«We will be among those who saw and yet believed». That singular concept of "scandal" of the Supreme Pontiff …


From Saint Paul VI to Benedict XVI, for sixty years we have had Supreme Pontiffs who with exhortations and documents have repeatedly recommended the use of the cassock to the secular clergy, today we have a Supreme Pontiff who mocks the cassock together with the priests who wear it.

— News in brief —


Now let's see who doesn't scandalize the Holy Father


the presbyter Marco Pozza, official interview with the Supreme Pontiff.


The presbyter Marco Pozza, official interview with the Supreme Pontiff


The presbyter Marco Pozza, official interview with the Supreme Pontiff


Here is the grotesque image of a Church totally de-sacralized by those priests who praise an unspecified "Church open to all" …


And to think that several have died, so as not to take off the cassock …


The young Rolando Rivi died a martyr by refusing to take off his cassock, today it would have been a "rigid" destined to cause a "scandal"


"The great march of intellectual destruction continue. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones of the street; will become a religious dogma to reaffirm. It is a rational argument that it takes all immersed in a dream; will be a sensible form of mysticism say that we are all awake. Fires will be stoked to witness that two plus two equals four. Swords will be drawn to show that the leaves are green in summer. We will find ourselves defending not only the incredible virtues and the incredible sense of human life, but something even more incredible, this immense, impossible universe staring at us in the face. We will fight for visible wonders as if they were invisible. We will look at the grass and the skies impossible with a strange courage. We will be among those who have seen and yet have believed " (Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Heretics, 1905)

the Island of Patmos, 25 October 2023




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The Archabbot emeritus of Montecassino Pietro Vittorelli has died: pity can erase the sad truth?


Christian piety cannot omit the truth. Therefore, the site manager I cannot be silent what is is confirmed: one that «He spoke badly of everyone, except Christ, apologizing to the dir: “I do not know him”!» (Epigraph by Paolo Giovio on Pietro l'Aretino).

— News in brief —

Editors of The Island of Patmos









Among the various sites that are said “Catholics” there is one called I cannot be silent. A young man is responsible for this, who we understand has been kindly accompanied in the past to the exit doors of seminaries and religious institutions. It is perhaps for this reason that he feels legitimated to write pearls of wisdom on the problems of the Catholic Church, but above all on the training of priests - which is the most complex and delicate thing that can exist -, presenting himself as an expert in this regard?

His articles are numerous in which he repeatedly attacks people and ecclesiastical institutions with an acidic style. No one was saved from his stabs: by the Supreme Pontiff - who can be respectfully criticized, not, however, contested and mocked -, to follow with high prelates of the Roman Curia and prefects of the various dicasteries of the Holy See, which can also be criticized, but I didn't laugh in a mocking and arrogant way. He showed real ferocity towards the director of the Vatican Media and the head of the Holy See Press Office, to the point of accusing them - at best - of "incompetence" and "illiteracy".. He even took it out on the Vatican Gendarmerie, composed of elements selected for undoubted excellence as well as endowed with rare education and courtesy, to which he dedicated, even though, ironic comments regarding their professionalism.

He likes to present himself as an expert “Vatican things”, as if he were coming and going from the sacred palaces, omitting to say that it does not possess any pass to transit through the territory of the Vatican City State, where we do not know he is a welcome guest.

it does not concern us in any way how this individual - who does not appear to benefit from the support of a wealthy family or the income from a professional job - can camp out in Rome where the costs of living have always been high, today more than ever to the stars, because the subject of the question is completely different.

In today's article (cf.. WHO) this excellent expert on the Roman Curia publishes a comment on the death of the Archabbot emeritus of Montecassino, Dom Pietro Vittorelli, already presented in the past as an innocent victim acquitted of the accusation of having stolen money from the abbey's funds:

«It concludes, today, a long and unjust judicial via crucis that began in 2017" (cf.. WHO).

Considering that they are in fashion i dubia, we intend to submit some of them to the person responsible for this Site with the express invitation to respond strictly on the merits of the seven questions that follow:


  1. It is true that Pietro Vittorelli did not simply use but rather abuse hard drugs and that he was a cocaine addict who was so severely addicted that he ended up admitted to a discreet Swiss clinic to be detoxified where the cost for three months of treatment amounted to approximately 160.000 Euro?


  1. It is true that the serious neuro-cardiological problems that severely debilitated Pietro Vittorelli were the consequence of his abuse of a narcotic substance known as crack, which finally caused him a strong thrombosis?


  1. It is true that when he was hospitalized as an emergency, the specialists who treated him were embarrassed when they learned from the clinical analyzes that Pietro Vittorelli appeared to be making massive habitual use of cocaine and crack and that this was precisely the cause of the serious attack that had struck and severely debilitated him?


  1. It is true that Pietro Vittorelli was an irrepressible practicing homosexual who led a life in total contrast with Catholic morality, the principles of the priesthood and monastic life and who used to avail himself of the paid services of young people escort homosexuals around Europe, leaving traces of this in his chat private, later acquired by the investigators as documentary evidence, in which he expressed himself with a style and language of unspeakable immorality?


  1. It is true that Pietro Vittorelli traveled around Europe suffering from compulsive shopping reaching the point of spending up to approximately 50.000 euro in a single month, with transactions documented by his credit card records, paying hotel to 5 luxury category stars, gourmet restaurants, high fashion boutiques and perfumeries?


  1. It is true that what is contained in the points 1-5 they are all elements meticulously documented in investigative documents then passed by the investigators to the Holy See for information, in consideration of the fact that Pietro Vittorelli was a diocesan ordinary?


  1. The site director I Can't Be Silent, well-known punisher of the Roman Curia, of the prelates of the Holy See, of the Vatican Media, of the Vatican Press Office, of the Pontifical Gendarmerie and so on (see archive of his articles) perhaps believes that when the serious and immoral exploits of a practicing and unrepentant homosexual are involved, everything should be relegated to the spheres of his private life, without this having any impact on the ecclesial and canonical-juridical level?


the tenor of the exchanges that Pietro Vittorelli used to have with escort gay for pay: «I'm going to look for cocks»


Christian piety cannot omit the truth. Therefore, the person responsible for this Site, it confirms itself for what it is: one who «He spoke ill of everyone, except Christ, apologizing to the dir: “I do not know him!» (Epigraph by Paolo Giovio on Pietro l'Aretino).

The great expert on Church matters answer these dubia, but strictly on the merits, or shut up, commending with us the soul of this unfortunate deceased to the infinite mercy of God.


the Island of Patmos 14 October 2023








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War of Hamas terrorists against Israel: «The statements of the Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See are false and defamatory»


For certain political Zionists who have little or nothing to do with the Jewish world and with Judaism, there is no worse humiliation than having to be grateful to those who did good to him and saved his life.

— Politics and current affairs —


Under certain circumstances words must be measured and limited, especially with the exponents of a young country in which it is difficult, a rough ex-colonist from some kibbutz can be inserted into the diplomatic corps and sent around the world completely lacking the level and class required by the office entrusted to him, but above all of prudence and knowledge.

I was Padre's student Peter Gumpel who together with Father Paolo Molinari directed the General Postulation of the Society of Jesus for half a century (cf.. Federico Lombardi S.J. WHO), they themselves initiated and trained me in the causes of the Saints. The process for the cause of beatification of the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII was entrusted to them, periodically attacked by circles that have nothing to do with the Jewish world, because they are all linked to the fringes of radical political Zionism, which is completely different from Judaism. All with all due respect to those who would like to brand anyone who wishes to profess or be anti-Zionist as an anti-Semite. Be against any nationalist ideology, such is political Zionism, it's legal, provided that it displeases it never leads to forms of violence or damage to the dignity of others.

In democratic countries you are free to be anti-communist, anti-fascists, anti-clerical... they are all freedom of thought and speech protected by the law itself. However, it seems that this is not how it works in what some continue to call "the only democracy in the Middle East"..

In my book Herbs Amare – The century of Zionism published long ago 2006 I also dismantle this legend about the "only democracy" piece by piece, explaining and documenting that certain political forcing aimed at equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism are in and of themselves aberrant. It would be enough to remember that the most severe anti-Zionists have always been the most famous Jews in the world for having been leading exponents of science, of culture and the arts. I will mention just one of many: Sigmund Freud, who always showed strong opposition to the creation of the State of Israel. And when the Zionist Movement asked for his signature, received a firm refusal, by him as by various other Jewish personalities.

Political Zionism was born from characters full of Marxism and inspired by real Socialism, of which Pius XII was an opponent, as were his other Predecessors and Successors. Starting from the end of the 1950s, black legends came to life in Zionist circles about the figure of this Supreme Pontiff who was active and industrious for the salvation of the Jews persecuted and wanted by the Nazis, but to whom certain ideologists decided to serve a terrible cold revenge in the post-war period.

The political Zionists have finally reached the grotesque: the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the direct protagonists who were saved by the massive intervention of the Catholic Church - so much so that after the Second World War they wanted to put up plaques on convents, monasteries and religious institutes where their lives were saved - have begun to deny their grandparents and great-grandparents with "historical" statements which if they were not tragic would border on the comical: «In the immediate post-war period, our grandparents and great-grandparents were not yet clear about what had really happened». That means: approximately six million Jews exterminated throughout Europe, but the direct protagonists who saved their lives were not yet clear about the extent of a huge tragedy unique in its own way in the history of humanity?

In these books of mine, I refer you to reading which, I define everything with this joke:

"Not no, because you believe what you have seen and experienced as a protagonist, instead of believing what your Zionist grandson born in the early 1970s tells you?».

One of these grandchildren he is the Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Holy See, who, irritated by the calls for peace from the Bishops of Jerusalem, has once again brought up the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII:

«It is not out of context to remember that today a conference will begin at the Gregorian University 3 days on the documents of the pontificate of Pope Pius XII and their meaning for Jewish-Christian relations. Apparently – concludes the note – a few decades later, there are those who have not yet learned the lessons of the recent dark past" (see WHO).

All this confirms that for certain characters "being grateful to those who saved your life is a humiliation that some cannot bear".

The book Herbs Amare - The century of Zionism he asked me 5 years of intense work and historical research. Afterwards, from its central body, I made another stand-alone book entitled Pius XII and the Shoah.

I cannot cover topics in a short article which required years of study and research, but who is interested in history, not to the legends of certain political Zionists, he can read them and ascertain how different reality is from the wickedness constructed around the table with rare political malice by the supporters of a nationalist movement born from a heresy of the most degenerate Marxism. This movement is called Political Zionism and anyone can claim the right to be anti-Zionist without anyone being able to accuse them of being a dangerous anti-Semite, especially those grandchildren and great-grandchildren who, lacking the basic sense of decency, claim to deny their grandparents and great-grandparents who paid devout gratitude to Pius XII through whose work about a million Jews were saved in religious structures throughout Europe, including the Vatican City State and all the buildings of the Holy See which in Rome enjoy the regime of extra-territoriality according to the laws and treaties of international law.

the Island of Patmos, 10 October 2023



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Internet and the destruction of the principle of authority, a final blow dealt by legions of imbeciles in power


The destruction of the principle of authority is that element that fundamentally supports the triumph of the fundamentalist dictatorship of non-knowledge, of that crass ignorance, rude and violent which is something completely different from the "not knowing" of the cultured man. And this crass ignorance, rude and violent, it has long since carried out its great and devastating coup through the internet and i social media.

— Church and current events —


PDF print format article



I often remember than when we talk, or when explaining a specific thing, when holding a lesson or conference, when preaching or doing catechesis, it is always of fundamental importance to start by underlining the true meaning of the words, indicating and, if necessary, carefully explaining the true etymological meaning of the terms used.

The wrong accent can start a war, I once said to some people who at the time didn't understand why, while I was talking about topics related to dogmatic theology, incidentally I occasionally explained the meaning of words and terminologies. In fact, there are terms that in philosophy or theology have a totally different meaning from that attributed to them by the current language in which they often, certain words, they have been emptied of their original etymology to be filled with something else and take on an opposite meaning. I explained that not just one word, but even a simple accent can change the meaning of a speech. For instance: the word "peach" can indicate both a fruit and a fisherman with a rod in his hand patiently waiting for the fish to bite the hook, depends on oral pronunciation, or where the accent falls from in a written version. Around you, I love her, it may be the small hook into which the fisherman attaches the fish bait, but it can also be the statement with which a lover declares that he loves another person. The word “anchor” can mean either the weight thrown into the seabed to block the boat and prevent it from continuing to float on the sea currents, but it can also mean repeating a given thing. Even in this case it depends on oral pronunciation, or where the accent falls from in a written version.

An audience of listeners who are not particularly cultured, in which however, precisely the most uncultured, they considered themselves true masters of knowledge, little by little they understood my lexical explanations when I illustrated that the word "punishment", in theological and doctrinal language, has a different meaning from that given to it in the current lexicon. First of all, the etymology of punishment derives from Latin chaste (pure) e act (make/give/give back). The true etymological meaning of this word is therefore "to purify", or “to make pure” or “to restore the lost purity”. A completely different meaning from that of current spoken language. Soon said: if a theologian will speak to an audience about God's punishments, listeners may understand the exact opposite of what he is trying to convey, if anything, giving rise to misunderstandings that do not depend on the way in which the scholar expressed himself or even on the listeners, but consequent to the fact that both give this term a dissimilar meaning, thus ending up speaking two different languages ​​using the same words. In theological language, punishment is a purifying action of the grace and mercy of God who "punishes and shows mercy" (Tb 13,2) because «The Lord is merciful and merciful, slow to anger and rich in goodness" (Shall 103). Therefore, divine punishment, in the economy of salvation it is a true act of love by the Creator towards his creatures. And here I point out in passing that the term "economy" just used has, similarly to that of "punishment", a meaning that is also completely different from that of the current spoken lexicon. This Greek-derived lemma ― oἰκονομικά ― appears in a work attributed to Aristotle who uses it to indicate the management of oἰκος, that is, of the family and what belongs to it. For the Greeks the economy was not a factor, as we understand it today, an autonomous reality that operates equally autonomously. And precisely because of this word I used with reference to the "economy of salvation", someone present - obviously the most cultured and refined of all the listeners - started laughing and then showed evidence of crass ignorance by asking me publicly:

"But she, talking about the economy of salvation, he always stuck to the sale of indulgences?».

A very widespread characteristic in today's society non è il sapiente e saggio "I know that I don't know" (xéro óti den xéro, I know I do not know), according to the wise maxim of Socrates reported later by Plato in the Apology of Socrates. Today, the sovereign principle in our increasingly uncultured and arrogant masses is the exact opposite: know what you don't know, then discuss, contest and often even attack through various channels social media those who know and who for this very reason try in vain to provide clarifications, according to the psychopathological style of who, despite not knowing, However, he presumes to know more than ever.

In people of true culture knowledge is founded and moves on the basis of Socratic wisdom "I know that I don't know". Because no matter how much one may have dedicated their entire existence to study and research, all of us, even the most cultured, we remain basically ignorant in the etymological sense of the term ignorant of his predecessors hence the term ignorance, its turn derived from the Greek verb γνωρίζειν (gnorízein), which literally means "lack of knowledge". Or any of us, including long-time scholars, he would perhaps be able to say: “I know everything”? When Rita Levi Montalcini became Senator for life, distinguished neurobiologist scientist, shortly after the Nobel Prize was awarded in 1986, for having discovered the Nerve Growth Factor (the growth element of the nerve fiber), during a public event she was told that she was among the few people in the world who knew the human brain. In response she replied:

«Of the human brain, in my life, I learned something, but just something, because many of its resources remain unknown and today, we scientists, we can say we know about the 5% of its potential".

Let's now try to move from neuroscience to theology and specifically to patristics or patrology. There is a patrologist in the world capable of claiming to know in depth the works of all the great Fathers and doctors of the Church, from major to minor ones, or to have even simply read them all? I know patrologists in their eighties who have dedicated their entire lives to studying the Cappadocian Fathers, also known as the Wise Men of Cappadocia, which are three: the Saints Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa and Gregory of Nazianzus also known as Nazianzen. Of all the others they have a summary knowledge, many others still have never examined and studied them, not even read. The true man of culture is aware, precisely because it is so, of one's ignorance, precisely because true knowledge necessarily comes from the awareness of not knowing: «… of the human brain, in my life, I learned something, but only something".

The destruction of the principle of authority it is that element that fundamentally supports the triumph of the fundamentalist dictatorship of non-knowledge, of that crass ignorance, rude and violent which is something completely different from the "not knowing" of the cultured man. And this crass ignorance, rude and violent, it has long since carried out its great and devastating coup through the internet and i social media. The cancellation of cultural roles, social, political and religious develops at its worst through these channels which constitute the destructive element of every principle of authority. This is a problem that requires us to take a historical-social leap backwards to be understood, to be precise, the inglorious seventies of the twentieth century, with all its devastating and emotional "do not forbid", «imagination in power» and so on. In that season a real process of subversion took place, reversal and finally a real elimination of roles. Today the teacher is no longer someone sitting on a desk in a higher position, which not by chance had a pedagogical and symbolic platform that raised it in height above the desks where the students sat, from which he dispensed his teaching to subjects who had to remain silent, listen and learn, responding only when questioned, or, when granted, ask questions about what the teacher had explained but which had not been well understood. Many lower or high school teachers, or university professors, at the end of their lessons they used to ask: «I was clear... I explained myself well? You have some clarifying questions to ask?». I honestly have no memory of ever hearing any of my schoolmates or university colleagues speak up: «I don't agree with what he said because in my opinion… I think that…». This could have meant finding yourself later in the exam in front of an examiner who could have made you repent of your past sins in an impeccable manner and in full compliance with the law and academic rules., present and even future. And I will tell: it would have done well too, because arrogance must be punished, precisely for the sake of the arrogant, which needs to be corrected, not indulged, less than ever tolerated. Arrogance is in itself intolerable.

The post-1968 teacher he has become the one with whom we dialogue and compare ourselves, no longer in a vertical role position, that is, from above (teacher) downward (students), but in a horizontal relationship. If then, in this kind of sick relationship relationship - which could not and never should be, first of all for the good of those who have to learn - one starts challenging the teacher with "I don't agree", because I think that... because in my opinion...", here is that subject, today, he will even be judged as a particularly brilliant student. Then, if he insults the teacher, at that point he will become the favorite of all his companions and his comrades they will send him little hearts for WhatsApp, or directly their half-naked images on Instagram. Nobody thinks that today's parent, learning of his son's feat, you feel a sense of human shame for having a child who is rude to that level, because the answer will be more or less this: «He insulted him, you can see he deserved it". Or maybe it can, today's parent, feeling ashamed and then admitting that he was a total educational failure? Of course not, therefore it is the insulted teacher who is wrong and the child who is right.

The exams I took at the time first in high school and then at university ― me like everyone else ― were not based on a dialogue between peers, but on a completely unequal relationship where a person is vested with authority, the professor, he asked me questions to which I, student, in a subordinate position I had to answer precisely, especially in the strict merit of what had been requested of me, showing that I had acquired and developed the knowledge that had been transmitted to me. Having done this the authority, that is, the high school teacher or the ordinary university professor, he expressed a judgment on me in the form of a vote, with a rating given in numbers between 0 e 10 or between 18 e 30. I got to have teachers who were talented, knowledgeable people, as well as educational qualities, as I have had others that were mediocre, equipped with little science and, if anything, also lacking in teaching skills. However, it was not our job as students to evaluate teachers, that could be judged, for their merits or demerits, only by their superiors, or at least by their peers, certainly not from the students who were acquiring knowledge and who had not yet acquired and matured. This made them lack the necessary judgment skills - including contestation - to be able to express positive or negative judgments on the qualities and abilities of the teachers..

Cases have been multiplying for years in which the disastrous parents of certain students, worthy children or grandchildren of the less than glorious Sixty-eight and the Seventies that followed, they do not even limit themselves to appealing to the Regional Administrative Courts for a failure they consider unjust, because they clog them up with appeals even for a vote since, in their opinion, it was not adequate. If the parent, more or less the son or grandson of 1968 or the 1970s, he is unable to pass on to his child the healthy and healthy principle of authority and respect that is due to authority, society is inevitably doomed to colossal failure after descending into the absolute worst and most destructive form of anarchy: the anarchy of emotions, or if we prefer "forbidden to forbid" and "imagination in power".

These are the results that are before our eyes today: the parent ceases to be a parent and becomes a friend or a "criminal" accomplice of the child; the teacher is a subject with whom one compares oneself, contesting it and giving vent to one's egocentrism with "I don't agree... because I think that... because in my opinion..."; the doctor is no longer the one who treats you but a person who can be interrupted while he is giving you a diagnosis by expressing the fateful phrase «Ah, I do not agree, because I read on the internet that..."; state offices, from the carabiniere to the policeman up to the Senator for life of the Italian Republic who became such due to special merits, they are figures who are often mocked and debased by people who do not even know the first fundamental article of the Constitution of the Italian Republic and who are completely ignorant of the republican system in which they live; priests and theologians are people now relegated to the most useless and marginal roles of civil society to whom young people suffering from functional or digital illiteracy turn face to face with the "you" telling them how and why the Church makes mistakes, or putting their foot down because they have to act as godparents at baptism, however, they had not been confirmed, here, after having made a profession of not believing the truths announced by the Church, they tell you, if anything even with a bad face "I have the right to do Confirmation because I need it", ignoring that the Sacraments are not a right but an action of divine grace … In short, a society in which, together with the principle of authority, all the rules have disappeared, with a mass of arrogant ignorant people who every half sentence pronounce «I have the right to… I have the right to…» but in an egocentric and anarchic way they don't even accept the vague idea itself that alongside rights there are duties and vice versa, since a society made only of rights cannot exist, just as one made only of duties cannot exist.

I have quoted Umberto Eco several times in various of my writings that touched on the problem of the internet and social media, because with four brushstrokes he depicted, more than a problem, a real social disaster:

«I social media they give the right to speak to legions of idiots who previously only spoke at the bar after a glass of wine, without damaging the community. They were immediately silenced, while now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It is the invasion of imbeciles!» (cf.. WHO).

Before the semiologist Umberto Eco, when still i social media they had not taken the field, a famous Italian mathematician, George Israel, he expressed himself this way about the internet:

«It is true - as someone noted - that I have decided to put an end to this type of “dialogue”. It highlighted two of the worst aspects of the internet, a means which I will not give up anyway, but not to give in to the evil temptations it leads to. I am alluding to the loss of inhibitions whereby one believes one can treat people with whom one would not dare to do so hastily and even rudely. de visu; and the tendency to pass judgment on crucial issues that are perhaps the subject of secular reflection, even calling anyone who doesn't comply an idiot" (cf.. Article from May 2008 taken from Giorgio Israel's website).

Forgive me if I use myself as an example, but I believe that transmitting one's personal experience is important, especially by a presbyter and a theologian who has just reached the threshold of sixty years of age. This means - or at least it is assumed - to have acquired and developed a certain life experience and, through methodical research studies continued over time, a certain knowledge, always and rigorously based on the awareness of "I know that I don't know". As always we exemplify: once, the classic frigid hysteric who was reactively affected by obsessive neuroses of a pseudo-religious nature, after causing problems, friction, arguments and confusion of various kinds in the parish, or perhaps even before it could generate similar things, she was taken aside by some of the parish priests who were, made new from head to toe and then chased away. Today the classic frigid hysteric reactively affected by obsessive neuroses of a pseudo-religious nature dives into the sea of social media, goes hunting for the priests' pages and with a quarrelsome and aggressive spirit begins to challenge them in an insulting and provocative tone, especially if the priest has written a clear and precise post in which he deals in a simple way with serious matters in terms of doctrine and faith, making them understandable to the general public, but to which she responds with absurd nonsense. This is one of the main pitfalls of social media, for us presbyters and theologians as for any scholar or for any person who in society has what he should be, but above all it should be felt and respected as a role of authority.

In internet, but above all in social media, as Giorgio Israel pointed out many years ago, there is a total loss "of inhibitions that allow people to be treated hastily and even rudely with people they wouldn't dare to do so with." de visu». Which adds a worse element: «the tendency to pass judgment on crucial issues that are perhaps the subject of secular reflection, even calling anyone who doesn't comply an idiot". We have had recent experience of this, moreover linked to an affair that brought civil societies to their knees for two years, governments and the economy: the Covid-19 pandemic. Who among us does not remember armies of shampoo girls and bar intellectuals with a lower secondary school diploma from evening schools who, between one ungrammatical message and another, denied the most expert virologists and infectious disease specialists because they had read on blogs managed by equally arrogant ignorant people that …? I tried to respond in this way to many of these people at the time:

«Science is not perfect and has always been fallible and defeasible. Vaccine yes, vaccine no? Personally I have decided to trust science, that he can make mistakes and has often made mistakes. However, I intend to make an act of faith towards science, because if anyone must be wrong about me, I prefer that the mistake is made by a specialist in an attempt to save me rather than by a naturopath-esotericist hunting for idiots who makes people believe he can cure them with homeopathic pills and colored magnetic stones. Also because, while science asks for trust when necessary, these charlatans and those who decide to follow them ask and demand instead real acts of blind faith regarding what is absurd and anti-scientific they say and support".

At that delicate juncture as in other different but similar ones, public and private television stations have burdened themselves with enormous responsibilities that a true civil society and truly enlightened politics should not have hesitated to make pay dearly out of a sense of justice and for the protection of the population. In fact, we remember that while people were locked in their homes at the height of lockdown, for five days a week, three or four hours every evening, in all the most followed talk show quarrels and brawls were encouraged and fomented between clinical specialists and ignorant emeritus people taken from the street who contested and denied them. All passed off as the right to information and the right to freedom of speech. Request: of when, the imbeciles, they have the right to express themselves in prime time on public and private television, even more so to challenge and refute scholars with absurd and irrational theories, even more than anti-scientific? The television networks were really interested in giving everyone a voice? And since when, this passionate love for truth on the part of mass media that they usually hide the truth, manipulate and distort it, when it suits the bosses who keep them tight and tied to their payrolls? No, the truth was completely different: the editorial staff of television programmes, with a cynicism that it would have been good to make him pay dearly for, they had a single purpose, much higher than Covid-19 and the pandemic danger itself: audience ratings. More brawls broke out in the television studios, the more the audience ratings went up. But let's go back to Umberto Eco again:

«Television had promoted the village idiot compared to whom the viewer felt superior. The tragedy of the Internet is that it has promoted the village idiot to the bearer of truth" (cf.. WHO).

Call yourselves an "old-fashioned" priest, if you prefer demodé, but I remain aware that the Church, through the so-called three gifts, he sent me to teach, to sanctify and guide the People of God, this after having trained me, educated and specialized in theological sciences, therefore giving me a mandate. This is my job, both for those who believe in it and for those who, even if you don't believe it, he would still be required to respect it, especially in this world in which respect and maximum political correctness are de rigueur even for the last of the illegal immigrants landed on our shores and for transsexuals balancing on stiletto heels, who certainly do not have a human dignity superior to that of a human being called a priest. As a result, the task of ours believers of Christ it remains today to accept our teaching, allow yourself to be sanctified through the Sacraments of grace administered by us and be guided on the path of Christian life, or if you prefer to be governed by pastors within the Church, where you are free to enter and from which, to be understood, you are free to leave, but no one has the right and the recognized freedom to insolent the shepherds.

Soon said: come minister in sacred I am not a person with whom any person who proclaims himself Catholic or believer can deal face to face, because the relationship is theologically and hierarchically bottom-up (loyal) upward (presbyter). It is not the believer or worse the presumed one who can wag his finger and give me lessons on how a priest should be a priest or on how he should transmit the truths of the faith, or worse, which truths can be good and which "must" be changed instead. All expressed by subjects who have never even looked at the Catechism of the Catholic Church and who therefore ignore that the truths of faith are immutable and certainly not mutable at will, with lots of like on social, because "I think that... in my opinion...".

In front of this kind of people I act and interact in two ways: or I reprimand them with a severe and, if necessary, authoritarian attitude, making it clear to them that I am not their companion, much less a person with whom they can think of confronting one-on-one, or, as in the case of social media in which relationships are perversely horizontal, I react with a sneer, with the colorful word, sometimes even using some completely random trivial phrase, less than ever instinctive or emotional, but precisely scientifically studied and desired in order to shake up certain subjects, whose reaction is as evident as it is obvious: «Shame of a priest... vulgar priest... but you really are a priest?». Yup, I'm a priest, with the aggravating circumstance of also being a theologian to whom you, young girl or do-nothing woman, after having spent the day browsing the internet in search of gossip and titillating news, you thought you could explain what the Catholic faith really is. Because the most disrespectful and most violent of all are de rigueur: give it, how they feel social media. Or it could happen that I don't respond and that I respond to some of these angry comments by posting on my page social the photography of Only Rose in spray version used by women for vaginal itching, if anything accompanying the photo with the phrase: "they say it works...".

Imbeciles always take things seriously and they desperately need to be taken seriously, because the social authorities are felt, scientific, policies, moral and religious which they absolutely are not, this thing that, for a sort of strange and complex unconscious envy, it leads them to insult those who truly and legitimately hold these roles of authority. What is not serious, never be caught and treated as if he were. A quel point, clever mockery is the only antidote. It's about cunning and subtle pedagogy: mocking one happens that he, together with others 100, they post hundreds of insulting comments to you, but it almost always happens that at least two or three, in front of your answers, they understand, giving you and recognizing the social role and authority that you deserve and are owed, because certain relationships are not, nor can they ever be equal, nor based on the principle of «… in my opinion… I think that…».

As a presbyter I can ask my Bishop opinion and advice, expose a problem and ask for suggestions for its solution, I can also raise doubts about certain choices or pastoral directives, with all the deepest courtesy of the case I can also offer some advice, because every priest is a close collaborator of the Bishop. However, I cannot dispute him and reject what he has established, thus placing me above him, because I am the one who depends on his authority, to whom I promised filial respect and devout obedience with a solemn sacramental act. It is the Bishop who granted me the mandate and the related faculty to celebrate the Holy Mass, to preach the Holy Gospel, to absolve from sins and to care for and safeguard the People of God, all in a relationship of subordination, because I am subjected in a subordinate way to the apostolic authority of the Bishop, who has the power, wanting or deeming it appropriate, to revoke this mandate as well, partially or totally, if he deemed me inadequate or unworthy. So, even if I had a hundred reasons in and of itself, if I dared to place myself above his apostolic authority, those reasons would turn into a thousand serious wrongs which would make me a terrible priest and which would cause scandal and disorientation to the believers of Christ. This, it is the principle of authority in the Church, entirely based on the theological virtues of faith, of hope and charity (cf.. The Cor 1.13). And make it clear to the Catholics of «in my opinion … I do not agree ..", it's not easy.

At times, to recover people and bring others to reason, a photo of a pharmacological product against vaginal itching may be more useful rather than a useless dissertation on certain key principles enunciated by the Holy Father and Doctor of the Church Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, who also had good knowledge of vaginas, when he was always Aurelius of Tagaste. And someone, after laughing about Only Rose which relieves vaginal itching, it may be that he understands and then opens up. Only at that point will it be possible to talk about the Gospel and the precious thoughts of Saint Augustine, producing good fruit, all thanks to a teasing joke that started with a product that relieves vaginal itching.

Who is in authority, faced with this total crisis of every principle of authority today there are two solutions: or he starts fighting in vain against windmills by speaking a language that the masses are ignorant of, arrogant and quarrelsome people who swarm the social media I am not even able to understand and understand, or he makes fun of imbeciles while maintaining the respect that is due to him and that is due to him. Recovering some from time to time, which is no small thing these days:

«Who among you has a hundred sheep and loses one, he does not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and goes after the lost one, until he finds her again? Find it again, he puts it on his shoulder all happy, go home, call friends and neighbors saying: “Rejoice with me, because I found my lost sheep". Like this, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven for a converted sinner, that for ninety-nine righteous people who do not need conversion" (LC 15, 4-7).

I social media I am an ocean where sardines think they are sharks and where cod have the killer whale complex, but yet, occasionally, it is possible to recover some sea bass, aware first of all that he is a bass.


the Island of Patmos, 9 October 2023




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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos




Fernando Botero has died, enhancer of the fat colors of life and antagonist of contemporary artistic anorexia


The inspiration, creative flair, genius is useless, if this grandeur is not always accompanied by hard work and sacrifice. Along with this dedication to work there was always the choice of one's life: «Do what we like, never stop doing what you like and what makes you feel good".

- Actuality -

Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos


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I grew up thereshadow of the first sculpture by the master Fernando Botero, woman torso, known to all as the fat girl O the GOrda de Berrio in reference to the Parque de Berrío square where the statue was located before its move to the theme park created in honor of the artist. This statue gigantic and voluminous it was built in 1987 and measure of 2 meters e 48 centimeters tall, one meter and 76 in width, 1 metro e 7 centimeters deep.

The statue had been installed in front of the regional headquarters of the State Bank and in front of a square that was one of the main bus and taxi stops, as well as being a meeting point. The shape of the sculpture always left me amazed and wondering: «Women are not like that, which colombian woman is fat like this?!». Yet my gaze always remained fixed on that work illuminated in a play of lights by the sun when the sun rose or set..

All the born in recent decades of the last century were delighted to observe this sculpture while the transformation of the city was underway with the construction of Colombia's first metro network in the City of Medellin, which marked the leap forward of the Andean metropolis from a semi-industrial agricultural city towards the new millennium which would project it towards tourism, including artistic tourism, thanks not least to maestro Fernando Botero. In some metro stations there are works of art inspired by him, in others you can feel his spirit and style and in one particularly, the one near the square where his stands Gorda today a beautiful thing rises art park with several voluminous Boterian statues.

In those years there was noIt was an exhibition space intended for this great interpreter of our time, in fact there was no real space for art at all. And for me, as for many of my other compatriots, the first reference to the world of fine arts was the master Fernando Botero, whose artistic creativity we were able to catch even in passing while waiting for some transport service or some person. Today, the new generations, not only can they contemplate the numerous works scattered throughout the city, because thanks to his patronage - which made him the greatest contemporary patron that the city of Medellin and Colombia itself had - he favored the creation of the various exhibition spaces with his works and those of European masters, previously excluded if they were not mentioned in history books and encyclopedias [1].

The figure of Fernando Botero it has always been outside the artistic environment for me, model and memory of a virile figure with whom I grew up, so were my grandparents and the men of my land. Always interested in the good of the family, in union and harmony in beautiful moments as well as in difficult and painful ones. A family unit also involved in the interests and activities of paterfamilias, as the Master's children have said on several occasions, when in their father's memory they explained that in the creation of their works he asked them to help him paint the canvas. Some details were then used by him as decorations in the lower margins of his works, other children's jobs have been cancelled, but in them remained the memory and the teaching of having helped their father by participating in his artistic efforts.

This kind of men they tried to nourish the habit, today unfortunately lost or forgotten, to get the family together to spend time in a specific place. Of course, in the case of the maestro, one cannot help but admire his high taste for having chosen the beautiful Tuscan town of Pietrasanta in the province of Lucca[2]. like the environment in which every time he could he had his whole family come to live days with moments full of affection to remember for a lifetime. Even before developing his style and his works, one of the main teachings that he never stopped transmitting, especially to his family and his few friends - Botero was a very private person - it was his work: «there is only one 5% inspirational and 95% of sweating", because in his view every kind of job had to be so well done and tiring that it made you sweat.

The inspiration, creative flair, the genius they are of no use, if this grandeur is not always accompanied by hard work and sacrifice. Along with this dedication to work there was always the choice of one's life: «Do what we like, never stop doing what you like and what makes you feel good". In one of the latest documentaries made in his honor, the teacher, at the end of the video, he looks sitting on a chair in front of a small and simple house typical of the rural areas of the city. Speaking to the interviewer he complains of the sadness he felt due to the knowledge that he would soon die and he still had many things to do, and this made him feel happy. The work, that job he had chosen to follow all his life, it gave him pleasure, because he chose to do so.

The characteristic style dthe artist called “butterism", it is not made up of fat but "voluminous" figures depicted in different scenarios and situations, following the European tradition that came to life in the Renaissance with Michelangelo, Mantegna, Raffaello, Piero della Francesca[3]. Accompanied in his sculptural art by the inspiration of the serene monumentalism of Paolo Uccello. A figurative style combined with a colorful and lovable aesthetic that drew inspiration from the dramatic style of the early years muralists Diego Rivera and Jose Clemente Orozco, subsequently deepened during his stay in Europe while studying in the Academies of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Spain, with studies on the works of Goya and Velázquez, and at the Accademia Fiorentina di San Marco with the study of Titian's works, Giotto and Botticelli[4]. The Master thus projects himself into the 1980s with the development of the expanded volume of the form which, despite the "exaggerated" dimensions, does not disturb the proportion of the figure in all its characteristics., without giving up those influences that are the traits of his Colombian homeland, vibrant color, lively and brilliant, inspired by his own hometown of Medellin, known for urbanizations rich in exaggerated and marked chromaticism that recalls that style naive capable of transmitting the carefree notes of a peaceful life in the open air, up to the painful "accents" of the violence seen and experienced.

It seems that in the fifties the Master found its stylistic dimension when in the creation of the still life study he applied the "dilation" to the mandolin. The artist was viscerally struck by the result of his form dilated beyond the natural, thus generating the evocation of a profound sensuality as a sign of vitality, of joy and prosperity that this voluminous expression will become in the years to come, original character all of its own recognized worldwide. This is how he describes this significant moment in an interview in 2007:

«What happened was very simple. I was drawing a mandolin with a very generous profile as I learned from the Italians. Then, the moment I cut the hole in the mandolin, I made it very small. Suddenly, this mandolin became huge, monumental due to the contrast between the small detail and the generous outline. I saw that something happened there. I immediately started trying to visualize other subjects. It took a long time – 10, 15 years – before I developed a more or less coherent vision of what I wanted to do, but at the beginning it was that little sketch inspired by my love for Italian art" (see WHO).

At the beginning of the seventies its commercial listing begins[5] and critical acclaim, after he had taken up residence in Europe[6]. It was then that the Maestro began to create sculptures following the voluminous style that seems to emerge from the canvases to acquire the three-dimensionality known in his works scattered around the world[7].

The Eighties, until the first years of the new century, characterize the master's artistic research with depictions and scenes of violence experienced with the war on drug trafficking in Medellin and the pictorial cycle on the different report on the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison by members of the United States military and the CIA during the Iraq war.

Regardless of public and commercial recognition, a certain form of artistic criticism has never been positive or lenient towards him. Since his first exhibitions in the United States, several North American critics have judged him in a destructive manner - unlike the public who has deeply appreciated him since his first works - defining the artist and his art as «not belonging to contemporary evolution; simplistic and caricatured human figures inserted in sunny contexts of family life; lack of seriousness about his sculptures which deprived him of a specific critical examination". But to define it: «A simple commercial phenomenon of a self-referential author disconnected from reality» (see WHO).

Although this may appear to be a subjective or biased judgement, I think I can say that the Master was one of the few, if not the last great artist who during his lifetime had maintained the quality and value of his works at a very high level. Also in this regard there are several testimonies told by the family members themselves who remember times in the past, during periods of difficulty and economic hardship, when he was already recognized for his skill but had not yet had any economic results, but full of so much imagination, walked through the cities where, if he found some piece of wood or steel that he thought would be useful to him, he would take it and use it to create toys for his children or utensils for the house. The lack of money therefore abounded with imagination and the desire to always create something new and useful.

The Maestro was a great enthusiast of many sports, especially football, one of the most followed sports in his native Colombia, especially in Medellin. This great interest in football among Colombians, from the first years of life, finds confirmation in the work Children playing soccer (children playing football).

Horse riding is represented indirectly on a canvas that turned out to be the work that marked one of the saddest moments of the artist's life: Pedro on horseback. Painting described by the Author himself as the painting he had painted with the greatest pain in his life and for this reason he considered it the work he loved most and also his master work. This canvas was born from the mourning he had with the death of his four-year-old son in a car accident in Spain in the Seventies. This canvas is located in the museum of the Author's region of origin and is a portrait where blue predominates of a child riding a toy horse, in the lower corners the painful scenes of the father who saw his dead son and then the scene of the grieving parents inside the empty house are depicted (see WHO).

The cycle of his bullfighting works mainly made in the 1980s, it is considered as the "artist's confession", a reflection on death and its presence in an exercise of nostalgia and struggle on the dramatic scenes of bullfighting. Personally I remember my period of study at the University of Salamanca, when a professor tries to argue the meaning and universal value of bullfighting, explained that before the race the bulls lived free, strong and served like gods. Only the strongest and most majestic specimens were chosen who had earned the opportunity to demonstrate all their race and panache in the Arena., "on equal terms" between the ugly and pure power of the bull against the mastery of the dance and provocation of the bullfighter. In the opinion of the professor of classical culture, it is a modern version of the gladiator fight, or even more the modern evocation of man's struggles against the mythological and divine figures of antiquity; where the skill of the man who fights and even puts his life at risk, without anything written or defined as in game managed only by, of fate.

As an explanation of bullfighting made the subject of the Master's pictorial art, the traditions of his native homeland remain. In the same city of Medellin there is a very renowned Arena in the Andean area, and the opening of the season racing it marked a particularly significant date in the social life of the citizens. If football matches were the epicenters of passion and popular interests in the city, the days in the arena with its bullfighting shows were the fulcrum for the city's upper middle class classes.

According to some sources close to the master it was the taste for bullfighting that generated the love for painting in the young Fernando Botero. Significant, within this pictorial cycle, the work The goring, oil on canvas, 1998. Emblematic demonstration of the artist's passion for bulls and his reflection on death characterized by the satisfying expression depicted on the bullfighter's face after being gored. Other relevant works are dying bull 1985, Death of Ramfrom the Torres, 1986.

The cycle of works on violence in Colombia has raised many questions in South American academic and art critical circles regarding the relationship between reality and art, especially how they feed, art and violence align or deny each other. For some, the connection between art and reality in these works maintains a possible meaning only on a social level as the artist's representation constitutes an "objectification" of the experience to make it accessible to those who contemplate it. As a result, the artist's creations, they are a rational necessity, not a simple desire, nor a whim or a psychological need. Those who look at those works are encouraged to focus their attention on the concrete state of social reality or of the individual, without promoting or glorifying an ideological or political system that would end up putting the very autonomy of art at risk, making it a political tool or a means of dissuasion and distraction for those who observe the artistic work.

Others consider this connection to form a single whole which allows both the artist and those who observe his works the possibility of grasping a position and a concrete choice of a specific historical moment of life and reality. Creating like this, not the arbitrary creative sense of inspiration and/or contemplation; but as a condition of possibility both for artistic creativity and for the culture and subjective experience of those who contemplate. The condition of possibility and/or choice becomes, like this, a compromise of individual production that offers meaning and purpose to works of art as aspirations, motivations for the community and for the singularity of both the artist and the visitor.

Other opinions have cataloged this pictorial cycle as a hedonistic act of a self-referential artist who lives in a pseudo-expressionist "limbo" of failed realism intensified by the accentuation of certain particular aspects through grotesque figures that bring the gravity of the armed conflict experienced in Colombia to a trivialization very close to caricature. The Maestro himself had to return to talk about his pictorial cycle on several occasions, in one of them he said:

«I have always expressed, and I did it until recently: art is to give pleasure and not to annoy or distress the public. Who has seen a sad impressionist painting? when you saw a sad Titian? a sad Velazquez? Great painting has a positive attitude towards life. I am against art that transforms itself into a witness of time as a combat weapon. But faced with the drama that was experienced in Colombia, the moment had come in which I felt the moral obligation to leave my testimony on the irrational moment in the history of my country. I don't pretend that these paintings can fix anything, in fact I am convinced that they will not solve anything. I am aware that art changes nothing, those responsible for the changes are solely politicians. I just want to leave a testimony as an artist who lived and felt his homeland and his time. It would be like saying: look at the madness in which we live, Let's hope it never happens again. I don't do "committed art", that art that aspires to transform things, I don't believe in that kind of art" (see WHO)

The cycle of works on the female world of maestro Botero the large number of works demonstrates the artist's attention and interest in women, a theme that he himself considers to be one of the main themes of universal art. The choice to represent voluminous women contrary to the canon of thinness imposed on women, it is not so much a choice of protest against the stereotypes that are inculcated as a model of beauty, but as a style and personal conviction as a painter and sculptor who transforms the shapes of voluminous subjects into a source of joy. And art must always generate and transmit pleasure. The voluminousness, according to Fernando Botero, was born in flat painting during the Middle Ages, but it was Italian artists who developed the volume from the Renaissance onwards. The voluminousness is almost a "sort of miracle" that still remains as it is. Today this volume - reiterates the Maestro - has become part of the history and of the very perception of art. But it was like a "lightning bolt" that can still be seen and whose sound can still be heard; miracle from which, today again, we were amazed. Among the most significant works of these themes there are numerous paintings of an erotic nature such as Woman with lipstick (woman with lipstick) watercolor and ink on paper, 2002, Bath, pencil work on paper, 2002.

So far, there is no total figure for the number of works by the artist, nor even a reasoned and updated catalog - also considering the many donations of works that the Maestro has made in recent years, including many works and most of his most representative sculptures -, cycles like that of violence still exist, but also a series of paintings from his youth - it must be considered that the artist painted almost every day from the age of 14 years until the compliment of his 90 year old; works that are private property of the family and have not been catalogued. In the same way, what is missing is a detailed survey around the world of "boterist" art; according to the rough estimate it could exceed more 2000 works between canvases, sketches, caricatures and illustrations for newspapers.

Among his exhibitions in Italy must be considered: Rome, Palazzo Venezia, 2005, where he presented his pictorial cycle to the public with fifty canvases that testified to the screams of protest full of a disturbing force against the injustice committed against prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Works where one must note the care taken in the use of perspective which changes based on the positioning of the prison bars: the spectator is projected both outside and inside the cells. All this enhances the sense of identification in victims, almost as if there was a reversal of position between those who observe and those who suffer, functional to feel the suffering of others. The images appear more compromising, deeply disturbing and disturbing, as much as the crimes committed. The artistic urgency to express the anger and indignation felt, meant that the Colombian artist dedicated himself to the project for over a year and that in the end, according to what he himself said, it led him to a sense of emptiness where he had nothing left to say. Following Palermo, Palace of the Normans, 2015, considered the artistic event of the year in the city, and in which maestro Botero himself declared that for the creation of Judas he was inspired by a mafioso as contained in this beautiful testimony of his:

«I was fascinated by Italian art and the importance it gives to shapes and volume. I was seduced by the sensuality of Italian painting, by its roundness. Now thinner shapes are preferred, thin women, but at the beginning of the century, rounder ones were preferred. A sensitivity that changes" (see WHO).

In 2016 did a traveling exhibition with the most significant stops in Palermo and Rome entitled: Way of the cross. Christ's passion in which he addressed one of the most covered themes in Western sacred painting from the Renaissance to the present day: the passion and death of Jesus Christ. Cycle of sumptuous colors and shapes through rounded and cold subjects. Recurring sacred theme even though the teacher is not considered a religious person, however, he recognized how the religious theme had in itself a beautiful and long artistic tradition. The Way of the cross, centerpiece of the exhibition, it is the artist's reinterpretation in which he mixes Latin American traditions and realities with the biblical theme, demonstrating the importance of the drama of Jesus' last days which marked the whole of humanity forever. In these oils Jesus appears very human, without halos, interpreter of the suffering of the world. The master's research is done on the combination of historical truth mixed with some truths, such as for example the use of contemporary characters connected to the image of Christ who testifies with Botero's own style to his being a believer but not a practitioner, profoundly respectful of the sphere of the sacred without falling into satire. The Master's in-depth study of the dramatic subject - a subject studied as a favorite theme of art until the sixteenth century - which in the twentieth century could have and offer a new vision according to contemporary sensitivity (see WHO).

In 2017, at Palazzo Forti in Verona, the monographic exhibition was held to pay homage to fifty years of career with 50 masterpieces that summarized the dreamlike dimension, fantastic and fairy-tale with an echo of nostalgia among animals, men; re-enactment of his native continent of Latin America. An exhibition followed in Bologna, at Palazzo Pallavicini, in the autumn of 2019, with 50 works including mixed media drawings and color watercolors with the theme of bullfighting and the circus (see WHO)

It will remain in the memory and in the history of art the exhibition Boatman to Parma with 47 plaster casts, bronzes and several paintings at the Governor's Palace in 2013. During, the opening party the Master declared:

«Art must give pleasure to the public, do not cause suffering or disturb. Sculptures and paintings must speak clearly" there must be no barriers to understanding" (see WHO)

There are countless sculptures by the master Fernando Botero around the world but for the love that the Fathers of The Island of Patmos have towards cats ― faithful companions of hard work and long days of work in the creation of their texts ― we must mention the Botero's Cat, sculpture by 7 meters wide per 2 meters high and 2 thick with long tail and comical snout, now a distinctive symbol of the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona. Mammoth cat that between the 1987, year in which the municipality of Barcelona purchased it, and the 2003, changed location within the city more than four times - almost as if to represent the felines that will continually circle and move until they have found the perfect place to stay, like our cat Bruno who climbed onto my computer desk while I was writing these lines about Botero's cat, turning forcefully in front of me, sometimes preventing the view of the screen or other times sitting on the keyboard as master of the space. Indeed, as happened with Botero's Cat, he has to try different seats and body positions before choosing what he thinks will be the most comfortable place, solemn and more visible (see WHO).

Vittorio Sgarbi in an interview given on the day of the Maestro's death, regarding the figure of Fernando Botero he defined him as an artist of life. A painter who in each of his works represents the scene of a comedy where both the context of the work and the subject of the canvas themselves tell a song to life in their daily lives. This joy and cheerfulness of Botero was in a certain sense revolutionary against the common thread of twentieth-century art, especially that generated by the avant-gardes who have certainly and masterfully expressed the crisis, the tragedy and drama of man and civilization after two wars, with psychoanalysis and the social struggle for the freedoms and rights of the sexes. On the one hand it is very easy to paint tragedy, especially when you experience situations of continuous anguish, while it is much more difficult to tell stories, fairy tales and magic with the colors of life; This also gives rise to the choice of fat or voluminous models. Fat evokes and represents happiness while thinness represents sadness, the drama and the pain. Fernando Botero is an artist who remains faithful to tradition in the use of technique, of the colors and also of the choice of the theme such as celebrating and enhancing the colors of its magical-fantastic Christmas region.

Regarding the words expressed by Fernando Botero in Parma In the 2013, Vittorio Sgarbi reiterated that these were the reasons why his art had become universal, its simplicity allowed it to reach and welcome any type of audience and to cross any historical period or form of artistic criticism. The universality of the master Fernando Botero has not only transcended the boundaries of specifically artistic or academic environments, but also social ones. The artist himself was aware of this universality demonstrated with his words in one of his interviews, when telling the anecdote of a trip to the Colombian Amazon, being located in the Puerto Nariño region, inside a small, poor house he found a reproduction of one of his works, this thing leaves him enraptured.

With Fernando Botero he dies one of the last greats in the history of twentieth century painting.


the Island of Patmos, 27 September 2023



[1] The last known donation is more than that 700 works to the museums and squares that beautify Colombia. Throughout his life Fernando Botero sponsored scholarships intended for talents who could continue their studies both within Colombia and abroad in the areas of music, the plastic arts, letters and literature. Ana Maria Escallón, author of the book Botero: new works on canvas and who participated in supporting one of the largest donations that became part of the national heritage, explains this donation as a total act of charity by the artist, who didn't want to keep anything with him and for this reason had donated everything he had with the aim of giving Colombia an international outlook on art (see WHO).

[2] His bond with Italy which he loved so much that he considered it his second home, and as I wrote above, a suitable place to share periods full of intimate and affectionate encounters with his children and grandchildren was achieved with the donation of the work to the Municipality of Pietrasanta The warrior, bronze nude of over four meters located in Piazza Matteotti from 1992 (see WHO).

[3] «I am someone who protests against modern painting, but in any case I use what is hidden or behind it: the ironic game and what it means is now recognized by everyone. I paint figurative and realist, but with a strict sense of fidelity to nature; I will never give a brush stroke that is not a description of something real: a mouth, of the hills, a tree. But what I describe is the reality found by me. It could be formulated this way: I make a realist description of an unrealistic reality" (see WHO).

[4] L'argentina Maria Traba (1930-1983) Writer, art critic and important figure of the avant-garde of the seventies, she was a decisive scholar in the recognition and credibility of Colombian and South American artists of the last century. The theoretical work carried out on the works of Fernando Botero was the first artistic critical examination that supported the artist's work so as to act as a calling card for presenting himself at national and international exhibitions. The intellectual described Fernando Botero's art as a "Renaissance of stone" for his conception of the block of forms: «they pushed Botero towards monsters that represented a challenge to beauty and logic, consequently the opinion of the public which requires these two "theological" virtues of art (logic and beauty) however insignificant the figures may be in certain cases (are needed by the public) to give approval to an artist and his art, but the art that challenges if it is true can strike to the point of horror but will never go unnoticed. No one can fail to recognize the scandal caused by the enormous figures as well as the perplexity aroused by the incongruent actions that the monstrous figures carried out surrounded by an innocent gigantism in a suspicious immobility or a congregational dynamism leading Botero's art to impose itself in the cultural environment » (see WHO) [free translation by the author of this article with the updated critical opinion of the art critics who in 1961 he formulated this judgment only on the artist's pictorial works, ignoring all the subsequent sculpture work that had not yet been undertaken by the master]

[5] On several occasions when they asked the Maestro the reason for the very high price of his works, he himself explained that he had always wanted to do something local and specific but with honesty and this, not only did he generate empathy from the general public but also from collectors or art lovers who in the end paid generously above all for his honesty.

[6] For the anthropologist Maria Fernanda Escallón, Fernando Botero's plastic art began to be realized from 1975 when he took up residence in Pietrasanta where he made the transition from painting to sculpture. Just as if the entire universe of monumental figures developed in the paintings found an echo in the statuary three-dimensionality fueled by the imaginary richness coming from the painting that gave the ideas, solutions and possibilities. Fernando Botero's sculpture dismantles the pictorial structure to synthesize the form in the unity of the sculpture (see WHO)

[7] The Master's works can be grouped into these groups: religious with Madonnas, holy devils, ecclesiastics, nuns and nuns; that of the great masters in which he revisits the main works of Jan Van Eyck, Masaccio, Paolo Uccello, Andrea Mantegna, Leonardo da Vinci, Lucas Cranach, Albrecht Dürer, Caravaggio, The Grego, Velazquez, etc. ..; that of still and living lifes with animals and especially the voluminous sculptures of recent decades; that of the erotic with nudes and sexual practices, especially brothel scenes; that of politicians, prima donnas and soldiers; and finally those made by people in general or imagined as family members, self-portraits, art sellers and collectors, toreri.



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The embarrassing and dangerous management of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints and criticism as the foundation of the Christian principle: “Faith and reason”


The lower the average IQ in society becomes, the more it is necessary to explain even the obvious things. The mistake that we scholars often make, in the theological field as in the spheres of all the most disparate sciences, from medicine to astrophysics, is to often take for granted things that we consider obvious and which in fact are, being the most rudimentary elements of the various sciences or simple and basic human common sense. Unfortunately it is necessary to take into account that today we are more inclined to follow the influence illiterates and i tiktoker, including priests who unfortunately have thrown themselves into these "crazy games".

- Church news -


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In an article it is only possible to summarize a problem, but it is already something. Then, to anyone who would like to know more, I suggest reading my latest book Digressions of a liberal priest, where I dedicate a chapter of 138 pages on this topic, accompanied by all the historical implications, theological and juridical (Dal Bello to Moro. Holiness like the deceased Nobel Prize winner? P. 127-265).

I was perplexed when on the various social media I heard myself accused of criticizing the Holy Father Francis. In truth I have always defended his teaching and also his august person, often issuing public reproaches, hard and severe, to those "accidental Catholics" who think they can even declare a Roman Pontiff illegitimate based on their own subjective moods, something truly aberrant.

In my previous book provocatively titled Sadness of Love I do not criticize the post-synodal apostolic exhortation love joy, I highlight the excessive length of the text and its vague and ambiguous language full of useless and misleading sociologisms. Anyone who says otherwise is lying, this is demonstrated by the printed book of which some detractors have only read the title, deducing to follow what it does not contain, giving absurd sentences based on nothing.

I note with concern that an increasingly dense army of "self-styled Catholics" confuse the mystery of faith with an emotional "I like it" or "I don't like it". The whole, be it negative or positive, strictly based on a total lack of reason and critical sense. This is why I often find myself in this paradoxical situation: «Dirty Bergoglian heretic!» shouts the compulsive rosary reciter, considering me guilty of having defended the Holy Father Francis, after following a priest excommunicated for heresy and schism who was dismissed from the clerical state with a sentence given by the Roman Pontiff, capable of making his fragile and problematic followers believe that pink elephants fly in the sky according to the "Gospel" of Maria Valtorta and the "prophecies" of Blessed Katharina Emmerick and those of Saint Faustina Kowalska. On the other hand, here are some others: “How dare you criticize the Holy Father?», this for having simply expressed regret for his inappropriate and in my opinion harmful presence in television programs hosted by individuals who have always fired shots at the Catholic Church, or on its ethical and moral principles (see WHO e WHO).

If within the limits of what is due, bishops and theologians had not exercised in the freedom of the children of God that precious element which is criticism, especially the very decisive and severe one when necessary, starting from the Blessed Apostle Paul who in Antioch made Peter black, as they say (cf.. Gal 2, 11-14), today we would not have had the great dogmatic councils of the Church, we would not have defined the truths of the faith revealed by the First Council of Nicaea to follow and, after the death of Jesus Christ, if anything perceived only as a "failed messiah", at present we would have been nothing more than a small heretical sect of Judaism, all this if the critical sense was lacking, that means: the reason. Faith, explained Saint Anselm of Aosta and reiterated many centuries later the Holy Pontiff John Paul II in his encyclical Faith and Reason, it is based on reason and must necessarily start from reason, which involves first of all the exercise of critical sense. It is through reason that we reach the doors of the great mysteries of faith and only then can we cross that threshold through a free, conscious and rational act of pure faith.

The lower the average IQ in society becomes, the more it is necessary to explain even the obvious things. The mistake that we scholars often make, in the theological field as in the spheres of all the most disparate sciences, from medicine to astrophysics, is to often take for granted things that we consider obvious and which in fact are, being the most rudimentary elements of the various sciences or simple and basic human common sense. Unfortunately it is necessary to take into account that today we are more inclined to follow the influence illiterates and i tiktoker, including priests who unfortunately have launched themselves into these "crazy games".

As always, let's explain with an example: numerous influence convinced that "a dwarf has his heart too close to his asshole" because they didn't understand the ironic hyperbole of the song A judge by Fabrizio de André, they use the word Middle Ages in a derogatory sense, ignoring that art baggage, science and technology that we have today we owe it all to the Middle Ages. Not only, because if today we know the classical authors; be the culture, Greek and Roman literature and philosophy have been handed down to us only thanks to the Middle Ages, including the most lustful poems of Valerius Gaius Catullus, which not only the Church was careful not to censor or destroy, because if we know them today it is thanks to it and to the scribe monks who transcribed them and handed them down over the centuries.

The system of modern law we owe it to the great Bolognese glossators who lived between the 11th and 12th centuries and we owe the fundamental element of legal civilization of the protection and legitimate defense of the accused precisely to that inquisitorial process on which unaware and ignorant people about the fact that being condemned by the Tribunals of the Holy Inquisition was very difficult. And it was precisely the courts of the inquisition that sanctioned another element that today is part of the criminal jurisprudence of all the so-called civilized countries of the world: the punishment aimed at recovery and not punishment, through punishment the condemned person must not be punished but recovered.

The reply of the ignorant is ready: «Death sentences were given!». And here it must be reiterated that death sentences were not rare but very rare, specifying that they must be placed and interpreted in historical contexts to which today's judgment criteria are not applicable, it would be enough to explain that even the death sentence was an extreme act of recovery for the condemned. It is not by chance, the condemned, they were dressed in white, sign of purity, because with death they paid their debt and extinguished their guilt by reacquiring what in Christian language is called "baptismal purity". And their bodies, after death, they had to be treated with respect and buried with consideration.

Replies the ignorant: «Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake, other than killed and buried with respect!». Of course. And according to what was social logic, policy, juridical and also religious of the time were right to burn him at the stake. It was he who made a mistake with rare obstinacy. His trial lasted for approx 15 years and was canceled twice due to laughable defects of form to be started again from scratch. For years and years he was tried in every way to induce him to repent, which he stubbornly refused. It is useless to say and explain to certain people that they feed and drink on black legends that cannot be evaluated and then judged the Giordano Bruno case with the judgment criteria of our social present, politico, legal and also religious. It would be like condemning with cries of scandal and the application of contemporary thought certain practices of prehistoric men considered in our opinion inhuman and criminal.

Elements of this kind can be explained by my eminent medievalist friend Franco Cardini, or even by the historical popularizer Alessandro Barbero, as by me in my capacity as a scholar of legal sciences, of dogmatic theology and history of dogma. Yup, but to how many people and to what audience could we explain them? Our numbers, however differently one may be followed, they will never be comparable to hundreds of thousands, if not to the millions followers which follow the idiocies of certain characters who use the word Middle Ages inappropriately, received and used by as many parrots following them, unaware that the Middle Ages means Albert the Great, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux, Ildegarda in Bingen, Domenico di Guzman, Francis of Assisi, Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, Catherine of Siena, Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus … The Middle Ages is the great circuit of Benedictine abbeys and monasteries which gave life to the social and political concept of Europe even before the year 1000. The Middle Ages are the great Cistercian and Carthusian architects and engineers, who brought running water to many villages, taking care of hygiene and prophylaxis for local populations subject to diseases and often epidemics due to excess dirt. The Middle Ages marked the centuries of reason and the exercise of critical sense by the most brilliant minds in history. The Middle Ages is Frederick II of Swabia with the Sicilian courtly school, Brunetto Latini, Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio. The Middle Ages came to an end with men like Silvio Enea Piccolomini, ascended to the sacred throne with the name of Pius II, which in its original Pienza created a prototype of a modern urban nucleus of the city of the future.

Some believe that the Medici are the fathers of the Renaissance? Let's be serious. The Renaissance, which has both a theological and social value, it was originated by the Church after the great trauma of the terrible plague of 1346 which exterminated half of the European population, at the end of which they tried to be reborn. It would be enough to go and see who the patrons were who commissioned the greatest Renaissance works, both pictorial and architectural: Supreme Pontiffs, Cardinals, Bishops and entire Dioceses, other than Lorenzo the Magnificent passed off as the creator and father of the Renaissance... let's be serious!

Long-winded premise? Knowledge and the transmission of knowledge are never long-winded, in this poor world in which the conductor of a following talk show you would be able to ask an invited scholar just to fill a space to explain in 30 according to metaphysics, if anything after having done the talking for 45 minutes Mauro Corona in front of a flask of wine. Any reference to Bianca Berlinguer is completely coincidental, obviously. Prolix are the speeches that say nothing, not those where several centuries of history are summarized in an understandable way in a few dozen lines, among other things, dispelling painful and harmful black legends.

If confusion is added to the emotional together with the seasoning of ignorance, if the whole, to our great misfortune, penetrates and is made to penetrate the Church as a Trojan horse, at that point the disaster is done. A disaster that has also affected the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints for some time, ever since the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II began to undermine that wisdom and prudential structure that had characterized the processes to arrive at proclaiming the blessed first and following the saints, through very rigid and rigorous criteria. With all due respect to those who today have changed the word "rigid" and "rigorous" into something negative and despicable. But then again, in the Church today, there are those who even use the words "dogma" and "dogmatic" in a negative sense, as long as no one dares to kick the ass of a gypsy who tries to steal your wallet behind Bernini's colonnade, because in that case you risk excommunication sententiae penalties for having mistreated a "Roma sister" who has the right to live and exercise her own "culture", as theft and pickpocketing are called today: "culture".

The Holy Father Giovanni Paolo II he intervened not only with a reform of the process for the causes of the Saints, because he later intervened with various dispensations, which continued and increased after him. We have thus had saints dispensed from the historical phase, saints dispensed by the miracle, dispensed saints, as someone said ironically but rightly from holiness itself. The trial of John Paul II itself opened with a sensational and dangerous dispensation: dispensation from the historical phase. Among other things for a complex pontificate that lasted 26 years and all to be prudently studied in an international social and geopolitical context which to define as complex is truly pure euphemism. Above all, a pontificate unique in history, because in that period of time the world collapsed and world societies as we knew them on a social level until recently collapsed, scientific, morale, political and religious. Following the previous wisdom and prudential procedure, the beatification process of a Roman Pontiff had not started before 30 years after death. This is demonstrated by the procedural process of the Holy Pontiff Pius 1914, he was beatified in 1951 and canonized in 1954. The canonization ceremony of Pius, it then happened to 40 years after his death. The process of John Paul II was completely different: less than nine years after his death he was beatified and then canonized, complete with dispensation given by Benedict XVI to what was established by his predecessor in 1983 in the apostolic constitution Divine Master of Perfection which provided for the effective date of 5 years after death before the opening of the beatification process.

In the so-called Young Paulist era we have seen Blesseds and Saints raised to the honors of the altars which leave not so much a bitter taste in the mouth, but they really send a shiver down your spine, because in addition to the rules, the very criteria of the reasons that can lead a Servant of God to be first beatified and then canonized as a martyr have been subverted, almost as if the pontiffs of recent decades had felt legitimated in canonizing their own "personal saints" because they were compatible with the trends, the thoughts and fashions of the present. A truly striking recent case was the beatification of Enrique Ángel Angelelli Carletti, Vescovo de la Roja, beatified as a martyr, albeit over time, two different investigations entrusted to independent commissions of experts, one composed of Argentine scholars and one composed of American scholars, reiterated that it was a road accident and not an attack plotted by the dictatorial regime of the time. To this must be added the not insignificant case of a priest, key figure as witness and collaborator of the Blessed martyr bishop, who later left the priesthood, who initially offered a version of the incident, then he denied it and subsequently fell into further contradictions. However, let us note that the bumps and potholes of that road truly had deep and supreme hatred for the Catholic faith and its ministers.

To proceed with beatification a Servant or Servant of God, then canonize a Blessed or a Blessed, what is needed is a proven miracle that constitutes a scientifically inexplicable fact. However, there is an exception to the miracle: the martyrdom, because what is recognized in and of itself as a miracle is martyrdom itself. And here it must be clarified what the Church is, since the apostolic, he understood it as martyrdom: be killed in hatred of faith, that is, in supreme hatred of the Catholic faith. That said, if anyone today, to use inappropriate political language, he thinks and accuses the Church of having moved to the left, know you're wrong, because the facts prove the opposite: it has moved and thrown itself into the best of the worst of the old Christian Democratic mess.

Two concrete cases of clerical-Christian entanglement: Saint Edith Stein and Blessed Pino Puglisi. La Stein, extraordinary woman endowed with brilliant intelligence, philosopher of unparalleled stature, born Jewish to a Jewish family and later converted to Catholicism and became a Carmelite nun, she was taken by the Nazis while she was at her Carmel, taken to the concentration camp and killed. Stein was captured because she was Jewish and because she was Jewish, therefore considered as such by the Nazis, regardless of whether she had converted and then become a Carmelite nun, this was something they were not interested in in any way. So Stein did not die in supreme hatred of the Catholic faith, but killed because she was Jewish, that means: in the supreme hatred nurtured by the Nazis towards Judaism and the Jews. Out of hatred for the Catholic faith, Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe was killed, captured as a Catholic priest of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual and held responsible for propaganda not appreciated by the regime and as such considered a dangerous enemy of Nazism. Instead of waiting for his turn to die, he offered to replace a family man in the "hunger pit"., going to die in his place with an act of heroic charity. But he would have died in any case and in any case he would have been a holy martyr, unless he ran away, or that the concentration camp had been liberated by the Allied armies, which however happened four years later, Father Maximilian Maria Kolbe died on 14 August 1941.

Edith Stein, absolutely extraordinary woman it is an equally extraordinary model of faith, undoubted and precious model of heroic virtues that rightly make her a saint, but not a holy martyr, not having been killed out of hatred for the Catholic faith. Is this, the suo time, was explained in detail to John Paul II by Father Peter Gumpel, who made this known to the request for an opinion no problem about his beatification, but not as a martyr killed in hatred of faith. In response, John Paul II did not want to listen to reason, making a purely political reason prevail, later revealed to be a boomerang, because the international Jewish communities rightly responded that the Church was free to beatify and canonize whoever it wanted and when it wanted, but that Edith Stein had been killed because she was Jewish and certainly not because she was Catholic. And they were damn right.

With the Blessed Pino Puglisi, the presbyter of Panormita, whose sanctity of life is not in dispute, it bordered on farce, in the most delicate sense of the term, proclaiming it - listen, hear! - martyr of organized crime. And here we need to clarify: Father Pino was killed by the Mafia, which has a specific name: Cosa Nostra. I wonder: the heroic Sicilian bishops, if they really wanted the blessed martyr as a medal on their chest, because they didn't present him to be proclaimed a proto-martyr of the Mafia, o di Cosa Nostra? Why use the term organized crime, which ambiguously means everything and nothing, when it is a question of a very specific organisation, i.e. mafia, with a very specific name, or Cosa Nostra? And who would have been the ferocious haters of the Catholic faith, maybe the mafiosi? But the mafiosi - and the Bishops of Sicily should know this very well - are devout people, with the holy cards of Saint Lucia, Saint Agatha and Saint Rosalia inside the wallets, with prayer on their lips and candle in hand in the front rows of the processions. Then when the clan leaders were arrested, they found them with one and only book: the Holy Bible, full of underlines and pizzini, as in the case of the clan leader Bernardo Provenzano. If anything, the question that priests of a certain age who all claim to be students of Father Pino Puglisi should ask themselves today, it should be this one: while he alone, like a loose dog, he opposed the mafia arrogance in his neighborhood, we priests, in our central parishes, ready to throw stabs at us from behind just to snatch a mozzetta from a canon of the Metropolitan Chapter or that of the Palatine Chapel, what we did, as well as proclaiming ourselves post-mortem his students as worthy sons of the Leopard? This is what certain priests from Palermo should ask themselves who today boast of having all been his students and disciples, because that's the problem: the Mafia would never have dared to raise a hand on a Palermo priest if it hadn't considered him just an annoying maverick. Request: given that the mafiosi are anything but naive, who made him feel like a maverick? But if all the priests of Palermo come on 55 years to follow they were his students and disciples, he should have had a compact clergy around him to support his precious work, or not? And if that were the case, Mafia, would ever have dared to kill a priest? I have read the documents of that trial and in conscience I can say - inviting anyone to deny it - that without prejudice to the honor and undoubted sanctity of the blessed, we can laugh about it in the same way that we all had solemn laughs about the Leopard by Don Giuseppe Tomasi, Prince of Lampedusa.

When in a delicate sphere, such is the beatification of the blessed and the canonization of the saints, we get carried away and emotionally affected by the social or political moment, also if desired by the media opportunism dictated by the situation of the moment, enormous damage can be done, wanting irreparable, not so much for the present but for the future to come, when the emotional souls have calmed down and certain emotions have died or been replaced with new ones more suited to those times. It will be at that point that historians will analyze us, in various respects even as freaks, saying bluntly: beautiful superficials that they were, those who preceded us! And everyone will be silent, because it will be true.

Those who emotionally only look at the present, ignores the heavy legacy it will leave for the future. In the world of tomorrow it will no longer be possible to do like the Holy Pontiff Paul VI who made dozens of Saints disappear with the stroke of a pen with the excuse of reforming the Calendar. It is well known that several of those Saints never existed, others were duplicates of other Saints, others were even embarrassing figures and as such to be forgotten.

The world of today and that of tomorrow it will no longer allow the fall into oblivion that was possible in the past. However, emotional people who live in the present without a future perspective unfortunately don't know this, to the great misfortune of our children who will come and who will have to be humiliated and mocked because of the superficiality of their fathers.

the Island of Patmos, 25 September 2023




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Those failed priests of a Church in disarray that some people like so much “Catholic scum” which we would gladly do without


I am happy to have given the shame of a priest to a brother who manifested himself as such, beyond all his social and charitable activities, it might help him to reflect on the fact that publicans and pagans carry out good works and social works even greater than his. With all due respect to his family fans, turned out to be mostly violent and insulting "Catholic rabble" in the comments, who would like to transform the Church of Christ into an equestrian circus, as if it wasn't bad enough already.

- ecclesial news -


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I bless God for sixty years that I accomplished 19 August and I tell you one of the most recurring jokes addressed to my octogenarian brothers during spiritual direction conversations:

«If I could exchange it, I would give you my years and I would take your years as you are approaching the end of your life. Because I don't even dare think what I will have to see and suffer as a priest living with others 25 O 30 years in this situation of now irreversible ecclesiastical and ecclesiastical decadence, to carefully consider that we have long since passed the threshold of no return".

That the Church will survive it is a divine promise of Jesus Christ, which however warns us:

"But the Son of Man, when will, find faith on earth?» (LC 18,8).

The Church will find it, but the question is rigor: which Church? I am now 15 years that in my books and articles I have put forward a hypothesis that is not based on the "enlightened mystic" that I am not, but on the sacred scriptures: and if upon his return he found a worldly Church completely emptied of the essence of Christ and filled with something else? The Catechism of the Catholic Church - this great unknown to "Catholics" from social following some pretini trendy - with unequivocal clarity he teaches:

"Before the coming of Christ, the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers (See. LC 18,1-8; Mt 24,12). The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth (See. LC 21,12; GV 15,19-20) He will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems, the price of apostasy from the truth. The greatest religious imposture is that of the Anti-Christ, that is, of a pseudo-messianism in which man glorifies himself in the place of God and his Messiah who came in the flesh" (See. see WHO).

During one of our last interviews Cardinal Carlo Caffarra of blessed memory told me:

«None of us knows the day and the hour (N.d.A. Mt 24,36), therefore we cannot make even vague hypotheses. But one thing is certain: reading the Holy Scriptures it would seem that today almost all of the elements recur" (N.d.A. Ii Ts 2, 3-12).

To deal with this very delicate topic I take the antics of a brother as an example, one among many devoid of any malice, indeed convinced in good faith that they are doing good, unaware that before God we priests of Christ are not justified by a certain good faith, which, like good intentions, can even lead to Hell in the most serious cases, because neither the benefit of ignorance nor that of inevitable or invincible ignorance will be recognized to us. It is written:

"To whom much is given, much will be asked for; to whom men have committed much, It will ask the more " (LC 12,48).

Nothing personal towards this Genoese presbyter promptly defended himself social media by an army of fans who have inundated me with insulting messages and comments. I intend to use it only as a paradigm to depict the decadence and sloppiness of our poor clergy.

Here is the documented fact: this priest tiktoker he has long been accustomed to networking gag convinced in this way to attract the there are children. In one of these public videos he exceeded all the limits of priestly and theological decency, so that, being a somewhat well-known so-called public figure myself, I reacted equally publicly, without failing to comply with the evangelical criteria of fraternal correction (cf.. Mt 18, 15-18), because if in fact you decide to publicly make a fool of yourself by staging one sketch on the mystery of the incarnation of the Word of God, I have a duty to tell you publicly that you are an idiot, to be good. By acting like this you dishonor our priestly dignity, which is not yours and you cannot dispose of it as you wish, because it is ours, given to us on loan for use and for which we should seriously and gravely answer to God.

The images and sentences speak for themselves, because the idiot finds nothing better to do than insert this caption in his video:

«Saint Joseph when the Angel Gabriel announces to him that his wife Mary is pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit».

Under this caption, covered in sacred liturgical vestments and with the tabernacle containing the Blessed Sacrament behind him, the priest tiktoker the comic actor Carlo Verdone begins to mime to represent the Blessed Patriarch Joseph who first thoughtfully scratches his head and then says «In what sense?» (Song movie A lot nice, see WHO).

On my page social I contested this attitude which undermines priestly dignity and the blasphemous way in which this idiot represented the key mystery of salvation: the incarnation of the Word of God made man. Of course: if I have already used the term "idiot" several times it is to criticize this improvident priest tiktoker all the most charitable mitigating factors, because all of us will be ready to justify and then forgive the stupidities of the village idiot, precisely because I'm stupid. So, call him an idiot in this precise context, it is an act of authentic charity and mercy.

These are the results: called together their own fans the priest tiktoker he instigated them with his post to deny and then reply. What in language social is called Shit storm, shit storm literally. And so, i fans of the priest tiktoker they have inundated me with messages accusing me of being - in the best and most delicate hypothesis - a disgraceful priest, an inhuman, a rigid one, an envious one. An army of people wrote that this priest attracts many there are children, because i there are children with him they don't get bored but have fun. Others have written that rigid people like me have empty churches, others questioned whether I was even a priest. The army of inevitable women could also be missing passion, always the most violent of all, only to then cry and shout “chauvinist!” if someone talks back to them? En masse they addressed me in tones with which it would not be legitimate to address even a multiple-homicidal life prisoner., magnifying the extraordinary social and welfare works of their favorite in favor of the children suffering from cancer at the Gaslini hospital in Genoa.

I couldn't respond to hundreds of comments mostly insulting, I only responded to a few, aware that the plethora of non-Catholics following this priest manifested, from comment to comment, feelings and styles that are the antithesis of what Catholic sentiment is. It would really have been a waste of time to explain to them that doing good does not mean being either good priests or good Catholics:

«Even publicans don't do the same? And if you only say hello to your brothers, what are you doing that's extraordinary? Even pagans don't do the same? You therefore be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt 5, 46-48).

What does this phrase mean? Something as solemn as it is terrible: good, Christianly understood, it cannot be separated from faith, by hope and charity (The Cor 13, 1-13). And faith and charity are not born from the joy and enjoyment granted to there are children by certain priests inside churches reduced to circuses, they arise from the mystery of the cross of Christ which defeats death and which makes us all participants in his resurrection. This is the heart of our Christian joy: and rose again on the third day, and ascended into heaven.

Some time ago I refused to say hello to an abortionist gynecologist - but as is well known, I am rigid without charity and mercy -, refusing to sit at the table with him at a dinner hosted by various clinical friends to whom I told: «I don't sit at the table with Herod who carries out the massacre of innocents every day». I said goodbye and left. Attitudes, these of mine, certainly the result of rigidity and lack of mercy towards a man considered extraordinary by all. In fact, you should know that this new Herod volunteered for abused women and during the year went to serve in poor African countries, even leaving you his personal donations. In short, a man of charity, a man of God according to certain "Catholic scum" incapable of understanding what he means: «The publicans and the pagans do not do the same?».

As is well known, I am a spiritual director or confessor of many priests. Over the last year I have painfully and lovingly accompanied two out of the priesthood, inviting them to ask for dispensation from the sacred ministry and the obligations of celibacy. Reason? Both had completely lost their faith. A quel point, in science and conscience I told them: «Remaining in the priesthood would be the wrong way to try to somehow recover a glimmer of faith». I was wrong, I was perhaps rigid? How long to stop at, because just over a year later, the departments of the Holy See responsible for dealing with certain problems recognized the nullity of the priestly ordination of one of the two, effectively admitting that he really shouldn't be ordained a priest.

You know, or emotional-internet “Catholic” lay people, from what I have often recognized the terrible training for the priesthood of certain priests, their serious lack of faith or their serious spiritual crises? From their hyper-activism in the social sector, from their being all projected towards the there are children and towards social and charitable works, just to give meaning to their lack of faith or to avoid and not face their serious spiritual crises generated upstream by a bad or even disastrous formation for the priesthood. And sometimes, with subjects of this kind, I had to work for years, not always with good results, because if the priest doesn't train him first, forming it afterwards is almost impossible.

I started this article by saying my age, I did it for a specific reason which I will explain to you now: reading the rigorously insulting comments of certain people fans of the priest tiktoker, I fell back to my adolescence, acknowledging with sadness and regret that certain "Catholic scum" have not yet emerged from the unfortunate and disastrous seventies of the twentieth century. In those years I was a teenager but perhaps already inclined - who knows! - to be rigid. Therefore I remember certain things well there are children who talked about Che Guevara and Jesus Christ, confusing one with the other, who played guitar and sang at the Holy Masses God is dead Francesco Guccini, praising Friedrich Nietzsche, while the poor faithful lined up to receive the Body of Christ. Then in the evening they went to meetings at the Lotta Continua or Proletarian Democracy headquarters, occasionally throwing a few rocks at the State Police during demonstrations. And when they returned to the parish oratory they talked about revolution and said that the Church needed to be revolutionized, inside which - listen, hear! - you had to be cheerful, because Christianity is joy and love. In those years, similar stupid priests, they were trying to attract there are children saying that Christ was a great revolutionary and that the Church had to put him at the center there are children. The exact same speeches of most of the fans of the priest tiktoker that attracts i c’iovani and who does a lot of social apostolate, even with children suffering from cancer, in short, a holy model of priestly virtues compared to which Saint John Mary Vianney is very little! How sad, forty years have passed in vain without some people understanding anything, stubborn, even violently if necessary, in not wanting to understand that the Church of Christ is something else and that ai c’iovani you have to present a project that is far from easy to implement in life:

"Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:; how narrow is the door and how narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find!» (Mt 7, 13-14).

Between one of his precious social-charitable activities and another, including children suffering from cancer in the oncology department of the Gaslini in Genoa, the priest who does the sketch he should remember that when the bishop consecrated him as a priest, his, like all of us, he said:

"Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, conform your life to the mystery of the cross of Christ the Lord " (See. Rite of the Sacred Ordination of Priests).

All this the stupid priest tiktoker he understood it so well to the point of being ironic about the incarnation of the Word of God before the tabernacle. Just to reiterate that calling him an idiot in the face of all this is a true act of charity and mercy. Or by chance some bishop told him to conform to Carlo Verdone to attract the there are children? The replica is ready fans: «He fills the churches!». Yup, but what does it fill them with?? Maybe of there are children who see the nice priest instead of seeing the mystery of Christ God? Who fills them with, perhaps with ex-68ers who still think they can rewrite the faith and the Church to their liking, happy beyond measure if they find a priest of great charity and great apostolate who de-sacralizes the mysteries of faith?

I am happy to have called you ashamed of a priest to a brother who manifested himself as such, beyond all his social and charitable activities, this could help him reflect on the fact that publicans and pagans carry out good works and social works even greater than his. With all due respect to his family fans turned out to be mostly violent and insulting "Catholic rabble" who would like to transform the Church of Christ into an equestrian circus, as if it wasn't bad enough already.

Our mission as priests it is not to please the world but to fight it and say no to its anti-Christian perversions. I know very well that it would be much more comfortable to say: "Yup, it is true, they are two men, but what does it mean, as long as they love each other, because God is love and mercy, not prohibition, not judgement, least of all punishment. God does not punish anyone, This is what the rigid believe and say. God is love, love and forgive everyone". Some even add: «Certain couples of “married men” are very sensitive and if we even give them a child for adoption they are better and more tender than many heterosexual couples». And so on, whoever wants to understand should understand, because this is the reality of nice priest: just say bad is good and good is bad and the world will love you and put you on a pedestal. Or someone thinks that at the tender age of sixty and with years of priesthood behind him, didn't understand what the world wants to hear, to like a priest and turn him into your idol?

Our mission is not to do i jocks watch there are children, but to tell them the things they don't want to hear, with tact and delicacy, aware of facing total rejection from the majority of them and the most ferocious criticisms and attacks from those around them. Starting from their disastrous parents, ready to stamp their feet and pretend to be right if they say that it is good and right that their twenty-year-old daughter has gone to live with her boyfriend, «because today it's not like it used to be, things have changed and we need to be flexible and understanding", then adding that disguised threat that the true pastor in care of souls should not care at all: "Otherwise, with your way of thinking, move away there are children from the Church!».

To those who say they are Catholic it is necessary to clearly say what is good and what is bad, for their lives and the health of their souls, in this society of ours to disaster, especially among young people. Our mission is to prevent that in the name of an unspecified “love” let the worst perversions in the world be introduced like a Trojan horse into the House of God by social-idiotic priests, to the point of making fools in front of the tabernacle of the Blessed Sacrament with the vestments on, ironically about the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God, while the ex-sixty-eight grandmothers - those who when young ran en masse to vote for the referendum in favor of abortion and then go on to sign in favor of euthanasia at Marco Cappato's banquets - between a bout of rheumatoid arthritis and a prolapsed uterus they are pleased with the there are children who have fun in church with cool priest, because with him everything is joy, other than that strange idea of “love” that justifies everything, starting from the worst sins, including those who cry to heaven.

Of course, joy and happiness. It's proof of it, emblematic in its own way, the Blessed Virgin Mary, that under the cross there was a blaze of joy, while the Blessed Apostle John, to cheer her up even more while Christ was dying, he recited to her the verses of the Roman satyrs ancestors of Carlo Verdone. Then there are the rigid ones who instead sing «Mother stood beside the cross weeping, While her Son», unable to understand how important it is to sing: "Unleash the joy, Today the feast is, dai, sing with us, the party here we are ", because «Christianity is the religion of joy, of love and life". Yup, but there is only one “piccolo” that for which: joy is reached through the passion of love of the cross and life, that of eternal bliss - which is a reward and not a due right - is achieved through death, often preceded by illness and suffering. It is written:

«Then Jesus said to his disciples: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. Because who will want to save their life, will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake, You shall find”» (Mt 16.24-25).

Far from unleashing joy, we are the party. “Catholic scum” … «Via, away from me, cursed, the eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels " (Mt 25,41).


From the island of Patmos, 13 September 2023



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I respect Nietzsche and Saint Laurent, I frequent the upper middle class and I do not visit the Roma camps, enough not to become a cardinal


The areas of Catholicism so-called traditionalist or conservative, through their army of mystical souls and defenders of the true and authentic faith, they changed the word Modernism into a synonym for absolute evil. This is in the same way that the Soviet communists had transformed it into a synonym for absolute evil words like bourgeoisie or capitalism.

— History and current affairs —


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A famous stylist he uttered a phrase which in itself contains a profound evangelical essence, rather, eschatological: «Fashion passes, style is eternal". Definitely, il francese Yves Saint Laurent (1936-2008), avowedly atheist, all-round homosexual with an adventurous life behind him in every sense, who arranged for the ashes to be scattered after the cremation of his body, he had neither metaphysical nor eschatological ambitions, perhaps not even evangelical. However, this does not mean that sometimes, the most unthinkable people, even those furthest from Christian living and its moral principles, can express concepts that fit, surprisingly, or even extraordinary, to the Christian feeling and the contents of the Holy Gospels. It would be enough to simply read certain poems by Baudelaire, Verlaine and Rimbaud, called not by chance The cursed poets, the cursed poets.

Thundered Friedrich Nietzsche already at the end of the 19th century: "God is dead, stays dead, we killed him" (cf.. The Gay Science, n. 125). A phrase that in itself could scandalize an army of mystical delicate souls, but which if read in a Christian key sounds instead like a severe warning. Haven't we perhaps evicted the very idea of ​​God from our ancient European continent, after killing him, to the point of making an evident concept such as the undeniable historical Christian roots of Europe unpronounceable? Saying that Europe was born from Christian roots is not an attack on the idolatrous cult of fundamentalist secularism, but a fact that should be accepted by all non-believers with intellectual honesty, who, having taken note of this clear fact, then have every right to remain and profess to be secular and non-believers.

This sharp thinker, brilliant and crazy he had also intuited and prophesied that the decisive attack on Christianity could not be based on the theme of truth but on that of Christian morality. Even in this, Nietzsche was wrong when he titled a work with the provocative name The Antichrist, where he paints Christianity as a disaster and a perversion that needs to be freed from? This too requires a particular capacity for reading and speculative interpretation on a philosophical and socio-ecclesial level: over the centuries the men of the visible Church, perhaps today in a special way, they have not by chance generated disasters and perversions from which it would be good to free ourselves, with the primary and ultimate aim of protecting the Church of Christ, the Mystical Body of which he is the head is us living members? (cf.. With the 1, 8).

Between the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century we Catholics, locked up on the perennial defensive lines, after all the historical events that followed the traumatic and bloody event of the French Revolution and the various liberal governments that were highly anticlerical and repressive towards the Catholic Church, it is not that by chance we have imposed great limits on ourselves and inflicted deep wounds on ourselves?

Areas of Catholicism so-called traditionalist or conservative, through their army of mystical souls and defenders of the true and authentic faith, they changed the word Modernism into a synonym for absolute evil. This is in the same way that the Soviet communists had transformed it into a synonym for absolute evil words like bourgeoisie or capitalism.

To the Committee of our Soviet of the Catholic tradition I throw down a gauntlet: it is true or not true, that the Lutheran scholars - children of a heresy which theologically remains such and which generated the second schism in the Church after the Eastern one of 1054 - they speculated on biblical sciences and new testamentary exegeses, while we Catholics, by virtue of the excellent foresight of the Supreme Pontiff Leo XIII or whoever on his behalf, we were trapped in four rancid formulas of decadent neo-scholasticism? And I say to such a rancid and decadent point that if between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century Sant'Anselmo d'Aosta had awakened from the tombs, Sant'Alberto Magno and San Tommaso d'Aquino, they would have kicked us in the teeth without a moment's hesitation.

After more 116 year old since the publication of the Encyclical Feeding of Dominic's Sheep of the Holy Pontiff Pius X, through which Modernism was condemned with all the harshness of the case, we want to start asking ourselves, we historians of dogma in particular, how much and if, that encyclical, it was truly far-sighted as some still glorify it today? Personally I consider it a historically necessary text in that precise historical and geopolitical context. However, if the speculation is both historical and theological, today she wasn't dead and buried, it would be necessary to start asking ourselves questions that will be the subject of an essay that I intend to publish as soon as possible: Modernism, with all its undoubted problems and errors, perhaps it wasn't in the first place, rightly or wrongly, a reactive movement that developed within a Church whose problems were almost all of a political nature, especially after the fall of the Papal States 20 September 1870?

Intellectual honesty is a rare commodity, especially in mystical souls and defenders of true and authentic doctrine and tradition. If in fact they had even a shred of it, the rigorous question would be the following: How come, after arriving in the middle of the last century in almost disastrous theological situations, at a certain point we realized that, to carry out in-depth studies on biblical sciences we were forced to refer to the publications and scientific texts of Protestant authors? We were already doing it in the first decades of the twentieth century, but secretly, so as not to end up on trial in ecclesiastical courts on charges of modernist heresy.

They should also clarify, always mystical souls and defenders of true and authentic doctrine and tradition, How come, the greatest and unsurpassed commentary on the Letter to the Romans of the Blessed Apostle Paul was written and published in 1918 by the Protestant theologian Carl Barth? And it is a text to which, whether you want it or not, we all have to do it again, precisely because it remains insurmountable for now.

Soon said why this happened: we Catholic theologians were busy scratching each other's head lice, like a tribe of capuchin monkeys, camping out on four rancid formulas of decadent neo-scholasticism, with the sword of the great and far-sighted Feeding of Dominic's Sheep which continued to hang above our heads, until the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII began to loosen the rules, but above all to donate to the Church encyclicals of high theological and spiritual depth, rather than encyclicals dictated by socio-political needs with all the most severe disciplinary implications addressed to the clergy and theologians.

It is known that imbalances always generate imbalances, like this, before and immediately after the Second Vatican Council, but above all with the unfortunate post-conciliar period, carried out by theologians and self-styled people who didn't know the documents of the Council at all, each ended up creating their own Council, the one I renamed into one my work of 2011 «the egomenic council of post-council interpreters».

If Modernism was the reaction to an airtight seal, the fight against this current of thought, ended then defeated, it generated a much worse reaction: the uncontrolled decline of Catholic theological speculation. And today we are forced to listen not only to theologians, but bishops in the chair who casually pronounce embarrassing heresies. Or better understood: the Jesuit Antonio Spadaro, whose theological depth is almost equal to that of a sole, not only embodies the decadence of Company of the Indies which in its time was the great Society of Jesus, because he even became director of the historic magazine La Civiltà Cattolica and can afford it, without any reminder, to publish on The Daily a commentary on the Gospel that would have made the heresiarch Arius pale [see text WHO].

The situation of decadent degradation that we live today in the Church has very ancient roots to be found between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, when a ripple effect was triggered. Until we reach the present day, in which we are suffering and helpless spectators of an agonizing pontificate that has given us politically correct proclamations, uncertainties and ambiguities. All in the name of a true psychopathological obsession: poor and migrants, migrants and the poor...

It is known that today the bishops, but above all those who aspire to become such, they must come from unspecified "existential peripheries" and speak of an "outgoing Church". The Church is not leaving but is now in receivership, with bankruptcy upon us and the bailiffs ready to enter to affix the seizure seals. If the Church is saved - and it will be saved anyway by our certain faith - it will be because it is not a human work but a divine one; because Peter, chosen by Christ as a stone (cf.. Mt 16, 18-19), it rests on the rock of Christ. And of Christ - it is good to remember - Peter is the vicar on earth, he is not the successor, if anything, an even more good and merciful successor than Christ himself.

While elsewhere there was a catwalk of bishops new generation con i clergyman unglued, holding the wooden crosiers made in Master Geppetto's workshop, with pectoral crosses obtained from a piece of a poor migrant boat that sank off the coast of Lampedusa, This Sunday morning I celebrated Holy Mass in the chapel of a five-star clinic, a place where people who can pay very high prices are usually hospitalized. Then I visited all the terminally ill patients hospitalized in the oncology department. And after having already administered the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and confessions in the days preceding, I continued to administer confessions to several patients again, then bringing them Holy Communion.

While I was kneeling before the Tabernacle, my theological soul was assailed by this atrocious doubt: in the Church today, these upper-class people, these rich people, they truly have a soul? They are also children of God? The church, who always took care of everyone, but which today only talks about the poor and migrants, of migrants and the poor, he has to deal with them too or not? The Holy Father continually tells everyone "Never forget the poor". But, in ten years of pontificate he has never once urged us not to forget even the souls of the rich. They are the rich people who have often donated the most important charitable structures to us, or the funds to build and maintain them, or the money necessary to carry out our apostolic works. I am not aware that the Church has ever built any charitable structure with the money of Roma pickpockets, those who in Rome, to be understood, they visited all the religious houses, there is not a single one who was saved from their thefts. And when the Holy Father received them in audience several times, I am not aware that as a sign of gratitude they returned any stolen goods in exchange for the apostolic blessing. Why steal from Roman religious houses, they are really the Roma - the police reports say so - they are not the Swiss bankers away in Rome, those traffic in another way and at much higher levels.

My doubts dispelled I left the luxurious clinic and did not visit a Roma camp as Augusto Paolo Lojudice did, today metropolitan archbishop of Siena and cardinal, I went as a guest to breakfast with a distinguished clinician and his wife at the exclusive Aniene Rowing Club, frequented by people who definitely don't have, for the Church today, the dignity recognized instead of the Roma.

A dignified priest it is good first of all that he presents himself with a beautiful cassock on and that he looks at the man as such, regardless of his class and social condition, whether poor or rich, because in the eyes of God there are no privileged categories because they belong to the category of the ideological poor. The worst clericalism, the most vulgar and undignified, I willingly leave it to that poor brother who interviewed the Supreme Pontiff several times in jeans and sneakers, while I willingly leave the red hat to Cardinal Augusto Paolo Lojudice, awarded this dignity not for particular science, intelligence and pastoral government skills that led him to stand out among the members of the Episcopal College, but because he brought the seminarians of the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary to visit the Roma camps.

All these are just the end results of a large and complex ripple effect that started long ago, which would be good to study, because only in this way it will be possible to find an adequate cure, certainly not with a new one Feeding of Dominic's Sheep nor with a second one Praised yes, which could also be titled if desired Laudato no, given the consolidated style of the … it could be yes or maybe even no, but maybe who knows, a little yes and a little no, but maybe you know what I'm telling you? Come to an agreement and do it yourself, as long as you never forget the poor...

More than consolation we have a certainty of faith: fashions pass, as Yves Saint Laurent said, but the style, that of Christ who revealed himself and gave himself, that remains forever and never passes away.

the Island of Patmos, 4 September 2023



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« Come aside, you alone, in a deserted place, and rest a bit". Summer is an opportunity to make meaningful connections with the Lord


I want to be a provocateur and suggest to our readers to do without, during rest and vacation times, of the many newspapers and newspapers that we commonly purchase to enhance reading and meditation on the Gospel. It won't just be an economic benefit - more or less 1,50 € saved - but a sure blessing that will greatly benefit our soul. The rest, the Gospel has not always been there Good news par excellence that no newspaper can ever hope to match?

- Church news -

Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp..


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We have now entered the height of summer which is that elective season that allows us to dedicate ourselves to rest and recovery from physical and spiritual efforts. In the Gospel we see Jesus himself inviting the Apostles, at the end of a tiring day of announcing the Kingdom, to rest and stay with Him to recover our strength [See. MC 6,31]. To a casual glance, rest cannot be interpreted only as an absence of fatigue. In Holy Scripture, eg, the divine rest after the week of Creation [See. Gen 2,2] it becomes the way in which to enter into recognition of the praise and contemplation of the Father for what has been created. God does not pause, he is not idle, static, because as Christ himself attests to us: “My Father always works and I too work” [See. GV 5, 17].

«Vgo aside, you alone, in a deserted place, and rest a bit" [See. MC 6,31]. Divine rest, that God lives and generously gives to man, becomes the reward of that work of guardianship of Creation - and in the Gospel of announcing the Kingdom of the Father - in which it is possible to contemplate, worship and praise the Lord. Just as it is God first who in his joyful «Shabbat» contemplates his work blessing its intrinsic goodness - he saw that it was good -, thus man contemplates and recognizes his Creator who places him at the pinnacle of created things and who makes him a blessing (See. John Paul II, Apostolic letter, Dies Domini, 1998).

Rest according to Holy Scripture expands and transmutes man's time from saturn/kronos, moment marked by appointments and doing, in weather/kairos, opportune moment in which man becomes the subject of the concern of God who reveals himself. The favorable weather kairos it is an epiphany of grace, something that the Church lives in its action of daily sanctification in the liturgical action. In this regard, allow me a brief aside on liturgical theology. During the liturgy, whatever it is, it would be good to expand time and not narrow it, let yourself be guided by kairos and not from kronos, forget for a moment the wristwatch - primarily for the celebrating priest - together with the inevitable clocks which for some years have become the new liturgical furnishings present in many presbyteries.

We must however with a sense of balance and reality, be aware that not everyone can enjoy a moment of rest, perhaps because they are busy with duties that cannot be postponed or because they are burdened by some condition that takes away from the mind even the vague possibility of conceiving a bit of rest or vacation. but yet, even in the face of these situations, God wishes to provide each of his children as a caring father and suggest a rest that is not made up of places alone but above all of presence, of his divine presence.

It will be good to remember - and remind ourselves - that as Christians we must not give in to the temptation of discouragement, much less to desperation. Let us often remember what the Blessed Apostle James suggests in his letter: «Who among you is in pain, do you pray; whoever is in joy should sing" [See. GC 5, 13-20]. Moments of joy - including those of rest and holidays - are favorable opportunities to sing praise to the Lord, to tell Him how great He is and that He alone is the powerful Savior of our lives.

Saint James invites you to sing because the Psalms constitute the elective prayer of the man who seeks the Lord and who wishes to live this search always, without interruptions, not just when things seem to be going well, an eventuality that does not automatically coincide with the absolute absence of problems. In this regard I like to remember the example of the Seraphic Father Saint Francis who composed in 1226 the Canticle of the Creatures certainly not at a favorable moment in his life, indeed in perhaps the most difficult moment from the point of view of physical health and internal controversies within the Order, yet his mouth never closed due to pain but was able to open to the praise of the Lord.

The search for the Lord opens us to praise and helps us to pour out that free sense of gratitude of the heart towards God who unfolds his Providence and his strong and omnipotent arm as we see proclaimed by the Blessed Virgin Mary in the song of Magnificat. It is precisely during periods of rest that we have the privilege of forming elective bonds with the Lord and knowing him as he wishes to be known by us.. For this reason, when our summer days will be freer from work commitments, academic or scholastic, let us learn to live with the solitude of our churches, so as to fill them with kairos. Much more than the churches in winter, in summer, they are promptly deserted and seem perfect deserts in which to let the voice of the Lord speak. We choose a time that is favorable to us in which we know we can remain face to face with the Lord in front of the tabernacle and there we raise our praises and our free and grateful adoration. Let us be educated by the Holy Spirit to know how to embrace the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic mystery. We are not afraid to speak from the heart:

«We adore you, Most Holy Our Lord Jesus Christ, here and in all your churches throughout the world, and we bless you, because with your holy cross you have redeemed the world". [See. F.F. 110-111].

Given the several hours that we can dedicate to well-deserved leisure, to go to the sea, in the mountains or in some other favorable location, we are not afraid to dedicate an hour - yes sixty minutes of the entire day - to the Lord Jesus. It would be good to divide this hour into two periods of thirty minutes each, letting the Lord communicate with us. If we think about it, summer is the hotbed of many ephemeral words and superficial conversations that holiday time often exacerbates.. As Christians we feel a strong imperative to fill our lives with the Word of the Word made Flesh. In this hour of kairos, we are not afraid to open the Gospel. A good thing is the reading of the Gospel of the day which can be found in various ways on the dedicated Apps or through the monthly missal tool. I want to be a provocateur and suggest to our readers to do without, during rest and vacation times, of the many newspapers and newspapers that we commonly purchase to enhance reading and meditation on the Gospel. It won't just be an economic benefit - more or less 1,50 € saved - but a sure blessing that will greatly benefit our soul. The rest, the Gospel has not always been there Good news par excellence that no newspaper can ever hope to match?

For those like me who love walking and walking - when I can I can do it too 10/15 km per day - it is good practice to recite the Holy Rosary or the Prayer of the Heart: «Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, sinner!». Walking helps to tune the mind with the heart and find the right concentration to rise to God within naturalistic contexts, on the seafronts or on the beach... but also in city parks. Let us not be ashamed to say the rosary and show that we have it in our hands. Summer often offers us a series of embarrassing and out-of-place situations and it will certainly not be a rosary clutched in one's hands that will create a scandal and arouse the attention of the curious..

Summer is that time when, due to the heat, we usually lighten up our clothing to be freer and enjoy a certain healthy well-being. If we think about it, we can make a similar comparison regarding the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Sin weighs us down, it suffocates us, it prevents us from enjoying Christ the sun of justice and truth and from living in the baptismal freedom of our children. Confession is the sacramental practice that removes sin from our lives, that concrete and deadly evil that suffocates the relationship with God and with brothers. Let's get used to confessing periodically, maintaining habitual constancy to always be free from the garments of evil and be clothed in the shining light of baptism which makes us forgiven children because above all loved.

Source and summit of the Christian's entire life and of the disciple it is the Holy Mass. Let's not abandon the connection with the weekly Easter in the summer months. Let's organize our time and commitments to participate first of all in the Sunday Holy Mass and, if we have the chance, we don't disdain going on some other day of the week too. Let us remember that the praise of the Lord - as well as the liturgy of the Church - lives on the note of gratuitousness and generosity. Let us not be stingy in desiring the encounter with Christ in the Eucharistic celebration, he is certainly not stingy with us when he gives himself to us in his most precious body, blood, soul and divinity.

Prayer, listening to the Word of the Gospel, reconciliation and Holy Mass are personal privileges that we must jealously and intimately keep to ourselves? Absolutely not, the Lord in sending us to announce the Kingdom and in caring for the world that the Father has entrusted to us does not leave us alone. It is he himself who provides us with the necessary equipment so as not to fail along the way and to support those we meet who need the Good News. Contemplate, adoring and praising the Lord constitute the first form of welcome that allows us to abundantly exercise that active charity, pastoral and mutual towards all that the blessed apostle Paul recommends to the Christians of Thessalonica [See. Ts 3, 12-13].

Wishing us happy holidays and good rest Let us hope first of all to be able to remain with Christ the Lord, he is the true beneficial sun from which to draw the strength to build significant bonds of grace with which to open a new relationship with the Father and brothers.

Sanluri, 11 August 2023



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The “winning card” One part. Alessandro Minutella: making false statements to people who do not read official documents


In the space of two minutes, Mr. Minutella uttered very serious falsehoods and reiterated twice that everything is written in the Instrument of Work of the Synod. So he assured: "I'm not making anything up". Instead, everything was made up: what he claims is not written in the Instrument of Work and neither blessing gay couples at the altar nor conferring the diaconate on women is a topic for discussion, also because they cannot be discussed.

- Church news -

Simone Pifizzi


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It's not a mystery, because what is publicly known, that when two years ago Mr. Alessandro Minutella toured the countries of Latin America, our Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo he informed the Apostolic Nuncios, that having received the news they alerted the bishops of the regions who immediately communicated to their clergy the presence of this presbyter incurred excommunication and in dismissal from the clerical state for heresy and schism, arranging that he was not allowed access to any Catholic ecclesiastical establishment.

Likewise in Italy, when he began to frequent the rich areas of the Triveneto to reap victims, but above all to reap money, the Patriarch of Venice who presides over the Episcopal Conference of Triveneto issued a statement, the Bishops of the Region did the same [see WHO, WHO, WHO, WHO, WHO]. Thus fulfilling their duty as Pastors placed at the head of the People of God, they warned the faithful that anyone who follows an excommunicated person incurs excommunication in turn automatic. The result was that for weeks he mocked and insulted all the bishops, manipulating facts and situations as usual.

In Italy people are informed that this subject first incurred excommunication and then the extreme and rare measure of dismissal from the clerical state. Therefore, who wants to follow him blindly and stubbornly, he will do it in any case and regardless of the communications of the Bishops and the exhortations of us Priests.

But you can't go over it to other kinds of things, for example the manipulation of facts and documents. In this case we have an obligation, for imperative of conscience, to inform our faithful.

In his delirium of August 1, Mr. Minutella said textual words that you can hear from her speakerphone on video:

"Tonight's title is "The Cursed Synod and the Future of Catholicism" […] this synod is part of the Masonic strategy of destruction and change of Catholic identity […] what is called was prepared Instrument of Work, that is, a sort of thematic plan on the questions to be thrown on the table at the Synod, which have all already been decided. With a lie that is typical of the Devil they are making believe that these requests come from below, by the people […] L'Instrument Labour that has been created serves to table the issues. What are the issues on the table? Go read theInstrument of Work and see if I invent anything, this is why I speak of a "cursed synod". The issues on the table serve to demonstrate what the project is, if you go to read theAn instrument of labor you realize it. I'm: the rainbow agenda, then the blessing of gay couples at the altar […] the Synod proposes the abolition of ecclesiastical celibacy, because the priests are few, Pope Francis has already said he agrees […] women at the altar, the deaconesses. I don't know if you realize what we're getting into […]» [see video WHO].

In the space of two minutes Mr.. Minutella uttered very serious falsehoods and reiterated twice that everything is written in the Instrument of Work of the Synod. So he assured: "I'm not making anything up". Instead, everything was made up: what he claims is not written in the Instrument of Work and neither blessing gay couples at the altar nor conferring the diaconate on women is a topic for discussion, also because they cannot be discussed. It would suffice to recall that the Holy See, through the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, strictly prohibited the blessing of same-sex couples [see document WHO]. Moreover, the Holy Father Francis, for several times, during his pontificate, he reiterated that he does not intend to question priestly celibacy in any way.

Manipulating and distorting words Mr.. Minutella states that the Holy Father Francis, interviewed by Daniel Hadad of the Argentine newspaper of infobae, declared himself in favor of the abolition of celibacy. Which is absolutely false. Let's see what the Holy Father said and how Mr. Minutella has manipulated and distorted his words. The Holy Father, to the question about celibacy, he answered:

“It's a temporary prescription (N.d.A celibacy). It is not eternal like priestly ordination. Celibacy, instead, it's a discipline". The interviewer asks: “So it could be revised?». The Holy Father answers: "Yup". [see excerpt in Italian on ANSA].

Minutella repeats obsessively always to be twice a doctor of sacred theology. Another false thing given to believe those who do not know the system of our ecclesiastical studies. The doctorate in theology is in fact one and only one, one is not twice a doctor of sacred theology. Or that maybe there could be someone with a double medical degree who goes around claiming to be a double medical doctor? Or an architect, an engineer, a lawyer who are twice architects, engineers and lawyers because they graduated twice? Even more so, just a great bi-doctor like him, he should not misunderstand these words of the Holy Father who said the obvious: celibacy is not a dogma of faith but an ecclesiastical discipline that has its origins since the first apostolic era, but a discipline is not eternal, as instead is the sacred priestly order, which is an indelible sacrament that makes us priests forever.

How is it possible to manipulate the texts and consequently lie up to these levels? Soon said: Mr.. Minutella is aimed at people who would never read this public document of the Instrument of Work, partly because they suffer from functional or digital illiteracy, partly because they belong to the worst gullible species: the lazy gullible, those who do not even make the slightest effort to go and verify that this long and articulated document does not contain written and does not say at all anything that is totally false Mr.. Minutella attributes to him.

Mr. Minutella points to the ignorant gullible people, many of whom, for example in the Triveneto, yes they are culturally and ecclesially ignorant, but at the same time they are full of money.

While proclaiming "I don't invent anything", Mr.. Minutella instead invents everything, shamelessly manipulate and lie, relying primarily on ignorance.

The document of Instrument of Work is translated the six languages ​​and is visible to anyone on the Official website of the Holy See. Just go and read it, to understand how and with what bad faith Mr. Minutella invents everything that has never been said and written. Indeed, a working tool contains questions, questions and objects of discussion on all the most disparate subjects. Who, on the other hand, confuses questions and work topics with answers, or worse with permits or new rules, of the two, one excludes the other: or is ignorant to paroxysmal levels, or is it in total bad faith.

There are people who are duped, but there are people who demand to be duped, they are just looking for someone to scam them. So much so sometimes, when they end up in trouble, to feel Christian pity towards them it is necessary to make a great effort of heart and faith.

Florence, 3 August 2023


Episcopal Blessing of the priest excommunicated and dismissed from the clerical state with sentence given by the Apostolic See



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