The site of the magazine The Island of Patmos reopens today renewed and with good news: Jorge Facio Lynx, President of our Editions, is an Italian citizen

The island of Patmos will close for a few days to shortly offer a surprise, also hoping for the help of our readers

The curious dystopia of Bishop Giacomo Cirulli that reminds us a lot “a lot nice” of Verdone who in the newspaper Avvenire blames the no-vax priests, the faithful traditionalists and the political enemies of the Pontiff

The "Apostolic Catholic Church". How many words we use and recite without knowing their meaning? At the roots of the concept of "Apostolic"

The death of sexuality and faith in self-styled Catholics from social media who hate in the name of a “Christian love” made up of androgynous Christs and languid Madonnas, of aggressive and violent vajasse

Thoughts on the concept of filial freedom in a time of pandemic, regarding certain bishops who have forgotten that they are the fathers of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated

Story of a betrayed love that never went out: Luigi Negri died, he was bishop of the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro and later Archbishop of Ferrara. A bishop's disaster but a true believer and a man of faith