«If in some place they did not welcome you and did not listen to you, go away and shake the dust under your feet"

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos
No romantic idealism therefore or no legendary pauperism, but a style that allows you to look not so much at yourself as at models who need to attract attention, but rather direct it towards the only Lord, Jesus. The center is not the missionary, but the Gospel that he announces, which is: «Power of God». And a particular sign of this style is brotherhood.

Hermit Monk
In the last few decades in multiple conferences, on books, in the articles churned out galore in pastoral magazines, the Church has questioned a lot about evangelization, defined as mission or even as new evangelization. A great effort has been made in the search for new languages or in the study of the elements of communication and style, on how the contents of the Word are preached or can be renewed. The results of this effort to date are discouraging. It is likely that pastoral actors in the Church have focused too much on the "what", the content of the message, to the detriment of the "how", that is, leaving the testimony of life in the shadows? In any case, this Gospel page is welcome 15th Sunday for a year. Here Jesus does not dwell on the contents or on doctrinal suggestions, but rather focuses on "how" those sent to announce the Word should present themselves. Here is the evangelical pericope:
"During that time, Jesus called the Twelve to him and began sending them out two by two and gave them power over impure spirits. And he ordered them to take nothing for the journey except a staff: nor bread, nor bag, nor money in his belt; but to wear sandals and not to wear two tunics. And he told them: «Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave there. If somewhere they didn't welcome you and didn't listen to you, go away and shake off the dust under your feet as a testimony to them". And they, parties, they proclaimed that the people should convert, they cast out many demons, they anointed many sick people with oil and healed them" (MC 6,7-13).
The time is coming for which one cannot just listen or learn, but what has been received must be returned. Jesus, who had also suffered a major defeat among his fellow villagers and co-religionists (MC 6,1-6), suffering their disbelief to the point of not being able to make any sign of power, he is not afraid to entrust to the Twelve everything he has and which has characterized his mission up to that moment. Everything that is his, all its power, It now changes hands and is entrusted free of charge to the Twelve. Thus we understand Mark's insistence in saying that Jesus "began, took the initiative" (horxato di MC 6,7) to send the Twelve two by two. The novelty of what happens in today's Gospel lies precisely in this simple gesture, but very complicated, because it involves, in a certain way also for Jesus, a detachment from one's exclusive power.
Is the first time that Jesus involves some of his people in the mission, charging them with important responsibilities. He called the disciples to become fishers of men (Mc 1,16ss.), he traveled with them various roads in Galilee; he defended them before the Pharisees who accused them (MC 2,23-28) and finally among these he chose Twelve so that "they would be with him and also to send them to preach and so that they would have the power to cast out demons" (MC 3,13-19). They have heard many of his teachings, especially the parables about the Kingdom that Jesus announced and which saw many acts of power performed by him. They have not yet shown great faith (cf.. MC 4,40), but Jesus must still have considered them ready for the mission.
And He entrusts them with three specific tasks. The first is to announce the conversion, or the Gospel of the Kingdom. The disciples are thus entrusted with the same task that Jesus carried out immediately after speaking. The Twelve "preached that people should convert" (MC 6,12); in fact like Jesus said at the beginning of his ministry: «The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is near; convert and believe in the Gospel" (MC 1,15). The second task of the disciples is the exercise of authority over impure spirits. And even in this case we witness the same pattern as the beginning of the Messiah's mission. Jesus, as soon as the conversion to the Kingdom was announced and the first disciples were called, he actually performs the exorcism on an impure spirit in the synagogue of Capernaum (MC 1,23). Finally they are sent to heal the sick. Jesus did this several times at the beginning of his ministry, starting right from the circle of disciples, healing Peter's mother-in-law (MC 1,29-30). Now, even the Twelve can anoint the sick and heal them (MC 6,13).
From this it is clear that in the words and gestures of the Twelve the mission that Christ carried out up to that moment is reproduced exactly and in order. The things that Jesus said and did are now done and spoken by the Apostles. This is the mystery of continuity between the person of Jesus Christ and that of the Church founded by him. If Jesus had not wanted to communicate the gift he had or had not been able to do so, he would have been remembered as a great preacher or therapist and his figure would probably have been assimilated to that of the various itinerant prophets who traveled through Palestine at that time.. But it was not so, for all He had, the exousia (MC 6,7; cf.. 1,22.27; 2,10) to free from evil, heal and preach, since then and still today it circulates in the veins of the community that bears his name: the church.
As well as the bitter experience of the refusal that characterized the ministry of the Messiah. It can also happen to the Twelve, to the disciples, to find the door closed. These, which must go two by two as prescribed by the Law, which required the testimony of at least two people (cf.. Dt 17,6), they know from the beginning of their mission that someone will not receive them or listen to them. The answer will be to walk away shaking the dust from your shoes, as a testimony for them (MC 6,11). Shaking off the mud or dust from under your feet was a symbolic gesture that every Israelite made when leaving the pagan land. Now it becomes the gesture of the unwelcome disciple, not a spite or an offense, but a warning that will be testimony for the accusation on the day of judgment. The refusal, But, it does not stop the Church that announces. After Easter she will be able to bring the Word to the extreme ends of the earth, announcing not only that the Kingdom is near, but also that Christ is risen.
And as for the directions given by Jesus let's say straight away that they must not be reproduced as such. They remind us that Jesus' preaching has faith and an eschatological option as its underlying theme. In the New Testament these indications change depending on the geographical location, of the climate and culture in which the missionaries are immersed. We can imagine that the Apostle Paul had paid for his sea crossings to announce the Gospel (At 13,13) or that he kept his cloak forgotten in Troas in the house of Carpus, he asked for it, along with the books and parchments (2Tim 4,13).
No romantic idealism therefore or no legendary pauperism, but a style that allows you to look not so much at yourself as at models who need to attract attention, but rather direct it towards the only Lord, Jesus. The center is not the missionary, but the Gospel that he announces, which is: «Power of God» (RM 1,16). And a particular sign of this style is brotherhood.
Qoheleth suggested that it is "better to be two than just one" (q 4,9). Being two gives strength to the spoken word, since in the Old Testament, as already reported, a testimony, to be valid, it must be based on at least two witnesses (Nm 35,30; Dt 17,6; 19,15). Going together and not alone is important because this way you can experience the relationship, communion and charity. The community style, a relationship woven of mutual love, it is the best testimony that certifies the quality of the message you want to communicate and produces a change, both in the missionaries who announce, that perhaps they are called upon to endure, to welcome each other and respect each other, and in those who receive the message. This, at the bottom of, it was one of the most significant legacies that the Lord Jesus gave to his followers: «From this everyone will know that you are my disciples: if you have love for each other " (GV 13,35).
From the Hermitage, 13 July 2024

Sant'Angelo Cave in Ripe (Civitella del Tronto)
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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos