Applications to the Holy Father on Amoris laetitia and the drama of his “Tied hands”, in a Church governed by those?

Say the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



More and more authoritative, reliable and numerous people who, after you failed to bring certain issues to the attention of the Holy Father, You were heard by him to answer: " … my hands are tied". The question is therefore of rigor: So who governs the Church?




Find the priest,

I follow some time assiduously and profit, because I see in your positions that mean street that has always characterized the Catholic Church and which now it seems to have almost disappeared, overwhelmed by the two opposite ends of conservatism and progressivism. But I wanted to ask an opinion on this pitch The joy of love n. 303 […] (C)ome to be understood well this part of The joy of love? That is, in the sense that you do not fall here in Moral of the situation ? To un po’ time are in a crisis on this point, because I can not get on top convincingly. I thank you and Jesus and Mary bless you and accompany you always!

Don Carlo



Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p.



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The Apostolic Exhortation love joy recita al n. 303:


"Starting from the recognition of the weight of concrete conditionings, we can add that the consciousness of the people to be more involved in the Church's practice in some situations that objectively realize our conception of marriage. Of course we need to encourage the maturation of an enlightened consciousness, formed and accompanied by a responsible and serious discernment of the Shepherd, and propose an ever greater trust in the grace. But this consciousness can recognize not only that such a situation does not respond objectively to the general proposal of the Gospel; It can also recognize sincerely and honestly what for the moment is the generous response that can be offered to God, and discover with a certain moral certainty that this is the gift that God is calling in the middle of the concrete complexity limits, although it is not yet fully the objective ideal. Anyhow, remember that this discernment is dynamic and must always remain open to new stages of growth and to new decisions in order to realize the ideal more fully ».


Repeated questions that many readers have turned, including our Priests Brothers, are more or less those that follow: what the situation is? Clearly this is the situation in which the couple is united sexually illicitly. And why the situation objectively corresponds to the general proposal of the Gospel, which prohibits adultery, always and in any case. So much so that many, including our Priests Brothers, they wonder: Is there not the risk of falling into “Moral of the situation?”.

Now, the consciousness of certain pairs in a state of irregularities, can recognize "with sincerity and honesty that for the moment " this situation "It is the generous response that can be offered to God, and discover with a certain moral certainty that this is the gift that God himself is requesting " ? There may be a case in which God views marriage as adulterous "He is requesting that donations?” .

Moreover: un'unione counterfeit, can be considered in some cases, a situation that "It is not yet fully the objective ideal ", ie a situation in itself honest - indeed even a "God's gift" ―, but only imperfect, “that needs to mature to reach the ideal situation?” . And what would, then, this “ideal situation?”. Marriage and legitimate union that goes with it?

Still others wonder:then adulterous union, in certain cases, is a union not unlawful, but it could simply be imperfect union, need to mature to reach the ideal of marriage ?”. But then marriage, which it is the summit of a union between man and woman, “may entail, in certain cases, as the lower and imperfect stage, adulterous union or rather the adulterous union in any case it is always illegal?” . L'Union counterfeit, therefore illegal, It is perhaps not always prohibited by the Gospel?

In previous lines I quoted a number of questions many will ask myself and that many are asking us more and more frequently. Not to speak of in the face of such situations, many Priests Our Brothers who exercise their ministry of confessors, They are expressing increasing in a state of confusion, or worse in the position of not being able to give adequate answers.

That being said I wonder: Perhaps it could - or perhaps we should - express in any other way. For example, you would say that the pair, when it is in an irregular situation for hypothesis can not be eliminated, morally very dangerous, where the temptation is almost irresistible, is located by itself in a situation in which easily, or almost inevitably, It is induced by the erotic urge to commit the sin of adultery. However, God's mercy is not absent even in these situations. The sin, Although behave objectively grave matter, It may have subjective mitigating such that, if both lose gracefully, They can recover with a sincere repentance, by acts of penance and asking forgiveness from God, then, returns the lost grace. For as many times the Fathers de The Island of Patmos They expressed in the now numerous items of explanation and clarification on the subject, since the end of the Synod of the Family [see our article database], It is that no one can presume, much less establish, that a person, or a couple of people, be self, always and in any case, outside of God's grace permanently. God alone, indeed, can read and especially to judge the deep consciousness of man. Element why should certainly not take us to conveniently de-Empowerment, call to give up sin for what it is, ie sin, let alone to change sin into good. If indeed, by the grace of God and with God's grace, Also from sin can come good, it does not mean that sin is good. This is not what is meant when, in praise of Cero, on the words of a sermon of St. Augustine is sung in the Easter Proclamation: « or felix blame, , which gained for us so great a Redeemer » [O blessed fault, It did to deserve such a there and so great a Redeemer].

It is clear that these considerations and these regulations, as in general those of 'love joy, pointing to the issue of the practice of the Sacraments [cf. Note n. 351] only apply to Catholic couples, and do not interfere at all, and in any way, in the autonomy of the civil law of the State with regard to the so-called civil unions people not interested in Christian life, often not even belonging to or linked to the Catholic Church.


Varazze, 17 October 2017





Rev. Fathers,

Tonight, rigirandomi in bed, m'è surfaced in mind the passage from Matthew 5, 23-24 : "If you're going to present your gift to the altar, e là ti ricordi che tuo fratello ha qualcosa contro di te, leave there thy gift, before the altar, and must 'first be reconciled to your brother. Then come back and offer your gift "before I associated myself course, making an examination of conscience. my behavior, my actions, the commitment I have to devote to observe painstakingly such teaching, then I associated with the Pope, to its non-response to dubia of his brother-cardinals, to petitions signed by bishops, theology, and faithful. And so I have some questions were: Is it possible that the Pope does not know these words of the Gospel? and why not to want to give the impression of watching? They go maybe interpreted differently, without any bi-directionality? Can you clarify these my doubts?

Hector, Milan



Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo












Dear Readers, soon we need money, because in December we must renew all service subscriptions for the site de The Island of Patmos. Until we reach as always for your support, S. AND. President Vladimir Putin, You are given the content of certain writings of Father Ariel, He has offered sponsor Factory tanks of the Russian Federation, waiting to appoint chaplain Heavy Artillery Forces, obviously with stipend …

"If you're going to present your gift to the altar, e là ti ricordi che tuo fratello ha qualcosa contro di te, leave there thy gift, before the altar, and must 'first be reconciled to your brother. Then come back and offer your gift " [Mt 5, 23-24]. This phrase from the Gospel of the Blessed Evangelista Matteo, It is used as a warning in the Rite Ambrosiano. Indeed, during Holy Mass, before the offertory rites, the celebrant turns this admonition to invite the assembly to exchange the sign of peace.

After the liturgical reform, in the Roman Missal of Blessed Pope Paul VI it was added to the "sign of peace". For years I keep repeating that its location, in my humble opinion, He was nothing short of miserable. Indeed, the Holy Gospel, It is not written that we recognize him from the exchange of the sign of peace, but it is written that the disciples, off along the Way to Emmaus, they recognized the breaking of bread [cf. LC 24, 13-35].

In the Roman Rite the exchange of the sign of peace often it occurs between inopportune musics, clapping, rhythmic bongos and singing synagogue misplaced shouting "shalom, shalom!», and it is placed in a very particular liturgical context: the breakage of bread. And so, while the priest who acts in Person Christi e che come old christ fractionates the sacred bread which the Lord Jesus is present in the blood, body and divinity, it often happens that the assembly members, formed mostly by noisy people engaged in another, They move to the right and misses to bestow handshakes and so to follow. And some bad habits have become so entrenched that some time, most of Priests, They have thrown in the towel and pretend nothing, as if together with the function consacration they had not even that the task of teaching requiring him to teach and instruct the People of God, which must recognize Christ by the breaking of bread, not by dancing exchanges of signs of peace. And not to mention the priests' superstar, who came to the exchange of the sign of peace, bad to better educate the People of God, leave unattended the Body and Blood of Christ over the Eucharistic table to go down between the assembly to give handshakes, hugs and pats on the back to all.

Using a hyperbolic, our reader wonders if the Pope knows the words of Apostolo Matteo blessed that we described at the beginning. Like this, It also is doing as much use of hyperbole, course to be taken as such, and certainly not as ironic disrespect, potrei aggiungere: I wonder if he knows those words that tell:


«Simone, Simone, behold Satan has demanded to sift you like wheat; but I prayed for you, that thy faith fail not:; and you, turned again, strengthen your brothers "Luke 22, 31-32].


Because that's what we're waiting: che si ravveda, then confirm his brothers in faith [cf. our previous articles WHO, WHO]. Ma, per confermare, it must first be clear; and if there is no clarity, in such a case must be made, because otherwise it does not confirm any, you risk confusing.

I understand that for many devout Catholics is not easy - and even for us priests, it often is -, but we must do so to put his mind at rest, because now we have proof, try again and double check that the Roman Pontiff does not govern the Church. Unhappy choices are multiplying day after day together with disastrous appointments to dioceses and at the offices of the Holy See itself, in a creepy swarm of people preposterous, often burdened by serious moral and doctrinal issues.

In the same diocese of Rome, short regret with tears in his eyes the former vicar general of His Holiness, Cardinal Agostino Vallini, saw the way his successor has placed in prominent historic parishes also many priests who would be an understatement to define problematic and disturbed, including the one in a major Roman basilica foraggiava a tour of young Romanian prostitute, of which preserved entire collections of photographic services of their naked while they were in the shower family ceded. Another thing to say, to be understood, from all over the Vicariate, since the time when he was vicar Cardinal Camillo Ruini and the Secretary General of the same Vicariate the current Bishop of Tivoli, Mauro Parmeggiani. Just as it was known to all that the church had been dubbed the basilica ATM, at which the gay young people went to refuel, then leaving it out with two or three hundred Euros in your pocket. Even though today, thanks to the foresight of the Vicario Angelo De Donatis, It was placed in a monumental parish center, which oversees seven old rectories, with probable increase of hustlers and nude photo shoots in the shower, because the experience should teach the Church that certain problems are not solved by moving disturbed by a large parish to parish, but caring for them - if they agree to be treated - and above all enabling them to not to endanger more. But if it happens that a good Roman presbyter is slammed as they say fuck the world in a remote parish on the big ring road of Rome, and a disturbed instead of this kind has a similar arrangement, this can only happen because the disturbed - who now run many dioceses, including apparently also that of His Holiness -, They are protected and carried out by individuals and how much disturbed them, as it is perhaps the same vicar general of His Holiness for the diocese of Rome, well to evaluate certain dangerous choices before which all can say, the present and future, unless those famous words: "Ah, but I, I knew nothing about it!». In this case then inform himself, because on this subject at high risk, there is always the acts my report with evidence and witnesses delivered by hand during 2011 Diocesan Ordinary from my era the then Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza. The same relationship was by me personally delivered to the outgoing Nunzio Apostolico in Italy, Cardinale Giuseppe Bertello, Today Governor of Vatican City, who transmitted promptly to the Secretary of State of His Holiness, which in turn he transmitted it to the Vicar General for the Diocese of Rome, Cardinal Agostino Vallini.

And if I lie, or even tell the truth, but they say in a partial way and altering the data in fact objective, or worse yet accomplished the truth for who knows what dirty intentions hidden, It would be least appropriate that were first denied, then subjected to all the necessary canonical proceedings, species having said, before an audience of tens of thousands of readers, a vicar for the Diocese of Rome that system in prominent places like the disturbed so overt, far from being able to say today or tomorrow, "I knew nothing», can only be, around you, a person equally disturbed. Or is it a subject subjected to blackmail and as such must of necessity arrange the worst elements in the best places, if you want to have quiet life with the members of that Pretaglia that for a band from monsignor would sell their own mother to the Campo dei Fiori market, to say the least …

When in private some have asked something to the Holy Father, or simply ran to him to beg him to cancel the choice of the bishop just selected some mafia gang ecclesiastical, before the appointment was made official, it is a subject that gave big problems ever since he was a seminarian, so much so that it would be appropriate not only, not to bishop, but do not do their own priest at the time, his, several times, He responded to various people: "I can not do anything, my hands are tied". The same happened when someone, He is able to speak personally with the Holy Father, He did present some serious violations and as many serious injustice: "I'll see what I can do", and concluded "... I do not know if I can do anything, with certain people because my hands are tied ".

More and more authoritative, attendibili e numerose le persone that, after you failed to bring certain issues to the attention of the Holy Father, You were heard by him to answer: " … my hands are tied".

Initially we thought that behind certain tell or not tell the Holy Father, before some of its losses from answers that they involved a simple "yes" or a simple "no", There was his character element, typical of certain cultures of Latin America, where things are never called directly, but with use of innuendo, sometimes with ambiguity. Instead we have now established that there are much more complex situations, of which he is the first victim; it's surely, within himself, only God can know how much they suffer, experiencing him first, as all of us who love the Church, a deep sense of impotence.

The Holy Father smiles, sometimes even makes pleaser più o meno opportuno, sometimes it even seems that it is an authoritarian, and instead it is not, because if there's one thing that any authoritarian does very well, It is to say "yes" or "no", or "you can do it" or "you can not do". And after the authoritarian he has made his statement, is not very well contradict.

I tend to believe that the Holy Father would be able to say "yes" or "no", but can not do it, because to have freedom of movement is not enough to live in suite instead of a hotel in the papal, for access to which was the filter - all in all also very useful - Secretary of State. As a result, if you placed in front of some very specific questions, Pope disappears and, de facto, the devoted children who beg, unresponsive. Simply said,: if you can not say "yes" or "no", the reason is partly simple, in part painful: he is not to govern the Church. O best hypothesis: It does not have control of the government. To govern the Church, today they are roped of people more or less known; I say more or less known because the real governors, those who do not know because hidden behind the scenes, They are the real culprits of the disaster. The concrete examples to that effect? Soon said: we reached the apotheosis of science fiction with the Post Office of Vatican City State who dedicate a commemorative stamp to Martin Lutero [cf. Vittorio Messori, WHO], while more articles, the official organ of the Holy See, The Osservatore Romano, He even bestowed the title of "reform" and “reformer” this tragic and painful schism with which this heretic has torn the Church. We have reached the so-called inter-communions with Protestants, or worse to concelebrations ecumenical Holy Mass with people who do not have apostolic succession, do not recognize the Sacrament of Orders and the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. We have reached the Waldensian pastors invited to give the sermon in our churches during the liturgical action, because having them previously invited to teach courses at our disaster ecclesiastical universities was not sufficient enough, because what the devil wanted and had hit was the heart of the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass. And so on to follow, thanks to an uncontrolled army and become uncontrollable priests exhibitionists and narcissists, It consists of topics ranging from those who support the theory of gender those who bless two lesbian brides to the altar, and forth to follow ...

At this point you could incinerate the Code of Canon Law as a book completely useless, place on it, between the various serious offenses - remember that involve that fact excommunication and at the same time involve the commission of a sin absolution of which is reserved to the Holy See - to be followed clearly indicated:


"The most serious crimes against the sanctity of Sacrifice and Sacrament of the Eucharist reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are: […] 4° the concelebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice prohibited in can. 908 the Code of Canon Law and by canon. 702 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, that mentioned in can. 1365 the Code of Canon Law and in can. 1440 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, along with ministers of ecclesial communities which do not have apostolic succession and do not recognize the sacramental dignity of priestly ordination " [see texts, WHO].


And today, before certain havoc Eucharistic made in the name of a vague, exotic and mostly arbitrary misconception of ecumenism, if someone dares to remember that there is and always has in place a church law that certain crimes relegates them into the category of serious offenses, there is to be accused of legalism and self-righteousness, or even idolatry of harsh and arid law, with the inevitable priest wicked, under the helpless gaze of his bishop inept and therefore more wicked ancòra him, replica: "Nah Canon Law, stuff legalism Tridentine! What is now important is the dialogue, the pace, the love …". And none of these individuals has unfortunately a bishop, first, if he sits up front and asks: "Now you tell me what you think are dialogue, peace and love", then the tones in soul and body with a fine suspension peep for one or two years, sending it into a proper center for spirituality with the obligation to study well the foundations of Catholic Doctrine, no more right to celebrate Mass in public, to preach and administer the confessions, until it has not been shown to have learned and know it well, the Catholic Doctrine.

Gentlemen, it's not that " Something is rotten in the state of Denmark » ["There is something rotten in Denmark"], as Hamlet said, because in the Holy Church of Christ, the rotten, We are now gone anarchy. In the Church broke out anarchy, and today, this anarchy, It is uncontrollable and unmanageable, but especially self-destructive. Therefore, to tell the truth, very critical to various individuals with regard to Pope Francis I, a bit 'of time now I usually respond by saying that in a time of advanced decay and profound ecclesial and ecclesiastical crisis like the one we are experiencing today, even the Popes Saints Gregorio Magno and Leone Magno would be able to handle such chaos.

The visible church is a sick body in a terminal state, before which no one can claim that the Holy Father will heal metastases that are in the state final degenerative; and saying this, as usual are good and optimistic, because maybe, the current state, rather than metastases in the state final degenerative, you should talk about how impossible it is to revive a corpse lying in the morgue.

The hope, as I have often written and repeated, therefore remains that theological virtue that is in the middle and in its own way combines among them the faith and charity. It is therefore with genuine hope that we hope and believe that, «again», the Holy Father will confirm his brothers in faith, mindful of the words spoken by Christ the Lord to Peter, his first Supreme Predecessor :


«Simone, Simone, behold Satan has demanded to sift you like wheat; but I prayed for you, that your faith may not fail ".


But if we think about it, even then it was all written, and at the same time it confirmed with unequivocal words addressed by the Blessed Apostolo Paolo to discepolo Timoteo:


« Ti scongiuro davanti a Dio e a Cristo Gesù che verrà a giudicare i vivi e i morti, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, do warn, reproaches, exhorts with all magnanimity and doctrine. The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, having itching ears they, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales. But you shall carefully, endure suffering, do the work of the gospel proclaimer, adempi il tuo ministero » [II Tm 4, 1-5].


And, tverything it was already written, but at this point, the dying corpse of this visible Church can only now that dying, because the Church will survive until the return of Christ at the end of time, it is not the visible Church of the modernists or Lefebvre, least of all the Church of the now powerful lobby clerical gay in power, with all its affiliates and its powerful protectors gay friendly. The one who survives is the Mystical Body of Christ Church, one of which He is the head and we are living members [cf. With the 1, 18]. Quella, is the Church that never die and will rejoin the Divine Spouse in the Heavenly Jerusalem the end of time in perfect communion of Saints. Or maybe someone really thought that the eternal Church convolerà marriage to the Lamb Victorious, was the theater of these four squalid clerical often torn between heretics and perverts?

Come on! We are not at all on the island Patmos vacation, or because it was a quirky name that struck. A Patmos been staying there on the Apocalypse Author footsteps, the great exiled John, and together Apostle we live in the place of the last revelation, projected towards the 'ἔσχατον, the last things, although surrounded by men of the Church who drown in this completely and immediately, drunk with the Gnostic and pleasure "of tomorrow there is no certainty" that opened the doors before to the Enlightenment anti-Christ-with the political pretext of anti-, then to modernism, and finally - the history of our days - quell’ateismo clergy for whom everything is permitted, beyond Good and Evil, including the desecration of our bodies enshrined in the Sacred Order of Priests.

I believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the life of the world that will be.



from The Island of Patmos, 17 October 2017




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6 replies
  1. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    the Rev. Padri, asking if I would excuse to abuse your understanding, I am sending this my outburst with a lump in my throat.
    On "New Compass Daily" of it was published today, on your specific request, a letter of Pope Francis, who intends to disprove the interpretation of cardinale Sarah on the Motu Proprio about translations in the liturgy:
    I certainly do not compete confrontation about the correct interpretation to be given to the terms "recognitio" and "confirmatio", but I just want to point out two things:
    1 - The sloppiness of a letter signed "Francis" sent to the recipient, Obviously somewhere Secretary, despite the first page is printed sideways.
    2 - Reading then the conclusion of that letter that "... noting that the note" Commentaire "was published on some websites, and erroneously attributed to his person, I kindly ask you to provide ... ", It noted that the signature on the "Commentarie" is precisely the Card. R. Sarah, I seem to find myself in front of an explicit request for a public apology and I go up to my mouth a vague taste of “Purga staliniana”.

  2. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    the Rev. Padri, asking if I would excuse to abuse your understanding, I am sending this my outburst with a lump in my throat.

    His “New Compass Daily” of it was published today, on your specific request, a letter of Pope Francis, who intends to disprove the interpretation of cardinale Sarah on the Motu Proprio about translations in the liturgy:

    I certainly do not compete confrontation about the correct interpretation to be given to the terms “recognitio” e “confirmatio”, but I just want to point out two things:
    1 – The sloppiness of a letter signed “Francesco” sent to the recipient, Obviously somewhere Secretary, despite the first page is printed sideways.
    2 – Reading then the conclusion of the said letter “… Noting that "Commentaire" notice was published on some websites, and erroneously attributed to his person, I kindly ask you to provide ...”, noted that the signature at the bottom of “Commentarie” it is the Card. R. Sarah, I seem to find myself in front of an explicit request for a public apology and I go up to my mouth a vague taste of…

  3. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    the Rev. Padri, monsignor Nunzio Galantino, Speaking at the Pontifical Lateran University to a convention sponsored by the University of the Pope to celebrate the anniversary of the reform, he has declared: "The Reformation initiated by Martin Lutero 500 years ago was one of the Holy Spirit event ".
    Am I wrong to be puzzled?

  4. Beppe1944 says:

    so, let me think: They tied my hands to those who would bind on earth what should be bound in heaven; but not only: He also has his hands tied to dissolve in ground what should be loosed in heaven… a situation – let's! – very messy for a Catholic!

  5. piertoussaint says:

    Dear Father Ariel,

    if it is true that the Pope said "... my hands are tied" to those who have called for action on urgent problems for the Church, immediately comes to mind Matteo 16,18-19:

    «E anch’io ti dico: you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church;, and the gates shall not prevail. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; tutto ciò che legherai in terra sarà legato nei cieli, e tutto ciò che scioglierai in terra sarà sciolto nei cieli».

    If the Pope explicitly renounces the power that was given by Christ Himself, to exercise his ministry, that we're doing?….

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