"Swords will be drawn to show that the leaves are green in summer", for this we provide the official biography of Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

This time, in Italy, in front of a Draghi a San Giorgio will not be enough. Also because Draghi is real, San Giorgio just a legend

"After all they just killed a Jewish boy". In this society where everything flows quickly, someone remembers Willy Monteiro killed in Colleferro after having testified

New book by Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo – «Pius XII and the Shoah: being grateful to those who saved your life is a humiliation that some can't stand "

From Fascism which yesterday feared the Church and Pius XI, to the young politicians who laugh at us today. The Italian Episcopal Conference and the urgent need to review their priorities

Apprentice sorcerers and pious fideistic women who go crazy on social media? Leaving them to their sad fate is not a lack of charity, quite the opposite: it is an order given by Jesus Christ in the Gospel

The birth of Christ and the Epiphany of faith and reason, beyond the clouds of irrationalism, of blind fideism and devotion

The supercazzolari internet theologians attack at Christmas: “Vaccines produced with aborted fetuses. The Church opens the way for the recognition of abortion "