The Papal Papal pearls: alien truth and new antics of fanta-Mariology of chihuahua with complex mastiff

letters from readers 2

They say the island of Patmos Fathers




To Mary, "the all was forgiven in advance, including original sin. Without this mercy to the maximum of his majesty, Mary also could commit any sin ' [From an article by Papal Papal of Santa Maria Maddalena]



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Dear Father Ariel,

what do you think the article appeared 22.07.2016 sul blog Papal Papal about Maddalena? [Ed. pdf WHO]. I would be grateful if you could answer, because there is something not quite right, on Madonna, on original sin, and more …

Carla Giovannelli



Cara Carla.

kennel mastiff 1

Narciso, In Greek mythology, then taken as a paradigm of psychological sciences, to a punishment of the gods he falls in love with his reflection in a mirror of water and died by falling into the river in which was reflected. Narciso hence the term narcissism that can indicate a state of the person or a real psychopathology.

I say reluctantly, but I do it imperative for pastoral conscience, avoiding back too much on a topic already treated and for which she, as other readers, There inviaste numerous emails to ask for explanations on some articles to effect appeared on the site Papal Papal. In the first of my two articles [cf. WHO] Also I reported her email together with other two examples only.


ET 4

historical poster of E.T. extra terrestrial

It is necessary to explain that in compliance with the civil rules anyone can publish what it wishes and to exercise their rights as well of thought and speech recognized and protected by the Constitution of the Italian Republic [cf. art. 21]. Anyone, without causing offense to members of civil society, It can put online a website which speaks of “truth” related to visits by aliens on the planet Earth and the incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo. The speech, however, change if a site on “truth” alien directed by one that informs its readers of his dialogues with the little alien called ET, indicate on its site how “Scientific blog of astrophysical study“, because in that case it is likely that the scientific community of astrophysicists arise, communicating to the public that certain materials that circulate on the computer network do not have any kind of scientific value.


the blog Papal Papal It can publish all the amenities you want, provided they do not present as “Blog Catholic deepening”, because such a submission is a deception arising because “Catholic” O “catholic” are not their own personal self-emotions, are not its narcissistic delusions, but that as such is recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, to which people - if they are really such - must respect due to the devotee Mother and teacher. Completely different would be if more appropriately this blog was called “Blog Christian deepening“, why in the world there are thousands of combinations and associations that go back to a very generic Christianity, or to what some believe to be Christians feelings.


ET 1

a closeup of E.T.

In my previous article [cf. WHO] I already explained that Antonio Margheriti, in computer network “The Mastiff er blogghettaro“, It is not a philosopher, It is not a theologian, It is not a historian of the Church, as well as being a person who knows the test of poorly made, the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And I say all this not to some kind of "dislike", that I do not hold any, or some kind of "hatred", that I do not hold any; because to prove embarrassing doctrinal deficiencies, philosophical, theological and historical of this subject, are his writings published in a site that looks like improperly “Blog Catholic deepening“.


If I have addressed the severe criticism I did it only for pastoral duty, being obliged to inform Catholics that certain folly historic church, theological and doctrinal have indeed foolishness, and as such should be taken and evaluated, therefore, everything on the internet is presented as "Catholic"Or as"doctrinally" O "Catholic deepening“, often it is not, and I have an obligation to inform the faithful devotees of the Church entrusted to our pastoral care, why do this part in those my basic obligations as a theologian and pastor in the care of souls which can not and must not in any way escape.


But when he is responsible for this blog He took Catholicism as a sport, come una sorta di outburst or subjective battlefield, It is accustomed embark on issues that require first of all the knowledge of the fundamentals of the faith, e, almost always, the knowledge of the highest speculative theology, in addition to the ecclesiology, al diritto canonico, alla storia della Chiesa … all disciplines that some of us have studied for years and years, deepening one or some in a particular way for many years, under the gentle guidance of experts and sometimes even teachers saints. And today we are faithful servants of the Church and of the truths of faith and kept it announces that it is our duty to teach and transmit properly to the People of God, if necessary, defending the truth from the mistakes put into circulation by practitioners del cattolicesimo emotivo do it yourself.


ET 3

E.T. with his girl friend

Simply said that a guy like It can surround himself only related subjects, because a weak wolf - it goes without saying, I speak figuratively - can be accepted as leader of the pack only by weaker wolves him. It is known that when the leader of the pack are weak or gets sick, wolves younger and healthier you devour. Anche per questo nessun serio teologo, Church historian and canonist, never put your signature on a blog that sells scripts like that. Every now and again Papal Papal Public anything - in the form of interview - to the clergy who are penalty or too young or too old, so not quite savvy early, never however savvy in their whole life the latter. And the ones and the others do not understand that by granting those services O interviews They play into the hands of this weak and variously deficient wolf through the presence of some ecclesiastical aims to legitimize the entire folly enclosed container. But the latter is an issue that will have to examine their conscience a couple of my confreres who recently lent themselves naively in this game, considering that these are certainly not the best times in which priests, Religious and theologians can afford ingenuity, anche perché Cristo, who sent us like sheep among wolves, It exhorts us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves [cf. Mt 10, 16-18]. And if we have to tear us, which then sbranarci to be a leader of the pack of great race and class, not a chihuahua groaning before the mirror: «Oh, mother, but why have you been so exaggerated in me so smart and so deeply intellectual?».

Example: I never would write a metaphysical theology article in the newspaper Lotta Comunista, stating if anything to answer only the content of my writing, because in certain situations has long also the container in which they deposit their writings or their interviews.


ET 2

E.T. led bike incognito from his little human friends

After I published my article [cf. WHO] then a further item of reply to the ridiculous message sent to me by a lawyer for facebook [cf. WHO], Margheriti the sent messages furious right and left, one of them also to my Diocesan Ordinary, but never answer me, that before publishing my article chided him unnecessarily in private more than once, then “the presence of a wise elder”, explaining that he was bordering on blasphemy, per il suo insano desiderio di attirare le curiosità ed i pruriti di una pletora di fragili e ignoranti figli dell’approssimativo che popolano il mondo della rete telematica. Only below you chided him in public, after following scrupulously that indicates the Gospel for the criteria to follow to comply with a just and charitable fraternal correction [cf. Mt 18, 15-20].


What I had to say I said so WHO e WHO, I can therefore confirm what I have already written, adding deeply dismayed that the Gentile author of the text of Santa Maria Maddalena [see WHO], It is free to make all the personal reflections he wants, what it is within its full freedom, as I - similarly - they are free to say that this lady is not able to do an elementary exegesis of the Gospel, showing, with interpretations tattered enclosed in his writing, do not know the figure that is, nor use the necessary tools theological and dogmatic rigor required for such a discussion, which structure is right on the fundamental basis of dogmatic, given that the core of question is the Incarnation of the Word of God, His birth by the Holy Spirit, His resurrection from the dead.


ET 5

thanks to the extra-terrestrial power E.T. the bicycle is raised in flight against the backdrop of the moon …

To clarify the whole I just bring one of several serious allegations that form the corolla to this article, explaining concretely what can reach those who confuse the Mystery of Revelation with their emotions subjective, theology with poetry, Catholicism lived as an outlet for their personal problems rather than as an experience of faith, which it requires first of all listening to the teachers and the use of best reason. Or as he said the Almighty through the voice of a child to the young Aurelio Thagaste of the early conversion path that led him to become below Agostino, A saint and Doctor of the Church … «Great doctor, tolle lege», what does it mean: take and read [confessions, VIII, XII]. And this expression is a way to tell: studies, apprendi. What this requires, however,, first of all, the wise exercise of human humility, an effort that this kind of structured self on the typical narcissistic personality of iocentrismi emotional, not just seem willing to drive, why go on the nonsense in nonsense, because they do not study, They do not learn and above all do not listen to no one but themselves.

Symptomatic sentence - I repeat that it is only one among many - is as follows and refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, about which he wrote the Author Article on Maria Magdalene:


«Maria, wife of Joseph the carpenter, She was the woman of all forgiven and I say this with certainty, because it was not a superior type When, human model was woman as much as Maddalena, with the difference that everything was forgiven in advance, including original sin. Without this mercy to the maximum of his majesty, Mary also could commit any sin. The Virgin did not have time to cry out of his misery no, but when he realized what had been preserved by, He endured through the Holy Spirit tremendous weight of the total innocence» WHO].


ET 6

E.T. and his young friend over to the ship returned to resume on Planet Earth

We note that the Immaculate Conception "Sins" were all forgiven "in advance", 'Including the original sin ". However, how to put in doubt? He is telling a true “Blog Catholic deepening” run by a pleasant guy on the way to the forty years that communicates always with the little extraterrestrial known to the public as ET. And only God knows how much he is angry - behind! - And how much thunder - always behind! –, up to a Diocesan Ordinary bother to ask to it the head of his “perfidious” priest who, just doing nothing and that his priestly duty, dared bacchettare His Majesty the Great Mastiff first in private, then before a wise elder, Finally in public; and that for its embarrassing lack of knowledge of Catholic doctrine, spread in an appealing way to the computer network just as if they were “geniali” interpretations of the true Catholic doctrine. The everything always according to the principle: «Oh, mother, but why have you been so exaggerated in me so smart and so deeply intellectual?».


I therefore think it is good to remember that the dogma of the Immaculate Conception states that the Blessed Virgin, being the Mater Dei, to the mystery of grace sine labe originali concepta, throughout his life he never committed any sin or venial nor deadly, nor could commit. The bubble of Blessed Pius IX ineffable God clarifies that "The most Blessed Virgin Mary in the first instant of her conception, for a singular grace and privilege of almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ the Savior of mankind, He preserved immune from all stain of original sin " [DS 2803].


ET 7

the last warm embrace of E.T his little human friend before departing from Planet Earth …

After this revision “poetics” a Marian dogma at the hands of that hotbed of fanta-Catholic amenities such is in fact, ie in the writings, the site Papal Papal, we can easily deduce that the Author is his mentor editing is not clear the substantial difference theological, metaphysics and dogmatic running between It is conceived without original sin and behold forgive sins in advance, expression that, if it were not the result of gross ignorance, would sound blasphemous.


Who it was conceived without the stain of original sin, because it preserved for the mystery of grace, from what sins should be forgiven "in advance", ivi «including original sin»? Perhaps, Father gave, does the imputations and then forgives even before the man, with his free will, can choose between good and evil? Perhaps, Father gave, sending their messenger to this young girl, in divine respect to that man's free will is the supreme gift of God, He did not wait for the event date free response from Mary, which he was facing the title greeting "full of grace"? [cf. LC 1, 126-38]. And while waiting for the answer, Father gave, Perhaps he began to kill time Meanwhile forgiving of waiting purposes only “preventivo”, even before the Blessed Virgin is proclaimed through free obedience of faith 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word "?


ET 8

the departure to his Planet of the spaceship intergalactic extra-terrestrial E.T …

Who said and who published these ungodliness – che come tali non meritano neppure il dignitoso rango di eresia – è in grado di capire che differenza corra tra l’essere stata concepita senza peccato originale, and it is rather 'forgiven in advance from original sin'? Without going too much in high dogmatic theology but remaining at the basic Catechism of the Catholic Church, every believer should know that original sin is not a sin clerk from us and that no descendant of Adam it has a character of misconduct. The original sin was transmitted all mankind for propagation, with the transmission of a human nature deprived of original holiness and justice. This is the reason why the original one is called “sin” analogically, it is a sin contract and not clerk and making it a “state” of the person, not a “act” of the person. Adam and Eve transmitted to their descendants human nature wounded by their own first sin, Private therefore of original holiness and justice. Questa privazione è chiamata peccato originale [cf. Cat. 385-412]. Con il Battesimo noi non veniamo “forgiven” from original sin, but it freed and regenerated [cf. Cat. 1213].


close incont4ri

perhaps, See you on the next episode, the director of Papal Papal It will give us a fanta-Catholic script Incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo ?

It supersedes the total lack of theological and liturgical knowledge, visto il modo in cui – nei toni tipici che animano la spocchia data dal not to know di questi superficiali figli di un pensiero che da liquido sta diventando ormai vaporoso – essi presumono di parlare in altezzosi toni critici di una festa liturgica, in this case that of Santa Maria Maddalena, accompanied by a short time of its own preface, and so to follow. Totally unaware of what is really the dogmatic sacramental and liturgical history, to which no son or daughter of modern thought now vaporous can certainly replace the moodiness and self iocentric the … “but I feel” Why “I think” …


All this requires me to notify you of new readers that the materials published on this site are sad result of that typical self arrogance that comes from ignorance that glory and self-pleasure in itself and that has nothing to Catholic, deserving to that effect the same consideration they deserve the many sites that reveal the “sensational truth” on the visits of aliens to planet Earth.


To all of you, a hug and a blessing by Father E.T, the Extra-Terrestrial priest.




Bishop Athanasius Schneider

S. AND. Mons. Athanasius Schneider, Astana auxiliary bishop, during a celebration according to the Old Order posted, upon the prelate they are visible fundamental mysteries of faith: the episcopal gloves on his hands, the ring from chiroteca, the dalmatica (the tunicella) beneath the planet, etc …

As at the end of the previous article [cf. WHO] Also in this I add a footnote to make again “honor” to the whole of sites and forest Sitarelli of the true&temple Catholic tradition, i quali di recente, sulla base del nulla, They attacked the Roman Pontiff, its employees and “New Church heretical” for this season and for this preface of the Blessed Maddalena defined, they say in a heretical way, come “Apostle of the Apostles”. However, these columnists notoriously Pharisees of old Pharisees, if we touch a handful or chiroteca war is a fight the accusations of heresy. Well wonder: There is someone to costono, Once again, He has issued sigh before the spread of such nonsense spread by pseudo-Catholic Papal Papal? Of course not, for an obvious reason: if someone says that the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene before his conversion shared the “same sin” and what “same trade”, none of them would emit groan, However, if - God forbid! - Somebody touched the sacred tail magna hood of Cardinal Raymond Burke Leonard, or proferisse speech on holy celebrations in ancient rite the Auxiliary Bishop of Astana S.It is. Mons. Athanasius Schneider, here is that in this case it would unleash hell. All to reiterate that these fetishists of their personal traditio, They are worse than modernists. And since Antonio Margheriti, in computer network “The Mastiff er blogghettaro“, blast on the Holy Father and of the same criticism that doctrinally, pastorally and liturgically it is not able in concrete facts to criticize, obvious lack of wisdom, science and knowledge, here is i fetishists of their personal traditio They do not emit any sigh even in defense of the faith dogma vilified by expressions, if they were in fact the result of crass ignorance, indeed would sound like blasphemy.





The Chihuahua Song










