The Papal Papal pearls: alien truth and new antics of fanta-Mariology of chihuahua with complex mastiff

letters from readers 2

They say the island of Patmos Fathers




To Mary, "the all was forgiven in advance, including original sin. Without this mercy to the maximum of his majesty, Mary also could commit any sin ' [From an article by Papal Papal of Santa Maria Maddalena]



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Dear Father Ariel,

what do you think the article appeared 22.07.2016 sul blog Papal Papal about Maddalena? [Ed. pdf WHO]. I would be grateful if you could answer, because there is something not quite right, on Madonna, on original sin, and more …

Carla Giovannelli



Cara Carla.

kennel mastiff 1

Narciso, In Greek mythology, then taken as a paradigm of psychological sciences, to a punishment of the gods he falls in love with his reflection in a mirror of water and died by falling into the river in which was reflected. Narciso hence the term narcissism that can indicate a state of the person or a real psychopathology.

I say reluctantly, but I do it imperative for pastoral conscience, avoiding back too much on a topic already treated and for which she, as other readers, There inviaste numerous emails to ask for explanations on some articles to effect appeared on the site Papal Papal. In the first of my two articles [cf. WHO] Also I reported her email together with other two examples only.


ET 4

historical poster of E.T. extra terrestrial

It is necessary to explain that in compliance with the civil rules anyone can publish what it wishes and to exercise their rights as well of thought and speech recognized and protected by the Constitution of the Italian Republic [cf. art. 21]. Anyone, without causing offense to members of civil society, It can put online a website which speaks of “truth” related to visits by aliens on the planet Earth and the incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo. The speech, however, change if a site on “truth” alien directed by one that informs its readers of his dialogues with the little alien called ET, indicate on its site how “Scientific blog of astrophysical study“, because in that case it is likely that the scientific community of astrophysicists arise, communicating to the public that certain materials that circulate on the computer network do not have any kind of scientific value.


the blog Papal Papal It can publish all the amenities you want, provided they do not present as “Blog Catholic deepening”, because such a submission is a deception arising because “Catholic” O “catholic” are not their own personal self-emotions, are not its narcissistic delusions, but that as such is recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, to which people - if they are really such - must respect due to the devotee Mother and teacher. Completely different would be if more appropriately this blog was called “Blog Christian deepening“, why in the world there are thousands of combinations and associations that go back to a very generic Christianity, or to what some believe to be Christians feelings.


ET 1

a closeup of E.T.

In my previous article [cf. WHO] I already explained that Antonio Margheriti, in computer network “The Mastiff er blogghettaro“, It is not a philosopher, It is not a theologian, It is not a historian of the Church, as well as being a person who knows the test of poorly made, the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And I say all this not to some kind of "dislike", that I do not hold any, or some kind of "hatred", that I do not hold any; because to prove embarrassing doctrinal deficiencies, philosophical, theological and historical of this subject, are his writings published in a site that looks like improperly “Blog Catholic deepening“.


If I have addressed the severe criticism I did it only for pastoral duty, being obliged to inform Catholics that certain folly historic church, theological and doctrinal have indeed foolishness, and as such should be taken and evaluated, therefore, everything on the internet is presented as "Catholic"Or as"doctrinally" O "Catholic deepening“, often it is not, and I have an obligation to inform the faithful devotees of the Church entrusted to our pastoral care, why do this part in those my basic obligations as a theologian and pastor in the care of souls which can not and must not in any way escape.


But when he is responsible for this blog He took Catholicism as a sport, come una sorta di outburst or subjective battlefield, It is accustomed embark on issues that require first of all the knowledge of the fundamentals of the faith, e, almost always, the knowledge of the highest speculative theology, in addition to the ecclesiology, al diritto canonico, alla storia della Chiesa … all disciplines that some of us have studied for years and years, deepening one or some in a particular way for many years, under the gentle guidance of experts and sometimes even teachers saints. And today we are faithful servants of the Church and of the truths of faith and kept it announces that it is our duty to teach and transmit properly to the People of God, if necessary, defending the truth from the mistakes put into circulation by practitioners del cattolicesimo emotivo do it yourself.


ET 3

E.T. with his girl friend

Simply said that a guy like It can surround himself only related subjects, because a weak wolf - it goes without saying, I speak figuratively - can be accepted as leader of the pack only by weaker wolves him. It is known that when the leader of the pack are weak or gets sick, wolves younger and healthier you devour. Anche per questo nessun serio teologo, Church historian and canonist, never put your signature on a blog that sells scripts like that. Every now and again Papal Papal Public anything - in the form of interview - to the clergy who are penalty or too young or too old, so not quite savvy early, never however savvy in their whole life the latter. And the ones and the others do not understand that by granting those services O interviews They play into the hands of this weak and variously deficient wolf through the presence of some ecclesiastical aims to legitimize the entire folly enclosed container. But the latter is an issue that will have to examine their conscience a couple of my confreres who recently lent themselves naively in this game, considering that these are certainly not the best times in which priests, Religious and theologians can afford ingenuity, anche perché Cristo, who sent us like sheep among wolves, It exhorts us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves [cf. Mt 10, 16-18]. And if we have to tear us, which then sbranarci to be a leader of the pack of great race and class, not a chihuahua groaning before the mirror: «Oh, mother, but why have you been so exaggerated in me so smart and so deeply intellectual?».

Example: I never would write a metaphysical theology article in the newspaper Lotta Comunista, stating if anything to answer only the content of my writing, because in certain situations has long also the container in which they deposit their writings or their interviews.


ET 2

E.T. led bike incognito from his little human friends

After I published my article [cf. WHO] then a further item of reply to the ridiculous message sent to me by a lawyer for facebook [cf. WHO], Margheriti the sent messages furious right and left, one of them also to my Diocesan Ordinary, but never answer me, that before publishing my article chided him unnecessarily in private more than once, then “the presence of a wise elder”, explaining that he was bordering on blasphemy, per il suo insano desiderio di attirare le curiosità ed i pruriti di una pletora di fragili e ignoranti figli dell’approssimativo che popolano il mondo della rete telematica. Only below you chided him in public, after following scrupulously that indicates the Gospel for the criteria to follow to comply with a just and charitable fraternal correction [cf. Mt 18, 15-20].


What I had to say I said so WHO e WHO, I can therefore confirm what I have already written, adding deeply dismayed that the Gentile author of the text of Santa Maria Maddalena [see WHO], It is free to make all the personal reflections he wants, what it is within its full freedom, as I - similarly - they are free to say that this lady is not able to do an elementary exegesis of the Gospel, showing, with interpretations tattered enclosed in his writing, do not know the figure that is, nor use the necessary tools theological and dogmatic rigor required for such a discussion, which structure is right on the fundamental basis of dogmatic, given that the core of question is the Incarnation of the Word of God, His birth by the Holy Spirit, His resurrection from the dead.


ET 5

thanks to the extra-terrestrial power E.T. the bicycle is raised in flight against the backdrop of the moon …

To clarify the whole I just bring one of several serious allegations that form the corolla to this article, explaining concretely what can reach those who confuse the Mystery of Revelation with their emotions subjective, theology with poetry, Catholicism lived as an outlet for their personal problems rather than as an experience of faith, which it requires first of all listening to the teachers and the use of best reason. Or as he said the Almighty through the voice of a child to the young Aurelio Thagaste of the early conversion path that led him to become below Agostino, A saint and Doctor of the Church … «Great doctor, tolle lege», what does it mean: take and read [confessions, VIII, XII]. And this expression is a way to tell: studies, apprendi. What this requires, however,, first of all, the wise exercise of human humility, an effort that this kind of structured self on the typical narcissistic personality of iocentrismi emotional, not just seem willing to drive, why go on the nonsense in nonsense, because they do not study, They do not learn and above all do not listen to no one but themselves.

Symptomatic sentence - I repeat that it is only one among many - is as follows and refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, about which he wrote the Author Article on Maria Magdalene:


«Maria, wife of Joseph the carpenter, She was the woman of all forgiven and I say this with certainty, because it was not a superior type When, human model was woman as much as Maddalena, with the difference that everything was forgiven in advance, including original sin. Without this mercy to the maximum of his majesty, Mary also could commit any sin. The Virgin did not have time to cry out of his misery no, but when he realized what had been preserved by, He endured through the Holy Spirit tremendous weight of the total innocence» WHO].


ET 6

E.T. and his young friend over to the ship returned to resume on Planet Earth

We note that the Immaculate Conception "Sins" were all forgiven "in advance", 'Including the original sin ". However, how to put in doubt? He is telling a true “Blog Catholic deepening” run by a pleasant guy on the way to the forty years that communicates always with the little extraterrestrial known to the public as ET. And only God knows how much he is angry - behind! - And how much thunder - always behind! –, up to a Diocesan Ordinary bother to ask to it the head of his “perfidious” priest who, just doing nothing and that his priestly duty, dared bacchettare His Majesty the Great Mastiff first in private, then before a wise elder, Finally in public; and that for its embarrassing lack of knowledge of Catholic doctrine, spread in an appealing way to the computer network just as if they were “geniali” interpretations of the true Catholic doctrine. The everything always according to the principle: «Oh, mother, but why have you been so exaggerated in me so smart and so deeply intellectual?».


I therefore think it is good to remember that the dogma of the Immaculate Conception states that the Blessed Virgin, being the Mater Dei, to the mystery of grace sine labe originali concepta, throughout his life he never committed any sin or venial nor deadly, nor could commit. The bubble of Blessed Pius IX ineffable God clarifies that "The most Blessed Virgin Mary in the first instant of her conception, for a singular grace and privilege of almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ the Savior of mankind, He preserved immune from all stain of original sin " [DS 2803].


ET 7

the last warm embrace of E.T his little human friend before departing from Planet Earth …

After this revision “poetics” a Marian dogma at the hands of that hotbed of fanta-Catholic amenities such is in fact, ie in the writings, the site Papal Papal, we can easily deduce that the Author is his mentor editing is not clear the substantial difference theological, metaphysics and dogmatic running between It is conceived without original sin and behold forgive sins in advance, expression that, if it were not the result of gross ignorance, would sound blasphemous.


Who it was conceived without the stain of original sin, because it preserved for the mystery of grace, from what sins should be forgiven "in advance", ivi «including original sin»? Perhaps, Father gave, does the imputations and then forgives even before the man, with his free will, can choose between good and evil? Perhaps, Father gave, sending their messenger to this young girl, in divine respect to that man's free will is the supreme gift of God, He did not wait for the event date free response from Mary, which he was facing the title greeting "full of grace"? [cf. LC 1, 126-38]. And while waiting for the answer, Father gave, Perhaps he began to kill time Meanwhile forgiving of waiting purposes only “preventivo”, even before the Blessed Virgin is proclaimed through free obedience of faith 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word "?


ET 8

the departure to his Planet of the spaceship intergalactic extra-terrestrial E.T …

Who said and who published these ungodliness – che come tali non meritano neppure il dignitoso rango di eresia – è in grado di capire che differenza corra tra l’essere stata concepita senza peccato originale, and it is rather 'forgiven in advance from original sin'? Without going too much in high dogmatic theology but remaining at the basic Catechism of the Catholic Church, every believer should know that original sin is not a sin clerk from us and that no descendant of Adam it has a character of misconduct. The original sin was transmitted all mankind for propagation, with the transmission of a human nature deprived of original holiness and justice. This is the reason why the original one is called “sin” analogically, it is a sin contract and not clerk and making it a “state” of the person, not a “act” of the person. Adam and Eve transmitted to their descendants human nature wounded by their own first sin, Private therefore of original holiness and justice. Questa privazione è chiamata peccato originale [cf. Cat. 385-412]. Con il Battesimo noi non veniamo “forgiven” from original sin, but it freed and regenerated [cf. Cat. 1213].


close incont4ri

perhaps, See you on the next episode, the director of Papal Papal It will give us a fanta-Catholic script Incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo ?

It supersedes the total lack of theological and liturgical knowledge, visto il modo in cui – nei toni tipici che animano la spocchia data dal not to know di questi superficiali figli di un pensiero che da liquido sta diventando ormai vaporoso – essi presumono di parlare in altezzosi toni critici di una festa liturgica, in this case that of Santa Maria Maddalena, accompanied by a short time of its own preface, and so to follow. Totally unaware of what is really the dogmatic sacramental and liturgical history, to which no son or daughter of modern thought now vaporous can certainly replace the moodiness and self iocentric the … “but I feel” Why “I think” …


All this requires me to notify you of new readers that the materials published on this site are sad result of that typical self arrogance that comes from ignorance that glory and self-pleasure in itself and that has nothing to Catholic, deserving to that effect the same consideration they deserve the many sites that reveal the “sensational truth” on the visits of aliens to planet Earth.


To all of you, a hug and a blessing by Father E.T, the Extra-Terrestrial priest.




Bishop Athanasius Schneider

S. AND. Mons. Athanasius Schneider, Astana auxiliary bishop, during a celebration according to the Old Order posted, upon the prelate they are visible fundamental mysteries of faith: the episcopal gloves on his hands, the ring from chiroteca, the dalmatica (the tunicella) beneath the planet, etc …

As at the end of the previous article [cf. WHO] Also in this I add a footnote to make again “honor” to the whole of sites and forest Sitarelli of the true&temple Catholic tradition, i quali di recente, sulla base del nulla, They attacked the Roman Pontiff, its employees and “New Church heretical” for this season and for this preface of the Blessed Maddalena defined, they say in a heretical way, come “Apostle of the Apostles”. However, these columnists notoriously Pharisees of old Pharisees, if we touch a handful or chiroteca war is a fight the accusations of heresy. Well wonder: There is someone to costono, Once again, He has issued sigh before the spread of such nonsense spread by pseudo-Catholic Papal Papal? Of course not, for an obvious reason: if someone says that the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene before his conversion shared the “same sin” and what “same trade”, none of them would emit groan, However, if - God forbid! - Somebody touched the sacred tail magna hood of Cardinal Raymond Burke Leonard, or proferisse speech on holy celebrations in ancient rite the Auxiliary Bishop of Astana S.It is. Mons. Athanasius Schneider, here is that in this case it would unleash hell. All to reiterate that these fetishists of their personal traditio, They are worse than modernists. And since Antonio Margheriti, in computer network “The Mastiff er blogghettaro“, blast on the Holy Father and of the same criticism that doctrinally, pastorally and liturgically it is not able in concrete facts to criticize, obvious lack of wisdom, science and knowledge, here is i fetishists of their personal traditio They do not emit any sigh even in defense of the faith dogma vilified by expressions, if they were in fact the result of crass ignorance, indeed would sound like blasphemy.





The Chihuahua Song












Mary Magdalene, the "apostle to the apostles", a meditation for the Discalced Carmelites



Between the second and third century St. Hippolytus of Rome defines Magdalene "the Apostle of the Apostles". She is in fact the first to see the risen Christ, according to the story of Blessed John the Evangelist. And after recognizing him she ran to tell the 11 Apostles, hidden and shocked by what they had seen a few days before on Golgotha. And from this episode it understands what is venerable figure of Maddalena, sent by Christ to proclaim his resurrection to those fearful that a few days before, during l'Last Supper, He had established priests of the New Covenant […]



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


PDF print format


During this summer the Father Ariel has had the pleasure and honor to go occasionally to celebrate Mass in a village Carmel by a community of nuns with one foot on this earth and with each other already in Paradise. Today, Early morning, It gave the Discalced Carmelites a meditation on the figure of Mary Magdalene that the preparation also gives readers of’Patmos Island.



Beloved Daughters of Carmel, Praised be Jesus Christ!

Carmelites 3

a Discalced Carmelite community of Carmel Choir

Addressing the people of Corinth, the Apostle Paul said,: "If Christ had not risen indeed, in vain would be our faith and our hope in vain " [1].

Before the empty tomb of the risen Christ, the link between reason and faith, even more than tight, it is inseparable. Because, with reason, you get to the upturned stone of the tomb of Christ God, with faith, you enter into the eternal mystery of the Risen.

On the words of the Apostle Paul Blessed, that in the resurrection of Christ shows us the mystery of mysteries on which our faith can stand or can die, is a rational demand: but what is faith? And do not use some coincidence that the word "rational", because the relationship between ratio e fides, reason and faith is highlighted by two Fathers and Doctors of the Church, Bishop Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas. The dogmatic constitution of Vatican II, God's word, recovering almost verbatim the text of the constitution the son of God the First Vatican Council, It reiterates in a perfect continuity with both the previous magisterium and with the Council of Trent, "the relationship between faith and reason", through these words: "The same Holy Mother Church professes and teaches that God, beginning and end of all things, It can be known with certainty to the natural light of human reason through created things; indeed, the invisible things of Him are known by the intelligence of the human being through the things that were done (cf. RM 1,20) [2]». A distance of approximately a century, following the teaching of Aquinas, the Holy Father John Paul II gave us his encyclical on faith and reason, the Faith and Reason [3].


Carmelite novices

Carmelite novices to the grating of the Carmel

The big question "What is faith", that in us resonates with the divine gift of reason, The author of the Letter to the Hebrews provides reply saying: "Faith is the certainty of things that are hoped for and the demonstration of realities that are not seen"[4]. And open to the faith, which it is both "certainty" and "hope", you need to project ourselves in a dimension of eternity, because the source of faith is the Lord.


The Servant of God Anastasio Ballastrero He used to say that 'This life is blissful space to the extent that it is rooted in eternity ".


This story of the resurrection of Christ, with which concludes the entire Gospel of John the Apostle Blessed, Eternal ranks as an open door on the way to the 'ἔσχατον, the glorious day when Christ will return in glory to judge the living and the dead. And all this is a challenge to human reason to induce the man to the big step of faith.


Carmelite John Paul II and Sister Lucia 1982-001

Saint John Paul II visited in Portugal in 1982 visit Sister Lucia Dos Santos in his carmelo

Blessed Evangelist continues to narrate that while the two disciples returning home, Mary remained "outside, the tomb, and crying. she wept, she bent over into the tomb and saw two angels in white, sitting, the one at the head and one at the feet, where it had laid the body of Jesus. And they told her: «Donna, why are you crying?». He answered them: "They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid". Said this, She turned around and saw Jesus, standing; and he knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus told her: «Donna, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?" She, thinking it was the gardener, he told him: "Man, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him, "Jesus told her,: «Maria!"She turned and said in Hebrew: "Rabboni!». Jesus told her: […] go to my brothers and tell them,: "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, My God and your God ' ". Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples: "I saw the Lord!"And what he told her '.


Carmelites of Quart Aosta Valley, Benedict XVI-001

S.S. Benedict XVI visit to the Valle d'Aosta Quart Carmelo

During the sacred rites of the Passover to sing an ancient resurrection sequence of the rare beauty Gregorian, of which a verse reads: Mors et vita conflixere duel aiming ... [death and life will face in a tremendous duel]. And from this duel is something out defeat death, because the resurrection of Christ is an explosion of vital love without beginning and without end that takes us back to the eternal dimension of our existence in the ancient original Garden of Eden, because with Christ we are dead to sin and with Him we are all resurrected. For as we have all been involved in the sin of Adam, we have all been involved and made sharers in Christ's redemptive resurrection.


Death touches us more painfully, especially when it deprives us of precious suffering, He proves this Mary Magdalene with her tender lamentation. But however painful, death does not affect us forever, It takes us to a moment of passage to eternity, as we proclaim in our profession of faith: "... I believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the life of the world to come". It's still, so different but similar, I proclaim soon on most Holy Eucharistic Species of Christ present true and living with your body, His blood His soul and His divinity, cheering: "We announce your death, Lord, We proclaim your resurrection until you come again ".


Carmelites of Harissa (Lebanon) Benedict XVI-001

S.S. Benedict XVI visited the Carmelite nuns of the Carmel of Harissa during his apostolic visit to Lebanon

To understand what he was trying Maddalena in his heart at that moment, there might be help St. John of the Cross, that like all true mystics lived with his feet on the ground balances, because it is the earthly Jerusalem that we are called to project ourselves into the eternal heavenly Jerusalem. He urges this revered Doctor of the Church: "Those who act according to reason is like one who eats nutritious foods; those who moves behind the taste of the will is like one who eats rotten fruit '[5]. Because of this, just 49 year old, now in its fullness in Christ after flying on "two wings"[6] of faith and reason, St. John of the Cross received death lowered into the spiritual coherence that a few years ago led him to write in his famous poem "Break the canvas now in the sweet encounter"[7]. And what he portrayed as a 'canvas', was the mystical and poetic depiction of 'last tear through which, through the overturned stone of the empty tomb of the Risen, leads to the contemplation of the Divine Victorious Lamb who triumphs over death and that through the mystery of his resurrection involves us in eternity; and who is able to enjoy the eternal, He says together with the Blessed Apostle Paul: "For me, living is Christ and dying is a gain"[8].


Tender remains for ever the question of Mary Magdalene, that frightened before the empty tomb pained groans: "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we know not where they have laid!». E, said this, shortly after she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, behind his back; but his reason did not know that it was Jesus; But it was the same reason that led her at once to make the leap of faith before the heavenly light of the Risen Body, she knew from her voice that spoke her name: Maria …


Carmelite John Paul II and Sister Lucia 2000-001

Saint John Paul II, already old and sick, during his visit to Portugal during the Jubilee 2000, back to visit Sister Lucia Dos Santos in his carmelo

If we avert our fearful look the upturned stone of our empty tombs, We find out what the Lord's love goes beyond death, enough that we turn back; and day by day we will discover that 'Alpha and l 'Omega, the Word of God, It is behind us, to call us by name, because we are all in the divine heart of the great mystery of the Father, who wanted us, loved and called by name before the beginning of time.


Mary Magdalene is a woman who seeks the beloved of his heart, and to her church, in this Liturgy of the Word, He directs the words of the Book of Song of Songs in which it is revealed God's love for man and man for his God: «… I tried my soul loves […] I found the love of my soul ".


Let nothing disturb you copertina

a theological meditation Ariel S. Levi Gualdo written in the form of historical fiction and dedicated to the history of the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne, guillotined during the period of terror of the French Revolution [The book is currently in print along with all the author's works]

Between the second and third century St. Hippolytus of Rome [9] It defines "the Apostle of the Apostles". She is in fact the first to see the risen Christ, according to the story of Blessed John the Evangelist. And after recognizing him she ran to tell the 11 Apostles, hidden and shocked by what they had seen a few days before on Golgotha. And from this episode it understands what is venerable figure of Maddalena, sent by Christ to proclaim his resurrection to those fearful that a few days before, during l'Last Supper, He had established priests of the New Covenant; the same people who a few days earlier, as recounted a dramatic passage from the Gospel: «And all the disciples, forsook him, fled»[10]. And the first of the Apostles, covered by Christ God for a vicarious function and he defined as uplifting rock of his Church [11], before the stunning scenery of the capture and condemnation of the Divine Master, he didn't say, as he said on Mount Athos during the transfiguration of Christ "we stay here ...", Indeed, "let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah " [12]. After Christ had sweated blood in the Garden shortly after going to meet his painful passion, Peter denied him three times. And even the abandonment of God by his apostles and priests, it's part, of always, the mystery of the Church; it's part, of always, of the mystery of faith. To take it up our cross and follow him [13], not enough reason alone, because it needs to be done through reason the leap of faith. Only then could we recognize the risen Christ who calls us by name behind, because all, we are called to be Mary. E, like Mary, announcers of the Resurrection.


Praised be Jesus Christ!



[1] The Cor, 15

[2] First Vatican Council: Denz. -beautiful, 3004; cf 3026

[3] Vatican CITY, 14 September 1998.

[4] Letter to the Hebrews: 11, 1

[5] St. John of the Cross, it gives The soul in love prayers, n. 43.

[6] CF. Saint John Paul II, Faith and Reason, introductory preamble.

[7] St. John of the Cross, it gives O flame of love alive.

[8] CF. I Phil 1, 21

[9] Hippolytus Roman [170-235 D.C.], theologian and priest. It was the first anti-pope in Church history, He died reconciled with the legitimate Pope Pontian, with whom it was martyred during the anti-Christian persecution.

[10] CF. Mt 26, 56.

[11] CF. Mt 16, 13-20.

[12] CF. MC 9, 2-8.

[13] CF. MC 8, 27-35








Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The Lutheran concept of justification, in preparation for the celebrations of the Lutheran 2017, for which nothing, the Catholics, They would be celebrated

– Theologica –



"We Catholics have no reason to celebrate 31 October 1517, the date considered the beginning of the Reform that led to the Schism of Western Christianity "

[Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller¹]



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



As they approach the celebration of pseudo-reform heresiarch Martin Luther, the fathers of’Patmos Island propose to the two short essays Readers: the first, drawn these days by John Cavalcoli ON, The second one, however, it is the revival of a written text and published over a year ago by Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, but which today sounds more current even yesterday.




Francesco with mueller

the Pope Francis with the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhald Ludwig Müller

[…] But we go to the bottom of it e, more root, let's ask ourselves: because Rome, after five centuries, with all its efforts, with all its shepherds, his saints, its theologians, its missions, He failed to bring back to her bosom separated children?

It was too severe?

It came the Second Vatican Council, open and welcoming. Because they still last rejection and separation, and why they are likely to enter the Church that it corrects those errors? What excuses have today separated brethren to remain separate?

Today what Rome should do even to meet them? Not being asked to betray the mandate that Jesus told Peter,: "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, everything you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven " [Mt 16 18-19].



To read the article click below





[1] From the book interview with the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller Report on hope, 2016







Legitimate doubts about the validity of the ordinations of homosexuals

– Theologica –



You can not make peace in the consciousness merely public and severe proclamations, when in fact gay priests increased in proportion to the presence of bishops who reason with a latent homosexual psychology. Or to put it raw: some seminarians between the seventies and the eighties capeggiavano inside of the seminars Gay pious confraternity, Today they are bishops, and just become such, first they are surrounded by related parties, placed more and rigor in all the key posts in the diocese, traineeships. And these subjects, that protects and reproduce each other, they ended up creating a powerful lobby of power within the Church. The question which now arises concerns thus the validity of sacred ordination of subjects in whom appear increasingly absent the minimum requirements for the validity of the sacrament of Holy Orders, from the faith and the correct perception of the Catholic priesthood.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




PDF print format article



The Fathers ofPatmos Island They have decided to offer readers, in the section Theologica This online magazine, two short essays on a complex and sensitive issue on the theological and legal: about the actual validity of the ordinations of persons deprived of correct perception of the Catholic priesthood [cf. Giovanni Cavalcoli, OP see Article WHO]; and about the effective validity of priestly ordinations of candidates for sacred orders with structurally rooted homosexual tendencies [cf. Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, article that follows below].



To read the article click below:













Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The question of the validity of priestly ordinations today

– theologica –



Over the last half century it has taken shape a heretical concept of the priesthood, which is likely in many cases to be prerequisite to many priestly ordinations and perhaps Bishops, since, if it endorsed by the originator or by the orderly, can not but lead to an order nothing, although it granted with all permissions and ceremonial trappings, legal and liturgical and celebrated with the most solemn ritual and lavish.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



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The fathers of’Patmos Island They have decided to offer readers, in the section Theologica This online magazine, two short essays on a complex and sensitive issue on the theological and legal: about the actual validity of the ordinations of persons deprived of correct perception of the Catholic priesthood; about the effective validity of priestly ordinations of candidates for sacred orders with structurally rooted homosexual tendencies.



To read the article click below:

07.07.2016 Giovanni Cavalcoli – The question of the validity of priestly ordinations today











Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Knowledge of truth and religious freedom

– Theologica –


Before Christ must take a position, how to choose between good and evil: or for or against, aut-aut. Of course, in human affairs good is always mixed with evil and evil supposes the good: but it must separate them and call good good and evil evil. You can not be neutral or indifferent. It can not be "neither hot nor cold", Otherwise "we will spit out of his mouth" (cf. AP 3,15)



You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

GV 8, 32



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



To open the ’ article click below









The Holy Father on gays and the poor. Clarification of Patmos Island Fathers [appendix interview with John Cavalcoli, ON]



"It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or actions. Such treatment deserves condemnation of the shepherds of the Church, wherever they occur. They reveal a lack of respect for others, endangers the most fundamental principles on which a healthy society. Their dignity of each person must always be respected in word, in action and in law. However, the proper reaction to crimes committed against homosexual persons can not lead in any way claim that the homosexual condition is not disordered " [Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 1October 1986. Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, n. 10. See full text WHO]



Authors Giovanni Cavalcoli, OP Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON
Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




Pope return to Armenia

the Holy Father Francis in conversation with reporters on his way back from Armenia

After bubbling point with which the Bishop of Laodicea Combusta has asked the Metro Mayor province of Konya in Anatolia to prevent the parade of gay pride before the ruins of his cathedral church [cf. WHO], the island of Patmos Fathers identified the words of the Supreme Pontiff, with which he wanted to "apologize" to gays, including them among "the poor".

We understand that in many cases homosexuals They not dealt, and sometimes they are still not treated with the respect due to their human dignity and should therefore be repaired.


With all due respect to the Vicar of Christ, However, we believe that the Holy Father, in the same circumstances, He would do well to remember together, beyond the subjective mitigating, the objective gravity of the sin of sodomy, avoiding in this way to give rise to any misinterpretation. All this also to avoid the noisy exploitation of his words, that followed, and there was to imagine followed by lobby gay, who wanted to play and then present dishonestly those words as a approvazione and a moral legitimacy of their conduct which remains, for the doctrine and Catholic morality, "Intrinsically disordered" [CF. Catechism of the Catholic Church NN. 2357-2359].




We report in the appendix to an interview by John Cavalcoli, ON to the online magazine Faith Daily [WHO]

Daily faith



Father Cavalcoli, the Pope says that the Church must also ask for forgiveness from gays, agree?


No, I don't see why. The problem is complex. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth for Catholics, progressives and conservatives, It must be respected. But, with equal frankness I say that is losing shots, It has outputs, like this about gays, little explainable, that disturb or at least rattle.


So what?


I think that the Pope wanted to say something else, to warn against the risk of a pipeline even verbal too hard and without mercy toward gay and this is right, sometimes it happened. But it should and could associate with that statement a second part in which he remembered the moral gravity of the sin of sodomy, namely achieving the speech. I think that he is deficient in the virtue of prudence, often ambiguous in its statements that can be interpreted in various ways, talks too much and arm, especially bad for someone who is not a master of another language. In some cases it is rude.


Why unwise?


Because when he speaks he is challenging, his statements do not belong to the 'man in the street or country priest. At certain levels it is good to avoid the superficiality, Because sensitive topics are not addressed in five minutes on 'plane conference that is not the Magisterium and is therefore open to criticism. I would not be in the shoes of the poor Father Lombardi. I worked in the Secretariat of State, and is an asset to be in contact with the Pope. I say that John Paul II was reviewing speeches, was humble and prudent. Bergoglio wants to do everything himself, often he speaks off the cuff makes and breaks as it wants and creates problems, besides the difficulty of interpretation. Humility is needed.


And the media success?


Here, too, it's complicated and bad in many ways. If atheists, the Communists and the Freemasons will praise, while many Catholics, progressives and not, have doubts, something is not working, by me, Bergoglio, it shall be understood not to. Many Catholics are worried, There is disorientation. And here there is no bold comparison that he often makes Jesus eating with sinners, Jesus spoke clearly and said yes when yes, not when it is no. Undoubtedly we can not take away from the good that this Pope has, especially in the social ministry, and I do not agree with the accusations of heresy, But there are things that do not go and I think the language, the recklessness and carelessness also theological in some circumstances. He should not speak off the cuff and too, creates mess.


Sodomy is a sin?


It is. St. Paul is clear. It is a mortal sin, Catechism stuff and who is in mortal sin if he dies without repentance, go to hell, it is good that even priests and bishops if they put him in the lead and we priests must say what the cost.


Luther was truly medicine for the Catholic Church?


Here, too, the same holds true. he could risparmiarsela, I say it with filial devotion and affection.


He apologizes to gays?


Because May?

Bruno Volpe












The Bishop of Laodicea Combusta, with the support of Caterina Caselli, Calls on the Turkish authorities: "Do not pull out the Gay Pride parade in front of the ruins of my Cathedral in Anatolia !»



[…] if anyone dares to disagree with certain desecration repeatedly staged these parades Gay Pride, there arose a chorus of cheerleaders shouting "homophobic, homophobe!». Exactly like when in Riyadh they shouted at homophobia because many inhabitants of Saudi Arabia felt outraged when the Gay Pride, celebrated around Mecca, took mockery of Muhammad, just as earlier they had taken a mockery of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rome, Berlin, New York, San Francisco …




Ariel Bishop of Laodicea

Author: S. AND. Mons. Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo Bishop of Laodicea Combusta [1]



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. Mr. Tahir Akyurek

Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality of

Konya in Anatolia



Pope return to Armenia

the Supreme Pontiff Francis, on a return trip from Armenia, He responds speaking extemporaneously with journalists [within the article is available the video link intregrale]

Return from Armenia the Supreme Pontiff, speaking arm with journalists on the plane and making his own a phrase of the Archbishop of München Cardinal Reinhard Marx, He said that "the Church should apologize to gays» [cf. WHO, full video WHO]. I cannot enter into the answers given by the Holy Father, which would require difficult interpretation of which could not be at, because the task would perhaps be up to H.E.. Mons. Marek Solczyński, Apostolic Nuncio in Azerbaijan, Armenia e Georgia. For my part, come bishop of Laodicea, I'm waiting to deepen certain themes with the Metropolitan Archbishop of Antioch, of which the particular Church entrusted to me is suffragan diocese, I just have to wait until he face return to Anatolia from Sweden, where is the time to prepare together with His Grace Eva Brunne ─ before vescovessa lesbian Stockholm Lutheran [cf. WHO, WHO] ─ the great celebrations of 500 years of the so-called "reform" of Martin Luther which will be held in Lund and in which our August Pontiff will also participate in October of 2017, on the occasion of the centenary of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima.


As bishop of this local Church of Anatolia, Meanwhile I want to expose my doubts. That's why I turn to you publicly, Mayor, to prevent anyone who is in the "right" to extract two sentences from my speech I reported for "hearsay", or from my verbal request by which attribute to what I have not said; why so unfortunately it works when you touch certain structured environments on the most acute susceptibility. Instead, by entrusting this written text of mine to the Turkish press - which is a model and a guarantee of freedom, pluralism and respect for all diversity -, will not having attributed or imputed what I have said and what I did not write.


Gay pride Chicago 1

«The Church must ask for forgiveness to Gay». Photo taken from Gay Pride Chicago, Pope Benedict XVI said “Betty” as indicated “Queen of homophobic“.

We are all aware that homosexuality It is not a crime punishable by law, or a disease, but a disorder of more or less free sexuality, more or less conditioned or induced psychological level. Anyone has the right conferred by law to express their sexuality as it wishes, when this does not violate the laws on public decency civil society, and in particular of those children who always require adequate protection. And as we know, the government of this our beloved country has always been very tolerant of such events, as indeed it is Turkey in general. We all remember in fact the last great Gay Pride on the streets of Istanbul, whose main wagon was driven by a male model Gay Grand Imam dressed in garish fuchsia color; and from this tank, shouting "peace and Love”, a group of gay dressed in the burqa orange and green pea launched rainbow-colored balloons in front of the largest mosque, what was until five centuries ago, the great cathedral of the East dedicated to Santa Sofia. All this - and I recognize it as a bishop - with a commendable sense interreligious, because usually these gay lobbyists organize grotesque wagons with fashion models dressed as popes and bishops caricatured, with carts that leave the square in front of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, seat of the Bishop of Rome Chair, completing the course in Republic Square, where the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and Martyrs, built on the complex of the ancient Baths of Diocletian, from whom they found horrible and painful death Christians during the fierce persecution that occurred between the late third and early fourth century by Diocletian, Maximian, Gallery at Costanzo Cloro, that they issued the edicts of the rights of Christians revocation with the obligation to conform to the practices of religion pagan.


Gay pride Berlin

«The Church must ask for forgiveness to Gay». Grotesque gaypapa blessing in the crowd al Gay Pride of Berlin.

Homosexual acts are for our morality "intrinsically disordered" [2], especially those flaunted with pride. And here I note that the word "serious disorder" is not an insult, but a term proper to the theological vocabulary used in the common language of Catholic morality. Then indicate homosexual acts as' serious perversions "is not at all disrespectful aggression toward other people's sexual tastes and habits, but what our sacred texts old and new testamentary teach [3], for which neither I nor any other bishop of 'Orbe catholica we have the human right to ask for forgiveness to any homosexual who decides to be offended by what is written in the Holy Scriptures.



Gay Pride Paolo Schmidlin

«The Church should apologize to gays». outrageous sculpture by Paolo Schmidlin of Benedict and titrated Miss Kitty, reported in triumph on the cover of Pride, Monthly famous gay [see all photos WHO]

At issue are not homosexuals or people with sexual orientation other than heterosexual ones. All those human beings to whom for years, when I was living and serving in the priesthood in Italy, I have devoted attention, listening and kindness in my capacity as confessor and spiritual director, but also as a faithful friend. In question, Bishop for me and for us Catholics in general, are lobbyists, the ideologists of the homosexual culture that the human condition of homosexuals and their intimate and often profound sufferings they have nothing in common; indeed I can say that many homosexuals are quite annoyed by these parades, as previously I explained to me two famous artists of my country of origin: the director Franco Zeffirelli and the late theater actor Paolo Poli.


«The Church must ask for forgiveness to Gay». Photos taken from the Gay Pride Rome June 2009, where a Brazilian transsexual depicted a blasphemous Madonna

Sono many people that far from shouting "gay is beautiful" they live their condition with pain, because on the one hand they have often uncontrollable sexual attractions towards their own sex, the other did not accept. Nevertheless gay lobbyists argue that they should be helped to accept the "wonders" of their condition, precisely because "gay is beautiful!». For this reason they have created enormous political-legal problems for clinical psychologists who are now prohibited in many countries of the world from practicing psychotherapy to homosexual subjects., because to tell the lobbyists, their only task - should read obligation - is to convince them that their homosexual dimension is a wonderful state and as such should be welcomed and fully lived. Thanking God confessors and spiritual directors have not been obliged to submit with the guidelines and protocols of the Gay Lobby, at least for now, therefore continue to carry out their ministry in accordance with the Gospel and to Catholic doctrine, even here in Turkey, without having to apologize to anyone.


«The Church must ask for forgiveness to Gay». Photos taken from the Gay Pride Rome June 2009, profanity-grotesque representation of Christ

these lobbyists, whose parades are based on the provocative and often irreverent irreverent, They claim that respect but require not bring to others. The numerous parades Gay Pride, where it is now the practice for the Catholic world, together with sacred figures and symbols to it dear, They are treated with disrespect in the name of freedom of expression that takes no account of the feeling, the faith and dignity of others; and if anyone dares to disagree, for example by certain desecration repeatedly put on stage in these parades, there arose a chorus of cheerleaders shouting "homophobic, homophobe!». Exactly like when in Riyadh they shouted at homophobia because many inhabitants of Saudi Arabia felt outraged when the Gay Pride, arriving with his chariots at Mecca, took mockery of Muhammad, just as earlier they had taken a mockery of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of the Cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, to follow with similar irreverent parades staged in Berlin, New York, San Francisco …


Each, with the consent of the Turkish civil authorities and according to rules of openness and tolerance of our beloved country that blends the liberal secularism to Islamic culture, It is free to stage the events he wants, within the criteria recognized and protected by law; but I am not aware that the law grants the right to denigrate other citizens, the sentiment of which deserves protection as much and as that of gay lobbyists.


gay pride show profanity in bologna 1

«The Church must ask for forgiveness to Gay». Photos taken by a blasphemous spectacle staged at the theater Cassero of Bologna dall'Arcigay-Arcilesbica in 2015, among other things, with public funding of the City [cf. WHO, WHO].

The priests of ancient souls and the spirits now the blessed of the Laodicean believers, together with me, their Bishop, last still living in this ancient particular Church, do not like to see in the square in front of the ancient ruins of their Church Cathedral masked men and women "its direct"Balancing on high heels, characters who wear grotesque Episcopal mitres on their heads, and least of all - as happened and documented by photos and movies - people disguised as Jesus grotesque and blasphemous Virgins. And indeed, I'll tell her to me, as Bishop, these whiners professionals victimhood gaycentrico, It remains difficult to ask for forgiveness, even if the Supreme Pontiff asks it while chatting about this and that with journalists on their way back from Armenia, given that the Successor of Peter should not talk of this and that, if anything, to speak with more caution and a lot less improvisation, just as some Orthodox Metropolitans told me some time ago after they said: "We are in bad shape because in a thousand years we have not been able to shake off the caesaropapism of the East, but unfortunately you're in worse, because after five hundred years and three ecumenical councils you failed to shake off Luther, since your Primate of the West is preparing to go to Lund to celebrate it, after the official information organ of the Holy See and several prelates, they even called “reform” the Lutheran schism and “church” the heretical aggregation that he took life hereafter [cf. WHO]. And while that was happening, Cardinal Walter Kasper has published a commemorative book on this heretic " [ please refer to the articles by Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON WHO e Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo WHO].


gay pride show profanity in bologna 2

«The Church must ask for forgiveness to Gay». Photos taken by a blasphemous spectacle staged at the theater Cassero of Bologna dall'Arcigay-Arcilesbica in 2015.

If the masked colorful Gay females fatal will parade in the square of St. Simon the Younger before the ruins of our Cathedral, which remains visible sign and heart of the Church of Laodicea Combusta, I want you to know right now that for the next three years decreterò the suspension of the procession in honor of the Patron Saint Anatolius Bishop of Laodicea, which it is the object of devotion Anatolia in general, celebrating the holidays alone in the ruins of our Cathedral and doing at the same time an act of reparation for the outrage went to our ancient particular Church.


I offer this opportunity, Mayor, wishes you well and sincere blessings for your mandate as First Citizen of our Metropolitan Province of Anatolia.


+Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

By the grace of God and the Apostolic See

Bishop of Laodicea Combusta




[1] On the Bishop of Laodicea Combusta [elected to this office holder on 1 April 2015], Please refer to previous articles published on’Patmos Island: WHO, WHO, WHO

[2] CF. Catechism of the Catholic Church nn. 2357-2359

[3] CF. Book of Genesis 19,1-29. St. Paul the Apostle: Letter to the Romans 1, 24-27; First Corinthians 6, 9-10; First Letter to Timothy 1, 10.




laodicea anatolia 3

Laodicea Combusta – between these ancient ruins is also the Cathedral and the Episcopal Laodicean




The famous song by Caterina Caselli


from today it is a new liturgical chant approved with Proper Motu of the Sovereign Pontiffs

on airlines Alitalia






