love joy. SIAT headphones, however, pay taxes, because the payment of taxes is a real dogma of faith



It is easy and comfortable to get into other people's finger pointing at sentencing bedrooms as a new dogma of faith "as long as they live as brother and sister '. I will, hypocrites ever, that "filter the gnat" in other people's bedrooms and then "swallow the camel" [cf. Mt 23,24] are you ready to accept, make yours and spread as unquestionable dogma of faith: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar ', then pay taxes without a murmur, especially without azzardarvi to say that are high and that are not right?



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



PDF print format article



Dear Father Ariel.

In the Church there has been a proletarian expropriation! In fact, if I understand correctly the words of the player signing his comments to his article as "nonsonobigotto”, a name which is a program, in practice this would happen: Hierarchy betrays, then the people, against all hierarchical idea, the "Holy Spirit" would give rise to pockets of resistance made up of humble canon lawyers and theologians who would know makeshift drown traitors chosen by Christ and with a Bolshevik revolution would report the faith in the Church, indeed rifonderebbero they scratch as they wish, that's God ... Outstanding! We are only at the ideological and theological destruction of the entire Magisterium of the Church, but humble theologians that every day they attack the Pope knows more of the devil, and then ... then, people ahead: to the rescue!

George M. G. Locatelli




Pope signature

The Supreme Pontiff Francis sign the post-synodal exhortation The joy of love

By its question our player hits a problem that has its roots in the late eighties and early nineties that develops within the Church through best of the worst the postcouncil. And when I say best of the worst the postcouncil, I do not mean the Second Vatican Council, quite the opposite: I am referring to the fact the worst betrayals who has consumed this great council of the Church on the part of all those who, moving on the pretext of dangerous interpretation of his lyrics and his spirit, they ended up giving life to that Council egomenico of theologians who never was celebrated, and never has been written by the Church Fathers.


These people who call theologasters traitors of the council, They have created a great confusion of those in the Church are the functions of the laity participate in the common priesthood of the baptized through the Sacrament of Baptism, and clerics, chosen for the mystery of grace and established through the Sacrament of Orders, and only participates in the ministerial priesthood of Christ, as well as legitimate custodians of the task of teaching, a gift that no secular, even a layman awarded a theological doctorate, You can exercise with the authority the A grace with which can and must exercise the coated Priest of function consacration. This enormous confusion created situations today become unmanageable, thanks to cries of "collective trade union" or "leftist collective" summed up in the devastating slogans: «More dialogue, more collegiality, more democracy in the Church ". Cry to which is added as a result the slogan: "More room for the laity in the Church".


Based on this premise, to give rise to a situation which today appears now uncontrolled and uncontrollable - as you can ascertain from blog to blog, where the last of the laity who has trawled the Catechism feels a theologian and a canon lawyer superfine, both believed to be in the right to challenge the Roman Pope to the last priest of’the Catholic world - They contributed two factors that have created by joining together the explosive effects that can create the potassium union with sulfur: the fall of the Berlin Wall and the uncontrolled field taking certain lay movements during the pontificate of Giovanni Paolo II, in particular Neocatecumenali and Charismatics.


We proceed by order, from the large army of people from the seventies, to follow throughout the course of the eighties, They belonged to the great "messianic church communist". I refer to the children of "imagination to power", the "forbidden to forbid", convinced that the "proletarian paradise" of "Holy Mother Soviet Union "the shine" Red Sunrise ". I am referring to those who, ideological and much more blind the blind man of Jericho [cf. MC 10, 51-52], When the tanks Russians invaded in August 1968 Prague, without saying a speech and, far from condemning that action, they simply move their silent irrepressible need for "messianic ideology" in China slaughterer Mao Zedong. Fallen also the Chinese myth, here they trasmigrare en masse to the exotic Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, turning into a "sweet Christ" that being vile and bloodthirsty Ernesto Guevara, not surprisingly nicknamed by Bolivians the pig [pork], to indicate how dirty outside and inside dirt.


NThe novembre the 1989 Communism collapses imploding on itself, historical event sanctioned by the images of the fall of the Berlin Wall. A quel point, this army of ideological orphans home and no longer messiahs, thrown from Europe to China until the Caribbean Cuba, They are found before that their beloved Sigmund Freud would call the "work of mourning". The problem is that these individuals have not mourned, but once again have proceeded - always using a Freudian term - with a translational process. Hence paradoxically, the Catholic Church, until yesterday their bitter enemy, Paul VI with his satirical mocked on the radical left newspaper Evil and with his Giovanni Paolo II charged until just before by the same ideological anachronism and blind anti-communism of captive-reactionary matrix, It has become - and I repeat: paradoxically and not by faith - their point of refuge, their last chance.


This barbarian horde former ideologues, They are not entered or returned in the Church through a journey of faith and purification in order thereby to processing, quite the opposite! You have entered a straight leg bringing this same if such were, up to create in its interior a very negative transformation process. All under the eyes of the Supreme Pontiff Giovanni Paolo II, which unfortunately, to the test, this problem does not seem to have their own perceived. I doubt that this Holy Pontiff, during certain oceanic its meetings, I've realized that to acclaim him as a leader They were the same until just before, in the usual way but above all with the same spirit, They had hailed the Moscow Soviet, Then Mao Zedong, then Castro and Ernesto Guevara. And if you were to acclaim him not to age the direct protagonists involved, were their children born and raised in this spirit and become the first young and then into adulthood worse than their own parents.


These subjects, in need of "strong structures" exercising over them psychological pressure both individual and collective, where they could merge? But it is obvious: such as pigs narrated by the Gospel that are thrown off the cliff [cf. LC 8, 26-37], They converged in the Neocatechumenal and the Charismatic, inside of which there is a leader, strong leadership that puts pressure on the pretext of collectivism now called communitarianism; or call democracy now participation of the laity, O collegiality.


The less vigilant and blind Ecclesiastical Authority, he never wanted to consider how high they were in the orphans disconsolate number grew among the ranks of the Communist Party, or worse, much of Lotta Continua and Proletarian Democracy, that today, over sixty, are celebrated and undisputed mega-catechists of the Neocatechumenal Way, which it was far from being truly converted and processed, they just changed the flag and keep the same basic spirit, starting with the repressive spirit and coercion against those who today do not call more like yesterday's "dirty fascists", they call them "closed to the Holy Spirit", or simply "under evil influence". Change the style but the substance remains the same: the demonization and possibly the destruction of anyone who does not think like them. In this regard I refer to the article learned of my clever collaborator Jorge A. Facio Lince on communism Gramscian [cf. WHO].


Sorry to really think a connoisseur of communist ideology as the Supreme Pontiff Giovanni Paolo II, no one has ever noticed the dangerous situation that was creating within the Church. But on the other hand, i Neocatecumenali, They had adopted styles of behavior that the future Holy Pontiff were particularly dear: first of all the family and children, then the treat sexual morality. This is not caused him to question what the very negative, the ecclesial level, there was in this sect in which, on one side they churn out children and promoted the sexual morality so dear to Giovanni Paolo II, but on the other he created a church within the Church, a community within the ecclesial community, in conclusion: a real para-Catholic sect.


It's true, the Neocatechumenal Way were the sacred liturgy Eucharist and what they wanted and how they wanted; made terrible confusion between the common priesthood of the baptized and the ministerial priesthood of Christ, proclaiming from the rooftops that we were all priests; had a parallel catechism and went on a mission for the world to proclaim the "verb sacred"Mr. Kiko Arguello, however ..., They were children and condemned contraception and promoting lax sexual morals. And while this was happening, none of the pundits of the Holy See is asked: but the center, the heart and engine of the life of the Church, Eucharist is scempiata by the officials of the Neocatechumenal up to verge on blasphemy and desecration, or the moral prohibition of the use of birth control pills and condoms? In short: the Word was made flesh, or the Word was made against contraceptives?


If the Neocatechumenal Movement, instead promote sexual and family morality, so to speak "more rigid", He had instead promoted a certain laxity, Giovanni Paolo II would not hesitate a moment to declare "outside the law" and to wipe them with a shot of broom. But since, albeit at the cost of their havoc Eucharistic, their immense liturgical abuses and a poorly understood and promoted concept of the priesthood, the Neocatechumenal defended the family and sexual morality, if the past are always smooth, and especially under the long pontificate of Giovanni Paolo II.


To anyone who wanted to throw the accusation: "How dare you criticize a saint?». I reply that I have never criticized the supreme magisterium of this Holy Pontiff, I have always promoted and continue to promote it today. And anyone who wants to deepen the doctrinal and theological discourse about the fact that the Saints, although such and as such model of heroic virtue, They are not perfect, You can go to read, in the archive of 'Patmos Island, an old article titled: "The Saints obnoxious, Popes including ' [cf. WHO].


The results of this They were the progressive secularization of clerics and the dangerous clericalization lay, with devastating consequences for the pastoral plan. Now I will try to explain with examples: Our churches in the presbytery was restricted from the balustrade, function of which it was to delimit and indicate the status of the so-called space Holy of Holies. In this balustrade the faithful knelt to receive the Holy Eucharist. And what happened at that time not so far away where no one would ever occurred to you to receive the Eucharist sitting in the chair in place according to the arbitrary and disrespectful provisions dictated by the lay lords Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez. After saying this is needed now a premise: no document of Vatican Council II, starting from Holy Council He never established that the balustrades, and especially those of monumental historic churches, just as the altars before God [facing east] they were torn down, as they did the priests, or as did the bishops themselves, often perpetrating appalling havoc to the historical and artistic heritage, based on the erroneous principle that the balustrade was a 'former sign of division "between the faithful and the priest. Certain statements and explanations, albeit sometimes coming from bishops and priests, They are false and misleading, place that the balustrade was a sacred sign of respect, and he had a precise theological and pastoral whole function linked to that holy fear of God, of which today no longer speak; and not talk about it anymore since the theologasters They have taken to confuse the awe and fear of the Father. And finally we have passed, both liturgically, in the theological dimension ... the Oedipus complex.


The presbytery has thus become the walkway of the laity "Participate" and "active", with an overwhelming and often overwhelming presence of women who assume the rights and prerogatives that do not compete with them in particular as to the lay men.


Initially many priests welcomed certain dangerous intrusions that were going to touch the sphere of the liturgy and that pastoral closely linked to the priestly figure. Throw out "finally" to the winds their dignified and austere cassocks, now confused in jeans and sweater as lay people among lay, priests could finally open the doors to all those worst trespassing field of the laity which initially made the freest priests to devote themselves to political activism, the sociological confabulations, the figure of the priest as a man all in the midst of all differences and barriers without ... well: let the priests much more free to make your business.


One time, those who went to bring the Eucharist to the sick? Obvious, the pastor. Even the deacon, although he had power, more rigor and the pastor. Today, instead, who goes there? But obvious: the "pious women" extraordinary minister of Communion, to which many pastors are forced to ask, please, the key of the tabernacle. And who was the first to teach catechism to children, or if he could not hold all alone catechism classes, to control and instruct catechists? But obvious: the pastor. And who were, those who were appointed as catechists? Those in charge were men and women, mostly elderly, recognized models of Christian virtue, often teachers, Catholic teachers and retired teachers who with all their teaching experience held this valuable service in our parishes. Today, whoever happens instead of finding as catechists and I repeat ...: ahead and foremost as "catechists"? But obvious, often find females fatal twentysomethings, not infrequently with miniskirt, Hipsters and discovered basin, platform shoes from 15 centimeters to feet and so on. But most of all, today, pastors teach catechism? Of course not, an average of 9 his 10 they don't, because they are engaged in ... - unbelievable, hear! - pastoral activities! In short: They have spread like wildfire and numerous beyond measure and decency pastors who do not have time to bring communion to the sick, They do not have time to confess, least of all to do spiritual direction, They do not have time to teach catechism ... and all because - and again I repeat: hear, hear! - ... because they engaged in pastoral activities. Personally, if you were a bishop - and it goes without saying that my example is a purely academic -, then came to discover that my charge as parish priests not bring the Eucharist to the sick, do not confess, do spiritual direction, do not teach catechism, all because they engaged in pastoral activities ..., esigerei call them and be informed on the spot what are these important pastoral activity of all higher than those who do not perform or worse sometimes delegate to the laity and to the secular; and if you do not give me more than plausible explanations, I think it'll play them as you play bagpipes at Christmas.


Most priests have withdrawn from their land to engage in activities far from pastoral, social and political activism to protect the environment, more secular, but mostly secular aggressive, flooded fields that are themselves pastoral land of the priest. It is yesterday, before a qualified theologian, even the priests, sometimes even the bishops themselves did not dare utter a groan, forward the authentic wisdom of a truly wise old theologian, Today however it happens that even the champion of the ignorant of our lay people raise his fist in the air and beat your feet on the ground to move humoral disputes without rhyme or reason to cry … "I do not agree, because I think that …», therefore also eziandio "It is right and correct what I think, I feel that I ".


All this is a logical consequence of the fact that, while the priest in jeans and sweater takes part in the city council meeting where we talk to the refugee problem of environmental pollution or, the pious women go to bring the Eucharist to the sick, teach catechism with no control whatsoever, feature of the parish church as their own terms, establish them motu proprio liturgical rules and so on. And if taken before this field the pastor does not adapt, here is that the laity, and in particular secular, make her life miserable and totally unlivable. If then, before pastors similar, come into the parish, the Neocatechumenate, then the priest assumes the role of mere "consecrator of wafers”, and once the Mass has its place of sitting in respectful silence beside the mega-catechist kikiano fell the day before from the scaffolding on which he did all his life a bricklayer, and which he launches one after the other blunders and often real heresy in matters of doctrine and faith, species under the Pneumatology. But woe to tell him anything. First, why do you answer that you are hostile to the Spirit, second, why do you say that what matters is having the Spirit, third, because it is the Spirit who gives the true knowledge, not the study, not the theological culture.


This increasingly intolerable arrogance - and I, as a presbyter, I have never tolerated and I will not tolerate the exercise of my sacred ministry - is a common element is the so-called traditionalists is the so-called progressives. And receive, promote collections of referendum signatures against a measure taken personally by the Supreme Pontiff, which as I explained in my previous article is not subject to any human union [cf. WHO]; seconds, drive past balustrades and relegated with a kick in the ass of all the priest, as one among all, They proclaimed - in the name of a never celebrated council and a sick movementism but still tolerated by Giovanni Paolo II - that we are all priests.


That army of canonists and theologians improvised which refers to our astute reader Giorgio M.G. Locatelli, I am the product of an ecclesial and ecclesiastical situation now totally degenerate. They are the product of the sons of “imagination in power” he was born in “forbidden to forbid” that after the fall of the Berlin Wall have never been able to mourn and who have transferred in the Church, via translational process, the worst of their ideologies, the worst of their post-communist messianism. All this with a problem of no small importance: They not converted to Catholicism, but they have tried and still try to convert Catholicism Communist messianic ideology of which were orphaned and from which you have never posted; Ideology transferred to educational level on their children, which are now even worse than their parents. And this damaging and dangerous spirit, He has found its outbreak in certain movements, in a particular way in the Neocatechumenal.


The discussion on divorced and remarried concerns all of an underlying problem: sex. For if there had been half a sex, all the pre-synodal and post-synodal controversy there would be no, May!


The problem is that this army of poor deranged and unbalanced, fail to grasp and understand is an essential element of the Christian life is the mystery of salvation: we will be judged by God on charity, indicated no coincidence that the Blessed Apostolo Paolo as the most important of the theological virtues in a passage of the Pauline collection which is the heart of Catholic theology, always known as Hymn to Charity, where it advises us:


If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, They are as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge;, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind; It is not envious, It does not brag, not puffed up, no disrespect, does not seek its own interests, don't get angry, ignores the evil received, does not rejoice, but rejoices with the truth. It bears, Love believes, It hopes all things, It endures all things. The charity will never end. Are prophecies; the gift of tongues will cease, and will fade science. We know in part and we prophesy. But when that which is perfect, all imperfect disappears. Quand'ero bambino, I spake as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned like a child. Ma, He became a man, what was a child I abandoned. For now we see in a mirror, dimly; but then face to face. Now I know imperfectly, but then shall I know perfectly, as I am known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and charity; but the greatest of these is love! [The Cor 13, 1-13]


To those that the Holy Father indicates rightly as modern Pharisees, Pelagians, lovers of legalism, or what I call the moral inhuman and as such can never be moral Catholic, escapes an underlying problem: there are many serious sins, indeed very serious, much more serious of sins variously linked to sex or the so-called deadly sin of lust, ranging all penalty from waist up. But for them, instead, there are only the sins ranging from the waist down. We are in fact in front of people with human sexuality have a bad relationship, toward sex instead they have a real obsession.


As a single person and constrained by choice of living in chastity, I have been repeatedly attacked by terrible hives every time the Lay Lords, with a nauseating lightness and an intolerable complacency, They pronounced as a dogma of faith the phrase: "The divorced and remarried? As long as they live as brother and sister, why then, then, can …". And every time these days feel utter the phrase "like brother and sister ', It melts the adrenaline in the blood, both are mindful as a pastor in the care of souls, as a confessor and as a spiritual director, many live dramas certain families. But above all, I know, I attend and I have daily reports with divorced and remarried who have guaranteed their children the best Catholic education, within authentic Christian families, in which one of the two spouses is rather divorced and remarried civilly second marriage. A Christian spirit that unfortunately is not however in many so-called regular families in which, when the child comes home from catechism, parents say they enjoy among crabbed and despise the opposite of that which was explained to them in the parish, instructing them since children understand that "the priests and all those around the priests, always tell a lot of bitrate». This sentence quotation marks I was told three years ago, during confession, by a teenager that three days later he received the sacrament of Confirmation in the Cathedral of San Gimignano, at which I was just about to confess the next candidates for Confirmation.


All the more reason I priest and shepherd of souls care, for the mystery of grace giver of the Sacraments, I have never allowed and will never allow me to point the finger at certain “irregular couples” saying the self-righteous judgment: "As long as you live as brother and sister ', so I am aware, as a confessor and spiritual director, that the worst sins against charity, almost all range from the waist upwards and are committed by many people who live in de facto and de jure marital and family situations wholly compliant and regular with canon law.


The lack of delicacy of these neo-Pharisees who pronounce from the empyrean of their colossal theological and canonical ignorance in the name of a harsh law which is their human law and not the divine law of Christ, it is a source of pain and embarrassment to me, especially when it is combined with the presumption of considering oneself and for this reason feeling like true and authentic Catholics, of the defenders of the one true faith.


But let us now bring the matter to a strictly theological level. The indomitable supporters of the "dogma" "provided they live as brother and sister", refer to a statement by Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts [cf. WHO] which not being at all a solemn act of the infallible magisterium I therefore discussed and legitimately refuted in my previous article [cf. WHO]. An affirmation in which a Pauline expression is used as a support which constitutes a statement of a general principle, turned as such to sin, generically, not instead to a precise single sin:


Therefore everyone who unworthily, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord, It will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Each, therefore, examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup; because whoever eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord, he eats and drinks his own condemnation [1 Color 11, 27-29]


Dove, the Blessed Apostle makes express reference to adulterers and concubines? He refers to sin, perhaps it could even address those many sins that go from the waist up, instead of for the Apostle, the queen of virtues, it is charity; and charity is also variously linked to human sexuality, undoubtedly, but certainly not and not only to human sexuality.


Given that these defenders of the true and only truth, to elevate to immutable doctrine of the Church, or rather of a real dogma of faith a positive ecclesiastical law, they use as support a statement of general principle of the Blessed Apostle Paul, I think all of them, that is to say improvised theologians and last-minute canonists who are debating from blog to blog with ruthless hardness of heart on events that touch on a very delicate topic such as the family, now offer an entirely theological and juridical answer to the question which I will now ask all of them.


By adopting their own principle, I will now refer not to a generic statement such as that of the Blessed Apostle Paul, but to a clear and precise statement addressed to an equally clear and precise fact, pronounced not by an Apostle, but from the Incarnate Word of God, by our Lord Jesus Christ, which is expressed thus:


Then the Pharisees, retired, they held council to see if they could catch him in his speeches. So they sent their disciples to him, with the Herodians, to tell him: «Maestro, we know that you are truthful and teach the way of God according to truth and are not in awe of anyone because you do not look at anyone's face. So tell us your opinion: It is lawful or not to pay tribute to Caesar?». But Jesus, aware of their malice, He answered: "Hypocrites!, Why tempt ye me? Show me the tax coin ". And they brought him a denarius. He asked them: "Whose is this image and the inscription?». They answered: "Caesar's". Then he said to them: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and to God what is God's". At these words they were surprised and, let him, they went away [Mt 22, 15-22].


Simply said,: if the Apostle Paul does not affirm that concubines and adulterers must not access the Eucharist, unless they live like brother and sister, in this clear and precise passage of the Gospel the Word of God responds by stating that taxes must be paid to Caesar, which implies a clear warning: it is illegal not to pay taxes.


Expensesuever studied the Holy Scriptures with all that it entails in anthropological and historical knowledge, knows what it meant to pay taxes in ancient Judea. Among the Roman provinces Judea was the most harassed, the tributes were very high; and those who did not pay taxes, sometimes they had to submit to pains that weren't subtle. At best, the evaders were flogged, others paid directly with their lives, and for the "pedagogical" purpose of frightening the other evaders they were condemned from time to time to the penalty of crucifixion.


In ancient Judea, the agents of the Guardia di Finanza did not arrive to draw up reports and issue fines that often, to the present day, the higher they are, the more they are not paid. We all know convicted but immediately free evaders who whiz past us with their cars worth one hundred thousand euros. But that was not the case in Judea: taxes were not only high, they were really wicked; it is no coincidence that the Jews called the Romans "hungers of the people".


Now you understand, lovers of hard and pure morals, immovable bestowers of sentences even towards the doctrinal acts of the Roman Pontiff, as well as supporters of the dogma of faith "provided they live as brother and sister", who in the face of the warning "give to Caesar what is Caesar's", we are faced with a real dogmatic expression of the perennial and immutable faith, pure divine law, certainly not in the face of a rule of principle concerning sin expressed in general terms by an Apostle, because here we are faced with a clear and precise dogma that does not allow for discussion, and the dogma is as follows: “Pay taxes to the state».


I already hear your voices from a distance, dear improvised theologians and immovable canonists on the skin of others, and together with your voices I hear all your reasons and justifications, which one by one I can anticipate: «One cannot pay taxes to a State whose taxation in certain sectors reaches the 50%, because those are not taxes, that's a theft … it's a robbery, as the Servant of God Silvio Berlusconi said, for friends the flowers, when he was president of the council of ministers. To then follow with the justification based on the principle that "the other is worse", always and rigor, so on with the litany about the fact that «…with taxes we are forced to pay salaries and golden pensions to politicians … their privileges … their blue cars … while poor pensioners with minimal pensions starve … while honest families have difficulty paying their electricity bills and some gas …». OObviously none of you, will look to the positive of taxes, for example the free national health service for all, free schools for all, numerous guarantees of assistance and so on … no. Having to justify yourself, you will only list the negative things and if you really have to admit that the right to health and education is free and guaranteed to everyone, at that point you will continue to justify yourself by saying: "And, but the national health system sucks and the schools suck» … Eh, how well I know you, Pharisees of yesterday and today!


Gentlemen: dogma is dogma and Christ God is clear, precise and decisive in saying that to Cesare, the cup, they pay and that's it. Christ knew very well how the leaders of Roman power in Judea reveled and gave themselves up to the good life, while the poor Jews were often hungry; the Word of God knew it, but even knowing it, he proclaimed this dogma of faith: "Paying Taxes to the State". And this dogma is a perennial and immutable divine law.


To this band of hypocrites, that behind the screen of an unspecified Catholicism emptied of charity and stuffed with the worst legalisms, they are doing such a bad service to the Church and to the faith, I therefore reply with the same words of Christ God:


Thus you have annulled the word of God in the name of your tradition. Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men " [cf. Mt 15, 5-9].


It's easy and convenient to walk into other people's bedrooms with your finger pointing to pronounce as a new dogma of faith "provided they live as brother and sister". I will, hypocrites ever, that "filter the gnat" in other people's bedrooms and then "swallow the camel" [cf. Mt 23,24], are you ready to accept, make yours and spread as unquestionable dogma of faith: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar ', then pay taxes without a murmur, especially without azzardarvi to say that are high and that are not right?


For you see, per me, morally speaking, one “zealous” Catholic regularly married to his wife, che non usa mezzi contraccettivi e che si attiene alle prescrizione della morale sessuale, il quale fa poi lavorare in nero nella propria azienda venti lavoratori sottopagati, gran parte dei quali giovani che non possono sposarsi e mettere su famiglia, perché non sanno se il mese successivo avranno ancora il lavoro … per me, morally speaking, questo grandissimo peccatore commette un peccato molto peggiore di una coppia di coniugi irregolari che non vivono come fratello e sorella, che vivono una situazione indubbiamente irregolare, ma che all’interno della loro “sinful” camera da letto non giocano affatto per i propri scopi di lucro e di egoismo sulla vita altrui sfruttando nel peggiore dei modi il bisogno di lavoro di venti persone, with all the relative inconveniences also extended to the families of these twenty workers.


And who has issues to raise about me, both as a priest and as a theologian, please take and send this text of mine to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, so that its theological orthodoxy and its full conformity to Catholic morality may be examined by it. And if in my speech there were doctrinal errors presented and disseminated by a priest called to guard and spread the faith in the People of God and to protect and safeguard the moral heritage of the Church, rest assured that that Dicastery will not fail to ask my bishop to shut up my mouth and, if the case requires it, all the deserved canonical sanctions, also because I have disserted on what for many represents the origin and center of the whole mystery of evil: sex and human sexuality. Not for nothing, the Blessed Apostle Paul, in a passage from the Pauline epistolary which is the heart of Catholic theology, always known as Hymn to Sexual Continence, recommends us:


And now these three remain: faith, hope and sexual continence; but of all the greatest is sexual continence! In which everyone will live as brothers and sisters, even if this were to lead to the extinction of the human species. But the "moral" of the inhuman moralists she will be saved, and their idea of ​​angelic sex will never end.







