L'Aquila is in urgent need gasoline to fly …

News from the real world: What happens in “Church field hospital” of the Supreme Pontiff Francis ? And veri “dubia” are those about his mental clarity, but nobody says it …

The wisdom of Hypatia Roman cat. The clerical sloppiness has become that eighth Sacrament which the Holy Father exalts. Appeal: given away a beaver saturn to the Father Ariel, He will be happy to wear it

This pontificate likely to end up in the streets and whistles dramatic fractures: His Holiness is in serious difficulties in governing the Church

A reflection on modernism, in our times of lean

Fidel Castro is dead: WWF gives the sad news

If all priests may absolve the sin of abortion, all priests may absolve from sin to attack the Supreme Pontiff

From Giovanni Cavalcoli to Donald Trump: "Sodomites have lost '. The gay lobby denounce Dominican theologian for what he did not say, but the American electorate for what with the vote expressed