Rocco Siffredi's penis, the unreliability of the Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia, the suffering from penile dysmorphophobia of the phallocentric man of the Third Millennium

After they carried the sadomasochistic Madonna and Christ in stiletto heels in procession to Gay Pride, I am on trial for calling an LGBT promoter inconsistent

Solemnity of Corpus Domini - The Eucharistic Mystery is the real sign and presence of Jesus, nourishment of joy for the Christian

“A touch of summer lightness” - Antonio Spadaro, I'm asking you for a friend: if lace and lace border on blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the thighs of the Jesuits exhibited in front of the Supreme Pontiff instead fall within the fashion of the new course?

Covid prevented us from putting water in the fonts but the clerically correct us “allows” to bless gay couples after their civil union in the city hall