate and more open mouth, the more we talk about him without anything to solve.
    About then a few sentences arbitrarily changed in the Missal Italian, I like to remember also the translation “not worthy to enter under my roof” per “I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof;” it is quite another thing!

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Federico,

      the editors of this site are respectively: a true Romagna, the Dominican John Cavalcoli; and two Tuscan such as belonging to a note razzaccia, Antonio Livi and I.
      While my two illustrious brothers, for wisdom and seniority, have more modesty than me, I sometimes modesty I leave it somewhere, as Sor Peppino who occasionally forgot the bicycle, but then always found in some corner and on it came home. I do not pay also joking with knaves, I start well to joke with the saints, thing that was specialized to do even another Tuscan: San Filippo Neri.
      Given the above: forgive me if I say that it made me laugh when he told: “there were some interventions aimed at stimulating the celebrant to multiply explanations and comments during the liturgy“.
      I've come up with the liturgy of Christmas and I imagined this scene: the Blessed Virgin Mary during birth interrupts the pains to explain that what is about to come to light is not any child but the Word of God made man. And after giving birth, before the umbilical cord is severed the Divine Infant, Maria pauses, leave everything suspended, and together with Giuseppe explains that assists people meanwhile realized: “For you see, my dear, this baby is the Word that was in the beginning, who was God and was with God”.
      there, try to ask for explanations stimulators during the liturgical action, if they can imagine in your mind a delivery conduit with these modes, and especially the birth of the Word of God made Man.
      The liturgical action is structured on its precise words that enclose and renew the mystery of the living memorial and holy, before which he adores genuflecting, do not give unnecessary explanations, because the mystery is lived.

  6. Hector says:

    And good third article, father ariel, a corollary of the two articles of the brothers in the faith. A passionate speech. Una vehement perorazione, as it is in his nature.
    Babel of languages ​​course, But even before, poverty lexical, cultural poverty.
    Effect degenerate society that wants us all equal, indistinct, normalized, even in the ranks of the Church is manifested deficiency, the inadequacy of "preparation, instruction, doctrinal formation, theological, liturgical "seminarians, of Priests, of parish priests, of the bishops, it is clear the "skills gaps, awareness, responsibility, identity, role, authorities ". The differences, distances, the training gaps are emphasized by the cultures of origin, the origins, from experiences, from the masters.
    Once had a mother church doctrine, a language, teaching in which pastors and faithful are recognized, professing the same faith in Christ only, Now everyone has their own way, follows his gospel. Once there were God, devil and sin; there were the sacraments to live in Grace, to reconcile after falls.
    They say that the program was obsolete, that soon would come out the version without D. (d). p.

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Ettore,

      in the Church is in place for years a talk focused on “you have to start from …”, and each has its say: by faith, from culture, from the doctrine, from the liturgy, etc … everything right and all necessary and fundamental starting points, but since the Church is not an abstract body but a mystical body concrete – not surprisingly in days celebrate Christmas in the Incarnation of the Word of God – I believe that we must start from the bishops, to really be able to share one by one from all these things. Well, very few exceptions never, as in recent years – and I speak of Italy – had had a College of Bishops of such mediocrity, seems at times almost theater of friends of friends of friends … that once put in dioceses and often being seriously harmful, are left to their seats because one can not stay bad friends of friends that brought them to the episcopate; The Church can destroy, friends of friends but you can not offend.
      Sometimes pass whole days listening to the faithful and especially fellow priests who complain about the almost total lack of a minimally adequate Bishop.
      To bishops, the pastoral staff, is not given as a trinket liturgical, but to direct the flock; also necessary to throw him on the back of some sheep rebel.
      In short: to pull up the fortunes of Italian families you can leave from work, from the house, income, the support for the children, the right to education … all things right and very important. But to pull up the fortunes of the family, however, we must start from the father, the presence of a father and mother who are able to raise and educate the children.
      So it is with the Church, but unfortunately does not seem to want to understand the obvious, continuing to multiply detrimental friends of friends, to maintain “balance” they're marking our relentless and terrible failure …

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