It happened that the Holy Father Francis has endorsed an encyclical written by the future Pontiff in the year 2023 …



The encyclical of Benedict XVIII came to his time in the copy-tribute to several senior members of the Roman Curia. Well: può sorgermi oggi il piacevole sospetto che qualcuno l’abbia veramente letta?



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



how carefully 1

A book written by Ariel S. Levi in ​​Gualdo 2012 and published in January 2013

The Supreme Pontiff Francis He has modified the canon n. 579 the Code of Canon Law regarding the consecrated life of diocesan institutes. According to an edict signed by the Secretary of State, Cardinale Pietro Parolin, His Holiness has decided to erect new institutions diocesan right necessary "to prior consultation of the Holy See as a necessary the validity». Otherwise, "it incurs the nullity of the decree establishing the institution itself ' [cf. WHO].


Cardinal Pietro Parolin He explained in the replies that "it is necessary in order to prevent them from being erected at the diocesan level of new institutions without sufficient discernment which verifies the originality of the charism, defining the specific traits that they will have the consecration through the profession of the evangelical counsels, and that the real possibilities of developing individuals'.


A year earlier abdication of Pope Benedict XVI, I was delighted to write a book that was published in January 2013. This text, more than a book, It was in the form of an encyclical motu proprio given at St. Peter's 28 May 2023 the Solemnity of Pentecost the Holy Spirit by Pope Benedict XVIII. Encyclical that this future Pontiff had titrated How much care in cordibus nostris.


So let me smile that more than three years ago, in a very structured text 206 pages, my imaginative Benedict XVIII devoted their entire Part Four of the change of this fee; of so called: «On withdrawing the diocesan bishops of the faculty of recognizing new religious congregations and ecclesial realities. Change fees 579 of the Code of Canon Law».


As I explained recently to readers in an article [see WHO] my books are currently out of print, but the sooner will once again be reprinted everyone, including the encyclical of this Pontefice del futuro. In the meantime, you can still revel in reading the part in which was determined the change of this fee, precisely to prevent many bishops superficial and lacking at times of basic prudence, They would give credit and recognition to a proliferating army founders e fondatrici, often with the most serious consequential damages for both the diocese and for the universal Church.


But there's more … in the fifth part of his encyclical, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVIII of the future is the theme of "A first essential reform of the Roman Curia». Listen to what he writes, among other things, our Pontefice del futuro about certain honorific title:


11. On titolo onorifico Of monsignor awarded a priests - The honorary title of monsignor should be reserved only for those priests who have distinguished themselves in service to the Apostolic See and the dioceses. This means that it is quite unlikely that this award will be given to young priests. For this we determine that this honorary title, as to give particularly mature and distinct priests, It is given very sparingly and mostly never before 50 years old, better yet late grateful and valuable service provided selflessly to the universal Church and the particular Churches […].


Unbelievable but true! Just what that years later will the Holy Father Francis [cf. WHO, WHO] which however, while the Pontefice del futuro He wrote this encyclical and dictated these provisions, He was still Archbishop of Buenos Aires.


In part that is «on bishops, their sacred ministry and their apostolic dignity», between the various sections there is another that deserves to be reported:


12 Abolitions of the locations archbishop with right cardinal He was promoted to the rank of Cardinal for "right home" but for special merits, After long and deep donation operates the Church and the People of God. Without exception for national primatial locations, it shall revoke the cardinal's title to all the archbishop's offices in the world that currently benefit. The Roman Pontiff will choose the number of cardinals needed to form the college of cardinals, mainly between diocesan bishops and bishops among some owners. It may therefore happen that instead of the Metropolitan Archbishop of larger premises which until earlier had benefited by historical right title, He is promoted to the rank of Cardinal Bishop of a diocese suffragan of the same metropolitan see […]».


Unbelievable but true! Just what that years later will the Holy Father Francis [cf. WHO, WHO, WHO, etc. ..] which however, while the Pontefice del futuro He wrote this encyclical and dictated these provisions, He was still Archbishop of Buenos Aires.


always in this part devoted to the Bishops, heard what writes Pontefice del futuro about the Italian dioceses:


14 On number excessive Of diocese Italiane - In Italy will have to be revised too many dioceses, several of which grouping in less number of inhabitants of the faithful to a single parish of the large metropolitan areas of the world. It should be also revised the number of metropolitan archbishoprics locations and locations of archbishoprics, particularly in areas where for historical reasons has been given the title of Archbishop's residence or in a metropolitan reality that today have no reason to exist. According to the spatial extent and the number of baptized, in Italy there is a Metropolitan every three million baptized, two over five million baptized, three more than ten million baptized. In regions with a number of baptized less than three million it is nevertheless established a metropolia, provided that there are at least five suffragan dioceses, if not, the dioceses of that region, They are distributed between the ecclesiastical provinces of neighboring regions. Unless real and compelling pastoral needs arranging for the suppression or the regrouping of all the lower number to the diocese 100.000 baptized.


Unbelievable but true! Just what years later he complains about the Holy Father Francis: the excessive number of Italian Diocese [cf. WHO, WHO, etc.] which however, while the Pontefice del futuro He wrote this encyclical and dictated these provisions, He was still Archbishop of Buenos Aires.


Where the futurist Pontiff tratta The third part "Sui priests in particular on the liturgy and the Sacraments», heard what he wrote Benedict XVIII, which invokes new criteria about the exam and marriage annulment judgments by the ecclesiastical courts:


23 On the celebration the Sacramento the Wedding - All 'occurrence would have to act with responsibility and courage, cautiously saying no to the wedding celebration advanced request from young or suffering from blatant immaturity, moved by surface infatuation, tine conscious conviction and, above all, from basic Christian faith. Some problems should be noticed in fact prevented with caution. It is gross negligence of the bishop and the parish priest, waived regardless of certain cases of clear immaturity and equally preside over the celebration of the Sacrament, only to remember later, rather than before, that marriage is indissoluble, when all the conditions for its validity. In this regard we invite the ecclesiastical courts to consider carefully, the purpose of an eventual judgment of nullity, cases of non-sacramental perception and awareness on the part of the spouses do not adequately encouraged to acquire the true and deep sense of the nature of religious marriage, However, taking in this case, and always practice, Also the necessary canonical measures against those priests who have performed at the celebration of a sacrament in all those cases where it was clear that no opportunity to proceed in his administration.


Unbelievable but true! Just what that years later will the Holy Father Francis with his Pope's own motion on the reform of the canonical process for the nullity of marriage causes [cf. WHO], which however, while the Pontefice del futuro He wrote this encyclical and dictated these provisions, He was still Archbishop of Buenos Aires.


The Pontefice del futuro, always at the third dedicated to priests, the liturgy and the sacraments, It does not fail to address the issue of sacramental confession, giving precise instructions to confessors, of the type …


22 On the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance - "Receive the Holy Spirit; If you forgive the sins to those who do not forgive they will not be forgiven ". Always bear in mind this initial warning: "Receive the Holy Spirit", because through his work, the confessor is called to act as a tool in the hands of God's grace. The Fathers of the Church gathered in Council declared that it is necessary "by divine decree to confess each and every mortal sin". Administering this delicate sacrament, the confessor, who it is called to be a judge but especially medical, It is first of all always merciful, largendo forgiveness that proceeds from the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, because Christ is divine mercy incarnate who embodies the human-divine dimension. Always Avoid being pushy, It comply with what he says the penitent, not investigate, They do not dare ever ask for names of places or people linked to the facts narrated, especially if particularly serious, also making the exact opposite: If the penitent wanted to report them answer that to give comfort, advice and above all forgiveness of sins, it is not necessary to report specific places and especially identity of the persons, but only the facts itself, except for very special and extraordinary cases, the evaluation of which is left whole to the best wisdom of the confessor and especially in light of the Holy Spirit who illuminates the. Both very measured in addressing any questions and does so only if it really necessary, indeed only if unavoidable, for example in case he had not understood how exposed by the penitent, but above all it always adheres to a strict merit of what he was told. Do not do interviews and never open arguments on issues that the penitent has not addressed. In particular, do not dare to come into direct or indirect way in speeches related to his sexual intimacy, If the penitent does not open in free conscience arguments on certain issues or if you will not put questions to that effect expressed. They are in fact always known cases of the faithful who because of a bad confessor, or to the investigation or the questions inappropriate and for various reasons not due addressed by a confessor, They have moved away for years, sometimes even for decades by the Church, after they felt violated in their deepest feelings and human intimacy.


What comes to mind the Holy Father Francis that years after the publication of this encyclical by the Pontefice del futuro, will debut several times, addressed to confessors, with expressions of this kind: "The confessional should not be a torture chamber» [cf. WHO], "The confessor should be merciful" [cf. WHO], "Penitents not be abused" [cf. WHO] …


The encyclical of Benedict XVIII He came to his time in the copy-tribute to several senior members of the Roman Curia. Well: può sorgermi oggi il piacevole sospetto che qualcuno l’abbia letta veramente? Gradually others which will be taken by the encyclical of my ideas Futurist Pontiff, I will be happy to inform our loyal readers. Then, if the Holy Father wanted to use me as a consultant or advisor, in which case the guarantee would I, unlike Cardinal Walter Kasper & C., I not ever suggest going to Stockholm in 2017, During the centenary of the apparitions B.V. Maria Fatima, to celebrate the five hundredth anniversary of the so-called “Reform” Lutheran, which was far from being such, namely reform, It remains and was instead only the celebration of painful heresy of Martin Lutero who broke communion with the Church one, santa, catholic and apostolic. And before the heresy - as recently he has wisely reminded us of the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller [cf. WHO] - we, we do not have anything to celebrate, much less celebrate.



To read the encyclical in the form of motu proprio the Pontefice del futuro in the section dealing with can reform. 579 click below

How much care in our – fourth part



Front and back of the book cover


how carefully 1



Quanta Cura 2


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How to save the faith, after hearing certain homilies?



The church, for obvious reasons of pedagogical-pastoral character, He has placed rightly I believe after the homily, so that the People of God, When he had to tell the Cardinal Tomas Spidlik: "May continue to believe despite what is often forced to hear" from the mouths of some preachers ...



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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you Father, Son and Spirit, six one God …

On this Solemnity in which the universal Church celebrates and glorifies the Holy Trinity, I will focus on some of our steps Symbol of faith, the I believe, what the church, for obvious reasons of pedagogical-pastoral character, He has rightly placed after the homily, so that the People of God, When he had to tell the Cardinal Tomas Spidlik: "May continue to believe despite what is often forced to hear" from the mouths of some preachers, and especially in celebrations like today, from which you can perceive 'to be as unfortunately the not be; and before the not be, They only open the doors of not become future.



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To those who want to learn more on genuine tragedy to which it is often reduced homiletics of our days, we suggest reading two books written by a Catholic layman, Claudius Dalla Costa, edited by Effatà Editions



claudio from the coast have finished


Claudio Costa from The Gospel of banquets






The symbol and the real historical emptying into Christianity. We need to return to the banquet Gospel, what homilies feeds …

– theologica –



One of the strategies used - but I would almost dare to say the new and unique homiletical formula to explain the Gospel - is the use of the "symbol" ... everything is reduced to a symbol. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a symbol, his ascension to heaven is a symbol, Pentecost is a symbol… everything is a symbol.



Author Jorge A. Faccio Lince

George A.. Faccio Lince



Claudio Costa from The Gospel of banquets

a book on the homiletics problem, by Claudio Dalla Costa.

What the lay faithful must think when he hears the celebrant define it as the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Pentecost, they are only symbols, or to put it better in the words of one of the many preachers: "... we cannot think that after a while Jesus went up to heaven, no. He vaporized, became light ... ascension is a symbol ".

Too bad the screenwriter Steven Spielberg haven't thought of this before genius to stage the farewell and departure of the little alien in the old ET movie; and following this line, the scene of the trip to the sky on flying bicycles could be saved by reducing everything to a "vaporization". But most of all: pity that the greats of science fiction cinema, as well as such Horror, have not yet discovered the genius of some preachers who with their speeches would do their job as screenwriters better, rather than as ministers responsible for proclaiming the Gospel ...



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Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

A serious case: from Luther to Rahner through Hegel. magic tricks and somersaults …

– Theologica –



Under the pretext of ecumenism, it happened that a reborn, devastating and seductive modernism has succumbed to Luther's errors. This is the false ecumenism promoted for many years by Cardinal Walter Kasper, influenced by German idealism.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP




[…] in Rahneriani, these new Pharisees, convinced that they are in the vanguard of the Church, do not be stopped in due time by a short-sighted and fearful episcopate, and therefore for too long tolerated and imprudently admired, they were comfortable, since the immediate post-conciliar period, to organize and grow, aiming systematically and brazenly at the conquest of Roman power, and gathering followers in academic circles and in the episcopate. And now Rome is surrounded by this intrusive crowd of intriguers, that smooth it, they suffocate her, they would like to impose their ideas on it, they hinder its action and make Rome appear stained by worldliness, which it doesn't actually have.


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We stand by the Italian bishops. C.E.I to the Holy Father invites the “poverty”. The Father Ariel is selling his Porsche and the opportunity to request pardon to Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco



In his opening speech at the 69th Plenary Assembly of the Bishops of Italy, The Holy Father said the right things and true, but communicated incorrectly, with a hint of bitterness and especially without a cautious sense of universal proportions, doing so yet another joy of our eternal enemies and humbling at the same time a full seated bishops so humiliating us priests who venerate them and obey them as our Pastors.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




ariel sale porsche

in the picture: Porsche race by Father Ariel listing. The proceeds will go in part to the Committee for establishment of Muslim holidays in schools [cf. WHO], in part for construction of new mosques in Bologna [cf. WHO] and in part for the construction of a bike path inside the cathedral of Palermo Metro [cf. WHO]




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If the world hates you, know that it hated me before. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you from the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, persecute you; If they kept my word, they will keep yours. But all this will do to you because of my name, because they know not him that sent me.

[G 15, 18-21]



The Holy Father Francis, most of his Supreme Predecessor John Paul II is a man who plays watch mass-media, but with a difference: Saint John Paul II by mass-media It was done in pieces for long years. Indeed, in this world he is suffering from great shortage of historical memory, everyone remembers the oldie with the body now deformed and with support staff to move a few steps. Everyone remembers the delicacy of the television networks that moved the shot during the sacred celebrations when the lips of the Holy Father laid low by illness surfaced a drool, as he struggled to articulate words in an understandable way. Here then touched hearts, men and women softened, young people weeping ... but towards the end of his life!



30 March 2005, a few days before his death, a harrowing picture of Saint John Paul, who tries to talk, but without success, overlooking the balcony to greet the large crowd which gathered for the Angelus in St. Peter's Square.

The ailing old man It was in fact only the latest John Paul II, not the first, nor the second. If we did historical memory we should remember that this Holy Pontiff, from 1978 - Year in which the writer had 15 years - has been opposed and reviled for years by the liberal press that now sings "Viva Francesco!». In St. John Paul II we must acknowledge that in deference to the truth of mass-media he is served at a high price to announce in his long pontificate what the world did not want to hear. Perhaps Eugenio Scalfari, director of the Osservatore Romano parallel, lost memory, but we remember well there him, when the columns of The Republic, today official organ of the Holy See, mocked John Paul II - he accused of being opposed to abortion - inviting him to be studied a treaty-based histology. John Paul II did not like the secular world, He not even liked a good slice of the Catholic world, at some theological and ecclesiastical world, He did not like the Communists, He did not like the Masons, He did not like the liberal-capitalist; and for years, his supreme magisterium has been spread by mass-media through controversy and attacks often more virulent; all because John Paul II has never cared to do and say what he liked in the world [cf. GV 15, 18-21], and it is precisely this which rests the heroic nature of his virtues. Of Pope Francis, the third year of his pontificate Augustus we can say rather the exact opposite: he expressed what the world, and in particular the ultra liberals wanted to hear, also and especially in critical tones, sometimes raging against the Church, of its bishops and clergy. Among the many paradigms remains for me symptomatic that of Freemasonry: when ever in the course of its history, the birth of this pernicious sect gnostic-esoteric, with not indifferent to Satanism tips, They had never heard the Freemasons and their most senior leaders praise a Supreme Pontiff and his pontificate? Because there are two possibilities, and I doubt that there is a third: If Masons praise and exalt a Pontiff and his pontificate, as repeatedly they did and how they are doing, or they have converted, or is there anything that does not work; and this something we should worry a lot.


With his opening speech the 69th Plenary Assembly of the Bishops of Italy, The Holy Father said the right things and true, but communicated in the wrong way and without a cautious sense of universal proportions, doing so yet another joy of our eternal enemies and humbling at the same time a full seated bishops, so humiliating us priests who venerate them and obey them as our Pastors [full text of the speech, WHO].


General Audience of Wednesday '

Usually, when the Holy Father does not smile, or speaks of the bishops or priests speaks …

But let's start from images, since today we live conditioned and slaves of the world image. We all have He saw the Holy Father smiling with his mouth full before real or alleged refugees, to prisoners, to Muslim women, a Lutheran heretics, Pentecostals and Anglicans. We saw him smiling in photos as "one of us" or as "er papa de noartri”, while after having served the self-service of the Domus Sanctae Martae table he sat with his tray to a table to eat his meal with five workers employed at the Holy See ... But when you start talking about bishops or priests, his face becomes serious, almost gloomy, his talk is accompanied by signs written all over his face. And these are photographs and film, not personal opinions.


The bottom substance the speech is impeccable and the defects and vices of the clergy and episcopate that the Holy Father has set out are the same that I too have repeatedly shown over time, already years before the start of his pontificate; and in brighter tones and severe. Well why, none of the currents of secularism structurally and increasingly anti-clerical and anti-Catholic, He never emphasized those writings and those publications in which a priest wrote, precisely as such, from the inside and on an informed basis, on the serious evils that afflicted the Church and its clergy? I explain right away why: because they could not strumentalizzarmi. Because higher were my highest critical tones are perceived my devotion to the Church. Harsher were my most critical was confirmed that even the most mediocre bishops and scandalous, even those spree modernist heresies and doctrinal errors, was due filial obedience and respect. And these things, to the mass-media secularists, anticlerical Freemasons and that today cry out "Long live Francesco!», they don't care.


Helder Camara

The Brazilian bishop Helder Câmara [1909-1999]

The Holy Father has humiliated the Bishops of Italy on the lines and behind the lines of this latest rebuke even bringing them as episcopal model under a character to say the least ambiguous as the Brazilian Bishop Hélder Câmara, that I personally never would dream of bringing as an example, and especially then as an example of doctrine and pastoral. A bishop for whom today, to invoke his beatification, and the gotha of Liberation Theology, led by heretics and renegade priests as Leonard Boff and Giovanni Franzoni, as Hans Küng and so. And to quote such a small character as a model for the bishops of a country that has given the Church a heavenly army of truly holy and enlightened pastors, It is offensive and demeaning, If we think of the kind of stature and holiness of life which have come in time many models of our Italian episcopate. And you already understand that this single quote has touched his heart like an arrow of the cupid mass-media secularists and those of the left Radical-chic, the anticlerical Freemasons and that today cry out all together: "Living Francesco … The Punisher !». Of course, you could say that the Holy Father also said some other things, but the fact remains that the newspapers all over the world, the message that is passed, He was yet another rebuke to Italian bishops and priests. And here it is questionable: misses the communicator to communicate or the media to report what they only pleases? Anyhow, there is the risk of a … “competition guilty”.


In its approach with the Bishops of Italy unfortunately it is known that the Pope lacks the sense of proportion, in addition to being burdened, as I wrote and explained several times, the typical anti-Roman prejudices that are differently but similarly own a certain German clergy and Latin American. And a sense of proportion, together with the objective reality, would require to assess and recognize the fact that the Italian one - albeit burdened with many problems, defects and congenital defects - remains and is still the best in the world episcopate, especially from a pastoral and doctrinal point of view.


Alexander VI

Rodrigo Borgia painting, the Pope Alexander VI [1492-1503]

It's true that in the course of our history, in very complex social periods we have had questionable power figures as the Cardinals Orsini families, Farnese, Borghese, Column, Chigi, from’ Doctors ... but it is true that if the Church has survived and if Rome did not the end of Constantinople became Istanbul with its great cathedral converted into a mosque, we owe it to great men like Pope Alexander VI, whose life in general and in particular his private was all a program; but that does not prevent him to be a defender of the faith and doctrine. And if today in Buenos Aires and if there is an archdiocese in Argentina there is a Catholic Church, what it should not be certainly the Indians nor to the poor villas miseries but it must also and above all to the questionable power figures as the Cardinals Orsini families, Farnese, Borghese, Column, Chigi, from’ Doctors ... the subjects perhaps less "political" than it is showing instead of being the Holy Father Francis, and why I'll explain it ...


... The most unabashedly rich Church, indeed opulent in its richness, not is Italian but the German one. And this wealth is so great and that parishes can afford to pay salaries even the members of the parish council and catechists.


church tax

attraverso la church tax, the cult fee, The German Catholic Church comes to perceive up to 10 billion euro per year

Smell I received the sacred orders of the diaconate or priesthood only a few days away from my German colleague, dear friend and fellow student. A few months later, when after the summer he made his return to Rome from Germany and met again, I am talking about this and that I came to find out that my first salary received by Ente Livelihood Clergy stood at 740 Euro, her equal to 2.860. Along with this "first salary", German brother also felt all so-called "extra", because every pastoral service as well as the administration of certain Sacraments or the celebration of Holy Masses, behaved precise and mandatory fees. So my brother was receiving in total on 3.400 € per month approximately, no food expenses, accommodation, supplies payable, etc …


a pastor with 25 years of service, Germany arrives to take salary between 5.000 ed i 6.000 € per month, totally free of charges, fully covered by the parish.


in the seventies a single German parish was able to maintain a full missionary dioceses in Latin America

In the seventies, a single German parish, thanks to report proportion that existed between the German mark and the currencies of other countries, He was able to maintain itself an entire missionary dioceses in Brazil. And having said that someone wonders why the Theology of Liberation was born in the North of Europe and was then incubated by German theologians between Brazil and many other countries of Latin America? Liberation Theology - and not only that - was incubated by the barrel of money Germans; the Germans themselves today, romanophobes more than ever, always they want to hit a barrel of money the Italian episcopate and the clergy.


Germany, below followed by the United States of America, It has always been the largest contributor to the Holy See; in recent times it has run added as a large taxpayer to the Korean Catholic Church, which is also very rich, having Catholicism developed in that country in the higher walks of life and rich. It is no coincidence that the country has received the apostolic visit of the last Popes, including the reigning Pontiff lover of the poor, refugees and existential suburbs, which I am not to have spent a sigh on living standards conducted by many Korean priests, most of whom come from the upper middle class of families, in particular those that, overflowing with money, They come to study in Rome.


What it is called IOR, the Institute of Religious Works, the so-called Vatican Bank, in fact a German bank, because the stores are located at a Frankfurt bank. So we can say that the Germans, in a sense, "Administer" also funds of the Holy See.


After seeing in the churches of Germany liturgical abuses of all sorts, arbitrary discipline of the Sacraments ... or worse "bishop"Lutheran Guests at the Mass were invited to do the homily on the Gospel ... rightly I wondered: "... But if you know everything in Rome, because they have never done anything?». And soon I realized that they had never done anything for the simple fact that the Germans reggon the strings of the bag. And as we know, unfortunately,, God is for some "one, Trine and penny ...“!


Pope republic

The Republic, the quintessence of anti- radical chic now become the official organ of the Holy See

If the Holy Father to ask the reproaches, then here it is that only caters to Italian clergy. Perhaps because our bishops have not informed that in Italy, not a few pastors of indigent communities - which are by no means few - are forced to ask for help to the old retired parents to pay the electricity bill of the parish house. And if the Holy Father wants to possibly summon me, when I went to him with the accounts in hand I could explain to him that I could never survive 800 euro per month salary received Ente Livelihood Clergy, if I had not always been my mother and my brother who support me, so that their son and their brother priest to lead a life by what are the patterns of human dignity and serve well as more about the Church and the People of God; What the latter pressing much to my family, but that apparently does not press instead much to my Main.


we know well both the flaws of our bishops and those of our clergy, but we recognize them with due sense of proportion based on facts, that these are: our bishops and our priests, before the Bishops' Conferences of the world and their priests who are now completely lost in the concrete facts, It remains one of the best Bishops Conferences of the world.


carrot and stick

Italian episcopate stick and carrot German episcopate

hurts a lot that when it comes to wealth and administration of goods, the Holy Father uses the mace with the Italian episcopate and the clergy, but utters a sigh on the German clergy, whose wealth is truly opulent, time and how much it is that of the Italian Church, but most of his clergy.


Having said that it might be questioned: politically what unites Rodrigo Borgia, the Supreme Pontiff Alexander VI and Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Supreme Pontiff Francis? Because it seems that both, after centuries from their election, one thing in common we have it: having treated with an eye focused their so-called voters .... From one of the worst-bishops theologians quoted in glory by the Holy Father Francis before the square broadcast worldwide within days of his election: Cardinal Walter Kasper, namely the presumed pious soul that maybe, together with other related disastrous, He suggested that he go to celebrate, In the 2017, not the centenary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, my pseudo “reform” heresiarch Luther. And before the heresies spread by those who broke communion with the Church, which remains a mystery of faith for a, santa, catholic and apostolic, we do not then just nothing to celebrate, as he mentioned by the great man of Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in one of perhaps the most tragic moments of our ecclesial and church history [cf. WHO].


Already in the past I wrote in tones of regret and alarm that the Holy Father Francis is changing the "personality" of the Italian episcopate with the appointment of bishops who are his true clones, only able to speak - viepiù with nauseating flattery - of existential suburbs, Of refugees and of poor. What this leads me to express the particular words of esteem and deep and sincere priestly devotion towards Metropolitan Archbishop of Genoa, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Italian Bishops:


Angelo Bagnasco

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Metropolitan Archbishop of Genoa and President of the Italian Episcopal Conference

"Eminence Father Cardinal, will not be long that we, with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes risogneremo recent times in which we as a reference point and pastoral equilibrium models extraordinary men like her. Tomorrow we will live in your memory and feel dramatically your lack. And those who, like myself, at times they have treated harshly, repent - but if that's why I'm already regretting - of having been strict with you and make your old age less suffering COMING to kiss his hand and telling you with deep devotion that in truth you were authentic Church Fathers; and we'll tell sincere and convinced after trying the worst of it on our skin of priests faithful to the Holy Church of Christ and his teaching is now preparing '.


Meantime, doing my new exhortation of the Holy Father, I decided to sell my Porsche sports. Perhaps they could buy the Franciscan Friars Minor, if the Swiss judiciary the unlocked accounts that had them frozen in a Swiss bank as a result of financial transactions not very clean. And all these financial embezzlements carried out in the name of Mona Poverty, They occurred just as Minister General of the Order, for nine years, was he who, as Franciscan and as poverello, the Holy Father wished Archbishop Secretary of the Congregation for Religious, always on the basis of the principle: the poor and poverty ahead of everything, so it's good to appoint certain offices poverty who know her well; and commendable poverty Holy Spirit showed contempt towards the Devil's dung, the money, why put a safe distance in Swiss banks.


We Italian priests are very jealous of our Bishops, as our Bishops have always been jealous of their priests, all in a deep and ancient bond of loyalty. It's this one holy jealousy It is the result of our twenty centuries of Christian history Italian, a wet history by the blood of martyrs and fortified by the genius of our saints. And all together, Bishops and Presbyters, we would be Holy Gelosi of the reigning pontiff, if not his favorite sport was to take slaps in the face, not to correct us, but only to please the world, to please everything that has always been non-Christian, to be applauded at every given his slap on our faces by an army of post-communist party animals, Masons and liberal capitalists …


from The Island of Patmos, 18 May 2016















Message to the Bishops in plenary assembly of the C.E.I, where it will also discuss the formation of the clergy, But not of that of the bishops who should form the clergy



«Puoi mostrarmene uno soltanto che abbia salutato la tua elezione senza aver ricevuto denaro o senza la speranza di riceverne? And the more they have professed your servants, tanto più vogliono spadroneggiare all’interno della Chiesa».

[Bernardo di Chiaravalle al neoeletto Eugenio III]



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo






Esteemed Bishops.

A partire da lunedì 16 maggio sarete riuniti a Roma nell’assemblea plenaria della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, in the course of which, tra i vari temi, tratterete anche quello del «rinnovamento» e della «formazione del clero». Credo sia dunque legittimo domandarvi: siete veramente convinti di parlare del problema della “formazione del clero”, senza prima parlare del drammatico problema della formazione dei Vescovi che sono chiamati a formare il proprio clero? Per questo vi offro uno spunto di riflessione in questo «trattato buono per ogni vescovo».



To open the text, click below










The diaconate to women? Some speak of “reset”, but how can you restore what never existed?

– Theologica –



including dances, Catholic journalists “committed” and feminist theologians who already shout “victory!”, the televisions are talking and titrating newspapers that "Pope Francis opened the diaconate to women '. I would have much to say about Catholic journalists “committed” and the feminist theologians who I respect very worst of seven plagues of Egypt and who are already speaking and writing of 'recovery' of the female diaconate ", which they say "existed in the first centuries of the Church's life", while in truth none of this ever existed.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



PDF print format: on study female diaconate



women priests

rasserenatevi, Dear Catholic faithful, in our Holy Church we will not be in good shape, but nobody is going to change it into a branch of the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro

The Supreme Pontiff, in one of its expressions arm, he returned to raise yet another hornet's nest, before which one wonders: in launching certain jokes that in a few minutes then they do around the world filling the pages of newspapers, our August Pontiff, You can not fully realizing what he says, or maybe it makes the other hand account? The answer to such a question is in the consciousness, that only God can read.


The Holy Father has a habit - in my opinion misleading - To be interviewed by journalists and allow people ask him questions at point blank range in public settings; and are often focused on questions of extraordinary delicacy issues that can not be answered with a joke more or less telegraphic. Neither can be answered in improvised and vague, because none of us is omniscient; and philosophical disciplines, theological, historical, legal, They are so complex and complicated that even the Vicar of Christ on earth can know every science all that knowledge.


2. Vescovà

Prayer: "Man, Your Priests may give thanks for the incomparable gift of chastity " (Ave, Father and Glory …)

But first of all let's see what really happened: during the meeting with the Supreme Pontiff of the Union of Superiors Major "consecrated presented the issue of the opening of the permanent diaconate to women, with reference to the early Church. Francis said that the ancient role of deaconesses is not still very clear and said he was willing to be of interest to the issue of a Commission study ' [see text on Vatican Radio, WHO].


The Holy Father did not give an answer, He replied saying he was "willing to be of interest to the issue of a Commission study '. But within a few hours, including dances, Catholic journalists “committed” and feminist theologians who already shout “victory!”, the televisions are talking and titrating newspapers that "Pope Francis opened the diaconate to women '. I would have much to say about Catholic journalists “committed” and the feminist theologians who I respect very worst of seven plagues of Egypt and already they are talking and writing about the 'recovery' of the female diaconate ", which they say "existed in the first centuries of the Church's life", while in truth none of this ever existed.


1. Vescovà

Prayer: "Man, Your Priests may give thanks for the incomparable gift of chastity " (Ave, Father and Glory …)

I am very pleased that the Supreme Pontiff, answering, it is in a sense put the shelter stating: "The ancient role of the woman deacon is still not very clear». I am equally pleased that he decided to make even this is answered, as in the past it was given to the demands on priesthood to women; and the answer was that we remember the following:


"Therefore, in order to remove any doubt about a matter of great importance, it pertains to the divine constitution of the Church, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren, I declare that the Church It does not in any way to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be held definitively by all the Church's faithful " [2]



3. Vescovà

Prayer: "Man, Your Priests may give thanks for the incomparable gift of chastity " (Aand, Father and Glory …)

The answer was "no" with finality. I take this opportunity to explain what is meant in dogmatic theology with defining e definitive. The way defining It is expressed through the dogma and imply the infallibility. The way definitive It is expressed when the Pope proceeds to "confirm his brothers in faith" [cf. LC 22,32]. In both cases, both expressing themselves through definitive magisterium both through the magisterium definitional, he expresses himself infallibly [3].

Not having had no direct wire with the Supreme Pontiff nor with his close associates, seeing that he intends to appoint a study commission, I wish to make it available as of now already done a study on this issue, which is precisely the study my. This study I published in February 2010 farfetched to refute a statement of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, which it was hoped, just as today they hope Catholic journalists “committed” and feminist theologians who I respect very worst of seven plagues of Egypt, the "restoration" of what the Church is the East and the West has never existed: the female diaconate. What I explain in this study already revived in December 2014 on the columns of Theologica of the island of Patmos.



as always we invite you to go to the sources and never to rely on “heard” and the evil of the newspapers interpretations, then read the official text which is quoted in full the interview of the Holy Father with the religious





[1] Dogmatic constitution The light n. 25 e Doctrinal Note on the Concluding Formula of profession of faith the 18 May 1998, n. 8.

[2] priestly ordination the 22 May 1994

[3] To protect the faith, 18 May 1998.



To read the study, click below:

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo – STUDY DIACONATE FEMALE











Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

love joy. Lust and Marriage. The thought of the Apostle Paul




In St. Paul it is clear that for him the man-woman relationship corresponds to the upper-lower ratio [The Cor 11, 7-9; 14,34; The Tm 2, 11-14]. But these are his ideas. The doctrine instead of her husband, "head of the wife" [Ef 5, 22-33] it's another thing. Indeed, while on the subject general "Man-woman" feel Paul with his rabbinical misogynism, in the doctrine of the relationship husband wife certainly it shines the beauty of God's Word, that does not go, and that was confirmed and deepened by the Council, that has come to affirm that "their union constitutes the first form of communion of persons"



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



PDF print format article



Writes John Cavalcoli: "Unfortunately it was realized for centuries that here Paul does not truly reflect the vision of Genesis and even the evangelical" [ed. WHO]. there, John was needed Cavalcoli to say that St. Paul, l’Apostolo delle genti, the greatest missionary and evangelist in the history of the Church "does not truly reflect the vision of Genesis and even the evangelical". Then who, of grace, It reflects authentically? Expenses, after 2000 year old, It realized that Paul was not inspired by the Holy Spirit but by lust when he wrote his epistles? But John Cavalcoli, obviously! Most learned of San Girolamo, deepest of Sant 'Agostino, wittiest most of St. Thomas, slimmest of St. Bonaventure. More inspired by the Spirit. there, I have a proposal. I propose to amend a section of the missal according to the Roman rite of Holy Mass. When you will read in 1 Corinthians 7,9, instead of "Word of God", It will say, "Here Paul is not authentically reflects the vision of Genesis and even the Evangelical" or "Word of lust '". To which the faithful respond with joy, "Thanks be to Cavalcoli!».





4. bergoglionate

style, class and above “high catechesis” del blog Bergoglionate

We start from the method of biblical exegesis, since it allowed to have Having noted that in São Paulo there are some questionable ideas on sexual lust, related to his anti-feminism, I was attacked by several parties with modernism accusations and rahnerismo [cf. WHO]. I respond well to my opponents, because it gives me the opportunity to explain further.


I would point to my opponents I wrote a critical book on Rahner, the result of thirty years of studies. I invite you to read it [1]. And instead of wasting time with me, their audition to criticism of Rahner like the one I did!


I begin, therefore, with a discourse on method. Exegesis of sacred Scripture must distinguish what is truly the Word of God from their own ideas dell'agiografo or culture of his time. The inerrancy of Scripture evidently refers to those steps, in which the sacred writer, inspired by God, enunciates truths revealed by God, ossia verità di fede.


Senonché, But, it is inevitable that the sacred writer, be limited and fallible human, like all, let even leaked his opinions or his time, that they are not the Word of God, but they can be either very backward ideas or even wrong, obviously without any intention to deceive, but simply through ignorance or to the limits of his knowledge.


In tal modo, the advancement of knowledge of Bible teachings implies that, while what belongs to Revelation remains immutato, being the Word of God, the dell'agiografo ideas can also be accepted for a long time; but it is possible that at some point the Church realizes, in the light of the Word of God itself, they are overcome or correct.


Si trattava, after all, human opinions, that the Church does not agree in the sense of dogmatizzarle - thing I could never do -, but in the sense that, for a certain time, Also many centuries, not disapprove and circulates. but when, with the progress of exegesis and the very life of the Church, it is clear that these ideas are outdated or incorrect, The Church intervenes by marrying new and better interpretation, that best reflects the truth of God's Word.


The antiquity, also millenary, a biblical doctrine, It not always argues in favor of its immutability; must be checked in individual cases if it is a matter of faith o di an opinion dell'agiografo. If the Church realizes, and when he realizes that it was a simple idea dell'agiografo or his cultural environment, He does not hesitate to abandon it or even to exclude it explicitly, even if it does so with every respect, not to disrespect all'agiografo.


The defects of the modernists and their so-called modernist exegesis, to about, no data from this principle of distinction between what has been revealed and ideas dell'agiografo, but by two things:


First thing. The modernists are the historicist or evolutionist, ie do not allow universal and immutable truth, even those of faith. For them, everything changes, God also. So, do not change only the dell'agiografo ideas, but also the revealed data, in the sense that today we no longer believe the same truths of faith, to which he believed St. Paul, because even the truths of faith changes over time and varies according to different cultures, so for them there can be no single faith, but a plurality of "rings". According to them, there are no eternal truths and supratemporal, ma Truth is the daughter of time. What was true yesterday, Today is false and vice versa. Therefore, the Church is wrong in repeating the same doctrines or dogmas themselves, because by doing so it lags behind the historic progress.


According to the modernists, for example Schillebeeckx, the identity of faith's content over time is not assured by dogmatic concepts, that I am not fixed, but they are changing and must change, depending on the circumstances and the historical and cultural situations. Indeed, per Schillebeeckx, the concept does not capture the real in himself, but only there tends not reach. The real is caught instead by a "pre-conceptual experience athematic", specific, global and existential, But that in itself is inexpressible. We have to express it; ma, by the very nature of our knowing, when we do, we are obliged to use simple, uncertain and precarious' interpretative models ", that they are just images or metaphors or comparisons, essentially subjective, at least in relation to a given time or a given culture.


Those who claim to possess, in materia di fede, universal truths, assolute ed eterne, It is a rigid and intolerant person, can not appreciate pluralism, It has no historical sense, is a backward, You do not understand their time, is a presumptuous, and a fundamentalist. dthis relativist epistemology and evolutionary follows, in knowledge of faith, that the cognitive relationship with Christ is not insured, as in the dogmas, from abstract ideas, but from that experience athematic, implying the prassi, experience that would have the same faith, for which we draw from the mystery of Christ. Senonché, But, per Schillebeeckx, in the moment in which we interpret, express and communicate the concepts, these concepts are not and should not always be the same, but they are and they have to change and be different, that is suited to the mystery that we intend to capture and express, depending on the times, circumstances and people, to which we turn. If one clings to an outdated concept or the past, She lives outside of their own time and use a language incomprehensible to his contemporaries.


For instance, to express the mystery of Christ today, Schillebeeckx proposed to stop saying that "Jesus is God", because this expression, According to him, It would be a surplus of ancient pagan mythology of '' divine man ' (theiòs anèr), it would be better instead to designate Christ as the "eschatological prophet". And similarly, instead of talking, how does the Council of Chalcedon, of "one person in two natures", it would be better to speak of "a nature in two persons'. And so on.


Second thing. In interpreting Scripture, the modernists, come i protestanti, They do not account for those passages that the Church He has already interpreted or even serve as a justification, evidence or scriptural basis of a dogmatic teaching, and then they do not respect the interpretation by the Church, but interpret them in their own way, easily falling into heresy.


Here's an example. The church, relying on those passages of Scripture, which she speaks of the human soul, teaches 1. the distinction between soul and body [Fourth Lateran Council of 1215; 2]; that the soul is the substantial form of the body [Concilio di del Viennes 1312; 3]; that the soul is immortal [Fifth Lateran Council of 1513]. Well, Rahner, denying explicitly these dogmas of the Church, argues that when the Bible speaks of the soul, always it means the whole man.


In the matter, the case of São Paulo is particularly delicate course, since it is not a simple hagiographer as other, but of an eminent Apostle. But the Church, who looks only to the truth, He has problems to overcome and also correct human ideas, historically conditioned, a St. Paul. This fact is demonstrated very clearly right about our issue of sexual lust, closely connected with that of the dignity of women and marriage, so much so that it is good to treat them together.


The Pauline doctrine of marriage as a "remedy for concupiscence", It has actually been taught by moralists until Vatican II, who, vice versa, treating of marriage, absolutely not talk about this thing. And since then, the great papal documents, as the Human life of Blessed Paul VI, the Family member company of St. John Paul II, fino alla The joy of love del Pontefice Regnante, I am on this line. Which shows clearly that the idea of ​​St. Paul's exceeded, and if it is exceeded, Paul evidently there in fact does not speak on behalf of God, but in its own name, or perhaps mistakes in good faith his idea for divine revelation.


It is not about here obviously to doubt or deny the existence of sexual lust, or the option to cancel it in the present life. Instead, it is a legacy of original sin present in all, and which it consists of an irrational drive for sexual pleasure and the act that matches. The pursuit of pleasure is a natural impulse in humans and animals. The problem, for man, It is that this research needs to be rationally justified; and if it is not, is sinful. Well, concupiscence causes the opposite sex attracts us to her with such force, that in certain cases it is very difficult to curb.


St. Paul says: chi non ce la fa a trattenersi, si sposi. If it does it, It is better than virgin remains. Today, as I said in my article [cf. WHO], da dopo il Concilio, the Church speaks differently: everyone, with a good discipline, the exercise and the help of grace, we must be able to dominate us, to order our, to control us and restrain, then it is not nothing but the cardinal virtue of temperance, mandatory for all, whether we are called to marriage, whether we are called to religious life. even Paul, in other places, He admits this without problems. And this is certainly the Word of God.


The choice of one's vocation, in spirituality today, Whether it's marriage or consecrated life or priesthood, It should not be understood as answering the question of whether I can or can not help myself from sex. Ma, under the assumption that I have reached that degree of temperance, which makes me master my instincts, This choice must be made to much higher grounds: namely the response to the gift of God, which actually Paul himself acknowledges: "Each one has his own gift from God" [The Cor 7,7].


This means that the conjugal act It must be seen not as a result of the opening of the floodgates double, for which the torrent of passion bursts tumultuous, but legalized, in married life. It should not be seen as a fulfillment, an outlet, and at the same time a legitimate and tolerated embankment, of concupiscence, otherwise uncontrollable dilagherebbe, so its suppression would be unbearable or impossible, as Luther believed.


The sexual act instead it must be an expression of self-giving, will to make each other happy and welcomed the gift that the other makes of himself. Atto, that, as I said in my previous article, It expresses love and increases the love. The fulfillment of the same marriage debt, it is the duty of justice and other services, more common in the elderly, in which weakened the thrust of 'eros, It must continue to be more than ever the expression. One could rightly say, thinking the sacrament of marriage, that the conjugal act is a sign of holiness and incentive.


The change in the concept of marriage initiated by the Council it consists of a visual more optimistic and more noble, more faithful to Genesis and the Gospel: while before the Council marriage was markedly place in the horizon fallen nature with original sin and of the inferiority of women with men, the new vision arises decisively in the horizon resurrection and equality of the specific nature of the two and mutual complementarity.


A woman's dignity Today is better to light, his moral qualities are better highlighted, His most exalted spiritual attitudes, while conversely diminish the reasons or prejudices, that in the past, as in the Old Testament itself, they showed in women almost a having less, a minor, with limited liability. It was seen as a fragile creature, impulsiva, emozionabile, easy to illusions, suggestionabile, unreliable, to drive, educate, controllare, fix and hold off; or a danger: a seductress, Quasi una maliarda, of which one should beware. In essence, the woman was seen in the light of Eve sinner and not the Madonna.


In San Paolo it is clear that for him the man-woman relationship corresponds to the upper-lower ratio [The Cor 11, 7-9; 14,34; The Tm 2, 11-14]. But these are his ideas. The doctrine instead of her husband, "head of the wife" [Ef 5, 22-33] it's another thing. Indeed, while on the subject general "Man-woman" feel Paul with his rabbinical misogynism, in the doctrine of the relationship husband wife certainly it shines the beauty of God's Word, that does not go, and that was confirmed and deepened by the Council, that has come to affirm that "their union constitutes the first form of communion of persons" [GS, 12].


These limits that we find in the Pauline concept the woman did not prevent the Apostle to enunciate some fundamental principles of the Christian view of women, princìpi, they certainly are the subject of Revelation: the principle of reciprocity: "In the Lord, neither the woman without the man; neither is the man without the woman ' [The Cor 11,11]; and the prospect of 'unione eschatological, in which it is implied the resurrection of the sexes, which has widely spoken Saint John Paul II in the catechesis on the theology of the body: "There is neither man nor woman, for you are all one in Christ Jesus " [Gal 3,28]. This is the clear recovery Gen 1-2, where he taught the equality of dignity and specific nature.


Col Concilio, Anyway, It occurred an improvement in the vision of the woman, for which she, without this we fall into easy optimism, It is seen more in the light of the Madonna that does not Eve. The Council has confirmed the substance of the sublime Pauline doctrine on marriage as a mystical image (“great mystery”!) and none other than the sacramental sign of Christ's union with the Church. In this doctrine - and here we are truly in God's Word -, where it does not transpire nothing of the contempt of Paul for the woman and for his doctrine on sexual lust, There does not seem to find even the author himself. The rest, a discordant note of Paul himself seems to be in the c.7 First Corinthians, where it is hard to come to an agreement the aforementioned sublime mystical comparison with the known perhaps too human, according to which "the married woman is anxious about the things of the world, how to please the husband ' [v.34]. But if her husband is the image of Christ, who is then this? Here we go again with the remedy for concupiscence?


There is a clear link between the woman seen in this light and sex control problem. Progress in understanding the dignity of women through the centuries went hand in hand with a higher perspective of marriage and sexuality. It is also evident that, the nearer man abandons his superiority complex and sees in the woman not so much the temptress or having less, but rather a traveling companion to the sky, the conjugal union will become less and less the safety valve and the legitimate outburst and tolerated instinct and increasingly selfless gift of love: love, joy,!


Varazze, 10 May 2016





[1] Karl Rahner. The Second betrayed, Editions Faith&Culture, Verona 2009.







Never challenge the Divine Providence with works that are merely the result of men's hands



Since we are men of faith, we believe in Divine Providence. Having then by the grace of God, certainly not because of us, a faith enough “adult” and solid, we know that Divine Providence can never be challenged through works that are not of God but the work of man, linked to personalities of ecclesiastics or lay people who give life within the ecclesial world to works behind which pride and vanity are often hidden, not infrequently the megalomania of men who say they have received specific missions entrusted to them by God, when in fact they only talked to themselves, believing, the best scenarios, he had spoken with God; at worst, some people are aware that they are playing on the mysteries of faith to deceive others for personal purposes, often pure profit.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands.
They have mouths but can not speak; they have eyes and do not see;
They have ears but can not hear; there is no breath in their mouth.
Let those who manufacture them and whoever trusts in them be like them.

[Shall 134, 15-18]



Dear Readers.


Hypatia. 7

«… If this priest, when he writes, It does not stop smoking, slam him out of the house "

Giovanni Cavalcoli and me, our collaborator Jorge A. Faccio Lince, Roman cat Hypatia who watches over the island of Patmos, we are pleased to inform you that from 1 January to 30 April this magazine has already reached three million visits.


The number of 3.000.000 of visits was touched last year in the entire course of 2015, while in this new year it was reached and exceeded in just the first four months.



Thanks to the readers we incurred those management costs that Giovanni Cavalcoli as a Dominican priest, I as a priest of the secular clergy, we had no personal means to cover.


hypatia 1

the shadow of the great observer superintendent: Roman cat Hypatia

For the year operating expenses 2016 readers have offered 1.700 Euro, a single benefactor donated 3.500 EUR to reach the amount of 5.200 € required.


We illustrate you the activities that we would like to start and which consists above all in this:



- The record Patmos Island and enroll albo of journals at the National Association of Journalists, because being made of a magazine, it is right and proper that it is properly registered;

- Open the Editions The Island of Patmos, having among other things already several authors to be published and several works by Giovanni Cavalcoli and Ariel S. Levi Gualdo who have already had spread and who still, Although out of print, there have been repeated requests from numerous readers;

- Print The Isle of Patmos as a quarterly magazine, collecting in three issues a year the main items, species of Theologica, then sending it by subscription.



Hypatia 3

… always alert and observant

Since we are men of faith, we believe in Divine Providence. Having then by the grace of God, certainly not because of us, a faith enough “adult” and solid, we know that Divine Providence can never be challenged through works that are not of God but the work of man, linked to personalities of ecclesiastics or laity who at times give life in the ecclesial world to works behind which pride and vanity are often hidden, not infrequently the megalomania of men who say they have received specific missions entrusted to them by God, when in fact they only talked to themselves, believing, the best scenarios, he had spoken with God; at worst, some people are aware that they are playing on the mysteries of faith to deceive others for personal purposes, often pure profit.


If what we intend to do is God's work, so that made it a better service to the Church of Christ and the truths of faith of which we are for the priestly ministry and theological mission devoted announcers, in this case the Divine Providence will still fleshed once through you at least giving us the means to begin, namely the need to proceed with the registration and enrollment of the island of Patmos in the register of specialist magazines and to open the Editions The Island of Patmos.


Hypatia 2

Hypatia, a closely cat with holiness, fact is sleeping over the three volumes of the cause of canonization treated by Father Ariel …

We are able to print and sell books on-line, in paper and electronic format. We have already contacted several bookshops in various Italian cities that have given us the availability to put our books on sale. Widespread distribution will only be possible in the future, if the company will be fine, because giving books to a distributor implies initially unsustainable costs. But it will be possible to order and receive by mail our books and find them in some libraries of Rome, Florence, Bologna, Genoa, Milan, Torino, Novara, Verona, Catania, Cagliari.


We decided and chose to move to this way because veterans of experiences not happy with the publishing world.


From 2006 I I started to publish my books with the Mauro Bonanno Publisher brand [Rome-Acireale], soon becoming one of its best-selling authors. Between 2006 and the 2013 said to the press 5 books, two of which were particularly good sales and were the subject of attention from the national and international press.


Hypatia 5

«Jorge, call Father John Cavalcoli and ask if you can write that on the metaphysical principle of feline nature, you know that I care a lot '

Write certain books Author coast in all directions. often certi texts require years of study, work and research. The result I got, however, was nothing short of disappointing: despite my numerous requests I have never been able to have the Editor nor the reports on sales; I lack the satisfaction of knowing how many copies my books had sold! And if I never got the reports, let alone a penny royalties Author. All this after signing contracts rejected by the Editor in key parts: the annual report and the payment of royalties Author.


The drop which caused the vase to overflow it was when the Publisher - whom I met in 2005 come intellectual left - It was discovered Mazzinian and it became a Freemason. And neglecting several necklaces, including the theological which I founded and direct, he began to publish dozens of texts on Masonic history and esotericism. What they promised him four Masons suburban I do not know, But one thing is certain, Despite the arcane intrigues of Freemasonry, at the time it did not become either Luigi Einaudi nor Arnoldo Mondadori.


nurturing towards Freemasonry the pious Christian contempt that I have always harbored towards idolatry and the profanation of the Name of the Creator, more so I did not mean to accept that a publisher who did not pay the wages due to the worker had, however, means to make gifts to the Lodge, not least also with the proceeds from the sale of my books. Nor could I forget the warnings I addressed as a confessor to various Catholics about the fact that Freemasonry is incompatible with the very essence of Christianity. And although I was in charge of the books written by me, certainly not those published by Bonanno Publishing Group, which brings together the brands Bonanno Publisher, A&B e Tipheret, I thought not opportune to introduce the name of a priest and a theologian faithful to the precepts of the Church within a Group become a circle of Freemasons, the texts of which [cf. WHO, WHO, WHO] they are still distributed today by a Catholic distributor, the Dehoniana Books S.p.a.. And when of this I informed the good Dehonian Fathers in due time, asking if the Dehoniana distribution chain was always under their control and if by chance they had also agreed to distribute Masonic esoteric texts, I didn't even have the grace of an answer.


hypatia 6

"Let me read … and, the item is very nice, But you have to say to Father John, who in my humble opinion should be also added a reference to the First Council of Constantinople "

Since the Publisher He had breached contracts, I informed him through an attorney that they were believed to be dissolved and released from any obligation I came in possession of my works. The Publisher, specialized in re-founding companies that under another name carried on the same activity by distributing the same authors who had also signed contracts with previous companies, via the new administrator, what in legal jargon is called loggerhead, he fulfilled my request and withdrew my books still in distribution from the market. This is the reason why my books are no longer on the market: I have imposed the withdrawal I for non-compliance of the contractual agreements of the Publisher who had published them and disseminated.


This experience has undoubtedly marked me, so that, although several publishers have asked me over the last three years my books in publication, I refused to grant them, having experienced how small publishers in a country like ours where the sale of books is below that of the countries of the Third World. I have decided, in conclusion, not to publish anymore free the amor Dei, for the benefit of those who presume to grant the “great honor” to offer free your hard work for the benefit of others.


Hypatia 8

«… Well I admit, I am the cat priest, But we live as brother and sister in accordance with subparagraph. 84 from the Familiar Consortium, be clear!»

publishing companies series exist, however, they hardly publish books niche addressed to readers ranging between specialist and interest in certain topics dealt with in depth. Just look at the rubbish published or distributed by the Society of St. Paul, a Publishing House which, although headed by a religious congregation, distributes texts by heretics such as Hans Küng in the chain of its libraries, Vito Mancuso and the late Andrea Gallo. All while certain bishops on the one hand, certain more clericalized secular clergy on the other hand, seem committed only to show the private or public disagreement with the tremebonda apostolic exhortation love joy, because all the problems are concentrated in the latex of a condom or a pre-marital relationship, issues on which - as we all understand - lives or falls the whole mystery of faith. Then, for the rest, if the Pauline Sisters recommend Küng or Mancuso for reading in Catholic bookstores as texts of high Catholic spirituality, nothing to say, nothing to be shocked and nothing on which to do battle. This is why, these days when I see clergy and laity enter into other people's bedrooms with sling goldsmith, as I have already stated I am assaulted by hives. This is not because the cardinal sin of lust and adultery with it has been declassified, never! But simply because lust is not the only one of the deadly sins, but above all it is neither the first nor the most serious, place in the first place - as long I keep repeating - is the pride, the satanic queen of all the worst deadly sins. And transform the sex and human sexuality in the motor center of the whole mystery of evil, in its own way really of clerical-pathological [I refer to my previous article, WHO].


That said capita, Dear Readers, how important it is to salvage the one hand, publish and disseminate on the other hand, the books of the great Fathers of the Church and of the great theologians of the past and present in a world in which, Within the Catholic bookstores managed directly by religious congregations, They do it by Carlo Maria Martini masters, Bruno Forte, Walter Kasper, Enzo Bianchi, Vito Mancuso … This is the work that we have set ourselves but for which we do not have the means to complete even the first necessary paperwork, heretics because they always find money, grants and sponsors, We're not. And unfortunately, in this society that thought is passing from the liquid to the vaporous thought, immersed in the dramatic shortage of historical memory, where everything is increasingly paralyzed and immediate finalized, no projections into the future, we run the risk safe that before many years, works of extraordinary importance to the heritage of faith, end up hopelessly lost.


hypatia 9

«… When they gathered near the Catacombs of Priscilla on the ancient Salaria, I was poor, hungry and uneducated, but soon after I showed my natural talent for philosophy, thus becoming Roman cat Hypatia "

To start the business we need them 4.000 Euro to complete the paperwork for the online magazine and for the opening of the Publishing House; 6.000 euro for the press and the sale of the first 10 books. On the one hand still we ask for help to the readers, on the other, with the help, We ask an answer that only you can give to men of faith: all this, it is the will of God to serve Christ, the Church and sound Catholic doctrine? If so, the help will come, if it will not come, then it means that we are wrong and that even if we in good faith and animated by a total lack of interest we are wrong.


So they think and act men who in faith They believe in Divine Providence but that never would challenge the Divine Providence to carry out their works which do not come from God.


And to conclude me back to mind the words of an old parish priest who with enormous sacrifices succeeded in building the new parish church, on which he had the following plaque placed in a discreet corner: "This church was built with the precious advice offered by the rich and with the money offered by the poor".


the Island of Patmos, 5 May 2016



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Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

love joy. The foundation of the indissolubility of marriage

JOY OF LOVE. THE FOUNDATION OF indissolubility of marriage


The nullity of the marriage almost always emerges dramatically after a certain time, more or less long, They can also take years and be half of the children, even if we are married in church, and it was a marriage celebrated with great solemnity: red carpet from the entrance of the church to the altar richly decorated, bouquets of exotic flowers, along all the pews, Photographers who's operators, enthusiastic and emotional crowd of high society people, abundant supply to the pastor. Yet it was a simple staging. Despite the solemn High Mass and solemn blessing, grace can be dropped, but certainly not the grace of marriage, since it lacked the suitable material. The poor priest, attorniato the concelebrated, It took, as the Romans say, a beautiful buggeratura [or called in Roman: hath pijato 'na alone].



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



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Pope signature

The Supreme Pontiff signed the Post-Synodal Exhortation love joy

One of the goals he set itself Jesus Christ in his teaching and his work was to present, restore and promote the original divine plan on man, described in Genesis, indicated as the model of human conduct, compatibly to the fallen state of nature after original sin.


It was not a recovery pieno e totale dello stato di innocenza, but only to some elements, Christ has proposed as realizable, by the help of his grace and through an appropriate discipline, in this mortal life, weakened by sin, some elements of that happy original condition.


"Indissolubility of marriage" It does not mean that de facto the constraint can not be dissolved, otherwise there would be no divorce. Indissolubility means he must not be loose, namely that there is no right to dissolve the bond. So, this act can never be good. Indeed, it is God's will that man be united to his wife,, in such a way that the two are no longer two, but only one flesh. But it does not create a union that in fact can not be broken, as instead is the unbreakable union which exists for example between the color of a vessel and the vessel itself, or the union that exists between the soul and its faculties. Man and woman are made to join together, but it depends on their willingness to implement and maintain this union. God wants them to be together forever; but to them it is possible to disobey this will and divide. They should never loosen the constraint; but it depends on them to respect, keep it, keep; or break it, breach it or dissolve it, ie divide. It's clear that, if they remain united, They do the will of God; if you divide, Peccano.


What is the reason for which husband and wife They must remain united forever in a unique love, exclusive, incommunicable to others or not partecipabile or shared by others? God does not say "will join any woman or more women", but "the its donna”.


Because God does not allow the group love or polygamy or the occasional love or part-time or the succession of women? God's will leaves instead suggests that every man must match that date women and not others, and vice versa. It's a bit 'as the fact that each lock is necessary that key date and not others, or to those who have defective eyesight, We need those glasses data and not others.


With original sin This divine plan was overshadowed in the minds of men, their will began to tend to sin, while their forces began to be insufficient to achieve this high ideal.


In the Old Testament, It gave, with the law of Moses, shows a certain tolerance, allowing polygamy and divorce, especially in some important characters, patriarchs and kings. But with the new covenant, stipulated by Christ, God wants, in Christ and with Christ's grace, is re-established the original project, at least in its fundamental lines, necessary to a proper reproduction of the human species.


Christ thereby establishing marriage as the sacrament of salvation and sanctification. It is always the same natural marriage bond, It revealed on the Genesis, in its unity, indissolubilità, exclusivity and fruitfulness, but purified, enriched, high and strengthened by supernatural grace, so that the bride and groom, Despite their weaknesses and their sinfulness, may be able, with God's help, to be faithful to their love for life and overcome trials, difficulties and temptations, fulfilling the obligations of marriage and the family.


With the establishment of Christ, fidelity and indissolubility of the bond for life again becomes an obligation for all. Now, But, God allows some life conditions that make it impossible for the full restoration of the Edenic marriage. The first of these conditions is the existence of death.


This allows the lawfulness of remarriage. This fact is connected in turn to the second condition, namely that in the present life This perfect reciprocity is very rare. It happens then, that second marriages are made possible and are justified by the above-mentioned very rare possibility of the existence of so-called "soul mates", ie for a perfect match or reciprocity, irreplaceable and exclusive between this man and gave that date woman.


In this life, the expression "his woman" remains valid, but it loses the rigor and determination. The exact correspondence Edenic remains just a dream or an illusion for many, which, however, they are called to settle for something less, that does not make it impossible to fidelity until death.


But many today unfortunately they conceive marry like buying a car or a computer, whereby, if you find a better product, They are inclined to leave the old for the new. This difficulty finding the suitable partner can come to the point that the subject remains only. The other part, Christ also introduces the ideal of religious life, which implies the renunciation of marriage. This does not mean that the regime of the New Covenant does not continue to rely on the principle of gender reciprocity and "his woman". It should be noted, indeed, that, In the Genesis, God does not say, "cleaves to his wife", but "his woman". In fact the term used here is Ishan, which means "woman", while to say "wife", Hebrew has balah.


These words of Genesis, as is known, They are taken by Christ in the Gospel of Matthew [cf. 19,5]. that my, since the greek has gyne, sia per dire donna to say that wife, the greek text does not do exactly what the Jewish. However, as in Matthew Christ speaks of marriage, it is right to make gyne with "wife". Whatever, from the Genesis is that reciprocity or union or male-female communion, as you call it, It is not reduced to the husband-wife relationship, but it is a broader value, that touches the human being as such, and can and should concern every human being, man or woman, secular or religious, and that it is.


The indissolubility of marriage It supposes that God creates every man and every woman with its own, it needs, unmistakable and unchanging identity, which remains unchanged and unchanging over time until eternity. If, however, the Edenic state the identification and recognition of this identity was not any trouble, in the present state of fallen nature, this discernment becomes difficult, and it requires a special intuition or introspection, that Husserl's phenomenology calls empathy [1], word which in Italian translates as "empathy" or "entropathy". In the epistemology of Blessed Duns Scotus is similarly admits the chance to grasp the haecceitas of that given single person.


It is clear che ben pochi They can avail themselves of similar philosophical methods, whereas the vocation of marriage is the vocation of the vast majority of the population. It must therefore be found a simpler method, which would allow two young people like, to be able to tell if they are made to marry. To know this, You need both to notice of that reciprocity, they must objectively understand and enjoy the intimate the substantial identity of each other, the value of his person, the character qualities, without ignoring the flaws, going beyond appearances, in addition to matters perishable, surface and those which may or may be accidental occurrences, to grasp the essence of his personality. This is the fundamental basis of a pact and tighten an unbreakable bond.


About this issue immutable identity of the person, from more than three centuries, we deal with the objection, that is English empiricism, especially by Locke, followed then by Hume, who, exaggerating the part of the experience in human knowledge, and neglecting to cultivate the intellectual activity, lose sight of this unchanging substantive core of the person, that is the foundation and raison d'etre of all forms of contract or human stipulation, that are to be established for always.


In these visions of reality and therefore also of the human person does not give definitive and absolutely certain truth, but every theory or law can always be changed to the rise of new experiences. Accidental mutations invade the whole field of knowledge, by which a thing or a person is not defined with the claim to grasp the identity, the essence, the substance, o la haecceitas, as if it he was hidden behind the accidents or sensitive phenomena.


The substance, according to the empiricists, is none other than the unified collection of accidents, which do not refer to anything other than themselves, to each other, Mutually. The person is like a cloud in the sky, or a drop of water or a flame: it's no distinguishing an immutable substance changing accidents, but everything changes and evolves, even if the cloud or the drop or the flame may be the same. From what you understand that, this conception of the person, any promise or any commitment made comes comes caught, and here of course it falls on the promise of marital fidelity, everything always implies the reserves to maintain the pacts, It will not happen until something expected or unexpected, grounds that their dissolution or annulment.


Vice versa, Once the two realize they be made for each other, in view of the foundation of a family, It arises in their hearts desire to be together for life, precisely with the intention of realizing this regard [2]. This will establishes and conditions the truth O validity the covenant or marriage bond, It gives for which, if you get married for different reasons or contrary to this will, which bases, justifies, guarantees and constitutes the essence the marriage covenant, this pact does not exist, it is invalid, it is null. Similarly, It would be nothing priestly ordination based on a false concept of the priesthood, as is for example that of Rahner.


Nullity of marriage almost always it emerges in a dramatic way after a certain time, more or less long, They can also take years and be half of the children, even if we are married in church, and it was a marriage celebrated with great solemnity: red carpet from the entrance of the church to the altar richly decorated, bouquets of exotic flowers, along all the pews, Photographers who's operators, enthusiastic and emotional crowd of high society people, abundant supply to the pastor. Yet it was a simple staging. Despite the solemn High Mass and solemn blessing, grace can be dropped, but certainly not the grace of marriage, since it lacked the suitable material. The poor priest, attorniato the concelebrated, It took, as the Romans say, a beautiful buggeratura [or called in Roman: hath pijato 'na alone].


It is not excluded that the couple, noticing the nullity of marriage, riesca, after all, to move forward, especially for the sake of the children. It is good to do it. Quite another thing however is divorce. Esso è una grave disobedience to God's will, will that remains intact and unchanged, although disregarded by the two. In this sense, marriage is indissoluble. The two can be unfaithful, but God is faithful, and he gives them a way to repent and come back together. Divorce is therefore the divide what God has joined together, and who wants to be joined. Divorce is a grave sin against justice and charity in those who, one of the two or both, despite having contracted a valid marriage, It is unfaithful to the sacred pact celebrated before God and the Church. Of course, if the two regularly married, do not make it longer live together, it is good that they part. However, It remains valid constraint before God and the Church, and can not contract a new marriage. Vice versa, if two like, this is not a sufficient reason to go on living together, especially if they are related to a previous valid marriage. The above shall be null and now they have met the true love. But to address the matter before God, to the Church and to their conscience as Catholics, They must first obtain a declaration of nullity, and then will be able to contract a new marriage blessed by God.


As to mixed marriages, You must be careful. There are cases, for instance, Unions between a Christian and a Muslim, that do not give concerns. It, however, is occurring in other cases, It seems more numerous, that the Muslim side wants to compel the Christian to be Muslim. In this case, if the Christian part warns that has endangered his faith, It can be considered dissolved by the marriage bond. Questoi case was already covered by St. Paul [cf. The Cor 7, 12-15], e perciò si chiama “privilegio paolino” ed è stato recepito nel Diritto Canonico [Can.1143, § 1].


So the Church distinguishes four cases, in which the two can indulge: three licit and dutiful, and an illegal. Cases in which they must leave:


1. Concubinaggio (cohabitation more uxorio between two unmarried);

2. Pauline privilege;

3. marriage null. Case apart, which would be the fourth, it is rather the case of divorce.


Be careful not to confuse: annulment, dissolution and divorce. Cancellation or declaration of invalidity is the judgment of the ecclesiastical court, declaring that a true bond there has never been, despite the previous coexistence and the presence of children. The dissolution is the effect of divine mercy, which wants to protect the faithful or loyal, although the bond was valid. Instead the divorce is the breakup of a valid constraint. That being the case, in valid and true marriage, the two promise each other to be faithful all his life to this covenant of love, which it is the marriage covenant, by virtue of which they become husband and wife. At the time of this Decision, God unites them forever and blesses them with his grace. They join consciously, voluntarily and freely. But this very act of their will is fulfillment of God's will, Who wanted them to unite eternity and eternity has designed their wedding. Unfortunately today, with historicist and evolutionist mindset that has also crept in Catholic circles, few reflect on the greatness of this love, called to be an eternal love and even, come sacramento, a saving love, a way of salvation.


many ironic on this and believe it is a fine utopia, if not a deception, looking at the depressing sight of so many separations, many betrayals, of many disappointments, many divorces, many extinct loves, of so many failed marriages, of so many broken families. But also overcame this obstacle and refuted empiricism, by showing how the intellect can not do without the idea of ​​substance [3], other problems arise. Indeed, yet all this is not enough to look to the future with confidence and serenity, without fear of disappointments or disappointments, for the fact that, also admitted the possibility of grasping the essence of the, the indissolubility of marriage is not the simple loyalty to a fixed and immutable as, which may be the essence of my person and that of the other, but fidelity to the daily commitment of both, which is supposed to continuously, consistent and persevere over time For all life.


Now, we all know how many changes take place in our conduct. How can you commit for a lifetime with someone who maybe now is good, but then it becomes bad? And if I betray? And if he hid me some bad things? And if he had a bad past that may return? anguished questions, when you love someone.


The third of the conditions, proprie della natura decaduta, and the concupiscenza, namely the fact that the desire or sexual drive is not the consequence of love and encouragement to love, is no longer self-giving and availability to each other, is no longer bring joy to others and rejoice in the gift which the other makes of himself, but in his youth uncontrolled lust and enjoyment and use of the other selfish, while in old age and disease is the desire languishes in frigidity and even in disgust. The youth must be curbed; in old age must be strengthened.


St. Paul, with his famous theory of marriage as remedy for concupiscence [cf. The Cor 7,9] obviously has an eye only the boiling youth and not the weakness of seniority. One gets the impression that he did not consider good thing the sexual act, so it becomes excusable and tolerable in marriage: "It's good for them to remain as I am; but if you can not live in continence, si sposino; it is better to marry than to burn " [vv.8-9]. But all that seems to underlie Paul in a dissociation if not a contrast between love and sexual union. Unfortunately there it was realized for centuries that here Paul does not truly reflect the vision of Genesis and even the Evangelical, where being "one flesh" is seen as something good, is in itself [Gen 2], and in relation to procreation [Gen 1].


Only in the last century the Second Vatican Council, in the Pastoral Constitution The joy and hope, He deleted this duality teaching instead the link between marital love and sexual union with these words: "This love is expressed and perfected uniquely through the exercise of acts, that they are proper to marriage; it follows that the acts with which the spouses are united in chaste intimacy,, are honorable and worthy and, achieved in a truly human way, promote mutual self-giving, they signify and enriches the spouses in joy and gratitude same " [n.49].


Blessed Paul VI He has taken this teaching in the encyclical Human life [n.11], and St. John Paul II has further developed it, as recalled by the current Pontiff Exhortation The joy of love, when he says that "in his catechesis on the theology of the human body, Saint John Paul II taught that sexual corporeity is "not only the source of fertility and procreation", but it has "the ability to express love: quell’amore appunto, in which the person becomes a gift '' [n.152].


If man can not dominate the sexual instinct prima o fuori o dopo il matrimonio, We will not succeed even in marriage. The remedy to concupiscence is not marriage, but it is the self-control education. If you search for the marriage to satisfy the lust, It remains slaves of instinct, It is scarce in mental clarity, in the strength of will and sense of responsibility, which it is necessary for maintaining marital fidelity, and endangers the stability of the marriage bond. Or, no one is satisfied of his wife, but is seeking other opportunities to satisfy itself, especially when the attractiveness of the bride fades with age. Sexual intercourse in marriage must be free act of love and not the outburst of a passion, you can not hold back. This is the right way to preserve the fidelity. But the indissolubility of marriage is also justified by the fact that the education of children requires a caring presence of parents, that never end, and generally it results from the mutual cooperation of parents. You know how the thinking of children is a strong incentive to conjugal fidelity. Moreover, seniority lived together in mutual support is also a powerful factor of fidelity to a single love.


At this point then we see how a marital fidelity seriously thought and truly lived is not possible without a relationship with God. Because of this, among all peoples, the rite of marriage is always a sacred rite. We had to get to our secularized society, to reduce the ritual of marriage or the marriage contract to a secular ceremony in the City, as if you were to enter into a lease or to register a change of ownership. But unfortunately too often we see how the religious marriages are in crisis. They are multiplying null marriages.


The crisis of marriages it depends, fondamentalmente, in my opinion, from a crisis of faith among believers. We no longer feel the importance, the height and arduità values ​​and the elements that I have set out above. It considers marriage not as a transcendent reality, which depends so we, ma especially by divine grace. You see marriage as any land contract, in the power of our decisions, as erroneously thought Luther, when he denied the sacramental nature of marriage.


If you meditate seriously over the value of marriage, as I tried to suggest in this article, you'll immediately notice that it is not possible to address the enterprise without relying on God and rely on His grace.


A phenomenon that today's sobering It is one of those divorced and remarried, they would like to receive Communion and, also staying Exhortation The joy of love, They do not have permission. Some would like to confess. Vien fatto di chiedersi: but in the irregular condition and scandalous, where there are, What drives them to desire the sacraments? They can be repented or at least one of the two, but had no way to stop their relationship. And on the other hand, It may not succeed to do to live as brother and sister. The Holy Father said that may be in the grace. So they are not forgotten of God and the Church. And God and the Church have not forgotten them.


Varazze, 4 May 2016





[1] See the study of Edth Stein, The Problem of Empathy, pp. 157-158, Edizioni Studium, Rome, 1985.

[2] Speaking of marriage between St. Joseph and Our Lady, St. Thomas gives this remarkable definition: "The form of marriage consists in a certain inseparable conjunction of minds, for which the partners are required to remain faithful to each other indivisibly ", QUESTION, III, q.29, a.2.

[3] cf M. D.Philippe, Philosophy Essay - The be - Looking for a first philosophy – I, Who are you, Paris 1972, chap.III; T.Tyn, Metaphysics of substance. Participation and analogy entis, edited by G. Horses, Editions Faith&Culture, Verona, 2009.





