"Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves!». To be executed by the Nazis we were prepared, to be executed by firing squads of the merciful Church no, we were not prepared.

From Scandinavian neo-pagan nihilism that stands as a banner of the eco-gretina the call to faith of an explosive priest from Friuli mountaineer: to me the eyes, please!

The Supreme Pontiff has lied? And, He lied and he is a liar. But no nasty: Simon called Peter, chosen by Christ himself and not by a conclave of cardinals, It was a liar of him

«If you don't heal your brother who is sick, you are responsible for his blood ". The hospitality as identity of a community healing

Whores & paraculi, the correct etymology of words. When is instead the correct words become insults? Example: proselytism is not a dirty word, but a prerequisite of evangelization

In defense of state sovereignty: we have a Cardinal-electrician who does not know the Criminal Code of the Italian Republic, together with those who sent him …

The decadent suffering Church has entered its Good Friday, submerged by the chorus of servants opportunists who scream yesterday as "Barabbas today, Barabbas! And shortly after, Peter denies Christ three times …

To seal threads on the essay dedicated to offer a Neocatechumenal “expertise” illuminating a luminary of psychiatry, which it was read at the time by John Paul II in St. 1998

He died the Cardinal Godfried Danneels, a terrible loss. The cat blessed by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini appeared in mystical cat Sardinian Barbagia of making a revelation: "The eminent deceased is already in the glory of the Angels and Saints"