the 15 August is not celebrated “San Ferragosto”, but the solemnity of the Assumption into heaven of Mary, body and soul

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



Mary of Nazareth was a woman with a special vocation: be the mother of God. At the same time, therefore, he received two special gifts: the perpetual virginity and being immaculate, that is, free from original sin. Miriam has a call to rise to God. He knew that answer yes to the Lord of the project to be a faithful witness of his message.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.







Salvador Dali, Assumption into heaven of Mary, 1956

Dear brothers and sisters,

the Holy Church 15 August did not celebrate at an unspecified “San Ferragosto“, but the Assumption into heaven in body and soul of the Blessed Virgin Mary [cf Liturgy of the Word, WHO]. To enter into this mystery, Now let's try to think of an American skyscraper. For instance, the Freedom Tower New York famous for having replaced the Twin Towers after the attacks of 2001. Like any architectural structure mammoth, it soars skyward. At the same time it has a solid and immovable foundations that resist all wind-borne shock, lightning and also the wear of time.


That this structure recalls the important elements: the momentum toward heaven and God and the solidity of his call to eternal life.


It is also in short what we celebrate today: the Solemnity of Mary. This is one of the four dogmas concerning the person of Mary: we know by faith that she is the Mother of God, ever-Virgin, Immaculate Conception and precisely, Assunta. The dogma is a truth of faith proclaimed by the Pope and the whole Church that we believe as true, although not immediately apparent. The dogma was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII, the 1 November 1950, with bubble the generous.


What teaching this dogma? Mary of Nazareth was a woman with a special vocation: be the mother of God. At the same time, therefore, he received two special gifts: the perpetual virginity and being immaculate, that is, free from original sin. Miriam has a call to rise to God. He knew that answer yes to the Lord of the project to be a faithful witness of his message. The first was because being the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God became Arca. As we read in the first reading: [1 Cr 15: "The children of the Levites bare the ark of God upon their shoulders"]. In this text, It speaks of the Ark: that is, a place where Jews could meet God, desiring, glorify Him and be with Him. Even Maria, accepting in himself Jesus, He became ark of God and allowed all people to be able to meet Jesus closer. Today again, when we say the rosary, together with Ave Maria remember the mysteries of Christ: Maria again it provides a place to meet God.


This mystery concerns not only Mary but also we: we are called to rise, in a journey of holiness to the Lord. With our witness of faith, we can be ourselves ark and place of encounter with God. And theresolidity of this call is offered in two moments. As Luke writes: "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it". Maria listened assiduously God in at least three times; at the announcement of the Angel, the crucifixion when it was headed by Giovanni, and the mandate of the Risen Jesus to announce the great joy of Easter. Listened and put into practice: for this reason it was assumed into heaven body and soul. That fell asleep and, immediately, He was sent in the sight of God of Eternity. He remains in eternity of God and pray for us.


This should be for us an invitation to listen and the observance of Jesus' message that continues in the Church. It is this loyalty and obedience, as Mary was faithful to Jesus, It will lead us also to be in Eternity of God that is in heaven. He wrote Johan Wolfgang Goethe:


"Fidelity is the effort of a noble soul to equalize in another larger her soul '.


May the Lord grant us the courage of perseverance of Mary of the Assumption, and his mother's love is also a sign of hope to visit one day all together before God.



Rome, 14 August 2019

On the Eve of the Solemnity of the Assumption




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4 replies
  1. Lost Sheep
    Lost Sheep says:

    Thanks for this article enriching. We note that the Twitter account of Vatican News (@vaticannnews_it) so he wrote:
    "#Ferragosto: summer party for excellence, but it is also an opportunity to stay close to the last, the excluded, who is alone. @CaritasRoma , thanks to the support of 250 volunteers, He has organized several events in different places of the capital "
    No quote Mary! It still less to Jesus Christ (is never anyone take offense and not more dialogues!)

  2. Carlo Tenti
    Carlo Tenti says:

    reverend, thanks for your service. The articles published are enlightening in a time where the clarity does not reign among us.
    one suggestion: whenever you publish an article on the festive liturgy would be possible not to publish it maybe one or two days before the date of the party? It would help a lot for the preparation for the celebration.
    Thank you very much.

  3. Laura
    Laura says:

    Thanks to Father Gabriele for this catechesis!
    Yesterday I received several messages of congratulations “good mid-August” I politely told “good Feast of the Assumption”
    Someone must have thought I wanted to do the original, but someone may have intrigued ….

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