The Holy Father appoints a woman prefect of the Dicastery for Religious supported by a cardinal as pro-prefect, i.e. his deputy
(English text after the Italian / Spanish text after English)
It is not difficult to understand who the advisor was, we have always known that the Jesuit canonist Gianfranco Ghirlanda, today cardinal, maintains that «the power of government in the Church does not come from the Sacrament of Orders, but from the canonical mission".
– The briefs of the Fathers of the Isle of Patmos –

Teodoro Beccia
Christian brothers separated from the Catholic Church members of the Anglican Community have urged us several times:
«Never put women in ecclesial governance roles, don't make our mistake, otherwise you will pay all the consequences".

the imaginative and legendary figure of Popess Joan
To help those who did not accept the institution of women priests, the episcopesse one is worse, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI issued the Apostolic Constitution groups of Anglicans, containing instruction regarding the establishment of personal ordinariates for Anglicans entering full communion with the Catholic Church.
Going further back in time, the Orthodox invited as observers to the Second Vatican Council, they said to several of our Fathers who were pushing for the abolition of priestly celibacy:
"You who have priestly celibacy, keep it. Otherwise you risk ending up like us: most of the problems that our bishops are forced to face and resolve originate from quarrels between priests instigated by their wives, or by quarrels between priests' wives".
The Supreme Pontiff Francis appointed a nun as Prefect of the Dicastery for Religious, Simona Brambilla, supported as pro-prefect by the Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, S.D.B (See. Official bulletin). And here it is worth remembering that the prefect is the owner of the department, while the pro-prophet it's a lieutenant, that is, the prefect's deputy, appointed as such to carry out vicarious functions as his delegate.
It is not difficult to understand who the advisor was, we have always known that the Jesuit canonist Gianfranco Ghirlanda, today cardinal, maintains that «the power of government in the Church does not come from the Sacrament of Orders, but from the canonical mission". Thus affirming «the fundamental equality between all the baptized, albeit in differentiation and complementarity […] which founds the synodality" (cf.. WHO).
Applying the same principle, one could easily argue that it is lawful to appoint Sister Pasquina della Bela Madunina as Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan, exercising as such the power of government of the Ambrosian Diocese, which according to Ghirlanda does not come from the Sacrament of Orders. After that, so that there is someone responsible for also exercising the necessary sacramental powers of the episcopate, it will be enough to appoint an auxiliary bishop to Archbishop Sister Pasquina della Bela Madunina, if anything the Reverend Abbondio Che te Brillet de Lontan. Because this is what was concretely done with the appointment of the Sister as prefect of the dicastery and the Cardinal as pro-prefect. That said, faced with so much evidence, any other comment would just be a useless waste of time and words.
Velletri of Rome, 7 January 2025
Is’t difficult to understand who was the inspirer, the Jesuit canonist Gianfranco Ghirlanda, now cardinal, whit always maintained: «the power of government in the Church does not come from the Sacrament of Orders, but from the canonical mission».
— The short articles by Fathers the Patmos Island —

Teodoro Beccia
Christian brothers separated from the Catholic Church belonging to the Anglican Community have repeatedly urged us:
«Never put women in roles of ecclesial government, do not make our mistake, otherwise you will pay all the consequences».

The imaginative and legendary figure of Popesse Joan
To help those who did not accept the institution of women priests, worse than women bishops, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI issued the Apostolic Constitution groups of Anglicans, containing instructions on the institution of personal ordinariates for Anglicans who enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Going back in time, the Orthodox invited as observers to Second Vatican Council, told several of our Fathers who pushing for the priestly celibacy abolition:
«You who have priestly celibacy, keep it. Otherwise you risk ending up like us: many part of the problems that our bishops are forced to resolve originate from quarrels between priests fomented by their wives, or from quarrels between the wives of priests».
The Supreme Pontiff Francis has appointed as Prefect of the Religious Dicastery for Religious a nun, Simona Brambilla, supported as pro-prefect by Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, S.D.B (See Official Bulletin). And here is necessary remembering that the prefect is the head of the dicastery, the pro-profect is a lieutenant, that is, the vice-prefect, appointed to carry out vicarious functions as delegate.
Is’t difficult to understand who was the inspirer, the Jesuit canonist Gianfranco Ghirlanda, now cardinal, whit always maintained: «the power of government in the Church does not come from the Sacrament of Orders, but from the canonical mission». Thus affirming «the fundamental equality between all the baptized, even if in differentiation and complementarity […] which founds synodality» (see HERE).
Applying this principle, one could support the legitimacy of appointing Sister Playful Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan, and exercising the power of government of the Ambrosian Diocese, which according to Ghirlanda does not come from the Sacrament of Orders. After that, in order for there to be to also exercise the sacramental powers proper to the episcopate, it will be enough to appoint an auxiliary bishop to the Archbishop Sister Playful, perhaps the Reverend Placid of the Good Lamb. This is has been with the appointment of the Sister as prefect of the dicastery and of the Cardinal as pro-prefect. In the face of this evidence, any other comment only be a waste of time and words.
Velletri of Rome, 7 January 2025
It is not difficult to understand who was the inspiration, we have always known that the Jesuit canonist Gianfranco Ghirlanda, today cardinal, maintains that "the power of government in the Church does not come from the Sacrament Order, but of that of canonical mission».
— Brief articles from the Fathers of the Island of Patmos —

Teodoro Beccia
Christian brothers separated from the Catholic Church belonging to the Anglican Community have repeatedly exhorted us:
«Never put women in functions of ecclesiastical government, don't make our mistake, Otherwise you will pay all the consequences.".
To help those who did not accept the institution of women priests, even worse than that of the Episcopesas, The Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI issued the Apostolic Constitution groups of Anglicans, containing instructions on the establishment of personal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Going further back in time: Orthodox invited as observers to the Second Vatican Council, they told several of our Fathers who were pressing for the abolition of priestly celibacy:
«You who have priestly celibacy, conservadlo. Otherwise, you run the risk of ending up like us: Many of the problems that our bishops are forced to face and solve have their origin in fights between priests encouraged by their wives., or fights between priests' wives..
The Supreme Pontiff Francis has named a nun, Simona Brambilla, Prefect of the Dicastery for Religious, supported as Pro-Prefect by Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, S.D.B. (See. Official Gazette). And here it is worth remembering that the prefect is the head of the dicastery, while the pro-prefect is an adjunct appointed as such to perform vicarious functions as a delegate.
It is not difficult to understand who was the inspiration, we have always known that the Jesuit canonist Gianfranco Ghirlanda, today cardinal, maintains that "the power of government in the Church does not come from the Sacrament Order, but of that of canonical mission». Thus affirming "the fundamental equality between all the baptized, although in the differentiation and complementarity […] "that founds synodality" (See. HERE).
Applying the same principle, It could be safely maintained that it is lawful to name Sister Pasquina del Corazón Joyo de Jesús Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan, exercising as such the power of government of the Ambrosian Diocese, which according to Ghirlanda, does not come from the Sacrament of Orders. After, so that there is someone responsible for exercising the necessary sacramental powers of the episcopate, It will be enough to appoint an auxiliary bishop of Archbishop Sister Pasquina, just in case the reverend Afraid of the Holy Lamb. Because this is indeed, what was done with the appointment of the nun as prefect of the dicastery and the cardinal as pro-prefect. That being said, in the face of so much evidence, Any other comment would be a useless waste of time and words..
Velletri, Rome, 7 January 2025
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