After they carried the sadomasochistic Madonna and Christ in stiletto heels in procession to Gay Pride, I am on trial for calling an LGBT promoter inconsistent
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I am in the hands of your generosity: on one side I have only you, on the other, a pack of wolves who certainly do not want my condemnation - which is realistically unlikely - but that of the Catholic Church, to attach an ideological medal on the chest and continue to slap us with the next sadomasochistic Madonna or with the next Christ on high heels, bordering on complaints if anyone dares to reply to the promoters of the fascism of anti-fascism, at the intolerance of the tolerant and to discrimination against anti-discrimination champions.
- Actuality -
The usual LGBT lobbyists they carried in procession to the gay pride of Cremona the Madonna bdsm preceded last year by the Christ in a miniskirt on stilettos and various other amenities staged at these porcine parades. It is not clear on the basis of which freedoms, because the desecration of everything that is Catholic does not fall within the freedoms sanctioned by the Constitution of the Italian Republic.
While in the streets of Cremona the statue of the sadomasochistic Madonna paraded through the work of the most creative gaiety that has always felt free to express outrages to Christian sentiments, I find myself under criminal trial because sued by a promoter LGBT, complete with an association belonging to the most radical segment of the lobby LGBT which filed a civil party. For what damage is not known.
My respect for the law it does not allow me to give you details and to go into details, because the trials are held in the courtrooms, not in the newspapers or in the squares. It is the judges who have to judge, not the supporters of the parties involved. I can only tell you that in a legitimately controversial area, perhaps animated but not insulting, without harming the dignity of the human person, I publicly reproached a promoter LGBT committed to the defense of "civil rights" to be inconsistent and to "spit on the plate where he ate", because while on the one hand it supported ideology gender, marriage between same-sex couples, the adoption of children for gay couples, abortion and euthanasia considered social achievements and to follow all the things that I do not share but that anyone is totally free to express, at the same time he was studying at a Catholic university owned by the Holy See, even benefiting from a scholarship, while his colleagues paid 20.000 euros to do that same two-year master. Request: to me a Catholic priest and theologian, would be allowed to join and join an association LGBT with all my moral convictions, knowing that I do not miss an opportunity to reject what these associations propagate ideological? Matters of pure and simple consistency. If one is opposed to everything that the Catholic Church teaches on a moral level - and is free to be - why go and study at a Catholic university owned by the Holy See with a scholarship? The nature of this controversial debate was so clear that the Public Prosecutor ordered the filing "due to particular tenuousness of the fact". However, my plaintiff filed an objection to the dismissal order, forcing me to go through a trial, which means first of all spending money.
The logic of the whole is simple and clear: hit one to put it to bed 100, because the sadomasochistic Madonna and the Christ in a miniskirt on stilettos are fine, they are part of the gay freedom of expression, but a critical response to these activists and promoters is not allowed, May! Not only: you end up in court with a lot of association LGBT who forms a civil party in order to claim damages (!?).
Unfortunately I have no back neither a law firm that sponsors Catholic activists nor a Catholic association that supports them financially. But I am a priest and a theologian with a courage recognized even by my worst enemies, which allows me to work to give a voice to many Catholics, increasingly pushed towards a new Indian reservation by the intolerance of the tolerant, or if you prefer come on fascists of anti-fascism.
When this story is over I will give you a precise account of all the progress, but I can't do it now, because as I explained I would lack respect for Justice and those who are called to administer it.
On the one hand there are a pack of ideologized wolves who certainly don't want my condemnation - which realistically could be unlikely - but that of the Catholic Church, to attach an ideological medal on the chest and continue to slap us with the next sadomasochistic Madonna or with the next Christ on high heels, bordering on complaints if anyone dares to reply to the promoters of the fascism of anti-fascism, at the intolerance of the tolerant and to discrimination against anti-discrimination champions.
the Island of Patmos, 21 June 2022
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