The Holy Father on gays and the poor. Clarification of Patmos Island Fathers [appendix interview with John Cavalcoli, ON]



"It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or actions. Such treatment deserves condemnation of the shepherds of the Church, wherever they occur. They reveal a lack of respect for others, endangers the most fundamental principles on which a healthy society. Their dignity of each person must always be respected in word, in action and in law. However, the proper reaction to crimes committed against homosexual persons can not lead in any way claim that the homosexual condition is not disordered " [Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 1October 1986. Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, n. 10. See full text WHO]



Authors Giovanni Cavalcoli, OP Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON
Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




Pope return to Armenia

the Holy Father Francis in conversation with reporters on his way back from Armenia

After bubbling point with which the Bishop of Laodicea Combusta has asked the Metro Mayor province of Konya in Anatolia to prevent the parade of gay pride before the ruins of his cathedral church [cf. WHO], the island of Patmos Fathers identified the words of the Supreme Pontiff, with which he wanted to "apologize" to gays, including them among "the poor".

We understand that in many cases homosexuals They not dealt, and sometimes they are still not treated with the respect due to their human dignity and should therefore be repaired.


With all due respect to the Vicar of Christ, However, we believe that the Holy Father, in the same circumstances, He would do well to remember together, beyond the subjective mitigating, the objective gravity of the sin of sodomy, avoiding in this way to give rise to any misinterpretation. All this also to avoid the noisy exploitation of his words, that followed, and there was to imagine followed by lobby gay, who wanted to play and then present dishonestly those words as a approvazione and a moral legitimacy of their conduct which remains, for the doctrine and Catholic morality, "Intrinsically disordered" [CF. Catechism of the Catholic Church NN. 2357-2359].




We report in the appendix to an interview by John Cavalcoli, ON to the online magazine Faith Daily [WHO]

Daily faith



Father Cavalcoli, the Pope says that the Church must also ask for forgiveness from gays, agree?


No, I don't see why. The problem is complex. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth for Catholics, progressives and conservatives, It must be respected. But, with equal frankness I say that is losing shots, It has outputs, like this about gays, little explainable, that disturb or at least rattle.


So what?


I think that the Pope wanted to say something else, to warn against the risk of a pipeline even verbal too hard and without mercy toward gay and this is right, sometimes it happened. But it should and could associate with that statement a second part in which he remembered the moral gravity of the sin of sodomy, namely achieving the speech. I think that he is deficient in the virtue of prudence, often ambiguous in its statements that can be interpreted in various ways, talks too much and arm, especially bad for someone who is not a master of another language. In some cases it is rude.


Why unwise?


Because when he speaks he is challenging, his statements do not belong to the 'man in the street or country priest. At certain levels it is good to avoid the superficiality, Because sensitive topics are not addressed in five minutes on 'plane conference that is not the Magisterium and is therefore open to criticism. I would not be in the shoes of the poor Father Lombardi. I worked in the Secretariat of State, and is an asset to be in contact with the Pope. I say that John Paul II was reviewing speeches, was humble and prudent. Bergoglio wants to do everything himself, often he speaks off the cuff makes and breaks as it wants and creates problems, besides the difficulty of interpretation. Humility is needed.


And the media success?


Here, too, it's complicated and bad in many ways. If atheists, the Communists and the Freemasons will praise, while many Catholics, progressives and not, have doubts, something is not working, by me, Bergoglio, it shall be understood not to. Many Catholics are worried, There is disorientation. And here there is no bold comparison that he often makes Jesus eating with sinners, Jesus spoke clearly and said yes when yes, not when it is no. Undoubtedly we can not take away from the good that this Pope has, especially in the social ministry, and I do not agree with the accusations of heresy, But there are things that do not go and I think the language, the recklessness and carelessness also theological in some circumstances. He should not speak off the cuff and too, creates mess.


Sodomy is a sin?


It is. St. Paul is clear. It is a mortal sin, Catechism stuff and who is in mortal sin if he dies without repentance, go to hell, it is good that even priests and bishops if they put him in the lead and we priests must say what the cost.


Luther was truly medicine for the Catholic Church?


Here, too, the same holds true. he could risparmiarsela, I say it with filial devotion and affection.


He apologizes to gays?


Because May?

Bruno Volpe










