The problem is that the Holy Father has no protections to protect his own unhappy expressions

(English text after the Italian / Spanish text after English)



Protecting the Supreme Pontiff means first of all protecting the Church of Christ and the institution of the papacy which is not a disposable good belonging to whoever received it, just as the episcopate does not belong to bishops and the priesthood does not belong to us priests.

— The short of the fathers of L'Isola di Patmos —


We've gotten used to it by now: no one had ever targeted priests like this Pontiff, religious men and women.

The problem is not the reproachful tones, because his Supreme Predecessor Pius XI also wrote in 1935 a memorable encyclical on the drifts and inadequacies of the clergy, the To the Catholic priesthood, but he did it with the love of a father and the heart of a shepherd. Francis does not limit himself to scolding us, because it mocks us. And every time he does it, all the international leftists and the fringes of the most radical secularism rejoice at the jokes of the first Supreme Pontiff in history who publicly mocks his priests, religious men and women (This topic is also covered in my book: Digressions of a liberal priest).

Nothing to say that certain nuns can have «the vinegar face» (cf.. WHO), as the Holy Father stated, After having already urged them in the past «Don't be acid spinster» (cf.. WHO). And there are sour spinsters, we know it, of always. The problem, however, is something else: these are the arguments and languages ​​of a Supreme Pontiff whose words go around the world?

The Holy Father, by his choice and will, it is devoid of all those defense mechanisms with which the much despised Roman Curia has always protected its predecessors. Protecting the Supreme Pontiff means first of all protecting the Church of Christ and the institution of the papacy which is not a disposable good belonging to whoever received it, just as the episcopate does not belong to the bishops and the priesthood does not belong to us. While the severe warning looms over all of us:

«To anyone who was given a lot, much will be asked for; to whom men have committed much, much more will be required (LC 12, 48)».

And this is especially true for the August successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter, who more than any of us has received a lot, Vinegar faces aside …

From the island of Patmos, 5 January 2025





Protecting the Supreme Pontiff means first of all protecting the Christ’s Church and the institution of the papacy which is not an available good belonging those who received it, just as the episcopate does not belong to bishops and the priesthood does’t belong to us priests.

— The short articles by Fathers the Patmos Island —


By now we are used to it: no one like this Pontiff has ever targeted priests, men and women religious.

The problem is not the tone of reproach, because even his Supreme Predecessor Pius XI wrote a memorable encyclical in 1935 on the inadequacies of the clergy (see: To the Catholic priesthood), but he did it with the love of a father and the heart of a shepherd. Francis does’t limit himself to reproaching us, because he mocks us. And every time he does so, the entire international left and the fringes of the most radical secularism rejoice at the jokes of the first Supreme Pontiff in history who publicly mocks his priests, men and women religious (this topic is discussed also in my book: Digressions a Liberal Priest, currently available only in Italian).

Nothing to say that certain nuns may have «vinegar faces» (consult here), as the Holy Father stated, after having already urged them in the past «not to be sour spinsters» (consult here). The problem is something else: are these the arguments and languages of a Supreme Pontiff whose words go around the world?

The Holy Father, by his own choice, is deprived of all those defense mechanisms with which the much despised Roman Curia has always protected its predecessors. Protecting the Supreme Pontiff means first of all protecting the Church of Christ and the institution of the papacy which is not an available good belonging to those who received it, just as the episcopate does not belong to bishops and the priesthood does not belong to us priests. While the severe warning looms over all of us:

«Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more» (Lukas, 12, 48).

And this is especially true for the successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter, who has received more than all of us, faces of vinegard aside …

From the Island of Patmos, 5 Jannuary 2025





Protecting the Supreme Pontiff means, first of all, protecting the Church of Christ and the institution of the papacy, that it is not an available good that belongs to the person who receives it, just as the episcopacy does not belong to the bishops and the priesthood does not belong to us.

— Short articles of the parents of Patmos Island —



We have already gotten used to it: no one has ever attacked priests, religious men and women, like this Pontiff.

The problem is not the reproachful tones, because his Supreme Predecessor Pius in it 1933 wrote a memorable encyclical on the deviations and insufficiencies of the clergy, la To the Catholic priesthood, but he did it with the love of a father and the heart of a shepherd.

Francisco not only limits himself to scolding, but he mocks us. And every time it does, The entire international left and the most radical groups of secularism rejoice at the jokes of the first Supreme Pontiff in history to publicly mock his priests, religious men and women. A topic that I also cover in my book.: Digressions of a liberal priest (Digressions of a liberal priest).

It cannot be denied that some nuns have “vinegar face”, as the Holy Father stated (news here), after having exhort them in the past to «not be» (news here). And if there are bitter spinsters, we have always known. However, the problem is another: ¿These are the arguments and languages ​​of a pontiff whose words turn the world?

The Holy Father, by own choice and will, It is devoid of all those defense mechanisms with which the much despised Roman Curia had always protected its predecessors.. Protecting the Supreme Pontiff means, first of all, protecting the Church of Christ and the institution of the papacy, that it is not an available good that belongs to the person who receives it, just as the episcopacy does not belong to the bishops and the priesthood does not belong to us. As the stern warning hangs over us all:

«To everyone who has been given a lot, much will be asked of you; to whom much has been entrusted, much more will be required (LC 12, 48)”.

And this applies above all to the Successor of the blessed Apostle Peter more than to all of us, who has received a lot, leaving aside the sour faces…

From the Island of Patmos, 5 January 2025



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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos







