Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The joy of love, the document of Pope Francis on the Synod of the family



This exhortation reaffirms the fundamental truths of reason and faith, relating to marriage and family, It outlines the characteristics, the purposes and the properties as well as he wanted the Creator, who, through the mission and work of Christ, He has granted to the Church and civil society to legislate with more precision in the field, according to the times and places, taking into account the fragility of human sinfulness and subsequent to original sin, in order to ensure to the family as possible the maximum period of the virtues, especially of charity, that blooms in the joy of love.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP




Dear Readers.

we would like to introduce the ancient speculative mechanism of theological dissertations, that are not made of "I think», «I say», because theology is not ideological research of the reasons of their own I, but humble search and ad arcane mysteries of God. The reason for which was required to Father John Cavalcoli an article which highlight all the positive aspects of the Post-Synodal; and our elderly Father of’Patmos Island He has done so. All to provide a mixed picture across multiple writings written by priests and other theologians, introducing readers what are the theological dissertations summarized in their own way with this example: once, in a speculative context, I was asked to draw up a study in which emphasize all “positives” of Luther's thought; and knowing what I was asked how I was opposed to his thinking. In another of my brother, instead considered very soft this heresiarch, He was asked a study that shed light on all the negative aspects of the same Luther. These valuable exercises, that had the purpose of saving the theologians from ideology and egocentrism, today have fallen into disuse, with results often produced at present by many theologians closed in the defense of their own iocentrism replaced from time to Diocentrism.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo





love joy 6

signature of the post-synodal exhortation The joy of love

The Post-Synodal Exhortation love joy Pope Francis is a sum doctrinal and pastoral work of the Christian family, a rich synthesis, complete and well-ordered current thinking on the subject of the Church. It reiterates the fundamental truths of reason and faith, relating to marriage and family, It outlines the characteristics, the purposes and the properties as well as he wanted the Creator, who, through the mission and work of Christ, He has granted to the Church and civil society to legislate with more precision in the field, according to the times and places, taking into account the fragility of human sinfulness and subsequent to original sin, in order to ensure to the family as possible the maximum period of the virtues, especially of charity, that blooms in the joy of love.


The Pope also compares the true and healthy concept of the family with certain ideas, aberrant and unhealthy habits and practices, which contrast with the Creator's plan, the right of man and woman concept, the straight Practical Reason, the project of Christ, the Church laws, the good of civil society, human progress and the very real happiness of the couple, preventing the the joy of love. However, before entering to treat moral issues, pastoral, psychological, Educational, cultural, ecclesial, civilians, legal and spiritual, that touch the family, the Pope has the happy idea to take the momentum from afar, ie the absolute foundations, inviolable and immutable, metaphysicians, theological and anthropological the whole treatment, without which the lack the fundamental reasons, the theoretical consistency and the essential guidance.


love, joy, love la allegria dell

The joy of love

The Supreme Pontiff in fact, we know that, to discover and highlight the root causes of the evils, that today afflict the family, to eliminate it and to correct misconceptions and bad behavior and habits, that corrupt and destroy, it is urgently necessary to recover the realistic conception of knowledge [1], so to be able to go with confidence and objectivity to the roots of the same view of reality, the conception of man, of God and creation, as we are taught by the Holy Scriptures, by ecclesial tradition and the sound philosophy.


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The joy of love

At the beginning of the document, Pope warns us solemnly in the following words, as if to give us the access key and the criterion to learn the right way and ward off any manipulation: "Do not fall into sin to claim to replace us to the Creator. we are creatures, we are not omnipotent. Creation before us and must be received as a gift. At the same time, we are called to protect our humanity, and that means first of all accept and respect it as it was created " (n.56).

In a few, dense rows, to meditate at length and make money, we have a metaphysical synthesis, of theology, of anthropology, of epistemology and moral. The Pope recalls that it was the original sin, and that is the sin of atheism and contemporary pantheism: pretend to replace us to the Creator. Or the man who makes himself God and identifies with him or the man who denies God and puts in its place. Accident serious in both cases.


In the event to, the man does not admit a being, real as the premise of his thought, a reality presupposed, che lo precede, reality, which then has not created him, but God has created. He does not admit this, not to admit a Creator God, transcendent, Who also created man. No. The man claims that the being is identified with his thinking and is therefore both effect of his thought, robbing God of his prerogative, for which in Him and in Him alone, Being and Thinking subsisting, the real is caused and wanted by the ideal, in case, from the Logos divine.


love, joy, 4

The joy of love

So, There the Pope says, the man believed to "almighty", He does not consider creature, but as the creator of himself. She does not receive any gift from God no, why does the rest, self-sufficient, He decides everything, Also the terms of human nature, that is not a fixed datum, objective, universal and immutable, established by God, but that he can mold and change subjectively as he wants. And so it's up to him to establish the moral law. He has no God to thank, or to whom to ask for help or forgiveness or mercy, for he, He is a law unto himself, It does not have to account to anyone, but it is able to solve all its problems by itself.


The consequences in the moral of these errors, in particular in the field of sexual anthropology, they are clear. The distinction between men and women is not untouchable, nor it is established by God, but it is a simple matter of contingent fact, that does not exclude, but rather allows the possibility of different forms of sexuality, created by man. Here the theory of gender.


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The joy of love

The Pope recalls instead that the natural moral law is established by God and is therefore inviolable. In the case of marriage, it is in itself a natural value, raised by Christ to the dignity of a sacrament. The Church and the State, each in his own order, They are entitled, right and duty to legislate, regulate and adjust in the field, but always in accordance with the divine laws. These are immutable, while human laws, both the Church and the State, may change.

The Pope comes to clarify the nature of moral and pastoral guidance of human actions, which can not be satisfied with the abstractness of law or the rule, but it supposes a careful reading of the circumstances, the variety of cases and situations, so you can determine or order, with caution, Justice and Charity, the particular act or practice to be performed.


Among the many topics covered, I wish to dwell on two issues, which for many years they are polarizing the attention of the Church, of the bishops, of moralists, of the families and of the same secular world: the first, whether it is appropriate or not to grant the Church the Holy Communion for divorced and remarried. And the second, the moral judgment to be given to stable unions of homosexual persons. The Holy Father, nos. 243 e 298, He speaks of the human and moral conditions of the pairs of the first case, but does not enter into the question. Which means of course that he confirms the provisions of St. John Paul II contained in the n. 84 of the encyclical Family member company.


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The joy of love

The Pope preferred to insist, in those numbers and other, both in the present mode, shapes and different circumstances of those couples, both in giving directions to the shepherds, bishops and priests, and under the same regular families, on how to help and accompany with wise discernment these couples, in a journey of conversion, penitence and moral growth, devoting himself to good works and the education of children, in service to the Church and to society, striving to live in God's grace, specifying that, though not excommunicated, They are not in full communion with the Church.



The Pope specifies that these couples, although placed in a state of irregular life, They may, however, and must remain in the grace of God and receive the forgiveness of sins, although this does not happen through the sacrament of penance, that they are not allowed, but simply due to the effective and direct presence of God's mercy.


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The joy of love

He then responds to the difficulty raised by those who argue that, finding them in a state of life that leads to sin, They may not be in grace. A state of life, explains the Pope, it could be dangerous, but this does not mean that those who live in it can not be in grace and, other parte, just the boost to sin causes the fault decreases, for no one is required to perform an act that exceeds its forces.


The rule which forbids divorced and remarried to receive Holy Communion, is a rule which depends on the power of the keys, ie it is an ecclesiastical law, that does not stem from divine law unambiguously, necessary and without alternative, like a syllogistic deduction, quasicchè, as some believe, possible change, elimination or mitigation of the discipline introduced tomorrow by the Pope, be prejudicial or offense to the divine law and Christian dignity of marriage. On the contrary, everything is part of the faculty of the Supreme Pontiff as Supreme Pastor of the Church. If it has not seen fit to do so, leaving unchanged the law of St. John Paul II, it means that he had good reasons to do so, November's, to be good Catholics, meekly and trustingly welcome the decisions of the Vicar of Christ.


Let us now turn to the second question. Says Pope:


251. During the debate on the dignity and mission of the family, the Synod Fathers noted that "about the projects equating marriage to unions between homosexual persons, there is no foundation whatsoever to assimilate or establish analogies, even remotely, between homosexual unions and God's plan for marriage and the family "; and it is unacceptable "that the local Churches subjected to pressure in this matter and that international bodies condition one financial aid to poor countries to the introduction of laws that establish the" marriage "between persons of the same sex [278].


292. Christian marriage, reflection of the union between Christ and His Church, He is fully realized in the union between a man and a woman, who give themselves to each other in an exclusive love and fidelity in freedom, They belong to death and open to the transmission of life, consecrated by the sacrament that gives them the grace to establish itself as a domestic Church and a ferment of new life for society. Other forms of union radically contradict this ideal, while some perform it at least in part and for a similar way. The Synod Fathers stated that the Church does not fail to highlight the constructive elements in those situations that are not yet or no longer in his teaching on marriage [314].


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The joy of love

Here there are no comments to make, so the text is clear. What we can hope is that between civil society and the Church may rise, in this delicate matter, fruitful cooperation and mutual acceptance, between the state's point of view and that expressed here by the Synod Fathers with the Pope's consent.

The State, one part, It must be aware of his duty, in its own interest, to prevent the worsening of this social phenomenon, that, the evidence most handheld, would lead, in the long run, I do not say to the extinction of the Church, to which Christ has promised eternity, but serious damage to human society and to the good order of the State.

As for the Church, for its part, is now more than ever called to announce the Gospel of the family, not like the residue of a past to be preserved by force, or a life model monochrome and monolithic to be imposed at all, or even as a contingent union, left to the whim of the individual, but as a free and creative community of love, that, in society and in the Church, It works for the good of both in love, joy,.





[1] See my study The dependence of the idea from the reality in Evangelii gaudium of Pope Francis, in Pontifical Theological Academy, 2014/2, pp. 287-316 [text, WHO]








The joy of love, “healthy self-criticism”

- Corner of the Confreres guests of the’Patmos Island



It is possible that, gradually the years pass, the post-synodal apostolic exhortations become increasingly lengthy? È possibile che non si riesca a sintetizzare in poche proposizioni i risultati delle discussioni dei Padri? la cut, generally, goes well with effectiveness and incisiveness: when you go beyond what is necessary to convey a certain message, most of the time it meant the ideas weren't very clear.



John Scalese, CRSP

John Scalese, CRSP *




Canova eros and psyche

Eros and psyche, opera di Antonio Canova

I have been asked for an intervention sulla esortazione apostolica The joy of love. I lettori che mi seguono ab initio [cf. WHO] they know that I don't really like commenting on pontifical documents. I wrote on another occasion: «The sentences are not discussed, apply ". In this circumstance, therefore, instead of going into the merits of the exhortation, I would prefer to focus mainly on some procedural aspects, even if it will be inevitable to make references to the contents.


The document invites us to be humble and realistic and to make a "healthy self-criticism" [n.36]. I believe that this attitude should not be directed only towards the Church of the past and its pastoral practice, ma, to be authentic, should extend to 360 ° and therefore also to the Church today. I would therefore like to ask a few questions, not with a polemical spirit, but as a simple invitation to reflection.


love, joy,

l’esortazione post-sinodale love joy

It is correct to return to questions which had already been addressed relatively recently (the previous Synod on the family dates back to 1980), without the situation having radically changed in the meantime? It is true that in these thirty-five years there have been quite a few new things, which had not been addressed at the time (p. it is., assisted fertilization, la maternità surrogata, the theory of gender, le unioni omosessuali, the stepchild adoption, etc.); but it is equally true that these issues have not been at the center of the work of the last Synods and are touched upon only partially and in passing in the apostolic exhortation. The attention seemed to be focused exclusively on a question that had already been widely debated and defined: access to the sacraments by the divorced and civilly remarried. La questione era stata autorevolmente risolta nell’esortazione apostolica Family member company (n. 84); his teaching was then resumed from atechismo della Chiesa cattolica (n. 1650) and confirmed by the Letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of 14 September 1994 and the Declaration of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts of 24 June 2000. Mi rendo perfettamente conto che The joy of love sfugge a questa logica dottrinale-giuridica, to place oneself on an exquisitely pastoral level; I just ask: it is correct to question a teaching which is now practically definitive?


the Holy Father Francis with Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, today Archbishop Emeritus of Bologna, considered one of the greatest experts on family problems

The procedure followed is correct to address this issue? First the Extraordinary Consistory in February 2014; then the extraordinary assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October of the same year; subsequently, la emanazione dei due motu proprio on the causes of matrimonial nullity in August 2015; then the ordinary assembly of the Synod of Bishops in the immediately following October; finally, the just published post-synodal apostolic exhortation. Never before has such a procedure been seen: a single synodal assembly was not enough, duly prepared? This two-year "hammering" was really necessary? Which fine? Not to mention the anomalies recorded along the way: the secrecy of the report to the consistory and of the synodal debate; la relazione post disceptationem of the Synod 2014, which did not reflect the results of the debate; the final report of the same Synod, which took up themes that had not been approved by the Fathers; the confidential letter of the thirteen cardinals at the beginning of the Synod 2015, publicly denounced as a "conspiracy"; etc.: these are normal things?


synod of bishops sitting

a session of the Synod of Bishops on the family

It is correct to suggest certain pastoral solutions, which had not been accepted by the Synod Fathers (and therefore could not be included in the text of the exhortation), in the document notes? It is correct to question the teaching of a previous document in a magisterium document with the following formula: "Many ... detect" [note 329)] "Many" who? They "detect" in what capacity? Moreover, what kind of membership the note requires 351, which admits a possibility in open contrast with the teaching and uninterrupted practice of the Church, based on arguments that had already been taken into consideration and deemed insufficient to justify an exception to that teaching and practice [cf. the Letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of 14 September 1994, in particular n.5: «Tale prassi di non ammettere i divorziati risposati all’Eucaristia], presented [it gives Family member company] as binding, it cannot be changed according to different situations "]?


assembly of the faithful

assembly of the faithful

You shouldn't worry, when publishing a document, what will come to the faithful? In the gospel of joy stood, rightly, the problem of communicating the Gospel message [n.41)] in The joy of love warns against "avoiding the serious risk of wrong messages" [n.300]. The fact that conflicting comments were published in the days following the release of the exhortation should not make us think? It will not be that the language used was not clear enough? It is possible that on the same document there are those who say that nothing changes and those who consider it revolutionary? If a statement was clear, it should not be possible to give two opposite interpretations at the same time. The confusion caused should not be a wake-up call? In The joy of love non si ignora il problema: "I understand those who prefer a more rigid pastoral care that does not give rise to any confusion" [n.308], but then, with the gospel of joy [n.45)], the answer is that a Church that “does not renounce the possible good is preferable, although it runs the risk of getting dirty with mud of the road ". It is even tempting to think that confusion is intentionally sought, because in it the Spirit would act and in it God is to be sought. Personally I prefer to believe, with Saint Paul, that “God is not a God of disorder, but of peace " [1 Color 14:33].



the old ones, love and beautiful bookshelves …

It is possible that, gradually the years pass, the post-synodal apostolic exhortations become increasingly lengthy? È possibile che non si riesca a sintetizzare in poche proposizioni i risultati delle discussioni dei Padri? la cut, generally, goes well with effectiveness and incisiveness: when you go beyond what is necessary to convey a certain message, most of the time it meant the ideas weren't very clear. Not to mention that, processing excessively long documents, there is the risk of discouraging even the most willing to undertake the reading and forcing them to settle for summaries, usually partial and biased, what the media do.



«… you begin to tell me about your childhood "

It is really necessary that the papal documents turn into psychology treatises, pedagogy, moral theology, pastoral, spirituality? This is the task of the Magisterium of the Church? First it is stated that “not all doctrinal discussions, moral or pastoral must be resolved with interventions of the magisterium " [n.3] then, de facto, we pronounce ourselves on every aspect and we even risk falling into that "unbearable casuistry", that as well, a parole, it is said to deprecate [n.304]. The magisterium has the task of interpreting the word of God [God's word, # 10; Catechism of the Catholic Church, n.85], define the truths of the faith, keep and interpret the moral law, not just evangelical, but also natural [Human life, n.4]. The rest - the explanation, the in-depth study, practical applications, etc. - has always been left to theologians, confessors, to the masters of the spirit, to the well-formed conscience of the individual faithful. An apostolic exhortation, intended for all the faithful, He can not, in my opinion, become a manual for confessors.



the problem of abstractness …

It is right to insist on the abstractness of the doctrine [NN. 22; 36; 59; 201; 312], contrasting it with discernment and pastoral accompaniment, almost there was no possibility of coexistence between the two realities? That the doctrine is abstract, it does not take into account to underline it: it is by nature; like the practice, by itself, it is practical. But this does not mean that in human life there is no need for both: praxis always derives from a theory, basti pensare che in The joy of love is repeated twice, nos. 3 e 261, un principio filosofico — e pertanto astratto — che era stato già enunciato in the gospel of joy nos. 222-225: "Time is greater than space". Which is why it is important that practice, to be good ("Orthopraxis"), is inspired by a true doctrine ("orthodoxy"); if not, an erroneous doctrine would inevitably generate bad practice. Disdaining the doctrine is of no use, it only serves to deprive praxis of its foundation, of the light that should guide it. You do not notice, Furthermore, that the talk of praxis is not identified with praxis itself, ma costituisce solo una teoria della prassi? And the theory of praxis is still a theory, as abstract as the doctrine to which the praxis is to be opposed.


Bologna-church-of-Baraccano-50s giuseppe savini

Bologna, Baraccano Church, anni ’50 [photo by Giuseppe Savini]

Describe the Church of the past as a Church exclusively interested in the purity of doctrine and indifferent to the real problems of the people, it is perhaps not a caricature that does not correspond in any way to historical reality? Getting to the point of using certain expressions [n. 49: “Instead of offering the healing power of grace and the light of the Gospel, some want to "indoctrinate" the Gospel, transform it into "dead stones to be thrown at others" "; n. 305: "A pastor cannot feel satisfied just by applying moral laws to those who live in" irregular "situations, as if they were stones thrown at people's lives. This is the case with closed hearts, who often hide even behind the teachings of the Church “to sit on the chair of Moses and judge, sometimes with superiority and superficiality, difficult cases and wounded families ""] it's not only offensive, but false and ungenerous towards what the Church has done and continues to do, despite a thousand contradictions and infidelities, for the salvation of souls. In the Church discernment and pastoral accompaniment, maybe called by different names and without making too many theorizing, they have always been there; only that until now everyone was doing his job: the magisterium taught the doctrine, theologians deepened it, confessors and spiritual directors applied it to individual cases. Today, however, it would seem that no one is able to distinguish the specificity of their role anymore.


Transforming the demands of the Christian life into "ideals" [NN. 34; 36; 38; 119; 157; 230; 292; 298; 303; 307; 308] it does not mean - really in this case - transforming Christianity into something abstract, worse, in a philosophy, if not even in an ideology? It does not mean forgetting that the word of God is alive and effective [EB 4:12], that revealed truth is a "truth that saves" [God's word, n. 7; The joy and hope, n. 28], that the gospel "is the power of God for the salvation of whoever believes" [RM 1:16], that "God does not command the impossible; ma, when he commands, admonishes you to do what you can and ask for what you can't, and helps you so that you can do it " [Council of Trent, Justification Decree, (c). 11; cf Augustine, Of nature and grace, 43, 50]?


pastoral ministry

pastoral care cannot be separated from doctrine and vice versa …

We are sure that "pastoral conversion" [the gospel of joy, n. 25], which is required of the Church today, be good for it? I have the impression that there is a basic misunderstanding behind this conversion, already present at the time of the announcement of the Second Vatican Council and has come down to our days: to think that it is no longer necessary for the Church to take care of doctrine today, it already being sufficiently clear, known and accepted by all, and that we should only be concerned with pastoral practice. Ma siamo proprio sicuri che la dottrina sia oggi così chiara, which does not require further investigation and to be protected from erroneous interpretations? We are sure that everyone, today, know the Christian doctrine? Non basta rispondere a queste domande dicendo che c’è il Catechism of the Catholic Church: first, because it is not taken for granted that everyone knows him; second, Why, even when it was known, not necessarily shared by all. If it is true that “mercy does not exclude justice and truth, but first of all we must say that mercy is the fullness of justice and the brightest manifestation of God's truth " [The joy of love, n. 311], it is equally true that “do not in any way diminish the salutary doctrine of Christ, it is an eminent form of charity towards souls " [Human life, n. 29; cf Family member company, n. 33;Reconciliation and Penance, n. 34; The splendor of truth, n. 95]. And the service that the magisterium must offer to the Church is, innanzi tutto, the service of truth [Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 890]; precisely by teaching the truth that saves the magisterium it assumes a pastoral and "merciful" attitude towards souls. Only when the magisterium has fulfilled its primary task, pastoral workers will be able, in turn, forming consciences, make a work of discernment and accompany souls on their journey of Christian life.



* John Scalese [Rome, 1955] he is a priest and theologian of the Order of Regular Clerics of St. Paul (Barnabite Fathers).




Free thoughts of a wandering Querciolino,

by Giovanni Scalese

[edito il 14 April 2016]



grafica e foto a cura della redazione dellPamos Island






