On the third day of the new year the memory of the Holy Name of Jesus is remembered, before which every knee bows
(English text after the Italian / Spanish text after English)
Salvation, the real one that recovers man, it is not found in political or ecclesiastical intrigues, in the end-of-year speeches of the world's powerful or in their scenographic and demagogic gestures of pauperism and mercy, often so empty and artificially produced by the sophisms of human cunning.
— The Briefs of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos —

Ivano Liguori, Ofm.Cap.
The liturgical calendar of the Franciscan family proposes every new year, on the third day of January, the memory of the Holy Name of Jesus.
Historically we know that it was Pope Clement VII In the 1530 to authorize, for the entire Franciscan Order, the recitation of the Office of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. This is thanks above all to a particular devotion to the Holy Name which became the prerogative of the Franciscan Order - alas long before the good Jesuits - but also above all thanks to the apostolate and zeal of San Bernardino da Siena and the blessed brothers Alberto da Sarteáno and Bernardino da Feltre.
The practice and devotion of the Holy Name of Jesus it spread very quickly and with such enthusiasm and fervor that its own liturgical celebration was soon established. The Holy Spirit who worked mysteriously in the hearts of my ancient brothers, fathers of our beloved Order, he realized pastorally what the blessed apostle Paul wrote in his Letter to the Philippians (cf. Fil 2,10-11):
«so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven, on earth and under the earth; and let every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father ".
Remember this dogmatic truth, liturgical and pastoral on the Most Holy Name of Jesus is particularly significant at the beginning of each new year, taking into account that the 2025 it is also a jubilee year. In the life of a Christian everything should be centered and oriented on Jesus, whose name means "The Lord saves". It is more necessary than ever to reiterate that in man's life - no matter whether he is a believer or not - everything asks for salvation, every dimension of his being and his existence calls daily to a holistic salvation of the entire human being. And salvation, the real one that recovers man, it is not found in political or ecclesiastical intrigues, in the end-of-year speeches of the world's powerful or in their scenographic and demagogic gestures of pauperism and mercy, often so empty and artificially produced by the sophisms of human cunning. The salvation that recovers and redeems is not even that of a clericalism of compromise or of a jubilee without the truth of guilt and the certainty of a redemption that invites conversion.
Before the Most Holy Name of Jesus we can only bend each knee, with the hope that after that the heart will also, the mind and the whole man bow to the lordship of Jesus Christ, the only one who is able to ask for and give full and lasting salvation.
Happy New Year.
Sanluri, 2 January 2025.
And salvation, the true one that recovers man, is not found in political or ecclesiastical intrigues, in the end-of-year speeches of the world’s powerful or in their scenographic and demagogic gestures of pauperism and false mercy, often so empty and artificially produced from the sophisms of human cunning.
— The short articles by Fathers the Patmos Island —

Ivano Liguori, Ofm.Cap.
The liturgical calendar of the Franciscan family proposes every new year, on the third day of January, the memory of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
Historically we know that it was the Holy Father Clement VII in 1530 who authorized, for the entire Franciscan Order, the recitation of the Office of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. This is thanks above all to a particular devotion to the Holy Name which became the prerogative of the Franciscan order ― alas long before the good Jesuits ― but also all thanks to the apostolate and zeal of Saint Bernardino of Siena, the Blesseds Albert from Sarteáno and Bernardino from Feltre.
The pious practice and devotion to the Most Holy Name of Jesus spread rapidly and with enthusiasm and fervor that a liturgical feast of its own was soon established. The Holy Spirit who worked mysteriously in the hearts of my ancient brothers, fathers of our beloved Order, realized pastorally what the Blessed Apostle Paul wrote in his Letter to the Philippians (cf. Phil 2,10-11):
«So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven, on earth and under the earth; and let every tongue proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father».
Remembering this dogmatic, liturgical and pastoral truth about the Most Holy Name of Jesus is particularly significant at the beginning of each new year, taking into account that 2025 is also a Jubilee year. In the life of a Christian everything should be centered and oriented on Jesus, whose name means “The Lord saves”. It is more necessary than ever to reiterate that in the life of man ― no matter whether he is a believer or not ― everything asks for salvation, every dimension of his being and existence calls daily to a holistic salvation of the entire human being.
And salvation, the true one that recovers man, is not found in political or ecclesiastical intrigues, in the end-of-year speeches of the world’s powerful or in their scenographic and demagogic gestures of pauperism and false mercy, often so empty and artificially produced from the sophisms of human cunning. The salvation that recovers and redeems is not even that of a clericalism of compromise or of a jubilee without the truth of guilt and the certainty of a redemption that invites conversion.
Before the Most Holy Name of Jesus we can only bend every knee, with the hope that after that also the heart, the mind and the whole man will bend to the lordship of Jesus Christ, the only one who is able to ask and give the full and lasting salvation.
Happy New Year.
Sanluri, 2 January 2025
The true salvation that recovers man, It is not found in political or ecclesiastical intrigues, in the end-of-year speeches of the world's powerful or in their scenographic and demagogic gestures of pauperism and false mercy, often so empty and artificially produced by the sophistry of human cunning.
— Brief articles from the Fathers of the Island of Patmos —

Ivano Liguori, Ofm.Cap.
The liturgical calendar typical of the Franciscan family proposes every new year, the third day of January, the memory of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
Historically we know that it was the Holy Father Clement VII, in 1530, who authorized the recitation of the Office of the Most Holy Name of Jesus for the entire Franciscan Order. This was mainly due to a particular devotion to the Holy Name that became the prerogative of the Franciscan Order — unfortunately, long before the good Jesuits —, but above all, thanks to the apostolate and zeal of Saint Bernardino of Siena and the Blessed confreres Alberto de Sarteáno and Bernardino de Feltre.
The practice and devotion of the Most Holy Name of Jesus It spread very quickly with such impetus and fervor that a liturgical festival of its own was soon established.. The Holy Spirit, that worked mysteriously in the hearts of my former confreres, the fathers of our beloved Order, pastorally fulfilled what the blessed Apostle Paul wrote in his Letter to the Philippians (cf. Flp 2, 10-11)
"May every knee in heaven bow at the name of Jesus.", on the ground and under the ground; and every tongue proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, "to the glory of God the Father".
Remember this dogmatic truth, liturgical and pastoral teaching on the Most Holy Name of Jesus is particularly significant at the beginning of each new year, taking into account that the 2025 It is also a jubilee year.. In the life of the Christian everything must be centered and oriented on Jesus, whose name means "The Lord saves". It is as necessary as ever to reiterate that in the life of man - whether a believer or not - everything demands salvation, Every dimension of your being and your existence demands daily an integral salvation of the entire human being.. and salvation, the true salvation that recovers man, It is not found in political or ecclesiastical intrigues, in the end-of-year speeches of the world's powerful or in their scenographic and demagogic gestures of pauperism and false mercy, often so empty and artificially produced by the sophistry of human cunning. Nor is the salvation that recovers and redeems that of a clericalism of commitment or that of a jubilee without the truth of guilt and the certainty of a redemption that invites conversion..
Before the Most Holy Name of Jesus you can only bend every knee, in the hope that later your heart will also bend, the mind and the entire man before the lordship of Jesus Christ, the only one capable of asking for and giving full and lasting salvation.
Happy new year.
Sanluri, 2 of January 2025
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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos