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The website of this magazine and the editions take name from the Aegean island in which the Blessed Apostle John wrote the Book of the Apocalypse, isola also known as «the place of the last revelation»
«God revealed the secrets of others ALTIUS»
(in higher than the others, John has left the Church, the arcane mysteries of God)
The bezel used as the cover of our home page is a 16th century fresco by Correggio. preserved in the Church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Parma
Creator and editor of this magazine website:
«[…] even able, if necessary, of blaming the other teenage son who, aware of his age and the risks they can run, It leads a sober life[…]»
More or less what happened to me, with a widowed father too weak and unable to educate her teenage daughter, which covered insults him and me and demanded money under the pretext that “It has a right to do what I want” ; in your opinion, like I did “what I want” going to school and studying, so she had the right to go partying with various thugs, They also took me into fights and profanity. My father Comment: “I do not know, I was not there”, then he began to giggle with my sister with me in the hope of making the buddy accattivarsela.
I pass on the details of the story. I add, however, that even pretonzoli e pinzochere “family friends” they looked good dall'aiutarci, preferring to make fun of me behind, or tell me to “go to the specialist”: in other words, abnormal would be me.
Generally I recommend reading M. Fforde, “desocialization”, ed. Cantagalli, cap. “Aggression to healthy souls”.
Ed. see WHO
Suor face Carla,
we receive many messages, but what she wrote to us is unbelievable, and I tell her not so much in my capacity as head of the editorial staff of The Island of Patmos, but the answer right in my quality of eyewitness.
The fact she narrated took place in the afternoon of Borgo Pio 23 August of this year, Around hours 16 circa, I remember it very well.
The priest in question, It was not a forty, but he had just turned 54 years a few days before, the 19 August.
Sister … the priest in question, Father was Ariel !
I was with him and I can witness them that the Ladies of the laundry have told the truth.
Rev. P. Ariel dear,
The photo accompanying the article is the mirror of the article and the final caption which says "another who did not understand that young people in particular do not want the tanned priests as well", is the tombstone fell on the visible Church.
To give but a pleasant satisfaction, I would like to narrate a story that made me Friday a lady who has a laundry just around the Vatican Walls …
… “It came a priest in his forties, He dressed in black robes and asked us if they could wash with some urgency white robe, to use in places where there is very hot”. At that point the lady tells me that came his worker who saw the white robe said … “Ah, if the Pope, He will have to come in person to pick, so I salute you”. The priest replied: “no, it's mine, I use it when I go in very hot places”. Then the worker told the priest … “that is fine, it will mean that the Pope greets you there”. Without outspoken priest replied … “if it was less busy talking Eugenio Scalfari and more with his priests, I could salutarglielo”.
You see, father ariel, she is not so only, and what is the comfort.
I wanted to relate to this funny anecdote.
SR. Carla
Greetings from my sisters
Dear p. Ariel,
the parable of two sons or of the mercy – rubricano like modern priests – It would be more understandable to people today, Always according to these presbyters, if you start well :
"A man had two sons. One day the younger son said to his father :” Father give me the share of the estate that falls to me because I want to go into town to have fun and to revel a bit’ with my friends “. The father then said, :”Son, you know what I say? I'm coming with you!”».
We would all armanentario the new ministry: inclusion, accompaniment e, at the end of the adventure, discernment on experience and development of a judgment of conscience.
For a more in-depth hermeneutics of same, Sosa buzz o Galantino. If absent try Spadaro.
Thanks for the time you dedicated to me.
Thanks to her for the elegant way, ironic and sad with whom he painted with two strokes a sad reality.
Not to sound too formalistic, also because I myself – but they are not a priest – mostly dressed casual meaning rather plebeian or literal, but I note that Don Marco has sneakers unlaced, which they are usually the prerogative of brats or under the age of eighteen, or fashionistas in adulthood.
Speaking of the papal court, in this interview
the card. Müller explains some things.
Dear Father Ariel,
I read his latest article: a masterpiece. The conclusion has moved me. I realize I grasp – like many – the drama, if he just does not result in the tragicomedy of this Church “at sunset”, so “output” to be next to the demise.
I know the comparison holds up to a certain point, but something the article reminded me – as a good lover of Central European literature – The conclusion of the work of Joseph Roth The Radetzky March, with the death of Emperor Franz Joseph and the end of the world that the old emperor embodied. If then it was the disappearance of a social model, of a family, of a modus vivendi, Today we are witnessing the collapse of something much more: perhaps the end of the Church “visible” for as we have known, It crystallized in the venerable figure of the Pope Benedict XVI.
And I realize the terrible helplessness of us all in the face of everything.
Nicholas N.
Rev.mo the father,
ho ho 82 year old, most of whom lived evil, the result of damage done by me, with the prompt help of my wife, passed away three years ago.
I am a former university professor and a former freelancer and early '70s I found myself with two children not yet teenagers.
My wife (psychiatrist and former militant of the extreme left, as I was), We raised our children out of all “bourgeois schemes”. With the children needed “converse, converse…”, nothing more authority and authoritarianism, no more commands or impositions. The same words “mother” e “Pope” were “bourgeois”, so better that the children they called us by name.
No secret, total confidence. Modesty? Legacy of the past, of captive-repressive mentality, hotbed of frustration, tabu and psychologies complexed.
What we have to suffer with our teenage children, we grew up in this way, from mid-80s, not even be narrated, truly, It can not be narrated.
Life with my wife, from which I have never divorced, while he is having often thought of doing, was that of two separate house.
Mocked by my wife, always remained unyielding Communist sessantottino, and my children, instead they did not believe anything, if not the money and the good life, In the 1991 I riavvicinai to faith, after having met some friends who were part of the Community of the Sons of God of Don Divo Barsotti, with which I was able to speak several times near Florence.
After the death of my wife, my children have stopped associating with, and just do not want to see me. Their lives are a mess, in all human and moral aspects. They devoured the patrimony inherited from my wife from his family, the one I inherited from my, and our two entire working lives. I have not owned a home, because my children, after having eaten their first and second homes, they are also eaten my. Acting on the advice of my wife, I had passed the ownership of my house to one of the sons, so that they had each two properties, until one day a bank I notified foreclosure.
If I had not a good pension, and if I had not ambushed some savings hidden, I do not know today how I would spend in old age.
I stop here, Father Ariel expensive and Rev.mo, Finally to say that the kind of parent you described in this article, it's me, It is my wife, may God have it in glory, It was even worse than me. At least, I, get older, I turned again, I dealt with my irreparable errors, and I returned to the Father's House, she, instead, It remained for life in “Marx House”, explaining through the media of the best psychiatric science, they had the wrong others, everyone, Unless you.
The poor Pope Francis, leave it as it is, age that is found. I understand that every day sowing damage, But have pity on him, leave it to his irresponsible parent unconsciousness, it's better.
You have you any idea what it means, for a parent, become aware of having ruined the lives of two children, with his bad education, even more than he had ruined his life to himself?
He has 81 year old, this poor Argentine stagnated to the psychological and social patterns of the 70s, is a person visibly never evolved in human and intellectual level, let live and die as it is, With its illusions, because the good Pope Francis is just like my wife … It is only able to see and indicate how and where the others are wrong.
A prayer for me.
Carissimo X X ,
His letter to be read, I would dare to say “on your knees”, then meditated as a text provided by our Office of Readings.
All the rest, there we are told in private, on several occasions; and we will continue to tell us, because we are more of us to need the testimony as his, especially damaging testimony before the Church and ecclesiastical our.
He wrote St. Pius X at the beginning of the Apostolic Letter “Our apostolic office”:
“Our apostolic office makes us duty to watch over the purity of the faith and the integrity of Catholic discipline, keeping people from the dangers of error and evil, especially when the error and evil are they presented with a rousing speech, that veiling the uncertainty and ambiguity of the expression of ideas with the ardor of feeling and with the bombastic words, It can inflame the hearts seductive causes, my deadly…”
… today instead…
Ed. Readers can read in the text of that letter WHO
The faithful sheep seem to have the obligation to kiss the shepherd's staff that the clubs for their loyalty, while the lost sheep, that the fold does not intend at all to enter, and that all his life despised the flock and its shepherds, Today applaud the revolutionary shepherd “came from the end of the world”, It does things of this world, upsetting both this world and the other world …
Dear Don Ciro,
to you that sometimes ooze formidable inscriptions on the commentaries of The Island, I wanted to say something, hoping for a joyful response …
P. Ariel, in the article, uses a picture of a certain priest jeans and rock’n roll.
In common, this priest and I, We Bishop, and the bishop, so, the two of us as priests.
… there, I will never forget the expression of the bishop, When “Kosai” introduce me to him with the cassock on him.
He remembered the song of that cartoon who said … It turns into a rocket missile with a thousand valves circuits, among the stars sprints and goes …
UFO Robot, see WHO
Dear brother Padua,
eh, already, these days we really are reduced to bread&Onion, times of great famine!
rather than comment, I would like to invite you and all readers of this happy island, to devote just 10 minutes watching this movie, the protagonist of which is a large and unique Vittorio Gassman.
This gag entitled Only then, the bishop (Gassman) enters a church by a direct pretino in jeans, used to doing pretty much his social shows with people reduced to collective, or theater listening. But the bishop, skillfully, He can pull out of their faithful old soul ever.
Watch it, because this, yesterday and today is the story, this, yesterday as today, is the people of God.
Father Ariel who has understood very well, He repeats the years, to us, his fellow priests, species to the deaf folded on fashions of themselves.
Rev.Padri Don Ciro and Don Ariel,
just think ', this film is forty years old, was the 1977, They were other times ...
Authors and filmmakers of the movie, in several episodes, tratteggiavano the negative aspects of the different institutions (the world of the nobility, of politics, the judiciary), Tantum ergo in satire concerned the Church, presented - irridendoli - behaviors, and visas, and defects, The Italian then mediocrity
Certainly the worker priest and popular leader, more than a minister of God ... he thought Social Justice; the times we were living the challenge to all higher authorities.
Certainly the aristocratic Cardinal, that gown shape, that ancient shades of purple, that use of gloves, that language polished ...
Certainly the Cardinal had charisma, annihilates the priest ... it soothes the boiling, restoring respect for the sanctity of the place, drag those faithful to praise the Lord ...
But ... the Cardinal - indeed hasty – he at least had to finish the song and give a solemn blessing to the people.
Then we thought we were at the dawn of another world, It was called for a return to the simplicity of the costumes ...
leaving run, leaving to run, Today we note that the sloppiness in clothing has infected everyone, is request / also shared by bishops, by cardinals, and it is tolerated / accepted even in the Vatican, even in some official hearings ...
And not just sloppiness, but also the lack of charisma, with rare exceptions.
long live the cassock
paradigmatic, exemplary, commendable what he wrote [Ed. below under] anonymous university professor in “Letter Signed”
Father Ariel has yet touched once the real heart of the problem: the imbalance. And, we are in the size of the imbalance. and will’ by those who attack the Pope for every trifle, to those who seem to consider it (how long ago you wrote an article on the Island) most perfect of Jesus Christ.
I rather “trembled” in front of the prophecy, with the word prophecy written by Father Ariel in quotes, instead I, the word prophecy, I remove the quotes …
Dear p. Ariel,
you are loved and hated, loved and despised … as were the ancient prophets.
Its one thing, But, all the priests, those who appreciate you (a lot of) like those who despise you (few, at least according to my personal statistics), we all agree: definitely not aspire to become bishop and cardinal to become, This is beyond doubt.
The late card. Caffara had a very deep appreciation for P. Giovanni Cavalcoli and P. Ariel, I know why I suggested to him in private, to clarify some of my doubts, read two specific articles on the Isle of Patmos.
I do not personally know the two fathers, but we respect them a lot, and I think that we are not a few, to estimate them.
Don Paolo – Ferrara
I often disagree with its articles, father ariel, but this time has been remarkable, really she flattered the truth and offered the uncommon reader insights about the current pontificate.
I think this line of defense of the Truth is the favorite of many readers that the estimate as priest and theologian and often do not share his defense of’ indefensible.
The Lord bless you.
Not to sound too formalistic, because I dress casual in the sense rather plebeian or literal, but I note that Don Marco has “sneakers” unlaced, which they are usually the prerogative of brats or under the age of eighteen, or fashionistas in adulthood.