Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

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Father Gabriele

the 15 August is not celebrated “San Ferragosto”, but the solemnity of the Assumption into heaven of Mary, body and soul

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



Mary of Nazareth was a woman with a special vocation: be the mother of God. At the same time, therefore, he received two special gifts: the perpetual virginity and being immaculate, that is, free from original sin. Miriam has a call to rise to God. He knew that answer yes to the Lord of the project to be a faithful witness of his message.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.







Salvador Dali, Assumption into heaven of Mary, 1956

Dear brothers and sisters,

the Holy Church 15 August did not celebrate at an unspecified “San Ferragosto“, but the Assumption into heaven in body and soul of the Blessed Virgin Mary [cf Liturgy of the Word, WHO]. To enter into this mystery, Now let's try to think of an American skyscraper. For instance, the Freedom Tower New York famous for having replaced the Twin Towers after the attacks of 2001. Like any architectural structure mammoth, it soars skyward. At the same time it has a solid and immovable foundations that resist all wind-borne shock, lightning and also the wear of time.


That this structure recalls the important elements: the momentum toward heaven and God and the solidity of his call to eternal life.


It is also in short what we celebrate today: the Solemnity of Mary. This is one of the four dogmas concerning the person of Mary: we know by faith that she is the Mother of God, ever-Virgin, Immaculate Conception and precisely, Assunta. The dogma is a truth of faith proclaimed by the Pope and the whole Church that we believe as true, although not immediately apparent. The dogma was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII, the 1 November 1950, with bubble the generous.


What teaching this dogma? Mary of Nazareth was a woman with a special vocation: be the mother of God. At the same time, therefore, he received two special gifts: the perpetual virginity and being immaculate, that is, free from original sin. Miriam has a call to rise to God. He knew that answer yes to the Lord of the project to be a faithful witness of his message. The first was because being the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God became Arca. As we read in the first reading: [1 Cr 15: "The children of the Levites bare the ark of God upon their shoulders"]. In this text, It speaks of the Ark: that is, a place where Jews could meet God, desiring, glorify Him and be with Him. Even Maria, accepting in himself Jesus, He became ark of God and allowed all people to be able to meet Jesus closer. Today again, when we say the rosary, together with Ave Maria remember the mysteries of Christ: Maria again it provides a place to meet God.


This mystery concerns not only Mary but also we: we are called to rise, in a journey of holiness to the Lord. With our witness of faith, we can be ourselves ark and place of encounter with God. And theresolidity of this call is offered in two moments. As Luke writes: "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it". Maria listened assiduously God in at least three times; at the announcement of the Angel, the crucifixion when it was headed by Giovanni, and the mandate of the Risen Jesus to announce the great joy of Easter. Listened and put into practice: for this reason it was assumed into heaven body and soul. That fell asleep and, immediately, He was sent in the sight of God of Eternity. He remains in eternity of God and pray for us.


This should be for us an invitation to listen and the observance of Jesus' message that continues in the Church. It is this loyalty and obedience, as Mary was faithful to Jesus, It will lead us also to be in Eternity of God that is in heaven. He wrote Johan Wolfgang Goethe:


"Fidelity is the effort of a noble soul to equalize in another larger her soul '.


May the Lord grant us the courage of perseverance of Mary of the Assumption, and his mother's love is also a sign of hope to visit one day all together before God.



Rome, 14 August 2019

On the Eve of the Solemnity of the Assumption




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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The Little Prince and the King of kings: Christ and the best part

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



"That's my secret. it's very simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye".


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Mary and Martha, Byzantine icon

Dear brothers and sisters,

the Liturgy of the Word of this 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time offers us the story of Jesus' visit to the house of Mary and Martha [text of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO].


In the famous fable of Antoine de Saint Exupèry, The little Prince, there is a beautiful meeting between the little prince and the fox. In their chat, the prince and the fox gradually weave a deep friendship between serious and facetious. Before saying goodbye, the fox says one last thing to the little prince:


"That's my secret. it's very simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye".


This story it is a help to understand the beautiful teaching of Jesus today: the prayer and the look it gives us. A look of love and truth on all things. The gaze of Jesus on the people and events of the world.


In the first reading of Genesis, Abraham meets the three men at the Oaks of Mamre:


"My Lord, if I have found grace in your eyes, do not pass by without stopping by your servant " [GN 18].


According to the exegetes and the fathers of the Church, the three men described in this passage are an anticipation of the revelation on the Trinity. In fact, Abraham turns to the Triune Lord. He addresses a spontaneous prayer, moving and at the same time authentic. He asks the Lord to stop, to stay with him. Abraham offers an affectionate prayer; he offers his house and above all his soul so that God may dwell there.


In the Gospel of Luke we find a difference between Martha's attitude and that of Mary. Marta fact not wrong in being at the service of Jesus, Mentre rassetta, system, cleans, in short, he does things home. For Jesus reproaches to fret, weary, leaving out "what is the best part".


Every action, even hidden home service and suspicion can become an offering to the Lord. This can also become a prayer, if indeed that our service is implemented focusing attention on Jesus: He is the best part, without which we can do nothing. Maria, it's there in front and listen, she is the one who seems to have understood this teaching best. It is indeed there, silent, but not for this in the grip of laziness. Mary is there praying in a contemplative way: pray with the heart, knowing that all the essential is in that invisible relationship, but true with Jesus.


The sense of prayer it is therefore a true and profound friendship with the Lord. However, a friendship that does not simply remain an individual relationship with the Lord, but opens up to others.


In fact, St. Paul writes in the second reading:


“I became a minister, according to the mission entrusted to me by God towards you to bring […] the hidden mystery, but now manifested to his saints " [With the 1,25].


Prayer opens wide the doors of the mission, that is, to be sent to others to announce what we have received in our encounter with the Lord; prayer develops into a practical action with which we all manifest that hidden mystery of God himself. We manifest it with our life, our works of charity e, paradoxically, We manifest the mystery of God's mercy in our being repentant sinners.


Everyone, therefore, become ministers, not only the clergy and religious: all of them become those who administer and give, according to their abilities, God's gift to the next. It is the greatest gift, the only invisible to the eye really essential to the heart of those who feel physically and spiritually isolated and abandoned.


May the Lord grant us all the welcoming and prayerful embrace of Jesus, to feel loved until the end of time.



Rome, 21 July 2019




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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

That question so old and so crucial: "Who is my next?»

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



The neighbor who needs the material charity today, is not only the clochards or the migrant, but also the unemployed, the disabled and the elderly abandoned by all. They need material charity those fathers or mothers who have undergone a divorce and unjustly are distant and impoverished by the presence of their children.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p. during the celebration of his first Mass

Dear brothers and sisters,

This XV Sunday in Ordinary Time raises a big and important question: "Who is my next?» [CF. text of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO].


Today we live in the era where medical science has made great strides. There are doctors who gathered today with the specialist clinic and the new surgery and micro-surgery can save lives so unthinkable until yesterday, so take care and ensure a dignified life.


A beautiful figure of doctor, is Louis Pasteur; we are in the late nineteenth. They, who dedicated her life to caring for the sick, He has left many deep thoughts, Trai which is dear to me in a particular sentence:


"Do not you wonder who you are, where are you from, what religion you belong. You suffer, this is enough for me. You belong to me".


Today's readings introduce us to the subject of caring for someone that God has sent us to care for and raise at a time of great suffering. The Lord Himself gives us this assignment, as we read in the Old texts testamentary:


"This word is very near you, It is in your mouth and in your heart, that thou mayest do it " [CF. Dt: 30, 14].


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p. during the celebration of his first Mass

The word that Moses reports God's word is a word that makes us neighbors, and the Lord. This proximity indicates that the word of God, The message of Jesus Christ must be known, He loved and made intimate. For what we are talking about a neighborhood in the mouth: that is, the word goes testified, announced with joy to those who do not know it. Immediately after there is a closeness of the heart is [Old Jewish heart lebav]: in the Hebrew language, The heart indicates the intimate concrete choice of God: therefore a passage from the testimony action. In particular, the action of the believer is the one of the spiritual and material mercy, caring for those in need in a material way, and above all, spiritual.


This action It takes place in a very precise place: the church. As explained by the beautiful Pauline hymn: lat Church, that is ourselves, is the community of believers and at the same time the mystical body of Christ, that is, the place where all believers, diversified according to their vocation, concretely express their witness and action united to Jesus himself [CF. With the 1, 15. 18]. The Church then is the place where Jesus works with us, and we give care and mercy in Him.


The parable of the Good Samaritan Finally explains who, as a Church, we must turn. Therefore, la basic question of every Catholic is this: "Who is my next?» [LC 10, 30].


The next who needs the material charity today, is not only the clochards from il migrants, but also the unemployed, the disabled and the elderly abandoned by all. They need material charity those fathers or mothers who have undergone a divorce and unjustly are distant and impoverished by the presence of their children.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.

Above all, the main alarm It is for those who are in need of spiritual charity: the atheists, the agnostics, all those who fight the Church in the name of culture gender, of necro-culture, or that favor the major sins such as abortion and euthanasia.


We from Samaritans, we are called to take them to the hotel with bandages necessary: that is, to be next to them, another and speak, to accommodate their existential wounds, show the face of the living and true God, and give him the kingdom of God, fasciarli of the Truth of God and give him the wine par excellence, the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord.


He wrote the poet Kahlil Gibran: "The strongest souls are hardened by suffering. The strongest characters are sprinkled with scars ».


May the Lord grant each of us the courage, the tenderness and strength of the Good Samaritan to accommodate the wounds and scars of all those we meet, and give the hope of Christ's love.



Rome, 13 July 2019




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News from the Dominican Province Roman: "Prudence of…», Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p. [text, WHO].



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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The manly tenderness of the Warriors of Light, mandates as sheep among wolves

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



Being lambs sent by Jesus is a bit’ this: be warriors of Light, able to defeat the wolves, or tame them, by the gracious power of him who sent us as lambs in the midst of wolves.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Dear brothers and sisters,

warriors of light

This XIV Sunday of ordinary time offers us a Gospel full of images that speaks to us of the mission entrusted by Christ to the Apostles [cf. texts of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO].


During these holiday periods it can often happen to remember when we were younger. When beach holidays were with our parents, and a lot of time was spent on the beach between jokes, games and so much sweetness and tenderness. Even now, if we spend time with our parents, we thank God for the gift of their love and faith: this in fact has brought us up to today and up to here, to be who we are in the way of the Lord.


Today's readings they want us to enter this great mystery of God in his consolation and tenderness that sends us to be new creatures, and therefore sent his great love.


In the prophetic texts vetero testamentary let's read:«As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort; in Jerusalem you will be comforted " [Is 66, 13]. Note that the third Isaiah writes in the Jewish exile after the VI BC, so the City of Jerusalem, in this exact circumstance, It is the place that symbolically evokes the maternal consolation of God. This teaches us that God is not locked up in heaven but we are consoled, There is nearby with a mother's affection. Of this tenderness often talks about Pope Francis, and this must make us pay attention: consoling tenderness is one of God's characteristic elements, as if it were God's own DNA. We are not far from this tender hand of the Lord, forever in love with us. We are comforted when we are absolved in confession and when we receive the fragrance of the Eucharist. Or in the friendly mercy of a few friends and family.


This consolation It makes us a new brand. In a passage in his apostolic letters St. Paul writes:


"It is not circumcision that counts, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature " [cf. Gal 6, 15].


Receiving the consolation and tenderness of God makes us feel dearly loved. Change our whole way of being from head to toe. And despite our flaws, sins, vices, weaknesses we are continually loved by God. In his love, every day we are made new, rebuilt, redesigned every time we seem to fail. Each of us is called to a greater project by God himself: so we are incredibly made new by the Lord, strong and at a quiet time and serene in His Truth.


Consulates and made new creatures, finally God sends us. As he did with the seventy-two disciples described herein in Luke's Gospel. These disciples Jesus says: «Go: there, I am sending you like lambs among wolves " [LC 10,3].


We too are sent, as new creatures to bring the consolation and affection that we have received. This allows us to also convey the joy and communion with God. It allows us to be missionaries of peace in the sufferings and difficulties of life, of all those who meet. This is the optics to be lambs among wolves. The wolf is the biblical image of those rapacious robber who comes in the night. It is the image of the current culture that does not respect those in need of care. Consider in this regard to the terrible suffering that is suffering now Vincent Lambert [cf. WHO]. The lamb instead is the image of someone who is gentle and good. Precisely of those who are filled with God's peace and become a missionary of God's light and consolation.


I remember reading a 16 year old a beautiful book by Paulo Coelho, with an equally splendid title: Handbook of the Warrior of Light.


Being lambs sent by Jesus and a little’ this: be warriors of Light, able to defeat the wolves, or tame them, by the gracious power of him who sent us as lambs in the midst of wolves.


May the Lord grant us the light of His grace and His consolation, because we become alive and authentic tradition of His Love who gave himself up to the end.



Rome 6 July 2019




The first book of the Editions The island of Patmos, visit our shop page WHO


News from the Dominican Province Roman: "The right to live and the right not to suffer: living wills', Riccardo Lufrani, o.p. [text, WHO].



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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The mystery of joy: "He ascended into heaven;, seated at the right hand of the Father "

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



L’Ascensione è dunque la festa liturgica di chi sceglie la speranza come faro della propria vita. Contrary to a pessimism, typical of our time, dopo che le grandi ideologie sono cadute, la speranza dell’Ascensione ci aiuta a vivere giorno dopo giorno la fede. E l’effetto più evidente di chi è speranzoso nel nome di Gesù, It is the joy. Non una falsa maschera di felicità, posta in viso per sembrare felici quando il cuore è invece nelle tenebre. No, la speranza è la gioia vera di chi ha incontrato il Gesù risorto e poi asceso.



Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p..


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Dear brothers and sisters,

Salvador Dali: Ascensione del Cristo [1958]

Con la proclamazione del Vangelo del Beato Evangelista Luca [cf. 24, 46-53] Celebriamo oggi l’ascensione al cielo del Cristo Risorto [see Liturgy of the Word, WHO].


Nell’omiletica, to illustrate the paintings of the Holy Scriptures I sometimes refer to interesting cinematographic works …


… Qa few years ago a nice film called The Theory of Everything. The film chronicled the life of physicist Stephen Hawking, quadriplegic scientist and his theories on the origin of the universe. Despite his terribly debilitated physical condition, Hawking never lost the will to live and research. At the end of the movie, the same scientist claims:


"As bad as life may seem, there is always something one can do and successfully. Because as long as there is life, there is hope ".


This example introduces the theme of the readings of the Holy Mass of Ascension that we celebrate together today. L’Ascensione è il momento del ritorno di Gesù, Son of God, to the Eternal Father, anch’Egli Dio. Nel momento stesso in cui Gesù ascende ed è elevato in alto, lascia un messaggio importante ai suoi discepoli. In the Acts of the Apostles:


«You will receive the strength from the Holy Spirit who will descend on you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth " [At 1,8].


Questo è il nucleo centrale dell’Ascensione: la chiamata di Dio a diventare suoi testimoni, the greek μᾰρτῠρος [marturos: martyr, witness]. È una chiamata a testimoniare Gesù e la sua persona fino ai confini della terra. The whole, rapportandolo a noi, costituisce la chiamata a testimoniare Gesù in ogni luogo che frequentiamo, in family, sul posto di lavoro, with friends, o anche durante i momenti di relax.


La lettera agli ebrei chiarifica cosa significa essere testimoni:


«Manteniamo senza vacillare la professione della nostra speranza» [EB 10, 23].


L’Ascensione it is therefore the moment in which Jesus leaves the mandate to continue his mission visible to the apostles and disciples, therefore to the Church. We too fall into this mandate. Our hope is not only human, but above all otherworldly hope: it is to nourish a feeling of confident expectation of being for Eternity with the Lord in Heaven. This expectation answers the most profound questions of meaning and therefore offers an existential answer. Indeed, it is an expectation built starting precisely from being active witnesses of the great love that we will be able to experience at the end of the centuries.


On this to be witnesses of hope of eternal life, Jesus also speaks of it in the Gospel when he reiterates


«The Christ will suffer and will rise from the dead on the third day. […] You are witnesses of this "" [LC 24, 46]


L’Ascensione è dunque la festa liturgica di chi sceglie la speranza come faro della propria vita. Contrary to a pessimism, typical of our time, dopo che le grandi ideologie sono cadute, la speranza dell’Ascensione ci aiuta a vivere giorno dopo giorno la fede. E l’effetto più evidente di chi è speranzoso nel nome di Gesù, It is the joy. Non una falsa maschera di felicità, posta in viso per sembrare felici quando il cuore è invece nelle tenebre. No, la speranza è la gioia vera di chi ha incontrato il Gesù risorto e poi asceso.


La gioia di un incontro che è avvenuto per noi, ogni volta che incontriamo Gesù nei sacramenti. In questa Eucarestia, Gesù verrà incontro a noi, abitando la nostra anima. il suo abitare in noi ha come scopo permetterci già adesso di elevarci con Lui, tramite lo sguardo della fede. Con quello sguardo dall’alto, è possibile gustare ogni giorno della nostra vita in Cristo, vivendo in pienezza e bontà.


We ask the Lord il dono di essere testimoni della speranza, alimentando quel sentimento di elevazione al cielo e raggiungere colui che è Sposo Eterno della nostra anima.



Rome, 2 June 2019






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Without peace of Christ, Europe will soon be dead and buried under the rubble of false peace in the world [in the appendix: The European Union flag Marian]

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times




If I remember correctly, tomorrow we vote for the European elections, honestly I have not listened to the recommendations given by caucus the Italian Episcopal Conference nor that of the Secretariat of State, because I had better things to do, including praying for the fate of our old, glorious and beloved continent, about which he returned to mind a phrase lapidary launched by Cardinal Giacomo Biffi at the beginning of the Second Millennium: «L'Europe, or be a Christian again or it will be more ».



Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Jesus Christ be praised !


have been numerous Catholic devotees through electronic media have sent this cartoon I, including many priests and religious, this thing that should give pause to those who do not live, like us, in real Patmos Island, But in the unreal Neverland

In this sixth Sunday of Easter, the Gospel offers us a song of John the Evangelist [Liturgy of the Word: WHO], the beloved disciple of the Lord. One who stood beneath the cross with the Blessed Virgin, while "all the disciples left him and fled" [Mt 26, 56; MC 14, 50]. Under this torture - on which the Christ in anguish in the body was not quite a saint iconography, Neither figure geometry depicted in paintings and sculptures -, It takes the extraordinary act of entrustment:


"When Jesus, seeing his mother standing beside her the disciple whom he loved, He told his mother: “Donna, is your son!”. Then he said to the disciple: “Here is your mother!”. And from that hour the disciple took her into his home " [GV 19, 26-27].


Shortly before, Christ, cornerstone [cf. Mt 21, 42; MC 12, 10; LC 20, 17], He had built the nascent Church on Peter with an expression often misconstrued, Perhaps now more than ever: «Pietro, you're stone, and upon this rock I will build my Church " [Mt 16, 18]. Phrase that can only be understood by understanding who refers Christ the Lord specifying 'on this rock'. For if you do not understand that the cornerstone is Christ God, on which Peter is leaning how to rock, you may run the risk of falling into petrifaction. That's what should be remembered that Peter, of Christ, is the vicar on hold, no successor. Anyone who had doubts about it, read the words of the Apostle Paul Blessed:


« […] built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and being the cornerstone, Christ Jesus himself " [Ef 12, 20].


With young John and Peter with mature, we have two almost antithetical figures of Apostles: the first, under the cross with the Blessed Virgin and Santa with a former prostitute converted and redeemed, the second escaping first to ahead of the other Disciples and that shortly after denying Christ three times; and does so before swearing, then even cursing [cf. Mt 26, 74].


The Gospel of Blessed John the Evangelist It is also known as the Gospel of joy and love, although in increasingly bizarre catechesis and sermons increasingly dull, not accurate - or perhaps, Alas, We just do not know! —, that this young, This was at the time, He has enjoyed the special spiritual care provided by our Divine Savior, later he lived much of his life to the Immaculate Conception, the Mater Dei, we also venerated as mother Church.


Christ the Lord has entrusted the nascent Church driving the more limited the Apostles, perhaps so that Peter could also embody all those frailties, human weaknesses and miseries he does not hesitate to show, continuing to manifest even in old age, for example, when in Rome, under the persecution of Nero, He is giving himself to flee yet again. But, as we know, on the Via Appia appeared the Christ, to which Peter's question: «Whither goest thou, O?» [where are you going, man?»]. Meets Christ: «For Rome, I crucifixion» [I go to Rome to be crucified again]. At that point Peter came back, dying shortly after martyred on Vatican Hill, where it was both the place of execution, is the circus of Nero. In some ways a bit 'like today: because the Vatican is a place of executions “merciful” and at the same time a circus. And in that place of executions and circus games, Peter is sanctified by the martyrdom; and how he whosoever will may be sanctified today, including the Successors of Peter.


Maybe two millennia ahead, under the cross Christ entrusts the Mother Church torn by pain to the young and beloved John, while the one who wanted her as the bride of the Lamb [cf. AP 19, 7-8], agonizes affixed to a pole with four nails and a crown of thorns on the head.


Along with the early Church, Christ He left to the Apostles also something very precious: his peace, that is the central element of this Gospel passage prepared by Johannine eagle. In this regard, precise Christ:


"Peace I leave with, I give you my peace. Not as the world gives, I give it to you. Do not be upset your heart and do not be afraid " [GV 14, 27].


The duality between Christ and the world, returns to emerge between these lines, before which we should first ask ourselves: but what is truly the peace of Christ, that, than Lui tells, It seems totally antithetical, compared to world peace?


World peace, or if you prefer the false peace, It is one that does not reject sin, and that it actually welcomes him turning into good, in precious diversity to be welcomed, in law and in supreme value. Wishing we can sum it all up with a banner that during the March for Life 23 May was posted in Rome by a group of feminists diabolical that read: "The law 194 do not touch, women are free to have an abortion in peace!».


Here is the peace of the world: the "right" to kill innocent creatures, the “right” all’eutanasia, or the "right" womb for rent, so that two gay can fabricate their boy toy. Or maybe, the world, can be by-case basis so “cruel” take off in such a model of a couple so happy this “deserved” pace?


The peace of Christ He resides in truth and justice, which arise from the deepest expressions of charity. But most of all, the pace, it is Christ himself who is the way, truth and life [cf. GV 14, 6], that peace is the source and giver [Ef 2,14].


When bidding farewell by the Disciples before the Passion, Jesus leaves them his peace [GV 14,27], and thereafter, once he rose from the dead, back to offer the supreme gift of his peace greeting them: "Peace to you!» [LC 24,36; GV 20,19-21.26]. The peace of Christ is achieved through reconciliation with God the Father, from which then it comes the reconciliation with the brothers [cf. Mt 6,12], so this Christological peace can be extended to a world renewed by Christ, who through the grace of the Holy Spirit purifies and sanctifies us. So, every time we open our arms and say, priests'Peace be with you» [Peace be with you], at that time we are Christ who gives you His peace and you sent in His peace.


If I remember correctly, tomorrow we vote for the European elections, honestly I have not listened to the recommendations given by caucus the Italian Episcopal Conference nor that of the Secretariat of State, because I had better things to do, including praying for the fate of our old, glorious and beloved continent, about whom it came back to mind a phrase lapidary launched by Cardinal Giacomo Biffi at the beginning of the Second Millennium: «L'Europe, or be a Christian again or it will be more ».


So many other things I have come back to mind, I remind you briefly who seems devoid of historical memory. Also because it is not about going back centuries, but only a few decades …


… in the archives of the former Holy Office and in those of many diocesan ecclesiastical courts of Italy, They are always stored acts in which several priests were also sanctioned canonically and only for suspected sympathy with the old Italian Communist Party. Well, in recent weeks we have had to witness the authentic disgrace of our bishops - but what is worse the Holy See -, who entered heavily in the campaign to support the Center-Left, very watered down heir of the old Italian Communist Party. Indeed, while the old Communists, as fierce as consistent, They spoke of the proletariat and the working class, pursuing many just demands for the protection of the weaker classes, their grandchildren piddini, - those supported by our bishops, to be clear -, instead we find them at cocktail hour in the upscale cafes of Parioli, super penthouse in the center and in Roman villas Olgiata.


Since not everyone is deprived of historical memory, I remember that as a teenager, nell'affatto away 1978, I saw a crying elderly pastor who ended electrocuted by Bishop since accused of being too close to Communist circles. The indictment was presented to the bishop by some politicians and administrators finished Democrats on trial for corruption and then to jail twenty years later. Having said that I would be legitimate to ask, both al caucus the Italian Episcopal Conference and to the Secretariat of State, if it's me that I misunderstood, if it's me that I missed some step of our incredible historical and ecclesiastical political evolution, or: we own clerical the support given to the inconsistent bourgeoisie and viciously grandchildren of those who were old and consistent Italian Communists? Because I fear that some clergy politician, with the new Left, share a disturbing element: an idea of ​​ideological and dream people totally divorced from reality, if it considers that the people shall not meet or in the upscale Parioli coffee, nor in the super penthouse center, or in Roman villas Olgiata, but even in the palaces of curies, as now cloaked in great pauperism with their bishops who wear wooden crosses around his neck and moving in procession with the facts croziers not by the silversmiths craftsmen but by carpenters, all we are waiting for the wind changes and then presented, as if nothing had happened, seven meters magna hood.


May Europe welcome the peace of Christ, because with the peace of the world, carried out by inconsistent grandchildren of the old communist consistent, He will soon be dead and buried, with the blessing of our Italian episcopate.


the Island of Patmos, 25 May 2018





The European Union flag is the veil and tiara of stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In the sky there appeared a great sign: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. [Revelation of St. John the Apostle: 12, 1]


To the uninitiated remember what is the meaning of the flag of Europe: The blue color represents the mantle of the Virgin Mary, The twelve stars on her diadem. At the time,, when it was formed the nucleus of the European Union, Catholic politicians, unbeknownst to the Northern European Protestants, They put the nascent union under the protection Mater Dei.

If they take note of what secularists, Gay and lesbian hate mail that swarm in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, maybe they'll interpellation to change flag.

Still others did not then know that the polls will be in this month of May, which traditionally it is the month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, although in many churches, in this Marian month, several bishops and priests have been undertaken in the lavish greetings good Ramadan, rather than praise the Holy Virgin with the recitation of the Holy Rosary with which Europe won the Battle of Lepanto, avoiding that the flag with the crescent moon could fly over the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, all before you even create a union that has, as its emblem, the robe and the crown of Our Lady …




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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The intimate friendship of the shepherd with his sheep: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me "

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



Just like in a journey of transhumance, each of us is called to be sheep of the flock of Jesus, namely that we are called to live as believers in the Church of Jesus. As believers, First we hear His Voice: Jesus speaks to us in the Word of God and by the shepherds, in particular it does today through the Catholic official teaching of the Church expressed by the Successor of Peter and the College of the Apostles, called to guard intact and therefore spread the deposit of faith.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Dear brothers and sisters,

Shepherd Sardinian, by the painter Antonio Piras

probably all know poetry Pastors in G. D'Annunzio:


"September, here we go. It is time to migrate / Now in the land of the Abruzzi my shepherds lascian the pens and go towards the sea / fall wild green Adriatic that is how the mountain pastures ".


An image of pastoralism, transhumance, that is, the path to the wilderness and into the hills that give serenity, rest and sense of completeness.


This image towards a much sought peace, maybe we lost: a powder’ because we live in town with lights and sounds that distract us, a powder’ because we do not understand the idea of ​​a journey that, After so many efforts, It may instead give us a lot of satisfaction. But, this sheep, You can make us delve into readings of this Sunday.


In the Acts of the Apostles [cf. 13, 46] we read how Paul and Barnabas are turning to the Jews:


"It was necessary that it was proclaimed first of all to you the word of God, Since you reject it and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, there: we turn to the Gentiles ".


The two Apostles direct the proclamation of eternal life overcoming the Jewish presence and paying attention to the pagans, who were Romans and Greeks, with a culture steeped in Hellenistic philosophy. The message of Christ then comes out of the "fence" Judeo, showing how the Christian message is not related to a single people or nation. The message of Jesus is universal: all we are called to eternal life. This involves entering into a greater love, that of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit, for eternity.


The call to eternal life awaits a response from us. The Lord also leaves us free to refuse it, as did the Jews in the text of Acts we heard. But if we respond positively, We can now understand how to get to eternal life.


The Gospel gives us a clear answer on along the path towards this goal. We read in Saint John:


«My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me " [cf. 10, 27].


Just like in a journey of transhumance, each of us is called to be sheep of the flock of Jesus, namely that we are called to live as believers in the Church of Jesus. As believers, First we hear His Voice: Jesus speaks to us in the Word of God and by the shepherds, in particular it does today through the Catholic official teaching of the Church expressed by the Successor of Peter and the College of the Apostles, called to guard intact and therefore spread the deposit of faith.


We hear the voice of Jesus when we intimately our Catholic teaching: believe in the truths of faith, live the precepts of morality or engage in moments of prayer will become a listening experience that will open your heart to His Great Love. God comes into our soul and with Him every moment of daily life will become a joy.


In second place, As believers we follow Jesus: especially we follow in hard moments of our lives, knowing that the first to have labored for us carrying the Cross on Golgotha. To follow Jesus is to know that even when the miseries of life seem to move deep on the shoulders, He will support us in.


From listening and following Jesus, is that the fact that we know Him: This word in the original language indicates a profound intimacy, almost hand to hand with God. This body intimate contact to the body we experience whenever we live the Eucharist, which in fact it is a foretaste of eternal life, a great friendship with God. And just about the friendship screated Susanna Tammaro:


"Friendship is one of the best feelings to live. Suddenly we see ourselves, you choose, it builds a kind of intimacy ".


May the Lord grant us his friendship to enter into eternal life, in an intimacy that gives endless joy and ability to grasp the deep meaning of every day.



Rome, 12 May 2019



Notice to Readers Editorial

These days we are finishing the processing of the proofs of the first books that will soon be printed and distributed by Editions The island of Patmos. It is absorbed by this work, during the last three weeks we had only momentarily slow the publication of articles in the journal The Island of Patmos.




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The personal blog of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

Sleepers. From dreamers to the repentant prostitute, through the path of true mercy of Christ God

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



In confession Jesus, through the priest, He gives us His confidence. When we are acquitted, Also we return free from the spiritual chains that come from the sins committed. Once free, God puts his Father's merciful love in our hearts and calls us with confidence: goes and donalo. And even if we are weak, and despite the efforts we will fall back on other sins, we never stop to ask his forgiveness and to open ourselves to His confidence. In fact, the writer Ernest Hemingway said: "The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust him".


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Dear brothers and sisters.

Movie poster Sleepers (1996)

the theme of sin and guilt that emerges on the page of the Gospel of this V Sunday of Lent [texts of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO], It is part of our faith and it is not always easy to talk about it properly or simply. The great medium of television presents a daily reality that not only, does not help to understand the sin, but that enhance their, sin as a lifestyle.


More than two decades ago It was produced and distributed a film that maybe someone will remember: Sleepers. The cast is made up of first-rate actors: Robert DeNiro, Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Bacon, Brad Pitt e Jason Patric [cf. see card WHO]. In this film set in the popular quarters of Americans 1966, four teenagers perform a prank, just moved by the intention of committing a harmless prank, but it is likely to end in tragedy. This history: i quattro, near the stadium, flee with the cart of a salesman hot dogs, with which ever they come in front of the ramp of subway stairs; the cart escapes their hand and falls down the stairs, at the risk of killing an elderly man who was going up the ramp. The four were tried and sentenced to eighteen months in juvie.


The whole plot is a tissue of violence and revenge, including sexual abuse of minors by several prison guards. As if this film wants to tell us from evil and guilt, you have no way out. Mistaken, instead. Our Lord teaches us how he loves sinners and helps them get out of their weaknesses. Starting in fact right from the first reading of this liturgy, read this prophetic song:


"There, I will do a new thing: […] I will make the wilderness a highway, rivers in the desert " [Is 43, 19].


by film Sleepers: The prank ends up touching the tragedy …

The Prophet He writes in the second exodus of the Babylonian captivity, the sixth century. a.C, When the Israelites were releasing oppression of Babylon. In these verses, God comforts the Jews and indicates a fertile desert road in the desert. Desert and steppe are places where donate its river, that is, his love alive and real. And all this we send something important: even before our behavioral weaknesses, that they seem to be sand dunes where we get lost, we must not be afraid to ask for the water of love of God. Defects whitewash the beauty of our uniqueness: We are not discouraged. On the contrary, in front of them let us trust in God with a spontaneous prayer too loud. Also God is with us not only in weaknesses, but also in the experience of falls or major sins.


Sleepers, reformatory

In the passage of the adulteress we read that the Pharisees and scribes had tried to entrap Jesus with a dilemma, using for this purpose the technique of a rhetorical device that is typical in the hearings of criminal trials since the ancient greek and roman criminal law. The trap consists precisely in the response that is expected bystanders, namely that: if you say to stone the woman, go against your teaching of love. If you say not to stone her, go against the law of Moses and Roman law, that applied at the time in the Judean colony. Indeed, Rome while allowing the legitimacy of the rabbinical courts and the Great Sanhedrin on religious matters or related to the ancient Temple, if it was a question of issuing certain sentences, the power could be exercised - or the approved sentence carried out -, only by the Roman power, exactly as in the case of the execution of the death sentence of Jesus Christ.


Faced with this question-trap, Jesus gives the answer in order to overcome the dilemma. The Pharisees can not apply the law of Moses with her. At this point the Lord Jesus can instead apply the teaching of Love:


Sleepers, Robert DeNiro, in the role of pastor of four teenagers, during deposition in court

"Then Jesus stood up and said,: «Donna, where am I? Has no one condemned? […] Neither do I condemn; will’ and from now on sin no more " [GV 8, 10-11].


We note: Jesus stands up and he brings forth his act of forgiveness: tender and tenacious love that woman. Not at all he says that adultery is a righteous act, understandable, acceptable, or to understand by virtue of trends or social costumes. That sin, It remains a grave sin. What matters to Jesus, Now you see in the eyes of the adulteress that true repentance: when he sees the repentant look, God welcomes the sinner in his divine heart, and accepting it destroys his sin. At that ponto Jesus speaks directly to women, which shows to be so desirous of love. Now she can also raise her and take her in his merciful heart. The Divine Redeemer, destroying that sin, He gave women the freedom to walk the path of God; and showing and giving confidence to the woman, He makes her a daughter repentant.


Sleepers, Rober De Niro in the role of the good shepherd

So it is for us too: in confessing Jesus, through the priest, He gives us His confidence. When we are acquitted, Also we return free from the spiritual chains that come from the sins committed. Once free, God puts his Father's merciful love in our hearts and calls us with confidence: goes and donalo. And even if we are weak, and despite the efforts we will fall back on other sins, we never stop to ask his forgiveness and to open ourselves to His confidence. In fact, the writer Ernest Hemingway said: "The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust him".


The Lord give us the joy of his look full of confidence to be ourselves witnessing a greater hope.





Rome, 7 April 2019




Dear Readers,

on this page you can find the Book of Masses, if it consult Agenda Calendar you can check availability for the celebration of Holy Masses of suffrage for your Dead


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The personal blog of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

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Christ forgives the repentant prostitute telling: "We’ and from now on sin no more ", He does not tell her at all to continue as before and more than before …

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



'Go', and from now on sin no more "are the words of Christ and as such they cannot be questioned by anyone, even by the Church and by her ministers. Freedom of Mercy is a divine freedom that is inconceivable except in relation to the salvation of souls. God allows everything to man, except that which deprives him of grace and exposes it to damnation. The ban that man must do just then, is to live in sin, never a sin can be good, santo, desirable, excusable, tameable, to move with the times, modern and so to follow.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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Maddalena, Yesterday and Today …

The Gospel from John of this Fifth Sunday of Lent [see Liturgy of the Word, WHO] it is perhaps equal to that of the Merciful Father, the most famous and known Gospel passage. So much so that became proverbial and popular expression of Jesus: "Which one of you is without sin, cast the first stone ".


Even in the analysis of this text and in its correct exegesis, we must not be satisfied with a reading merciful that, while we are having the merit to satisfy all through a renewed apocatastasis, may belie the substance of Jesus' teaching about sin and authentic sacramental practice of reconciliation in the Church. In fact nexists on an exegesis admits that the criterion of political correctness or personalism, but the authentic exegesis is always done in the Holy Spirit is the one who guides and directs the whole truth [cf. GV. 16,13]. The same Spirit that blows on the Holy Church and the blessed masters and doctors, It allows us to scrutinize and learn the true meaning of the sacred pages of the Word of God.


The context and the setting this Gospel passage very reminiscent of the theme of Luke's mercy and forgiveness that Christ grants to sinners, and in a particular way to some women issues [cf. LC 7, 36-50; 8,2-3]. The sacral setting of the Temple, in which the episode takes place, significantly it emphasizes the power of authority of Christ in introducing an innovation in the worship of the Father. It is no longer to offer an animal sacrifice as a form of sacrificial atonement - on the basis of ancient Israel - but through the way of mercy to the Lord becomes worship: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice " [cf. Os 6,6; Mt 9,13].


the Servant of God Father Oreste Benzi [Rimini 1925 – Rimini 2007]

The summit of the mercy is the death of God's Son, person who becomes a sacrificial offering to the Father for the sins of all mankind, at all times:


"It was like a lamb led to the slaughter […] But the Lord is bruise him. If he offers in a guilt offering, see his offspring, will live long, It will be accomplished through him the Lord's will " [cf. Is 53,7; 10].


Divine Mercy is reached through the sacrifice of the Son, through Christ fact will arise in the world an offspring of rescued and pardoned you repudiate the sin and compromise with evil, to live in the freedom of God's children. Living without sin is not utopian but real possibility because it is a gift that has already been granted in the passion and resurrection of Jesus, It is a gift of grace that is rediscovered. The man is not his sin, but even an animal from saddle ridden by God or the devil, as she claimed by the heresiarch Luther in his wretched teaching.


We understand: mercy that the Lord has on the world it is in view of a final redemption from sin - Sother souls that the Church in her ministry work -, He continues in the wake of the mercy cult, through which the man is redeemed. The medicine of mercy, It needs truth and justice so that it reaches the soul's health. So the adulteress episode helps us to understand this divine practice, now so disregarded and mistreated.


Father Oreste Benzi visiting Saint John Paul II with a prostitute sick with AIDS

The adulterous the Gospel of this Sunday, goes about the sin of prostitution and adultery, It is a public sinner and perhaps already known to his accusers. It thus becomes a tool and pretext to accuse Jesus and put him to death as a troublemaker Law. The woman, in this context, It makes the experience of truth and human justice which unfortunately prove imperfect.


Moses, although remembered as the supreme legislator of Israel, He should also take note of sin and human limitation and that sclerocardia that hinders live according to God's plan, giving the law also grants the exemptions that mortify [cf. MC 10, 4-5]. The law should protect man does not save, It not justified as it had to fully understand St. Paul during his preaching. In Jesus, which it is greater than Moses, it fulfills the law, perfecting it through his person: "You have heard that it was said … but I tell you " [cf. Mt 5,21-ss].


Christ does not intend to quibble against his enemies, He does not want to hear the judges of a poor woman guilty, He wants first of all to bring the truth so that there is a genuine justification for both guilty that his accusers. So down the position of these men and forces them to look truth within themselves and to see themselves in relation to sin, in any sin: "Which one of you is without sin, be the first to throw the stone at her " [cf. GV 8,7]. Now, sand the woman is a sinner, one who has transgressed the law, they can perhaps be said to be above the law or unable to transgress? Jesus powerfully puts before them a disconcerting truth that the evangelist John has already introduced us in the previous chapter to this page: "It was not Moses give you the Law? Yet none of you keeps the law! Why do you seek to kill me?» [cf. GV 7,19].


Father Oreste Benzi, a true priest of the road because the true path of Christ …

These men They are not immune from the contagion of sin, want justice, but do not tolerate submit before the light of truth. The effort to discover sinners and pain for the discovery of their pitiable condition leads them to abandon the attitude of condemnation: "Hearing this, they went away one by one, beginning with the eldest to the last " [cf. GV 8, 9].


Jesus' statement It brings forth the truth in the souls of these men and leads to a justice that restores balance, for them there will be a justification only when, like the publican in the Temple, They will recognize themselves in need of forgiveness and cleansing, by ceasing to use the law as a weapon of accusation [cf. LC 18,13]. Thus removed the accusers "only the two of them remained: the miserable and mercy ", St. Augustine comments as well this time. The story of the woman has not clarified nor resolved, what will be the decision of Jesus? First, Jesus calls, It puts it in the middle, He wants to re-make the truth so we've got to justify. He calls her "woman", the restoration of the dignity that his accusers had taken off his, she is a creature of the Father, can not be defined by his sin, but by the love that God used to call her to life. The question of Christ emphasizes the lack of conviction not on guilt: "Has no one condemned?», This happens every time we put ourselves before the Lord, which does not ignore certain sin but want the sinner himself is aware of his condition of infirmity desiring healing.


This woman does not express a visible repentance, full of love and emotion as the sinful woman of Luke's Gospel [cf. LC 7,36-50], yet Jesus uses with her a totally exaggerated kindness as opposed to that of the Pharisees: "You judge according to the flesh; I do not judge anyone " [cf. GV 8,15]. The final of the Gospel makes it clear why this particular exercise of benevolence and mercy from Jesus: 'Go', and from now on sin no more ". But what they want to say these words? First of all, be firmly stressed obtained freedom from sin that comes to us through the grace of Christ and his sacrifice: yes she is free to go, but not to sin again.


the Grateful daughters …

Let us remember that these are the words of Christ and as such they cannot be questioned by anyone, even by the Church and by her ministers. Freedom of Mercy is a divine freedom that is inconceivable except in relation to the salvation of souls. God allows everything to man, except that which deprives him of grace and exposes it to damnation. The ban that man must do just then, is to live in sin, never a sin can be good, santo, desirable, excusable, tameable, to move with the times, modern and so to follow. Sin is always sin and was the cause of all suffering of our Divine Redeemer: "He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities;. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with his stripes we are healed " [cf. Is 53,5].


Cagliari, 7 April 2019



the personal blog by Father Ivano






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There are many houses and fathers: the prodigal son returns home to the one of the only true Father who is the source of grace and the center of the mystery of salvation

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times



The prodigal son returns to his father's house where waiting for him there is no sociological fashion, above all, no political correctness. Because God is always beyond any fashion, but above all human political correctness, because God is all without beginning and without end, why not end it is his love, for this eternal is his mercy, for this one is his home, not many; and the only home of the one Father remains in the base centuries, source of grace and the center of the mystery of salvation, culmination and perfect center of unity.



Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.



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Jesus Christ be praised !


The Prodigal Son, work of the sculptor Arturo Martini, 1927 [Rest Home Jona Ottolenghi, Acqui Terme]

In this Sunday glad the fourth week of Lent, the liturgy gives us one of the pages of the Holy Gospels of the best known: the Parable of the Prodigal Son [see text of the liturgy, WHO]. To claim to have legitimate paternal inheritance while the father was still alive was a terrible outrage in the Jewish world, but not only in it. It would be like saying: "I have no time to wait for you to pull the bucket, what to give me right away what belongs to me ". Here then it is that the father gives an initial and a final response: Start the answer is the action that fulfills the son's request, confirming him master of his freedom and owner of the goods which he claimed; the final answer is an act of pure love, which in itself contains a lesson based on the maturity and true mercy; the mercy that comes from God, who has no fear to welcome sinners and eating with them, with all due respect to the scribes and Pharisees of yesterday and today.


The prodigal son of a far country and he squanders all loose living, until it starts to feel the pinch. "He would gladly have fed on the pods that were fed the pigs, "But no one gave him anything". Honestly it is hard to think that the boy did not have a chance to take for themselves the husks; and this should call our attention to the phrase: "No one gave him anything", referring to this young man who had lost everything. That is to say that no one fed him with love. He devoured his substance with many prostitutes, but he had not been devoured by love sincere and passionate about a single woman. So it is the lack of love generates in him a strong crisis, because most of the physical needs he suffers for human needs. The love which until earlier had received, It generates in him a feeling of fear, resulting in tender nostalgia.


We do not know if the young man begins to understand that you have lived a life devoid of love, or to understand that out of love had lost their freedom to enter into the spiral of fear, hidden anguish and guilt. The man, which itself remains a mystery, He can not live without love; his life is senseless, if he meets the love from which it can come true freedom: "In love there is no fear, but perfect love casts out fear " [GV 4, 18-19].


At that point the young man begins to question: "How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and I perish with hunger! I will wake up, I go to my father ... ". In these words prevails not have a sense of pain for the father abandoned, or for its inability to give and receive love; It seems to prevail rather the situation of hardship and extreme need that push him to go home, Perhaps even more folded on itself. For a selfish need is for a party and selfish need decides to return. All this marks his first start and, albeit moved by discomfort and need, and he moves back to his father. "While still far away his father saw him, he took pity on him, He ran to meet, and he fell on his neck and kissed him ". These five words we open their doors on the essence of true love. Seeing someone still far means that in our hearts we were waiting for him. Try compassion means that you do not think more to injury received, on the contrary it is willing to open their hearts and to think of the suffering, no matter what happened. Christian The eternal challenge is in fact to humanely accommodate those who have hurt us, raising the evil from the ground when it falls, instead of raging at him with that spirit of revenge that has nothing to do with justice, even with the right and sometimes necessary punishment to compete for the best good of the person, but above all for its recovery.


running meeting to the other equivalent to removing it from any uncomfortable taking the first step that breaks the deadlock, This prerogative typical of the great, certainly not of little men who live by grudges, spite and revenge. Throw to a person's neck, in the Jewish culture of the time was not a gesture of circumstance but of deep warm love and extreme confidence.


Here is the big brother who "became angry and refused to go», beginning to list their merits and demerits of the brother to his father, complaining they have not received anything from his father. "Son, all that is mine is yours ", He reassures the father for his due. In this way the parable stresses that reasoning so also the elder son, in a different but similar moves away to his left and out of the house as the youngest brother, showing a clear rejection of the action of grace. Therefore the Father, that "emotional" meeting was going on at the prodigal son, Now comes a new meeting to the eldest son, explaining both his love for children is free. No One, it has the right to be loved; from any page of the Gospel you get this kind of law, if anything, it yields a duty: to love. From the various steps and articulate the Gospel we can also derive how often love is tragically one-sided, He donated one side with divine power, not accepted and welcomed other human aridity. God loves us not because we deserve it, but because he is the source of love. God can not help but to love, It is not capable; we are, able to help but be loved.


Like the prodigal son has lost the love of the Father away from him, the eldest son does not have the Father's right to love because it has not strayed. In this same mistake we fall we children of the Church, we priests first, that much of the People that God has entrusted to us to serve, We acquired no right to salvation, only a duty to respond much more and much better than others for what Christ has given us, through the mystery of his participation in the ministerial priesthood.


How many times do we suffer the Father who can not help but love, feeling like the eldest son of an injustice parable his love and mercy toward his brother offender? How much it is, especially in these times of serious crisis through the Church, We run integral with heat to embrace all that is not Catholic, But at the same time showing little love, sometimes even open rebellion against our Church, turning his back to the brothers and sons of the living members of Christ, which it is the Church, his mystical body? And on this earth, the Christ, He has established only one Church, worth remembering from time to time, considering that soon we will proclaim in the profession of faith, the unity of the Church, not the multiplicity of churches [the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed]; reminds without the possibility of erroneous theological interpretations one of the main documents of Vatican Council II, the The light.


This is also a way to meditate on the parable of the prodigal son who returns to the house of his father, where waiting for him there is no sociological fashion, above all, no political correctness. Because God is always beyond any fashion, but above all human political correctness, because God is all without beginning and without end, why not end it is his love, for this eternal is his mercy, for this one is his home, not many; and the only home of the one Father remains in the base centuries, source of grace and the center of the mystery of salvation, culmination and perfect center of unity.

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In the unity the Father created us, and awaits you with open arms, the perfect unity of his body which is the Church, the beloved prodigal son hidden inside each of us, so that his children can be "completely one that the world may know that you sent me and have loved them even as you loved me" [GV 17, 23].


From the island of Patmos, 30 March 2019





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