On branch Correction: "And Jesus said to the women rinsed clothes near the Sea of ​​Galilee: «”Let go of socks and underpants and follow me! I will make washing machines of men”»



We urge our readers not to follow the misleading theories of these noisy and poisonous Internet, which run on a misconception that many times, of these columns, we have made it clear over the last two years: in The joy of love the reigning Pontiff has repealed and amended by any of its magisterium of the discipline dictated by his Holy and Supreme Predecessor John Paul II in St. Familiar Consortium about the ban, for remarried divorcees, You can receive Holy Communion.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo









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by our Lord Jesus Christ to Pope Francis I, through all other Popes in the history of the Church: in the Garden of Olives, to sweat blood, always it is alone …

On the Correzione filiale [cf. text WHO], There are many comments came that we could not publish because many of them raised controversies that are off topic, or because imbued with personal outbursts, or why dripping outbursts mood that generate subjectivism based on the absence of real data. On this fact we have already written and commented in two articles in the 26 e 27 September to which we refer [cf. WHO e WHO].


sorrow very that not a few people cite the post-synodal Exhortation The joy of love appearing not to know either the text or the content, but only a few shreds bed between a blog and the other [CF. full text, WHO], opposing it to another document of the Holy Father John Paul II, the post-synodal Exhortation Family member company. In this game at all honest, certain gamblers show the evidence shows that you have read the Family member company [CF. full text, WHO] what they would like to read, but that it was not written. Indeed, the The joy of love of Pope Francis I, It refers precisely to the supporting structure of the Family member company essentially in the steps that highlight the spirit of charity and reception of these irregular pairs, over which the Holy Father John Paul II expressed himself in very clear tones, it would be enough just to read, but above all read it all:


"The Church's pastoral concern will not be limited only to the Christian families closest, ma, expanding its horizons in harmony with the Heart of Christ, it will show even more lively for families in general, and those, in particular, which are in difficult or irregular situations. For all the Church will have a word of truth, di bontà, of understanding, of hope, and deep sympathy with their sometimes tragic difficulties; all she will offer her disinterested help so that they can approach the family model, that the Creator intended from "the beginning" and which Christ has renewed with His redeeming grace " [Family member company, n. 65].


The Holy Father John Paul II clarifies the position of irregularities of divorced and remarried, and at the same time show them mercy, welcome and help, because this reads the now award-mentioned n. 84 from the Family member company :


«[…] I earnestly call upon pastors and the whole community of the faithful to help the divorced and with solicitous care that do not consider themselves separated from the Church, they can, and indeed must, as baptized, share in his life. They should be encouraged to listen to the Word of God, to attend the Sacrifice of the Mass, to persevere in prayer, to contribute to works of charity and to community efforts for justice, to educate children in the faith Christian, to cultivate the spirit and practice of penance and thus implore, di giorno in giorno, God's grace. The Church pray for them, encourage them, It proves merciful mother, and thus sustain them in faith and hope […]


but yet, this n. 84, by some, it is elevated above the same Trinitarian dogma, It is taken, cut and then only commented only final step. A step - and it is worth repeating -, It acts as a closed after various periods imprinted on deeper fondness pastoral and Christian mercy:


«[…] The church, however, It reiterates its practices, based on Sacred Scripture, di non ammettere alla comunione eucaristica i divorziati risposati» [cf. n. 84].


As this is not the appropriate site, overflight of purely disquisitions technical doctrinal and I limit myself to only clarify in passing that "practice" is not synonymous with the dogma, if it is not made express reference to dogmatic practices, because the "practice" are not always linked to the tenets of faith. For when a "practice" or canonical or church discipline is supported on one or more dogmas of faith, i test it more clearly indicate. If in fact the Blessed Paul VI had been able to support the Encyclical Human life with a "dogmatic pronouncement", would do the, instead he supported and structured on criteria relating to natural law, because to hold a solemn pronouncement of the prohibition of contraception - which I repeat is a norm and moral discipline expressed with a high degree of certainty -, the supports were not. Otherwise, Blessed Paul VI, he resorted to a solemn pronouncement of the infallible magisterium. Ma, like it or not certain, He did not do it; and he did not because he could not do [please refer to Article John Cavalcoli, WHO].


I then note that the spirit of loving kindness and mercy that pervades Family member company, It does not reflect the subjective personality of the Holy Father John Paul II and the Fathers of the bishops who took part in the Synod of 1981, but pervades the Divine Person of him that the Church is the Founder and Head of his Mystical Body, which states:


"" Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners? He heard this and said,: “Non sono i sani che hanno bisogno del medico, but the sick. Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners' " [Mt 9, 11-13].


Having said that you know well how different it is this spirit and this magisterium, than the "magisterium" of those Internet users who no light of Christian charity use in the form of derogatory terms such as "concubines", "Adultery" and "public sinners". Of course, There have always been "concubines", "Adultery" and "public sinners", Perhaps now more than ever, but we leave that to treat certain sensitive topics of Catholic morality that affect the lives of entire families, is the Church Mater et Magistra, with the grace of state charity that is proper, and avoid, some angry women have chosen the sensitive terrain to give vent to their inner frustrations and hardships under their banner unspecified True Catholicism, to teach the Church as it should be Mater et Magistra. How to be taught it to him, and commanded Our Lord Jesus Christ, and he must follow popes, bishops and priests, which must not take orders from certain secular, but especially those secular passionarie inviperite by their lack of humanity and Christian charity, ignoring the warning of Christ God who reminds us that the law was made for man, not man for the law [cf. MC 2, 27]. Unfortunately, idolatry of the law we always subtract the Diocentrism to make us sink in 'homocentrism :


"Hypocrites!! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying: This people honors me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men '" [Mt 15, 7-9].


Unfortunately there are many readers who have written texts were citing as the infallible teaching of the stupidities written in forms sometimes delirious on various sites and blogs of improperly called real Catholic tradition; those from which several times, during these years, we Fathers de The Island of Patmos We warned Catholics acting so for imperative priestly awareness, not least considering that Christ God, his flock to graze, He entrusted it to his priests, not to certain angry lay of unspecified catholicity that rage for the network and that defy correction and any contradictory, if necessary, showing a total lack of respect when priests with pastoral experience and adequate theological formation, doctrinal and legal, They call them and ask them to correct the error. The whole, needless to say, comes to life in the drama generated the confusion of roles which now raging within the Church, where even the last of the catechists do not hesitate to do hair and against the grain in public - and note well - even the parish priest, but directly to the bishop. And if someone points out that it is out of his mind, because the guardian of the deposit of faith is to grace the bishop of Sacramento and certainly not her, She will reiterate without any problem, more convinced than ever: "Ah, but I make the catechist for thirty years and I have enough experience to say that the bishop is wrong, because it is my duty to defend the faith, as St. Catherine of Siena!». And here it must be said between the lines, before proceeding further in the speech, and Santa Caterina no man passed through my mind to give the public bischero the Bishop of Siena, even if some of them were so great in the past and in recent times. At the catechist Passionaria can then add the stuffed Capitoline sacred fire, that building on its diplomino taken at the notorious factory genes of the theology of the Theresianum, worse by saying: "But I am a theologian!». And this to be so right to criticize everyone and everything from his blog, from the Pope to the last bishop of 'Orbe catholica, not to mention bestowed slapped the conciliarists priests to which she has been teaching for years how they should celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Needless to say, this as another pious woman between books and articles rant for years indicating the heretic and schismatic bishop Marcel Lefebvre like a new Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, what would happen to all this noisy and intrusive harem should she do azzardassero fleas priests Lefebvre, or to say, even at the last of the twenty-five newly ordained priests at their beloved Society of St. Pius X, how should celebrate Mass. Why not try to do it? E, after doing so, It narrates how many meters were made of bounce like rubber balls thrown at great force on the wall ...


… in conclusion, just as if Jesus Christ he took a small group of the Lord committed to wash clothes to wash near the Sea of ​​Galilee, and he told them: "Women, give up socks and underpants and follow me, because I will make washing machines of men!».


I therefore note that all harmful theories served up by these subjects blinded by real aggressive hatred towards the reigning Pontiff, They can be removed with a simple observation: these surfers who telematics network have set up their fantastic chairs of canon law, dogmatic and the Catholic moral theology, presenting themselves as defenders of the true and pure Traditio, on the one hand they deny the authority of an entire ecumenical council of the Church, up to indicate Vatican II in mocking tones as "huddle", but at the same time claim to confer dogma rank, like the great Christological dogma, to n. 84 from the Familiar Consortium of the Holy Pontiff John Paul II. And here one might say: excuse me, Ladies and Gentlemen, the evident spirit border-line, but the pontiff whose elevated to "dogmatic banner" No.. 84 from the Familiar Consortium, Is not the same that you, shortly before, in pages and pages insulting soaked acrimony, you accused of heresy for the "evil" ecumenical meeting in Assisi promoted by the Sant'Egidio Community? Let me be clear, not to me never liked that meeting and I have not failed in several of my writings imbued with the holy vitriol to define even the "Grand Carnival of Rio de Janeiro away in Assisi». But I is not never crossed my mind to censor ergermi of the Holy Father John Paul II or worse to accuse him of "apostasy from the Catholic faith", as it wrote, affirmed and repeatedly stated, however, those who consider it as superior to the dogma of faith Nicene Creed the only two last lines of the n. 84 from the Familiar Consortium, written by that same Holy Father John Paul II from them repeatedly accused of heresy, and referred to as "the apostate ecumenist". And dogmatise in the last two lines of this issue, completely ignore and juggling with the winds that precede it, that I am a reminder, indeed a true hymn of praise to charity, to the mercy and reception of these irregular pairs, many of whom live with uncomfortable their situation in relation to their intimate feelings Christians.


I beg you, Dear Readers and devout Catholic Faithful "Be sober and vigilant, your opponent, the devil, It walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith " [The Pt 5, 8-9]. And if my priestly grace can be of help, weigh up, ve ne prego, my words fact-based objective data, on written texts and long years of smear campaigns carried out against the last five Popes Church history, at the hands of those who now present themselves as defenders of the true faith before a Church defined by the "heretical and apostate". Claim based on a theological ignorance and disconcerting doctrinal, because the Church is the Body of Christ, di cui lui è capo e noi membra vive. Can he, then, Christ gave, be "a heretic and apostate"? That the visible church - that is, the ecclesiastical structure - both invaded and permeated with sin and moral corruption, It is so evident as indubitable, but the Church, the mystical body of Christ is holy and without blemish, For us believers. Unfortunately, however, it is not so for the strings of these spiritual disadvantaged, who continue to treat it as a political phenomenon, to give vent to its internal political clashes based on pretexts doctrinaire.


Ah, if my Priests Brothers only to come back to teach and convey the fundamentals of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in our increasingly visible Church reduced to a cross between a philanthropic association, a political association left radical e chic, not last, a criminal!


We therefore call on our readers not to follow the misleading theories of these noisy and poisonous Internet, which run on a misconception that many times, on these lines, we have made it clear over the last two years: in The joy of love the reigning Pontiff has repealed and amended by any of its magisterium of the discipline dictated by his Holy and Supreme predecessor John Paul II in Familiar Consortium about the ban, for remarried divorcees, You can receive Holy Communion.


Consider then how absurd and impious thing the claim to dogmatize on one side of the ecclesiastical disciplines that are not dogmas of faith or bound by solemn pronouncements capable of papal infallibility [cf. Ad defend the faith], but at the same time denying so stubborn and aggressive the authorities of the two dogmatic constitutions of Vatican II, that is to say of certain aggressive Internet would only be pastoral assizes, then it would be a so-called little council Third grade without any valid. In short, four "chat with friends" made by bishops from around the world with the Roman Pontiff in the sixties of the twentieth century, not having one and the other better to do to employ their time. And once I stated this and rejected an entire council of the Church, as they say undogmatic, that's the usual suspects then proceed to elevate to the rank of dogma of the Holy Catholic Faith - and much higher degree in the same dogma of the Incarnation of the Word of God made man -, the Motu proprio Popes Venerable Pope Benedict XVI on before the liturgical reform of the liturgy 1970. Now, it is really unnecessary to add that if the results of this Motu Proprio were in fact also give in the hands of not a few people of St. Pius V Missal used today as a machete sharpened to attack the Church and the papacy and to create divisions, perhaps it would be well that the reigning Pontiff, the judge should be lifted as soon as possible for reasons of pastoral prudence, avoiding that the Eucharist, center of life and unity of the universal Church, ends up being used in a diabolical way to create friction and division among the people of God, by non few spiritual disadvantaged and groups of politicians moved by aggressive and destructive ideology.


All of this, be clear, has just been expressed by a priest like myself would feel very comfortable if a new liturgical reform leads again the celebrant faces the altar before God, with Latin missal of Blessed Pope Paul VI, except for the Liturgy of the Word proclaimed in the vernacular, with the appropriate chants and rigorously approved by the Ecclesiastical, with the classic organ sound, no more little guitars strimpellate, rhythmic bongos and, least of all, dances and clapping, but above all with respect for the sacred liturgical silence and so to follow …


The Correzione filiale, always to use the terminology of the purely theological lexicon, And “stolta” ed “oscillate”. But above all it is an authentic process to intentions not based on the findings of the written text of The joy of love, but on what the editors assume that the written text could mean and possibly affirm, thus attributing to the Roman Pontiff things he, de facto, He never claimed, nor granted. Then, that on certain issues related to the dogmatic foundations of Catholic faith and morals, Viga now utter confusion, this is an indisputable fact; but it is a fact much earlier than the pontificate of Pope Francis I, and it is also a fact a lot prior to the publication of The joy of love, which undoubtedly also it contains gaps or not happy expressions and clear, but they are not the first, nor new in the history of the texts of the Church. I, who for various reasons have got to follow for years is the process of beatification, is to actively participate with my publications to the denial of the false accusations against the Venerable Pope Pius XII by different authors, I have repeatedly explained and documented that the crisis of the Church, along with the theological drift, They had already taken all final form at the end of his pontificate to the mid-fifties of the twentieth century. Several times I also tried to explain and demonstrate that the famous encyclical of Pope Pius XI, To the Catholic priesthood [cf. text WHO], It is written in the mid-thirties, already it contains all critical to the germ of this crisis, besides the fact that between the lines of this encyclical emerge many instances imprinted by Antonio Rosmini the century before in his text On the Five Wounds of the Church, which also helped to benefit him mass index, only to be later proclaimed blessed.


Unfortunately, the drafters of the Correzione filiale, Also included among them a epistemologo, unaware that repetitive periods, gaps for lack of more in-depth explanations and certain expressions that could be made better, Also emerging from the text of the Council of Trent, after that of Nicea it is considered by many scholars, one of the most articulated and complete the councils of the Church's history, in all its aspects dogmatic, disciplinari e pastorali; and I personally consider this.


On canonical plan, the correction Branch is a non-existent written that does not respect the structure and the wording of its request, and it is devoid of the clarity and concreteness that required that the signatories accuse be deficient in the text of The joy of love of Pope Francis I.


on the theological level, lacks the entire detailed and thorough explanation according to which can also be supported one and the mere hypothesis of heresy direct or indirect, first indicating the dogma against which go to certain expressions configgere, and in which way, these expressions, possibly heretical, They were formulated.


Although the document The joy of love it contained within itself the passages ambiguous or unclear - and undoubtedly contains them -, it does not, however, contain any concession or pantry given by Pope in derogation to the n. 84 from the Family member company. And who says that "the pastoral practice you want to destroy the doctrine ', in fact falls, objectively, in the process of intentions. Also because, if some really attempted to undermine the doctrine through the pastoral practice, what ultimately counts, There is not that they audition, but they they succeed, place in such an undertaking can never benefit from the explicit or tacit consent of this as no other Pope. Therefore, We can not ask the Supreme Pontiff, after doing the process to his intentions, to withdraw the granting of what he has never granted, namely the possibility, ever given to remarried divorcees who live in situations of adultery, or in so-called irregular situations, you can access the Holy Eucharist.


Although in one he complained Correzione filiale It was the ambiguity of some of the passages The joy of love, the editors have mixed in their text fragments of speeches made "colloquially" the Roman Pontiff in his capacity as a private doctor, adding also, on the written final, critical aspects of modernism and Protestantism. All this gives rise to a confused text, or as we say in another expressive jargon "to a minestrone", devoid of legal and theological criteria, formulated in a very wrong way.


Besides canonical and theological inconsistency, the Correzione filiale it is above all a serious lack of respect and Christian charity toward Augusta Person of our Lord Jesus Christ Holiness the Pope Francis I, mainly formulated also by a group of theologians that, da tempo, They have lost sight of the fact that they are at the service of the Magisterium of the Church, They are not on top of it, much less his censors. The theologian who rejects the acts of the Magisterium ceases to be Catholic, assuming as a result - whether it be conservative or progressive -, the very worst attitudes of those recruited by the Reverend Professor. Hans Küng, it is only "limited" to criticize certain acts of the Magisterium, but he has never defined or marked as heterodox. And who among all seems not to understand this, the proof of facts, unfortunately, appears to have been dear Antonio Livi, I do not know with whom, If by the grace or misfortune, die submerged in the microcosm of egocentricity the great Roman Theological School. So congratulations to dear Antonio Livi, which it would be enough just a hint of narcissism less and a livicentrismo more moderate; it would be enough that he had learned to listen to others, instead of only himself, to avoid to win big in the School of Bologna. Just so: the Bologna School won, while Antonio Livi, last member of the glorious Roman School, He had committed to him talk with the aesthetic Enrico Maria Radaelli, while all pissed Lepanto Foundation, leaning against the corner of their chivalry halberd, The clapping and saying,: "You are great!». In the meantime, the house engulfed in flames burned, while they were trying to bite the hands to those who, uselessly, as the Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, me and many others, They have tried in every way to encourage them to save themselves, and save yourself by with a great wealth of theological education. Because l 'egolatria of certain people has gone down to the apex of the worst destruction: not even let a student, because to have the worthy students, first of all we have to have the ability and humility to confront them, if need be to learn from their acumen and their ingenuity. But if these egolatri, During the years, He approached some talented potential students, They have nothing better to do than destroy it, terrified that these, in a near or distant future, could prevent them to shine on his own. Therefore, Antonio Love, when it goes around in circles to pontificate of the halberdiers and countesses aspiring all lace and Latin magic, stating that "At the Lateran have destroyed my school ', Well aware that lied without knowing of lying, because the Roman School has destroyed him with his selfishness and his failure to listen and comparison, they have not destroyed nor the modernists nor rahneriani, that neither Antonio Livi or other distinguished theologians and scholars have never given consideration, because for half a century they have won and certainly did not need to defend themselves from the attacks of three mosquitoes.


And so, another heritage, It got lost. Always and penalty for the damn destructive glory "I" of those who, when they remain alone and not with those who argue, at that point they start to quarrel with themselves and to self-destruct.


May he rest in peace then the Roman School e, as late as possible, her last pupil of great and talented, Antonio Love.


They did not even have to attack and make war, we destroyed yourself, even he drowned in glory but in the ridiculous, because the last thing that often remains in the memory is the cadaverous face of the old dead rigged the beautician of the funeral home, not the image of what was the heyday of his youth, but the painful face of the Painted Dear Extinct, while halberdiers and countesses mourn a poignant lament in Latin magic the Aventine Hill at the Lepanto Foundation, shouting "heresy, heresy, we schism!».


It's miserable triumph of the three pissed mosquitoes who finally tried to sting the old and ancient elephant sitting for two thousand years the Chair of Peter, however, correcting it in such a way branch, very filial …


from The Island of Patmos, 30 September 2017



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4 replies
  1. It is necessary to sail says:

    Dear Father Ariel,
    I feel there is much truth in what you wrote here. Even about what we could call “reception malignant” the Motu Proprio “Popes”. In the latter regard, however, allow me a brief reflection. It seems to me that the misappropriation of S. Messa V.O. by paralefebvriani and paralefebvriane (aware or not of being such) is at least in part be attributed to the resistance – active or passive – that the Motu Proprio has met with most of the dioceses. Do not think that the right way, smarter and far more effective to subtract the old Latin rite to ideological manipulation that have operated certain bad actors should be sought not in the revocation of the Motu Proprio (or the assignment of an application to the discretion of individual bishops), but in its “normalization”? Are, indeed, la S. Messa V.O. is (stata) introduced willingly in most parishes of many dioceses (regardless of the presence of a stable group of applicants), malignant and embezzlement would receive (state) circoscritte, marginalized and finally defeats,…

  2. PeterLXXVII says:

    Dear father Ariel,

    I share your view on “correzione filiale” of form.. a powder’ less about substance. Okay that recognizes that love joy have certain not exactly brilliant expressions in terms of clarity, But if this document deserves full acquittal on the line with the constant teaching of the Church, as she says, because four cardinal (she has proven to be estimated) They have felt the need to ask the Pope to confirm his intention, placed in AL, there is actually the suppository continuity?

    Let me also make her a note… I found it rather curious that the judgment indirectly expressed about Benedict XVI, evaluating deleterious to the Church his Motu Proprio (liberalizing a missal, aimè, unknown to me). I believe that in this way he ended up denying the profound theological intelligence to the Pope, which I'm sure will not act naive in enacting that provision, but with wise foresight. E’ curious that doing so, ends to recognize a most imprudent to Benedict than they recognize Francis.

    These are just observations,These are just observations, maybe wrong!

    Kind regards,


    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Peter,

      the four Cardinals to which she refers, including the two recently lamented failed us, They asked for clarification – a giusta ragione – because some steps in this post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, if not fully clarified, They could have been misinterpreted and arbitrarily applied, as it happened, for example, by the Sicilian Bishops, Who changed the assumptions in standards.

      The problem, and in particular for a big man and preparation acumen as was the Cardinal Carlo Caffara, It was not possible “discontinuity” with the previous magisterium, but the arbitrary interpretations that some might get it, mutating precisely the hypotheses in standards, as did the Sicilian bishops.

      The Own motion popes on the liturgy it was not deleterious da parte the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, but was made deleterious to those who immediately have used it, and at present they continue to use it, as opposed tool, division and “political struggle”. They were in fact quite different intentions of Benedict XVI, that we know, from the desire that a great liturgical patrimony as the Missal of St. Pius V would not be lost.

      It was unfortunate the choice of Benedict XVI, But it was a changed choice in choosing not happy by those ideologues who now dare to call the Missal of St. Pius V “the missal of always mass” and one born of the liturgical reform and promulgated by Blessed Paul VI as “the missal protestantico nato dal I conciliabolo“.

      If these are the good part of the results produced by this motu ProprioO, results that are attributable neither Benedict XVI nor his choices, but the people who have made the use just described, might as well eliminate the problem by removing these people some tools to fight, litigation and contempt.

      Therefore, in my opinion, would be appropriate, given the situation that has arisen, the Venerable Missal of St. Pius V can be used at the discretion of the diocesan bishops, with the authority given to them to prohibit use when it should be used and exploited by certain groups of people to fights and quarrels that compromise the communion of the Church, that in Sacred Liturgy it has its own beating heart and center of unity.

      As for the two Popes in question, so different from each other, I have no problem telling her, Benedict XVI, committed pastoral and judgment errors as they committed them all popes, saints and doctors of the Church included, but it is not tacciabile reckless spirit; unlike the Pope Francis I, which has certainly valuable in the economy of salvation, ma che talvolta, on imprudence, It seems rather marciarci, from non improvident few answers, sometimes very unhappy, dates during these years to interviewers and journalists, not to mention various homilies delivered in the arm and feeling, why then we, for several successive weeks, we had to try to explain what he meant.

      His remarks are not incorrect, but just and legitimate. It's me that if anything could be wrong, and also a lot, in these My ratings, anzi le dirò: I just want to be wrong.

  3. liciozuliani says:

    Dear Father Ariel,
    I read very carefully and certainly food for thought there are many, what thank. However I dare to express the impression, I hope wrong, that his observations of Mons. Livi are at least partially marked by a certain personal resentment linked to the events spent part of that island. Besides, I think it is justified and legitimate to ask why the Holy Father does not respond with a YES or NO Gospel variously expressed doubts.
    Licio Zuliani

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