Some are scandalized when they learn on Good Friday that "dying with Christ" requires means ranging from faith to economic resources?

"There was a cricket in a linen field …». Judas also chose the “well possible”: its good, not what Christ proposed to him

The criticism and the gag: crimes of opinion, science fiction or gratuitous insults to the gay community? Let's use common sense in the case of Silvana De Mari and her book withdrawn from distribution by Amazon

The right to happiness? There is an abyss between the happiness of the Great Architect of the Universe and the happiness of God

The Church's solemn no to the blessing of the “weddings” gay. I've been telling the gay rainbows for years: don't invent a Jorge Mario Bergoglio man who never existed, because you will be deeply disappointed

ANNOUNCEMENTS – The book "Erbe Amare" has been reprinted, unassailable and unattached historical critique of political Zionism that launched Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo as an essayist in 2006

Quantum theory and the miracle of the Eucharist, walking between science and faith in the company of Niel Bohr and St. Thomas Aquinas

That of Bolsena is an "alleged miracle" of the Eucharist? We are invaded by non-Catholic priests who depend on less Catholic Bishops than them who stand by the window and watch, if anything, waiting for the cardinal's hat to merit the migrant?

That light that pervades and disintegrates all limits in this society in which the culture of death tries to prevail over life: Paolo Palumbo and his history of S.L.A.. changed to "Only Light Around". And in line the extraordinary band of "Thieves of wheelchairs"