The death of sexuality and faith in self-styled Catholics from social media who hate in the name of a “Christian love” made up of androgynous Christs and languid Madonnas, of aggressive and violent vajasse

- Church news -



… and having said this I informed the pinzochera that the Word of God, true God and true man, he had a psycho-physical sex and sexuality, precisely because he was God incarnate in a real man. This is the textual answer: “You are a blasphemer, a priest's shame, a son of the devil, convert ... blasphemer!». I replied: “I will also be a blasphemer, however, I just can't imagine Our Lord Jesus Christ pissing holy water from his ears because he lacks an unseemly attribute like the male sex which is needed when needed, on a purely and naturally physiological level, also to urinate ".




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“The guillotine of the tribunal of social media“, cover of the book of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos on the theme of the pandemic, made by the Roman painter Anna Boschini (the book is available for purchase WHO)

This magazine of ours it is a place where historical arguments are addressed, philosophical and theological that we undertake to make accessible also to the general public eager to deepen the mysteries of the faith through the articles of a group of priest-theologians invested by the Holy Church of Christ with the mandate to teach, sanctify and guide i believers of Christ. And the gift priestly, O three gifts of the Church: the task of teaching, the task of sanctifying, office of government. Quite clear elements in that toxic sewer to which i are reduced social media, where an army of pinzochere rages who have confused faith with psychological terrorism, the Word of God made man with a sexless Jesus Christ photoshopped, the Virgin Mary with a Cassandra announcing catastrophes and imminent ends of the world. Each of their speeches is seasoned with rancid sauces pulled out of the great container of returning neo-paganism, if not worse by the more degenerate Pelagianism. Talk to these people, whose profiles social abound in stabbed Madonnine, unfortunately it is a waste of time. Because any priest who dared to point out their errors in matters of doctrine and faith, hence the way for an authentic journey of Christian life, well that goes you will hear an answer: «Be ashamed, you are not worthy of being called a priest!». And although he has written it and explained it several times, I go back to repeat it again: today, we priests and theologians, as absurd as it may seem, we are considered religious guides and scholars of sacred sciences - and as such also respected - by ultra secularists and non-believers, which obviously have a completely different feeling and lifestyle, while for every trifle we are badly attacked and publicly offended by lay Catholics, or self-styled, which they believe to be banners of truth, pure and authentic Christianity. These are the facts that lead me to say how right the Professor Enrico Medi, stating in the early seventies that he was not so scared of air pollution, for the atomic bomb or the danger of any new wars, but instead of being so because of the collective madness towards which humanity was falling. And of this madness, today, i social media they are model and paradigm.


In this jungle without rules, where with a fantasy identity you can attack and insult anyone in the worst way, some souls cloaked in modesty have accused me of making frequent indirect references, or sometimes direct, to human sexuality, declaring themselves authentic Catholics scandalized by certain jokes made by a priest. Well I will tell you that for some time I have been convinced that this kind of people are the ones who gave inspiration to the lamentation Anna Marchesini, because it is likely that she was inspired by them, when he did his hilarious sketch comedians in the role of Merope Generosa, specialist in sexology.


These unspecified Catholics it gives social media they are characterized by three elements all in radical contrast with faith: sexophobia, the pessimistic catastrophism, hatred that feeds on hatred and that seeks fetishes as an outlet.


Let's start with the first element: sexophobic, because they tend above all to identify the center of sin in human sexuality, or rather the sin of sins. If you dare to correct them and remind them that original sin does not come to life because Adam and Eve committed a sin of lust but pride - which of the seven deadly sins is the most serious of all, enough to be placed in the first place as queen and charioteer driving all the deadly sins -, their reaction will be this: «Modernist heretic slave to the perversions of the world!». But what does modernist mean to them? Above all, what do they know about this movement of thought condemned by the Holy Pontiff Pius X with the Encyclical Feeding of Dominic's Sheep? Nothing they know, it is just a word with which they try to attack and silence the interlocutors, ignoring how and why this current of thought was born and developed within the Church, not least also due to a closure and a rigor that was sometimes obsessive. Just like those who, having no arguments, try to silence the interlocutor by yelling at him "fascist!"Or" communist!”, except, however, not being able to explain how these two different socio-political currents come to life and develop. Or like when a woman who wanted to give herself a certain tone published the photograph of a designer's collection stating: "It's a collection of metaphysically inspired clothes". I asked her: "Excuse me, he explains to me what metaphysics is?». A few seconds later a handful of insults came in response, simply because by asking her that "innocent" question, I had implicitly given her an ignoramus who used words inappropriately without knowing their meaning. And I repeat sexophobic because these are not better specified Catholics, but above all Catholic, they have a love life, sentimental and sexual so disastrous, to the point of changing sex and human sexuality into absolute evil. And precisely by negativizing sexuality in this way they forget some fundamental elements of faith: the Word of God became man, and he was a man, Jesus Christ, with all the sexual and manly attributes of the case. So I once reminded a pinzochera by pointing out to her that Joseph and Mary presented Jesus to the Temple to have him circumcised on the eighth day of life in compliance with the Mosaic Law [cf.. LC 2, 22-39]. I explained to her that this ancient rite is called Circumcision (Brit Milah, verbatim: Pact of the Alliance) and it is performed by a pious Jewish religious who performs the function of circumciser. Then I specified that with circumcision the foreskin is removed from the male virile member leaving the glans completely uncovered. This was the circumcision of the little infant Jesus, just in case someone thought he was introduced to the Temple by a blonde Swede with blue eyes, such is Mary depicted, accompanied by a limping 80-year-old who escaped from a geriatrics ward, such is represented Joseph. For this the infant Jesus was presented to the Temple, to remove the foreskin from the divin pea, certainly not to style the blond curls with which he is depicted in the iconographic holy cards, as if instead of in the Middle East he was born in Stockholm. And having said this I informed the pinzochera that the Word of God, true God and true man, he had a psycho-physical sex and sexuality, precisely because he was God incarnate in a real man. This was the textual answer: “You are a blasphemer, a priest's shame, a son of the devil, convert ... blasphemer!». I replied: “I will also be a blasphemer, however, I just can't imagine Our Lord Jesus Christ pissing holy water from his ears because he lacks an unseemly attribute like the male sex which is needed when needed, on a purely and naturally physiological level, also to urinate ".


The second element is pessimistic catastrophism, typical of people unable to grasp God's love and his actions of grace on us even in the most tragic and painful situations. Suffice it to mention among the many St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe so hungry for Christ that he agreed to starve in storage of Auschwitz to save the life of a family man who was his fellow prisoner. In these self-styled Catholics, but above all Catholic, catastrophism and pessimism take on morbid features and connotations, to the point of becoming unable to see that supreme good summed up in the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. It is precisely the virtue of hope, which is in the middle and which binds faith and charity together - the latter indicated as the most important by the Blessed Apostle Paul [cf.. The Cor 13] - they just don't know where you live. Like this, to unleash their dark and destructive pessimism through images of a catastrophic future, they usually use the Blessed Virgin Mary, making havoc of apparitions and messages that are not recognized as authentic by the Church in practice and rigor. When they then take the apparitions and messages that have instead been recognized as authentic as pretexts to support their peregrine ideas, first of all they manipulate them, then they accuse the Church, for example in the case of Our Lady of Fatima, of having concealed and censored the texts, which obviously, needless to say, they would be terrifying. Soon said: in the name of “purity” their faith and theirs “truth” all of it neurotic-subjective, they do not hesitate to change the Church, who is mother and teacher, in a lying mother. On several occasions I have tried to explain to the fanatical pinzochere of the catastrophic Mariology they have changed into pagan mariolatry, than the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, like those of the Madonna della Salette, of Amsterdam and so on to follow, they do not constitute elements of the deposit of faith and that in I believe of the Catholic Church, also called the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, we do not profess to believe in the secrets of Our Lady of Fatima and in the revelations given by herself to that or that seer, including those recognized as authentic by the Church. Having said this, I went on to explain that a Catholic could also be completely indifferent to certain Marian apparitions, because he is not obliged to be devoted either to Our Lady of Lourdes or to that of Fatima or to others, on which his faith and even the health of his soul cannot depend. What a Catholic cannot do is deny the authenticity of what the Church has recognized as authentic, or worse still, to declare instead authentic for one's own emotionality and personal stinginess, what the Church has never recognized as such, for instance The Gospa of the liars. In short, as an explanation, that date, it had to be clear. But no, at least according to the angry response of the pinzochera that on social media he yelled at me: "Heretic! She is worse than Luther. Shame, a priest who hates Our Lady and who thinks worse than a Protestant ... get converted, because Our Lady's judgment on her will be terrible ". I reply to the possessed pinzochera, avoiding asking for what reason he allowed himself to point out a presbyter to the public contempt as a hater of the Blessed Virgin, so I go to the point and clarify: "You see, when we profess in I believe “one day he will return to glory to judge the living and the dead” we refer to Christ the divine judge, not to Our Lady, who will judge no one at all, neither the living nor the dead, because it's not his job. And if there is an extraordinary creature who has always known how to stay in her own place and in the role entrusted to her by God in the mystery of the economy of salvation, this is precisely the Blessed Virgin Mary ".


The third element is hatred, typical of people who do not feel loved, or that have not been loved, made for them various reasons and existential problems completely incapable of loving, until reaching a process of spiritual inversion which in itself is more serious than all the worst sexual perversions put together: use love and the concept of Christian love to vent their hatred. I social media are full of self-styled Catholics and crazy pinzochere that in the name of a “love of god” and a “love for faith” completely emptied of its deepest essence, they hate fiercely. Then, if a priest dares to call them to that effect, their reactions always tend to be violent and aggressive, especially destructive towards the priest, who will end up attacked by people who will first of all question his human and spiritual virtues, its doctrinal orthodoxy, his theological preparation and his pastoral experience. The concept of “love” of these people is comparable to the bloodthirsty crowds during the terror period of the French Revolution, who in the name of an unspecified freedom cut off the heads on the guillotines, then, after having hoisted them on poles, they carried them triumphantly around the streets of Paris like hideous trophies. The whole, I repeat, in the name of an unspecified freedom, which is equivalent to the concept of “love” of certain self-styled Catholics who go crazy on social media. For this we Fathers de The Island of Patmos, when we put our book to the press The Church and the coronavirus, where we also address the issue of the great experts who swarm on social media, we made our friend realize, the teacher Anna Boschini, Roman painter, a cover depicting the three of us climbing the stairs towards the guillotine, while under the stage the judges of the social media.


Let's go back to sexuality again, key element to analyze and understand the mental perversions of certain self-styled Catholics from social media. The modest white souls, ready to scream at the scandal from above of their unspecified catholicity, they usually ignore a fundamental element: the first thing any young or old has to deal with, if he thinks he is called to the priesthood, it is precisely his sexuality. And when the word sex and sexuality is overlooked in seminars, or we are tinged with blush like the legendary Merope Generosa played by Anna Marchesini, then it happens that at best monsters are brought out, not to mention worse: subjects with unbalanced sexuality and morally disordered. The priest does not have to repress his sexuality at all, your own libido and your own erotic dimension, it must transform the whole into something else, that is, in a different way of loving and living one's sexual virility.


As a priest I have a human sex and sexuality, unless someone wants to deny - also in this case with the aura of the comic modesty of the legendary Merope Generosa - that the first and essential requirement is, in the absence of which the others could not possibly exist, is that the candidate for the sacred priestly order must be a male. If we wish, we can also add that the Church has never allowed access to the priesthood to men suffering from deformities such as to prevent the performance of regular sexual activity, always forbidding priestly consecration, the penalty of nullity, of subjects who had been emasculated by accident or by the criminal will of others. Being male, as known, it means to have, anatomically, a very specific genital organ in the middle of the legs that has a not slight impact on the psyche as well, in the same way that the uterus affects the psychology of women.


I can calmly and sadly affirm, from priestly and pastoral experience, that problematic priests are those who have not come to terms with their sexuality upstream, or what to become ministry bosomes they have always chosen the wrong way: that of repressing one's sexuality, precious and essential gift of God that leads us to such an impulse of love to the point of making us eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven:


"" There are in fact eunuchs who were born in this way from the womb of the mother; there are some who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are others who have become eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. Who can understand, understand "" [Mt 19, 12].


A priest who has matured and transformed his sexuality into something else, becoming a eunuch out of love for the Kingdom of Heaven, naturally he will have a very virile and masculine human and spiritual attitude and approach. If that's missing, it would be good to ask some very serious questions. Because virile is certainly not the libertine who jumps from one bed to another, imprisoned over fifty in a bleak adolescent dimension. Manly seriously, if anything it is the elderly priest who, despite never having known a woman in his life, because he entered the seminary a 14 years and lived in perfect continence for his whole life, when he confronts you and looks you in the face, however, all that masculine and spiritual testosterone oozes that the unrepentant libertine does not even know where to lodge. Incidentally, a personal note, but perhaps necessary to make certain concepts better understood: up to now I have had two bishops, one who died recently, the other in the chair in the full exercise of his / her duties. Two totally different personalities, in many respects even opposite. One thing, But, in their diversity it united them: two truly and profoundly virile men in faith and in the practice of faith, hence in their male psychology. But so were all the formators to the priesthood that God gave me the grace to have, including the senior bishop who for years has taken care of my ongoing formation in the priesthood, that he would be able to make even a powerful head of state tremble with a single glance.


The Catholic Church has been invaded in recent times by unspecified faithful that transform the extraordinary comedy of Merope Generosa into a tragedy that then, in practice, it ends up falling on us priests, often with painful and even painful implications. E, always pastorally speaking, I can say that i social media they are an extensive and complex field of study which on the scientific and pastoral level is truly extraordinary. Of course I will limit myself to Catholics, or rather to those who feel they are, especially to women.


The unspecified Catholics, on social media they reach levels of offense against those priests who at times talk to them, how come a man would get there. It is not a hypothesis, but a statistic. Ready to weigh every syllable, to cry out to scandal, worse: to heresy. Women who from the top of their chair of dogmatics and ecclesiology erected on social media the Supreme Pontiff in the lead is accused of apostasy from the faith, the Bishops and all of us presbyters to follow. Women who ignore the fundamentals of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, who confuse the Virgin Mary with the Fata Morgana or who think that the action of the Holy Spirit is that of Merlin the magician ... but who are ready to overwhelm you with insults, if in a paternal and calm way you dare to call them back and correct them.


At this point one might ask: and, there are many personality disorders, then there is the great planet of hysteria, which not by chance derives from the Greek root of ὕστερον (hysteron), which means uterus, purely female disorder. Indeed, when in spoken language someone has indicated a man to me as “hysterical”, I replied that in the colloquial context this term, which is not correct in itself, can also pass, but that on a scientific level a man cannot be affected by such a disorder, at least as science has defined it. Man is in fact deprived of the raw material: the uterus. So a man can be suffering from hysteria, understood in a classical clinical way, in the same way that a woman can be prone to inflammation of the prostate. In the world of neurological and psychiatric sciences there have been over time scholars who have tried to locate forms of “male hysteria”, starting with the Viennese neurologist Sigmund Freud, but without obtaining particular successes and credits in the international scientific community.


Why all this my attention to sexuality? I am perhaps a sex addict, as someone accused me of being? Soon said: for years I have discovered, ascertained and repeatedly experienced that behind this army of pinzochere who play intransigent Catholics on social media, hiding behind the image of a spiked Madonna and behind a name of pure fantasy, there are women who live situations that are sometimes on the verge of frustration on a human level, sexual and sentimental. For instance, one such - closely followed by several others - called me a heretic and, obviously, of the shame of a priest, simply for having written and explained that on a moral level, an abortion performed by one woman can be completely different from that practiced by another. In some particular cases an abortion, while being in and of itself an abomination, it can even be reduced to a venial sin. Incidentally: the digital illiterate is the one who is not really able to understand what he reads, then cut three words, it fossilizes on them and then leaves with a burst of insults. And this pinzochera, from all my explanation understandable and not liable to be misunderstood, given the extreme delicacy of the subject dealt with, he cut off two words inappropriately, accusing me of having affirmed that today abortion is only a venial sin. Yet in that articulate and precise speech of mine - or as they say foolproof -, I had explained and clarified everything well, also making use of the case of an immature young woman of 18 year old, very simple, devoid of culture and elementary knowledge, who got pregnant was led to have an abortion in the absolute certainty that in this way she would do the right thing, for his sake and for the creature itself that it was not opportune to give birth. However, the advice was given to her by the elderly family doctor, venerated as the seat of wisdom by all his relatives. Not only, also another, a big doctor of the city hospital where she was taken from her village, he had told her the same. And if two great scholars explain to an immature girl, simple and fragile, what it should do and how it should do it, she puts the advice into practice, if anything, even thanking those who gave it to him, caring for his good in this way. And here it should be remembered that conscience is needed to commit crimes and sins, will and deliberate consent. In such a case, how can one speak of a vile mortal sin? Of course, when grown up, matured and left his provincial family farmer environment, he came now twenty-five in tears to me to explain what he had done years ago, first of all I consoled her, then in simple words I explained to her what I have explained so far, absolving her and above all begging her not to consume herself in useless feelings of guilt. The sense of guilt for the forgiven sin, it is not good, quite the opposite: it is a challenge to the mystery of love of God's grace and forgiveness.


At this point the pinzochera on duty enters the scene, self-styled Catholic self-proclaimed Doctor of Moral Theology sui social media, strictly hidden behind a fantasy name and with a Madonna stuck in her profile instead of her photo, that unleashed Hell on me. The two milder accusations - which is saying a lot - were those of "heretic, apostate and antichristic priest ". Then he wrote a long rant to disprove me and affirm that «the sense of guilt, after committing certain sins, he must never abandon us, even if one has been acquitted ". What to say: the great master of Catholic morality Alfonso Maria de ’Liguori, Bishop and Holy Doctor of the Church, in the face of so much theological science he would surely have pale and sunk into inferiority complexes. Shortly after I was contacted by a priest brother who, struck by that avalanche of insults, explained to me who this woman really was., expelled several times by the parish priests of various parishes, to one of whom he even interrupted his Sunday homily by starting to invoke him: «You don't know the Gospel, converted: modernist!». So much so that the parish priest, under of the article 405 of the Criminal Code denounced her for disturbing the exercise of a public religious function within a place of worship. But that's who this woman was: a poor unhappy mischief left by her husband, a trader who made money and came close to sixty years of age dumped her in the throes of her menopause to go and live with a thirty-year-old Slavic girl - after having cheated her for a lifetime -, as well as the mother of a daughter known throughout the district, because starting from the age of 13 years he jumped relentlessly from one boy to another, to the point that not only the mothers of little girls, but even those of the boys did not want their children to attend her. At the age of just 16, on a Sunday morning, perhaps while his mother was in who knows which parish church pissing off some poor priest, she arrived at the city emergency room with her friend from raids to ask for the “morning after pill”, to avoid problems after the stunts on Saturday night.


Behind certain fantasy profiles, on which photoshopped androgynous Christs and languid Madonnines stand out, I really discovered everything and more, because with the good offices of some dear friends I have come to the true identity of several pinzochere, so today I am able to do not only analyzes but even statistics. For instance, the one who yelled at me and wrote me all in capital letters: «Be ashamed, shame on you, shame on you!», for having posted on a page social my photo with the trans Vlady Guadagno, my friend, known to the general public with the artistic name of Luxuria, while we were smiling together in the Mediaset studios in Cologno Monzese, she was the mother of a boy who was not only outspoken gay, but who was living with his partner with whom he had gone to get married in the Canaries. Then, the hubby amorous left him for another boy. A quel point, the poor consort betrayed and abandoned, attempted suicide. Yet she was the very mother of this hubby betrayed that hidden behind a fake name and a photo of San Pio da Pietrelcina put in place of his face, covered me with insults calling me the "bad priest" and the "priest without morals". And you know what my being a priest without morals consisted of? It consisted in having explained and then reduced the masturbation of adolescents to a small sin, in that speech of mine scrupulously adhering to what is written and explained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which it recites:


"To form an equitable judgment about the subjects' moral responsibility and to guide pastoral action, It will take into account the affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety, or other psychological or social factors that may mitigate, if not minimize, moral culpability " [see n. 2352].


From time to time I deal with the themes of human sexuality on a theological and ecclesiological level certainly not devoid of smug amusement, knowing how certain subjects immediately jump out into the open in an aggressive and violent way on social media. This is how people who do not feel loved or do not have the ability to love themselves react and come out into the open, they sink into reactive hatred, finding in certain social media a portentous relief valve, which, however, risks worsening their human and psychological conditions, dragging many other people into the mechanism of hatred who then contribute to creating a hateful-quarrelsome environment.


To understand the levels of hatred and violence which can reach psychologically unstable subjects, especially those who are affected - indiscriminately men, but alas mostly women - from delusional aggressive narcissism, I will tell you about an episode in which I found myself involved a couple of years ago. I am only telling you this because it is a cross section, indeed a paradigm of the world of social in which anyone can affirm and write without any filter and control what they want, especially falls of nonsense stronger than those of Niagara.


Here's the story: one day I received a page update social of a self-styled Neapolitan. And here I open a long section: I say “self-styled” because being Neapolitan understandably does a lot chic. I would like to see the opposite: Naples was one of the largest capitals in Europe. Many of the capitals that are so celebrated today, for example Vienna, Paris, Berlin, but also our own Milan, compared to Naples in the sixteenth-nineteenth century they were little more than towns. Not to mention the historical assets, artistic and monumental. Naples, and together with it the other capital of the Bourbon Kingdom, Palermo, they were not only two great European capitals, but above all places of art and culture without equal in our ancient continent.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - to take just one among many purely by way of example - going to Italy he was not impressed by Milan and its Ducal Theater, but he literally went into ecstasy when he arrived in the great Naples in May of 1770, where he was fascinated by that city and its great theater, especially from art, from the culture and musical school of the Partonepe people.


This is to clarify what to say "I'm Neapolitan" undoubtedly gives a certain tone to the person. Like when I boast my Roman family roots, although to be honest I must specify that I was born in the lower Tuscan Maremma, a few kilometers from the border with Lazio, from a paternal family of old Roman origin and from a Tuscan maternal family. Therefore, to those who ask me about my birthplace, I have to answer that I am Tuscan-Roman. Then, if the son of two immigrants from lower Calabria who was born in Rome, in a light-hearted tone he tells me ... «Ah, roman you?», at that point it will be up to me to reiterate that the Roman origins of my ancestors are lost far back in time, contrary to yours. And here I am reminded of a young woman from an old Roman family who cannot be older, to be exact, belonging to a cadet branch of the Torlonia, born in the United States of a Roman father and an American mother. When a cheerful pischello, trying to approach her - she was a beautiful girl - he asked her where she came from, in response he retorted: "I come from a Roman family". The boarder laughed amused: "Already, Roman with this American accent?». Impassively she asks: "I can know what your last name is?». he responds: «Mancuso, why do you ask me that?». The beautiful girl smiles slyly: "You see, my surname is Torlonia. I will also have an American accent, since I was born in the United States of America, but I am certainly Roman from a Roman family much more than a Mancuso ". Last name, to clarify to the reader, widespread in the Calabrian area of ​​Catanzaro, ancient and noble city of ancient Magna Graecia.


Before this dutiful incident I was narrating that one day I received a page update social of a self-styled Neapolitan. And I say self-styled because the “noblewoman” in question lived in a suburb of Caserta, which as we know is not exactly the Vomero, Capodimonte or the Spanish Quarters. The poor wretch, putting together a jumble of black legends today denied even by liberal scholars and Protestant historians, with a clumsy copy and paste he had written a celebratory post on the figure of “great” ed “heroic” Giordano Bruno from Nola, burned at the stake in Campo dei Fiori in 1600 from the bad Church of the time. Having a new phone that I didn't know how to use well yet, reading that post I leave without wanting to and noticing it emoticon of a smiling face. I was aware of this when another notice came to me with this delicate message: “What the fuck are you laughing at?». After some perplexity, I said to myself: "No, it is not possible that it is Donna Fiammetta Caracciolo Carafa, that I met in his time with his noble consort Don Oderisio de’ Sangro di Fondi. Not just because, at this point, they are both dead, but why would a Neapolitan noble of such ancient lineage and princely lineage never address a priest on a public page in this way? social».


… when some ladies approached me as a priest in this tone, after which they even protested to my Bishop

A quel point with pastoral amiability, as well as fulfilling my duty as a scholar, I replied that the emoticon with the laughing face I had left without my even noticing and therefore it was to be considered involuntary. Having clarified everything, I wrote her a post of about twenty lines, specifying that it was not serious to launch publicly into such complex historical and juridical topics., given, among other things, that the judges of the Inquisition Tribunal did their utmost and even impossible to save Giordano Bruno. His trial lasted 15 long years, was canceled twice for laughable defects of form and in the meantime everything was done to induce him to repent of his very serious heresies. Because, that Giordano Bruno was a heretic, there is very little to discuss about this. And I concluded by inviting this lady - always with great kindness - not to throw herself into trades on a historical level, juridical and theological which were not really his professions. Shortly after the noblewoman “very Neapolitan”, resident however in the suburbs of Caserta, throws me a string of insults to make a prostitute leaning against the lamppost turn pale, cursing on a rainy night for lack of customers. A quel point, always without ever leaving the lines, after being inundated with vulgar sexual insults, after being attacked by his wives in the lower-Caserta washhouse who called me "half a priest" wearing a "shit tunic", jokingly e, I repeat, never ever offensive, I reply saying: «In front of a woman like you, I thank and bless God for the great gift of celibacy and chastity ". And shortly after, in a dialect from the slums of Caserta comes a public reply which I offer you translated directly into Italian. The noblewoman, I speak publicly with another of his mates from the slums, he writes verbatim about me: “If he hadn't taken the vow (of chastity) he would only have done the saws, with the cock that a woman like us gave it to an asshole like Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo ". A very short note: looking at the photographs of this Lady and her Wives published on their page social, anyone would have instantly understood how in front of such beauties the whole Addams family, even it uncle Fester.


delicacies on the part of quarrelsome ladies unleashed on social media

I hope the politically correct don't accuse me of inciting violence against women, if in the face of such vulgarities I affirm in a hilarious tone: if such women do not have fathers or husbands who, after reading certain public messages, do not give up two pedagogical slaps, or if they have no children that similar mothers do not say they feel ashamed for them, it is evident that if husbands and children are not worse, at least they are as they are to mothers. A quel point, always in an ironic and never offensive way, I reply: “Be a civilized woman, she and her friends who wrote these comments, because you are proving to be worse than needed to the wash house ". I confess that the word in the shed I learned it from my brother priest of the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor Ivano Liguori, which is half Campanian for the paternal branch and half Sardinian for the maternal branch. Let's clarify: this term of the Neapolitan dialect means, in an etymological sense, “the edge” O “domestica”. Later it became synonymous with a woman of low social extraction characterized by coarse attitudes, vulgar and quarrelsome. And so it was that the noblewomen, after insulting me from head to toe, after showering me with vulgar insults, finally feeling defined needed, they started screaming at the lese majesty attack. Then, totally distorting reality, they turned me into an offender by presenting themselves as poor vilified victims.


I stop at this point in the narrative, because I think it will be enough. Now I go on to tell the absurd consequences of social schizophrenia, always to clarify what levels the freaks who go crazy on certain platforms can reach ... and so these women, in the head the ferocious administrator of that page, all ’ today, after more than two years, they continue to pour out the worst kind of wickedness and vulgarity on me, attributing to me what I have never written and affirmed. From time to time they take two and three lines from some of my articles, they cut them, make one screen-shot and they attribute to me what I never even thought. As the article itself demonstrates from which that cut of two or three lines was made, in which I affirm just the opposite of what is attributed to me.


Before proceeding further it is important to clarify with a concrete example this last delicate and above all fundamental step, illustrating in detail the technique with which haters make mud bombs to detonate on social media to damage the image, reputation or scientific credibility, intellectual, ecclesiastical or theological of the person they have decided to strike. So here is the concrete example served: in a previous passage of this narration of mine, within a very serious speech in which I speak of the incarnation of the Word of God and of Christ true God and true man, making use of a rhetorical hyperbole I affirm: «[…] I just can't imagine Our Lord Jesus Christ pissing holy water from his ears because he lacks an unseemly attribute like the male sex ". Soon said: to cut these two lines from a very serious context, everything related to the fundamental mystery of faith of the incarnation of the Word of God, it would be so dishonest as to cross every limit of human decency. But this is precisely the dishonesty on which they have always played needed certainly not used as single and poor people but only as a paradigm, able to cut a sentence of this kind from a writing, make one screen-shot and then spread it on social media pointing me to public contempt as an infamous priest who even dares to satire on Jesus Christ (!?). "A priest to whom one does not understand at all" - the thunders vajasse-paradigm in their comments - "how can they leave the cassock on". Obviously, and always practice, at the screen-shot the link where anyone could open the article, read it in full, then ascertain that the Author indicated to the public contempt wrote the exact opposite, all in an articulated and precise speech. A quel point, under the post in which that was reported screen-shot of two lines, the ferocious and offensive comments of various other wives begin to multiply, far from going to look for the article in question and ascertain what this "unworthy priest" really wrote, they begin to issue ferocious sentences on those two lines, without knowing either the Author and least of all his writing. Obviously this is all true, not discussed, there is proof: there he is screen-shot! You understand well that we are far beyond the problem of digital illiteracy of those who - far from reading an article from top to bottom -, read the title and subtitle and in a few seconds sifted through a text that, if anything, deals with historical topics, philosophical, very complex theological and socio-pastoral, in the end they decide to understand what they want to understand. In the case just illustrated we are instead faced with bad faith with connotations of authentic wickedness. Exactly that bad faith that arises from the typical malice of people who lie knowing they are lying, just like these vajasse-paradigm animated by the irrepressible need to unload hatred on a person who for reasons or psychological discomfort of their own decide to use as target practice, forming a group and conditioning each other through hatred that generates hatred, telling lies to each other, then convincing one another that those falsehoods are truths beyond any possible doubt. I could be an object of hatred in the same way that the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic in office today could be, or what was before him, or virologists accused of incompetence and ignorance by people who, if asked about it, would not be able to explain even in an elementary way what a virus is, to follow with us priests guilty in various ways of betraying the authentic message of Jesus Christ, all affirmed with severity and violence by people of an unspecified Christian spirit who in their previous comments have just declared themselves in favor of abortion, all’eutanasia, to marriage between same-sex couples and so on, all justified by the fact that they say "… but Jesus is love!». It doesn't matter what the object is, because it can be the most disparate, from the basketball player to the cancer surgeon, the important, for these people, is to focus on a subject, to target it and transform it into a fetishist object on which to unload hatred in the worst way.


Having clarified everything I consider useless, at least now, to open another complex discourse on the great masters of the social media, that on this round of hate that generates hatred they make money, except to trigger the censorship if one dares to post the image of Venus of Botticelli, read by their absurd algorithms as a pornographic image. In short, certi social media they are not the realm of science, of art and culture, but the ideal universe where they live and go crazy vajasse-paradigm liars, violent and quarrelsome.


Reading invectives of this kind addressed to Father Ariel sui social media , one of his Chinese confreres who had lived in Rome for many years commented on this: “During the Mao revolution the priests were captured and at best jailed in hideous prisons, but no Maoist Communist has ever addressed them and poured out such vulgar verbal violence on them ". That is all to say …

After having violently insulted a priest, the vajasse-paradigm they contact my Bishop, thus committing one crime after another. A, presenting himself as a lawyer about to sue me and ask for me, roughly, the same sentence a 25 years of imprisonment imposed ad Ali Agca for having made an attempt on the life of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II. Another asked for a telephone conversation with my Bishop to inform him - listen, hear! - that if he had imposed on me the "due" and severe canonical penalties they would have desisted, granting me … clemency. And here we fall into various types of offenses related to the abuse of a professional qualification - that of a lawyer which requires registration in a professional register and a qualification to practice the profession - put in place, moreover, with the representative of a body governed by public law, such is the bishop of a diocese according to the law, from the vajassa-paradigm on duty fully qualified to exercise the legal profession. After this they sent to my Bishop only the screen-shOt in which in an amused and ironic tone I responded - without insulting any of them - to attacks of unspeakable vulgarity and truly unprecedented violence. Obviously, I immediately proceeded to send the Bishop what these ladies had written and thrown at me. Needless to say, she was very ill both for the violence and for the vulgar tones with which the commoners in the washhouse of the slums of the village had allowed themselves to turn to one of her priests in the way in which she would never have dared to become a professional prostitute. And I, that in Rome I dedicated part of my apostolate to prostitutes who worked on the stretch of the Via Aurelia that goes from the capital to Castel di Guido, I am well aware of the courtesy these women had towards the priest, always using respect and affection towards him.


the trophy exhibited on social media give her needed: the return receipt of the registered letter sent to the Supreme Pontiff with a request - or rather with the order given by them - to proceed as soon as possible to "expose" Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Since the Bishop he didn't give them credit, they sent a letter to the Supreme Pontiff, then publishing the return receipt of the registered letter in their profiles, as if it were a cross between a trophy and a bull of excommunication. In that letter they asked approximately “spretizzarmi”. Then they got angry with my Bishop, they say guilty of not having carried out directives and commands given to them. Because, as is well known, a Bishop would be required, indeed forced to take directives from vulgar and quarrelsome washerwomen who spend most of their time on social media to insolent in the worst way those who decide to target, following the orders that they gave after having insolent a priest in the worst way possible. Otherwise, if it doesn't do this, what kind of bishop he is?


With an ironic joke now let's try to summarize it all, to fix with a pertinent image at what levels of delirium and dissociation from reality certain people can live in concrete facts. Let's say that I, while I was in Mediaset's offices in Milan for the various programs in which I participated, I had told Paolo Del Debbio: "I felt, my friend, I need to speak to Silvio Berlusconi urgently ". Obviously he would have laughed thinking about a joke of mine, knowing full well that I am an intelligent and rational mind, not an idiot. Said this, I insist. At that point he asks me the reason for my urgent need. To which I reply: «Because in my house, Rete4 sometimes doesn't see well, for this I demand that Silvio Berlusconi arrange the reception of my television antenna for me in the way in which I will show him to do ". Something like that said by me to Paolo Del Debbio, it would have made him die laughing, then, soon after, he would go around the entire editorial office making all the editors laugh, that knowing how much I am an intelligent and rational mind, they would have said that Father Ariel has a hilarious sense of humor. In the case of vajasse-paradigm true Neapolitan aspirants, emblem of violence, of manipulation, of the barbarians cut and sew made by certain people on social media and the psychophysical need to hate, you have to laugh on the other hand. Indeed, these noblewomen, after declaring their regret for my Bishop who had not taken off my cassock and publicly condemned, they were further embittered because the Holy Father to whom they had written twice - as declared by them and with a receipt of the registered letter presented -, he had never taken any action on me, thus giving executions to the orders given by the violent and quarrelsome washerwomen not only to my Bishop, but even to the Roman Pontiff, which at least should have requested Castel Sant’Angelo on loan for use from the Municipality of Rome to lock me up in its internal prisons and then throw the key to the cell into the waters of the Tiber. So they just couldn't get over it, to the point of continuing to write: “How can they not severely punish such a priest, after all we wrote to Pope Francis?». In short, they demanded that Silvio Berlusconi, behind subtle threat to do as they wanted and the way they wanted, arranged to fix the television antenna, otherwise they would have reported it to the European Community, what am I saying, directly to the United Nations League, otherwise requesting the immediate intervention of the UN peacekeepers. to besiege the citadel of Mediaset in Cologno Monzese.


A former classmate of mine, today Attorney of the Republic in a regional capital, in an entirely amused tone, but very irritated, told me some time ago that the Public Prosecutors, day after day they file absurd complaints presented for the craziest and most irrational reasons by people who, more and more, they truly believe that the Law can be applied - and strictly speaking even with absolute severity - to do the utmost justice to the irrepressible hyper-susceptibility and hypertrophic narcissism of certain subjects who live in the surreal planet of social media rather than in the real world. He confided to me that one of his Prosecutors made him read a lawsuit one day in which a woman had sued a man because under the photo she posted on her public page social, with her portrayed in a bathing suit, had posted a emoticon with a laughing face that made a tongue out.


With this example the magistrate friend summed up the drama of the vajasse-paradigm tested narrates and various similar. All these people also have another characteristic in common, or rather the habit of using the terms medieval and medieval as insulting words with which to brand those who have changed into fetishes on which download hate, roughly like a sorcerer voodoo practice the macumba planting pins on a rag doll. And try to explain it to this army of digital illiterates and violent brawls that the Middle Ages is that Benedictine monasticism that gave life to the concept and to the very word of Europe and that has passed on to us centuries and centuries of knowledge., that without the circuit of Benedictine monasteries it would have been lost forever. Or that the Middle Ages are Anselmo d’Aosta and Tommaso d’Aquino, to follow with Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca and Giovanni Boccaccio. And then try to explain that the Middle Ages, divided into three distinct eras over a span of nearly ten centuries, it was a flourishing of arts and sciences everywhere. What they understand as the Middle Ages - but which never existed in the true Middle Ages - is what exists today in the world of social media, through which man, under false pretexts of progress and freedom, he has lost all kinds of continence, modesty and measure, up to regress to the stones and the slingshot of prehistory, to the point of giving the worst of himself as he had never done before. For this reason, Umberto Eco was right in affirming:


«I social media they give the right to speak to legions of idiots who previously only spoke at the bar after a glass of wine, without damaging the community. They were immediately silenced, while now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It is the invasion of imbeciles ".


Maybe today's man had a speculative mind, the creative flair and critical sense that the bass man had, middle and late Middle Ages, maybe! And unfortunately, from this great and uncontrollable sewer, many self-styled Catholics and variously frustrated and unhappy women hidden behind fluid Christs and languid little Madonnas also come to the surface, which constitute the worst negation of the Christianitas.


inside i social media I enter, I write and debate with the spirit of the good shepherd who does not hesitate to enter, if necessary, even in a brothel in the worst slums, in the knowledge that he will never be able to get all the prostitutes who work there out of the loop, But, one or two, it may even be that it manages to induce a change of life. The good shepherd does not hesitate to go to a circle of drug addicts, or criminals, aware that very few will be those who will be able to wrest from drug addiction or the circles of organized crime, but we know how much for God even one soul is very precious.


Dad, because every now and then on social media say bad words? It's true, every now and then I use colorful language. But I ask you: someone really thinks he does it by accident, or worse for verbal incontinence? Well I confess it to you: within the social media I have led more people to reason with a dirty word than with one Ave Maria. Each business requires precise techniques of action, each area requires its own expressive language: one does not speak of metaphysics to an illiterate and at the same time one should not treat a metaphysician as if he were a perfect illiterate. At a gala dinner at an embassy, ​​shrimps are shelled with a knife and fork, the peel is also removed from the fruit, while in a fishermen's tavern you peel the shrimps with your hands and peel the fruit with a knife, holding it tightly in your hands. You don't use your hands in some contexts and in others it would be offensive for everyone present to use a knife and fork instead. All this is called simply and nothing but common sense.


These are today, in the very happy world we live in, the great and difficult pastoral challenges that we priests have to face, if necessary with a knife and fork, in other contexts by greasing his fingers with shrimp shells. And believe me if from experience as a priest, pastor in the care of souls and theologian I tell you very clearly: as an enterprise it is by no means a small thing, in the modern world of the man of stone and the slingshot that today rages on social media, except ironically with all his crass ignorance about the open mind, creative and speculative that the man of the Middle Ages had instead.


the Island of Patmos, 14 January 2022



I social media they work like this: believe that you have the right to offend anyone without limits and without filters, But, if the offended person responds in kind, at that point, who offended you, immediately state that he has been offended by you (!?). Then, if the offender is a woman, in that case, who was offended and dared to argue, is gravely guilty of having “offended a woman”. This is the “logic” of the social media.



Some pearls of wisdom of the vajasse-paradigm who spend their days on social media to give history lessons, philosophy, medicine, policy, quantum physics, theology, art and so on and so forth … and who attack and insult without filters and limits anyone who dares to contradict the expressions of theirs “high wisdom”, in those social media now reduced to a planet "invaded by legions of imbeciles who have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner", as Umberto Eco complained several years ago.





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8 replies
  1. Fabio G
    Fabio G says:

    The meaning of the article does not change, but perhaps:
    circumcision was done on the eighth day ... but not in the temple. (Luca 1,57-59 for John the Baptist and Luke 2,21 for Jesus).
    At the Temple The mother showed up no earlier than 40 days after giving birth to a boy or 80 days for a female to perform the rite of her purification e, in the case of the firstborn, to consecrate him to God and redeem him (Leviticus 12,1-8) (Exodus 13,11-16) (Luca 2, 22-39).

    • father ariel
      father ariel says:

      The Holy Family, who did not live in Jerusalem, he went to the Holy City on the occasion of the circumcision of Jesus, that is, for the presentation in the Temple.
      It must be borne in mind that at the ancient Temple there was a priest who performed the function of מוהל (mohel, circumciser). Obviously, ritual circumcision was certainly not practiced in the ַקֳּדָשִׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים (Qodesh is-Qodashim, Latin equivalent of Holy of Holies). In an outer corner of the temple there was also a strip of land in which the foreskins of newborns were then buried. Some ancient authors even hypothesize that in the period before the destruction of the first Temple the foreskin was burned together with an animal offered as a sacrifice..
      The ritual circumcision, at the time, it could happen anywhere, it was often practiced inside homes or even outdoors during party gatherings.
      That Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem at the temple on the occasion of the circumcision of the Divine Infant, it is attested by the Lucanian narration where two specific characters are indicated, Simeon the wise and just elder, almost certainly a member of the priestly caste, in addition to the presence of the prophetess Anna, daughter of Fanuèle, that "He never left the Temple".
      All of which is narrated in the Gospel of the Blessed Evangelist Luke which you cited (LC 2, 21)
      So Jesus may have been circumcised and then presented to the Temple, or, how it happened, having been circumcised in Jerusalem by the מוהל of the Temple.

      I am very grateful to you for your valuable information.

      • orenzo
        orenzo says:

        Dearest father Ariel,
        how could Mary have gone to the Temple on the eighth day if she was legally unclean for 40 days?

        • father ariel
          father ariel says:

          Dear Orenzo,

          I don't seem to have said that Mary entered the Temple with Jesus 8 days after delivery, I spoke of the presentation "on the occasion of the circumcision of Jesus". Perhaps, instead of saying “on occasion” I should have said “after” the circumcision of Jesus, but saying “on occasion” I implied and I meant “after”.
          Responding to Fabio G. who made a very pertinent comment, I took the opportunity to do some’ chronicle on circumcision and the places where it was practiced.
          Nobody knows where Jesus was circumcised (place and location, to be understood) the Holy Gospels attest that he was circumcised and narrate his presentation in the Temple, where – as I said to the other kind commentator -, there was also a suitable space in which circumcisions were practiced.

          After that, as the Holy Gospels narrate and as you rightly point out, Maria did the ritual purification, la cosiddetta mikveh (mikvah), which consisted of total immersion inside a tank, for three times, which had to be fed by running water and never by stale water, because in this case the rite would not have been carried out according to the prescriptions of the הלכה (Halakah, the normative law). This is still the case today in Jewish orthodoxy, where at each synagogue there is a suitable room for the ritual purification bath.

          For years you have been a welcome reader of ours and I take this opportunity to greet you and wish you a happy start to the year

          • orenzo
            orenzo says:

            Then the sentence “on the occasion of the circumcision of Jesus, that is, for the presentation in the Temple” he is somewhat unhappy, because Luke speaks of three distinct ceremonies and an offering:
            – “When the eight days prescribed for circumcision had passed” (Genesis 17.12)
            – “When the time came for their purification according to the Law of Moses” (Leviticus 12.1,4)
            – “they took the child to Jerusalem to offer him to the Lord, as it is written in the Law of the Lord: every firstborn male will be sacred to the Lord;” (Exodus 13.12-13)
            – “and to offer as a sacrifice a pair of turtle doves or young doves, as the Law of the Lord prescribes.” (Leviticus 17.8)
            Finally, regarding the purification of Mary, the priest made it clean through the atoning sacrifice of one of the two turtle doves or doves, while the other was used for the holocaust (Leviticus 17.7-8)
            OT: this assiduous reader never dreams of doubting that the Incarnation took place through the work of the Holy Spirit exclusively in “otherwise” of the Ever-Virgin Mary and without any external contribution.

  2. Simona Serafini
    Simona Serafini says:

    Good morning Reverend Father and Holy Sunday

    I have listened and read what you have written very carefully and until late at night. He has all my solidarity and understanding, I am a miserable sinner pious woman (and I really believe it!) but I thank the Lord Jesus every day who heals me from my profound infirmities through the Holy Eucharist! Now on these Social I stay there as little as possible (or at least I try), i have removed most of the apps on my device and i only have Telegram, that's why I insisted in my previous comment that these articles be published here.

    Towards greater things and to the next appointment with his articles.

  3. Simona Serafini
    Simona Serafini says:

    Reverend Father, good evening,

    I love to accompany listening with the reading of his articles. I invite you once again to open a Telegram channel where perhaps you can also interact with us, your regular readers not only of the magazine but also of your books and also hold doctrine lessons., so important in times of profound ignorance such as the ones we are experiencing. I have a pc but many of us use mobile devices and this social network is proving to be a really precious treasure to be able to interact, through the creation of public and private channels, with many users provided for their identification however a telephone number. Thanks for that article, I confess, I have yet to finish listening-reading.

    • father ariel
      father ariel says:

      face simon,

      your advice is very valuable and we intend to use this channel as soon as possible. We don't always succeed, Unfortunately, to do everything immediately as we would like, especially when we have books to prepare for printing, which require a lot of work, in addition to articles and our primary pastoral activity.
      I guarantee you though, in the name of my Brothers and in my name, that as soon as possible we will open this channel.

      With a sincere wish for all good and grace from the Lord.

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