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The website of this magazine and the editions take name from the Aegean island in which the Blessed Apostle John wrote the Book of the Apocalypse, isola also known as «the place of the last revelation»
«God revealed the secrets of others ALTIUS»
(in higher than the others, John has left the Church, the arcane mysteries of God)
The bezel used as the cover of our home page is a 16th century fresco by Correggio. preserved in the Church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Parma
Creator and editor of this magazine website:
Reverend Father Ariel,
Thank God I found this so devoted text, clear and sincere: I read and reread many times with calm and helped me to understand the current crisis in the Church.
“This is your hour, the hour of darkness” (LC 22: 53)
And never forget that … “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Mt 16:18)
Let us pray with confidence, we ask God the Father the gift of a strong faith, we offer our small and great suffering.
Raise your hearts
They lift them up to God
Dear father Ariel,
the point out such a psychologist “assessor of the Vicariate” Chiara D'Urbano which, in the blog “Consecrated Life and Psychology” come on “New City” recently wrote that "The consistent and faithful homosexual priest to his vocation is a successful priest" and that "the practice of homosexual acts. They are these, so, to constitute a fail in their vocation, and hurt others, but they are as much as sexual acts between a man and a woman when they are committed by priests and consecrated ", concluding: "Sexual orientation is not a representative indicator of the whole person, even on the vocational plan. Then the evaluation with respect to homosexual candidate must necessarily be personal, case by case” e “in the next issue I will address the connection, this time frequent and explicit, that binds unduly homosexuality and abusi╗.
So much for the appraiser of the Vicariate! Want to comment on her?
Happy Easter!
Dear Iginio,
and what I should comment? E’ from the 2010 who lament the way the lobby gay He has acquired a high and decisive role in power within the Church.
I also explained that the problem of lobby gay It joins that of gay friendly, which although not homosexuals, for issues related to their career ambitions and desires, or to the maintenance of the acquired positions, must submit to this gay potentate luficerino, making necessary cruel armed wing against opponents.
The levels of nastiness and cruelty to which these people come towards the good and healthy priests that they oppose, They give life to real white martyrdom situations, sometimes characterized by extreme psychological cruelty tips exerted on them.
Perhaps, these true martyrs, no interest to those who are too busy sciacquar feet Nigerian prostitutes, Muslims and prisoners; as interested in the retinue of his interested flatterers, I repeated that as more time, They are totally indifferent – such squalid adultatori – the blood of innocents.
And the one and the other, of this, they will have to answer God seriously, which is not influenced by any lobby or spaventabile.
And in the day of judgment, sincerely, I would not just be in their place.
We live in the time of the big blind, and at the same time the great test of faith, in which we must hold fast.
six years ago I was doing this analysis, but no one listened to me, but today we are going from bad to worse :
For those who do this is not clear, despite all the more precise and lucid explanations, in such a case you can always retreat to Pontius Pilate company and spend their lives wondering with him: "What is truth?» [GV 18, 37-38]. And while the dogs bark at the moon, the caravan passes ... [old Arab proverb], and together with the caravan also passes the possibility of entering the mystery of salvation, as it tells the parable of the virgins foolish, that when finally came groom, They were left outside the door [cf. Mt 25, 1-13]. And outside of Christ "leads the sheep" [GV 10, 7], there is the "fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" [Mt 13, 42].
Dear Father Ariel I am one of those “Ponzi Pilati” that I don't want “believe seems to fear”, because whoever believes out of fear certainly does not have the faith that moves mountains. As for the survival of the soul after death, well this was also believed by the Neandherthals and, at the bottom of, of the salvation of the body that bugs me? The body is a raft when you cross the river you don't take it to the desert if that is your path.
I will continue to seek the truth as long as I have a clear brain and passably soul…